Py 805 (A) Perfumes and Colours Jun 2017

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adrama All questions carry ual mats. |. Give claificain of odour. How do you defae odour and ‘perfumes? Give chemical classification of perfumes cbnined {fom plant ad animal sources, Wie ref nota on deodorants send omni waters. 2. What do you know aboot estntal ols? Diseus various sysical ad chemical properies of easentil oils, Discuss ‘ny two methods forsolation of esses il. 3. Wite brief account on following: 4) Analysis nd standardization of perfrnes 1) Toxloologiea aspects of use of perfumes ©). Safety study of perfumes on naked skin 4 Discus various spplicatons of perfumes in various cosmetic products, Write note on cologne, ems Pro to>-ouuosdirans adBrana wos-suyuosdasrasn a 5. Give definitions of color, lake, dye and pigment, Discuss Hune's rule of multiplicity volume band approach and smolcular orbital approach i odour 6. Give detailed classification of colour. Giving exapes, ‘acute various coloueobtsined from natal sources Uke plant and animal sources, colours obtained from mineral Sources, synthetic colours et 7. 9) GeFDA dassifcason of colours Mlaate your answer wid suitble expla, 1) Discuss epplicatons of various colours in various cosmetics vic your answer wich suitable examples 8. Discuss vious physicochemical properties of dyes, lakes and pigments. Commer: on "Reghlabry aspecs of we of colours in drug al coumetics as pr schedule Q of drug and Pras a) wos'auyuosdaarawn

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