PR1-Importance of Quali Across Fields
PR1-Importance of Quali Across Fields
PR1-Importance of Quali Across Fields
Department of Education
I. Objective
At the end of the session, learners will be able to describe the characteristics and kinds of qualitative
and quantitative research
Enabling objectives:
Specifically, learners shall be able to;
1. describe the characteristics and kinds of qualitative and quantitative research
2. value the differences of qualitative and quantitative research; and
3. make a graphic organizer exhibiting the differences and commonalities of quantitative and
qualitative research
II. Subject Matter
Key Content / Topic : Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Instructional Materials : PowerPoint Presentation
Methodology/Approach : Constructivist and Reflective Pedagogical Approaches and Lecture
References/Sources :
III. Procedure
A. Preparation (suggested time 3-5 mins.)
1. Preparatory Activities
Greetings, Setting an atmosphere of learning and Checking of Attendance
B. Presentation (suggested time 8 mins.)
Recall: SKL
The class will review the previous by completing one of the response slips:
2. Lesson Proper
Based on the previous discussion, what are the differences and similarities of qualitative and
quantitative research?
1. Phenomenology. It refers to the study of how people find their experiences meaningful.
2. Case Study. It is a form of qualitative research that is focused on providing a detailed account of
single event or incident, rather than to generalize about other situations
3. Ethnography. This type of research focuses on describing the culture of a group of people.
4. Grounded Theory. It is a research approach designed to discover what problems exist in a given
social environment and how the persons involved handle them.
5. Historical Research. It allows one to discuss past and present events in the context of the present
condition, and allows one to reflect and provide possible answers to current issues and problems.
6. Content analysis. It is a method of quantitative that requires an analysis or examination of the
substance or content of the mode of communication used by a person, group, organization, or any
institution in communicating.
7. Discourse Analysis. A study of language structures used in the medium of communication to
discover the effects of sociological, cultural, institutional, and ideological factors on the content.
2.4 Application:
Directions: Using your phone, look for relevant studies for each kind of qualitative research. Make sure
that the research is aligned to your strand. Read and analyze.