EntrepPrelim Long Quiz
EntrepPrelim Long Quiz
EntrepPrelim Long Quiz
Entrepreneurial Mgt. 9. It is regarded as a tool of
PART I. Multiple Choice industrialization and a solution to
unemployment problem.
1. It is the practice of taking a. Entrepreneurial Development
entrepreneurial knowledge and utilizing b. Entrepreneurial mind
it for increasing the effectiveness of new c. Entrepreneurial management
business venturing as well as small- and d. Entrepreneurial business
medium-sized businesses. 10. Which one is NOT a disadvantage of
a. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship?
b. Entrepreneurial mind a) Risky
c. Entrepreneurial management b) Uncertain Income
d. Entrepreneurial business c) You are the boss
2. It is a personality factor which means d) Long work hours
“doing things even before being told”
a. proactive 11. It is stated that all businesses share the
b. perseverance same purpose
c. persuasion
a. to earn profit
d. Initiative
b. to be known
c. to be unemployed
3. Which of the choices is NOT part of the
d. to be popular
environmental factors?
a. Political
12. The enterprise is created by an ______.
b. Weather condition
c. climate a. Sales man
d. family background of the manager b. Entrepreneur
c. Manager
4. Which is NOT a career for an d. Supervisor
entrepreneur? 13. Entrepreneur means:
a. Business consultant a. Risk taker
b. Sales b. To undertake
c. Research and Development c. To research
d. Domestic Helper d. To improve standard of living.
5. Which of the statements below is true? 14. A type of entrepreneurs which they are
a. Entrepreneur has limited career those who initiate changes in the
opportunities various fields such as education, health,
b. Entrepreneurs are prone to constant human rights, environment development
low income and enterprise.
c. Entrepreneurs are contributor to the a. Innovative entrepreneur
development of the society b. Imitating entrepreneurs
d. Entrepreneurs are the reasons for
c. Fabian entrepreneurs
unemployment problem
d. Social entrepreneurs
6. Which of the statement is NOT true? 15. A type of entrepreneurs which they are
a. An entrepreneur will patiently wait for those who always make new things by
his efforts to bear fruit. thinking of new ideas.
b. The profit of the entrepreneur is a. Innovative entrepreneur
immediate. b. Imitating entrepreneurs
c. All entrepreneurs are successful c. Fabian entrepreneurs
d. Entrepreneurs are researchers d. Social entrepreneurs
16. An external environment which factors
7. Which of the following is NOT true? that create opportunity and threats to
a. Entrepreneurship create business unit.
organizations a. Internal environment
b. Improves the life of the entrepreneur
b. External environment
c. Micro environment
c. Entrepreneurs improves the
economy d. Macro environment
d. None of the choices 17. A type of entrepreneurs which they are
those skeptical. They don’t initiate but
8. People who own, operate, and take risk follow only after they are satisfied.
of a business venture a. Innovative entrepreneur
a. Aptitude b. Imitating entrepreneurs
b. Employee c. Fabian entrepreneurs
c. Entrepreneurs d. Social entrepreneurs
18. An external environment which includes 26. An external environment which is close
all those factors which indirectly to the business and affects its capacity
influence the business. to work .
a. Internal environment a. Internal environment
b. External environment b. External environment
c. Micro environment c. Micro environment
d. Macro environment d. Macro environment
19. A type of entrepreneurs which they are 27. A macro environment which comprises
those who don’t create new things but of all those economic factors that
only follow the ideas of other indirectly affect the business as the
entrepreneurs. business has to keep in mind its
a. Innovative entrepreneur economic constraints and system
b. Imitating entrepreneurs a. Internal environment
c. Fabian entrepreneurs b. External environment
d. Social entrepreneurs c. economic environment
20. It is an educational process and an d. non-economic environment
endeavor in human resource 28. An example of thus kind of business
development. environment are: suppliers, customers,
a. Entrepreneurial Development intermediaries or competitors.
b. Entrepreneurial mind a. Internal environment
c. Entrepreneurial management b. External environment
d. Entrepreneurial business c. Micro environment
21. A type of business environment which d. Macro environment
factors are beyond the control of the 29. It is non-economic environment that
business. affects different business units
a. Internal environment extensively. Example are: Political Belief
b. External environment of Government, Political Strength of the
c. Micro environment Country, Relation with other countries,
d. Macro environment Defense and Military Policies, Centre
22. The following are the Demographic State Relationship in the Country and
Environment except: Thinking Opposition Parties towards
a. Population of a country Business Unit.
b. Religious beliefs a. International Environment
c. Birth/Death rate b. Technological Environment
d. Standard of living c. Political Environment
d. Socio-Cultural Environment
23. It is the sum total of all individuals,
institutions and other forces that are 30. It is the most dynamic environment of
outside the control of a business the business since it keeps changing
enterprise but that may affect its rapidly.
performance. a. International Environment
a. Entrepreneurial Development b. Technological Environment
b. Entrepreneurial mind c. Political Environment
d. Socio-Cultural Environment
c. Entrepreneurial management
d. business environment
24. This type of non-economic environment
a business needs to be well versed Part II. Enumeration
because this environment decides the
taste and preferences of the people and 31-35. Give at least 5 functions of
would create opportunities of threats for entrepreneurs.
the business.
a. International Environment 1. develop new markets
b. Technological Environment 2. discover new sources of materials
c. Political Environment 3. mobilize capital resources
d. Socio-Cultural Environment 4. introduce new technologies, new
industries and new products
25. A type of business environment which 5. create employment
can be controlled by the company. 6. provides taxes to the economy
a. Internal environment 7. empower individuals
b. External environment 8. enhance national identity and pride
c. Micro environment 9. enhance competitive consciousness
d. Macro environment 10. improves quality of life
11. enhances equitable distribution of
income and wealth
36-40. Give at least 3 examples of micro
environment and 3 examples of macro
Micro environment
1. Customers
2. Suppliers
3. Competitors
4. Public
5. Financers
6. Marketing intermediaries
Macro environment
1. Economic factors
2. Socio-cultural factors
3. Demographic factors
4. Political factors
5. Natural factors
6. Technological factors
7. International/Global factors