This document discusses the legal research process and strategies, including identifying facts, formulating issues, researching issues, and updating research. It also describes several types of legal research sources like textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, digests, indexes, and citators. The legal research process involves systematically analyzing facts, developing legal issues, exploring relevant laws and cases, and ensuring research stays up-to-date.
This document discusses the legal research process and strategies, including identifying facts, formulating issues, researching issues, and updating research. It also describes several types of legal research sources like textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, digests, indexes, and citators. The legal research process involves systematically analyzing facts, developing legal issues, exploring relevant laws and cases, and ensuring research stays up-to-date.
This document discusses the legal research process and strategies, including identifying facts, formulating issues, researching issues, and updating research. It also describes several types of legal research sources like textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, digests, indexes, and citators. The legal research process involves systematically analyzing facts, developing legal issues, exploring relevant laws and cases, and ensuring research stays up-to-date.
This document discusses the legal research process and strategies, including identifying facts, formulating issues, researching issues, and updating research. It also describes several types of legal research sources like textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, digests, indexes, and citators. The legal research process involves systematically analyzing facts, developing legal issues, exploring relevant laws and cases, and ensuring research stays up-to-date.
a. Identify and analyze the significant facts
b. Formulate the legal issues to be researched c. Research the issues presented MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENTS | SF 2020 d.Update IDENTIFY AND ANALYZE THE SIGNIFICANT FACTS
The TARP Rule is a useful technique to analyze your facts according to the following factors: T-Thing or subject matter A-Cause of Action or group defense
R-Relief sought P-Persons or parties involved FORMULATE THE LEGAL ISSUES TO BE RESEARCHED
This is the initial intellectual activity that presumes some knowledge of the substantive law. The goal is to classify or categorize the problem into general, and increasingly specific, subject areas
and to begin hypothesize legal issues. RESEARCH THE ISSUES PRESENTED
After the facts have been analyzed and the issues have been framed, it is time to begin researching the first issue: a. Organize and plan b. Identify, read, and update all relevant
constitutional provisions, statutes, and administrative regulations c. Identify, read, and update all relevant case law d. Refine the search LM 213 LEGAL RESEARCH UPDATE Law changes constantly. Our Congress passes new statutes and modify old ones. Our Supreme Court either refines the law or reaffirms the law or even
changes the interpretation of the law. LM 213 LEGAL RESEARCH
Marvin Cabantac, Instructor I INTRODUCTION Search books or law finders constitute the third classification of law books. They differ very sharply from the first two in that they neither contain the law nor any statement or explanation of the law, except in a very few of them. As a rule these books simply indicate to the researcher where he can find certain cases or certain collection of case, presumably pertaining to a particular subject of the law, give some information regarding cases or statutes other than contents. INTRODUCTION Many of these books serve as guideposts in the search for authority, giving the searcher explicit directions as to the path, which he must take in order to find the case or cases or statutory provision embodying the legal principle he is looking for. However, some search books merely give an indication of the general direction of his search that may lead him to the authorities he desires to find. Although these books cannot be regarded as authority, or cited to support a statement of the legal principle, it is nonetheless true that some of the most useful law books belong to this class. LEGAL TEXTBOOK A legal textbook is one, which summarizes the present status of the law, for professional use, or the development and the general principles of the existing law, for study and references. As will be noted, this type of treatise has two main purposes. The textbook written for the lawyer in his practice compiles provisions of law and court decisions pertinent to the subject of which it treats. The main text is either a recitation of the law itself, quoted or restated, or it is anchored to a generous spread of footnotes. Tables of statutes and cases cited as well as appendices of related laws are usually included. LEGAL ENCYCLOPEDIA Legal encyclopedias are designed to supply in concise form, brief but comprehensive statements of the current law topics combined into one sequence. Thus, the encyclopedia is not designed for the laymen or students but primarily for busy practicing lawyers. LEGAL DICTIONARIES Law dictionary is also defined as a book which is arranged alphabetically and defined words which constitute the terminology of the law as a special branch of knowledge, of common words which have been defined in the process of law-making, judicial interpretation or administration of the law. LEGAL DIGESTS AND INDEXES A legal digest is a compilation of paragraphs containing concise statements of legal principles which may be deduced from statutory enactments to form a digest of statute law, or which may be gathered from careful study of the decisions to form a digest of case law, grouped under appropriate headings, which are arranged alphabetically. The digested paragraph consists of statement of facts of the case and the principle of law, which the court has applied to those facts. These digests, both for cases and statutes, serve as a subject index or a topically arranged finding tool. CITATORS The final step in doing legal research is updating the law. This step involves making sure the legal rules researched is still a valid law. Shepardizing is the most widely used method of updating the law. It is a research technique unique to law. When used as a verb, it refers to the process of consulting the Shepard’s Citations volume for the complete history and treatment of the case by other courts.
(Oxford Handbooks) Adrienne Stone (Editor), Frederick Schauer (Editor) - The Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech (2021, Oxford University Press) - Libgen - Li
(Oxford Handbooks) Adrienne Stone (Editor), Frederick Schauer (Editor) - The Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech (2021, Oxford University Press) - Libgen - Li