Bacnet480 LP

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Compact/GOLD LP, program version 2.01 and newer versions.

This BACnet driver is implemented in Compact/GOLD LP PV2.01 and provides the function
of monitoring and operating the air handling unit.
Compact/GOLD LP is a BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC).
The supported Data Link Layer Options are BACnet / IP.
See also document BACnet PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement)
and EDE (Engineering Data Exchange).

BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported.

Data Sharing DS-RP-B Data Sharing-Read Property-B

Data Sharing DS-WP-B Data Sharing-Write Property-B
Data Sharing DS-COV-B Data Sharing-COV-B
Device Management DM-DDB-B Device Management-Dynamic Device Binding-B
Device Management DM-DOB-B Device Management-Dynamic Object Binding-B
Device Management DM-DCC-B Device Management-Dynamic Communication Control-B

Standard Object Types Supported.

Object Type _
Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value,
Analog Input Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service, Units, Min_Pres_Value,
Max_Pres_Value, Resolution, COV_Increment.

Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value,

Analog Value Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service, Units,
Priority_Array, Relinquish_Default, COV_Increment.

Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value,

Binary Input
Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service, Polarity.

Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Present_Value,

Binary Value Status_Flags, Event_State, Out_Of_Service, Priority_Array,
Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, System_Status,
Vendor_Name, Vendor_Identifier, Model_Name, Firmware_Revision,
Application_Software_Version, Location, Description, Protocol_Version,
Protocol_Revision, Protocol_Services_Supported,
Protocol_Object_Types_Supported, Object_List,
Max_APDU_Length_Accepted, Segmentation_Supported,
APDU_Timeout, Number_Of_APDU_Retries, Device_Address_Binding,
Database_Revision, Active_COV_Subscriptions.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 1


Operation mode 1 AI 84 Extract air filter pressure level AI 52 EA/Room temperature AI 28

Communication operation mode AV 174 EA filter pressure level limit AI 53 EA/Room temperature setpoint AV 41
Operation mode 2 AI 85 SA Min temperature setpoint AV 42
Operation output BI 7 SA Max temperature setpoint AV 43
Low speed output BI 3 EA Duct pressure AI 6
High speed output BI 4 EA Low speed pressure setpoint AV 12
Damper output BI 8 EA High speed pressure setpoint AV 13 SA Duct Pressure AI 4
Present tripped alarm AI 78 SA Low speed pressure setpoint AV 8
A-alarm BI 5 SA High speed pressure setpoint AV 9
B-alarm BI 6
Alarm reset BV 0
SA Temperature AI 27
SA Temperature setpoint AV 40
EA Airflow AI 2 ERS 1 Diff AV 32
EA Fan level AI 13
EA Low speed airflow setpoint AV 4
EA High speed airflow setpoint AV 5

Outdoor temperature AI 29

Supply air filter pressure level AI 49

SA filter pressure level limit AI 50

Heat exchange regulator AI 90

SA Airflow AI 0 Reheat level AI 36 Cooling level AI 39

SA Fan level AI 12 Heat output BI 0 Cool output 1 BI 1
SA Low speed airflow setpoint AV 0 Anti frost temperature AI 32 Cool output 2 BI 2
SA High speed airflow setpoint AV 1

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 2

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
0 SA Airflow 0-1000l/s
Present supply airflow.
1 SA Airflow regulator 0-1000l/s
Present supply airflow regulator setpoint.
2 EA Airflow 0-1000l/s
Present extract airflow.
3 EA Airflow regulator 0-1000l/s
Present extract airflow regulator setpoint.
4 SA Duct pressure 0-2000Pa
Present supply air duct pressure.
5 SA Duct pressure regulator 0-2000Pa
Present supply air duct pressure regulator setpoint.
6 EA Duct pressure 0-2000Pa
Present extract air duct pressure.
7 EA Duct pressure regulator 0-2000Pa
Present extract air duct pressure regulator setpoint.
8 Reserve

9 SA VAV demand regulator 0-100.00%

Present supply air VAV demand regulator setpoint.
10 Reserve

11 EA VAV demand regulator 0-100.00%

Present extract air VAV demand regulator setpoint.
12 SA Fan level 0-100.00%
Present running level for the supply air fan.
13 EA Fan level 0-100.00%
Present running level for the extract air fan.
14 SA Fan effect 0-500W
Present power consumption level for the supply air fan.
15 EA Fan effect 0-500W
Present power consumption level for the extract air fan.
16 SFP 0.0-9.9
SFP supply air + extract air.
17 Reserve

18 Reserve

19 SA Voltage 0-500V
Present voltage level for the supply air fan.
20 EA Voltage 0-500V
Present voltage level for the extract air fan.
21 SA Current 0-2.000A
Present current level for the supply air fan.
22 EA Current 0-2.000A
Present current level for the extract air fan.
23 SA Airflow pressure 0-2000Pa
Present airflow pressure in the supply air fan inlet.
24 EA Airflow pressure 0-2000Pa
Present airflow pressure in the extract air fan inlet.
25 SA Temp regulator -55.00-125.00°C
Present supply air temperature regulator setpoint.
26 EA Temp regulator -55.00-125.00°C
Present extract air temperature regulator setpoint.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 3

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
27 SA Temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present supply air temperature.
28 EA/Room temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present extract air/room temperature in the unit.
29 Outdoor temperatur -55.00-125.00°C
Present outdoor air temperature in the unit.
30 EA/Room temperature (external) -55.00-125.00°C
Present room temperature external from the unit.
31 Outdoor temperatur (external) -55.00-125.00°C
Present outdoor air temperature external from the unit.
32 Anti frost temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present anti frost temperature for water reheating coils.
33 Reserve

34 Reserve

35 Rotary heat exchanger level 0-100.00%

Present operation level from rotary heat exchanger.
36 Reheat level 0-100.00%
Present level of reheat.
37 SA Down regulation level 0-100.00%
Present level of supply airflow down regulation.
38 Reserve

39 Cooling level 0-100.00%

Present level of cooling.
40 Heating boost level 0-100.00%
Present level of heating boost.
41 Cooling boost level 0-100.00%
Present level of cooling boost.
42 HX pressure level 0-2000Pa
Present pressure drop for the rotary heat exchanger.
43 HX pressure alarm limit 0-2000Pa
Present pressure drop alarm limit for the
rotary heat exchanger.
44 HX temperature 0-100.00°C
Present temperature inside the control unit for the
rotary heat exchanger.
45 Effect reduction level 0-100.00%
Present level of max output signal for electrical reheaters, active
during low supply airflow.
46 Anti frost temp setpoint/operation 10.00-16.00°C
Present anti frost temperature setpoint for water reheating coils
during unit operation.
47 Anti frost temp setpoint/stop 15.00-40.00°C
Present anti frost temperature setpoint for water reheating coils
when the unit is in stop.
48 Anti frost temp alarm limit 5.00-30.00°C
Setting of antifrost temperature alarm limit.
49 Supply air filter pressure level 0-2000Pa
Present supply air filter pressure drop.
50 Supply air filter pressure alarm limit. 0-2000Pa
Present supply air filter pressure alarm limit.
51 Supply air filter pressure level, new 0-2000Pa

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 4

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
Supply air filter pressure saved from calibration.
52 Extract air filter pressure level 0-2000Pa
Present extract air filter pressure drop.
53 Extract air filter pressure alarm limit. 0-2000Pa
Present extract air filter pressure alarm limit.
54 Extract air filter pressure level, new 0-2000Pa
Extract air filter pressure saved from calibration.
55 Reserve

56 Coil type 0-20

Present connected reheat coil type.
57 Cool step time 0-600s
Present time between cool step shift.
58 Cool relay 1 restart time 0-900s
Present time between two starts of cool relay 1.
59 Cool relay 2 restart time 0-900s
Present time between two starts of cool relay 2.
60 Programversion, HMI 0-10.00
Present programversion for the handterminal.
61 Programversion, HMI-slave 0-10.00
Present programversion for the extra handterminal.
62 Programversion, main controller. 0-10.00
Present programversion for the main control unit.
63 Programversion, SA FC-1. 0-10.00
Present programversion for the supply air frequency converter
64 Programversion, SA FC-2. 0-10.00
Present programversion for the supply air frequency converter
65 Programversion, EA FC-1. 0-10.00
Present programversion for the extract air frequency converter
66 Programversion, EA FC-2. 0-10.00
Present programversion for the extract air frequency converter
67 Programversion, HX control unit 0-10.00
Present programversion for the rotary heat exchange
control unit.
68 Weekday 0-6
Present weekday for the unit's internal clock.
69 Extended low speed op. Hours 0-23
Present time for extended low speed operation.
70 Extended low speed op. Minutes 0-59
Present time for extended low speed operation.
71 Extended high speed op. Hours 0-23
Present time for extended high speed operation.
72 Extended high speed op. Minutes 0-59
Present time for extended high speed operation.
73 SA Fan operation time 0-9999
Present operation time for the supply air fan, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).
74 EA Fan operation time 0-9999
Present operation time for the extract air fan, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 5

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
75 Cool operation time 0-9999
Present operation time for cooling, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).
76 Heat exchange operation time 0-9999
Present operation time for heat exchange, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).
77 Reheat operation time 0-9999
Present operation time for reheat, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).
78 Present tripped alarm 0-200
Present tripped alarm number with highest priority.
79 Active not tripped alarm no.1 0-200
Present active alarm in delay.
80 Active not tripped alarm no.2 0-200
Present active alarm in delay.
81 Active not tripped alarm no.3 0-200
Present active alarm in delay.
82 SA Fan size 02 - 08
Present supply air fan size.
83 EA Fan size 02 - 08
Present extract air fan size.
84 Operation mode 1 0 - 18
0=Manual stop.
1=Ext. stop.
2=Com. stop 1.
3=Manual high speed.
4=Summer night cooling.
5=Int. night heat.
6=Manual low speed.
7=Ext. high speed.
8=Com. high speed.
9=Year channel stop.
10=Year channel high speed.
11=Year channel low speed.
12=Time channel high speed.
13=Ext. low speed.
14=Com. low speed.
15=Time channel low speed.
16=Time channel stop.
17=Low speed=stop.
18=Com. stop 2.
85 Operation mode 2 0 - 24

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 6

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
1=Coold air recovery.
2=Cooling boost.
3=SA down regulation.
4=HX defrosting.
5=Anti frost func. active.
6=Effect reduction.
8=Zero calibration.
9=Extended low speed.
10=Extended high speed.
11=Air adjustment.
12=Cooling off.
13=Purging R.HX.
14=Extended R.HX. op.
15=Filter calibration.
16=R.HX. calibration
17=Morning boost.
18=Heating boost.
20=Cooling pressure reduction.
21=Startup extract air fan.
86 Operation mode, manual 0-3
Present manual operation set on the unit's handterminal.
1=Auto operation.
2=Manual low speed.
3=Manual high speed.
87 Copy of Input Status 1-16. 0-65535
Bit 0=1x0001
Bit 1=1x0002
Bit 15=1x0016
88 Copy of Input Status 17-32. 0-65535
Bit 0=1x00017
Bit 1=1x00018
Bit 15=1x0032
89 Copy of Input Status 33-48. 0-65535
Bit 0=1x00033
Bit 1=1x00034
Bit 15=1x0048
90 Heat exchanger regulator 0-100.00%
Present level of heat exchanger regulator.
91 Extract air-humidity 0-100.00%
Present level of extract air-humidity.
92 Extract air-humidity temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present temperature inside extract air-humidity sensor.
93 Extract air-dewpoint -55.00-125.00°C
Calculated extract air-dewpoint.
94 AYC chilled water temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present AYC chilled water temperature.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 7

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
95 AYC chilled water temperature regulator -55.00-125.00°C
Present AYC chilled water temperature regulator setpoint.
96 AYC chilled water output 0-100.00%
Present level of AYC chilled water valve output.
97 Supply air-dewpoint regulator -55.00-125.00°C
Present supply air-dewpoint regulator setpoint.
98 Supply air-humidity 0-100.00%
Present level of supply air-humidity
99 Supply air-humidity temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present temperature inside supply air-humidity sensor.
100 Supply air-dewpoint -55.00-125.00°C
Calculated supply air-dewpoint.
101 Reserve

102 Reserve

103 Reserve

104 Reserve

105 R.HX. Efficiency 0-100.00%

Calculated level of rotary heat exchanger efficiency.
106 Reserve

107 Reserve

108 Supply air prefilter pressure level 0-2000Pa

Present supply air prefilter pressure drop.
109 Supply air prefilter pressure alarm limit. 0-2000Pa
Present supply air prefilter pressure alarm limit.
110 Supply air prefilter pressure level, new 0-2000Pa
Supply air prefilter pressure saved from calibration.
111 Extract air prefilter pressure level 0-2000Pa
Present extract air prefilter pressure drop.
112 Extract air prefilter pressure alarm limit. 0-2000Pa
Present extract air prefilter pressure alarm limit.
113 Extract air prefilter pressure level, new 0-2000Pa
Extract air prefilter pressure saved from calibration.
114 Reserve

115 Reserve

116 Reserve

117 Reserve

118 Reserve

119 Reserve

120 Reserve

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 8

Analog Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
121 Reserve

122 Reserve

123 Reserve

124 Pre-heating air temperature -55.00-125.00°C

Present pre-heating air temperature.
125 Pre-heating level 0-100.00%
Present level of pre-heating.
126 Pre-heating anti frost temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present anti frost temperature for water pre-heating coils.
127 Reserve

128 Reserve

129 Reserve

130 Reserve

131 Reserve

132 Reserve

133 Preheat operation time 0-9999

Present operation time for preheat, measured
in minutes and present in days (24h).
134 Reserve

135 Reserve

136 Demand VOC Level 0-100.00%

Present level of demand VOC input.
137 Demand Vin Level 0-100.00%
Present level of demand 0-10VDC input.
138 SA Filter level calculated 0-100.00%
Present level of calculated supply air filter.
139 EA Filter level calculated 0-100.00%
Present level of calculated extract air filter.
140 AYC heat temperature -55.00-125.00°C
Present AYC heat temperature.
141 AYC heat temp regulator -55.00-125.00°C
Present AYC heat temperature regulator setpoint.
142 AYC heat valve output 0-100.00%
Present level of AYC heat valve output.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 9

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
0 SA Low speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Supply airflow setpoint for the unit when running in low speed
1 SA High speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Supply airflow setpoint for the unit when running in high speed
2 SA Max speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Supply airflow max. limit for the unit when the low/high speed
operation setpoint is altered by boosting function etc.
3 SA Min speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Supply airflow min. limit for the unit when the low/high speed
operation setpoint is altered when running in fan regulation mode
VAV demand.
4 EA Low speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Extract airflow setpoint for the unit when running in low speed
5 EA High speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Extract airflow setpoint for the unit when running in high speed
6 EA Max speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Extract airflow max. limit for the unit when the low/high speed
operation setpoint is altered by boosting function etc.
7 EA Min speed airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Extract airflow min. limit for the unit when the low/high speed
operation setpoint is altered when running in fan regulation mode
VAV demand.
8 SA Low speed pressure setpoint 0-750Pa
Supply air duct pressure setpoint for the unit when running in low
speed operation.
9 SA High speed pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Supply air duct pressure for the unit when running in high speed
10 SA Max speed output signal 10.00-100.00%
Max. limit for the supply air fan speed when running in pressure
regulation mode.
11 SA Max speed pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Supply air duct pressure max. limit for the unit when the low/high
speed operation setpoint is altered by boosting function etc.

12 EA Low speed pressure setpoint 0-750Pa

Extract air duct pressure setpoint for the unit when running in low
speed operation.
13 EA High speed pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Extract air duct pressure setpoint for the unit when running in
high speed operation.
14 EA Max speed output signal 10.00-100.00%
Max. limit for the extract air fan speed when running in pressure
regulation mode.
15 EA Max speed pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Extract air duct pressure max. limit for the unit when the low/high
speed operation setpoint is altered by boosting function etc.

16 SA Low speed demand setpoint 0-100.00%

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 10

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Supply air setpoint for the 0-10V input signal on terminal 35..37
for the unit when running in low speed operation.
17 SA High speed demand setpoint 0-100.00%
Supply air setpoint for the 0-10V input signal on terminal 35..37
for the unit when running in high speed operation.
18 EA Low speed demand setpoint 0-100.00%
Extract air setpoint for the 0-10V input signal on terminal 35..37
for the unit when running in low speed operation.
19 EA High speed demand setpoint 0-100.00%
Extract air setpoint for the 0-10V input signal on terminal 35..37
for the unit when running in high speed operation.
20 SA Airflow regulation zone 1.00 - 10.00
Supply airflow regulation zone setting in % of the present airflow
setpoint that the regulator is allowed to work within.
21 SA Airflow C-factor 0.005 - 2.500
Supply airflow regulator affection setting.
22 EA Airflow regulation zone 1.00 - 10.00
Extract airflow regulation zone setting in % of the present airflow
setpoint that the regulator is allowed to work within.
23 EA Airflow C-factor 0.005 - 2.500
Extract airflow regulator affection setting.
24 SA Pressure regulation zone 1.00 - 10.00
Supply air pressure regulation zone setting in % of the present
duct pressure setpoint that the regulator is allowed to work within.

25 SA Pressure C-factor 0.005 - 2.500

Supply air pressure regulator affection setting.
26 EA Pressure regulation zone 1.00 - 10.00
Extract air pressure regulation zone setting in % of the present
duct pressure setpoint that the regulator is allowed to work within.

27 EA Pressure C-factor 0.005 - 2.500

Extract air pressure regulator affection setting.
28 SA Demand P-band. 1.00 - 100.00
Supply air demand regulator P-band setting.
29 SA Demand C-factor 0.005 - 2.500
Supply air demand regulator affection setting.
30 EA Demand P-band. 1.00 - 100.00
Extract air demand regulator P-band setting.
31 EA Demand C-factor 0.005 - 2.500
Extract air demand regulator affection setting.
32 ERS 1 Diff 1.00 - 7.00°C
Supply air temperature difference setting accordning to the
diagram for ERS 1.
33 ERS 1 Breakpoint 12.00 - 26.00°C
Breakpoint setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 1.
34 ERS 2 Breakpoint X1 10.00-38.00°C
Breakpoint X1 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
35 ERS 2 Breakpoint Y1 10.00-40.00°C
Breakpoint Y1 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
36 ERS 2 Breakpoint X2 11.00-39.00°C
Breakpoint X2 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
37 ERS 2 Breakpoint Y2 10.00-40.00°C

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 11

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Breakpoint Y2 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
38 ERS 2 Breakpoint X3 12.00-40.00°C
Breakpoint X3 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
39 ERS 2 Breakpoint Y3 10.00-40.00°C
Breakpoint Y3 setting accordning to the diagram for ERS 2.
40 SA Temperature setpoint 10.00-40.00°C
Supply air temperature setting,
for supply air temp regulation mode.
41 EA/Room Temperature setpoint 10.00-40.00°C
Extract air/room temperature setting,
for Extract air/room temp regulation mode.
42 SA Min temp setpoint 8.00-20.00°C
Supply air min.setpoint during EA/room
regulation mode.
43 SA Max temp setpoint 16.00-50.00°C
Supply air max.setpoint during EA/room
regulation mode.
44 SA Temperature P-band 1.00 - 40.00
Supply air temperature regulator P-band setting.
45 EA/Room Temperature P-band 1.00 - 40.00
Extract air/room temperature regulator
P-band setting.
46 SA HX. Reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Supply air heat exchange regulator affection setting.
47 EA/Room HX. Reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Extract air/room heat exchange regulator
affection setting.
48 SA Heat Reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Supply air reheat regulator affection setting.
49 EA/Room Heat Reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Extract air/room reheat regulator
affection setting.
50 Reserve

51 Reserve 0.000 - 2.500

52 Reserve 0.000 - 2.500

53 Reserve 0.000 - 2.500

54 SA Down regulation Reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500

Supply air reheat regulator
affection setting.
55 Reserve

56 SA Cool reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500

Supply air cool regulator
affection setting.
57 EA/Room Cool reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Extract air/room cool regulator
affection setting.
58 SA Cooling boost C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Supply air cooling boost
affection setting.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 12

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
59 EA/Room Cooling boost reg C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Extract air/room cooling boost regulator
affection setting.
60 HX Pressure alarm set. 30 - 100Pa
Heat exchange pressure alarm limit setting
(alarm no.38).
61 Reserve

62 Reserve

63 Cooling off set. 10 - 50%

Cooling off airflow setting in % of max. airflow.
64 SA Down regulation neautral zone 0.00-10.00°C
Neutral zone setting before downregulation is permitted.
65 Cool Outdoor temp limit.1 0.00-25.00°C
Outdoor temperature limit setting for cooling stage 1.
66 Cool Outdoor temp limit.2 0.00-25.00°C
Outdoor temperature limit setting for cooling stage 2.
67 Cool Outdoor temp limit.3 0.00-25.00°C
Outdoor temperature limit setting for cooling stage 3.
68 Temperature reg. Neutral zone 0.50-10.00°C
Neutral zone setting before shift between
heating and cooling.
69 SA Cool min air flow 0-1000l/s
Supply air min. air flow setting for cooling.
70 EA Cool min air flow 0-1000l/s
Extract air min. air flow setting for cooling.
71 Heating boost start limit 2.00-10.00°C
Heating boost start temperature limit.
72 Cooling boost start limit 2.00-10.00°C
Cooling boost (comfort) start temperature limit.
73 SA Filter alarm limit 0-1000Pa
Supply air filter pressure alarm limit setting.
74 EA Filter alarm limit 0-1000Pa
Extract air filter pressure alarm limit setting.
75 Int. Night heat room start temp 5.00-40.00°C
Intermittent night heat function, extract air temperature
setting for start.
76 Int. Night heat room stop temp 5.00-40.00°C
Intermittent night heat function, extract air temperature
setting for stop.
77 Int. Night heat SA temp setpoint 5.00-40.00°C
Intermittent night heat function, supply air temperature setpoint
during night heat.
78 Int. Night heat SA airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Intermittent night heat function, supply airflow setpoint during
night heat.
79 Int. Night heat EA airflow setpoint 0-1000l/s
Intermittent night heat function, extract airflow setpoint during
night heat.
80 Summer night cool EA start temp 17.00-27.00°C
Summer night cool function, extract air temperature
setting for start.
81 Summer night cool EA stop temp 12.00-22.00°C

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 13

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Summer night cool function, extract air temperature
setting for stop.
82 Summer night cool outdoor temp limit 5.00-15.00°C
Summer night cool function, outdoor temperature
83 Summer night cool SA temp setpoint 10.00-20.00°C
Summer night cool function, supply air temperature setpoint
during summer night cool.
84 Outdoor temp comp. Winter X1. -30.00-(-10.00)°C
Endpoint of winter compensation.
85 Outdoor temp comp. Winter X2. -10.00-15.00°C
Startpoint of winter compensation.
86 Outdoor temp comp. Winter Y1. 0.00-10.00°C
Level of winter compensation at X1.
87 Outdoor temp comp. Summer X3. 15.00-25.00°C
Startpoint of summer compensation.
88 Outdoor temp comp. Summer X4. 25.00-40.00°C
Endpoint of summer compensation.
89 Outdoor temp comp. Summer Y2. -10.00-10.00°C
Level of summer compensation at X4.
90 Outdoor airflow comp. Winter X1. -30.00-(-10.00)°C
Endpoint of winter compensation.
91 Outdoor airflow comp. Winter X2. -10.00-15.00°C
Startpoint of winter compensation.
92 Outdoor airflow comp. Winter Y1. 0-50.00%
Level of airflow compensation at X1.
93 Reserve

94 EA/Room min temp alarm limit 8.00-20.00°C

Setting for min extract air /room temp alarm no.40.
95 SA Deviation alarm limit 2.00-15.00°C
Setting for supply air temperature below present setpoint, alarm
96 Reserve

97 SA Fan regulation mode 0-3

Setting of regulation type for the supply air fan.
0=Airflow reg.
1=Pressure reg.
2=Demand reg.
3=Slave controlled by EA fan.
98 EA Fan regulation mode 0-3
Setting of regulation type for the extract air fan.
0=Airflow reg.
1=Pressure reg.
2=Demand reg.
3=Slave controlled by SA fan.
99 ERS Step 1-4
Setting of curve when temperature is above breakpoint.
100 Temperature regulation mode. 0-3

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 14

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Setting of temperature regulation type.
0=ERS 1 reg.
1=ERS 2 reg.
2=SA reg.
3=EA/Room reg.
101 Cooling off periode 60 - 1500s
Time setting for cooling off electrical heating coil.
102 Cool step time 0 - 600s
Time setting between cool step shift.
103 Cool restart time 60 - 900s
Setting of time between two starts of the cool relays.
104 Cool regulation mode 0-4
Setting of cool regulation type
0=Controlled 0-10V
1=Controlled 10-0V
2=On/Off 1-step
3=On/Off 2-steps
4=On/Off 3-steps binary
105 Heating boost regulation mode. 0-1
Setting for heating boost function.
106 Cooling boost regulation mode. 0-5
Setting of cooling boost regulation type.
107 Filter calibration mode 0-4
Setting for required filter calibration.
108 Air adjustment time, minutes 0 - 1728
Setting for amount of minutes to air adjustment function.
109 Air adjustment time, hours 0 - 72
Setting for amount of hours to air adjustment function.
110 Handterminal language 0 - 18

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 15

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
111 Summer night cool start, hour 0-23
Setting for start time of summer night cooling function.
112 Summer night cool start, minute 0-59
Setting for start time of summer night cooling function.
113 Summer night cool stop, hour 0-23
Setting for stop time of summer night cooling function.
114 Summer night cool stop, minute 0-59
Setting for stop time of summer night cooling function.
115 Reserve

116 Reserve

117 Morning boost time, hours 0-23

Setting of morning boost time before normal operation.
118 Morning boost time, minutes 0-59
Setting of morning boost time before normal operation.
119 Startup time 0 - 600s
Setting of time for startup when the unit regulator is running with
fixed signals.
120 Start delay SA fan. 0 - 600s
Setting of start delay time for the supply air fan.
121 Start delay EA fan. 0 - 600s
Setting of start delay time for the extract air fan after supply air
fan has started.
122 Air flow unit 0 -2
Setting of air flow unit presented in the unit's handterminal and
123 Reserve

124 Year 2000-2099

Setting for the unit's internal clock.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 16

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
125 Month 1-12
Setting for the unit's internal clock.
126 Date 0-31
Setting for the unit's internal clock.
127 Hour 0-23
Setting for the unit's internal clock.
128 Minute 0-59
Setting for the unit's internal clock.
129 Second 0-59
Setting for the unit's internal clock.
130 Time channel 1 status 0-10,16-26
Low speed High speed
0=Inactive 16=Inactive
1=Monday 17=Monday
2=Tuesday 18=Tuesday
3=Wednesday 19=Wednesday
4=Thursday 20=Thursday
5=Friday 21=Friday
6=Saturday 22=Saturday
7=Sunday 23=Sunday
8=Monday..Friday 24=Monday..Friday
9=Monday..Sunday 25=Monday..Sunday
10=Saturday..Sunday 26=Saturday..Sunday
131 Time channel 1 start hour 0-23
132 Time channel 1 start minute 0-59
133 Time channel 1 stop hour 0-23
134 Time channel 1 stop minute 0-59
135 Time channel 2 status 0-10,16-26
136 Time channel 2 start hour 0-23
137 Time channel 2 start minute 0-59
138 Time channel 2 stop hour 0-23
139 Time channel 2 stop minute 0-59
140 Time channel 3 status 0-10,16-26
141 Time channel 3 start hour 0-23
142 Time channel 3 start minute 0-59
143 Time channel 3 stop hour 0-23
144 Time channel 3 stop minute 0-59
145 Time channel 4 status 0-10,16-26
146 Time channel 4 start hour 0-23
147 Time channel 4 start minute 0-59
148 Time channel 4 stop hour 0-23
149 Time channel 4 stop minute 0-59
150 Time channel 5 status 0-10,16-26
151 Time channel 5 start hour 0-23
152 Time channel 5 start minute 0-59
153 Time channel 5 stop hour 0-23
154 Time channel 5 stop minute 0-59
155 Time channel 6 status 0-10,16-26
156 Time channel 6 start hour 0-23
157 Time channel 6 start minute 0-59
158 Time channel 6 stop hour 0-23
159 Time channel 6 stop minute 0-59

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 17

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
160 Time channel 7 status 0-10,16-26
161 Time channel 7 start hour 0-23
162 Time channel 7 start minute 0-59
163 Time channel 7 stop hour 0-23
164 Time channel 7 stop minute 0-59
165 Time channel 8 status 0-10,16-26
166 Time channel 8 start hour 0-23
167 Time channel 8 start minute 0-59
168 Time channel 8 stop hour 0-23
169 Time channel 8 stop minute 0-59
170 Extended low speed op. Hours 0-23
Setting for extended low speed operation.
171 Extended low speed op. Minutes 0-59
Setting for extended low speed operation.
172 Extended high speed op. Hours 0-23
Setting for extended low speed operation.
173 Extended high speed op. Minutes 0-59
Setting for extended low speed operation.
174 Communication operation mode 0-4
Setting of unit operation mode from communication.
0=Auto operation.
1=Communication stop 1.
2=Communication low speed.
3=Communication high speed.
4=Communication stop 2.
Summer night cool, intermittent night heat and
morning boost functions works at stop 2.
175 Service periode alarm. 0-99
Setting for delay time in months before service alarm.
176 External alarm 1 delay 1 - 600s
Setting of delay time for external alarm no 1
177 External alarm 2 delay 1 - 600s
Setting of delay time for external alarm no 2
178 Int. Night heat SA pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Intermittent night heat function, supply pressure setpoint during
night heat.
179 Int. Night heat EA pressure setpoint 20-750Pa
Intermittent night heat function, extract pressure setpoint during
night heat.
180 Copy of Coil Status 1-16 0-65535
Bit 0=1x0001
Bit 1=1x0002
Bit 15=1x0016
181 Copy of Coil Statust 17-32 0-65535
Bit 0=1x00017
Bit 1=1x00018
Bit 15=1x0032
182 Copy of Coil Status 33-48 0-65535
Bit 0=1x00033
Bit 1=1x00034
Bit 15=1x0048
183 Heat relay periodic func. 0-3

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 18

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Setting of periodic operation.
3=Valve (PV 2.02)
184 Cool relay 1 periodic func. 0-3
Setting of periodic operation.
3=Valve (PV 2.02)
185 Cool relay 2 periodic func. 0-3
Setting of periodic operation.
3=Valve (PV 2.02)
186 Slave control C-factor 0.5 - 2.0
Slave regulator affection setting.
187 SA dehumid P-band 1.00 - 40.00
SA dehumid regulator P-band setting.
188 SA dehumid C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
SA dehumid regulator affection setting.
189 Dewpoint reg. P-band 1.00 - 40.00
Dewpoint regulator P-band setting.
190 Dewpoint reg. C-factor 0.000 - 2.500
Dewpoint regulator affection setting.
191 AYC chilled water temperature 5.00-30.00°C
Setting of AYC chilled water temperature setpoint.
192 Dewpoint neutralzone 0.00-5.00°C
Dewpoint neutralzone setting.
193 Comp. airflow 0-30.00%
Setting of comp. airflow.
194 Supply air-humidity 10.00-90.00%
Setting of supply air-humidity.
195 Water heating periodic op. time 0-60min
Setting of periodic op. time (minute).
196 Water heating interval 0-168h
Setting of water heating interval time (hour).
197 Cool periodic op. time 0-60min
Setting of periodic op. time (minute).
198 Cool interval 0-168h
Setting of cool interval time (hour).
199 Reserve

200 EA/Room temperature (external) func. 0-2

Setting of EA/Room temperature (external) function.
0= Inactive.
1= IQnomic.
2= Communication (4x0202).
201 EA/Room temperature com. -55.00-125.00°C
Setting of EA/Room temperature via communication.
202 Outdoor temperature (external) func. 0-2

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 19

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Setting of outdoor temperature (external) function.
0= Inactive.
1= IQnomic.
2= Communication (4x0204).
203 Outdoor temperature com. -55.00-125.00°C
Setting of outdoor temperature via communication.
204 Timeout temperature com. 0-9999min
Setting of timeout for temperature via communication
(4x0202, 4x0204).
205 Flow at fire function. 0-3
Setting for activating the air fan operation at fire function
0= Inactive.
1= SA.
2= EA.
3= SA+EA.
206 Air fan down regulation func. 0-2
Setting for activating the air fan down regulation function
0= Inactive.
1= SA.
2= SA+EA.
207 SA speed at fire. 10.00-100.00%
Setting of supply air speed at fire.
208 EA speed at fire. 10.00-100.00%
Setting of extract air speed at fire.
209 Reserve

210 Reserve

211 Supply air min P-band. 1.00 - 40.00

Supply air min regulator P-band setting.
212 Supply air min C-factor. 0.000 - 2.500
Supply air min regulator affection setting.
213 Supply air max P-band. 1.00 - 40.00
Supply air max regulator P-band setting.
214 Supply air max C-factor. 0.000 - 2.500
Supply air max regulator affection setting.
215 Year channel 1 function. 0-3
0 = Inactive.
1 = Stop.
2 = Low speed.
3 = High speed.
216 Year channel 1 start year. 2000 - 2099
217 Year channel 1 start month. 1 - 12
218 Year channel 1 start date. 1 - 31
219 Year channel 1 start hour. 0 - 23
220 Year channel 1 start minute. 0 - 59
221 Year channel 1 stop year. 2000 - 2099
222 Year channel 1 stop month. 1 - 12
223 Year channel 1 stop date. 1 - 31
224 Year channel 1 stop hour. 0 - 23
225 Year channel 1 stop minute. 0 - 59
226 Year channel 2 function. 0-3
227 Year channel 2 start year. 2000 - 2099
228 Year channel 2 start month. 1 - 12

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 20

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
229 Year channel 2 start date. 1 - 31
230 Year channel 2 start hour. 0 - 23
231 Year channel 2 start minute. 0 - 59
232 Year channel 2 stop year. 2000 - 2099
233 Year channel 2 stop month. 1 - 12
234 Year channel 2 stop date. 1 - 31
235 Year channel 2 stop hour. 0 - 23
236 Year channel 2 stop minute. 0 - 59
237 Year channel 3 function. 0-3
238 Year channel 3 start year. 2000 - 2099
239 Year channel 3 start month. 1 - 12
240 Year channel 3 start date. 1 - 31
241 Year channel 3 start hour. 0 - 23
242 Year channel 3 start minute. 0 - 59
243 Year channel 3 stop year. 2000 - 2099
244 Year channel 3 stop month. 1 - 12
245 Year channel 3 stop date. 1 - 31
246 Year channel 3 stop hour. 0 - 23
247 Year channel 3 stop minute. 0 - 59
248 Year channel 4 function. 0-3
249 Year channel 4 start year. 2000 - 2099
250 Year channel 4 start month. 1 - 12
251 Year channel 4 start date. 1 - 31
252 Year channel 4 start hour. 0 - 23
253 Year channel 4 start minute. 0 - 59
254 Year channel 4 stop year. 2000 - 2099
255 Year channel 4 stop month. 1 - 12
256 Year channel 4 stop date. 1 - 31
257 Year channel 4 stop hour. 0 - 23
258 Year channel 4 stop minute. 0 - 59
259 Year channel 5 function. 0-3
260 Year channel 5 start year. 2000 - 2099
261 Year channel 5 start month. 1 - 12
262 Year channel 5 start date. 1 - 31
263 Year channel 5 start hour. 0 - 23
264 Year channel 5 start minute. 0 - 59
265 Year channel 5 stop year. 2000 - 2099
266 Year channel 5 stop month. 1 - 12
267 Year channel 5 stop date. 1 - 31
268 Year channel 5 stop hour. 0 - 23
269 Year channel 5 stop minute. 0 - 59
270 Year channel 6 function. 0-3
271 Year channel 6 start year. 2000 - 2099
272 Year channel 6 start month. 1 - 12
273 Year channel 6 start date. 1 - 31
274 Year channel 6 start hour. 0 - 23
275 Year channel 6 start minute. 0 - 59
276 Year channel 6 stop year. 2000 - 2099
277 Year channel 6 stop month. 1 - 12
278 Year channel 6 stop date. 1 - 31
279 Year channel 6 stop hour. 0 - 23
280 Year channel 6 stop minute. 0 - 59
281 Year channel 7 function. 0-3
282 Year channel 7 start year. 2000 - 2099

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 21

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
283 Year channel 7 start month. 1 - 12
284 Year channel 7 start date. 1 - 31
285 Year channel 7 start hour. 0 - 23
286 Year channel 7 start minute. 0 - 59
287 Year channel 7 stop year. 2000 - 2099
288 Year channel 7 stop month. 1 - 12
289 Year channel 7 stop date. 1 - 31
290 Year channel 7 stop hour. 0 - 23
291 Year channel 7 stop minute. 0 - 59
292 Year channel 8 function. 0-3
293 Year channel 8 start year. 2000 - 2099
294 Year channel 8 start month. 1 - 12
295 Year channel 8 start date. 1 - 31
296 Year channel 8 start hour. 0 - 23
297 Year channel 8 start minute. 0 - 59
298 Year channel 8 stop year. 2000 - 2099
299 Year channel 8 stop month. 1 - 12
300 Year channel 8 stop date. 1 - 31
301 Year channel 8 stop hour. 0 - 23
302 Year channel 8 stop minute. 0 - 59
303 Filter select. 0-3
Setting for filter select function.
1=Supply air.
2=Extract air.
304 Prefilter select. 0-3
Setting for prefilter select function.
1=Supply air.
2=Extract air.
305 SA prefilter alarm limit. 10-1000Pa
Supply air prefilter pressure alarm limit setting.
306 EA prefilter alarm limit. 10-1000Pa
Extract air prefilter pressure alarm limit setting.
307 Prefilter calibration mode. 0-3
Setting for requiered filtercalibration.
308 Preheating function. 0-4
Setting of preheating function.
1=El. coil P/P.
2=El. coil 0-10V.
3=Water coil with FP.
4=Water coil without FP.
309 Preheating setpoint. -30.00-30.00°C
Setting of preheating temperature setpoint.
310 Preheat P-band. 1.00 - 40.00
Preheat regulator P-band setting.
311 Preheat C-factor. 0.000 - 2.500

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 22

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Preheat regulator affection setting.
312 SA Filter calculated alarm level 5.00-20.00%
Supply air filter calculated alarm limit setting.
313 EA Filter calculated alarm level 5.00-20.00%
Extract air filter calculated alarm limit setting.
314 Mode digital output relay 1 0-8
Setting of mode output relay 1 function.
2=Low speed.
3=High speed.
4=Alarm A.
5=Alarm B.
7=Cooling 1.
8=Cooling 2.
315 Mode digital output relay 2 0-8
Setting of mode output relay 2 function.
2=Low speed.
3=High speed.
4=Alarm A.
5=Alarm B.
7=Cooling 1.
8=Cooling 2.
316 Mode digital input 1 0-6
Setting of mode input 1 function.
1=Low speed.
2=High speed.
3=Alarm 1.
4=Alarm 2.
317 Mode digital input 2 0-6
Setting of mode input 2 function.
1=Low speed.
2=High speed.
3=Alarm 1.
4=Alarm 2.
318 Manual morning boost time hour 0-23
Setting of manual morning boost time before normal operation.

319 Manual morning boost time minutes 0-59

Setting of manual morning boost time before normal operation.

320 Airing temp set 10.00-20.00°C

Setting of airing temperature setpoint.
321 Airing time set 10-60

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 23

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Setting of airing time in minutes.
322 Manual operation drift mode 0-4
Setting of manual operation drift mode.
0=Normal operation.
1=Extended operation.
323 AYC function. 0-3
Setting of AYC function.
324 AYC heat temp set. 10.00-80.00°C
Setting of AYC heated water temperature setpoint.
325 AYC night comp. channel. 1-2
Setting of AYC night compensation channel.
1=Channel 1.
2=Channel 2.
326 AYC channel start hour. 0-23h
Setting of AYC channel start time (hour).
327 AYC channel start minute. 0-59min
Setting of AYC channel start time (minute).
328 AYC channel stop hour. 0-23h
Setting of AYC channel stop time (hour).
329 AYC channel stop minute. 0-59min
Setting of AYC channel stop time (minute).
330 AYC channel period. 0-10
Setting of AYC channel period.
331 AYC heat P-band. 1.00 - 40.00
AYC heat regulator P-band setting.
332 AYC heat C-factor. 0.000 - 2.500
AYC heat regulator affection setting.
333 AYC cool P-band. 1.00 - 40.00
AYC cool regulator P-band setting.
334 AYC cool C-factor. 0.000 - 2.500
AYC cool regulator affection setting.
335 AYC heat out comp. X1. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
outdoor temp X1 setting.
336 AYC heat out comp. Y1. 10.00-80.00°C

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 24

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
heated water temp Y1 setting.
337 AYC heat out comp. X2. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
outdoor temp X2 setting.
338 AYC heat out comp. Y2. 10.00-80.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
heated water temp Y2 setting.
339 AYC heat out comp. X3. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
outdoor temp X3 setting.
340 AYC heat out comp. Y3. 10.00-80.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of heated water,
heated water temp Y3 setting.
341 AYC heat room comp. temp limit. 0.00-40.00°C
AYC room compensation of heated water,
heated water temp limit setting.
342 AYC heat room comp P-band. 1.00-10.00°C
AYC room compensation of heated water,
heated water P-band setting.
343 AYC heat night comp temp. -10.00-10.00°C
AYC night compensation of heated water,
heated water night setting.
344 AYC heat pump on temp. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC pump operation of heated water,
outdoor temp start setting.
345 AYC heat pump off temp. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC pump operation of heated water,
outdoor temp stop setting.
346 AYC heat pump alarm. 0-3
Setting for selecting the AYC heated water pump alarm function.

347 AYC heat per op function. 0-3

Setting for selecting the AYC heated water periodic operation
348 AYC heat per op time. 0-60min
AYC periodic operation of heated water,
time (minute) setting.
349 AYC heat per op interval. 0-168h
AYC periodic operation of heated water,
interval time (hour) setting.
350 AYC cool out comp. X1. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
outdoor temp X1 setting.
351 AYC cool out comp. Y1. 10.00-80.00°C

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 25

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
chilled water temp Y1 setting.
352 AYC cool out comp. X2. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
outdoor temp X2 setting.
353 AYC cool out comp. Y2. 10.00-80.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
chilled water temp Y2 setting.
354 AYC cool out comp. X3. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
outdoor temp X3 setting.
355 AYC cool out comp. Y3. 10.00-80.00°C
AYC outdoor compensation of chilled water,
chilled water temp Y3 setting.
356 AYC cool room comp. temp limit. 0.00-40.00°C
AYC room compensation of chilled water,
chilled water temp limit setting.
357 AYC cool room comp. P-band. 1.00-10.00°C
AYC room compensation of chilled water,
chilled water P-band setting.
358 AYC cool night comp temp. -10.00-10.00°C
AYC night compensation of chilled water,
chilled water night setting.
359 AYC cool pump on temp. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC pump operation of chilled water,
outdoor temp start setting.
360 AYC cool pump off temp. -40.00-40.00°C
AYC pump operation of chilled water,
outdoor temp stop setting.
361 AYC cool pump alarm. 0-3
Setting for selecting the AYC chilled water pump alarm function.

362 AYC cool per op function. 0-3

Setting for selecting the AYC chilled water periodic operation
363 AYC cool per op time. 0-60min
AYC periodic operation of chilled water,
time (minute) setting.
364 AYC cool per op interval. 0-168h
AYC periodic operation of chilled water,
interval time (hour) setting.
365 IO-mod 3 output 1 function. 0 - 10

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 26

Analog Value (R/W).
Object Name Min/Max
Setting of I/O-module no. 3 relay 1 output.
0=Cooling boost.
1=Heating boost.
3=Heat exchange.
5=Down regulation.
6=Effect reduction.
7=Intermittent night heat.
8=Summer night cooling.
9=Morning boost.
10=Heat exchange defrost.
366 IO-mod 3 output 2 function. 0 - 10
Setting of I/O-module no. 3 relay 2 output.
0=Cooling boost.
1=Heating boost.
3=Heat exchange.
5=Down regulation.
6=Effect reduction.
7=Intermittent night heat.
8=Summer night cooling.
9=Morning boost.
10=Heat exchange defrost.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 27

Binary Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
0 Heat output 0-1
Status for relay output.
1 Cool output 1 0-1
Status for relay output.
2 Cool output 2 0-1
Status for relay output.
3 Low speed output 0-1
Status for relay output.
4 High speed output 0-1
Status for relay output.
5 A-alarm. 0-1
Status for relay output.
6 B-alarm. 0-1
Status for relay output.
7 Operation output 0-1
Status for relay output.
8 Damper output 0-1
Status for relay output.
9 External low speed input 0-1
Status for digital input.
10 External high speed input 0-1
Status for digital input.
11 External alarm 1 input 0-1
Status for digital input.
12 External alarm 2 input 0-1
Status for digital input.
13 External fire alarm input. 0-1
Status for digital input.
14 External stop input 0-1
Status for digital input.
15 DIP Switch 1 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
16 DIP Switch 2 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
17 DIP Switch 3 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
18 DIP Switch 4 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
19 DIP Switch 5 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
20 DIP Switch 6 0-1
Status for dip switch setting.
21 AYC heat pump output 0-1
Status for AYC heat pump output.
22 AYC cool pump output 0-1
Status for AYC cool pump output.
23 Reserve 9

24 R.HX rotation monitor 0-1

Status from the rotation detector.
25 Reserve 10

26 Reserve 11

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 28

Binary Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
27 Reserve 12

28 Pre-heat output 0-1

Status for relay output.
29 Recirculation output 0-1
Status for I/O-module no. 3 relay 1 output.
30 Booster output 0-1
Status for I/O-module no. 3 relay 2 output.
31 IO-mod 3 output 1 0-1
Status for I/O-module no. 3 relay 1 output.
32 IO-mod 3 output 2 0-1
Status for I/O-module no. 3 relay 2 output.
33 Reserve 13

34 Reserve 14

35 Reserve 15

36 Reserve 16

37 Reserve 17

38 Reserve 18

39 Reserve 19

40 Reserve 20

41 Reserve 21

42 Reserve 22

43 Reserve 23

44 Reserve 24

45 Reserve 25

46 Reserve 26

47 Reserve 27

48 Alarm number 1 0-1

Status if alarm number 1 is active.
49 Alarm number 2 0-1
Status if alarm number 2 is active.
50 Alarm number 3 0-1
Status if alarm number 3 is active.

247 Alarm number 200 0-1

Status if alarm number 200 is active.
248 Info number 1 0-1

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 29

Binary Inputs (RO).
Object Name Min/Max
Status if info number 1 is active.
249 Info number 2 0-1
Status if info number 2 is active.
250 Info number 3 0-1
Status if info number 3 is active.

347 Info number 100 0-1

Status if info number 100 is active.

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 30


Binary Value (R/W).

Object Name Min/Max
0 Alarm reset 0-1
Resets tripped alarms.
1 R.HX. Defrost func. 0-1
Setting for activating the defrost function for the rotary heat
2 Cool operation mode 0-1
Setting for cooling between off and auto operation.
3 Int. Night heat func. 0-1
Setting for activating the intermittent night heat function.
4 Damper func. 0-1
Setting for activating the damper output relay during int. night
5 Summer night cooling 0-1
Setting for activating the suumer night cool function.
6 Outdoor temp compensation 0-1
Setting for activating the outdoor temperature compensation
7 Outdoor airflow compensation 0-1
Setting for activating the outdoor airflow compensation function.

8 Auto. Summer/winter switch 0-1

Setting for activating the automatic switch between
summer/winter time function.
9 Switch clock func. 0-1
Setting for switch clock function type.
0=Stop - low speed - high speed.
1=Low speed - high speed.
10 Internal fire alarm func. 0-1
Setting for activating the internal fire alarm function.
11 External alarm 1 active at closure 0-1
Setting for external alarm number 1 condition to be activated.
0=Alarm at closed input.
1=Alarm at open input.
12 External alarm 2 active at closure 0-1
Setting for external alarm number 2 condition to be activated.
0=Alarm at closed input.
1=Alarm at open input.
13 Dewpoint reg. func. 0-1
Setting for activating the dewpoint regulator funktion.
14 Dehumid reg. func. 0-1
Setting for activating the dehumid regulator funktion.
15 External fire alarm func. 0-1
Setting for external fire resetting function.
16 External alarm 1 func. 0-1
Setting for external alarm 1 resetting function.
17 External alarm 2 func. 0-1
Setting for external alarm 2 resetting function.
18 Int. Night heat output func. 0-1

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 31


Binary Value (R/W).

Object Name Min/Max
Setting for selecting the intermittent
night heat output function.
19 Morningboost damper func. 0-1
Setting for activating the morningboost damper function.
0= Inactive.
1= Active.
20 Morningboost extract func. 0-1
Setting for activating the morningboost extract air fan function.
0= Inactive.
1= Active.

21 Filter func. 0-1

Setting for filter between calculated and pressure sensors.
1=Pressure sensors.
22 Iqnomic Plus module no.6 Cooling 0-1
Setting for activating Iqnomiq Plus no.6 Cooling module.
23 Airing auto func. 0-1
Setting for activating the airing auto function.
24 AYC heat out comp. func. 0-1
Setting for selecting the AYC outdoor comp. heated water
25 AYC heat room comp. func. 0-1
Setting for selecting the AYC room comp. heated water function.

26 AYC heat room comp. night block func. 0-1

Setting for selecting the AYC room comp. heated water night
block function.
27 AYC heat night comp. func. 0-1
Setting for selecting the AYC night comp. heated water function.

28 AYC heat valve signal func. 0-1

Setting for selecting the AYC valve signal heated water alarm
29 AYC cool out comp. func. 0-1

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 32


Binary Value (R/W).

Object Name Min/Max
Setting for selecting the AYC outdoor comp. chilled water
30 AYC cool room comp. func. 0-1
Setting for selecting the AYC room comp. chilled water function.

31 AYC cool room comp. night block func. 0-1

Setting for selecting the AYC room comp. chilled water night
block function.
32 AYC cool night comp. func. 0-1
Setting for selecting the AYC night comp. chilled water function.

33 AYC cool valve signal func. 0-1

Setting for selecting the AYC valve signal chilled water alarm

Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 33

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