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© 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


T.Amulya¹, B.Vyshnavi², B.Shravani³, Dr.S Ibrahim sadhar4

ECE Students ¹ ² ³,Guide4

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JB institute of engineering and technology,

Bhaskar Nagar, Moinabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500075, India.

since proposed and derived many applications such

Abstract: as smart home, intelligent environmental
monitoring. Things not only liberated a lot of
Now a days many weather reporting applications manpower, but also achieved a standardized,
are available which gives us information for automated management.
protection about climatic changes that are going to
take place by which man can be aware of present Wi-Fi (Short for Wireless Fidelity) is a
and future climatic changes. Most of the weather wireless technology that uses radio frequency to
reporting applications extracts the data from transmit data through the air. Wi-Fi has initial
accurate weather system. The main aim of this speeds of 1mbps to 2mbps. Wi-Fi transmits data in
project is to design a smart way of weather the frequency band of 2.4 GHz. It implements the
monitoring system using clod storage technology concept of frequency division multiplexing
based on wireless Wi-Fi communication. The technology. Range of Wi-Fi technology is 40-300
weather parameters are monitored using sensing feet.
devices like rain sensor, temperature and humidity
sensors. Then the collected data and analysis By keeping the weather station in the
results will be available to the user through Wi-Fi environment for monitoring enables self-protection
to the cloud storage and provides thing speak. This to the environment. Micro controller forms the
data will be helpful for future references. controlling module and it is the heart of the device.
The controller performs the functionality of
Keywords: receiving data from the different sensors connected
to it like temperature, rain, humidity sensors. The
Arduino UNO, Rain sensor, DHT11 (temperature received data can be monitored and displayed on
& humidity) sensor, ESP8266 WI-FI module, thingspeak cloud along with date and time through
Thingspeak. Wi-Fi. The smart way to monitor environment this
device is an efficient low cost embedded system.
1. Introduction:

Here we are building our own weather 2. LITERATURE SURVEY:

reporting system which would give us the
information about present temperature, humidity, Weather surveillance development system can be used
and rain etc. We can even set up this in our home in gathering real-time information as well as for
and get alerts for time to time changes in climate transmission. They have achieved by introducing a
VAISALA WXT520 weather transmitter device to
which would help us in planning our daily work
transmit the information from one place to another
easily. It would be helpful for a farmer in this place. This device senses all the ecological parameters
agricultural activity by which he can protect his and their ratio. Then the collected real-time
crops according to climatic changes. It would help information’s are transmitted wirelessly over a long
in transportation giving information of weather distance through GSM. This method provides flexibility
conditions. because, in this method, one can add or remove the
measuring parameters. Santhosh et al.had projected a
Internet of things, IoT, as an important part new model for ecological observation applications.
of the new generation of information technology,
have developed rapidly both in theory and practice Additionally, internet interface based systems are
developed that utilizes a wireless device network
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© 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)

(WDN) for agricultural area monitoring. WDN consists 4.1. ARDUINO UNO.
of a frequency transmitter and a receiver. AVR-ZigBee,
Bluetooth-module, temperature, humidity, soil wet
sensors, and LCDs are used in this research. Smart PZT
sensors were used as an actuator and receiver, coupled
with two XBee‟s and two Ardiuno as signal generator
and signal receiver in damage identification. This
method is reliable and economical for agricultural
unit‟s observation system.

3. Implementation:


 The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller

board which has ATmega328 from the
AVR family. There are 14 digital
input/output pins, 6 Analog pins and
3.1 block diagram of IoT weather station using 16MHz ceramic resonator.
 USB connection, power jack and also a
Arduino UNO reset button is used. Its software is
supported by a number of libraries that
The design can be implemented with Arduino makes the programming easier.
uno. The interfaced devices to the Arduino are
dht11sensor, Rain sensor, Esp8266 Wi-Fi module.
The Arduino continuously read the data from sensors
4.2. DHT11(Temperature,humidity) sensor:
and update them into the thingspeak cloud along with
date and time through Wi-Fi. So user can access this
data with his credential from anywhere in the world.
The main controlling device of the project is Arduino
UNO which loaded with an intelligent program written
in embedded ‘C’ language.

4. Related Work:
Fig: DHT11 sensor
The brief introduction of different modules used in
A humidity sensor senses, measures and regularly
this project is discussed below:
reports the relative humidity in the air. It measures
both moisture and air temperature. Relative
humidity, expressed as a percent, is the ratio of
actual moisture in the air to the highest amount of
moisture air at that temperature can hold. The
warmer the air is, the more moisture it can hold, so
relative humidity changes with fluctuations in

JETIR2106439 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) d257
© 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Relative humidity comparator compares both inverting and non-

Resolution: 16Bit inverting terminal voltages. If the condition falls
under case(1), the output of the Op-Amp will be
Repeatability: ±1% RH digital LOW. If the condition falls under case(2),
Accuracy: At 25℃ ±5% RH the output of the Op-Amp will be digital HIGH.
Interchangeability: fully interchangeable The below diagram shows the equivalent circuit of
both the conditions.
Response time: 1 / e (63%) of 25℃ 6s 1m /
s air 6s
Temperature 4.4 Wi-Fi module (esp8266):
Resolution: 16Bit
The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained
Repeatability: ±0.2℃ SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that
can give any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi
Range: At 25℃ ±2℃
network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting
Response time: 1 / e (63%) 10S an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking
functions from another application processor. Each
Electrical Characteristics ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an
Power supply: DC 3.5~5.5V AT command set firmware, meaning, you can
simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get
Supply Current: measurement 0.3mA about as much Wi-Fi-ability as a Wi-Fi Shield
standby 60μ A offers (and that’s just out of the box)! The
ESP8266 module is an extremely cost-effective
Sampling period: more than 2 seconds board with a huge, and ever growing, community.
Pin Description
1, the VDD power supply 3.5~5.5V DC

4.3. Rain sensor:

Fig: ESP8266 Wi-Fi module

Fig: Rain sensor

Raindrop Sensor is a tool used for sensing rain. It Electrical Characteristics

consists of two modules, a rain board that detects
Working Voltage: 3.3V
the rain and a control module, which compares the
analog value, and converts it to a digital value. Maximum IO Driving Power IMAX: 12 mA

The input to the inverting terminal is set to a Maximum IO Voltage Level VMAX: 3.6V
certain value by varying the potentiometer and the Current Consumption: 100mAmp
sensitivity is set. When the rain board module’s
surface is exposed to rainwater, the surface of the
rainboard module will be wet, and it offers
minimum resistance to the supply voltage. Due to The Presence of each and every module has been
this, the minimum voltage will be appearing at the reasoned out and placed very carefully. Hence the
non-inverting terminal of LM393 Op-Amp. The contributing to the best working unit for “IOT
JETIR2106439 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) d258
© 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)

has been designed perfectly. Secondly, using Wi-Fi Research in Electrical,Electronics and
technology to upload the weather sensor data into the Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2,Issue 5, May
thingspeak web cloud. Thus the project has been 2013.
successfully designed and tested.
[4]. Nitant Sabharwal, Rajesh Kumar, Abhishek
Thakur, Jitender Rana, Jitender Sharma, “A Low
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Cost Zigbee Based Automatic Wireless Weather
Station With GUI And Web Hosting Facility”,
We would like to thank all the authors of different International Journal of Electrical and Electronics
research papers referred during writing this paper. Engineering, Volume 1, Special Issue 2, May
It was very knowledge gaining and helpful for the 2014(ICRTEDC-2014).
further research to be done in future.
Fig: 7.1
DHT11 sensor data in thingspeak cloud

Fig: 7.2 Rain drop sensor data in thingspeak


[1]. KarthikKrishnamurthi, SurajThapa,

LokeshKothari, Arun Prakash, March 2015,
“Arduino Based Weather Monitoring System”,
International Journal of Engineering Research and
General Science Volume 3, Issue 2.
[2]. DebrajBasu, GiovanniMoretti, Gourab Sen
Gupta, Stephan Marsland, “Wireless Sensor
Network Based Smart Home: Sensor Selection,
Deployment and Monitoring”.
[3]. Setu Garg, Akash Chaudhary, Akash Pradhan,
SYSTEM”,International Journal of Advanced

JETIR2106439 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) d259

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