Clinic - Rules v14

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Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need
for medical care grows with it. Fortunately, you and your business
partners have the wherewithal to build a clinic to address these
needs. Unfortunately, just before groundbreaking, your differing
views of the ideal clinic cause a schism, and you go your separate
ways, with patients already scheduling appointments! Each of
you decides to build the clinic of your dreams, hiring staff, and
building modules and more, in order to meet the demands of the
ailing patients. This is your Clinic! Build it however you like to give
patients the care they need, so you can make your Clinic the most
popular one in town!


56 doctors
(in 4 colors of
20 white, 16 yellow,
12 orange, 8 red)

4 double-sided player boards 93 patients

(in 4 colors of illness:
38 white, 28 yellow,
17 orange, 10 red)

1 Main board depicting assorted buildings related to the Clinic

25 nurses
4 double-sided Floor 2 boards

9 orderlies
16 Treatment
4 double-sided Floor 3 boards
64 cars

16 Entrance tiles 8 Helipad tiles 16 Supply Rooms 16 Service Hubs 12 Special Modules
20 conveyors
60 Module tiles

24 Parking tiles 12 Garden tiles 1 Action marker

Build Hire Admit Patients

52 coins (2 per player) (2 per player) (2 per player) 1 Round marker
4 +50 Popularity
(20 $1, 20 $5,12 $25) tiles 24 Action tiles in player colors

12 player discs
1 rulebook

7 Bonus tiles 1 Patient Pool bag 1 Doctor Pool bag

Thanks to our fantastic Kickstarter backers, you will also find additional components pertaining to a few mini-expansions
that are included in the base game box. Please see Expansions, p. 22. 1
Overview A Few Crucial Gameplay Concepts Buildings Floors
Your clinic may comprise more than one building. Each building may have a number of floors.
In this game, you build and manage a During a game of Clinic, you will be constructing your own clinic so you can treat patients.
A building is simply defined as a group of adjacent modules.
medical clinic, attempting to gain the most Here are a few core concepts to help you better understand this task. More specific rules Your player board includes ground floor (Floor 0) and Floor 1,
popularity. You primarily gain popularity in governing how and when you may build and operate your clinic will be covered later. If you build a module that is adjacent to a previously placed but there are Extra Floor boards in case you wish to build up to
the traditional way: by spending money; module, you are simply expanding the size of that building. Floor 2 or even Floor 3. When building higher than the ground
however, there are a few other ways to If you build a module that is not adjacent to a previously floor, you must build above a previously built module.
boost your clinic’s fame, such as letting placed module, you are starting a new building.
some of your doctors work on research. Modules You can extend your board with a Floor 2 board and then a
A Module is a tile that represents the interior of your Clinic. It
Services Separate buildings can never be joined together later. Floor 3 board at any time, even at the beginning of the game.
You generate income by providing suitable completely fills a space of the grid on your player board, and it has The medical They are separate boards merely to conserve table space.
care to patients, but this is complicated a checkered floor. services
by the fact that building, staffing, and featured in
operating a clinic is not free! Clinic are:
Patients will schedule appointments for
different services. Each patient will have a
different severity of affliction, and this is Treatment Rooms
represented by their color: White patients
have the mildest problems, yellow are a
little worse off, orange are in bad shape, psychiatry
and red are in critical condition.
In order to admit a patient to your clinic, Supply Rooms Service Hubs Special Modules
you must offer the type of service they
need. Once you get them into your clinic,
Entrances, helipads, parking, and gardens are not modules.
you will need to move them to a treatment cardiology
room, and send in a doctor — ideally a
doctor well suited to the severity of their
case. You can compensate for any disparity
by sending nurses to assist the doctor. Building Modules
Of course, treatment rooms also require Different modules may have specific rules for building and placing
supplies. Staffing supply rooms with them in your clinic, but there is one rule that governs them all:
orderlies will save you money (fewer • You cannot build two modules of the same color adjacent to
supplies damaged; fewer employees each other.
stocking their houses with company
supplies…). There are many aspects to
running an efficient and profitable Clinic! orthopedics
The term adjacent is used very specifically in this game:
• Adjacency is always orthogonal, never diagonal.
• Adjacency considers not only north, south, east, and west,
but also up and down.
Note: This means that you cannot build a module on the next floor
above a module of the same color.

This is just an OVERVIEW,

so don’t worry about
remembering all of this Patients & Staff Service Hubs Treatment Rooms Supply Rooms
information now, It will all Throughout the game you will hire staff to run your clinic and treat your patients: A service hub, which is magenta, These orange tiles are where your These pink tiles are needed
be explained in more detail
determines which of the five types of doctors and nurses will treat most to successfully operate your
later on!
medical care that entire floor of the of your patients. The type of illness treatment rooms.
building offers. Each floor of each you are able to treat is determined
They perform no function
building can only have one service by the adjacent service hub on the
Patients Doctors Nurses Orderlies hub, and hence can only offer one same floor. This treatment room is for
themselves, they only enable
The color of the The color of a Nurses will assist Orderlies will treatment rooms to function.
type of medical care. psychiatric ( ) patients.
patient indicates Doctor indicates doctors, enabling help you reduce
the severity of the severity of them to treat the day-to-day
their illness. illness that they patients for which expenses of
can treat without they aren’t an maintaining Special Modules Parking
assistance from exact match. your clinic. These blue tiles have a range of special abilities and functions You will also need to provide parking for the doctors, nurses
a nurse. to help you run your clinic more effectively. and orderlies you hire, as well as for the patients that you
admit. Unoccupied borders between spaces can be used
as parking, but you may also build parking spaces to more
efficiently use the limited space available to you.

2 3
Bonus Tiles Patient and Doctor Pools
Please use the BEGINNER options for Player Areas Create the patient pool by putting the
anyone who is new to the game; those BEGINNERS should use the 4×3 side. Shuffle the bonus tiles, then lay out 1 more than the number of players, face up 25 . following patients in the Patient Pool bag
familiar with the game can use the EXPERT Each EXPERT can choose which side they wish to play (3×3 is challenging!). In reverse turn order, take 1 bonus tile each. Apply whatever one-time benefit your 26 , according to the number of players:
options. You can have any mix of beginners Bonus tile confers. Return all of the Bonus tiles to the box.
Each player: Choose a player color and take the following:
and experts, even 3 beginners and 1 expert
Note: If your bonus tile gives you a person, you must also take a car, as depicted on the bonus
or 1 beginner and 3 experts. • a player board in your color, flipped to • $15, placed at the bottom of the left
tile. The person comes from the supply, not from the pools/displays (see right). 1 2 4 6
the appropriate side. side of your player board 16 .
Set the main board in the middle of the
3 8 12 16
table 1 . • 3 discs in your color. Place the first on • 1 set of 6 action tiles in your color 17 : Construct your Initial Clinic
the first space of the Time Spent track 2 Build, 2 Hire, 2 Admit Patients. BEGINNERS: From a set of 1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, and 1 white patient cube, take a 6 12 18 24
Module and Tile Displays around the outer edge of the main
• 1 psychiatric service hub 18 , random patient. Set up your clinic according to the diagram below that matches the 9 18 26 34
board 13 . Place the second on the Turn patient you drew, then put all 4 patient cubes back in the supply.
Look at the “notepad” on the main board 1 treatment room 19 , 1 supply
Order track 14 (once everyone’s disc is Create a doctor pool by putting the
2 to see which services will be available room 20 , and 1 entrance 21 . following doctors in the Doctor Pool bag
during the game, according to the number on the Turn Order track, randomize their
See Construct your Initial Clinic,
of players (also see table below). Stack the starting order). Place the final disc on 27 , according to the number of players:
opposite, for further instructions on
service hubs for the available services face the 0 space on the Popularity track 15
where to place these in your clinic.
down, by type, next to the Service Hub area , stacked to match the turn order, top to
on the main board 3 to form a supply. bottom: the latest in the turn order on • 1 white doctor 22 and 1 car 23 . 1 2 3 4
Turn the top tile of each stack face up. bottom; the earliest,
on top.
• 1 +50 Popularity token in your color 24 . EXPERTS: Simultaneously build your initial clinic per the Construction Rules, p. 7.
Return the others to the box. 2 3 4 6
Note: For this initial construction, your entrance MUST connect to your service hub.
: 3 5 8 10

13 1 Place the leftover doctors and patients

in a supply within reach.
Setup example for 2 players
14 Main Board
Doctor Display
S tack the treatment rooms in any number
of stacks next to the Treatment Room area
28 2 Fill each space of the University 28 from
on the main board 4 . the left, up through the number of players,
3 with a random doctor drawn from the bag.
S tack 4 supply rooms per player in any Rearrange them according to the diagram
number of stacks next to the Supply Room 4 on the university: red, orange, yellow,
area on the main board 5 . 26 white. Just skip any colors you didn’t draw.
S tack a certain number (see table below) 5 Nurse and Orderly Display
of each special module face down, by 32
type, next to the Special Module area on 29 F ill each row of the supply 29 from the
the main board to form individual supply 27 bottom, up through the number of players,
6 with 1 nurse per space.
stacks 6 . Turn the top tile of each stack
face up. Return the others to the box. 33 Place 2 orderlies per player in their
7 30
: 1 each of 2 different random 12 allocated spaces 30 .
11 8
special modules Fill the parking lot 31 with cars (they don’t
: 1 of each type 31 need to be neat). Set any remaining cars
10 9 aside for now, they can be added to the
: 2 of each type parking lot later if needed.
: 3 of each type
Next to their corresponding areas on the For each available service (depends on the
main board, place the following: 17 player count):
gardens 7 , helipads 8 , entrances 9 , • Draw 1 patient and place them in the
conveyors 10 , and parking spaces 11 . rightmost space on the “notepad” 32 .
Make a bank of the coin tokens, and stack 25
the Extra Floor boards by floor. Place the 24
bank and floors within easy reach of all 20 19 Place the Action marker on the first
players 12 . space of the Action track 33 , just below
the “notepad”.
Place the Round marker (a big cube,
21 not round at all, but it tracks the game
18 rounds) on the first space of the Round
22 23 track 34 , on the right side of the board.

4 5
Playing the Game Action: Build
The game lasts 6 rounds, each of which comprises the same sequence of phases:
Building your clinic to treat more and more patients not only
helps the public, but it is also a monument to yourself.
1. Actions
If you selected the Build action, you may build up to 2 components, paying the appropriate
2. Business costs. The components are displayed to the left of the main board, and include modules as
well as other components such as gardens, parking, helipads and conveyors.
3. Administration
Each component’s cost is determined by the clinic floor on which you build it. You can find

Phase 1: Actions these costs on the left side of the floor.

Important: When you build a service hub or special module, you must take it from the
This area of the main board deals with the
During this phase, each player will perform 3 actions; however, for each action, everyone face-up tiles. If the tile you want is no longer face up (because someone else built it this
Build Action.
will simultaneously choose which Action tile they wish to use, and then the chosen actions round, or there are simply none left), you cannot build it.
are resolved in a particular order. The specific procedure for each action is as follows:
Everyone simultaneously selects an Action tile (see Simultaneously Select Actions below).
Construction Rules
The construction rules for each component are depicted with iconography in its area on
Next, the selected actions get resolved: first the builders build, then the hirers hire, the left side of the main board. Those rules are explained on pages 9 – 10. Construction costs are shown to the left
then the patient admitters admit patients (see Execute Actions below). of each floor on the player board. Some of

This area of the main board deals with the

After everyone has performed their action, new patients will schedule appointments (see General Construction Rules these costs vary by floor, so always check
New Patients Schedule Appointments, p. 13), and you will advance the Action marker on the cost for the floor where you’re building
Actions Phase.
the main board. Support the component!
To build a module above ground floor, the same space on the floor below must have
Action marker Action spaces (3) New patients schedule appointments a module.

Example: Your clinic has these three modules (psychiatry service hub, treatment room,
supply room) on the ground floor ( floor 0). You cannot build on any of the red spaces until
you build a module under them.

Simultaneously Select Actions

Everyone simultaneously selects an action to perform: Select one of your available Action
tiles, and place it face down in the middle of the play area (with the other players’ if they’ve
already placed theirs). Because you only have 2 tiles for each type of action, you will not
be able to perform the same action thrice in a round: twice at most. Once everyone has
selected, everyone reveals their selected Action tile.

Execute Actions
Next, the selected actions get resolved in the following order:

Build Hire Admit Patients

Example: For your first action you picked the
Build action. You will have the opportunity This is the same order in which they appear, left to right, in the
to play two more actions before this round 1 ACTIONS area of the main board:
moves on to the Business phase, however,
only one of those can be another Build, since
you only have a total of 2 of each action tile.

If several players picked the same action, these players perform their actions in turn order.
After you perform your action, move your Action tile from the middle of the table to be
beneath the first empty action slot in the lower-right corner of your player board.

6 7
No matches Construction Rules for Specific Components
ICON HELPER Same-type (same color) modules cannot be adjacent, not even above/below! ICON HELPER
Service hub (module)
All service hub types are considered to be the same color (magenta), thus a cardiology
service hub cannot be built adjacent to a psychiatry service hub. In the same way,
you cannot build a special module (blue) adjacent to another, even if they are different.
Remember: Adjacency is always orthogonal, never diagonal.

Example: Using same setup as before, you want to build a supply room. The red spaces indicate Each floor of each building can have only 1 service hub.
unoccupied spaces that are adjacent to the existing supply room, and thus cannot contain
another supply room. Treatment room (module)


Although there are no particular construction rules for a treatment room, to be available
for use it must be adjacent to a service hub on the same floor, and it must also be adjacent
to a supply room; however, the supply room could be directly above or below this treatment
room (it does not have to be beside the treatment room).
Immediately after you build a treatment room, you get a one-time bonus action to build
a supply room, which must be adjacent to the treatment room. You must still pay for the
supply room. If you don’t build the supply room immediately, the opportunity is wasted.

Supply room (module)


There are no particular restrictions for building supply rooms, but a single supply room
can support several adjacent treatment rooms, so clever positioning is important.

Special module (module)

No obstructions ICON HELPER
Ground floor spaces might have cars parked around them (see Parking a Car, p. 12) and/
or parking spaces in them. Spaces might have gardens in them (see Garden, opposite).
You cannot build a module in a space with any of these obstructions in it. The easy way to
remember this is that cars and gardens actually obstruct the spaces on your player board.
Each player may only build 1 special module per round. There are no other particular
If you want to build, and there is a car in the way, you will need to move the car first; and the
construction rules for special modules; however, in order for the operating room to be
primary ways to move a car are either sending a patient home, or building parking spaces.
available for use, it must be adjacent to a service hub on the same floor. If you’d like to
You also might clear parking spaces by failing to pay your staff….
read about how the various special modules work, see The Modules, p. 21).
Example: With your clinic set up like this, with 3 cars parked in these locations, you cannot
build a module in any of the red spaces; however, you could build parking (as demonstrated in Garden
the northernmost row) or a garden (as demonstrated west of the supply room) in the middle
of any of them. ICON HELPER

This must be built in an empty ground-floor space (cars parked around it are OK,
and need not be disturbed) or space above a garden.


A helipad is a 5-way ingress/egress: From it, you can move north, south, east, west,
or down (but not up: that’s where the helicopter comes and goes) — but we’ll cover
movement later. This must be built in the empty space above a module, but no
Separate building construction is allowed above the helipad.
You are allowed to have separate buildings on your player board, forming a little campus;
however, once you build a separate building, you cannot build a module that would
connect separate buildings. Note that components that are not full-space parallelograms
(such as gardens or parking spaces) are not modules, and it is OK to build them in a space
that is adjacent to two buildings.

8 9
Action: Hire
As you admit more and more patients,
An entrance is a 1-way ingress to your campus. Your first entrance must point at a ground- you will need to hire more and more staff!
floor service hub; subsequent entrances can point at any ground-floor module of any
building. Entrances have their own spaces outside the normal grid of your ground floor: If you selected the Hire action, you may hire new employees. You can:
Place the entrance on such a space, pointing at a ground-floor module. This is the first
thing new patients and staff will see, at least until you build other entrances or helipads. • Hire 1 doctor.
The Entrance tiles can be flipped to align
with any entrance space. Note: There aren’t any entrance spaces on the north side of the clinic grounds. A strange clause and/or
in the land contract stipulated no entrances on the north side! Hey, don’t complain now, you’re
the one who signed it. Read the fine print next time! • Hire either 1 nurse OR 1 orderly.
This area of the main board deals with the
When you hire someone, do the following:
Conveyor Hire Action.
1. Pay the indicated cost (see illustration below).
2. Take them from their space on the main board. Example: You decide to hire the red doctor.
3. Take a car from the parking lot on the main board. You pay the indicated cost ($4) and place
the doctor on the entrance to your Clinic.
Each conveyor represents the end of a transport link; you have to imagine the connection 4. Place the new hire on any entrance or helipad of your choice. This does not take any You also find a place to park the doctor’s car.
between these conveyors (perhaps it will help for you to imagine them as teleportation time (see Move, p. 14).
booths). A conveyor must always be built on a module. The first time you build a conveyor, 5. Park the car in any available parking space on your ground floor (see Parking a Car, Next, you decide to hire a nurse, paying the
you must build two aligned “stops” (but it still costs only $2 — the conveyor company gets p. 12). If you cannot park their car, you cannot hire them! cost of $2 (indicated in the space above the
you hooked with a buy-one-get-one-free sale for new customers). They do not need to be nurse) and placing them on the entrance
adjacent, but they must be orthogonally aligned. to your Clinic. You also must find a place to
park the nurse’s car. You do not have the
Each subsequent construction of a conveyor entails adding a single stop that must align option of hiring an orderly, since you may
orthogonally with an existing stop. Your conveyor system can run on any and all of the hire either 1 nurse OR 1 orderly.
three axes (east/west, north/south, up/down), and can branch as much as you like. It can
even span between buildings. In fact, you are limited to one conveyor network for your
entire clinic; you cannot start a second conveyor network, not even in a separate building. The cost for hiring
doctors is printed
ICON HELPER Parking under their space.

2 Parking Spaces: These must be built by placing a Parking tile in an empty ground-floor
space (cars parked “on the street” around it are OK, and need not be disturbed). When you
build this, you may immediately move cars into it, up to its capacity of 2. The cost for hiring
3 Parking Spaces: You build these by upgrading a normal Parking tile you have already nurses is printed
built: Simply flip the Parking tile to the 3-car side. When you do this, repark any cars that above their space,
had been on the 2-car side on this side; then you may immediately move additional cars and may increase
into it, up to its capacity of 3. as more nurses
are hired.

You can only hire

nurses from the
current round’s

Orderlies always
cost $1 to hire.

10 11
Example: You have 4 Queue Points (QP) and want a white and yellow patient added to your pre-admissions area under Psychiatry. First, you move
Action: Admit Patients the yellow patient in the Cardiologoy row to the adjacent space above (in the Psychiatry row). Because the space you’re moving into is occupied
by another patient, they swap positions, moving the orange patient down to the Cardiology row. This costs 1 QP. Next, you admit the yellow
 dmitting patients to your clinic may be the start of a
A patient, now in the Psychology row. This costs 1 further QP. You place the yellow patient on your player board, remembering to take and park
logistical nightmare, but the patients have a bad case of full their car. You have now spent 2 QPs total.
wallet syndrome, and they really need you to cure them.
If you selected the Admit Patients action, you may bring patients from the appointment
notepad into your pre-admissions areas. Taking patients from the notepad into your pre-
admissions is how you get the patients into your care, so you can move them into your
clinic and start treating them. Note that we represent the patients’ appointments
by having the patient themselves stand on the notepad (it’s a really big notepad).
This area of the main board deals with the The process of getting patients from the appointment notepad into your pre-admissions
Admit Patients Action. uses queue points (QP). The number of QP you have available for this action depends on
the number of entrances and helipads you have:

QP = 1 + the number of entrances/helipads you have.

You can manipulate a patient’s appointment as follows:

Move orthogonally 1 space on the notepad

If another patient is in the space to which this patient is moving, the two patients just swap
places. Whether it’s a swap or a simple move, this costs 1 QP.
Next, you move the white patient from the Cardiology row to the adjacent empty space above. This costs 1 QP. Since there is an empty space to
Note: This indeed allows you to change a patient’s appointment to a different, adjacent the right, the patient slides as far right as possible, in this case to the end of the row. You spend your fourth and final QP admitting this patient,
service (psychiatry is adjacent to only cardiology; cardiology is adjacent to psychiatry and now in the Psychiatry row, remembering to take and park their car.
ophthalmology; etc.)!

Admit the patient

This means moving a patient from the rightmost (red) column to
This area of the player board deals with the an available pre-admissions space for that same service on your
Queue points and how to use them. player board. This costs 1 QP. In order to admit a patient, you must
also park their car (see Parking a Car below). If you cannot park
their car, you cannot admit the patient!
Whenever a gap forms in a row, immediately shift the
“appointments” that are left of the gap rightward to fill it.
You may repeat the above options, and may admit any number of
patients (and otherwise manipulate the appointments) until you
are out of QP.
Any QP you do not spend during this action go to waste; you
cannot save them for later.
Cars are parked on the indicated areas Note: Your pre-admissions only has room for 4 patients for each
along the borders of spaces on the service. If you have 4 there already, you cannot admit any patients
ground floor. for that service.
New Patients Schedule Appointments
Parking a Car After each player has completed their selected action in the above order, new patients schedule appointments. Going from the top service
For each new patient you admit to your clinic, and for each new to the bottom service, each service gets 1 new patient, drawn from the pool, added to the rightmost empty space in that row. If a service
This area on your has no empty spaces, do not draw a new patient for it.
employee you hire, you must park their car. Even a patient who
player board is
enters via helipad comes with a car: Someone helpfully parks their If the Action marker is already on 3, continue to Move (see Move, p.14); otherwise, advance the Action marker, and everyone selects a new
called your
car at your clinic so the patient can drive away once they are well. action to perform. New patients schedule appointments after Action 1, then after Action 2, and once again after Action 3, for a total of 3
You must always park cars on the ground floor. Each space border times per round.
Cars may be parked in the areas around with no module touching it has 1 parking space (as depicted on your player board).
gardens. Each Parking tile has 2 or 3 parking spaces (as depicted on the tile). Once you park a car, Once the Action marker is on the third space, and the new patients have scheduled
you cannot move it, unless you build new parking spaces. appointments, it’s time to move your patients and staff into your clinic.
Remember: If a border has a car parked on it, no module can occupy a space on that
border. So think ahead when you park cars at your clinic!

Taking a Car
When a person (whether patient or employee) leaves, even if due to unfortunate
circumstances, remove the car of your choice from your board, and return it to the supply.
(Yes, the patient just drove off in the doctor’s Maserati. She shouldn’t have left the keys in it!)
Parking lots allow for cars to be parked
inside a space as well as on its borders.

12 13
Move Module Capacity
Although your movement is not limited by
Take note of the following:
1. At the end of this phase, a person can
After your 3rd action is complete, it’s time to move your patients and staff where they need the capacity of your modules, a module’s only be in one of the modules above in
to be. No need to wait for your opponents to finish their third action. Everyone can perform capacity does limit how many people can which that type of person is mentioned.
this step simultaneously; however, with beginners (or if anyone requests it) go in turn order, be in it at the end of this phase. Capacity The one exception is that patients can
one time around the table: You do all of your moves, then the next player does, and so on. is depicted on each module. Let’s consider remain in pre-admissions.
a treatment room, for example. It can only
You can move all of your people — doctors, nurses, orderlies, patients — as much as you Example: Each patient must be in one
accommodate 2 patients and 2 doctors
want, but it all takes time, and “time is money,” as they say! So, you want to move everyone of the following places at the end of this
there. Nurses are the big exception:
to where they need to be as efficiently as possible, because time spent will incur penalties phase: a treatment room connected to
There is no limit to how many nurses can
to your score at the end of the game, as depicted on the Time Spent track. the right service, an operating room
be assisting doctors, tending to patients,
The most common goals of movement are as follows: and so forth. connected to the right service, outpatient
services, or pre-admissions. A patient
• Get patients into treatment/operating rooms connected to the correct service, Remember: A full room never prevents cannot end up in a lab, a service hub, a
or to outpatient services (in fact, you cannot move them to any other destination). movement through it. supply room, or a treatment/operating
• Get doctors to patients, matching their colors as closely as possible. If you have any doubts about a module’s room connected to the wrong service.
capacity, see the breakdown below:
• Get nurses to mismatched doctors and patients.
Example: Each orderly must end up in a

• Get doctors to labs to study and improve themselves. supply room.
• Get everyone to a legal location by the end of the movement step.
2. At the end of this phase, a module can
only hold the indicated number of each
People cannot leave type of person.
Once a person has entered your clinic (moved from an entrance/helipad to spaces
on your board, or from pre-admissions to outpatient services), they cannot leave the Example: Each treatment room can
spaces on your board. The only ways for a patient to leave your clinic are by being cured, host 2 patients, attended by as many as
or by… expiring. 2 doctors, with any number of nurses
assisting. No orderlies can be in the
Patients never switch rooms treatment room.
Service Hub: Any number of 
Once a patient finishes a round in a treatment room, operating room, or outpatient doctors and/or nurses
services, they stay there until cured… or until they meet their end. Example: Each lab can host 1 doctor,
 Example: You want to move 1 yellow Neurology patient and one orange Ophthamology patient
and nobody else. from your pre-admissions. You also have hired a new white doctor and a new orderly.
How much time it takes a person to move
3. Patients find their own way (effectively 1. You move the new doctor to the lab:
teleporting) directly to outpatient • 1 to move from the entrance into the clinic.
Move to an entrance services from pre-admissions, ignoring
Treatment Room: Supply Room: • 0 to move by conveyor from the psychiatry service hub to the operating room.
or helipad from your the usual step-by-step movement,
2 doctors, 2 patients, 1 orderly • 0 to move by conveyor from the operating room to the lab.
Pre-Admissions) and taking no time.
any number of nurses
Total: 1 .
4. Patients only move into your
Move into your clinic pre-admissions from the appointment 2. You move the orange Ophthamology patient to the Ophthamology treatment room:
from an entrance or notepad.
helipad • 0 to move from pre-admissions to the entrance.
5. For a patient to be in a treatment room • 1 to move from the entrance into the clinic.
Operating Room: Triage: or operating room, the room must be • 0 to move by conveyor from the service hub to the ophthamology treatment room.
Move to an adjacent 1 doctor, 1 patient, No one can connected to the correct service, i.e. Total: 1 .
module / ground-floor any number of nurses end up here the service for which that patient was
space (even outdoors)
admitted. 3. You move the orderly to the empty supply room on the top floor:
Move from one conveyor Note: Each person’s movement must • 1 to move from the entrance into the clinic.
to an orthogonally end on a module (unless they stayed in • 0 to move by conveyor from the psychiatry service hub to the operating room.
aligned conveyor* pre-admissions); no person can end their • 0 to move by conveyor from the operating room to the lab.
Lab: Outpatient Services: movement on an entrance or helipad.
• 1 to move from the lab to the supply room.
Be whisked from 1 doctor 1 doctor, 1 patient Likewise, you cannot leave new hires
Total: 2
pre-admissions directly standing on an entrance or helipad.
to outpatient services Everyone must be on a valid destination
before you start the next phase. 4. You move the yellow Neurology patient to one of the Neurology treatment rooms:
The Triage special • 0 to move from pre-admissions to the entrance.
Note: As you can see on the Time Spent

module will reduce your • 1 to move from the entrance into the clinic.
track, at the end of the game, for each
total time spent each 3 time you’ve spent, you will lose 1 • 1 to move from the service hub to treatment room directly above.
round by 3 popularity. Total: 2
* Because you have one network of orthogonally aligned conveyors, this means you
effectively can move from a conveyor to any other conveyor for 0 time; however, 5. Y ou have a Triage Special Module, so the time you spent moving people is reduced by 3 .
some expansions rely on the individual stops, so always think through each step
of moving by conveyor. 6. Your total time spent is 6 -3 = 3 . You record this by advancing your time spent
Once you have finished all of your movement, advance your disc on the Time track marker 3 spaces on the time spent track.
for each time you spent on movement.

14 15
Phase 2: Business Going Home
Each successfully treated patient (in outpatient services, a treatment room, or an
Generally, everyone can perform this phase simultaneously, but with beginners operating room) takes a car — any car (see Taking a Car, p.12) — and goes home
(or if anyone requests it) perform the steps in turn order. (this does not take you any time). The patient leaves the game (to the supply, not the bag),
but the car returns to the parking lot on the main board.
In this phase, you will evaluate Patient Care and Income, pay your Expenses,
and Gain Popularity according to your performance.
Remember your income from this round at the bottom of your player board? You must pay
Patient Care and Income your expenses from this round’s income. If you’ve spent every last cent of your income
Patients who receive treatment will generate income for you. These are the patients in from the round, and still have more expenses, pay from your savings. If even your savings
outpatient services, treatment rooms, and operating rooms. do not suffice, you must pay 1 popularity for each $1 you still owe. If your popularity hits 0
Important: Keep your income set aside at the bottom of your player board until this and you still owe, then you’re off the hook for the rest: Consider your expenses paid.
This area of the main board deals with the
phase is done (see example, left). To recapitulate, you must pay your expenses:
Business Phase.
Outpatient Services 1. From this round’s income.
In outpatient services, doctor color does not matter. 1 doctor can treat 1 2. From your savings.
patient, and you earn $6 regardless of patient color.
3. From your popularity, at a 1:1 ratio (1 popularity per $1).

Treatment Rooms Pay Your Employees

In each treatment room and operating room, assign a doctor there to each patient,
You must pay each employee as follows:
and a number of nurses to each doctor. If the doctor’s color matches the patient’s color,
no nurses are necessary; however….
To successfully treat a patient, a doctor needs 1 nurse for each stage along the color
progression schema that the doctor’s level differs from the patient’s illness severity.
To put it another way, if the doctor is not the same color as the patient, the doctor needs
1 nurse for each color difference. Also, a nurse can only assist 1 doctor per round. So, if 2
doctors in the same module both need nurses, each needs its own full set of nurses.
Facility Upkeep
Examples: Each module and garden in your clinic costs $1.
Each round, place your income in the Each operating room that successfully treated a patient costs you an additional $2.
• If a red doctor treats a red patient, 0 nurses are needed.
indicated area below your player board. That is to say that it costs you $1 in module upkeep + $2 = $3.
At the end of this phase, move any
• If an orange doctor treats a yellow patient, 1 nurse is needed. Each orderly reduces your total upkeep by $3 (minimum $0).
remaining income into your savings to
the left of your player board. Your Operating Room successfully treated
• If a yellow doctor treats an orange patient, 1 nurse is needed (nurses can bridge the gap in Facility upkeep examples: a patient, so you pay $3 instead of the
either direction). usual $1 during upkeep, as indicated on
• You have 4 modules and 1 garden, so your upkeep is $5. the expenses area of the main board.
• If a red doctor treats a yellow patient (or yellow treats red), 2 nurses are needed.
• You have 4 modules and 1 garden, but you have 1 orderly, so your upkeep is $2. ICON HELPER
• If a red doctor treats a white patient (or white treats red), 3 nurses are needed.
Popularity is shown inside a
• You have 4 modules and 1 garden, but you have 2 orderlies, so your upkeep is $0.
If a patient has the correct combination of doctors and nurses assigned to them, the hexagon, but there are four
patient is successfully treated (and you will get paid — ahem, and they are very happy)! variations of this hexagon:
• You have 7 modules, 1 of which is an operating room, but you did not use the operating
Otherwise, treatment is a failure (and you will not get paid). room this turn. Your upkeep is $7.
Each successfully treated patient in a treatment room or operating room generates income
• You have 7 modules, 1 of which is an operating room, and you used the operating room Popularity marked with a lightning
for you, based on the patient’s color (not the doctor’s color):
this turn. Your upkeep is $9. bolt at the top, and no dotted
outine: You immediately record this
on the Popularity track.
Gain Popularity
If you have any of this round’s income remaining, you may buy popularity (just like in the
real world!), in reverse turn order.
Each 1 popularity costs $3. Advance your Popularity marker on the Popularity track. If you POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Furthermore, each successfully treated patient in a treatment room
generates an additional $2 for each garden adjacent to the room. end up sharing a space with other players, place your marker on top, so the order in which
you reached that level of popularity is clear. Endgame
Operating Rooms Note: You can only use this round’s income to buy popularity. Popularity with a dotted outine and
 hese work just like treatment rooms (well, half of a treatment room,
T no lightning bolt: You do not record
After buying popularity, add the rest of this round’s income to your savings that you can this until the end of the game.
because it can only host 1 patient and 1 doctor at a time), except that the
use for hiring and so forth — but remember: You can no longer use it to buy popularity!
operating room essentially has a built-in nurse, depicted as a nurse with an
additional white border (see left). Also, the operating room has no windows
to outside, so it garners no benefit for adjacent gardens.

16 17
Phase 3: Admin End of the Game
This phase is mostly about setting up for the next round. Perform the following steps: After 6 rounds, the game ends. In addition to the popularity you bought during the game,
you gain popularity at the end of the game in turn order, as follows:
1. Advance the Round marker.
Positive scoring
2. Reset the Action marker to Action 1. 1. Employees: You gain popularity for your medical
employees. Each doctor and nurse earns you the
amount of popularity indicated below it here.
Main board
3. Appointments: Return the patient in the rightmost space (marked with a red ) of each service
to the patient pool. 2. Treatment Rooms: You gain popularity for your This area of the main board deals with the
fully functional treatment rooms: Admin Phase.
For each treatment room you have that is
adjacent to both a service hub on the same floor
4. University: Each doctor at the university levels up: red stays red, orange becomes red, and a supply room (no need for an orderly in it):
yellow becomes orange, white becomes yellow. score the points shown next to its floor on your
player board.
5. University: Draw 1 doctor for each empty space (the number of spaces depends on the number 3. Buildings: For each additional building, which is
of players), then rearrange the doctors, left to right: red, orange, yellow, white. correctly set up to treat patients, that you have:

6. University: Remove the round’s unhired nurses.

Negative scoring
Example: if you just moved the Round marker to Round IV, any nurses still in column III are removed. 4. Patients: For patients still in your clinic,
including those in your pre-admissions area,
lose the amount of popularity indicated below
Your player board it here. This area of the main board deals with the
7. Lab: Each doctor in a lab levels up twice, giving you 1 popularity: red stays red, orange becomes End of the Game.
red, yellow becomes red, white becomes orange. A doctor that was already red still gives you 1
1 popularity, even though the doctor didn’t change color.
5. Time Spent: Last, but by no means least,
lose popularity equal to the highest negative
popularity value that your marker has reached
8. Each other doctor (i.e. not in a lab) on your player board levels down: white stays white, yellow or passed on the Time Spent track.
becomes white, orange becomes yellow, red becomes orange. Running around, treating patients
is tiring!
The player with the most popularity wins!
9. Each patient on your player board worsens: Red patients die, and you get −5 popularity. In a tie, the tied player who reached the space first (i.e. was earlier in the turn order)
Remove the patient from the game and return a car to the parking lot on the main board. is the winner.
Orange patients become red, yellow become orange, and white become yellow.


10. Special Modules and Service Hubs: Where necessary, flip the top tile of each type of special
module and service hub stack face up. If a stack runs out, then that module will no longer be
available to build.

11. Reset turn order: The player with the lowest popularity goes first, then second-lowest, etc.
If several players have the same popularity, the player who reached that popularity first goes later
in the turn order. If turn order does not change from the prior round, make the last player first,
and shift everyone else 1 position later in the turn order. In a 4-player game, this would result in
1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 1, for example.

18 19
Solitaire Mode The Modules
1. Choose which side of the player board you will use.
2. Choose one of the following endgame goals:
Service Hub

Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another service hub (magenta) module. Only one service hub per floor per building.
Only 1 of each service hub type may be built in total each round.
Operation: N/A
no more white build 3 buildings Capacity: Any number of doctors and/or nurses.
have spent have all 4 colors
patients left in that can treat have 7 doctors Function: Determines the service offered for the entire floor of that building. Adjacent treatment rooms on the same floor will only
no more than of doctors still
the bag or on patients still on your treat patients seeking that service.
12 time (net) on your player
any board player board
Treatment Room Supply Room

Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another treatment Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another supply
room (orange) module. Optional bonus build of 1 adjacent room (pink) module.
supply room.
Operation: N/A
have at least Operation: Must have an adjacent service hub on the same floor
build a service have at and an adjacent supply room to operate. The supply room does
Capacity: 1 orderly.
3 colors of hub on the treat at least 6 have at least least $200, not need to be on the same floor. Function: Enables each adjacent treatment room to operate.
patients still highest floor patients during 4 nurses still and at least Capacity: 2 doctors, 2 patients, and any number of nurses.
The supply room does not have to be on the same floor as the
on your player on your player treatment rooms.
with which you Round VI (2 red, 0 popularity Function: During the Business phase, up to 2 doctors may treat
board are playing* 2 orange, board (after time up to 2 patients that match their colors. Nurses must be present
2 yellow) penalty) if the colors do not match (see Treatment Rooms, p. 16).

* Normally this is Floor 3, but an expansion adds another floor.

Operating Room Outpatient Services

3. Play according to the usual rules.
Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another special Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another special
4. If you did not achieve your goal, go to Step 2 to consider a new goal, and play again. (blue) module. (blue) module.
If you achieved your goal, check your score against the Hall of Fame below: Operation: Must have an adjacent service hub on the same Operation: N/A
floor to operate.
Capacity: 1 doctor, 1 patient.
Capacity: 1 doctor, 1 patient, any number of nurses.
orderly Function: During the Business phase, 1 doctor may treat 1
Function: During the Business phase, 1 doctor may treat 1 patient, regardless of color or service required. Patients may
patient of matching color. Nurses must be present if the colors do move directly here from Pre-Admissions without costing time.
nurse not match; however, the operating room has 1 “virtual“ nurse at
all times to assist the doctor. This “nurse” does not require wages
(see Treatment Rooms and Operating Rooms, p. 16).

resident Lab Triage

fellow Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another special Construction: Cannot be built adjacent to another special
(blue) module. (blue) module.
Operation: N/A Operation: N/A
Capacity: 1 doctor. Capacity: N/A
Function: During Admin, a doctor in the lab will improve twice. Function: During the Move step, reduce your total time spent
attending physician An orange doctor will become red, and a red doctor will stay red. by 3; however, your total time spent during the Move step cannot
In any case, if you have a doctor in a lab during Admin, you gain be less than 0.
CEO 1 popularity.

20 21
Expansions Workaholic Doctors Your player board
Each purple doctor lying down on your player board leaves the
Thanks to crowdfunding stretch goals being met, the base game includes a few mini expansions. Do not add any of these until everyone game (remember to return the doctor’s car to the main lot).
has played the base game by itself a few times; there is much to master in Clinic! Once you are ready, you can add any or all of these to the Components
game; however, one at a time will be much easier on everyone. Don’t drive yourselves to the psych ward! 4 purple workaholic doctors
Zombies in a Clinic
Blood Transfusion Phase 3: Administration
A patient with a nurse standing on it does not worsen; instead,
Create a doctor pool by putting the following doctors in the Components
simply take the nurse off the patient to stand beside them in the Doctor Pool bag, according to the number of players: 8 green zombies
Components treatment room.
8 Blood tokens Phase 1: Actions
1 2 3 4
Playing the Game Extinguishers 1 2 3 4
If you have any zombies in your clinic, they must move (however
Each round, each player can have one employee give blood
Components you like, according to the following rules) before anyone else.
(to stock their clinic’s blood bank, of course). 2 3 4 6
• Zombies can move to an adjacent module / ground-floor
8 Extinguisher tokens
Phase 1: Actions 3 5 8 10 space. This costs no time.

Move Playing the Game Main board:

• Zombies cannot use conveyors.
Your clinic is offering something innovative and experimental in University: Fill each space from the left, up through the number of Then all the other people move as usual, except that no one is
New! Give Blood Small City: fire extinguishers. Unfortunately, none of the staff know allowed to move into a module or space with a zombie in it. They
players, with a random doctor drawn from the bag. Rearrange them
You may move one of your staff (nurse, doctor, orderly, or janitor) how this new-fangled technology works, but patients are happy to can move out of one, however, and this is important because…
according to the diagram on the university: (purple, red, orange,
per the normal rules to an otherwise empty service hub to start to pay a premium for a room near an extinguisher! It’s so fascinating! yellow, white). Just skip any colors you didn’t draw. At the end of movement, anyone (staff and patients) in a space
give blood, a process that will be completed in Phase 2: Business.
with a zombie is removed from the game (except 1 doctor in a
If there are other staff in the service hub, you will need to move
them out before this one can give blood (your service hubs have
Phase 1: Actions Note: The university can never have more than 1 workaholic doctor;
if you draw additional purple doctors, simply return them to the bag lab with 1 zombie), but lay them near your player board. You must
leave their cars parked on your board. Having the corpses near your
fancy self-phlebotomy equipment). Lay the employee down to start Action: Build after filling the university.
player board will help with parked car accounting. Any patients
the procedure
Construction Rules for Specific Components that die this way give you the usual penalty for letting a patient die!
Lie down to give blood in an otherwise empty service hub.
•  Playing the Game
Extinguisher: It must be built on a module that does not directly
This takes 3 time.
treat patients (i.e. not in a treatment room, operating room, Phase 1: Actions Phase 2: Business
In Phase 2: Business, your donor will produce a Blood token. or outpatient services), and does not already have an extinguisher.
Next round, any nurse can pick this up, and carry it to a treatment It costs $2 to build on the ground floor; $3 on Floor 1; $4 on Floor 2; Action: Hire Patient Care and Income
room to help a patient; this carrying and drop-off process takes $5 on Floor 3; $6 on Floor 4 (an expansion adds this floor). Workaholic doctors cost 2× to hire. Because there can only be 1 at Treatment Rooms
no extra time! the university, and it is always in the leftmost space, this means it In any treatment room that has 2 yellow patients, but neither
• A nurse can carry blood to a treatment room. Move will always cost $8 to hire a workaholic doctor. doctors nor nurses, replace the 2 yellow patients with 1 zombie.
This takes no time. When anyone (staff or patients) moves into a module with an If there aren’t enough zombies to go around, players earlier in the
extinguisher, they must spend 1 additional time gawking at it. Move
turn order get them first, and for everyone else, the pair of yellow
• A nurse can drop blood off in a treatment room. Even if someone takes a conveyor to that module, with intentions Module Capacity: A treatment room with a workaholic doctor patients remains, unmutated.
This takes no time. of continuing on the conveyor, they can’t help but take a moment in it has greater patient capacity for yellow or white patients
to study this thing before continuing; however, if the conveyor does (but not for both at the same time): It can hold 3 yellow patients Labs
Phase 2: Business not have a “stop” in that module, the extinguisher has no effect on or 4 white patients. 1 doctor of any color in a lab with 1 zombie can cure the zombie,
the conveyee. earning $32. If you do this, set the zombie beside your board (for
Patient Care and Income
• Moving or conveying into a module with an extinguisher costs Phase 2: Business car accounting), and lay the doctor down.
New! Service Hub (Blood Donation) 1 additional time.
Patient Care and Income Note: Once 2 yellow patients become a zombie, their cars stay forever
If you have any employees lying down all alone in service hubs, abandoned, even if you cure the zombie. In other words, each zombie
Note: A person who started the round in a module with an
you may draw blood from one of them. Take a Blood token from
extinguisher will not spend time looking at it. Only people who
Treatment Rooms should have 2 cars.
the supply and place it on the service hub with the employee, A workaholic doctor can treat either 1 red patient, up to 2
move into the module with the extinguisher take time to gaze at
and stand the employee up again. If multiple players are drawing
blood, and there’s not enough to go around, the least popular
it (even if they immediately move out of the module). orange patients, up to 3 yellow patients, or up to 4 white patients Phase 3: Administration
in a single room at once, with no need for nurses. After he treats
player draws first. Your player board
Phase 2: Business patients, lay him down (exhaustion!).
Treatment Rooms Lab: Each doctor standing in a lab levels up twice, giving you 1
A nurse in a treatment room with a patient and a Blood token,
Patient Care and Income Phase 3: Administration popularity: red stays red, orange becomes red, yellow becomes red,
white becomes orange. A doctor that was already red still gives you
but no doctor, can help that patient with the blood. Treatment Rooms Main board 1 popularity, even though the doctor didn’t change color.
Return the Blood token to the supply. Furthermore, each successfully treated patient in a treatment room University: Draw 1 doctor for each empty space (the number
generates an additional $3 for each extinguisher adjacent to the of spaces depends on the number of players), then rearrange Lab: Each doctor lying in a lab stands up.
If the patient was white, the patient is completely cured: You earn room. They’re just so enthralling! the doctors, left to right: purple, red, orange, yellow, white. Clinic / Pre-Admissions: Each non-zombie patient on your player
the income, and the patient goes home, taking a car, as usual.
Remember: The university can never have more than 1 workaholic board worsens.
Otherwise, you earn the income as if you’d cured the patient, doctor; if you draw additional purple doctors, simply return them
but the patient only improves by 1 color (red orange, orange to the bag after filling the university. End of the Game
yellow, yellow white), and stays in the treatment room. Stand the Zombies: You gain 9 popularity for each zombie still in your clinic
nurse atop the patient (transfusions are tough!). (such a spectacle!).

22 23

Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Improves Doctor Regresses Nurse Conveyor
(any color) (Red) (Orange) (Yellow) (White) (Example of white (Example of yellow
to yellow shown) to white shown)

Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Patient Worsens Orderly Car
(any color) (Red) (Orange) (Yellow) (White) Worsens (Example of white to yellow shown)


Service Hub Service Hub Treatment Supply

Service Hub Service Hub Service Hub Service Hub Service Hub
(any type) (any one type) (Psychiatry) (Cardiology) (Ophthalmology) (Orthopedics) (Neurology) Room Room

Garden Helipad Entrance Parking Lot

Special Module Special Module Special Module Special Module Special Module
(2 space &
(any one type) (Outpatient (Lab) (Triage) (Operating Room)
3 space)

Cannot build two

Building modules of the same
color adjacent Round Treatment Expenses University Pre-Admissions Appointments
(on all 3 axes) (player board)

Requires a supply
Adjacency on
room and service
3 axes
hub to operate
Queue Point For each Queue Move 1 patient Move 1 patient from
Point you may: in appointments OR rightmost column of
1 space appointments to
(swap if target space pre-admissions
Build Hire Admit is occupied) (must match service)


Move from a Move from a

Move from an Move from a Move from a conveyor to any Move from
entrance to an space to an helipad to an space to an Move from
adjacent space orthogonally pre-admissions
Time adjacent space adjacent space adjacent space adjacent to an Outpatient pre-admissions
on the same floor on the floor on the same on the same floor to an entrance
floor or directly conveyor Services special
directly above (on any floor) module or helipad
or below beneath


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