Jama Larkin 2023 Ib 230019 1676478954.62431
Jama Larkin 2023 Ib 230019 1676478954.62431
Jama Larkin 2023 Ib 230019 1676478954.62431
National Academies: Expand US The new OIG report found that during The effectiveness of hybrid immunity
Wastewater Disease Surveillance the first year of the pandemic, bimonthly against hospital admission or severe dis-
Continued development of and investment COVID-19 or likely COVID-19 diagnosis rates ease was 97% at 12 months compared with
in a national wastewater infectious disease among Medicare beneficiaries peaked at 75% after infection alone. Effectiveness
surveillance system could help improve pub- 75% or higher at 1358 nursing homes nation- against reinfection was 42% for hybrid
lic health responses to the ongoing COVID-19 wide. “For-profit nursing homes made up immunity and 25% for previous infection
pandemic and future infectious disease a disproportionate percentage of these at 12 months.
outbreaks, according to a report from the homes,” the report’s authors wrote. The re- The findings, published in The Lancet In-
National Academies of Sciences, Engineer- sult was mortality close to 20%, or about fectious Diseases, suggest that people with
ing, and Medicine. double that in facilities with lower diagno- hybrid immunity may not need COVID-19
Launched by the US Centers for Disease sis rates. vaccine booster doses as soon as people who
Control and Prevention in 2020, the Na- The report recommends examining and are vaccinated but have never been in-
tional Wastewater Surveillance System revising as necessary nurse staffing require- fected, the authors noted. “Producing esti-
detects SARS-CoV-2 infection biomarkers, ments; improving how surveys identify in- mates of protection for vaccines targeting
such as DNA or RNA, in municipal sewer sys- fection control risks; and providing more new variants will be crucial for COVID-19 vac-
tems. It can detect changing pathogen lev- oversight and technical assistance to homes cination policy and decision-making bod-
els and identify new variants, supplement- found to be at high infection risk. ies,” the authors wrote.
ing reporting from clinical laboratory tests, Published Online: February 1, 2023. Published Online: February 1, 2023.
which has declined as at-home testing has doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0740 doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0743
risen, according to the report.
The report recommends detailed steps Agent Slows Glioblastoma Tumors New Report on Mpox Cases
for developing a surveillance system that is in Mice by Blocking Fat Metabolism Leading Up to 2022 Global Outbreak
flexible, equitable, sustainable, integrated, An investigational drug slowed glioblas- From January 1, 2022, through January 27,
and actionable while addressing ethical and toma tumor growth in a mouse model, re- 2023, more than 85 000 confirmed hu-
privacy concerns. searchers reported in Science Translational man mpox (monkeypox) cases in 110 coun-
Published Online: February 1, 2023. Medicine. tries and 86 deaths were reported to the
doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0739 The agent, called YTX-7739, interferes World Health Organization.
with the ability of glioblastoma stem-like cells Leading up to the global outbreak, from
High COVID-19 Rates Prompt Call to convert saturated fatty acids to monoun- 2018 through 2021, human mpox cases were
for Better Nursing Home Protections saturated fatty acids, the authors noted. confirmed in 6 African countries, according
Better nursing home protections are needed Toxic saturated fats then accumulate, kill- to a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
for future health emergencies, says a data ing cells and preventing tumor growth. (MMWR). More than 18 000 suspected
brief from the US Department of Health The experimental drug also may in- cases were reported in the Democratic
and Human Services Office of Inspector crease sensitivity to temozolomide chemo- Republic of the Congo.
General (OIG). therapy for some forms of glioblastoma, Eight cases were identified in 4 coun-
a difficult-to-treat cancer. In studies of mice tries outside Africa after travel from Nigeria
with a highly aggressive patient-derived in the years preceding the global outbreak.
glioblastoma, combining the 2 agents hin- In Nigeria, “clinicians noticed atypical pre-
dered tumor growth more and extended sur- sentation that included lesions first appear-
vival compared with either alone. ing on the genitals and the absence of a fe-
Published Online: February 1, 2023. brile prodrome,” the MMWR authors wrote.
doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0741 As of late 2022, the report noted, more
than 100 000 people had enrolled in educa-
Hybrid Immunity More Protective tionalcoursesaboutmpoxofferedbytheWHO
Than Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Alone for clinicians and public health providers.
A recent systematic review of studies found Published Online: February 1, 2023.
that people who have been vaccinated doi:10.1001/jama.2023.0744
against COVID-19 and have had a previous
SARS-CoV-2 infection, known as having hy- Nearly 500 000 in UK May Have
brid immunity, have better protection Missed Blood Pressure Drugs
against the Omicron variant than those with An estimated 491 000 fewer people
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only a previous infection. than expected began antihypertensive
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA February 21, 2023 Volume 329, Number 7 531
532 JAMA February 21, 2023 Volume 329, Number 7 (Reprinted) jama.com