Li 2017
Li 2017
Li 2017
Applied Energy
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Article history: This study investigates the impacts of investment-driven economic growth model, as well as rationaliza-
Received 19 September 2016 tion and upgrading of the industrial structure on green productivity in 30 Chinese provinces over the per-
Received in revised form 14 November 2016 iod 1997–2010. Two total factor productivities (TFP), namely energy adjusted TFP and energy and carbon
Accepted 18 November 2016
dioxide emissions adjusted TFP (denoted as TFEE and TFCE respectively), are estimated using super-
efficiency DEA models, and used as indices to reflect green productivity performance in China. The main
results of the empirical study are as follow: (1) China’s economic growth model does not improve both
TFEE and TFCE; (2) the flow of laborers from the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries helps to
Economic growth model
Rationalize of industrial structure
improve TFEE and TFCE, while capital transformation does not produce the same effect; (3) the structural
Upgrading of industrial structure changes in the manufacturing industry produce negative and positive effects on TFEE and TFCE
Total factor productivity respectively.
Energy efficiency with carbon dioxide Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 1997, heavy industry output accounted for 51.0% of the total indus-
trial output, which increased to 71.4% in 2010.
It is well known that China’s economic growth is mainly driven The concepts of the ‘Low-Carbon Economy’, or ‘Green Economic
by huge investment, with investment growth is higher than output Growth’ has received increasing policy and media attention in
growth, and contributing to economic growth more than consump- recent years [1]. Enhancing green productivity is an important
tion and net exports. Correspondingly, China’s industrial structure way of achieving ‘Green Economic Growth’. However, the
is dominated by the industrial sector, particularly energy-intensive investment-driven economic growth model and the energy-
industries. According the National Bureau of Statistic of China, intensive industrial structure of China have increased energy con-
fixed asset investment, total industry output, and heavy industry sumption and deteriorated the environmental resources of the
output of the country increased by 18.3%, 10.8%, and 22.7% respec- country, thereby undermining green productivity [2–5]. Because
tively over the period 1997–2010. These exceeded the annual of rapid increase in energy consumption, China’s CO2 emissions
growth rate of GDP (9.9%), agriculture output (3.9%), services out- became the highest in the world in 2007 [6]. The need for green
put (10.7%) and light industry output (17.7%). These figures show development has propelled the government to switch from an
that the heavy industry is a key player in the industrial sector. In extensive economic growth model to an intensive one, and to
speed up the rate of industrial structural transformation [7]. This
study aims to investigate how the investment-driven economic
⇑ Corresponding author. growth model and structural transformation contribute to the
E-mail addresses: (K. Li),, enhancement of green productivity. It also seeks to determine (B. Lin). how a country can switch from an economic growth model to
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
490 K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500
another, and how the industrial structure can be adjusted to mer [28] and Oulton and Srinivasan [29] found that by improving
enhance green development. their level of coordination with other industries, the effects of tech-
Energy conservation and emissions abatement is an inherent nology spillover from the information and communication indus-
requirement for green development. Enhancing total factor pro- tries could be extended to other industries, thereby enhancing
ductivity (TFP), especially the energy and carbon dioxide emissions their productivities. Isaksson [30] noted that structural changes
adjusted TFP, is consistent with the connotation of energy conser- usually improve the effects of reallocation, which could also
vation and emissions abatement. In this sense, improving TFP increase productivity. By adopting an input–occupancy–output
while considering energy input and carbon dioxide emissions factor analysis model, Chai et al. [31] revealed that structural
reflects green development. changes in the industrial sector could indirectly affect energy effi-
The effect of investment-driven economic growth model on ciency through technological spillovers. Yang et al. [32] found that
green productivity is among the critical economic issues faced by indigenous R&D and interregional R&D spillovers can decrease CO2
China. Enhancing energy efficiency is one of the aspects of green intensity, but this effect depends on local R&D expenditure. Boyd
productivity improvement. The investment-driven economic and Curtis [33] found most management techniques had beneficial
growth model in China reduces economic value added (EVA) rate spillovers on energy efficiency, but an emphasis on generic targets
and raises energy consumption growth rate. This makes the would result in decline in energy efficiency.
growth model unfavorable for the enhancement of energy effi- Schäfer [13] and Hofman and Labar [34] investigated the
ciency [8]. In 1995, the Chinese government claimed that the eco- changes in the ratio of the primary, secondary, and tertiary indus-
nomic growth model of the country must be gradually switched tries to GDP, and Zhan et al. [35] investigated the structural
from extensive to intensive. Cai et al. [9] believed that low per cap- changes in the manufacturing sectors. They proved that structural
ita income and rapid industrialization and urbanization may hin- transformation could significantly affect energy efficiency in China.
der the necessary transformation, and undermine energy However, these studies did not completely cover the influence of
conservation and CO2 emission reduction. Lin and Su [10] argued structural changes on energy efficiency. Since the 1990s, the struc-
that long-term interest and cost of energy should be maintained tural changes in China mainly occurred among three of its sectors
at low levels to benefit investment-driven economic growth, which and manufacturing, particularly from light to heavy industries.
would subsequently increase energy consumption and reduce Lü and Zhou [36] believed that structural changes could affect
energy efficiency. Chen and Golley [11] believed that much invest- productivity through the optimization and upgrading of industries.
ment and energy consumption was undertaken by large, inefficient Optimization affects productivity through allocation efficiency,
state-owned enterprises, and thereby undermined green TFP. Pre- which stems from the flow and transfer of laborers, capital, and
vious studies on investment-driven economic growth model are other factors among industrial sectors. Upgrading influences pro-
merely qualitative and conceptual, and neglect its effect on energy ductivity through the development of high-degree and high-
and carbon dioxide emissions adjusted TFP or green productivity, value-added industries. An eccentric industrial structure distorts
which presents a research gap that this study aims to fill. the configuration of resources among industries, which decreases
Energy efficiency is influenced by industrial structure [12–15]. the ‘‘structural bonus” of productivity and may even produce a
Adjusting the industrial structure directly affects energy efficiency ‘‘structural burden”. Moreover, such a structure may be detrimen-
because the input factors, including the energy consumed by vari- tal to the technology spillover among different industries, which
ous industrial sectors, are reconfigured in the process. Numerous diminishes the effects of technological progress on productivity.
studies that apply the index decomposition method (IDM) have This study aims to quantitatively analyze the effects of
examined the effects of industrial structural changes on energy investment-driven economic growth model and energy-intensive
efficiency [16]. Numerous studies found that during structural industrial structure on green productivity using China as a case
changes, the main energy-consuming sectors were upgraded from study. A simple but novel index is adopted to measure
low-efficiency to high-efficiency sectors, and their energy effi- investment-driven economic growth model, which reflects the
ciency was improved as a ‘‘structural bonus” [17–22]. However, contribution of investment to economic growth. For structural
Lin and Su [10] argued that structural transformation in China, par- changes, two aspects of structural transformation in China are con-
ticularly in the manufacturing sector, might hinder or even dimin- sidered. The first is the flow and transfer of inputs among sectors
ish the enhancement of energy efficiency in the long term. As which reflects China’s switch from an agricultural country to an
energy price and capital cost are maintained at low levels to pro- industrial country. The second is the structural changes among
mote extensive economic growth, various resources, including manufacturing sectors which reveals the transformation and
energy, iron, steel, nonferrous metals, and petrochemicals, are allo- upgrading of industrial structure in China in recent years. This
cated to industries that consume large amounts of energy and emit study distinguishes itself from previous literature by employing
large amounts of CO2 [14]. an econometric model or a quantitative analysis rather than a qual-
Structural changes in the industrial sector can influence the itative analysis to investigate the effects of investment-driven eco-
input–output efficiency of industries. Timmer and Szirmai [23] nomic growth model and structural changes on green development
found that such structural changes could affect economic growth in China.
rate and energy efficiency in the long run. Fan et al. [24] empiri-
cally discovered that structural changes could improve economic
2. Material and methods
growth rate and significantly affect energy efficiency. Zheng,
et al. [25] found that structural transformation had direct and indi-
This paper first provides the definitions of green productivity,
rect effects on economic growth and energy efficiency respectively.
investment-driven economic growth and structural changes, and
Zhou et al. [26] found industrial structural adjustments can effec-
then specifies the model.
tively reduce current CO2 emissions.
Although numerous studies have proven that industrial struc-
tural changes can affect the productivity of industries, they failed 2.1. Variables and data source
to describe how such changes affect green productivity through
technology spillovers. Fagerberg [27] argued that a flexible indus- 2.1.1. Green productivity
trial structure could promote technology spillover among different There are different ways to measure green productivity. In the
industries, which could improve their productivities. Ark and Tim- current study, we measure it by two indices of TFP—the energy
K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500 491
adjusted TFP and the energy and carbon dioxide emissions 3. Energy consumption (E). The primary energy consumption of
adjusted TFP. For the former, total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE), each province is taken as the energy input, which is measured
which was introduced by Hu and Wang [37] and constructed as the by 104 tce. Energy consumption data are collected from China
ratio of the target energy input that is suggested from data envel- Energy Statistical Yearbook and from China Compendium of Statis-
opment analysis (DEA) to the actual energy inputs, is a suitable tics, 1949–2008.
index [38]. In recent years, reducing CO2 emissions has attracted 4. Gross regional product (GRP). GRP is measured by 108 yuan (in
wide attention and became a new ambition for the Chinese govern- constant 2000 prices). Data on GRP are collected from the data-
ment. Thus, this study uses input-oriented and constant returns to base of the National Bureau of Statistics of China.
scale (CRS)1 to calculate the TFEE while considering CO2 emissions. 5. CO2 emissions (C). The Chinese government does not release
This is used to measure the energy and carbon dioxide emissions official CO2 emissions data. Many institutions such as the Car-
adjusted TFP. bon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Interna-
DEA can be easily applied to a multiple input-output framework tional Energy Agency (IEA) provide estimates of this data on
to compute the index of TFEE. Most studies however fail to account China. But they could not estimate CO2 emissions for Chinese
for one important drawback of DEA: it does not allow for a ranking provinces. So researchers usually use the reference method
of the efficient units themselves. In order to overcome it, we apply introduced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
the super-efficiency DEA model. In this paper, the super-efficiency (IPCC) to calculate CO2 emissions [45,46]. Based on this
DEA model assumes labor, capital stock, and energy as inputs, the method, the data on CO2 emissions for each province are esti-
GDP of each province as the desirable output, and the CO2 emission mated from the breakdown of energy consumption by each fuel
as the undesirable output. This model uses the following variables: category, and it is measured in million tons. The formula for the
calculation of CO2 emissions is as follows:
1. Labor (L). The quality of labor significantly affects the output of
the firm or the entire sector. This study defines L based on the X
8 X
years of education of the laborers and is measured by millions C¼ CO2g ¼ Eg CEF g COF g ð44=12Þ ð3Þ
g¼1 g
of persons, and calculated as follows,
where CO2g are CO2 emissions from energy source g (including coal,
lit Eit coke, crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, natural gas).
Lit ¼ ð1Þ
Et CO2 emissions depend on the consumption of the gth energy (Eg)
as well as CO2 emissions factors for each energy source (CEFg). COFg
where lit is the quantity of employment, Eit is the average years of represents the carbon oxidisation factors. The ratio 44/12 is the
education of lit for province i in year t, Et is the average years of edu- molecular weight ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon. Data on CEFg
cation of the laborers in China for year t. The data are collected from and COFg are from IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas
China Labor Statistical Yearbook. inventories[47]. Although these factors may not be accurate for
China [48], formula (3) is an alternative method and widely used
2. Capital Stock (K). Since the 1990s, technological innovations in in the literature. Each fuel consumption data is collected from China
China have been mainly reflected in pieces of equipments, par- Energy Statistical Yearbook.
ticularly advanced information equipments [39]. The capital The super-efficiency DEA model estimates the total factor
stock of China, especially that of the equipment production sec- energy efficiency (TFEE) using the aforementioned variables, disre-
tor, is instantaneously renewed. Therefore, the average service garding CO2 emissions. Afterwards, this model constructs an envi-
life of these pieces of equipments is short, which shows the cap- ronmental production function [49] and incorporates the good
ital allotted for technological progress [40,41]. The perpetual output (GRP) and the bad output (C).3 We adopt the environmental
inventory method which is often used in previous literatures directional distance function to measure the total factor energy effi-
to calculate capital stock cannot reflect the technological pro- ciency, considering the bad output (TFCE). This is calculated by the
gress embedded in capital stocks. Therefore, K is computed in following Eqs. (4) and (5):
this study as follows (measured by 100 million yuan):
D! o ðxtk ; GRP tk ; C tk ; g tGRP;k ; g tC;k Þ ¼ max½b : ðGRPtk þ bg tGRP;k ; C tk bg tC;k Þ 2 Pðxtk Þ
kit Ait 8 P30
K it ¼ ð2Þ t t
> j¼1;j–k zj GRP j P ð1 þ bÞ GRP k
At >
> P30
< t t
j¼1;j–k zj C j ¼ ð1 bÞ C k
where kit is the capital stock computed by the perpetual inventory s:t: P30
> j¼1;j–k ztj xtj 6 xtk
method”,2 Ait is the average age of the capital stock in year t for pro- >
vince i, which is computed based on the method of Limam and Miller x ¼ ðL; K; EÞ 2 Rþ3 ; ztj P 0; 8j
[42]; At is the average service life of the capital stock of China in year ð4Þ
t, which is calculated by weighing the proportion of the capital stock
in year t for province i on the capital stock of China in the same year. TFCEtk ¼ 1=½1 þ Do ðxtk ; GRPtk ; C tk ; g tGRP;k ; g tC;k Þ ð5Þ
All data are collected from the Data of GDP of China (1952–1995 and
1952–2004) and the China Statistical Yearbook. Fig. 1 shows the mean of TFEE and TFCE of the 30 provinces.
Although TFEE and TFCE tend to rise, both are far from the efficient
level. Moreover, TFCE is always higher than TFEE, which implies that
Although the variable returns to scale (VRS) might be better than CRS in the the potential output of TFCE is smaller than that of TFEE under the
Chinese context, many results calculated by VRS in this study were infeasible. current technologies. One possible reason is that the reduction of
The perpetual inventory method is computed as follows: CO2 emissions enhances the performance of development, i.e., the
kit ¼ Iit þ ð1 di Þ ki;t1 , where Iit is the gross fixed capital formation and the benefits of emissions abatement to green development.
constant 2000 prices. The price index for investment in fixed assets (constant 2000
prices, 2000 = 1) is calculated by using the method of Shan [43]. Each province is
assumed to have different depreciation rates di of gross fixed capital formation, which The environmental production function should satisfy the following assumptions:
is calculated by Wu [44]. 1978 is set as the initial year and the capital stock is the output set is compact, the inputs and the desirable output are freely disposable,
calculated by dividing the gross fixed capital formation in 1978 (constant 2000 price) and the undesirable output is weakly disposable. Färe et al. (2005) and Färe et al.
by di . (2007) explained each of these assumptions.
492 K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
0.5 energy use and emissions. There are many studies that investigate
the relationship but the results show conflicting results, suggesting
0.4 that the impact is complex [54,55]. As one of the main paths of
technological progress, China has become the largest recipients
of foreign investment in the world. Foreign direct investment plays
an important role in productivity improvement [56,57]. Although
energy price can promote market mechanisms to ensure energy
0.1 conservation and emissions abatement, its distortion weakens this
effect or even has counteract it [58,59]. Ownership structure stands
0 for the intervention level of government in the industrial sector. It
is widely accepted that reducing the proportion of state-owned
-0.1 industrial output in the total industrial output is helpful for energy
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
capef labef ois conservation and emissions abatement, or green productivity [60].
TFEEit or TFCEit may observe lag effects. That is, the previous
Fig. 3. Structural transformation of China during 1997–2010. TFEEit or TFCEit may affect the present TFEEit or TFCEit. Therefore,
a lag term of the dependent variables is added into the model,
which is now expressed as follows:
structural change index [52], structural transformation in the man-
ufacturing sector (ois) is computed as follows: EEit ¼ c þ cEEi;t1 þ a1 gffit þ a2 labefit þ a3 capefit þ a4 oisit
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! þ X 0it b þ t þ li þ eit ð10Þ
3 X3 X3
oisit ¼ arccos W ijt W ij0 = j¼1
W 2ijt j¼1
W 2ij0 ð8Þ
j¼1 Before using formulas (9) and (10), we conduct a correlation
analysis to test the multicollinearity among all independent vari-
where W ijt is the share of output of the jth industry in the year t for ables. The correlation coefficients between each two variables are
province i in the output value of the entire manufacturing sector. below 0.45 (the highest being 0.448 between urban and fdi), which
Year 1997 is represented as t = 0. Fig. 3 shows that the value of indicates the absence of high multicollinearity.
ois increases yearly. China’s manufacturing sector gradually shifts
from the first category to the third category, representing an
3. Results
upward trend that reflects the level of structural upgrading. This
trend produces two effects on energy efficiency. First, the main
Table 1 shows the estimations of formulae (9) and (10) using
manufacturing sectors turn from light industries into heavy indus-
TFEE as the dependent variable. Formula (9) can be estimated with
tries, which is unfavorable for the improvement of energy effi-
either a fixed- or random-effects model, which is determined
ciency. Second, the further expansion of energy-intensive
through a Hausman test.5 After running the test, the preferred
industries can be hindered by upgrading the level of manufacturing,
method is a fixed-effect model. gff, labef, capef, ois, urban, fdi, price,
which can reduce CO2 emissions and subsequently improve TFCE.
and ps are considered as endogenous variables. Hausman specifica-
tion tests are conducted to test for simultaneity bias. Based on the
2.2. Empirical model
Hausman test results, the null assumption that ‘‘all variables are
exogenous variables” cannot be rejected, which implies the absence
To analyze the effects of the contribution of investment to eco-
of endogeneity. To eliminate the influence of heteroskedacity on the
nomic growth and industrial structure transformation on green
group-wise or cross-sectional dependence, feasible generalized least
productivity, we propose the following empirical model for the
squares (FGLS) is applied to re-estimate formula (9) and enhance the
panel data:
validity of the estimations. The first and second column of Table 1
EEit ¼ c þ a1 gffit þ a2 labefit þ a3 capefit þ a4 oisit þ X 0it b þ t (model 1, 2) shows the estimations of FGLS.
þ li þ eit ð9Þ Model 1 shows that while labor allocation efficiency has a sig-
nificant positive effect on TFEE, other factors, such as the contribu-
where EEit is the two indices of TFP (i.e., TFEEit or TFCEit), c is con- tion of investment to economic growth, capital allocation
stant term, Xit is the control variables. Given that TFEEit and TFCEit efficiency, and manufacturing structural changes, produce negative
are calculated by the super-efficiency DEA model, these variables effects on TFEE. The contribution of investment to economic
have unlimited range, which allows the use of standard panel growth has a statistically insignificant coefficient. To test the
regression methods rather than the truncated data regression robustness of these results, four control variables, namely, urban-
[53]. t is a time trend variable that controls time-varying factors, ization, foreign direct investment, energy price, and ownership
such as the improvement of energy-saving technology and the structural changes, are added into model 1. Table 1 shows the esti-
adjustment of environment policy; li is the individual effect, which mations of model 2, which indicate that the contribution of invest-
reflects the differences between provinces in terms of their environ- ment to economic growth produces a negative effect on TFEE at the
mental regulations and energy resource benefits; and eit is a random 15% level. Labor allocation efficiency and manufacturing structural
term. changes produce a positive and negative effect respectively at the
Four control variables, namely, urbanization (urban), foreign 1% level. However, capital allocation efficiency produces a statisti-
direct investment (fdi), energy price (price), and ownership struc- cally insignificant negative effect.
ture (ps), are added into the model. These variables are measured Wooldridge test is conducted to determine if autocorrelation
by the proportion of non-agricultural population in the total pop- exists in the panel data models after estimating formula (9)
ulation, the proportion of foreign direct investment in the total through the ordinary fixed-effects or the random-effects model
GRP, the purchasing price indices of raw material, fuel, and energy, [61]. There is autocorrelation in the panel data models, which
and the proportion of state-owned industrial output in the total necessitates the estimation of formula (10). This formula can be
industrial output respectively.
Urbanization is a phenomenon of economic and social modern- 5
Hausman test assumes that both li and eit are independent and equally
ization, and it has great impact on environmental issues, including distributed.
494 K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500
Table 1
Estimation results: dependent variable is TFEE.
Notes: Standard errors of variables and p-values of test statistics are shown in parentheses.
P < 0.15.
P < 0.10.
P < 0.05.
P < 0.01.
estimated through two widely used methods, namely difference- bution of investment to economic growth and capital allocation effi-
GMM [62] and system-GMM [63]. Both can eliminate individual ciency are negatively related with TFCEit, whereas labor allocation
effects and other immeasurable, time-constant independent vari- efficiency and manufacturing structural changes are positively
ables as well as partly solve the problems of omitted variables. related to TFCEit. Based on Table 1 and Table 2, structural changes
The system-GMM estimator is more efficient than the difference- in the manufacturing sector negatively affect TFEEit but positively
GMM estimator if the dependent variable tends to be non- affect TFCEit.
stationary [64]. Both methods are applied to estimate formula
(10), and the results are shown in columns 3–6 of Table 1 (model 4. Main findings and discussion
Table 1 shows that the null hypothesis, ‘‘there is no second- The following findings are derived by comparing Tables 1 and 2.
order serial correlation for the random term of model 3–6,” cannot
be rejected. The feasibility of the instrumental variables is con- (1) The investment-driven economic growth of China is not con-
firmed through the Sargan test. Based on these tests, the effective- ducive for the enhancement of green productivity (TFEE/
ness and consistency of the GMM estimator in estimating model TFCE).
3–6 are verified.
Based on the coefficients of LagTFEE in model 3–6, the previous The contribution of investment to economic growth of China is
TFEEit positively affects the current TFEEit, which implies that such so high that it affects energy efficiency in different ways. First,
effect will accumulate over time. The results of models 3 and 5 most of the inputs are derived from capital, and all of the sources
show that the contribution of investment to economic growth, cap- are concentrated on the asset sector. Although the embodied tech-
ital allocation efficiency, and manufacturing structural changes nological innovations are improved through this process, the ben-
produce significant negative effects on TFEE, whereas labor alloca- efits of technological innovation from real industries are hindered
tion efficiency produces a significant positive effect on TFEE. After [8]. Knowledge (which is represented by the education of the
adding four control variables, the estimations (model 4 and 6) laborer) and embodied technological progress (which is repre-
show that the signs of the coefficients of the four core variables sented by the service life of the capital stock) are considered as
(gff, labef, capef, and ois) are consistent with those that are esti- inputs when estimating TFEE and TFCE. Therefore, TFEE and TFCE
mated by models 3 and 5. are mainly driven by broad technological progress. Given the lack
The estimations in Table 1 show that when CO2 emissions are of information on broad technological progress, the growth rate
ignored, contribution of investment to economic growth hinders of the proportion of research and development (R&D) expenditure
energy efficiency, laborers in the three industries are conducive in the total GDP (R&D intensity) and patent number of the inven-
for the enhancement of energy efficiency (creating a ‘‘structural tion (patent) are used to represent such progress. Table 3 shows
bonus” on energy efficiency), and capital transfers among the three that the growth rates of R&D intensity and patent reduce when
industries as well as the manufacturing structural changes are gff exceeds 50%. The correlation coefficient between gff and R&D
unfavorable for the enhancement of energy efficiency (creating intensity and between gff and patents are –0.291 and –0.112
‘‘structural burdens” on energy efficiency). respectively. As economic growth increases, its dependence on
To compare these results, formulae (9) and (10) are re- capital inputs, R&D intensity and patent growth rates are further
estimated using TFCEit as the dependent variable, and the results reduced (i.e., the technological progress is slowed, which reduces
are shown in Table 2.6 The results of model 7–12 shows that contri- the maximum output of the input factors and subsequently inhi-
bits the total factor energy efficiency). An investment-driven eco-
nomic growth usually leads to overexploitation of resources,
All of the test results in Table 2 are just the same with those in Table 1. which increases environmental pollution. According to the results
K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500 495
Table 2
Estimation results: dependent variable is TFCE.
Table 3
Investment-driven economic growth, innovation and income gap: main years.
Note: For statistical consistency, R&D expenditures, the patents number of invention, labor’s return and China’s GDP are calculated by adding all province’s data (except
XinJiang). The data of income gap are measured by the method of Cheng [67], which is based on Gini coefficients.
of the empirical models, gff produces more negative effects on TFCE same period, the share of capital stock decreased by 2.998% in
than on TFEE, which confirms that an investment-driven economic the primary industry, increased by 4.914% in the secondary indus-
growth seriously causes environmental deterioration in China. try, and decreased by 1.916% in the tertiary industry. The interac-
Second, the excessive contributions of investment to economic tion of the changes in the labor force and capital stock results in an
growth decrease the proportion of employee income in GRP, output structural change. The proportion of the primary industry
expand the income gap and reduce consumer demand, which in the total GDP decreased by 9.973% while that of the secondary
inhibits the enhancement of energy efficiency. Capital increases and tertiary increased by 5.705% and 4.268% respectively.
at a much faster rate than labor, which decreases the proportion The three primary industries are ranked as (1) secondary indus-
of employee income in GRP. Table 3 shows that the proportion try, (2) tertiary industry, and (3) primary industry, based on the
has decreased from 50.84% in 1997 to 39.60% in 2007, thereby pro- level and growth rate of their labor productivity. The huge gap
moting uneven income distribution. Li, Ye [65] confirmed that the among these industries instigates a labor force transfer from the
expansion of the income gap was unfavorable for the enhancement primary industry to the secondary and tertiary industries, which
of energy efficiency. According to the efficiency wage theory, labor enables labor structural changes to contribute to the enhancement
return is extremely low compared to capital return, thereby reduc- of energy efficiency.
ing labor efficiency and eventually decreasing the total factor Capital productivity is a different case. In the investment-driven
energy efficiency. Relatively low income levels limit the consump- economy, the capital stock increases at a much faster rate than out-
tion capacity of the residents and inhibit technological progress put, thereby decreasing capital productivity. From a static point of
given the creative demands of the consumer. Thus, the total factor view, the capital productivity of the primary industry is higher
energy efficiency is negatively affected. than that of the two other industries, and the capital productivity
of the secondary industry is higher than that of the tertiary indus-
(2) The allocation of the labor force in the three industry cate- try. Therefore, transferring the capital stock of China does not con-
gories is conducive for the enhancement of green productiv- form to the prerequisite for the production of a ‘‘structural bonus”
ity, whereas the allocation of the capital stock is unfavorable on green productivity. From a dynamic point of view, capital pro-
for the enhancement of green productivity. ductivity has negative growth rates, with the primary industry
having the largest slump. This tightens the capital productivity
As shown in Table 4, the share of employment in the primary gap among the three industries. For example, the capital productiv-
industry of China decreased by 15.654% from 1997 to 2010, ity of the primary industry in 1997 was 2.876 times and 4.376
whereas the share of employment in the secondary and tertiary times larger than that of the secondary and tertiary industries
industries increased by 5.873% and 9.782% respectively. This may respectively, but decreased to 2.510 times and 3.340 times in 2010.
imply that most employees in the primary industry transferred The capital transformation in China is in accordance with the
to the secondary and (particularly) tertiary industries. During the economic laws of the country. Although the capital productivity
496 K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500
Table 4
Inputs structural, the level and growth rate of productivity.
Note: All data are calculated by adding all province’s data (except Xin Jiang). I, II, III represent the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, respectively. Labor productivity is
calculated by the ratio of output to employment and measured by million Yuan per capita; Capital productivity is calculated by the ratio of output to capital stock, and its
indicates how much Yuan created per capital stock inputs. Output and capital stock are measured by constant 2000 prices. The mean growth rates of productivity are the
average growth rates between 1997 to 2010.
of the primary industry is higher than that of the other industries, These comparisons imply that resources should be invested in the
such industry accounts for a small share of GDP and cannot absorb second manufacturing category to ensure improvements in the man-
or accommodate large investments. Since 1997, particularly after ufacturing sector.9
entering the World Trade Organization in 2001, China has invested The low value-added rate of the third manufacturing category
massively in the secondary industry given the changes in the con- reflects high input costs and low contribution coefficients of inter-
sumption behaviors of the residents and the then-recent deregula- mediate inputs.10 From 1997 to 2007, the average contribution coef-
tion of investment. Therefore, capital is freely transferred from a ficients of the intermediate inputs of the third manufacturing
highly productive primary industry to a lowly productive sec- category were 0.328, which was lower than that of the intermediate
ondary industry, which is not conducive for the enhancement of inputs of the second manufacturing category (0.349). This low con-
green productivity. The production structure of capital has greatly tribution coefficient resulted from the participation of the third
improved, as reflected in the reduced difference in the capital pro- manufacturing category in international specialization by importing
ductivity of the three industries and the annual increase in their large-scale core components and capital goods and by selling the
capital allocation efficiency. For example, the capital allocation final products internationally (improvement in trade). As China does
efficiency increased from 4.892% to 1.667% in 2010, which not produce core technology, local manufacturers have to import
implied that the industrial structure had loosened the constraints high value intermediate inputs, which decreases the value-added
on capital productivity. Such increase effectively illustrates the rate and labor productivity of the third manufacturing category.
optimized industrial structure of China. In order to illustrate this conclusion, we estimate the ratio of
intermediate inputs from import to the total intermediate inputs.
(3) Manufacturing structural changes produce a ‘‘structural bur- However, it is difficult to get the correct information about the
den” on the energy adjusted TFP (TFEE) but produce a ‘‘struc- use of imports. In other words, determining whether an import is
tural bonus” on the energy and carbon dioxide emissions used for intermediate production or for end-use production seems
adjusted TFP (TFCE). impossible. So, we present three assumptions:
Assumption 1 (A1): All imports are used for intermediate input.
China is at the metaphase of industrialization, in which energy- Under this assumption, in 1997–2010, the average contribution
intensive industries rapidly develop. Industrial structures can be coefficients of intermediate inputs of the second and the third
further readjusted and optimized by developing the third manu- manufacturing category are 20.580% and 45.140%, respectively.
facturing category, particularly high-end manufacturing. Assumption 2 (A2): The proportion of processing trade to total
We compare the third and second manufacturing categories in inputs of the second manufacturing category is 42.127%, while the
terms of their productivity based on three criteria. Table 5 shows third manufacturing category is 54.153%.11
the results of the comparison. The value-added rates and labor pro- Assumption 3 (A3): The proportion of processing trade to total
ductivity of the third manufacturing category are lower than those inputs of the second manufacturing category is the same as the
of the second manufacturing category during 1997–2007 and third manufacturing category, i.e., the proportion of processing
2003–2010 respectively. The gap between these categories contin- trade to the total imports of China during 1997–2007.12
ues today. By using the method of Lü and Zhou [36]7, the second
manufacturing category has the largest marginal productivity of cap-
ital and is followed by the third and first manufacturing categories.8 9
Various resources are invested in the second manufacturing category as the
energy and capital costs are maintained at low levels for a long time.
Contribution coefficients of intermediate inputs = industrial value-added/costs of
Different from Lü & Zhou, we use labor, capital, and energy as inputs. The capital intermediate inputs.
stocks of the three manufacturing categories are estimated by using the method of For the second manufacturing category, 42.127% is the average value of the
Zhang et al. [66]. Additional information on the estimation procedure and results are proportion of the processing trade to import of China in 1997–2007. The third
available upon request. manufacturing category is dominated by the high-tech sectors. But we lack the
The gap among the three manufacturing categories in terms of their marginal import and export data about the processing trade for high-tech products before
productivity of capital is reduced, which implied a reasonable allocation of capital 2009. So, this data (54.153%) is the proportion of imports as processing trade to the
among the three categories and signaled an improvement in their capital efficiencies. total imports of high-tech products in 2009. Historically, the technical level of China’s
The marginal productivity of capital of the third manufacturing category exceeded high-tech sectors won’t be higher than it in 2009. So, it is reasonable to assume that
that of the second category in 2010, which confirmed that the current trend and the proportion should be higher than 54.153%.
direction of the manufacturing structural changes accelerated the development of the The annually data are calculated according to ‘‘China trade and external economic
third manufacturing category. statistical yearbook”.
K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500 497
Table 5
A Comparison table of growth quality between the second manufacturing category and the third manufacturing category.
Index Manufacturing Category 1997 1998 2000 2003 2005 2008 2010
Account for total manufacturing output Second 38.881% 38.024% 39.312% 37.523% 40.669% 42.236% 40.855%
Third 28.720% 30.586% 32.272% 36.628% 35.306% 34.834% 36.048%
Value-added Rate of Industry Second 25.976% 24.837% 25.344% 26.761% 25.631% / /
Third 24.959% 24.720% 25.215% 24.803% 24.325% / /
Overall labor productivity Second 9.069 12.089 17.388 28.951 41.904 61.806 76.030
Third 9.097 12.679 18.643 33.119 37.977 46.898 59.052
Marginal producti-vity of capital Second 3.289% 3.171% 2.652% 1.645% 1.624% 1.567% 1.839%
Third 2.559% 2.462% 2.015% 1.232% 1.263% 1.452% 1.844%
Account for total CO2 emission Second 85.272% 87.425% 89.098% 90.371% 91.521% 92.192% 92.677%
Third 5.712% 3.394% 2.840% 2.524% 2.182% 2.074% 2.049%
Contribution coefficients of intermediate inputs Second 0.351 0.330 0.339 0.365 0.345 / /
Third 0.333 0.328 0.337 0.330 0.321 / /
Note: Based on data available and comparability, all data are calculated by adding varies industries of China; CO2 emission of manufacturing are calculated by reference
method (IPCC, 2006); overall labor productivity is measured by million Yuan (constant 2000 prices) per capita; the 2008–2010 data on industrial added value are not
Table 6
A Comparison table of intermediate inputs and foreign investment profits between the second manufacturing category and the third manufacturing category.
According to Table 6, the import costs comprise 18.898% to developed to accelerate the structural upgrades by conserving
45.140% of the total intermediate input costs of the third manufac- more energy and reducing CO2 emissions. In effect, increasing
turing category, which is higher than that of the second manufac- the proportion of the tertiary category in the entire manufacturing
turing category. sector is conducive for improving the environmental performance
Profits from foreign-funded companies comprise more than 50% of China.
of the total profit of the third manufacturing category, resulting
from the high investment of foreign funds in the same category. 5. Conclusions and policy implications
These foreign-funded companies also develop intermediate goods
on a large scale. The production processes in China are mainly han- This study has empirically investigated the effects of
dled by labor-intensive sectors, such as processing and assembly investment-driven economic growth and structural transformation
firms, that do not adopt high-technology equipment or procedures. (including those of the three industries and three manufacturing
This pattern increases the production cost, reduces the contribution categories, which also indicate the optimization and upgrading of
coefficients of the intermediate inputs, decreases the competitive industrial structure respectively) on green productivity, including
advantage of the third manufacturing category over the second energy adjusted TFP (TFEE) and energy and carbon dioxide emis-
manufacturing category, and negatively affects TFEE by increasing sions adjusted TFP (TFCE). The study employed panel data that
the weight of the third manufacturing category. These results indi- cover 30 Chinese provinces from 1997 to 2010. Investment-
cate that the manufacturing structure can be effectively upgraded driven economic growth and the capital transformation in the
through a forced adoption of foreign technology and by enhancing three industry categories were not beneficial to green productivity,
the capacity of China to innovate independently. These measures whereas the flow of laborers in the three categories helped to
can also improve the technological production and the interna- enhance green productivity. Structural changes in the manufactur-
tional competitiveness of the Chinese manufacturing sector. ing sector negatively affected the energy adjusted TFP (TFEE) when
Despite outranking the other manufacturing categories in terms carbon dioxide emissions is neglected.
of labor productivity and value-added rate, the second manufac- There is no doubt that the developing countries have many
turing category is largely energy-intensive and emits large common features about economic growth model and industrial
amounts of CO2. Table 5 shows that the second manufacturing cat- structure. The economic growth of most developing countries
egory emits CO2 that accounts for more than 85% of total CO2 emis- depends much on inputs rather than technology progress, implying
sions in the country, but produces an output value that accounts that the growth is an extensive model rather than an intensive one.
for about 40% of the total manufacturing output. By contrast, the This is similar for most developing countries during the industrial-
third manufacturing category emits a negligible amount of CO2 ization process, as their industrial structure shows similar dynamic
and produces an output value that accounts for more than 30% of characteristics as China’s. In this sense, our study presents suffi-
the total manufacturing output. cient contributions to the new body of literature on green develop-
These findings reveal the difficulty for China to adjust its man- ment from the international perspective rather than focusing on
ufacturing structure. A forced mechanism must be immediately China.
498 K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500
Table A1
Definition of the variables used in the analysis.
Table A2
Summary statistics of variables.
The above conclusions produce two significant policy implica- factors (particularly capital) in order to allow the entry of firms
tions. First, the government must introduce structural transforma- into any industry without compromising national security. It must
tion policies to reduce CO2 emission. It must not only focus on the also permit certain factors to flow freely among competitive
rational allocation of resources, but also on the forced adoption of industries. Moreover, the government must improve the quality
foreign technologies in the manufacturing sector and on enhancing of education and launch training programs, particularly profes-
the capacity of China to innovate independently. Second, the gov- sional training programs, to improve the quality and capacity of
ernment must actively promote energy market reforms, increase laborers.
energy costs, and hinder environmental deterioration. All these Second, manufacturing firms, especially high-tech ones, must
could further stimulate structural changes. adopt the latest technology and accelerate their independent inno-
China faces increasing pressures from escalating energy con- vation to optimize and upgrade their manufacturing structure.
sumption costs and further environmental deterioration. The Chi- Given that China is at the metaphase of industrialization, energy-
nese government must consider changing the economic growth intensive industries develop comparative advantages over other
model of the country and adjusting the industrial structure to industries, in line with the experience of industrialized countries.
address these concerns. Industrial structural changes are crucial However, the third manufacturing category may also develop com-
for a country to switch from one economic growth model to parative advantages over other industries by adopting technologi-
another. This study provides the following recommendations for cal innovations, which pushes China out of the metaphase and into
the industrial structural transformation of China. post-industrialization.
First, industrial structures are primarily adjusted for further Third, energy price reforms in China have remained stagnant for
optimization. An increase in the labor or capital allocation effi- a number of years. Therefore, energy costs are maintained at low
ciency increases the likelihood of an industrial structure to opti- levels, and energy-intensive industries, such as steel and petro-
mize. To promote such increase, the government must actively chemical manufacturing, have rapidly expanded, hindering the
develop factor markets and eliminate or reduce barriers for certain upgrading of the industrial structure. Therefore, the government
K. Li, B. Lin / Applied Energy 187 (2017) 489–500 499
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