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1/28/22, 9:22 AM CP3 History Army Public School and College for Cambridge studies

CP3 History Army Public School and College for

Cambridge studies
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Syed M. Ali hussain

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1. Mongols were Nomadic tribes of ________________. * 1 point




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1/28/22, 9:22 AM CP3 History Army Public School and College for Cambridge studies

2. In the Middle Ages people paid ___________ of their income to the 1 point

Church. *




3. Galileo Galilei was declared sentenced to life imprisonment in __________ 1 point

by the Church. *




4. Founder and First Chief of the Mongol Empire Was _____________. * 1 point

Changez Khan

Halaku Khan

Ogedai Khan

5. In ______________century , the Mongols captured around Caspian Sea in 1 point

Eastern Europe. *

13th Century

14th Century

15th Century

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1/28/22, 9:22 AM CP3 History Army Public School and College for Cambridge studies

6. The Dark Ages ended in ____________ * 1 point

600 CE

400 CE

800 CE

7. People executed and declared an outcast and sinful called 1 point

_________________. *



Crusade wars

8. The Dark Ages started in ________________. * 1 point

476 CE

376 CE

275 CE

9. Split up of Roman Church is known as _______________. * 1 point

East-West Schism

Western Church

Eastern Church

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1/28/22, 9:22 AM CP3 History Army Public School and College for Cambridge studies

10. In 380 CE _______________ was declared the state religion of the Roman 1 point

Empire. *




11. Muslims Ruled Jerusalem for ______________ years. * 1 point




12. Muslims armies Won back Jerusalem from Christian in _____________. * 1 point

1094 CE

1187 CE

1287 CE

13. When __________ died Mongols went back to Mongolia. * 1 point


Changez Khan

Halaku Khan

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1/28/22, 9:22 AM CP3 History Army Public School and College for Cambridge studies

14. Mongols held responsible for the death of approximately _____________ 1 point

million people. *




15. the Church of Constantinople and the Church of Rome was split up in 1 point

____________. *

1054 CE

1154 CE

1254 CE

16. Why Sultan Salahuddin is considered "The hero of the Crusades"? * 5 points

Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was a fighter who freed Jerusalem of the Crusaders, he was a
living example of the tolerant, progressive, and inclusive faith which was so dear to his
heart. By showing restraint and peaceful treatment, Salahuddin was upholding the central
tenets of Islam such as freedom of religion and protection of non-Muslims. And this is why
sultan Salahuddin in considered the hero of the crusades.

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