Metabolic Drug Interactions With Immunosuppressants
Metabolic Drug Interactions With Immunosuppressants
Metabolic Drug Interactions With Immunosuppressants
Provisional chapter
Chapter 20
Katalin Monostory
Katalin Monostory
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Organ transplantation has become a routine clinical practice for patients with end-
stage disease of liver, kidney, heart, or lung. Although improved immunosuppressant
therapy substantially contributes to the success of transplantation, clinicians continue
to face challenges because of wide interindividual variations in blood concentrations
resulting in subtherapeutic or supratherapeutic levels. Many undesired side-effects or
therapeutic failure of immunosuppressants as a consequence are the results of differ-
ences or changes in drug metabolism. Considering genetic and nongenetic factors, such
as co-medication, can refine the immunosuppressant therapy, facilitating personalized
treatments to individual recipients. This review provides an up-to-date summary of
functional polymorphisms of enzymes involved in the metabolism of immunosuppres-
sants with low molecular weight and of the clinical significance of metabolic drug inter-
actions between immunosuppressive agents and other drugs in therapeutic regimens of
transplant recipients.
1. Introduction
Many undesired side-effects or therapeutic failures of drugs are the results of differences
or changes in drug metabolism. A patient’s drug metabolizing capacity, highly influenced
by genetic variations or alterations in the expression and activities of drug-metabolizing
enzymes, can substantially modify the pharmacokinetics of a drug and eventually its efficacy
or toxicity [1]. Even if the routine clinical practice applies blood concentration guided dosing,
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410 Organ Donation and Transplantation - Current Status and Future Challenges
the interindividual variability in drug metabolism calls for personalized medication primarily
for drugs with narrow therapeutic index [2, 3]. The identification of genetic and nongenetic
factors that can potentially affect the pharmacokinetics of a particular drug is a prerequisite
of tailored pharmacotherapy [4, 5].
CYP enzymes are the key players in the metabolism of most drugs; therefore, interindividual
and intraindividual variations in CYP activities are of significant importance in clinical practice.
The pharmacokinetic variability can divide the population into poor, intermediate, extensive,
and ultra-rapid metabolizer phenotypes. The loss-of-function mutations in CYP genes result
in permanent poor metabolism, whereas nongenetic (internal or environmental) factors can
substantially modify the expression and activities of CYP enzymes, evoking transient poor or
extensive/ultra-rapid metabolism [6, 7]. The clinical relevance for many CYP genetic variants,
regarding drug efficacy, adverse drug reactions, or dose requirement, has been clearly evi-
denced [6–9]; however, the heritable genetic polymorphisms are not the only determinant fac-
tors in interindividual differences in drug metabolism. CYP genotype determines the potential
for the expression of functional or nonfunctional enzymes; and nongenetic host factors (age,
sex, and disease states) and environmental factors (nutrition, medication, smoking, and alcohol
consumption) can alter the expression and activities of CYP enzymes [10]. Homozygous wild
genotype, predicted to be translated to functional CYP enzyme, can be transiently switched
into poor or extensive metabolizer phenotype, due to phenoconversion [1, 11]. Consequently,
both the CYP genotype and the current CYP expression or activity should be considered for the
estimation of a patient’s drug-metabolizing capacity.
Beside the genetic polymorphisms, one of the major sources of interindividual or intraindi-
vidual variability in drug metabolism is concomitant medication and co-morbidities, evoking
phenoconversion, notably CYP induction and enzyme inhibition [17]. CYP induction leads to
an increase in the expression and activity of CYP enzymes and contributes to the increased
elimination of drugs metabolized by the particular enzyme. Several pathways involving the
activation of various nuclear receptors (PXR pregnane X receptor, CAR constitutive andro-
stane receptor, and glucocorticoid receptor) have been reported to enhance the transcription
of CYP3A genes and to contribute to the complex regulation of CYP3A enzymes by drugs
such as rifampicin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and synthetic or natural steroids [18–21].
Reduced drug concentration as a consequence of CYP3A induction leads to the lack of the
pharmacological effect and drug failure. Phenoconversion converting genotypic extensive
metabolism into phenotypic poor metabolism of drugs may occur during inflammation (ster-
ile or infection-induced inflammation). Elevated release of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6,
IL-1β, TNF-α) has been associated with downregulation of several drug-metabolizing CYPs,
including CYP3A enzymes. The mechanism of downregulation is the repression of PXR and
CAR that are involved in transcriptional regulation of CYP3A expression [22–26]. As a conse-
quence, transient poor metabolizer phenotype is developed, significantly increasing the risk
of adverse drug reactions and impacting the clinical outcome [1, 27]. Likewise, co-medication
can also give rise to poor metabolism. Several drugs or food components (e.g., bergamot-
tin) are known to inhibit the function of drug-metabolizing CYPs; therefore, the concomitant
treatment with a CYP inhibitor is expected to increase the exposure of those pharmacons
that are metabolized by the particular enzyme. As a consequence of CYP inhibition, the risk
of increased exposure and drug-induced adverse reactions can be anticipated, primarily for
drugs with narrow therapeutic index, such as tacrolimus and ciclosporin.
By recognizing individual differences in drug metabolism, personalized drug therapy
adjusted to the patient’s drug-metabolizing capacity can help to avoid the potential side
effects of drugs. The graft and recipient survival are highly influenced by drug-metabolizing
capacity of the liver, and it is essential to predict potential drug-drug interactions and to tailor
medication at both early and late postoperative periods.
3. Metabolism of immunosuppressants
In recent decades, transplantation (liver, kidney, heart, and lung) has become a routine pro-
cedure for patients with end stage disease. Advances in surgical techniques and postopera-
tive therapy have led to increasing numbers of transplantation and extended survival among
these patients. The final outcome of transplantation and the long-term graft function have
been improved mainly due to the development of potent and specific immunosuppressive
drugs. Immunosuppressants efficiently decrease the risk of rejection, blocking the recipient’s
immune system and protecting the transplanted organ. Because of the narrow therapeutic
indexes and increased risk of adverse drug reactions, it is essential to apply personalized
immunosuppressive therapy adjusted to patient’s drug-metabolizing capacity.
mTOR inhibitors:
Purine analogues:
Inosine monophosphate
dehydrogenase inhibitors:
according to their molecular weights (agents with low or high molecular weights). High-
molecular-weight agents, such as polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (e.g., thymoglobulin,
basiliximab, belatacept), that are not substrates for drug-metabolizing enzymes, are metabolized
in common protein degradation pathways (intracellular catabolism by endosomal-lysosomal
system) [28]; therefore, they are not subjects of metabolic drug interactions and not subjects of
this review. In the metabolism of immunosuppressants with low molecular weight, drug-metab-
olizing CYP enzymes are involved which may entail metabolic drug interactions (Table 1).
For solid organ transplant recipients, the mainstay of the immunosuppressive regimens is
calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) therapy with ciclosporin or tacrolimus which selectively blocks
several signaling processes, resulting in the inhibition of T-cell activation and proliferation
(Figure 1) [29, 30]. These drugs effectively treat allograft rejection; however, they display large
interindividual variability in their pharmacokinetics, requiring monitoring of blood concen-
trations for optimal safety and therapeutic efficacy.
Ciclosporin A is an 11-amino acid cyclopeptide that blocks the production of IL-2 by inhibi-
tion of calcineurin and, as a consequence, the activation of T-cells (Figure 1) [31]. Ciclosporin
undergoes extensive metabolism by CYP3A enzymes, producing more than 30 metabolites.
The major metabolic pathways are N-demethylation to 4-N-demethyl ciclosporin, hydroxyl-
ation at several positions (1-, 6-, 9-monohydroxy and 1,9- or 6,9-dihydroxy-metabolites), and
oxidation to carboxylic acid [32]. Some of the metabolites (e.g., 1,9-dihydroxy-ciclosporin,
Figure 1. Molecular action of calcineurin inhibitors and corticosteriods. AP-1 activator protein 1, CAR constitutive
androstane receptor, CSA ciclosporin, FKBP tarcolimus binding protein, GR glucocoticoid receptor, IL-2 interleukin 2,
JNK c-Jun N-terminal kinase, MAP3K mitogen-activated protein 3 kinase, MPK-1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1,
NFAT nuclear factor of activated T-cells, PXR pregnane X receptor, Tacr tacrolimus.
414 Organ Donation and Transplantation - Current Status and Future Challenges
The mTOR inhibitors prevent cell proliferation by blocking cell cycle progression from the
G1-phase to the S-phase. The immunosuppressive activity is mediated via blocking mTOR
protein kinases, resulting in inhibition of growth factor–mediated T-cell proliferation in
response to IL-2 trigger [42]. Sirolimus is a 31-membered macrolide, whereas everolimus is
a sirolimus derivative having a 2-hydroxyethyl chain substitution at position 40. Although
the chemical structures of sirolimus and everolimus are similar to that of tacrolimus, the
mechanism of action of mTOR inhibitors is distinct from calcineurin inhibitors, which allows
the application of combination regimens. Additionally, the main advantages of mTOR inhibi-
tors are their nonnephrotoxic properties; therefore, mTOR inhibitors in combination with
reduced dose calcineurin inhibitors can augment the calcineurin inhibitor–induced nephro-
toxicity [43–45].
Metabolic Drug Interactions with Immunosuppressants 415
The structural similarities can explain some common metabolic pathways of mTOR inhibitors
and tacrolimus, such as O-dealkylation and hydroxylation at several positions [42]. Sirolimus is
primarily metabolized by CYP3A enzymes and by CYP2C8 at lower extent, producing hydrox-
ylated and O-demethylated metabolites (e.g., 12-hydroxy-, 16-O-demethyl-, 39-O-demethyl-,
27–39-O-didemethyl- and dihydroxy-sirolimus as major metabolites) [46, 47]. The metabolism
of sirolimus leads to inactivation, despite the fact that some metabolites display some phar-
macological activity less than one tenth of the parent drug. Everolimus is also metabolized by
CYP3A and CYP2C8 enzymes; however, the elimination rate of everolimus is more rapid than
sirolimus (with 30 h vs. 62 h elimination half-lives, respectively). Everolimus is O-demethylated
and hydroxylated at several positions (forming both mono- and dihydroxy-metabolites); further-
more, a ring-opened metabolite is also formed from everolimus [46]. Everolimus-induced adverse
effects are associated with the exposure rather to the parent compound than to its metabolites.
One of the oldest agents with immunosuppressive activity introduced for kidney transplant
recipients was the purine analogue 6-mercaptopurine, which acts by inhibiting purine nucle-
otide synthesis and, as a consequence, cell proliferation. The prodrug of 6-mercaptopurine,
azathioprine with more favorable side-effect profile was later introduced to prevent rejection.
Azathioprine is converted to 6-mercaptopurine by nonenzymatic cleavage of the thioether in
enterocytes and hepatocytes or in erythrocytes. The major active metabolites, 6-thioguanine
nucleotides, are formed via 6-thioinosine monophosphate in natural purine synthetic pathways.
Inhibition of cell proliferation is mediated by incorporation of the thiopurine nucleotide ana-
logues into DNA (and RNA), causing DNA damage [48]. 6-Mercaptopurine, independently from
either direct administration or production from azathioprine, undergoes metabolic inactivation
by xanthine oxidase and thiopurine S-methyl transferase and is excreted in the urine, leaving less
parent compound available to form thiopurine nucleotides [49]. Due to genetic polymorphism,
the thiopurine S-methyl transferase activity is highly variable in patients; namely, those subjects
who carry one or two nonfunctional thiopurine S-methyl transferase alleles are unable to toler-
ate normal doses of azathioprine and can experience serious myelosuppression [50]. Therefore,
genotyping assay is recommended before starting azathioprine therapy to identify high-risk
patients, and dosage reduction or alternative therapy is recommended for these patients.
3.5. Corticosteroids
Calcineurin inhibitors are often applied in combination with mTOR inhibitors. Since both
mTOR inhibitors and calcineurin inhibitors are substrates of CYP3A enzymes and can inhibit
CYP3A activities, reduction of calcineurin inhibitor doses is recommended. Standard doses of
ciclosporin were observed to decrease the clearance of sirolimus or everolimus more substan-
tially than the doses of tacrolimus [45]. The major drawback of calcineurin inhibitor therapy is
the risk of nephrotoxicity which appears to be dose dependent. The combination of low calci-
neurin inhibitor doses with mTOR inhibitors was found to be beneficial regarding retaining low
rejection rates and lowering the risk of nephrotoxicity [44, 63]. To avoided renal dysfunction,
the complete substitution of calcineurin inhibitors for mTOR inhibitors was attempted; how-
ever, the substitution showed an increase in graft failure in patients treated with merely mTOR
inhibitors [64].
Corticosteroids have been demonstrated to induce the expression of the efflux pump trans-
porter ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein) playing a main role in intestinal drug absorption and of CYP3A
enzymes responsible for the metabolism of the majority of drugs [18, 65]. Therefore, the con-
comitant treatment of calcineurin inhibitors or mTOR inhibitors with corticosteroids can be
expected to decrease the blood concentrations of tacrolimus/ciclosporin or of sirolimus/evero-
limus. Although the evidence for clinically significant interactions between corticosteroids and
ciclosporin or mTOR inhibitors is limited, clear clinical effect of corticosteroids on tacrolimus
exposure has been demonstrated [66, 67]. This also implies that dose reduction or cessation
of corticosteroids leads to an increase in blood concentrations of tacrolimus, requiring dose
418 Organ Donation and Transplantation - Current Status and Future Challenges
Antiviral agents:
Lipid-lowering agents:
Antihypertensive agents:
Antidiabetic agents:
Antiviral agents:
Antihypertensive agents:
Antidiabetic agents:
Prednisolone Antifungals:
Antiviral agents:
adjustment [68]. Interestingly, CYP3A5 nonexpressers with CYP3A5*3/*3 genotype are more
susceptible to glucocorticoid induction than CYP3A5*1 carriers [69]; thus, more pronounced
increase in tacrolimus exposure can be expected in CYP3A5 nonexpressers after glucocorticoid
Clinically significant interaction between mycophenolic acid, the active metabolite of myco-
phenolate mofetil, and ciclosporin has been reported [70]. The mycophenolate-glucuronide
metabolite eliminated into bile undergoes enterohepatic cycling because of intestinal bacterial
metabolism and reabsorption of mycophenolic acid. The enterohepatic circulation, contrib-
uting to overall pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid by 37% in human, is inhibited by
concomitant administration of ciclosporin but does not interfere with tacrolimus or sirolimus
[71, 72]. In ciclosporin-mycophenolate combination therapy, the reduced blood concentration
of mycophenolic acid is necessary to ameliorate by increasing dose of mycophenolate mofetil.
Furthermore, special attention on optimal dosing is required during switching ciclosporin-
mycophenolate to tacrolimus-mycophenolate therapy and vice versa.
primarily in the early postoperative period. Since fungal infections are a threatening cause
of morbidity and mortality, the antifungal prophylaxis is an important element of posttrans-
plant medication. The antifungal azole-derivatives are potent (some of them are very strong)
CYP3A inhibitors, predicting potential metabolic drug interactions with calcineurin inhibi-
tors, mTOR inhibitors, or corticosteroids. The most potent CYP3A inhibitor is ketoconazole,
able to increase blood concentrations (AUC) of ciclosporin (> 4-fold), tacrolimus (> 2-fold),
sirolimus (11-fold), everolimus (15-fold), and methylprednisolone (> 2-fold) [73, 74]. Because
of the substantial increase in blood concentrations of several immunosuppressants that can
be avoided by drastic reduction of immunosuppressant doses and because of other adverse
effects of ketoconazole, the concomitant medication is discouraged. Fluconazole, itraconazole,
and voriconazole are alternative regimens for antifungal therapy or prophylaxis; however, all
three drugs are azole derivatives and have the capability to inhibit CYP3A function, albeit
at a lower extent than ketoconazole [75–77]. Although the continuous immunosuppressant
monitoring is highly recommended and dose adjustment (reduction) is generally required,
the antifungal treatment with fluconazole, itraconazole, or voriconazole can be safely applied
except for voriconazole-sirolimus combination [78]. Because of an extreme (7-fold) increase
of sirolimus blood concentrations as a consequence of concomitant use of voriconazole, this
combination is contraindicated. Amphotericin B, the nonazole type antifungal agent, does
not influence CYP activities; therefore, no metabolic drug interactions can be expected in con-
comitant treatment with immunosuppressants. However, the widespread use of amphoteri-
cin B is limited because of its toxicity profile, primarily because its nephrotoxic side-effect can
contribute to the renal injury by ciclosporin or tacrolimus.
Organ transplant patients are at high risk for developing bacterial infections that occur in
20–40% of transplants. Potential sources of infection are from hospital and community expo-
sures, as well as from endogenous flora of patients. Among the antibiotics used for treatment
of infections, the macrolide erythromycin and clarithromycin have been reported to interact
with immunosuppressive agents. These macrolides are CYP3A substrates and bind to CYP3A4
enzymes, leading to a complex formation that completely inactivates CYP3A4 enzyme [79–82].
The in vitro findings were confirmed by clinical observations that blood concentrations of ciclo-
sporin/tacrolimus or sirolimus/everolimus increased as a consequences of concomitant treat-
ment with erythromycin or clarithromycin [73, 83–86]. Page et al. [87] and Mori et al. [88] have
reported some potential of azithromycin for drug interaction with ciclosporin and tacrolimus;
however, in vitro experiments demonstrated that azithromycin poorly interfere with CYP3A4
[89]. When concomitant therapy with these macrolides is necessary, blood concentrations of
calcineurin inhibitors or mTOR inhibitors should be carefully monitored, and the immunosup-
pressant doses should be adjusted. In contrast, the macrolide rifampicin is a potent CYP3A4
inducer and can activate PXR, resulting in a substantial increase in CYP3A4 expression [90].
The increased CYP3A4 activity consequently enhances the metabolism and elimination of cal-
cineurin inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and corticosteroids [91–93]. However, blood concentra-
tion–guided dose-adjustment of immunosuppressants should be applied carefully because
increased metabolism can evoke elevation of toxic metabolite formation (e.g., ciclosporin).
A significant cause of graft failure still remains viral infections, which are acquired as new
infection or reactivation of latent viruses. After transplantation, cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the
422 Organ Donation and Transplantation - Current Status and Future Challenges
most common viral infection in recipients, primarily in those CMV-seronegative patients who
were transplanted with graft from CMV-seropositive donors, resulting in viral reactivation.
For prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infection, aciclovir, ganciclovir, and valganciclovir
(the prodrug of ganciclovir) are generally applied. None of these antiviral drugs influences
the function of drug-metabolizing CYPs or UDP-glucuronyl transferases, and consequently,
they do not modify the pharmacokinetic properties of immunosuppressants. Aciclovir and
ganciclovir are eliminated primarily in the urine as unchanged compounds. Increased risk
of nephrotoxicity and leukopenia has been reported in patients who were co-medicated with
a drug that can reduce renal clearance of aciclovir or ganciclovir. During co-administration
with mycophenolate or mycophenolate-mofetil, mycophenolate-glucuronide and aciclovir or
ganciclovir can significantly compete for renal tubular secretion, resulting in an increase in
aciclovir/ganciclovir and mycophenolate-glucuronide exposure, as well as the risk of neph-
rotoxicity or leukopenia [94–96]. Management of potent metabolic drug interactions between
antiviral protease inhibitors and immunosuppressants is a major challenge because most of
the protease inhibitors are clinically significant CYP3A4 inhibitors. Ritonavir-boosted thera-
pies require substantial reduction of immunosuppressant doses (to 5–20% for ciclosporin; to
1–3.5% for tacrolimus) with continuous monitoring of blood concentrations [97–101].
mTOR inhibitors and corticosteroids, increasing the risk of rejection [133]. Immunosuppressant
dose adjustment is required to avoid subtherapeutic blood concentrations, and careful moni-
toring of immunosuppressant blood concentrations is recommended during withdrawal of
troglitazone or rosiglitazone and during switching to other antihyperglycemic agent.
The most common psychiatric disorders encountered in transplant patients are anxiety,
depression, mood disorders, behavior problems, and insomnia that are reversible in most
cases; however, they often require psychotherapy with antidepressants, mood stabilizers,
anxiolytic agents, or even with antipsychotics. Many of these pharmacons are metabolized
by enzymes other than CYP3A4 and do not influence the drug-metabolizing activities of
CYP3A4; consequently, metabolic drug interactions with immunosuppressants cannot be
expected. Nevertheless, the CYP3A4 inducing or inhibitory properties of some of these psy-
chopharmacons should be considered. The mood stabilizer carbamazepine and valproic acid
have been clearly evidenced to be able to activate CAR and PXR. The nuclear receptor acti-
vation leads to an increase in transcription of CYP3A4 gene and CYP3A4 metabolic activity
[134, 135], anticipating decrease of immunosuppressant blood concentrations [136]. To reduce
the risk of organ rejection, adjustment (increase) of immunosuppressant doses is required
with continuous monitoring of immunosuppressant blood levels. Furthermore, the CYP3A4
deinduction process can last for about 2 weeks after cessation of carbamazepine or valproic
acid [137]; thus, careful monitoring of immunosuppressant blood concentrations during with-
drawal is essential. The comedication with the antidepressant fluvoxamine is contraindicated
because of its strong inhibitory properties for CYP3A4 substrates and potential drug interac-
tions with ciclosporin/tacrolimus or with sirolimus/everolimus [80, 138, 139]. For psychother-
apeutic agents that are CYP3A substrates (haloperidol, quetiapine, clonazepam, midazolam,
alprazolam), continuous monitoring of immunosuppressant blood levels is highly recom-
mended to avoid metabolic drug interactions.
Pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions can also significantly influence the outcome of immu-
nosuppressive therapy and long-term graft survival [145]. St John’s wort (Hypericum perfora-
tum) extract and grapefruit juice are well described as modifiers of pharmacokinetic properties
of ciclosporin and tacrolimus [146–148]. St John’s wort extract is a herbal product for treatment
of symptoms of mild or moderate depression, including anxiety, fatigue, and sleeping prob-
lems. The extract contains a number of biologically active components, e.g., hyperforin of high
interest. Hyperforin has a strong affinity for PXR and significantly increases the expression
and activities of CYP3A4 enzyme, which is involved in metabolism of many drugs [149, 150].
Consequently, chronic consumption of St John’s wort extract can decrease the blood concentra-
tions of CYP3A substrates, such as calcineurin inhibitors, mTOR inhibitors, and corticosteroids
[151–154]. In addition, St John’s wort extract has been reported to induce the expression of
ABCB1 transporter that reduces the absorption of ABCB1-ligand drugs from the gut. The hyper-
forin contents of commercially available St John’s wort preparations are variables that appear
to significantly affect the extent of pharmacokinetic interactions [150, 155]. Coadministration of
ciclosporin with St John’s wort extract has been reported to lead a 40–60% decrease of ciclospo-
rin blood concentrations, increasing the risk of rejection; therefore, substantial dose adjustment
is required [151, 152, 155–159]. Since clinicians are often unaware of concomitant consump-
tion of herbal supplements, transplant patients should be informed about the drug interaction
potential of St John’s wort that can endanger the success of organ transplantation.
Concomitant intake of grapefruit (Citrus paradisii) or pomelo (Citrus grandis) has been dem-
onstrated to increase the bioavailability of immunosuppressants [147, 160, 161]. Some com-
ponents of these citrus fruits, bergamottin and naringenin responsible for the bitter taste,
can inhibit the activities of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 enzymes both in the intestinal wall and
in the liver, resulting in significant reduction of first-pass metabolism of CYP3A substrates,
including ciclosporin and tacrolimus [162–164]. Significant reduction of ciclosporin/tacroli-
mus doses is necessary to avoid the risk of nephrotoxicity or other adverse events associated
with immunosuppressive therapy. The furanocoumarin bergamottin is a “suicide substrate,”
namely it is metabolized by CYP3A4 to an epoxid metabolite that covalently binds to and
inactivates the enzyme [165]. The flavonoid naringenin was found to be a less-potent CYP3A4
inhibitor than bergamottin [166]; however, during consumption of grapefruit, the inhibitory
effects of naringenin and bergamottin are added together. Since clear evidence of bergamottin
content and CYP3A4 inhibitory potential of citruses other than grapefruit and pomelo was
provided [167], the transplantation centers do not recommend citrus consumption for trans-
plant patients during immunosuppressive therapy.
5. Concluding remarks
This work was supported by MedInProt Synergy VIII program of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences and by the Society of Hungarian Toxicologists.
Conflict of interest
Author details
Katalin Monostory
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