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Innovation and Creativity


Branch: SY B.Tech Instrumentation and Control

Rahul Gandhi (112109008)
Medha Badugu (112109003)
Suyog Gokhale (112109009)
Sudhanshu Vaishampayan (112109038)
Mohit Indurkar (112109011)
Nishant Sahasrabuddhe (112109030)
Hrutuja Patare (112109026)



1)We will be building an APP 1)Pre Orders are recorded and prepared 1)Students
through which we can order the based on delivery times.
food. (Orders from a single department may be 2)Faculty
delivered together to reduce unnecessary
2)Display screen to show order trips) 3)Staff members
number. (It will show the order
number of the food which is 2)Once you order, you get real time 4)Software engineer
prepared and which is being updates.
prepared.) 5)UX/UI developer
3)There are multiple cooking stations to
reduce preparation, wait times.
Features of the APP:
a) The app will have feature for 4)The entire model is self-service based.
remotely ordering and also pre
ordering e.g., Students can place 5)Meals ordered in the canteen also get a
their order in the morning and get counter number from which order is to be
their order delivered during lunch collected. (Queue status is also shown)
hours. (**Different chefs for different cuisines
cause multiple pickup points, hence the
b) Through APP, the order number counter numbers)
will be generated so there will be no
token system. 6)If an order is not collected immediately,
alert messages and calls are triggered.
c) Pre Order your food and receive it
at the end of your lectures. reduces 7) If the order is still not collected after
hassle for everyone. (Remote alert calls, the order shifts to a separate
ordering reduces the crowd at the arbitrary counter from where customers
physical counter, creating a better, can pick them up without interfering with
seamless experience for everyone.) the current order.

Faculty Students Visitors Workers Technician/


Sitting Different Tables for Space in Cleaning the

arrangement space/tables for student only common area tables and
faculty where there serving food.
(Dine in) are students

App 1) Can order food 1)Order number Chefs will have 1) Designing the
online 2)Order status clear idea about app
2) Update about no of order and 2) Fixing bugs
space for sitting quantity of food

Delivery This service is Not for visitors 1) A person for

through call only available for receiving the
faculties and order
2) A delivery

Delivery Can order food 1) Order the Delivery is A delivery man

through app through faculty readily available available in for delivering the
only Section in snacks/food college only. food.
app. 2) Time for

Order on A counter for on Mostly, students Mainly visitors A person for

spot spot orders a will be using app will use it. taking on spot
common counter for ordering. orders.
for all

Students usually get late for their class Delayed service time is a big issue at the
due to delayed services at the Meta meta canteen and it takes a lot of time
Canteen. for these many orders to be prepared.
He/she can pre-order the food and Allotment of different chefs for different
collect it when it is prepared as we get cuisines as well as different collection
real time updates on the app. counters will definitely change this

Moreover, there is rush at the canteen Since students have a very hectic
during breaks and students get late for schedule, they often avoid going to other
their lectures. campus just for having food.
We have introduced multiple cooking This app will help them get their food
stations which would help in faster delivered, wherever they wish.
Students are busy doing their assignments At times, there are no tables vacant for
most of the times and do not have the time having the food.
for lunch. The solution includes making possible
They can order food through the app and infrastructure changes at the canteen
get it delivered to their in-campus location. which includes increasing seating

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