Infrastructure Development For Sustainable Cities: and Design. Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012
Infrastructure Development For Sustainable Cities: and Design. Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012
Infrastructure Development For Sustainable Cities: and Design. Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012
[NOTE: Each section must have a separate syllabus.]
Contact Information
[Email Address]
[Phone Number, ###- ###-#### (Optional)]
Office Hours
[Please specify the day and time of the 2 hours that will be dedicated to office hours each week. For evening
classes, faculty may wish to hold their office hours by phone or email. While faculty are permitted to state “and
by appointment,” office hours should not be held exclusively by appointment.]
Course Description
This course provides an understanding of the demand for, and supply of, sustainable infrastructure related to the
pace of urbanization across the globe. The challenges for both developing and developed countries is examined
from the perspective of potential new strategies, new technologies, new business models, and new financing
techniques that could make a difference in addressing a full range of infrastructure needs while addressing
sustainability objectives. In terms of sustainability, this will include an understanding of the demand and supply
side, cultural factors, the policy framework, and the potential impact of technology and innovation. This course
was previously titled Sustainable Cities: Urbanization, Infrastructure, and Strategic Choices.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the consequences of urban growth on the demand for infrastructure from a global
2. Assess the challenges for both developing and developed countries to devise new strategies, new
technologies, new business models, and new financing techniques.
3. Equip students to think about some of these challenges, many of which present new business
opportunities and partnership arrangements.
4. Learn how the private sector can make a difference in ways that can serve societal needs and
contribute to improved living conditions that are essential to sustainability imperatives.
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To view the complete list of Carey Business School’s general learning goals and objectives, visit the Carey
Attendance and class participation are part of each student’s course grade. Students are expected to attend all
scheduled class sessions. Regular attendance and active participation are required for students to successfully
complete the course.
The final Project, called The Sustainability Challenge, Additionally, will allow students to choose one of different
proposed topics to develop a research paper. Also, students must produce a Tableau Story to present the work
for class. Examples of previous Tableau stories in the class can be found at:!/
Assignment Weight
Exam one 30%
Project 50%
Total 100%
The grade of A is reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance as determined by
the instructor. The grade of A- is awarded only for excellent performance. The grades of B+, B, and B- are
awarded for good performance. The grades of C+, C, and C- are awarded for adequate but substandard
performance. The grades of D+, D, and D- are not awarded at the graduate level (undergraduate only). The
grade of F indicates the student’s failure to satisfactorily complete the course work.
Please note that for Core and Foundation courses, a maximum of 25% of students may be awarded an A or A-;
the grade point average of the class should not exceed 3.3. For Elective courses, a maximum of 35% of
students may be awarded an A or A-; the grade point average of the class should not exceed 3.4. (For classes
with 15 students or fewer, the class GPA cap is waived.)
The course is organized in a series of topics that proceed from the macro to the micro – from a global scale to
the level of particular technologies. The course will rely on readings and research papers. Class discussion may
result in an expanded list of topics to reflect a more insightful view of some of the key issues. Students are
required to come to class well prepared for discussion. Additional readings may be added for each session as
new topics arise in class discussions.
Course Sections
1. Urbanization – Challenges and Opportunities: Urbanization in developing countries is the defining feature
of the 21st century. Global urban expansion poses a fundamental challenge and opportunities for cities,
nations, and the international community. Consequences of urbanization include traffic congestion,
environmental degradation including air and water pollution, resource scarcity, increase in poverty and crime,
and the creation of slums. However, it is only through cities that the challenges of poverty reduction,
economic growth, environmental sustainability, and climate change may be addressed. These are challenges
that have relevance right down to the building level.
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2. Sustainability – What Does It Mean and Why It Is Difficult to Attain?: Sustainability must be understood
in its broader context with respect to the consequences of demographic trends, lifestyle choices,
consumption patterns, resources constraints, and infrastructure. Central to the sustainability debate is the
ability to achieve convergence on what sustainability means, the metrics by which we can measure
performance, and the targets that we hope to achieve, and when. A clearer understanding of sustainability
should prompt better solutions to what we build, where we build, and how we build in the future. Once a
concept is agreed upon, it is necessary to understand whether sustainability requires regulation or whether
the market can deliver efficient solutions. Understanding the role of public and private costs and benefits, and
the issues of coordination of the different agents involved, is key to understand how to address sustainability
issues and why cities have been unsuccessful in tackling many of the sustainability problems.
· Main reading Materials:
o Spiro Pollalis, Andre Georgoulias, Stephen Ramos and Daniel Schodek (editors). Infrastructure
Sustainability and Design. Edited by. Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012. Part 1:
Dimensions of Sustainability: pp. 9-70.
· Additional readings:
o The Porter Hypothesis at 20: Can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and
Competitiveness. Ambec S., Cohen M., Elgie S., and Lanoie P. 2010.
o The Non-Tragedy of the Commons. John Tierney. The New York Times. 2009.
o The Tragedy of the Commons. Garrett Hardin. Science 13 Dec 1968: Vol. 162, Issue 3859, pp.
o Community-run fisheries: avoiding the 'tragedy of the commons' . Leal, D. 1996.
o Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons . Walljasper, J. On the Commons.
o The Coase Theorem is widely cited in economics. Ronald Coase hated it. Lee, T. The Washington
Post. 2013.
o The Problem of Social Cost. Coase, R. Law and Economics. Vol 2. 1960.
o The Fannie and Freddie Solution for Pollution. Mason, D. The Daily Signal. The Heritage
Foundation. May 13, 2010.
o The Coase Theorem. Medema, S., and Zerbe, R.Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. 1999.
o Other Things Equal, The so-called Coase Theorem . McClosekey, D.
3. Sustainable Urban Infrastructure – What Does This Encompass? Urban infrastructure is essential to
buildings cities and generally refers the “hard” systems - transportation, telecommunications, energy, water,
sanitation, and waste. On the “soft” side are health, education, social services, security and natural areas. To
BU.241.735.XX – Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Cities – Instructor Name – Page 4 of 7
this list must be water and food. The requirements of each must be examined and understood in a socio-
political, cultural and economic context. Each must be examined separately, either as networks or nodes,
then collectively. In terms of sustainability the challenge is with methods of measurement and performance
evaluation, typically applied to complex systems. Compounding the problem is the many stakeholders
involved in the lifetime of most infrastructure systems.
· Main reading Materials:
o Spiro Pollalis, Andre Georgoulias, Stephen Ramos and Daniel Schodek (editors). Infrastructure
Sustainability and Design. Edited by Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012. Part 2:
Sustainable Practice in Infrastructure Systems: pp. 71-168. Part 3: Assessing Urban Infrastructures:
pp. 169-244.
FOR A CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER PLANT from Harvard Business Publishing case course
pack ( )
DAR ES SALAAM from Harvard Business Publishing case course pack
( )
o Transportation: Rose Smart Growth Investment Fund from Harvard Business Publishing case
course pack ( )
· Additional readings:
o Cities Infrastructure: a report on sustainability. KPMG 2012.
o Growing resources for growing cities: Density and the cost of municipal public services in
Latin America. Libertun et al. Urban Studies Journal. September 2015.
4. Climate Change Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Average temperatures have
risen to record levels. This has affected the frequency and strength of extreme weather events. These
changes affect productivity, health, and in some cases even the survival of vulnerable cities. Furthermore,
contribution to the causes and vulnerability to the effects is unequally distributed both across and within
countries. Cities real estate and infrastructure face strong challenges with climate change. Infrastructure
plays a particularly important role, in addressing vulnerabilities. It is also one of the main victims of extreme
weather effects. As stated by the National Climate Assessment 2014 Report “Infrastructure is being
damaged by sea level rise, heavy downpours, and extreme heat; damages are projected to increase with
continued climate change”. In particular, essential infrastructure systems such as water, energy supply, and
transportation will increasingly be compromised. Taking steps to address this crisis is urgent, but it requires a
level of global coordination that we are far from reaching. Additionally, polarization in the political scene of
this topic has made relevant policy and reform become harder than ever to implement.
· Main reading Materials:
o Spiro Pollalis, Andre Georgoulias, Stephen Ramos and Daniel Schodek (editors). Infrastructure
Sustainability and Design. Edited by Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York. 2012. Part 2:
Sustainable Practice in Infrastructure Systems: pp. 71-168. Part 3: Assessing Urban Infrastructures:
pp. 169-244.
o Cases The Big Easy, Not So Easy and THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CARBON TRADING from
Harvard Business Publishing case course pack
( ).
consumption and almost three-quarters of U.S. electricity consumption), as well as on the bottom line of
private firms, it is fundamental to understand the benefits of making these operations more energy efficient.
Empirical work has shown that energy efficient buildings and related infrastructure not only improves
sustainability measures but also increases profits of real estate holdings. In this section we analyze how
energy efficient infrastructure, especially buildings, can be implemented and the impact this implementation,
especially LEED certification, has on the performance of the real estate assets.
· Main reading Materials:
o Why LEED Certification Matters to your Bottom Line. USGBC.
o Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok and John M. Quigley. The Economics of Green Building. The Review of
Economics and Statistics. Volume 95, Issue 1.
o Gilbert E. Metcalf and Kevin A. Hassett. Measuring the Energy Savings from Home
Improvement Investments- Evidence from Monthly Billing Data. Review of Economics and
Statistics. Volume 81, Issue 3, August 1999, pp. 516-528.
o Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok, and John M. Quigley. Doing Well by Doing Good? Green Office
Buildings. American Economic Review Number 100, pp. 2492–2509.
o Franz Fuerst and Patrick McAllister. Green Noise or Green Value? Measuring the Effects of
Environmental Certification on Office Values. Real Estate Economics. Vol 39, No 1, pp. 45–69.
o Nils Kok, Marquise McGraw, and John M. Quigley. The Diffusion of Energy Efficiency in
Building. American Economic Review. Vol 101, No. 3.
o Arik Levinson. How Much Energy Do Building Energy Codes Save? Evidence from California
Houses. American Economic Review. Vol 106, No 10, pp. 2867–2894.
· Additional readings:
o Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Kathleen O’Meara, Kristin Baja, Anna A. Scott, Darryn W.
Waugh and Meredith C. McCormack. B’more Cool: Monitoring the Urban Heat Island at High
Density for Health and Urban Design.
o Gensler. Impact by Design. Sustainable Performance, Environmental Impact, Design
o MacCleery, R., Peterson C., and Stern, J.D. Shifting Suburbs: Reinventing Infrastructure for
Compact Development. Urban Land Institute. 2012.
World’s Most Famous Office Building, and THE GREEN DUPLEX (residential) from Harvard
Business Publishing case course pack (
6. Demand and Supply of sustainable infrastructure. This is one of the most difficult challenges given the
lack of data, the proliferation of misinformation, and the politics involved. In emerging economies, the gap
between demand and supply is rapidly expanding, while capacity building is severely constrained. Driving
demand is the scale and rate of urbanization within developing countries that face serious resource
constraints (natural, fiscal, administrative and technical). Driving supply are the international capital markets,
entrepreneurship, technology, and political will. Creative, practical and cost-effective measures, many of
which are home-grown, are already in use to address local needs and may soon influence the way that
demand and supply are traditionally defined and measured.
· Main reading Materials:
o McKinsey Quarterly. Mobilizing for a resource revolution. McKinsey Global Institute. McKinsey &
Company. January 2012.
o McKinsey Global Institute. Urban World: Cities and the rise of the middle class. McKinsey &
Company. June 2012.
o McKinsey Global Institute. Resource Revolution: Meeting the world’s energy, materials, food
and water needs. McKinsey & Company. 2011.
BU.241.735.XX – Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Cities – Instructor Name – Page 6 of 7
· Additional readings:
o Sustainable Service Delivery in an Increasingly Urbanized World. USAID Policy Note. 2013.
o Methodologies and Tools for Forecasting Infrastructure. Patterns of Potential Human Progress
Volume 4: Building Global Infrastructure. The Frederick S. Pardee Center for International
Futures, IFS.
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Blackboard Site
A Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the
semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the
instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at Support for
Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.
It is the responsibility of every Carey student, faculty member, and staff member to familiarize themselves with
the AEP and its procedures. Failure to become acquainted with this information will not excuse any student,
faculty, or staff from the responsibility to abide by the AEP. Please contact the Student Services office if you
have any questions. For the full policy, please visit the Academic Ethics Policy webpage.
Copyright Statement
Unless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for
and expected to be used by class participants only. The recording and rebroadcasting of such material, by any
means, is forbidden. Violations are subject to sanctions under the Academic Ethics Policy.