MODULE 1 - The Meaning and Importance of Literature

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MODULE 1 – The Meaning and Importance of Literature

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student shall be able to:
1. Define Literature
2. Understand the importance of Literature
3. Explain the significance of literary works
4. Identify the process of aesthetic evaluation of written works of art.


In the course of the study, we will define literature as a term which refers to the sum total of
man’s imagination and experiences in life transferred from one generation to another. At this
onset, we can assume that “Literature is a byproduct of life.”

Introduction to Literature:

Literature has been widely known by many people and experts. It has been defined differently
by various writers. Some of them include:
“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary
competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts
that our lives have already become.” – C.S. Lewis
“Literature raises life to a new level of meaning and understanding, and in the
process restores sanity and justice in an insane and unjust world.” – Cirilo F. Bautista
Literature is a work of fiction that is the result of creation by a spontaneous surge of
emotion that is capable of both the aspects of language as well as aspects of meaning.” E.E.
Cummings, Mujarovsky and Sjklovski
It is a known fact that literature deals with emotions, thoughts and ideas of man. It
provides different meanings to different lessons at different stages of their life. Thus, regardless
of what you learn from a book, literature provides connection to the reader and to the world.

Definition of Literature:
The word literature is derived from the Latin term literatura which means
“writing formed with letters”. The term is further derived from litera which means
“letter” in English.
Others may interpret that literature can be any printed material written within a
book or pamphlet. For some it could be a result of one’s imagination and expression.
But, according to Merriam Webster, Literature are writings in prose or verse,
the body of written works produced in a particular language, country or age. Written
works considered as having high quality and ideas of lasting and widespread interest.
For Britannica Encyclopedia, Literature is a body of written works. The name
applied to any imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions
of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution.
Furthermore, literature can be classified according to a variety of systems, like
language, national origin, historical period, genre and subject matter.

Importance of Literature
One can enumerate reasons why we need to study literature.
Here are but a few:
1. Literature helps us grow both personally and intellectually.
2. Literature links us with the rest of the world of which we are apart.
3. Literature enables us to transcend our immediate time, place, and culture and to
make connections with other human beings and their concerns.
4. Literature encourages us to develop mature empathy with all forms of life:
human, animal, plant.
5. Literature sharpens our sense of moral judgment.
6. Literature stimulates our imagination and ingenuity.
7. Literature shows the significance of irony, paradox, oxymoron and ambivalence
of life.
8. Literature allows us to see the world in different vantage points.
9. Literature relives history.
10. Literature reminds us that we are human beings.

In addition, with the above-mentioned significance of studying literature, I would

like to emphasize several advantages of studying literature. First, studying literature
helps us to refine our own writing skills and expand our vocabularies. Second,
Literature is a form of time travel that helps put today in context. Reading about how
people lived in the past can really make you appreciate what humanity is able to
accomplish and experienced. Lastly, literature enhances our capacity to empathize.
Experts would talk about the intellectual values of literature but also its emotional and
aesthetic appeal.

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