Locke and Latham (1990) provide a somewhat different model of job satisfaction. They
proceed from the assumption that the objectives set at the highest level and high expectations
for sucess in work provides achevement and sucess in performing tasks. Sucess is analysed as
a factor that creates job satisfaction.
Muhammad M. A., Jegak U. and
Balakrishnan P. (2009) have found that the teachers working in secondary school
included as
respondents in this study are usually contented with their Job of teaching. This result does not
our general view of this study that the secondary school teachers in our country are
unhappy with
their profession. This study also reveals that the teachers of secondary school are not
happy with
their pay structure and working environment in the school. This result also shows our
common view
of this study on the other hand the secondary school teachers of Malaysia are dissatisfied with
pay structure and also with bad working environment particularly in the schools
located in rural
areas. Findings of the study indicate that secondary schools in Tawau, Sabah is in
requirement to get better the working environment in many schools. Specific strategies are
to move forwards the school working environment with a view to deliver a better
environment for the school teachers to perform in better manner. Special
thoughtfulness and
allotments from the Ministry of Education are required to improve the work environment
and the
physical structure of the schools. In addition to this, the findings of this study indicate that
the six
work parameters selected have positives impact on school teachers’ overall job contentment.
these work facets of teaching job should be taken into consideration while planning
for school
teachers overall job contentment. This shows that school teachers’ work facets data are vital
of consideration for managing their job contentment. The results of study show that
the six
parameters of the job of teaching are considerably linked with school teachers’ job
The administration and the Teaching Department of the school should investigate carefully
all these
six parameters which are found to be completely touching the secondary school
contentment. Secondary Schools should be capable with sufficient services and other
resources satisfactorily with a objective of the Secondary school teachers to perform
effectively and
efficiently in the secondary school viewpoint
Kaliski 2007 Job satisfaction is a worker’s sense of achievement and sucess on the job. It is
generally perceived to be directly linked to productitivty as well as to personal well-being.
Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being rewarded for one’s
efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one’s work. Job
satisfaction is the key ingridient that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the
achevement of other goals that lead to a feeling of fullfillment
Statt, 2004 Job satisfaction can be defined also as the extent to which a worker is content
with the rewards he or she gets out of his ore her job,particulary in terms of intrinsic
George et al., 2008 Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have
about their current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme
satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudes about their jobs as a
whole. People also can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of
work they do, their coworkers, supervisors or suborinates and their pay
Mullins 2005Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept wich can mean different
things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of
this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivaton. Job satisfaction is
more of an attitude, an internal state. It could,for example, be associated with a personal
feeling of achievement, either quantitative or kualitative
Vanderberg and Lance (1992) during wich they surveyed 100 profesionists in the information
services for five months showd a strong relations between job satisfaction and employee
loyalty. Their research proved that the higher the degree of job satisfaction the higher is the
level of employee loyalty
Hoppock, 1935 According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the influence of
many external factors, it remains something internal that has to do with the way how the
employee feels. That is job satisfaction presents a set of factors that cause a feeling of
Bennet & Liden, 1996;Wayne et al.,2002). Exchanges between an employee and employing
institution are called POS. Review of OS literature uses social exchange theory interpretation
of institutional commitment to explain how an employee’s commitment to an institution is
influenced by the institution’s commitment to employee
Wickramasinghe (2016) investigated the level of job satisfaction experienced by IT graduates
employed full-time offshore outsourced IT firms in Sri Lanka, the demographic characteristics that
predict job satisfaction, perceptions towards IT jobs in outsourced IT firms, turnover and job search
intentions. Using a clustered random sample of 122 respondents who filled in a questionnaire and a
Pearson Correlation Coefficient, he established that gender and tenure are significant in job
satisfaction measures. Bang (2015) examined the moderating role of age in the relationships
between leader-member exchange dimensions and job satisfaction and between job satisfaction and
intention to stay among volunteers in non-profit sports organizations. Using a clustered random
sample of 214 volunteers in 22 non-profit sports organizations and a moderated hierarchical
regression analysis, he established that age moderated the relationship between professional
respect and job satisfaction such that it was stronger for younger volunteers, and job satisfaction
had a greater positive influence on intention to stay for older rather than younger volunteers.
Singhapakdi, Sirgy, Lee, Sensasu, Yu and Nisius(2014) carried out a study to shed more light on
gender disparity in job satisfaction in the context of western versus Asian managers. Using a self-
administered survey both in the US and Thailand, and confirmatory factor analysis, they established
that gender disparity in job satisfaction in Thailand is driven mainly by significant gender disparity in
lower–order Quality of Work Life (QWL) and organizational socialization. Chaudhuri, Reilly and
Spencer (2015) carried out a study to examine the effects of age and tenure on job satisfaction.
Using a British household panel survey, they established that tenure shares a non-monotonic
relationship with job satisfaction for females. For males, the same results are found only at higher
levels of job satisfaction. All, the above studies were carried out in the context of the western world
and Asia. This contextual gap made it necessary for this study in the context of Makerere University
in Uganda
Langston (2015) carried out a study aimed at analyzing the female workforce in Urology compared to
that of men in income, workload and job satisfaction. Using a clustered sample of 6511 domestic
members practising Urologists who filled in a questionnaire and a linear regression model, they
established that gender was not a significant predictor of job satisfaction among the workforce in
Herzberg et al (1960) defined extrinsic factors as those factors that do not motivate or satisfy but
rather prevent dissatisfaction. In this study, extrinsic factors will mean effective senior management,
effective supervisors at work, good relationships with co-workers, high satisfaction with salary,
employee satisfaction with benefits as well as the presence of core values in an organization. There
are different empirical studies relating extrinsic factors to job satisfaction.
Tesfaw (2014) carried out a study to determine the relationship between the transformational
leadership of government secondary principals and teachers‟ job satisfaction. Using a clustered
random sample of 320 teachers who filled a questionnaire and a Pearson correlational co-efficient
technique, they established that the relationship between each component of transformational
leadership and teachers‟ job satisfaction was found to be moderate, positive and significant
Saracoglu (2014) explored the role of human resources management practices, job satisfaction and
organizational commitment intentions of employees working in Turkish private organizations. Using
a sample of 200 employees who filled in a questionnaire and the Pearson correlation coefficient
indicated that there was a positive relationship between HRM practices in the department
(recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance
appraisals) and job satisfaction.
Smerek and Peterson (2007) proposed a model for assessing job satisfaction which proposes that to
obtain job satisfaction in an organization, there should be job characteristics as well as a perceived
work environment (intrinsic and extrinsic factors). Smerek and Peterson defined job characteristics
as the main core dimensions of the job. Job characteristics in regards to the model are
operationalised in terms of work units such as; facilities and operational units, human resource units,
financial units and administrative IT, and union as well as non-union units. Smerekand Peterson
defined perceived work environment as the surrounding conditions in which an employee
operates.It includes a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. To them, intrinsic factors
are “those factors that fulfill an individual‟s need for psychological growth” p 230. Intrinsic factors in
regards to the model include; employee recognition, the work itself, employee opportunities for
advancement, professional growth of employees, employee responsibility, a good feeling about the
organization as well as clarity of the organization's mission
Job satisfaction has become an important subject to study for researchers. Employees
deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. Job satisfaction to some extent is a reflection of
good treatment. Job satisfaction can also be considered as indicator of emotional well- being.
Managers should concentrate on job satisfaction of employees because dissatisfied employees
are more likely to provide inferior services. Job is a main source of income as well as an
important component of life. Job takes away a large part of worker’s day and also contributes
to one’s social standings. Satisfaction with one’s job is an important component for the well-
being of employees