LP Enttrep Mind 040052
LP Enttrep Mind 040052
LP Enttrep Mind 040052
1.1. Introduction
Entrepreneurship synthesizes information from across academic specialties and
demands that practitioners work with wide variety of people from different
callings. All of us are entrepreneurs. We are all born in the innate ability to
survive; and survival involves innovate thinking. Think about your life. Think
about the times you needed to make a decision-a choice-that involve doing
something innovative so that you could “move on” or adopt to a challenging 3
situation. In our normal course of daily living, we are faced with choices. It is
about assessing a situation, designing alternatives, and choosing a new way or
perhaps a combination of ways that we hope will lead us to something better;
how ever we happen to define “better” at that moment. Hopefully, we make
our choices in the context of the maximizing our happiness without harming
and act on that innovation, we are entrepreneurs.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
1. Open-Minded Approach
2. Rational Considerations
Another aspect critical thinking is the ability
to approach a problem or situation rationally.
Rationality requires analysing all known
information and making judgement or
analyses based on fact or evidence, rather
than an opinion or emotion. An honest
approach reasoning requires a thinker
acknowledge personal goals, motives, and
emotions that might color his or her opinions
or thought processes. Rational thought
involves identifying and eliminating 3
prejudices, so that someone can have a fresh
and objective approach to problem.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
4. How to Apply It
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information to get the best answer to a
question or problem. By drawing upon your own experience, reasoning, observation
and communication with others, you can make informed decisions that yield
positive solutions.
Don't Believe Everything You're Told. The first step to critical thinking is to consider more
than one point of view. ...
Don't Believe Everything You Think. ...
Ask Questions. ...
Research Deeper. ...
Evaluate Your Work.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Do you Research
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Break it down
One of the great things about critical thinking is it versatility. It is valuable at all levels
of our thinking.
a. At the Level of Practical Decision Making= it helps when we are simply trying to
deal with ordinary tasks: how to study more efficiently, find strategy when we are
stuck in an airport, decide what kinds of clothes to buy. This is thinking about the
means to use accomplish our goals.
b. At the Level of Meaningfulness = Learning to think critical also helps people deal
with the much larger issues of living their life. Critical thinking frees people, the
way nothing else really can, from habits of thinking they are open ruled by. Not
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
In order to best express ourselves, we need to know how to think clearly and systematically
— meaning practice critical thinking! Critical thinking also means knowing how to break
down texts, and in turn, improve our ability to comprehend .
4. Promotes Creativity
By practicing critical thinking, we are allowing ourselves not only to solve problems but
also to come up wit h new and creative ideas to do so. Critical thinking allows us to analyz
these ideas and adjust them accordingly.
Improves Relationships
Better Citizens
There is no shortage of While you may be convinced
information coming at us from all that being a critical thinker is
angles. And that’s exactly why bound to cause you problems in
we need to use our critical relationships, this really couldn’t
thinking skills and decide for be less true! Being a critical
ourselves what to believe. thinker can allow you to better
Critical thinking allows us to understand the perspective of
ensure that our opinions are others, and can help you become
based on the facts, and help us more open-minded towards
different views.
sort through all that extra noise.
Curiosity Allows For Creativity
1.2.4 Mindset
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
“I can learn anything I want to. I’m either good at it, or I’m not
When I’m frustrated, I persevere. When I’m frustrated, I give up
I want to challenge myself. I don’t like to be challenged.
When I fail, I learn. When I fail, I’m no good
Tell me I tried hard. Tell me I’m smart.
If you succeed, I’m inspired. If you succeed, I feel threatened.
My effort and attitude determine everything” My abilities determine everything
What do I really
What is my How to
know about this? How much
goal? motivate am
i? time will it
What strategy
works best?
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Set Goals
Successful entrepreneurs don’t accomplish great things by accident-they set thoughtful
goals they care about and work towards them.
Embrace Risk
Whenever you take a risk, you’ve got two possible outcomes: you’ll either win or
you learn.
Comfort Zone
Low Self-Esteem
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Angel Investors
This investors are becoming more popular than venture capitalist in some industries,
and the money that comes from them generally has far fewer string attached or
expectation that bank loans and money from venture capitalist. These investors can be
great resources for the entrepreneur looking to stress less about funding and focus on
product on customers loyalty and service, and angel investors are backing the market in
a way that has been seen before.
Quality Content
Producing quality content will always set your business ahead of the curve. Good
content can be found everywhere nowadays, and providing great content has become
easier with the proliferation of ghost-writing networking websites that also allow for
quality designers and filmmakers to sell their works businesses looking to a creatively
reach out and connect with their customers. Making good content is going to be your
biggest in to making new sales, which means that producing good content in an
opportunity that every start up owner should be jumping on to give his or her business
an edge.
Foreign Market
Foreign Markets especially the Chinese one, have seen exponential growth in the
past few years. Any start up owners that know how to recognize this opportunity for
what is truly is-access to the largest market on earth-will be thanking themselves all the
way to the bank.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
In a business situation can be daunting, especially when there are so many things
riding on each decision. Entrepreneurs can face dilemma while making a decision,
especially when they have limited information. Entrepreneurs must also guard
themselves against getting overly involved in decision-making and causing a delay
which may delay the progress. They can delegate the smaller decisions to their team of
experts and ask them to come up with the alternatives before evaluating options and
finally deciding.
Facing Criticism
you might be warned repeatedly the various ways your business can fail. A lot of
people truly do think that is more stable to depend on a tenuous job at a brick-and-
mortar than to be the head of your own company. Sometimes critics get personal.
They’ll feel jealous of and threatened by your independence and try to magnify
anything negative they can find, projecting their own insecurities onto you.
Finding Customers
Your marketing budget isn’t able to reach as wide an audience as a multi national
conglomerate. People tend to stick with well-known brands and companies that
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
they’re really familiar with. However, a small company has a big advantage when it
comes to pricing. Large companies tend to charge more, and for many clients that
well be enough to choose your over the familiar brand. Ensure that the quality of the
product or service you provide is top notch so that you’ll retain customer’s year after
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
6.About Critical Thinking that can illustrate above (problem, thinking & solution) choose
one that can be marked by you.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
2.1. Introduction
Entrepreneurial Mind is a procedure where the knowledge and skills of the Entrepreneurs
are improve via multiple classroom and training programs. And the basic idea behind this
program is to grow the number of entrepreneurs in the world. With the help of the
entrepreneurship development program, the pace at which new ventures of business are
created becomes a lot more better that it was before the program. And if we look at the
larger picture, this program creates rooms for employment and enhances the economy of
the country as well as the business.
2.2 Topics/Discussion (with Assessment/Activities)
2.2.1 Business Resources and Ideas for an Entrepreneur
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
- Risk Tolerance
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
DUE – Is a digital payment and online invoicing platform that also delivers abundant
information via the blog about the trends, issues, and even the solutions that are at the top
of mind for ever entrepreneur. These blogs are related to the security, operations
marketing, compliance and technology.
able to stay on the right side of the latest tax new and the tax code without spending and
giving in too much efforts. You can also get all the official tax forms from this site easily.
PRLog- Press releases are used to make the public aware of the services that you offer in
your business and is one of the leading aspects when it comes to online marketing. This
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
website would let you know about the website that allow you to post the press releases for
= Is a physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water.
= Resources management is a process by which business manage their various resources
effectively. Those resources can be intangible and tangible. It involves planning so that the
right resources are assigned to the right task.
1. Tangible Resources
2. Intangible Resources
= are assets that have physical form. They can be seen, touched, and felt.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
= Which includes creative imagining such formulas, design, brands, and inventions.
In other words all those assets which don’t have any physical existence are known as
intangible assets. (Ex: goodwill, patent, trade marks, copyrights, business name,
computer software)
patent- the ability to exclude others from making, selling, using, and
importing a product process.
Trademark – The ability to use the owner a name, symbol, jingle, or
character in conjunction with a specific good.
Copyright –Is provide by the author of an original work, including
artistic, dramatics, architectural, musical, literary, and software works.
Turn on idea information start up: begin with a business concept
statement for entrepreneurs, it is often easier to come up with variety
of ideas for new business and more difficult to actually implement
those concepts.
=Think that of your Business Concept Statement as a tools that distils your voluminous
business plan into a handy one-or-two-page document.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
and network. However, you can go beyond that and join online forums that cover
topic in your area od expertise.
b. Be Prepared = before heading to events or striking up conversation, make sure that
you’re prepared. Have business cards tucked in your wallet and know what u want
to say about your business if the opportunity arises.
c. Attend Social Event = Attending social events is a great way to connect with others
and grow your networks while having a bit of fun. Some events are put on
specifically for the purpose of helping people network while other events are just
some fun parties that turn into networking opportunities.
d. Get involved in your own community = Getting involved in your community will
give you the opportunity to volunteer and attend events where you can make
connections with other local businesses and leaders.
e. Start talking to everybody = Talking to everyone is a great way to expand and
improve you entrepreneurial network. Although your objective when talking to a
people may be build your network, don’t make the point or focus of the
conversation about you, your business or networking the best connection are ones
that are sincere and founded on a connection of friendship.
f. Follow-up and engage with your connections = The Goal of Networking is not to
collect as many business cards and phone numbers of possible, the goal should be to
connect and develop relationships. Following up on conversations or reaching out to
connect just to check in can go a long way toward cultivating those relationships and
making them last longer which will likely be great benefit down the road.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
o The next step would be to implement the tweaks and necessary adjustments
to create the final product.
o This information helps you to further refine your marketing strategies and
improve your business.
KNOW YOUR COMPETITION= knowing who your competitors are, and what they
are offering, can help to make you products, services and marketing stand out. It will
enable you to set you prices competitively and help you to respond to rival marketing
campaigns with your own initiatives.
Will try to win market share by cutting cost, improving efficiency,
lowering price and innovating by either creating new products and
services or improving upon old ones. In other words, competition-tends
to give consumer’s better goods and services at lower price.
=companies offering similar or identical products and services to the
same group of target customers.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Superstore are some of our large retailers in the country. These large retailers can
bring lower prices and jobs to a community.
Refers to identifying and examining the characteristics of a competing firm.
a technique for assessing these for aspects of your business.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
3.1. Introduction
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Doing the right thing generally means making decisions that are not based on your own
personal needs, that don't expand your popularity, or enforce your personal beliefs. It
means doing what is best for the greater or common good. Some examples are: Maintaining
your character when no one is watching
Doing the the Right Thing is Always the Right Thing – I write a lot about decision
making because I believe it sucks a way all of the energy that we need to be creative if we
let it. What if making decisions making could be a lot easier.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
magic! He’s so much better! I can’t believe it!” This is a direct result of the client being better,
which inspired a different set of circumstances and behavior from the employee.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Strategy – Is a set long term goals or direction to pursue of a survival or prosperity of the
2. The Three Types of Planning
Strategic Planning by Top Management - determines what the organizations long term goal
should be for the next one to five years with the resources to expect to have available.
Tactical Planning by Middle Management – determines what contributions their department or
similar work units can make their given resources during the next 6 to 24 months.
Operational Planning by first Line Management – determines how to achieve specific tasks
with available resources within the next 1 to 52 weeks.
6 Keys to Management Success
#1 – Make Time.
Management is all about people and one of the top keys to management success is to
make time for your employees. ...
#2 – Openly Communicate. ...
when people can openly express their thoughts and ideas to one another. In a business setting, an
organization can implement open communication by encouraging all employees to express their feedback and
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Experience as a manager is a must but so is knowledge. Going back to school is an investment that many
effective leaders have seen as a benefit not only to their professional work life but to their personal lives as
well. There are various degrees offered for managers, including a bachelor’s degree in business or a master’s
degree in leadership or project management. You can also get a certificate in project management,
entrepreneurship, ethics, or human resource management
To be an effective manager, you need to be confident in your abilities, experience, and decision-making skills.
This doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or feel that you’re better than your employees. But you’re in a
management role for a reason, your confidence will empower your team to be the best they can be.
If you aren’t organized in your position, there’s a good chance that the employees you manage
won’t be either. There are many resources online that can inspire you to get organized. A good
example is you can buy a personal planner or download an app on your phone that can remind you
of meetings, tasks you need to complete every day, etc.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Exploration of opportunities
SC- refers to the decision which determines the future strategy of a firm. It addresses the
question “Where shall we go”
Managers can realize their full potential by getting positive things to happen
within their organizations. Making things happen is no accident. It is the result of a
management style that incorporates excellent communications, problem-solving
abilities, and the ability to motivate groups of people.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Good managers care about and take care of their teams. ...
Good managers are authentic.
Supervision is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager. Supervisors monitor and
direct the work of employees, making sure that the company’s goals are carried out and its
personnel policies are upheld.
Build the Right Team= is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a cohesive unit.
The team members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one
another and respect one another's individual differences.
Don't Be Overbearing = You want workers to perform even when you are not watching, so let them know
you respect their abilities by allowing them to make decisions and work without close supervision.
Policies and Procedures = Review the information with your employees and make sure they understand
your expectations, the consequences for violating workplace rules and your commitment to enforcing
guidelines consistently and fairly.
Identify Problems = Develop strategies for supervising the many types of difficult employees. Learn to
identify toxic employees and the best way to handle them before they disrupt the workplace. A slacker might
need closer supervision, clear timelines and quick responses to performance issues. An employee who
constantly challenges authority needs honest discussion about consequences and help correcting the
behavior through goal-setting and evaluation.
Tip = Take classes and training workshops that update and reinforce your supervisor and management
knowledge and skills.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
If you have a hard time seeing your own flaws or weaknesses, make sure you have at
least a few trusted associates who will keep your words and actions in line.
e. Be Sincere
When addressing employees. This will always be a more effective form of
communication than having a distanced corporate tone.
f. Use a personal touch
When at all possible, communicate face-to-face rather than email or phone. This is
very refreshing in an e-communication world.
A good leader sets a positive example and knows how to use their strengths to help their team
achieve goals.
Successful managers get to know their employees and find ways to support them so they produce
their best work.
It’s important to consistently communicate clear goals, expectations and feedback to your team.
This article is for small business owners and managers interested in adopting effective leadership
Empowering Employees
- helps them develop new skills and be more productive. It’s important to train
new employees well and give them the knowledge and resources they need
to perform assigned tasks and continue learning on their own.
Active Listening
- is the practice of listening to the speaker to fully understand their perspective,
question or concern before responding. Active listeners remove distractions,
maintain eye contact and offer verbal or non-verbal cues to indicate their
engagement and understanding.
Conflict Resolution
- can help address interpersonal challenges. You can analyze the situation
and identify what the causes of the conflict might be. If there’s a
miscommunication or differing opinions, you can mediate between opposing
parties and help them make a compromise or reach a collective
- Knowing when to be flexible and when to more firmly direct employees is an
important aspect of effective people management. You can demonstrate
flexibility in your management style by accommodating individual employee
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
| The Entrepreneurial Mind
Clear Communications
- is a necessary people management skill that enables team members to work
together in solving problems, brainstorming new ideas and adapting to new
changes. Your ability to clearly communicate with your coworkers can help
you be a better team member.
- means believing that you can rely on someone’s abilities, assistance or
advice when you need it most. Building trust helps your team work together
more efficiently and productively. Teams should be able to trust that their
leader supports them and believes in their hard work.
- Managing a team involves handling several different ongoing tasks
simultaneously. Being organized is an important people management skill
that helps you track and maintain your team’s productivity. Signs of effective
organization include
C. M. D. Hamo-ay