11 Fermented Plant Juice
11 Fermented Plant Juice
11 Fermented Plant Juice
(Agri 107)
FPJ is used in solutions for seed and soil treatments and plant nutrition. It consists of the
young shoots of vigorously growing plants that are allowed to ferment for approximately 7
days with the aid of brown sugar.
The most important requirement when selecting plants for making FPJ is to use the growing
tips of plant species that are fast growers. Flowers, flower buds, and immature fruits can
also be used.
The plants should be vigorously growing at the time of collection. Plant parts should be
harvested while the plants are in respiration mode (before sunrise) and not in
photosynthetic mode (during daylight).
Avoid collecting plant parts during or after rainfall (ideally, wait two sunny days after rain
stops) and do not rinse collected plant parts, to conserve their surface microbial populations
(lactic acid-producing bacteria and yeasts), which will carry out the fermentation process.
Low levels of these microbes will result in improper fermentation and/or low yields of plant
CSU-CAA Supplemental Lecture Notes | Agri 107, Rev. 0, 06-01-20
2. Cut and weigh the plant material
Do not rinse collected plant parts, so as to conserve surface microorganisms. Record the
weight of the plant material. Cut the shoot tips into 2- to 3-inch pieces (Fig. 2). Weigh plant
parts before or after cutting, whichever is easier.
Fig. 2. Cut plant material into 2- to 3-inch lengths Fig. 3. Add equal weight of brown sugar to cut plant
Weigh out an amount of brown sugar equal to the weight of the plant material, and toss
together in a bowl or large pan. Coat as much of the surface area of the plant material with
sugar as possible to expedite the osmotic process and draw out the plant juices (Fig. 3).
Select a clear glass or food-grade polyethylene (PE) plastic container (no lid necessary). Do
not use metal, which will react with the solution. Pack the container tightly with the plant-
material-and-brown sugar mixture until full (Fig. 4). Cover the mouth of the container with a
breathable material, such as muslin, heavy cheesecloth, or a towel, to allow air exchange.
Secure the cover (with string, rubber bands, etc.) to keep pests and other contaminants out
(Fig. 5). Paper towels can be used but should be replaced if they become wet or torn. Store
the covered container in a well-ventilated area away from artificial or natural light and
extreme heat or cold. Do not refrigerate.
CSU-CAA Supplemental Lecture Notes | Agri 107, Rev. 0, 06-01-20
Fig. 4. Pack the plant material and brown sugar in a Fig. 5. Secure a breathable cover over the mouth of the
container until full container and store in a cool place
5. Check the container after 24 hours and adjust the volume if necessary
In order for the fermentation process to occur properly, the volume of the plant-material-
and-brown-sugar mixture should settle to 2 /3 of the container after 24 hours. If the
container is too full, the microbes will not have enough air to properly ferment. Remove
some of the plant material until the container is no more than 2 /3 full. If the container is
less than 2 /3 full, add more of the mixture to prevent mold growth. Not all plants will settle
in the same way, so it is important to check and adjust the volume after the first 24 hours.
After fermentation is complete (3 to 7 days), separate the plant material from the liquid
using a colander or strainer. The spent plant material can be used as animal feed, or added
to mixed compost. The liquid is Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), which can be used immediately
or stored in a loosely covered container.
CSU-CAA Supplemental Lecture Notes | Agri 107, Rev. 0, 06-01-20
8. Store the FPJ properly.
Transfer the FPJ into a glass or food-grade polyethylene (PE) plastic container. The
microorganisms in the solution are alive and continue to produce gases. The lid must be
kept loose .
For long-term storage, add an equal amount of brown sugar by weight to FPJ to prevent it
from souring.
FPJ is diluted with water and applied as a soil drench or a foliar application directly onto
plants. Traditionally, the plant material used in the fermentation process produces FPJ for
specific phases of plant growth. Generally, use FPJ made from plant material at the same
growth phase (vegetative or reproductive) as the plants that are to be treated.
• FPJ made from dropwort, mugwort, or bamboo shoots is applied from germination until
early stages of plant growth.
• FPJ made from arrowroot or bamboo shoots is applied on vegetative growth (leafy) crops
that need nitrogen (N).
• FPJ made from green (unripe) fruit is applied to plants that are just beginning to develop
flower shoots and need phosphorus (P).
• Once plants reach the reproductive phase (flowering and fruiting), they require a lot of
calcium (Ca). FPJ made from calcium-rich plants or FPJ that has been stored for over a year
is applied at this stage.
It is best to use a mixture of old and newly made FPJ in your solutions. FPJ is generally used
at a concentration of 1 part per 500 parts water (1:500). A more dilute solution is necessary
(1:800 to 1:1,000) to avoid damaging plants (leaf burn) under the following circumstances:
• more than three ingredients (a “cocktail” of different inputs applied at once) are being
combined, or
• FPJ that has been stored longer than a year and thus has become more concentrated is
being used.
Apply FPJ once per week in the late afternoon, ideally an hour before sunset.
CSU-CAA Supplemental Lecture Notes | Agri 107, Rev. 0, 06-01-20
The solution can be watered onto plants or into the soil, or it can be applied as a foliar spray.
The nutrient solution is applied once per week and is adjusted as the plant passes through
its life-cycle stages and vegetative and reproductive phases.
CSU-CAA Supplemental Lecture Notes | Agri 107, Rev. 0, 06-01-20