Natural Person ID
Natural Person ID
Natural Person ID
Create a Common Law I.D. Card (legally)
The common law ID is not meant to distort one’s assumed age to purchase alcohol or to get into a bar ,
ect…. If you use these methods for fraudulent purposes to swindle others, then karma will surely
catch up to you. When we are “birthed”, we are given a name by our parents. A given name, and a clan
name that we carry on. This name is then copyrighted and registered with the government into a
“FIRST” and “LAST” name corporate fiction which is certified on paper as a legal entity that can be
charged, sued, and extorted. Through the Natural person ID movement, we are creating our own
names, or atleast using the names our parents organically gave us in their sovereign manner. We use
names as distinctions, nothing more, nothing less. And yes, these names can create reputations. If one
were to use multiple names, in due time, he would create calamity for himself, with or without gov-
ernment enforcement.
This process of creating our own identification free of government registration which makes us into
monetized debt-slave chattel…..involves a simple process. Choose a name that you will take on indefi-
nitely, claim a dominion (I claim Earth as my home), estimate your conception date (atleast month and
year) based on eye witness accounts (no one is really 100% as to when they were really created, since
we had no cognitive abilities). Have this document notarized with two witness signatures, preferably
one being your mother, the other your father. or someone who would be willing to vouch for you in a
court building.
With this document, we can also create our own “paper self” free of social security tracking numbers.
If you are interested in this process, please schedule a consultation via “services offered”.
We never signed the constitution. We never had a say in whether or not we wanted to become regis-
tered monetized certified, debt slaves at birth, it only makes sense that as an adult I should naturally
want to create my own name and opt-out of such violence contracts that I had no say in.
Use of a Zoning Improvement Plan or ZIP code on domestic mail is prima facie evidence that you are
subject to the jurisdiction of Washington D.C., giving up the more beneficial jurisdiction of your State
or Territory. Sending mail to private non-federal associated properties does not require a zip-code. To
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Natural Person ID | www.Sovereigntactics.Org
use a zip-code is to give jurisdiction over to the corporate fiction known as the “USA”. With a Com-
mon Law I.D. you can legally send letters to be picked up privately at any central hub post office with
a “non-domestic” address. Historically in the United States during the colonial era, and pre-civil war
era, this was the preferred method of communication which shows a clear distinction that Americans
were once free and truly sovereign and had immunity for laws which could show no injured party or
could show any stolen/damaged property.
It is recommended that once you obtain a Common Law ID (which was used in the 1800′s), that you
send a non-domestic piece of mail addressed to the REAL you
Family name: Stroud
General Delivery
Nashville, Tennessee Republic
If you are successful in sending this letter to yourself, hold this mail as evidence to use in court, to
show that you are NOT in the Jurisdiction of the Maritime/D.C. courts.
The more documents you can create to prove your sovereignty, the stronger your case will be court
when you make the argument that the codes, statues, and illegal colorful courts do not apply to YOU.
and that you own yourself. You are a natural organic indigenous person to the planet Earth. Remem-
ber, for thousands of years, families recorded their own birth records. The power is in your individual
ability to contract unlimitedly with others and even YOURSELF!.
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