A Review of Composite Slab Design
A Review of Composite Slab Design
A Review of Composite Slab Design
Scholars' Mine
H. Roy Evans
Recommended Citation
Wright, Howard D. and Evans, H. Roy, "A Review of Composite Slab Design" (1990). International Specialty
Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures. 6.
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Tenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-formed Steel Structures
St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., October 23-24, 1990
times and a half of the assumed working load. A static load test
to failure was then carried out.
According to the Code each deck type requires at least six and
preferably eight tests for the determination of the coefficients.
Half of these should be carried out on as short a slab span as
possible and the remaining half on as long a span as possib~e.
Consequently, a considerable number of slabs need to be cast and
cured. The constraints of a busy laboratory led to many of the
slabs being cast in the open at a field testing station some way
from the university campus. A mobile purpose made trailer rig was
constructed so that the load tests could also be carried out at
the field station. This rig is shown in figure 2. and further
details can be found in a paper by Wright and Peetham-Baran.
Although the British code recommends that six or eight tests are
sufficient to determine the relevant coefficients several of the
test series involved up to twelve slabs. The additional tests were
commissioned to investigate extra long spans or very deep slabs.
Several of the test series involved just three tests carried out
to confirm the behaviour of a slab at a particular span or in a
particular situation. Consequently, a much fuller picture of
behaviour has been built up over the test period.
This bank of test information has led the authors to several
conclusions with regard to the nehaviour of composite slabs. Some
of these have already been recorded in previous papers. The major
conclusions are, however, itemised below.
1) All of the slabs failed by loss of shear bond between the deck
and concrete with a diagonal tension crack forming at
approximately one quarter of the slab span. This occured in slabs
loaded with two line loads and four line loads although in the
latter case vertical cracks were also noted immediately below the
outer load position.
2) Long thin slabs failed in a ductile manner with considerable
slip occuring between the deck and concrete prior to failure.
Short thick slabs tend to fail in a sudden brittle manner. This
change in ductility between long and short slabs of the same deck
type has been observed in two of the five test series.
3) Concrete strength does not appear to affect the strength of the
slabs. Slabs with measured concrete strengths of only 2322 psi (16
N/mm 2 ) behaved in a similar way and gave similar ultimate loads to
identical specimens with much higher concrete strengths. It is,
however, prudent to assume that there is a lower bound to this
4) The depth of the embossment or shear key is critical to the
strength of the slab. Two series of tests were conducted on slabs
with decks identical apart from embossment depth. It was found
that a reduction in embossment protrusion from .098 in. (2.5mm) to
0.067 in. (l.7mm) caused a 66% reduction in load capacity.
5) Shallow decks have a tendency to separate and curl away from
the concrete slab during testing. This reduces the observed.
strength of the slab in the test but may not be of importance in
In two of the eight groups tests were carried out on only three
slabs and it is realised that representative coefficients cannot
be obtained with so few results. However, in test series two the
deck was nominally identical to that used in series one apart from
the fact that production rather than prototype specimens were
used. In the case of series 5 the deck used was identical to the
series 4 deck although the tests were carried out on specimens
cast with a single temporary prop. The standard deviations
recorded for these decks have been evaluated assuming the deck
coefficients for the combined test series on the same deck type.
Each of the design methods will now be discussed in turn.
a) The mr kr method
The mr kr method can be seen to predict the ultimate load to a
standard deviation of 16.4% in the worst case. This is quite large
and some explanation regarding the scatter of results must be
given. Test series three and six were carried out on specimens
with considerable variation in slab thickness. As mentioned in the
test observations thick slabs tend to fail in a more brittle and
less predictable way. This is thought to be the reason for the
large standard deviations recorded in test series 3 and 6. Deck 7
was a prototype deck that was formed by folding rather than
rolling the steel sheet. In this deck no stiffeners were
incorporated in the flanges and the deck flexed considerably
during testing. For the remaining tests the standard deviation
recorded is less than 5.2.
It can be concluded that the mr kr method will give acceptably
accurate results when only the slab span is varied appreciably. It
is also interesting to note that the inclusion of concrete grade
in the method may affect the results. This is contrary to
observation 3. The equation, upon which the method is based, is
given below.
v = Bd
where V is the shear resistance.
B is the breadth of the slab.
d is the effective depth of the slab.
A is the cross section area of the steel deck.
Lv is the shear span.
fcu is the concrete crushing strength.
mr and kr are test derived coefficients.
It can be seen that increasing the concrete grade will affect the
shear resistance V. If this is done for the short spans but not
the long spans a higher value of mr will result. Consequently a
manufacturer who specifies high strength concrete for short span
tests and weak concrete for long span tests will get a higher mr
coefficient. This is despite the fact that several authors have
shown that concrete strength has no influence on the load capacity
of the slab.
b) The Seliem Shuster method.
The British code does not make specific reference to the steel
sheet thickness and it is has been assumed that the mr kr
coefficients determined from the performance tests are valid for
any thickness. This may not be the case and American and Canadian
codes require decks to be tested separately even though the only
parameter variation may be steel sheet thickness. Consequently a
manufacturer who uses the same roll former for several steel sheet
thicknesses will be required to carry out seperate sets of tests
for each thickness even though the geometry of the deck will
otherwise be identical.
Seliem and Shuster addressed this problem and proposed the design
formula given below.
the outer load point in the four point load system (see figure 7).
Had the whole quarter span length been carrying vertical shear
this crack is unlikely to have occured.
This gives rise to the following relationships between load and
shear bond in each of the two cases.
For a two point load:-
Exact stress ./
block method .,/-<
o·a ~ /~ ~pprox. used
Y In paper
0·4 /
. ....
Unit deflection r-- --- I
C ___ I________ t- __
Unit deflection
r -
I -
- -,
Plastic moment