2019 Ruminal Fermentation

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Original Paper

Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301


Ruminal fermentation and digestion of cattle diets

with total and partial replacement of soybean meal
by a slow-release urea product
Sergio Gonzalez-Munoz1, Jose Sanchez1, Samuel Lopez-Aguirre2, Jorge
Vicente3, Juan Pinos-Rodriguez2*
Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Estado de México
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Veracruzana, México
Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México
*Corresponding author: jpinos@uv.mx

Citation: Gonzalez-Munoz S, Sanchez J, Lopez-Aguirre S, Vicente J, Pinos-Rodriguez J (2019): Ruminal fermentation and
digestion of cattle diets with total and partial replacement of soybean meal by a slow-release urea product. Veterinarni
Medicina 64, 294–301.

Abstract: One in vitro assay and one in vivo trial with ruminally cannulated Holstein steers were conducted
to evaluate the effects of a dietary substitution of soybean meal by a urea and slow-release urea source of fer-
mentation and degradation of diets for cattle. The experimental diets consisted of the total mixed rations defined
as the control with soybean meal (SBM), U (urea), SRU (slow-release urea), and SRU+U+AA (0.42% + 0.42% + 1%
amino acids methionine and lysine). The dietary substitution of SBM by U or SRU reduced (P < 0.05) the total
gas production (V), microbial mass and degradation at 72 h incubation under the in vitro conditions, as well as the
degradation rate (c) and the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen of the steers; however, when the dietary
substitution of SBM was by U+SRU+AA, those values did not decrease. In the steers, the dietary substitution
of SBM by U and SRU reduced the ruminal degradation rate and the total VFA, and increased the ammonia N, but
when SBM was substituted by U+SRU+AA in the diets, these changes were not observed. No advantage of SRU
over U was found. The dietary substitution of SBM by U, SRU, U+SRU+AA did not modify the molar proportion
of the VFA in the rumen nor were there changes in the nutrient digestion or excretion. Both the in vitro assay and
the in vivo trial indicated that replacing SBM with U or SRU increases the ruminal ammonia N concentrations and
reduces the degradation rate in the rumen, although those undesirable findings were not found when the SBM
was replaced by U+SRU+AA. Therefore, it is feasible to replace the SBM with a combination of urea, slow-release
urea, lysine and methionine in the diet for the ruminants.

Keywords: degradation; duodenal flow; nitrogen; nutrient excretion

Current concerns about the impact of cattle farm- adequate amounts of  a  rumen-degradable pro-
ing systems on the environment have stimulated tein (RDP) are provided. Supporting maximal
interest in increasing the nitrogen (N) efficiency growth of ruminal microorganisms and providing
use in cattle farming for milk and meat produc- the necessary profile and amounts of amino acids
tion and reducing N excretion in manure (Foskolos (AA) require complementary protein and non-pro-
and Moorby 2018). The optimal efficiency and de- tein N (NPN) feed supplements (Hackmann and
sired animal productivity with a minimum amount Firkins 2015). It is well documented that microor-
of dietary crude protein (CP) can be achieved if ganisms that ferment structural carbohydrates only

Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301 Original Paper


require ammonia as their N source, while species MATERIAL AND METHODS

that degrade non-structural carbohydrate sources
will benefit from the preformed AA (Russell et al. Experiment protocols, under the supervision and
1992). Therefore, the synchrony of ruminal protein approval (NOM-062-ZOO-1999) of an Academic
and carbohydrate digestion is critical for reducing Committee, were conducted in compliance with
the feed costs, increasing the feed efficiency and the Animal Protection Law enacted by Mexico.
easing concerns over the nutrient disposal. Feed- Experimental diets. Four diets for lactating dairy
grade urea (U) has proved to be an effective re- cows (685 kg BW (body weight), daily milk pro-
placement for plant proteins in the rations for the duction 50 kg) were formulated so that the added
growing and fattening beef cattle and for dairy cat- urea and SRU replaced the SBM using the CNCPS
tle in several countries. Because urea is reduced V6.1.12 (The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein
to  ammonia in  the rumen at  a  rate faster than System, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA). The
the rumen microflora can utilise it, an undesired diets contained 52.5% forage (DM (dry matter) basis)
synchrony of the ruminal protein and carbohydrate (Table 1) and were defined as follows (on the DM ba-
digestion may occur. sis): control (6.9% SBM, 22.2% maize grain); U (4.3%
Slow-release urea (SRU) products to  reduce SBM, 0.42% U, 24.3% maize grain); SRU (4.3% SBM,
the rate of ammonia release from U are currently 0.42% SRU, 24.3% maize grain); and SRU+U+AA
available. Substantial research has  been devel- (0% SBM, 0.42% U, 0.42% SRU, 27.2% maize grain,
oped to evaluate the effects of these SRU products 0.1% methionine, 0.9% lysine). The feed-grade urea
(Chegeni et al. 2013; Benedeti et al. 2014; Giallongo was  used and referred to  as  U. The  SRU prod-
et al. 2015; Gardinal et al. 2017; Corte et al. 2018) uct is based on a matrix of urea pills and lipids
in cattle. Previous studies found that although SRU (Optigen® Alltech Inc., Kentucky, USA). The me-
released more N than soybean meal (SBM), which thionine and lysine added to the diets were DL-Met
induced a higher ammonia N concentration in the (Mepron® M85, Degussa Corporation Germany) and
rumen, SRU can replace SBM in diets without af- L-lysine (AminoShure®-L, Balchem Corporation,
fecting the  growth performance of  beef steers New Hampton NY), respectively. The criteria for
or milk production of dairy cattle (Pinos-Rodriguez the supplemental rumen-protected methionine and
et al. 2010a; Pinos-Rodriguez et al. 2010b). lysine together when the SBM was totally replaced
In most, but not all, of these experiments, SRU by NPN was based on the findings of Bas et al.
was added to the diets that were similar to the con- (1990), who indicated that when the dietary pro-
trol diets in the type and quantity of ingredients, tein is replaced by NPN, the amount of the true
or SRU was added to the diets to partially or totally dietary protein escaping the ruminal degradation
replace U. Research has shown that a dietary sup- is reduced. Moreover, the findings of Trinacty et al.
ply of readily fermentable carbohydrates improves (2009) evidenced that methionine and lysine are
the capture of ammonia in the rumen, thereby in- the most limiting and co-limiting AA in cattle.
creasing the microbial protein synthesis (Seo et al. In vitro assay. A  manual system was  used to
2013). Because U and SRU release ammonia at dif- measure the in vitro incubation gas production
ferent rates (Pinos-Rodriguez et al. 2010a; Pinos- at 39 °C, following Theodorou et al. (1994). The ru-
Rodriguez et al. 2010b), these NPN sources can be men fluid was collected 3 h after the morning feed-
combined, even more so, if additional non-struc- ing through the cannula from the cranial dorsal
tural carbohydrates and AA are included in the di- rumen of two Holstein cows (650 kg) fitted with
ets. It was hypothesised that it is feasible to replace a rumen cannula and adapted for 20 d to feed di-
SBM by conventional U in combination with an SRU ets of 50 : 50 forage to concentrate. The incuba-
product and amino acids in the diet of dairy cattle tion was conducted in glass flasks (125 ml) with
without affecting the rumen fermentation, digestion, 90 ml of a medium (a trypticase peptone/micro and
nutrient flow or excretion. Thus, the objective of this macro mineral/buffer/resazurin solution described
study was to evaluate the effects of the total and by Longland et al. (1995)), 10 ml of a ruminal in-
partial replacements of SBM by U, SRU and a com- oculum and 500 mg of DM of the experimental di-
bination of U+SRU+AA on the fermentation and ets. The samples for each treatment and time were
degradation of the diets for cattle and the nutrient incubated in triplicate. The gas pressure was ob-
excretion under the in vitro and in vivo conditions. tained by manometric readings (0 to 1 kg/cm 2),

Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301


Table 1. The  ingredients and chemical composition while the volume was measured by the headspace
of the diets volume with a graduated syringe (10 ml). The deter-
minations were undertaken 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16,
Ingredients Experimental diets
22, 24, 28, 34, 42, 48, 50, 58, 68, 72, 90, and 92 h after
(% DM basis) SBM U SRU U+SRU+AA the addition of the ruminal inoculum. To quantify
Corn silage 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 the gas production derived from the culture me-
Alfalfa hay 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 dium and the ruminal inoculum, four flasks were
Oat straw 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
used as blanks. The gas volume was calculated fol-
lowing Theodorou et al. (1994). The DM cumulative
Corn grain, flacked 22.2 24.3 24.2 27.1
gas production profiles were assessed with the lo-
Cottonseed meal 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 gistic model described by Malafaia et al. (1999):
Soybean meal 44% CP
6.9 4.3 4.3 –
solvent extract V(t) = VF/(1 + exp [2 + 4R (L – t)]) (1)
Corn gluten meal 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Cane molasses 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
V is the total gas production by the digested fraction
Fish meal 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
at  time t, its respective gas  production rate R  and
Megalac 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 the duration of the initial gas volume L. VF is the asymp-
Calcium carbonate 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 totic gas volume corresponding to maximum digestion
Mineral premix 2
0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 of the incubated material (ml)
Salt 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Urea 281% CP – 0.42 – 0.42 The microbial biomass yield was calculated after
48 h of incubation using the equations quoted by
Slow-release urea3
– – 0.42 0.42 Blummel et al. (1997) as follows:
274% CP
DL- methionine4 – – – 0.1
The microbial biomass yield = the substrate
L-lysine HCL 5
–  – –  0.9 truly degradable – the amount of substrate (2)
Chemical composition truly degraded
(% DM basis)
– – – –

Dry matter 61.9 61.4 61.4 61.5

The partition factor (mg/ml) = the in vitro
Crude protein 18.1 18.0 18.2 18.0
truly degraded substrate/volume of the gas (3)
Soluble protein % CP 29.0 34.0 33.0 27.0 produced
Metabolizable Energy
11.6 11.5 11.4 11.7
(MJ/kg DM)
Neutral detergent fibre 32.1 32.0 32.1 31.8 Using the  procedure of  Menke and Steingass
(1988), the metabolisable energy (ME) was esti-
Acid detergent fibre 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5
mated using 24 h gas production and the follow-
Ash 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.3 ing equation:

AA = amino acids; CP = crude protein; SBM = soybean

ME (mega joules/kg DM) = 2.20 + 0.1357
meal; SRU = slow-release urea; U = urea
gas production + 0.0057 crude protein + (4)
Church & Dwight Co., Princeton, NJ, USA
+ 0.0002859 fat2
Vitasal: Ca 17 %, P 12 %, Mg 5%, Na 7%, Cl 10.5%, K 0.04 %,
S  504 ppm, Mn 400 ppm, Fe 2939 ppm, Zn 6000 ppm,
Cu 1000 ppm, I 500 ppm, Se 40 ppm, Co 60 ppm, Vit. The ruminal fluid samples and DM residuals
A 35 000 UI, Vit. D 150 000 UI, Vit. E 150 ppm were collected from three additional glass flasks
Optigen®, Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY, USA per treatment to evaluate the in vitro ruminal fer-
DL Met (Mepron® M85, Degussa Corporation, Germany) mentation and degradation after 72 h of incubation.
L-lysine (AminoShure ® -L, Balchem Corporation, New In vivo trial. Four Holstein steers (328.5 + 12.5 kg)
Hampton, NY, USA) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were

Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301 Original Paper


used. The steers were housed individually in pens, marker to calculate the DM duodenal flow and fae-
fed twice a day (8:00 and 16:00 h) with free access cal excretion. The organic matter fermented in the
to fresh clean water and feed. The feed intake and rumen was estimated as the difference between
refusal (3% of the total intake) were manually record- the amount of total OM reaching the duodenum and
ed. Four experimental periods, 21 d each, consisted the microbial OM (MOM) reaching the duodenum
of a 7-d diet adjustment period followed by a 14-d subtracted from the organic matter (OM) intake.
collection period (7 d for the faeces collection and The feed N escaping to the small intestine was con-
duodenal samples and 7 d for the in sacco disappear- sidered equal to the total N leaving the abomasum
ance evaluation). The treatments consisted of the ex- minus the  ammonia N  and microbial N  (MN),
perimental diets used in the in vitro assay. During and, thus, included the endogenous contributions.
d 18−21 of each sampling period, the in sacco DM dis- The apparent digestibility in the forestomach, small
appearance of the experimental diets was calculated intestine, and hindgut was subsequently calculated
per steer (Vanzant et al. 1998) using 16 Dacron bags based on the nutrient intake and flow. In addition,
(10 cm × 20 cm; 53 μm pore size; ANKOM Technology on the final day of each collection period, ruminal
Corp., Fairport, NY, USA). Bags with 5 g (DM basis) samples (100 ml), through the cannula from the cra-
of the corresponding diet were placed in the rumen nial dorsal rumen, were obtained from each steer
and removed at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h later. 4 h after feeding.
The Gompertz model, as described by Susmel et al. Chemical analysis. The samples of the experi-
(1999), was used to estimate the diet DM kinetics: mental diets and the composited samples of the
duodenal and faeces were analysed in duplicate
dis(t)=(a + b) exp[(−C) exp(−Dt)] (5) for the DM (oven drying at 90 °C until no further
weight loss), ash, Kjeldahl N, fat (AOAC 2006); NDF
where: (neutral detergent fibre) (Mertens 2002; adjusted
dis is the disappearance of the material (g/kg) from the for the insoluble ash). In addition, the faeces and
bag at  time t; a  is the  rumen-soluble fraction (g/kg) duodenal samples from each steer were analysed
at t = time (h); b is the insoluble, but potentially disap- for chromium oxide by atomic absorption spectro-
pearing, fraction (g/kg); C is the fractional disappearance photometry (Spectra AA-10 plus, Varian Analytical
rate of a b; and D is a parameter to measure the disap- Instruments, San Fernando, CA, USA) and purines
pearance rate. (Zinn and Owens 1986). In the fresh ruminal flu-
ids from steers at 3 h post diurnal feeding, the pH
In this Gompertz model, the fractional disap- was measured using a glass electrode connected
pearance rate varies as a function of time, and the to a pH meter (Orion 250-A, Orion Research Inc.,
average value (i.e., a constant comparable to the Beverly, MA, USA). The ruminal fluids sampled
exponential rate of the disappearance) is derived as: from the cranial dorsal section for the in vitro as-
say and metabolic trial were filtered through four
c = D/C (6) layers of gauze, acidified (1 ml of 25% w/v m-phos-
phoric acid per 4 ml of ruminal fluid), centrifuged
The remaining DM at  each incubation time (17 000 × g for 10 min) and stored frozen at −20 °C
was used to fit a nonlinear regression model with for further analysis of the volatile fatty acids (VFA;
the  “NLIN” option of  SAS (Statistical Analysis Erwin et al. 1961) with a gas chromatograph (Claurus
Systems) (1999). 500, Perkin Elmer) and ammonia-N concentrations
Chromium sesquioxide (0.3 % as DM) was includ- (McCullough 1967) with a UV-VIS spectrophotom-
ed in the diets as a digesta marker. During the col- eter (630 nm, CARY I-E, VARIAN).
lection period, the  protocol described by  Zinn Statistical analysis. Data from the in vitro assay
et al. (1980) was followed. The individual samples were analysed with the MIXED procedure of SAS
consisted of  approximately 500 ml of  duodenal (1999), using a completely randomised model with
chyme and 200 g (wet basis) of faecal material. We three treatments, triplicates (glass flasks) as an error
calculated the Microbial Organic Matter (MOM) term, and incubation time as a repeated measure.
and Microbial N (MN) leaving the abomasum with The data from the metabolic trial were analysed
the purines as the microbial markers (Zinn and as a 4 × 4 Latin square with four treatments (con-
Owens 1986). We used chromium oxide as a digesta trol, U, SRU and U+SRU+AA) with the ‘MIXED’

Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301


procedure of SAS (1999) where the model includ- tion and increased (P < 0.05) the ammonia-N and
ed the steer (random), the period (random), and VFA molar concentration under the in vitro con-
the treatments (fixed). Tukey’s procedure was used ditions, although the dietary substitution of SBM
to compare the means. The distribution of the resid- by U+SRU+AA had similar values of the gas pro-
uals was tested for normality with the UNIVARIATE duced, microbial mass production, ammonia N and
procedure of SAS (1999). The differences between VFA concentrations (Table 2).
the treatments were declared when the probability In the in vivo trial, the dietary substitution of SBM
(P) was below 0.05. by U or SRU decreased (P < 0.05) DM the degrada-
tion rate and VFA molar concentration in the rumen
of the steers and increased (P < 0.05) the ammonia-
RESULTS N concentration in the ruminal fluid of the steers
(Table 2), although those changes due to the dietary
In the in vitro assay, gas production rate and mo- substitution of SBM by U or SRLU were not induced
lar proportion of the acetate, propionate and bu- by U+SRU+AA. The total degradation of the DM
tyrate were similar among the treatments. The SRU and molar proportion of the acetate, propionate and
product induced less ammonia-N when compared butyrate in the rumen of the steers’ feed diets with
to the U. The dietary substitution of SBM by U or SBM, U, SRU or U+SRU+AA were similar. The nu-
SRU reduced (P < 0.05) the total gas production trient intake (DM, OM, NDF and N) and the ru-
(V), microbial mass and degradation at 72 h incuba- minal, intestinal and total tract digestion of the
Table 2. The effects of the urea and slow-release urea on the ruminal fermentation and degradation of the diets under
the in vitro and in vivo conditions

Experimental diets
In vitro
Total gas V (ml/100 mg DM) 37.1a 31.8b 31.4b 39.4a 5.61
Gas production rate R (h) 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.019
Microbial mass (mg/g DM) 1.94a 1.80b 1.81b 1.97a 0.054
Degradation 72 h (g/100 g DM) 69.2a 64.6b 65.1b 71.6a 3.37
Ammonia-N (mmol/100 ml) 22.9c 30.2a 26.7b 23.5c 1.02
a b b a
Volatile fatty acids (mmol/l) 21.5 19.7 19.9 22.6 0.41
Acetate (mol/100 mol) 68.0 68.4 67.9 67.1 1.05
Propionate (mol/100 mol) 21.1 21.2 21.5 22.2 0.95
Butyrate (mol/100 mol) 10.9 10.6 10.6 10.7 0.90
Acetate: propionate ratio 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.0 0.07
In vivo
Total degradation a + b (g/100 g DM) 79.3 77.9 78.1 80.1 2.19
a b b a
Degradation rate c (/h) 0.62 0.53 0.56 0.63 0.061
pH 6.95 6.82 6.81 6.90 0.035
Ammonia N (mmol/100 ml) 22.4c 29.1a 25.9b 22.9c 1.06
a b b
Volatile fatty acids (mmol/l) 79.9 76.3 74.8 80.6a 2.18
Acetate (mol/100 mol) 72.1 71.8 72.4 71.9 0.61
Propionate (mol/100 mol) 16.9 16.3 17.1 17.0 0.51
Butyrate (mol/100 mol) 11.1 11.9 10.5 11.1 0.35
Acetate: propionate ratio 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.2 0.10

AA = amino acids; DM = dry matter; SBM = soybean meal; SEM = standard error of means; SRU = slow-release urea;
U = urea; V = total gas production
means bearing different superscripts in a row differ (P < 0.05)

Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301 Original Paper


nutrients were also similar among the treatments. N by the dietary addition of U or SRU as compared
Replacing SBM with U, SRU or U+SRU+AA did not to SBM. This depression of the gas production when
modify the OM, N, or NDF faecal excretion in the the nitrogenous compounds are fermented is mainly
steers (Table 3). due to the production of ammonia, which neutral-
ises the acids and reduces the gas production from
the buffer (Spanghero et al. 2018). Those undesir-
DISCUSSION able reductions of the microbial mass values by U or
SRU when compared to SBM were alleviated when
For all the cases of the in vitro assay, the ammonia- AA were added. The higher microbial efficiency
N concentrations were necessary for the maximum by SBM or the combination of U+SRU+AA when
microbial protein synthesis per unit of the fermented compared to U or SRU alone may be explained by the
substrate (Mehrez and Orskov 1977) and in the nor- use of a peptide or an amino acid nitrogen to form
mal range (8.8 to 56.1 mmol/100 ml) as reported true proteins to  enhance the  microbial growth
in the literature (Rogers et al. 1986; Chegeni et al. (Russell et al. 1992; Xin et al. 2010; Gardinal et al.
2013). Compared with the U, the SRU product re- 2017). The improvement in the microbial efficiency
duces the ruminal rate of the N release while ensur- by SMB and U+SRU+AA when compared to U and
ing that the entire N is completely available within SRU could explain the greater degradation and molar
the rumen (Sinclair et al. 2012). There was a con- concentration of the total VFA in the ruminal fluids.
sistent depression of the total gas and microbial The results of the in vivo trial were consistent
mass produced and an increment of the ammonia- with the in vitro assay, especially in terms of the

Table 3. The effects of the slow-release urea on the feed intake, duodenal flow and digestion of the nutrients

Experimental diets
Feed intake (kg/d)
DM 7.8 7.6 8.2 7.7 3.17
OM 7.3 7.0 7.4 7.2 2.94
NDF 5.9 5.6 6.0 5.7 2.40
N 0.231 0.239 0.245 0.220 0.09
Ruminal digestion (g/100 g DM)
OM 54.4 55.0 55.8 58.1 4.10
NDF 49.0 50.1 50.2 52.0 3.43
N 66.3 66.1 68.1 69.9 4.61
Intestinal digestion (g/100 g DM)
OM 25.1 23.6 23.9 23.8 2.19
NDF 37.8 34.5 36.0 34.5 4.43
N 17.7 16.7 16.0 14.2 1.78
Total tract digestion (g/100 g DM)
OM 79.5 78.6 79.7 81.9 5.21
NDF 86.8 84.6 86.2 86.5 3.40
N 84.0 82.8 84.1 84.1 5.97
Faeces excretion (g/d)
OM 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 0.12
NDF 0.791 0.853 0.830 0.779 0.079
N 0.037 0.041 0.039 0.035 0.014

AA = amino acids; DM = dry matter; OM = organic matter; N = nitrogen; NDF = neutral detergent fibre; SBM = soybean
meal; SEM = standard error of means; SRU = slow-release urea; U = urea
means bearing different superscripts in a row differ (P < 0.05)

Original Paper Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301


reduction in the degradation rate and molar con- SBM by SRU+U may be of practical value, provided
centration of  the total VFA, and the  increment that adequate amounts of lysine and methionine
of ammonia-N in the ruminal fluid of the steers’ can be used for the optimal microbial efficiency and
feed diets with U and SRU when compared to those to obtain the desirable cattle productivity.
with SBM and U+SRU+AA. In agreement with our
results, Benedeti et al. (2014) found that SRU pro-
vided higher concentrations of NH3–N throughout References
the day than SBM in low concentrate diets, but it
did not affect the N balance, the N utilisation effi- AOAC (2006): Official Methods of Analysis. 18th edn. As-
ciency or the microbial efficiency. We hypothesised sociation of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington.
that the substitution of SBM by U+SRU+AA would Bas FJ, Stern MD, Fahey GC (1990): Effects of various com-
not affect the feed intake, digestion, nutrient flow binations of urea, soya-bean meal and maize in alkaline
or excretion. Consequently, the substitution of SBM hydrogen peroxide-treated wheat straw-based diets on
by U+SRU+AA would cause a ruminal synchrony ruminal bacterial fermentation. Animal Feed Science and
of the availability of the energy from the diet and Technology 29, 101–112.
N from U+SRU+AA. Since the values of the ruminal Benedeti PDB, Paulino PVR, Marcondes MI, Valadares Filho
digestibility are related to the availability of N dur- SC, Martins TS, Lisbo EF, Silva LHP, Teixeira CRV, Duarte
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Veterinarni Medicina, 64, 2019 (07): 294–301 Original Paper


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