Poa T - 5
Poa T - 5
Poa T - 5
Tutorial 5: Accounting concepts and conventions painting. The difference was recorded in the Statement of Profit
or loss as an extraordinary gain.
Part A: d) A motorcycle shop reports all its assets at current market value
instead of its original cost less accumulated depreciation.
1. For each of the following statements, state the accounting concept that e) Extreme Trading changes its stock valuation method every year.
is most closely related to it: Management would choose the method that will report the kind
a) Once a particular financial period is adopted by a business, it is not of net profit that it wants to portray to its shareholders.
changed from one period to the next. f) Arts Deco, records revenue on receiving a customer’s purchase
b) The financial statements of a business report the economic activities order instead of when it delivers the goods to the customer.
of the business only and do not include the economic activities of g) F&M has been sued by a local authority for polluting the river
the owners of the business. behind its premises. There is a 60% chance that the company
c) Generally a business is assumed to have an indefinite life, unless will have to pay out a very heavy fine which will drastically
there is evidence to indicate otherwise. reduce its net profit. This was not mentioned in its recent
d) The cost of a calculator in an office is treated as a period expense financial statements.
rather than depreciating its cost over its useful life.
e) The record of credit sales is done by referring to sales invoices Part B: (Questions for students own practice)
issued to customers.
f) An accountant generally recognises losses when there is evidence to Question 1
indicate a high probability of the losses occurring, but gains are not
recognised until they are actually realised. Kathy argues that since her business deals mostly with cash, it is not
g) Business premises is shown on the statement of financial position as necessary to record the utilities incurred for the month of December
RM100,000, its original cost 15 years ago, although its current although the utilities bills have been received but not yet paid. She plans
value is RM1.5 million. to pay them in January next year and feels that these expenses should be
h) Expenses are recognised in the same accounting period as the recorded only in January next year. What would you advise her?
revenues which result from the incurrence of these expenses.
Question 3