4Rs Quiz 15-16
4Rs Quiz 15-16
4Rs Quiz 15-16
4 Rs Quiz
3. When you throw out your garbage it may first go to a transfer station (like you will visit on your field trip).
Materials like garbage that are not recycled are put where?
a.! the ocean
b.! outer space
c.! the landfill
d.! the desert
4. What type of garbage do we make more than any other?
a.! paper
b.! plastic
c.! glass
d.! metal
e.! rubber
5. How much garbage does the average person in the United States make in one day?
a.! 1 pound
b.! 2.5 pounds
c.! 4.5 pounds
d.! 8 pounds
6. Recycling is the only way that we can decrease the amount of waste we make. True False
7. Once we throw away something it disappears after a few years in a landfill. True False
8. Recycling means changing old materials into new products. True False
9. What are some of the common materials that we can recycle?
a.! glass bottles
b.! aluminum and steel cans
c.! paper
d.! plastic bottles
e.! all of the above
10. Raw materials taken from the earth to make human-made objects are called:
a.! natural resources
b.! natural products
c.! electricity
d.! dirt
Pre Field Trip Activity
11. What are the 4Rs that help us make less garbage? Circle the four correct words:
reshape rescue rethink recess recycle return
reuse remember rot reduce revise
12. Composting is a method for recycling ____________into a rich, dark soil amendment called compost.
a.! glass bottles
b.! car and truck tires
c.! food and yard waste
d.! aluminum cans
13. What percentage of our garbage in Alameda County can be composted?
a.! 24%
b.! 5%
c.! 54%
14. Recycling newspaper can save which natural resource?
a.! rocks
b.! trees
c.! air
d.! coal
15. Plastic is made from which natural resource?
a.! trees
b.! metals
c.! oil
d.! sand
16 The energy saved in recycling one aluminum can will light a 100 Watt light bulb for how long?
a.! 30 minutes
b.! 1 hour
c.! 2 hours
d.! 4 hours
17. How many trees are saved when one ton of paper is recycled?
a.! 1 tree
b.! 7 trees
c.! 17 trees
d.! 100 trees
18. In a landfill, how long does it take for an aluminum can to break down?
a.! 10-30 years
b.! 75-100 years
c.! 200-500 years
d.! 1000-1500 years
19. Today in Alameda County, how much of our municipal solid waste is not buried in the landfill?
a.! 5 %
b.! 15 %
c.! over 50 %
d.! it is all taken to the landfill