Eng 163284747
Eng 163284747
Eng 163284747
“Variant TAILPREP”, page 2
“Variant TAILPRE2”, page 2
“General (TAILPREP and TAILPRE2)”, page 3
“Function description for variant TAILPRE2”, page 4
“Connections for tail lift at end of frame (tractors, behind cab)”, page 5
“Schematic, electrical installation”, page 10
“Electrical tipper body preparation kit”, page 11
“Variant BEPR-T2”, page 11
“Work Remote tipper functionality”, page 13
“SPEED-DU – Electrical preparation kit for rear loaded vehicles”, page 21
“Function”, page 21
“Driver information”, page 21
“Connector in cab for RCV bodywork”, page 22
“Parameters for SPEED-DU”, page 25
Variant TAILPRE2
Only available in combination with “Work Remote”, Volvo’s Wireless remote control (variant REMC-MF) and
The TAILPRE2 version is a special preparation variant developed for trucks to be equipped with tail lift. TAILPRE2
• Control wires to two 7 pole connectors at end of frame (for tractors behind the cab).
Flexible switches for bodywork functions AUX3, AUX4 (in variant AESW2-PK) can be used together with the variant
If the slide in/slide out function (retractable tail lifts) is not used, AUX5 and AUX6 (in variant AESW2-PK) can be used.
This is because the outputs from BBM for those switches are used for tail lifting control.
The TAILPRE2 variant uses and requires the variant BBCHAS3. This means that the remaining, unused, wires from the
tail lift chassis connector are available in the BBEC2 connector in body builder electrical centre in the cab. See the wiring
diagram for more information.
The tail lift can be activated independently of the ignition key. A function LED in the switch indicates that either the switch
is activated or the tail lift is not in the closed position and the ignition is on.
When the tail lift is not in the closed position, regardless of whether the tail lift function is enabled or not, an icon will ap-
pear on the instrument display.
When the tail lift is enabled, either from the enable switch
on the instrument panel or from the Work Remote, by de-
fault the driver must use the external tail lifting control de-
vice to open or to fully close the tail lift. This is to avoid
unintentional movements of the tail lift. When a feedback
signal is transmitted from the tail lift to the truck (normally
when the tail lift is in a horizontal position +/- 10 degrees)
the Work Remote can be used to lift, lower or tilt the tail lift.
The body builder must ensure tilt movements of the tail lift T9080703
are stopped before the feedback signal to the truck is re-
moved. If this is not done, the user will be forced again to Work Remote Control.
use the external control device to move the tail lift back in-
to a position where a feedback signal is transmitted and
remote control is allowed.
This feature can be disabled by setting a parameter so
that the complete stroke of the tail lift can be controlled
from the Work Remote. Consider local requirements be-
fore changing this setting.
To control the tail lift from the Work Remote, the tail lift
menu must first be selected (the tail lift function will be au-
tomatically enabled when the tail lift menu is entered and
the selected conditions are fulfilled).
By default, an input from the tail lift to the truck that remote
control is permitted, must be present. If the input isn't
there, the following message will be shown.
This can be because it is not permitted to open the tail lift
from a completely closed position with the Work Remote
control. If the normal outdoor control device is to open the
tail lift to a position where the tail lift is providing a signal T9080742
Note: Some tail lifts have a built-in system-inhibiting opening and complete closing from a remote control. If so, the Work
Remote function will be disabled.
When there is a feedback signal to the truck that informing that the remote control is allowed (or the safety feature is dis-
abled) the view shown here will be displayed.
In this view, the tail lift can be controlled according to the following:
Action Description
Arrow up Lift the platform.
Arrow down Lower the platform
Arrow left Tilt up/close the platform.
Arrow right Tilt down/open the platform.
Pin Note
1 + 24 V when switch in cab is activated.
Maximum load 4 A (fused 5 A from fuse 4 in A02P fuse box)
2 Free*. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:2
3 Free*. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:3
4 Free*. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:4
5 Free*. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:5
6 Tail lift not closed. Will turn on the “not closed tail lift” icon in the instrument display, when this wire is con-
nected to ground. DI L
7 Free. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:7
(*) In variant ECBB-HI2 (combination with BBIOM), these wires are used for connections to the BBIOM. Please refer to
wiring diagram ND5_VT for further detailed information.
This is an extra control wire for tail lifting control from Wireless Remote Control.
Pin Description
1 Enable remote control. DI H from tail lift.
+24 V signal from tail lift when control from Work Remote is permitted (for example when tail lift is in hori-
zontal position +/- 10 degrees).
This function can be disabled setting a parameter making remote control be possible irrespective of the
input to this pin.
It is the tail lift manufacture’s responsibility to ensure that the tilt movement of the tail lift is stopped before
this input is removed; this makes it possible to tilt the tail lift back.
2 Tail lift up. DO H. Maximum power 1 A.
3 Tail lift slide out (AUX5). Maximum power 1 A.
4 Overload. Digital input high when the tail lift is overloaded.
5 Tail lift down. DO H. Maximum power 1 A.
6 Tail lift tilt. DO H. Maximum power 1 A.
7 Tail lift slide in (AUX6). DO H. Maximum power 1 A.
The tail lift must be equipped with the following connector to be able to connect to the extension cable from BB1/BB3.
Pin insulator
Description Dimension Part number
Insulator housing — 25371156
Lock ring — 3963413
Bullet terminal 0.5–1 mm2 984945
Wire seal 0.5–1 mm2 20734499 T3009603
Ground connection
For rigid trucks, a ground stud is located on the right-hand side of the frame rail.
For tractors, a ground stud can be mounted on the right-hand side of the frame rail.
If the power supply to a tail lift on a trailer is taken from
the truck, the body builder must ensure that the minus
connection from the tail lift to the truck is working cor-
rectly. If not, ground wires for trailer lighting can be
overloaded and severely damaged.
P1ES4 Enable the cargo alarm input. False (input disabled) default setting by
True (input enabled) default setting by
P1ETB Cargo alarm input behaviour False (default) = Normally opened. The alarm
is triggered when the circuit is connected to
ground potential.
True = Normally closed. The alarm is triggered
when the circuit is disconnected from ground
Pin Default function Function in TAILPRE2 variant Type
B1:9 Display icon, Equipment status 2 Instrument Warning Icon, “tail lift overload” DI H
B1:25 PTO3/Splitbox PTO, request Remote control enables DI H
B3:1 PTO3/Splitbox PTO, solenoid valve Tail lift, up DO H
B3:5 Auxiliary switch 5, ID58 Tail lift slide, out DO H
B3:6 Auxiliary switch 6, ID59 Tail lift slide, in DO H
B3:7 Engine speed > 1000 rpm Tail lift, down DO H
B3:10 PTO4 valve Tail lift, tilt DO H
The BEPR-T2 variant is a special preparation kit developed for trucks, which will be equipped with a tipper body. It sup-
ports a rigid tipper truck with or without drawbar tipper trailer and tractors with tipper (semi) trailer.
• Work Remote with special tipper menus for tipper on truck and trailer.
• BBM unit with special pinout configuration for support of tipper on truck and trailer.
The BEPR-T2 variant requires and uses the variant BBCHAS3 wire. An extra wiring harness to solenoid valves and
switches on the chassis is available. This chassis wiring harness has a single, two position connector for each of the fol-
lowing functions listed (for use with a rigid tipper body or tractor/semi trailer tipper):
• Tipper body up
• Tailgate open
• Tailgate close
• Tarpaulin in
• Tarpaulin out
• Vibrator (relay)
• Tipper body up
• Tailgate open
• Tailgate close
• Tarpaulin in
• Tarpaulin out
Note: It is important that the body builder uses solenoid valves incorporating a reverse current diode. This is especially
important when both the truck and the trailer have a tipper body.
Trucks with variant BEPR-T2 tipper control will be supported from the Work Remote only. The variant does not include
any other control devices in the cab.
Flexible switches for bodywork functions AUX3, AUX4, AUX5 and AUX6 (variant AESW2–PK) cannot be used together
with the variant BEPR-T2.
The BEPR-T2 variant requires the variant BBCHAS3. This is because these wires are used to control the tipper body
Tipper functions
When tipper truck icon is selected, view shown here will
be displayed.
Action Result
Arrow up Lift tipper body.
Arrow down Lower the tipper body. Au-
tomatic lowering can be
enabled. T9080746
If the shaker/vibrator or remote controlled tarpaulin is not used, the buttons 1 -3 can be given other functions. The icons
in the Work Remote for these functions can be replaced using parameter settings.
Automatic lowering
Automatic lowering of the tipper body can be selected by parameters.
When selected, after the arrow down button has been pressed for a preset time (set by the user), the body will continue
to lower for a preset time (set by the user). This time will be set so that it is ensured that the tipper body has reached the
bottom position before the lowering action is ended. Automatic lowering can be stopped by pressing the OK button or the
up or down arrow buttons. The “stop button” will also stop the lowering action.
Control of the tailgate/tail flap can be configured by the body builder by setting parameters.
The body builder will set the necessary parameters for the specific tailgate or tail flap used. To avoid unintended opening
of the tailgate, conditions can be set that requires that a PTO is active before the tailgate/tail flap can be controlled.
0 = No remote controlled tailgate. — Used for mechanically controlled tailgates/tail flaps that cannot be remotely con-
trolled. Tailgate/tail flap control is disabled from the Work Remote.
1 = Hydraulic — Two solenoid valves; one to open and one to close the tailgate or tail flap. Digital outputs to the solenoid
valves are active as long as the corresponding button on the Work Remote is pressed.
3 = Pneumatic Unlock (tailgate release). — One solenoid valve is used to release the tailgate. The tailgate will be re-
leased after the “tailgate open” button, on the Work Remote, has been pressed for two seconds (default setting). The
hooks will be released as long as the button is kept pressed. This kind of tailgate will close/lock by its own weight when
the tipper body is lowered.
The shaker/vibrator button will activate the vibrator while the button is pressed, but will automatically shut off the vibrator
after 10 seconds (this time is a parameter setting).
When a shaker/vibrator is not present, this button can be used for some other functions.
A tarpaulin can be remotely controlled from the Work Remote. Digital outputs to solenoid valves or motor relays are ac-
tive as long as the corresponding button in Work Remote is pressed.
By default, the maximum vehicle speed is set to 10 km/h to avoid opening the tarpaulin while driving. When remote con-
trolled Tarpaulin is not present, this button can be used for some other functions.
After the stop button has been pressed, the OK button must be pressed to confirm that the dump valve will open and that
the digital outputs for tipper control will be possible to re-enable.
The digital input for an extra external stop button will have the same functionality as the stop button on the Work Remote.
If no external stop button is used, this digital input must be connected to ground.
Pin Description
1 Tipper body not in driving position. DI L. Will turn on the warning in cab when grounded.
2 Power supply for dump solenoid valve. Fused 5 A. In fuse box A02P (+24 V)
3 External Stop request. DI L.
Note: External stop will stop all tipper functionality when it is disconnected from ground. If
no external stop button is used, this digital input must be connected to ground.
4 Vibrator, truck. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
5 Ground for solenoid valves and vibrator relay for truck only. Follow wiring diagram.
6 Dump solenoid valve. DI L. Maximum continuous load 1 A.
7 Free. Wire size 1,5 mm2. Available in BBEC2:7
Extension wires from the BB1 connector to switches and solenoid valves in chassis are supplied by Volvo.
Connector BB2
Control wire connector specifications (connector according to DIN 72585).
Extension wires from the BB2 connector are not supplied by Volvo. Wire same wiring harness as from BB3 can be used
for trailer tipper solenoid valves.
Connector BB3
Control wire connector specifications (connector according to DIN 72585).
Pin Description
1 Tailgate truck, close. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
2 Tailgate truck, open/release. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
3 Tipper body truck, down. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
4 Tipper body truck, up. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
5 Tarpaulin truck, out/close. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
6 Tarpaulin truck, in/open. DO H Maximum continuous load 1 A.
7 Ground for solenoid valves and vibrator relay for truck only. Follow wiring diagram.
Extension wires from the BB3 connector to switches and solenoid valves in chassis are supplied by Volvo.
For mating the control wire connector, use Volvo parts according to part numbers in the following table.
Pin insulator
Description Dimension Part number
Insulator housing — 25371156
Lock ring — 3963413
Bullet terminal 0.5–1 mm2 984945
Wire seal 0.5–1 mm2 20734499 T3009603
Note: Solenoid valves, relays, external stop switch and po- T9081108
sition switch are mounted by the body builder and are not
part of the delivery from Volvo.
Selectable functions
If a tipper truck does not have the Shaker function, then
this button can instead be used for engine start/stop. This
is done by changing the parameter P1KL8 from value 3
(tipper shaker) to value 20 (engine start/stop). When any
of the AUX-switches are selected (alternatives 14–19),
then the same Icon will be shown for those switches in the
tipper menu that is selected for the corresponding switch
in the PTO/AUX menu.
SPEED-DU is a special variant for rear loaded refuse collection vehicles (RCV) intended to follow the demands in
EN1501-1 for “footstep” at the rear of the truck.
Trucks ordered with the variant SPEED-DU are equipped with a BBM electronic control unit with unique parameter
A connector with in RCVs commonly used signals is available in the body builder electrical centre in the cab.
Autoneutral on parking brake is prepared for but will not be used together with the function Autorelease of the parking
brake. Please refer to chapter Vehicle electronics, paragraph Autoneutral for additional information.
A conversion kit to install SPEED-DU functionality in trucks built from factory without the variant SPEED-DU is available
under Volvo part number 85142230. This kit does not include the further down described “XNS-connector”. Instead con-
nections must be done according to sketch further down.
Vehicle speed is, by default, limited to 30 km/h (RSL2) when there is an active input from the chassis on the “footstep”
When the RSL2 is active (footstep input active), a reverse inhibit function is enabled. This function will apply the brakes
and force the engine to low idle if the gear lever is put into reverse gear position while the “footstep” input is active. The
reverse gear will not either be engaged.
Releasing the applied brakes and resetting the inhibited reverse gear, can only be carried out by removing the “footstep”
input signal and selecting neutral gear.
It is the responsibility of the body builder to ensure the necessary override and related penalty functions.
An immobilisation emergency override can be archived by applying voltage to BBM pin B2:12.
Driver information
When any Vehicle Speed Limit is active, a symbol “RSL”
will be shown in the instrument display.
Footstep occupied
An icon will be shown in the status bar (no audible signal)
as long as an active input is present at connector XNS,
pin 2.
Body builder display icon number 4 will be used.
An icon will be shown together with an audible signal as
long as an active input is present at connector XNS, pin
19. T9088047
Volvo part number for mating connector housing to the connector XNS:
Receptacle housing, 995632 (included and mounted in connector)
Terminals, pos. 1–18, wire size 0,5–1,0 mm2- 990060
Terminals, pos. 1–18, wire size 1,0–1,5 mm2 - 991610
Terminals, pos. 19–25, wire size 0,2–0,5 mm2 - 20375160
Terminals, pos. 19–25, wire size 0,5–1,0 mm2 - 20375161
The third speed limitation (RSL3 described in chapter Vehicle electronics) is used to limit the speed.
Following parameters must be configured for the RSL3.
To have the speed limitation RSL3 active in reverse gear only, also the following configuration must be done.
The digital input B2:5 (for RSL3) to BBM should be used when it is wanted to limit the vehicle speed to 9 km/h. Also in
the forward direction.
Backwards-rolling detection
Backwards rolling at >1 km/h.can be configured to the BBM digital output B3:10 (DOH) by the following described config-
uration. Backwards-rolling information is also available on BB-CAN.
The icons, their text and sound can be changed with Tech Tool.
When SPEED-DU is installed with the conversion kit 85142230, these configurations have to be done manually with
Tech Tool.
Parameter P1BVG is required to be manually configured when the aftermarket conversion kit is installed.