International Law Past Paper Analysis - 1
International Law Past Paper Analysis - 1
International Law Past Paper Analysis - 1
A common critique about International Law by the economically weaker states is that it is a product
of the practises of the economically developed states, hence protecting the rights of only those
How do you think the developing states may play a more vibrant role in the development of
International Law for the protection of their own interests?
Q3: article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States
Q4: contemporary conflicts, the role of the non-State armed groups has increased as a physical force
as well as a political negotiator.
International Law of Armed conflicts equipped enough to deal with the threats posed by the non-
State armed groups to the states
Discuss with reference to the right of self defence against these non-State armed groups
Q5: role of the states in the enforcement of Public International Law in general.
states be entitled to protect their interests directly or should it influence and strengthen the relevant
international organs and treaty bodies for this purpose?
is the Jurisdiction of the ICJ established? Do you believe that the ICJ
should have a more stringent “compulsory jurisdiction” rather than the procedure
Q7: structure of the United Nations. Do you believe that the United Nations have the capacity to
fulfil the goals of promoting a more united, peaceful and free world?
Q3: The way in which a State approaches international law will depend on whether it adheres to the
monistic or dualistic school of thought.’
Q4: Extradition has been defined in International Law? What is meant by nonextradition of ‘political
offenders’? What are the conditions necessary for extradition?
Q6 : current international law concerning immunity suggest that heads of state and former heads of
state responsible for serious human rights violation
Q7: appraise the position of international law relating to self-determination and secession in the
light of the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion concerning the status of Kosovo
‘Incorporation and Transformation are two modalities for adopting international law into the
municipal legal system
Q4: ‘A state may exercise its Territorial Jurisdiction once a crime is committed on its territory – law of
sea international
Q5: general principle governing imputability of conduct of insurrectional groups to a state? To what
extent can the unlawful acts of a rebel movement that is successful in controlling parts of a state be
imputed to the state?
Q6: ‘A state that first physically occupies a territory retains sovereignty over it forever’. To what
extent is this statement true of the acquisition of territory in International Law?
Q7: International Criminal Law? Describe the composition, basis and jurisdiction of the International
Criminal Court (ICC), especially with reference to non-State parties. List all the conditions for the
exercise of jurisdiction by the ICC?