Gamboa-Module 2 Curriculum Development

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Module 2

Global Labor Markets

“A good education is a foundation for a better future”
- Elizabeth Warren

In this Module

 Labor Market information

 Labor Market Paradigm
 TVET sector knowledge

As future educator we should know about labor market information. This module will
help learners understand what is labor market information and its paradigm and will also include
the TVET sector knowledge. These lessons would assist learners build their own understanding
of how does Labor Market Information affects their lives in the near future as teachers.
Moreover, this provides key concepts to fully understand scholars' different perspectives and
how their views affect Labor Market Information today. Meanwhile, on the discussion about
types and components, mnemonics were provided so that you would be able to remember it with
ease. This module also has given relevant samples for this topic so you could have
comprehensive learning as you go with self-directed instruction. Lastly, this module has been
arranged from activity, analysis, abstraction, and application.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to;

 Identify relevant and reliable sources of labor-market information

 Analyze the global and local relevance of labor market

Are you all set and ready, then explore and learn the lesson now!
1 Labor Market Information

At the end of the session, you are expected to:

1. Identify relevant and reliable sources of labor-market information.


Hi, students! The lesson I tackles about the definition of the labor-market information,
and this would allow you 60 minutes to complete the activities and tasks. Before we start, I
would like to share some rules as a guide during the process of learning and teaching;
1. Read the given information carefully for you to be able to answer the prepared tasks correctly.
2. Make sure to finish the tasks and activities based on the time allotted.
3. Erasures are discouraged, especially on the assessment part.
4. Answer honestly your assessment. Kindly, make use of the information provided, if the
instruction tells you to answer it based on your understanding; please do so.
5. Do not attempt to copy and paste answers coming from the internet. Your honesty will matter,
and surely your teacher will be able to know it.
6. The Point system for your tasks is provided on every given instruction.

Four Word Splash

In your own understanding write four words that best describes labor-market information for you.


a. How did you choose the words in describing labor market information?
 By choosing base on my own understanding about labor market information.

b. Do you agree that as future educator we should learn Labor-market Information?

 As a future teacher very important to know or to have learnings about labor
market information because it helps us to inform on what kind of job that fit to us
as a future teacher someday. And also, its help it to find the most qualified
workers for the job that it offers but also ensures that it provides a competitive
compensation package to its workers. So that as a future teacher very important to
have learning about labor market information.

c. What is your opinion about this famous photo from social media? Why is this making
impact to the society?
This photo from social media has big
impact to society because as we
observed in our country today the
qualification of job hiring is very high
standard but the salary is very low not
like in other country that there is more
job that available even you are not a
netizen but you are free to work there.
So that this photo has an impact to the
society that our country has a high
standard in terms of job hiring but that
salary is still low not like other country
that more works available with high
Abstraction: Let Us Build On!

Students, as you have observed you have been given activities above about labor-market
information. To have an idea on its definition, points, and types. Please see below for the
essential information.

A. Labor Market Information Explained

Now let’s acquaint ourselves what is Labor Market Information and how does it affects
us as future educators as well as its impact to the development of a society.
Data about employment by location and occupation, labor supply and demand, earnings,
unemployment, and demographics of the labor force make up what is known as Labor Market

The LMI is very helpful for people who are looking at getting a job that is sustainable. A worker
who looks at the LMI enjoys a higher chance of getting recruited because he or she knows what
industries or jobs are exactly looking for.

In summary, LMI helps a worker identify the demands of the labor market and helps him be
equipped with the right qualifications.

Linking technical and vocational education with industry is an important innovation that must be
undertaken in order to bring about a proper match between technical and vocational education
and the needs of the industry.

Crucial to TESDA's role as the TVET authority in the country is its capacity to steer and provide
guidance to the sector. Through the DOLE, POEA, BLE and the Industry Chambers, TESDA is
in the best position to provide information on local and global labor market demands as signals
for the TVET sector.

I. Relevant and Reliable Source of Labor Market Information (LMI)

which is the major statistical agency responsible

Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA)
in collecting, compiling, classifying, producing,
publishing, and disseminating general-purpose
statistics in the country.
provides information on manpower demand
and supply both local and overseas as
compiled from various sources. It provides
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE information on wages, working conditions,
occupational safety, labor standards and even
union activities.

provides TVET-related information and

statistics like enrollment/ graduates, registry
Technical Education and Skills Development
of workers assessed and certified, institutions
Authority (TESDA);
with registered programs and even
scholarships and student assistance programs.

is the source of information about basic

education (elementary and high school).
Information on enrollment/ graduates, schools
Department of Education (DepEd);
data, participation rate, drop-out rate are but
some of the LMI data that are gathered by the

takes care of tertiary education statistics.

These include data on higher education
Commission on Higher Education (CHED);
institutions, enrolment/ graduates in various
courses and even available scholarships.

is charged with creating a business-friendly

environment conducive to the growth of
enterprises and supportive of fair and robust
trade in goods and services, both within and
outside the Philippines. DTI is the
coordinating agency for all government
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);
activities related to trade, industry, and
investments; promotional machinery for
further trade and investments; and a
regulatory body to ensure that fair
competition prevails.

Department of Agriculture (DA); takes charge of the production of statistics on

agricultural crops, livestock and poultry,
fishery and related fields.

monitors and compiles various statistical

series on monetary, financial and external
variables useful for the formulation and
analysis of monetary, banking, credit and
exchange policies. It maintains a compilation
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); of latest series covering exchange rates,
balance of payments, external trade and other
external sector accounts, monetary and
financial system accounts, domestic interest
rates, foreign interest rates, prices, fiscal
accounts and national income accounts.

Supervises the practice of Filipino

professionals who constitute the highly skilled
manpower of the country. As the agency-in-
charge of the professional sector, the PRC
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC); plays a strategic role in developing the corps
of professionals for industry, commerce,
governance, and the economy. It maintains
the stock of Filipino licensed professionals in
various fields of endeavor.

is the policy-making and coordinating agency

on statistical matters in the Philippines. The
NSCB is tasked primarily at developing an
National Statistical Coordination Board orderly Philippine Statistical System capable
(NSCB); of providing timely, accurate, relevant, and
useful data for the government and the public
for planning and decision-making.

Takes care of data banking and estimating the

annual stock of Filipinos overseas consisting
of immigrants or permanent residents abroad,
Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO); Filipinos overseas who became residents of
other countries, Filipino spouses of foreign
nationals, and exchange visitor program

Civil Service Commission (CSC) It is the central personnel agency of the

Philippine government. It is mandated to
conduct the recruitment, building,
maintenance and retention of a competent,
professional and highly motivated
government workforce truly responsive to the
needs of the government's client - the public.


a. Employment Programs. Employment programs provide or promote employment opportunities for its
clients. The main employment programs in the Philippines are the following:

1.The Special Programs for Employment of Students (SPES) administered by the Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE) provides poor students with financial assistance through internships with
LGUs and private sector employers with the aim of keeping them in high school or college. Both the
LGU and employer contribute funding to the program in the ratio of 40:60. Initially, financial
assistance was provided through a voucher that contributed to payment of tuition. Administrative
problems with the voucher system led to amendments to the SPE9S law in 2015, replacing the voucher
with a wage subsidy to the beneficiary. From 2010 to 2013, the SPES had assisted 493,742 poor
students, of which 42.5% were women. ADB impact evaluation shows that the SPES program provides
a net economic benefit at a program retention rate of 60.0%, meaning if at least 60% of benificiaries
complete school.

2.Government Internship Program (GIP) administered by various government departments and

agencies provides college students with 3 month internships in national government agencies with the
aim of providing public service work experience and a platform for a career in government. DOLE is
one of the largest participants in the program taking on a total of 34,625 interns from 2012 to 2015. In
2015, DOLE accepted 11,779 college students into the program.

JobStart Philippines Program (JSP) administered by DOLE through the LGUs (PESOs) provides a full
set of remedial services to out-of-school youth to assist them become job ready. These services include
career guidance, 10-day life skills training, technical training up to 3 months and internships with pre-
qualified private sector employers, also up to 3 months. The program provides grants to employers to
cover the cost of technical training and administrative costs. Employers pay at least 75% of the
minimum wage during the 3 month internship. JSP was institutionalized through legislation enacted in
June 2016 and DOLE is currently rolling out the program nationally. DOLE targets over 50,000 youth
going through the program from 2016 to 2020, and thereafter 30,000 youth going through the program

Job-Bridging Internship Program (JBIP) administered by the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) aims to provide assistance to both overseas and locally displaced
workers, their dependents and other job seekers for skills training and employment through internships.
Approximately 50,000 persons have gone through the program of which about 20,000 found
employment since the program began in 2009.

Job-Bridging Internship Program (JBIP) administered by the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA) aims to provide assistance to both overseas and locally displaced
workers, their dependents and other job seekers for skills training and employment through internships.
Approximately 50,000 persons have gone through the program of which about 20,000 found
employment since the program began in 2009.

a. Job Search Assistance Programs. Three main services and programs are provided to jobseekers
with access to information on career development and vacancies.

Job Search Assistance Programs. Three main services and programs are provided to
jobseekers with access to information on career development and vacancies. DOLE’s labor
market information (LMI) program provides jobseekers with access to a national database on
job vacancies known as PhilJobsNet. In 2015, over x million views of PhilJobNets were made.
Other LMI programs include: (i) Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP), also facilitated
through DOLE, where a network of career guidance advocates provide career guidance to
students in schools and colleges, and (ii) Labor and Employment Education Services (LEES) /
Labor Education for Graduating Students (LEGS), and the Proactive Skills Matching (SeekFind-Train)
system administered through TESDA. The TESDA programs provide labor market
information and career guidance to TVET graduates. A total of 33,000 college graduates were
provided with career guidance under the Proactive Skills Matching Program since it was
introduced in 1995. In 2015, budget allocations to these programs are estimated at P26.8

Skills Training Programs. Several agencies provide assistance to unemployed persons, displaced
workers, and disadvantaged groups for upgrading skills though scholarships from TESDA and CHED,
or placement in skills training programs operated by TESDA and other line ministries (Department of
Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture). The Social Security System (SSS) also
provides financial assistance to members and their children for skills training. TESDA administers the
Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) which provides scholarships to out-of-school youth,
unemployed adults, and disadvantaged groups. A 3 total of 29,000 clients have been provided with
financial assistance under this prog

An important skills training program is the apprenticeship program, which provides a mix of
curriculum-based training and on-the-job training for the apprentice. Through the on-the-job training
component, apprentices are tightly linked to the labor market. Another similar program is the Dual
Training System (DTS) implemented by TESDA in partnership with enterprises mainly in the
manufacturing sector. The take up of apprenticeships have declined over time and in 2015 there were
only 28,000 new apprenticeships insufficient to meet needs of industry. Restrictions on apprenticeships
contributed to this decline. Restrictions include apprenticeship duration limited to six months,
inadequate off site technical training, lack of certification of apprenticeships, and limited involvement
of industry in the design of apprenticeship programs.
Livelihood programs. DOLE, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), TESDA
and other agencies also provide funding for several livelihood programs focused on building skills for
self-employment and entrepreneurship for youth, unemployed adults, displaced families, and
disadvantaged groups with the aim of helping clients with skills to create income earning activities in
the informal sector. These programs include DOLE’s Integrated Livelihood and Emergency
Employment Program (DILEEP), DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), and National
Housing Authority (NHA) Livelihood and Affordability Enhancement Program (LEAP). DSWD’s SLP
is the largest benefiting 723,000 families from 2011 to 2015. Its 2016 budget allocation was P6.0
billion. In 2015, these programs are estimated to have benefited 1.0 million beneficiaries

C. Current initiatives in the provision of labor market information include:

This facility serves as a free electronic

information portal on livelihood and
employment opportunities to the public. It
Greater Modular Access (GMA) Kiosks
contains vital information on available job
vacancies both domestic and overseas on the
demand side and registry of certified workers
and training opportunities on the supply side.

is an automated job and applicant matching

system which aims to fast-track jobseekers
PHIL-Jobnet search for jobs and employers search for
manpower. The clients of the system include:

the SFT paradigm is the conduct of the Youth

Profiling for Starring Careers (YP4SC). The
YP4SC Program is a complete guidance
delivery system to help young Filipinos make
SEEK-FIND-TRAIN Paradigm right career choices, based on an objective
assessment of their strengths and interests. It
is designed to help young Filipinos identify
the careers that will place them in “starring

Application: Let’s Apply

You are given 60 minutes to answer this assessment. Your work will be graded base on the
rubric provided below. (15 points)
1. Identify the relevant labor market information and assessed based on needs by making a

Criteria Exemplar (5) Developed (4) Limited (3)

The text and the illustrations are The text and the illustrations are clear and The text and the illustrations are
visually appealing, clear, and colorful. colorful. The collage is somehow adequate and clear. Organization needs
Neatness The collage is organized well. organized. improvement.

Exceptional idea development with

Content Satisfactory idea development with some Unclear, incorrect, or limited idea
supporting details or correctly credited
Knowledge supporting details. development with lack of details.
if quoted.

Image Images are highly engaging for content Images are appropriate to content and Images detract from or are inappropriate
Communication and audience. audience. for content and audience.

All information are represented with All information are represented with minor Information s are missing from the book,
accurate information, interesting errors in information, undeveloped or information is largely incorrect, or
Information information, and relevant illustrations. information, or irrelevant illustrations. illustrations are not accurate.

Today I learned that labor market information is important that leads to a good decision, it
benefits the individual, the employer and the economy. Because labor market is used to refer to
the interactions between those in need of labor, and those who can supply labor. And also, labor
market information it is a data about supply and demand, earnings, employment and
unemployment statistics, job outlook, and demographics of labor market information.


If you have reached this part my congratulations. I am
hoping that the concepts given to you will equip you on
your journey in leaning. May the important information
be part of how you understand of the vitality of the
curriculum’s existence. Next lesson, you will know the
curriculum’s types, components and purpose. Please turn
into the next page if you are already ready.

2 Labor –Market Paradigm

At the end of the session, you are expected to:

1. Explain what are the different paradigms of Labor-Market

2. Describe their position in the future in the Labor Market.


The previous discussion had given you a different definition and perspective towards
Labor Market Information. Our lesson for this part would give you important information about
the Labor-Market Paradigm, its components, and what is its purpose in the teaching-learning
process. This module is good for 60 minutes, and all activities should be successfully
Furthermore, the same module-rules apply here the same as the ones indicated on Lesson I. I
hope you are ready so that we could start.

This is Melissa, a 2nd year BTLEd student, she wants to know what she needs to accomplish in
the future in order to be in demand in the labor market as a teacher. Help her write the things she
needs to do. Write your answer in the box provided.

Teaching degree or
teaching licensure
Master degree

Professional skills Good attitudes


A. Pie Chart.
Distinguish the 6 most common jobs/works available in your society. List it down by
using the pie chart, answer it from labor that has the most number of workers to the least







Abstraction: Let Us Build On!

This section will provide you a thorough discussion on the paradigms of Labor-Market.
You will be provided with a information as a guide to remember the key important terms with
ease. Moreover, an exhibit will be given to you so that the pertinent ideas would be organized
and comprehensive.

A. What is Labor Market

There is no universally accepted opinion regarding the use of one of the two phrases;
however let us look at what the renowned curricularist said:

who state that the labour market is the place

Derek Bosworth, Peter Dawkins and Thorsten where supply and demand meet, working to
Stromback (1996) determine the price and quantity of the work

defines the market as a means of communication

through which sellers and buyers will inform each
Michel Didier (1997) other about what they have, what they need and
the prices that they ask or propose, before
closing the transaction.
The labour market is the market in which the
amount of services that correspond to tasks well
Boeri, Van Ours, (2013)
established in the job description, are offered for
a price or remuneration
define the labour market as "the confrontation
between the supply and demand of labour in a
Beligrădeanu and Stefanescu (1997) given time frame and a geographic area that is
usually completed through employment (with an
individual employment contract).
The labor market, also known as the job market,
refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in
which employees provide the supply and
Will Kenton (2020)
employers provide the demand. It is a major
component of any economy and is intricately
linked to markets for capital, goods, and services.

From all the definition that have been stated above, we can conclude that Labor Market is the
place where the supply and the demand for jobs meet, with the workers or labor providing the
services that employers demand. The worker may be anyone who wishes to offer his services for
compensation while the employer may be a single entity or an organization that is in need of an
individual to do a specific job or to complete a task. The worker is then comparable to a seller
while the employer is the buyer

A. Components of Labor market

Labor Force Applicant Applicant pool Individuals
Population Population Selected
The labor force refers to the people  the actual number of the individual or
population or labor who are applying for a people who initially individuals who’ve
force participation particular job that suits signified their interest made it through the
refers to the number of their expertise and to apply for a screening process and
individuals who are skills. Recruiters take particular job by have been hired for the
available to work in a a look first at the labor sending in their job. Of course, this is
labor market. It market and then look resume. It may very judged based on a
considers all workers next for individuals well be considered the number of factors, and
who are offering their who meet the skills first part of the the person is screened
skills and services for and qualifications that selection process against a carefully
employment are set for a particular where the recruitment determined set of
regardless of the job. For example, the department of a qualifications
industry they are in. people who are specific organization
looking for IT, receives applications
graphics design, and and screens them to
similar jobs belong to determine who
the same applicant advances to the next
population which is round of screening.
targeted by recruiters
who are looking for
this type of

B. The Labor Market in Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Theory 

Before going deep what is labor market in Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Theory, let us
first define what is Macroeconomic and Microeconomic. How these two factors relate and how
they differs.

I. Macroeconomics VS Microeconomics
Economics is divided into two categories: microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Though these two branches of economics appear different, they are actually interdependent
and complement one another. Many overlapping issues exist between the two fields.

Macroeconomics looks
Microeconomics is the
at the decisions of
study of individuals
countries and
and business decisions

II. The Labor Market in Macroeconomic Theory

According to macroeconomic theory, the fact that wage growth lags productivity growth
indicates that supply of labor has outpaced demand. When that happens, there is downward
pressure on wages, as workers compete for a scarce number of jobs and employers have their pick
of the labor force. Conversely, if demand outpaces supply, there is upward pressure on wages, as
workers have more bargaining power and are more likely to be able to switch to a higher paying job,
while employers must compete for scarce labor.

III. The Labor Market in Microeconomic Theory

Microeconomic theory analyzes labor supply and demand at the level of the individual firm
and worker. Supply—or the hours an employee is willing to work—initially increases as
wages increase. No workers will work voluntarily for nothing (unpaid interns are, in theory,
working to gain experience and increase their desirability to other employers), and more
people are willing to work for 20,000php per month than 7,000php per month..

Microeconomics involves several key principles, including (but not limited to):
Demand, Supply and Equilibrium: Prices are determined by the law of supply and demand. In
a perfectly competitive market, suppliers offer the same price demanded by consumers. This
creates economic equilibrium.
Production Theory: This principle is the study of how goods and services are created or
Costs of Production: According to this theory, the price of goods or services is determined by
the cost of the resources used during production.
Labor Economics: This principle looks at workers and employers, and tries to understand
patterns of wages, employment and income.
The rules in microeconomics flow from a set of compatible laws and theorems, rather than
beginning with empirical study.
A. Understanding Labor Market Analysis
Labor market analysis is an integral part of an organization’s recruitment process because it
not only helps it find the most qualified workers for the jobs that it offers but also ensures
that it provides a competitive compensation package to its workers. This is important in order
for an organization to be able to keep its competent workers and, thus, continue its

Generally speaking, labor market analysis involves the following processes:

Identifying the various labor markets for a given type of position. It involves looking at the
appropriate labor market based on a specific position.

Checking the market for salaries for a common position. The process involves checking similar
positions in the labor market in order to determine if an organization’s salary rates are at about
the same level

Determining market trends. This step answers questions as to how other organizations are
compensating their workers, including their pay practices.

Adjusting salary packages or structure of positions. After checking the salary rates of other
organizations and finding out if there is any need for adjustments, the department then makes
recommendations for such adjustments and restructuring of positions in the company.

Making consultations with management. This process involves sitting down with management to
determine their workforce needs.

After watching the video that has been given to you. Formulate a summary of what
you have understand in Labor Market Paradigm and state what is your answer to the
question what is the best way in order to have a successful Labor Market?

Base on my understanding about labor market paradigm it is a established on

the base of the neoclassical paradigm, the fundamental elements are competitive
markets with internal forces capable of reaching effective solutions, and rational
subjects, maximizing utilities, profits and rents according to their preferences. And
also, a labor market is a mechanism that matches potential employers of people (the
demand for labor) with people who are available for work (the labor supply). Labor
markets operate at local, regional, national and, increasingly, at international levels,
reflecting how economies operate.

The best way to have labor market is to have strong consumer demand, which
II. Construct a modelling front page just like the example photo below. See yourself as you
after 5 years. In addition, also create a modelling front page of any member of your family
featuring their job.

(Send your output to your class group chat on Messenger)

A. Today I learned that
Today I learned that labor market is the process of identifying the appropriate  labor
market for various types of positions. Surveying the  market to determine the salaries
that are being paid for like positions. And also, a  labor market is a mechanism that
matches potential employers of people (the demand for  labor) with people who are
available for work (the labor supply). Labor markets operate at local, regional, national
and, increasingly, at international levels, reflecting how economies operate.

That’s it for Lesson II, I hope you will continue your enthusiasm as you proceed to the
next lessons. You are now equipped with the essential knowledge of learning the basic of

You may now proceed to the next

Module Summary

The module is designed to provide basic information on the paradigm of the labor market
and its components and elements. The activities, analysis, abstraction, and application in the
module provide to deepen your understanding of what curriculum is all about and its importance
in education.

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