Text 12 A Tasks

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12 A Tasks

Task 1. Match the meaning of the following English words and their Ukrainian

1. Hypertext Markup Language a. протокол передачі файлів;

(HTML) b. браузер, програма перегляду сайтів (Web);
2. Uniform Resource Locator c. “подорож” по сайтах (серфінг);
(URL) d. Web-вузол (сайт-розм.) сторінка, що
3. Web-Hypertext Transfer Protocol відображається в браузері;
(HTTP) e. уніфікованa адреса інформаційного ресурсу;
4. hypertext link f. мова гіпертекстової розмітки;
5. “surfing” (the Internet) g. сервер електронної пошти;
6. browser h. “тег” - елемент коду розмітки документа;
7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) i. протокол передачі гіпертексту;
8. E-mail server j. гіпертекстове посилання;
9. Web site
10. HTML tags
Task 2. Choose the ending for each sentence from the two versions given.

1. One way to store data for a web page is

a) a file called an HTML document.
b) a unique address called a URL.

2. Some of these tags specify how the document is

a) to be displayed when viewed in a browser.
b) to be identified by a unique address.

3. Business sites may include

a) price list, information about products and comparisons of product features with those
of competing products.
b) related document, graphics, sound and video files.

4. HTTP is
a) a protocol that works with TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.
b) a set of specifications for creating HTML documents that a browser can display as a
Web page.

5. Your browser creates a request for the data by

a) using the HTTP “GET” command.
b) using Web pages.

6. The Get method can be used to

a) pass a search query to a file server.
b) listen for HTTP requests.
Task 3. Complete the sentences using one of the given endings.

1. The WWW began as a) Web page data in other types of files, such as
2. HTTP is a protocol that works databases.
with b) on your computer and helps you access Web
3. HTML is called a markup pages.
language because c) a document stored in a file and identified by a
4. A typical Web page is based on unique address called URL.
5. A browser is a software program d) authors mark up their documents by inserting
that runs special instructions, called HTML tags.
6. As an alternative to HTML e) TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.
documents, Web server can store f) a project by high-energy physics researches in

Task 4. Transform the given sentences using the word in brackets without any change
in the meaning.

1) When you type a … into the browser’s address box, you are requesting HTML
data from a specific Web page.
a) HTML b) URL c) HTTP d) TCP
2) A … is a software program that runs on your computer and helps you access Web
a) Web server b) e-mail server c) FTP server d) browser
3) Your browser creates a … for the data by using the HTTP “GET” command.
a) response b) request c) message d) instruction
4) Technically, a browser is the client half of the client/server software that facilitates
communication between a personal computer and a… .
a) Web server b) e-mail server c) FTP server d) web site
5) HTML is a set of specifications for creating … that a browser can display as a
Web page.
a) HTML documents b) graphics c) sound d) video files

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