Asset Management Procedures
Asset Management Procedures
Asset Management Procedures
1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the University College monitors, manages and
maintains its assets to provide the best possible service to its users.
2. Organisational Scope
These procedures are relevant to all of the University College’s property or assets and are applicable
to all staff members.
3. Definitions
For purposes of this procedure, unless otherwise stated, the following definitions shall apply:
Book Value: Is the cost of a plant asset minus the accumulated depreciation since the asset was
acquired. This net amount is not an indication of the asset's fair market value.
Capitalization Threshold: The value set for capital items that are to be depreciated.
Cost Model: Initial cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.
Computing Equipment: Include servers, printers, scanners, and plotters. (Note purchasing of small
non-networked printers for individual machines is discouraged. Where such
printers are required, the IT Department will assess the need in the area, and
attempt to install a networked printer which will service the area and which
IT Department can support centrally).
Desktop Equipment: Includes all components of a personal computer unit and laptops i.e. the
monitor, base unit, mouse, mouse pad, keyboard, speakers, and the
standard application/operating software, cables and freight.
Specified Item: Is an asset that doesn’t meet the capitalisation criteria but is recorded as a
fixed asset through the asset register because it is prone to accidental or
deliberate loss due to its portability and attractiveness e.g. palm pilots,
videos, cameras, televisions and audio equipment.
Depreciation: Is a charge on a fixed asset to allocate the cost of the asset over the
estimated useful life of the asset. The depreciation charge for each period is
recognised as an operating expense and shall be charged to the budget
centre that holds the asset.
The Mico: Asset Management Procedures Page 3
Fair Value: Is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. Where there
is no market based evidence of fair value (because of the specialised nature
of the asset) depreciated replacement cost may be used.
Repairs and Include costs incurred in the day-to-day servicing of an asset, including
Maintenance: labour, consumables, and the cost of small parts.
Recoverable Amount: Is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use.
Value in use would usually be determined as the present value of future cash
flow projections.
Residual Value: Is the remaining value of an asset after it has been fully depreciated (the
(Salvage value) value at the end of the useful life of an asset).
Impairment of When the book value of an asset falls below its recoverable amount, the
an asset: asset is considered impaired.
Initial Cost: Includes the asset’s purchase price plus any costs directly attributable to
brining the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable
of operating in the manner intended.
Useful Life: Is defined as the period over which an asset is expected to be available for
use by the University College. It is determined in relation to an entire asset
category, as opposed to an individual asset and after considering the
following factors; expected usage, physical wear and tear, technical or
commercial obsolescence, legal or other limits.
Disposal of Asset: Is the removal of an asset no longer needed by means of sale, write-off,
trade-in, transfer or donation.
4.2 Recognition
4.2.1 Capitalisation Criteria
Note: Expenditure splitting in order to get below the capitalisation threshold (J$10,000) is not
5. Legislative Compliance
The University College shall comply with all the relevant laws, guidelines, rules, regulations and
procedures within a legislative framework, of the Laws of Jamaica.
6. References
a) Financial Administration and Audit Act
b) GoJ’s Handbook of Public Sector Procurement Procedures
c) The Mico’s Procurement Policy
d) The Mico’s Procurement Procedures
e) The Mico’s Investment Policy
For Assets Not Sold (Write-offs) – Details of Disposal Method (Destroyed etc.)
The purpose of this Form is to provide as much information as possible regarding the asset to be disposed of, for updating the
University College’s Asset Register and Insurance Records.
Please read the following in its entirety before completing this Form.
3. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM - The Asset Register Number and full details of the item, as best
known, must be given.
To comply with the requirement for proper disposal, please ensure that all relevant waste electrical and electronic
equipment is separated from other wastes and is disposed of following all Health and Safety recommendations.