Sci WB 5th Grade 2023 Term I-1 OK
Sci WB 5th Grade 2023 Term I-1 OK
Sci WB 5th Grade 2023 Term I-1 OK
L Science Workbook
L Term 1
Unit 0
Welcome Back!
Scientists learn about the world around them. They use their senses. Scientists do
experiments to learn. They carry out experiments again and again to make sure
they get the same results.
Scientists learn from each other. They ask each other, “How do you know?” and
share what they learn. They give answers. They tell how they know.
Activity 1: Look at the pictures below. Draw an emoji showing how you feel and explain why.
Picture Emoji Why?
Activity 2: Complete the following diagram with your own information. Then, share it with the class.
Activity 3: Look at the word cloud and write 10 words that most represent science for you.
Activity 1: Look at the information below. It shows some scientists and their contributions. What
would be your contribution?
Unit 1
Nutrition and Health
Learning goals:
Ø (OA 5) Analyze daily food intake (variety, serving size, and frequency)
recognizing food good for growth and development, tissue repair, and
body movement.
Diagnostic Test
1. Name a daily menu for a balanced diet. Include 3 elements on each case.
Breakfast: _______________________________________________________
Lunch: __________________________________________________________
Snack: __________________________________________________________
Dinner: _________________________________________________________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
Activity 1: What did you eat and drink yesterday? Draw your answers.
for breakfast?
for lunch?
2. Did you eat a balanced diet? Why?
Nutrients in food
Activity 5: Read and look at the pictures. Write examples of food that contains those nutrients
Nutrients Food
Carbohydrates give the body energy, help with brain
function, muscle movement, beating of the heart and breathing.
Examples: ___________________________________________
Proteins are the blocks of body tissues. They help the body
build muscles, bones, nerves, skin and blood. They also build and
repair injured tissues. Proteins can also supply energy.
Examples: ___________________________________________
Fats supply a lot of energy. They also help the body absorb
nutrients like vitamins. We need a small amount of fat to keep
the body healthy!
Examples: ___________________________________________
The body uses the nutrients in food to perform one or more of these functions:
v to supply energy.
v for growth and repair of body tissues.
v for regulation of body processes.
v for protection against diseases.
Our human body needs energy. We get the energy for our body from the food that we eat. As
long as we eat food, we can get all the energy we need for all our activities during the day.
Activity 1: Why do we need energy? Write 5 activities that you do every day.
In order to keep your body healthy, growing every day, and full of energy to run, play, and have
fun with your friends, you need to eat a “balanced diet”
As you know, food is composed by “nutrients”. These are chemical substances that give energy
to our organism to perform different functions in our body. These functions are:
Nutrients on food
(carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals,
water) have different
Activity 2: Match each food with its principal nutrient. Then, match each nutrient with its function.
Activity 3: Draw and label different types of food that make a “balanced diet”.
Take a look at the following Nutritional Plan. A nutritional plan tells you the different types of
food (and nutrients) you should eat a day, as well as their servings per day. For each type of food,
you can see some options that represent a serving.
Nutritional Plan
Food & Nutrients per day 1 serving equals one of the options per food group
Dairy products
• a cup of low fat milk
They are a source of proteins, calcium,
3 • a low-fat yoghurt
vitamins A & B.
• 1 slice of cheese
• One small piece of farmer’s cheese
Eat little oil, preferably olive oil added to salads. Have small amounts of sugar and salt.
Activity 1: Watch a video and divide the circle into all the groups of food, include all their names.
Activity 2: Look at the nutritional plan on the previous page. Take it as an example to create your
own nutritional plan. Choose the correct servings per day based on each type of food you need.
Activity 1: Think and discuss. When you go to the supermarket to buy different foods…
A “portion”
represents one
of many parts in
which the food is
Activity 2: Read the following Nutrition Fact Label. Then, answer the questions below.
Activity 3: In your copybook, draw the “nutrition fact” chart of one of the food items you brought for
snack. Then, answer the question… Is it a healthy snack? Why?
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and discuss the questions with your classmates.
Activity 1: In pairs, research about two more diseases related to nutrition. Complete the chart below.
Disease Symptoms
Activity 2: Elaborate a poster motivating people to eat in a healthy and safe way, avoiding food
disorder. Use the space below.
Unit 2
Levels of organization of living
Learning goals:
Ø (OA 1) Recognize and explain that living things are made up of one or
more cells that organize themselves into tissues, organs, and systems.
Diagnostic Test
“Organ system”
3. Draw a cell and label its main parts (3). 4. Write the correct order of “Levels of
Organization” Use the words.
Organ system
Activity 1: Look around you. What living things can you see? Write three examples.
a) _____________________________
b) _____________________________
c) _____________________________
Planet earth is full of life. Plants, birds, insects, animals, and of course humans.
Marvelous organisms inhabit our planet. They are all considered as “living things”.
All living things, including humans, are complex organisms with many parts. All of
them created from a small single unit called “Cell”. Remember or imagine the cell.
Consider size, shape, function and things you have heard about it to answer: What
do you think a cell is?
All living things are composed of very tiny units called “cells”. They are the smallest units of life.
Activity 3: Draw many cells together (one next to the other), colour them using the colours you like.
Then, answer the following questions:
Some living things have got millions of cells. These organisms are big in size and shape. But there are
other living things made of only one single cell, like “Protozoa”, “bacteria”, and “yeast”.
Activity 2: Look at the different living things below and match each one of them according to the
number of cells they are composed of.
Types of cells
All living things have got cells, but not all cells are from the same type. We can find two big types of
cells: “Plant cells” and “Animal cells”.
As you may think, living things that are part of the “Animal kingdom”, for example dogs, lions, mice,
and humans are made of animal cells.
Living things that belong to the “Plant kingdom”, for example plants, trees, or fruits are made of
plant cells.
We know that cells are so small that it’s not possible to see them only with your naked eye, you need
to use a wonderful tool called “Microscope”.
Plant cell
Animal cell
Activity 1. Look at the following pictures. Analyze very carefully the components for each type of
Activity 2: Write the similarities and differences you can see. Complete the chart.
Similarities Differences
Each one of the bricks represents a “cell”. If we combine many bricks, we create a wall. In the same
way, “if many cells group together, they create a living thing”
Activity 1: Let’s compare a living thing to an apartment building. Which term in column A relates
better to the one in column B? Match.
Could you compare the human body with another type of object? Maybe a country, a
neighborhood, etc.
Activity 2. In your copybook, create a similar comparison.
Your body has got billions of cells. Cells can be different in shape and size. Cells group themselves by
type in our organism to perform different functions.
a. Choose 2 different cells from the image above and describe their similarities and
c. Which of the following has got a greater number of cells in its organism: an elephant or a
cat? Why?
In order to form multicellular organisms, cells form groups to form tissues. As we mentioned before,
there are different groups of cells that have different functions.
Each part of the body is made up of the same type of cells that have the same function.
Activity 2. What other types of tissue do you think we have in our body? Draw and label two.
An organ is created when a group of tissues work together for the same function.
Tissues Organs
We have different components inside our body. They are different in size, shape, and functions.
Activity 2: Draw an organ of your choice. Explain how that organ is formed remembering the levels
of biological organization we have seen so far.
She is a girl
You can see her organs inside
You can recognize some of these organs
You know some functions of these organs
These organs are very important for life
All these organs group together to complete the same function and
build “Organ systems” in our body.
Group of tissues
Group of organs
Basic unit Group of cells that work
Cell Tissue Organ working together to
that have the together to System
of life perform the same
same function complete a
Activity 1: Drawing organ systems. Click on the link here and watch the video:
In your copybook or workbook draw and name two organ systems present in our body and describe
their function.
____________________________ ___________________________
Function: Function:
Our “organism” is composed by “cells”, “tissues”, “organs”, and “organ systems”. Each component of
our body, from the smallest structure to the biggest structure, has an important function that allows
humans to exist.
Activity 2: Complete the table with examples for each level.
Unit 3
Body systems
Learning goals:
Diagnostic Test
System Function
Digestive system
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
As you discovered in the last unit, our _______ is a perfect machine with many specific functions to
perform in every moment. Each one of these functions is performed by a group of ________ working
in specific tasks. These group of organs are called “Organ ____________”
Activity 2: Look at the following picture and answer the questions below.
3. What will happen to the apple once it goes inside our body?
Our digestive system allows the body to extract and absorb nutrients from the food we eat. These
nutrients travel through the blood reaching to every organ, tissue, and cell of our body giving us the
energy we need to live.
Front view
Back view
Activity 3: Check the previous page again, and complete the following summary chart:
Organ Function
“Small intestine”
Activity 4: Look at the picture below, and label the names of the organs (10) from the digestive system.
The digestive system is the organ system in charge of the transformation of food into energy for our
body. It consists of many organs which work in four (4) main stages.
Activity 1: Let’s talk each other, but first, watch the following video:
The digestive system acts in stages in order to digest the food. Each stage is important and prepares
the food for the next one. The stages are:
Elimination or
Activity 3: Look at the digestive system 3D replica and work on the activities below.
Task: Make a model to show the main parts of the digestive system
• White drawing paper or white cardboard
• Plasticine, clay, or play dough, different colours.
• Markers or felt tips.
4. Use the information on previous pages to talk about the different parts of the digestive system.
Activity 1: Look at the following pictures. Are they similar in some way? Why?
The circulatory system is like a road system. A road system has got highways, roads leading to a town
or connecting two or more cities, and city streets. There are different kinds of vehicles on the
highways, roads or streets.
In the circulatory system, the arteries are like highways, veins are like roads and capillaries are like
city streets. Different kinds of blood cells are like the different vehicles on the road system.
City Streets
Blood cells
The Circulatory system is a huge path in which blood moves all through the body providing all the
necessary water, nutrients, oxygen, and carbon dioxide that our body needs to work properly.
The circulatory system works properly thanks to these three main components:
Activity 3: Answer.
Why does all our body need blood? Is it important for our body?
Activity 1:
How do you imagine blood? Draw and colour
Components of blood
It’s the liquid part of the blood. It’s sticky and it has a yellow colour. It
Plasma carries all the other elements in blood.
They are the most abundant. They carry oxygen and nutrients to tissues
Red blood cells and organs. They give blood its colour.
They are less abundant. They help your body and defend it against
White blood cells infections and illnesses.
They are groups of cells that form “clots”, helping the body to stop
Platelets bleeding when you get a cut or wound causing “coagulation”.
Activity 2: Write the names of the components of blood. Then, draw one of their functions.
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
Activity 3: Read the definitions below and complete the crossword puzzle.
Imagine that your body is like a big house. In your house, you have many devices, all of them
connected by many pipes which connect to the water, as well as the sewage.
Activity 1: In pairs, check the images and answer the questions in your copybook:
Blood vessels
Blood vessels allow blood to travel in your body. The three types of blood vessels are arteries, veins
and capillaries. Arteries and veins are attached to the heart.
Julio and Camila ask a doctor to take a _______________ sample to analyze its
formed elements. The blood is extracted from the _______________, where it
circulates with the help of the _______________ They count Julio’s
_______________, that transport oxygen through the blood. Camila has been ill a
lot lately, so they analyze her _______________. At the end of the test, Julio and
Camila’s blood coagulates into a clot with the help of _______________
Activity 1: In pairs, stand up, and look at your classmate. Analyze his/her movements, especially on
the chest, and answer orally…
- What is happening?
Activity 2: Watch the following video and work on the activities below:
Why is the respiratory system important? Draw two organs that are part of breathing
Some of the most important organs that participate in the breathing process are:
Activity 3: Write the name of each part of the respiratory system based on the descriptions. Then,
draw it.
“The tubes that “The organ where “The small sacs “A large tube that “The organs that
enter the lungs.” air enters the where gas directs air to the fills with air during
body”. exchange occurs”. bronchi”. inhalation”.
How do we breathe?
Take yourself a minute and breathe deeply for 10 seconds. Now answer orally the following
- What happens when you breathe?
- Are you conscious that you breathe in every moment?
- Is breathing the same all the time?
The process in which air goes into the body, and then goes out with all the waste produced by different
processes our body does, is called “respiration”. Respiration is an automatic and involuntary process,
that means, it’s out of our control.
“Inhaling” “Exhaling”
Activity 1: Complete.
Activity 2: Labelling
Respiration occurs because of “team work” made by some organs. Look at the picture and write the
names of the organs involved in this task.
_______________ _____________
______________ _____________
This class, we will research how respiration occurs in different moments of our day. For this
activity, you will work in pairs.
2. Go to the yard and perform each activity with your classmate for 1 minute. After each activity,
complete the following chart (in your copybook) including:
- Respiration rate (fast, slow). Ex. The respiration is fast / slow.
- Movement of the chest. Ex. His/her chest moves very fast / slow.
- Fatigue sensation. Ex. My classmate looks tired / stressed / normal.
Activity Observations
3. Present your observations to the rest of the class, performing each activity and explaining the
respiration process that occurred when you were performing these activities.
How do you feel after this unit?
3. What else would you like to learn about nutrition and body systems?
4. What did you like the most about the unit? Draw it