Causes Consequences and Solutions
Causes Consequences and Solutions
Causes Consequences and Solutions
Question: To what extent can privacy invasion be avoided?
The longer it takes an organization to respond to a data breach, the worse the
damage will be. Undetected breaches give cyber criminals more time to infiltrate
information, giving them more information and more opportunities to cause
But how long should it take an organization to identify and address an incident?
According to the 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Study, it’s 30 days. For incidents
that are dealt with within this timeframe, organizations spend $1 million (about
£930,000) less on average compared to those that took longer.
Unfortunately, the study found that not only do organizations struggle to address a
security incident within 30 days, but many are unable to do so within six months.
1: Weak Credentials
The vast majority of data breaches are caused by stolen or weak credentials. If
malicious criminals have your username and password combination, they have an
open door into your network. Because most people reuse passwords,
cybercriminals can use brute force attacks to gain entrance to email, websites, bank
accounts, and other sources of PII or financial information. Paragraph [2]
Stolen passwords are one of the simplest and most common causes of data
breaches. Far too many people rely on predictable phrases like ‘Password1’ and
‘123456’, which means cyber criminals don’t even need to break into a sweat to
gain access to sensitive information.
Even moderately secure passwords can be cracked with the help of a computer
programed that run through millions of the most popular credentials, so you need
to think hard to create something original whenever you choose your password.
You’re also vulnerable if you leave your password written down or use the same
phrase for multiple accounts. Paragraph [3]
2: Application Vulnerabilities
Sensitive data exposure: Without essential data protection measures including the
encryption of data in transit or at rest, attackers can view, steal, or modify sensitive
data or personally identifiable information (PII) such as credentials, credit card or
social security numbers, and medical information. Unencrypted data is a prime
target for damaging exploits related to identity theft, fraud, and industrial
espionage, to name just a few security vulnerability examples.
XML external entities (XXE): For web applications that parse XML input, a poorly
configured XML parser can be tricked to send sensitive data to an unauthorized
external entity, i.e., a storage unit such as a hard drive. XXE attacks are used by
hackers to observe critical information, disclose internal files and file shares, scan
internal ports, execute code remotely, and mount denial of service (DoS) attacks.
Broken access control: Broken access control can give website visitors access to
admin panels, servers, databases, and other business-critical applications. This
OWASP Top 10 threat could be used to redirect browsers to other targeted URLs.
Insufficient logging and monitoring: The time from attack to detection can take up
to 200 days, or sometimes longer. This window gives cyber thieves plenty of time
to tamper with servers, corrupt databases, steal confidential information, and plant
malicious code if sufficient logging and monitoring is not in place. Paragraph [4]
3: Malicious Activity
There’s always a chance that someone will try to misuse it. That sounds cynical,
but unfortunately the lure of financial gain from selling data on the dark web is too
great for many. Employees are also susceptible to use sensitive information
maliciously if they are disgruntled at work or have left the organization under poor
terms and still have access to its systems. Paragraph [6] Employees don’t have to act
maliciously to commit a data breach. They might simply make a mistake, such as
including the wrong person in the Cc field of an email, attaching the wrong
document or losing a laptop. Paragraph [7]
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