Year-5-Forces Vocabulary
Year-5-Forces Vocabulary
Year-5-Forces Vocabulary
10 Water A force that is caused by water with the force acting in the
Resistance opposite direction to an object moving through the water.
11 Buoyant Things that float are buoyant.
12 Streamlined Streamline is something that has a shape that provides little
resistance to air or fluid flow.
13 Surface Area In Science, surface area is the measure of how much exposed
area a solid object has, expressed in square units.
14 Upthrust Upthrust is the force that pushes an object up and makes it
seem to lose weight in a fluid.
15 Push To move something in a specific way by exerting force.
16 Pull To draw or houl towards oneself or itself, in a particular direction.
17 Stretch Elastic materials, and objects such as springs, change shape
when a force is exerted on them: stretching happens when the
material or object is pulled.
18 Elasticity Elasticity is a measure of how well a material returns to its
original shape and size after being stretched or compressed
23 Fulcrum The "fulcrum" is the point on which the lever turns or balances, otherwise known as the pivot.