A18 CS6P05NP Final Year Project 18028985

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School of Computing & Digital Media

Final Report on

Student Name: Ashutosh Sunar (ashutosh.sunar.a18@icp.edu.np)

Student ID: 18028985

Course: BSc (Hons) Computing

First supervisor: Mr. Abhinav Dahal

Second supervisor: Mr. Bimesh Shrestha

26th April 2021

Nowadays technology has played an important role in every aspect of our life.
Increased use of internet and smart mobile has made the world as a small
village. People can do most of the thing by sitting at the home. Also, ecommerce
has become the important part of the global retail market.

So, I have made the web-based ecommerce website of the stationery. It helps
the people to get their desired stationery products with wide variety of options
and in affordable price. Also, it helps people to save time of the people and they
would get proper satisfaction on their purchased goods. The interface of the
website simple that it can be used by any categories of people. This reports
briefly describes about all the related tasks and techniques that is carried out
during the development of the project. This project has been carried out by the
extensive research works on the existing stationery ecommerce in the current
context of Nepal and all around the world.
First and foremost, I would like to thank to my supervisor ‘Mr. Abhinav Dahal’,
sir for the huge encouragement and valuable guidelines. The inspiration given
by him has the great impact on the success of my project. I cannot say thank
you enough for his tremendous support.

Besides these, I would like to thank ‘Informatics College Pokhara’ for providing
us with a good environment and facilities to complete the project. It gave us the
opportunities to participate and explore our knowledge on solving real world
problem. Finally, I would also like to thank my friends and families for their
understandings and support on us. Without helps of the above mentioned, it
would be very difficult to complete the project.
Table of Contents
1. Chapter One: Introduction ....................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 1

1.2 World Scenario .................................................................................. 2

1.3 Nepal Scenario .................................................................................. 3

1.4 Problem Statement ............................................................................ 3

1.5 Project as Solution ............................................................................. 3

1.6 Aims of the Project ............................................................................ 4

1.7 Objectives of the project .................................................................... 4

1.8 Structure of Report ............................................................................ 5

2. Chapter Two: Background ....................................................................... 6

2.1 Project Elaboration ............................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Wireframe ................................................................................... 7

2.2 Review of Similar Websites ............................................................. 10

2.3 Review of Similar Journals............................................................... 15

2.4 Comparison with research material .................................................. 18

2.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 19

3. Chapter Three: Development ................................................................ 20

3.1 Methodology Considered ................................................................. 20

3.1.1 Incremental or Iterative Software Methodology ......................... 20

3.1.2 Spiral Software Methodology..................................................... 21

3.1.3 Prototype Software Methodology .............................................. 22

3.2 Selected Methodology ..................................................................... 23

3.3 Reason for selecting methodology ................................................... 25

4. Chapter Four: Design ............................................................................ 26

4.1 Use Case Model .............................................................................. 26

4.1.1 Use Case Diagram .................................................................... 27

4.1.2 High Level Use Case Description .............................................. 28

4.1.3 Expanded Use Case Description ............................................... 30

4.2 Flowchart ......................................................................................... 33

4.2.1 Flowchart of Login and sign up .................................................. 34

4.2.2 Flowchart of add product to cart/Wishlist ................................... 35

4.2.3 Flowchart of search product ...................................................... 36

4.2.4 Flowchart of checkout ............................................................... 37

4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram ............................................................. 38

4.3.1 Initial ER diagram ...................................................................... 38

4.3.2 Final ER Diagram ...................................................................... 39

4.4 Data flow diagram (DFD) ................................................................. 40

4.4.1 Context Level Diagram (Level 0) ............................................... 40

4.4.2 Level 1 DFD .............................................................................. 42

5. Chapter Five: Implementation ................................................................ 43

5.1 Requirement Gathering ................................................................... 43

5.1.1 Survey ....................................................................................... 43

5.1.2 Summary................................................................................... 43

5.2 Prototype One ................................................................................. 44

5.2.1 Quick Design I ........................................................................... 44

5.2.2 Build Prototype I ........................................................................ 48

5.2.3 User Evaluation I ....................................................................... 55

5.2.4 Refining Prototype I ................................................................... 55

5.3 Prototype Two ................................................................................. 56

5.3.1 Quick Design II .......................................................................... 56

5.3.2 Built Prototype II ........................................................................ 57

5.3.3 User Evaluation II ...................................................................... 63

5.3.4 Refining Prototype II .................................................................. 63

5.4 Prototype Three ............................................................................... 64

5.4.1 Quick Design III ......................................................................... 64

5.4.2 Built Prototype III ....................................................................... 64

5.4.3 User Evaluation III ..................................................................... 72

5.5 Summary ......................................................................................... 72

6. Chapter Six: Testing .............................................................................. 73

6.1 Different Techniques of Testing ....................................................... 73

6.2 Different Level of Software Testing .................................................. 74

6.3 Test Cases ...................................................................................... 75

6.3.1 Test Case 1 ............................................................................... 75

6.3.2 Test Case 2 ............................................................................... 76

6.3.3 Test Case 3 ............................................................................... 77

6.3.4 Test Case 4 ............................................................................... 78

6.3.5 Test Case 5 ............................................................................... 79

6.3.6 Test Case 6 ............................................................................... 80

6.3.7 Test Case 7 ............................................................................... 81

6.3.8 Test Case 8 ............................................................................... 82

6.3.9 Test Case 9 ............................................................................... 83

6.3.10 Test Case 10 ......................................................................... 84

6.3.11 Test Case 11 ......................................................................... 85

6.3.12 Test Case 12 ......................................................................... 86

6.3.13 Test Case 13 ......................................................................... 87

6.3.14 Test Case 14 ......................................................................... 88

6.3.15 Test Case 15 ......................................................................... 90

6.3.16 Test Case 16 ......................................................................... 91

6.3.17 Test Case 17 ......................................................................... 92

6.3.18 Test Case 18 ......................................................................... 93

6.3.19 Test Case 19 ......................................................................... 94

6.3.20 Test Case 20 ......................................................................... 95

6.3.21 Test Case 21 ......................................................................... 96

6.3.22 Test Case 22 ......................................................................... 97

6.3.23 Test Case 23 ......................................................................... 98

6.3.24 Test Case 24 ......................................................................... 99

7. Chapter Seven: Analysis ..................................................................... 100

7.1 Sustainability ................................................................................. 101

8. Chapter Eight: Conclusion ................................................................... 103

References ................................................................................................. 105

Appendices ................................................................................................. 108

Table of Figure
Figure 1: Number of digital buyers worldwide from 2014 to 2021 .................... 2
Figure 2: Wireframe of Home Page ................................................................ 7
Figure 3: Wire Frame of Login and Sign Up .................................................... 8
Figure 4: Wireframe of Cart Page ................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Homepage of Offimart website ...................................................... 10
Figure 6: Homepage of Statmo.in website .................................................... 11
Figure 7: Home page of stationarybazzar website ........................................ 12
Figure 8: Homepage of Bhavproducts.com ................................................... 13
Figure 9: Homepage of Booksmandala.com ................................................. 14
Figure 10: Stages of Prototype methodology ................................................ 23
Figure 11: Use Case Diagram ...................................................................... 27
Figure 12: Flowchart of login and sign up ..................................................... 34
Figure 13: Flowchart of add product to cart/Wishlist ..................................... 35
Figure 14: Flowchart of search product ......................................................... 36
Figure 15: Flowchart of checkout .................................................................. 37
Figure 16: Initial ER diagram ........................................................................ 38
Figure 17: Final ER Diagram ........................................................................ 39
Figure 18: Context level diagram of system .................................................. 40
Figure 19: Level 1 DFD of the system ........................................................... 42
Figure 20: Wireframe of Home page ............................................................. 45
Figure 21: Wireframe of About us page ........................................................ 46
Figure 22: Wireframe of product display page .............................................. 47
Figure 23: Layout of Homepage Part 1 ......................................................... 48
Figure 24: Layout of Homepage Part 2 ......................................................... 48
Figure 25: Layout of Homepage part 3 ......................................................... 49
Figure 26: Layout of about us page part 1 .................................................... 50
Figure 27: Layout of about us page part 2 .................................................... 50
Figure 28: Layout of about us page part 3 .................................................... 51
Figure 29: Layout of contact us page part 1 .................................................. 52
Figure 30: Layout of contact us page part 2 .................................................. 52
Figure 31: Layout of contact us page part 3 .................................................. 53
Figure 32: Layout of one of product display page part 1 ............................... 54
Figure 33: Layout of one of product display page part 2 ............................... 54
Figure 34: Layout of sign-up part 1 ............................................................... 57
Figure 35: Layout of sign-up part 2 ............................................................... 57
Figure 36: Layout of Sign in part 1 ................................................................ 58
Figure 37: Layout of Sign in part 2 ................................................................ 58
Figure 38: Layout of Product details page part 1........................................... 59
Figure 39: Layout of Product details page part 2........................................... 59
Figure 40: Layout of product details page part 3 ........................................... 60
Figure 41: Layout of search page after search particular product part 1 ....... 61
Figure 42: Layout of search page after searching particular product part 2 ... 61
Figure 43: Layout of admin panel ................................................................. 62
Figure 44: Adding Product to cart ................................................................. 64
Figure 45: Layout of cart page part 1 ............................................................ 65
Figure 46: Layout of cart page part 2 ............................................................ 65
Figure 47: Layout of cart page part 3 ............................................................ 66
Figure 48: Adding product to Wishlist ........................................................... 67
Figure 49: Layout of Wishlist Page Part 1 ..................................................... 67
Figure 50: Layout of Wishlist Page Part 2 ..................................................... 68
Figure 51: Checking out the product from cart .............................................. 69
Figure 52:Layout of Order History page part 1 .............................................. 69
Figure 53: Layout of Order History Page Part 2 ............................................ 70
Figure 54: Layout of Khalti Page ................................................................... 71
Figure 55: Screenshots of test 1 ................................................................... 75
Figure 56: Screenshot of Test 2.................................................................... 76
Figure 57: Screenshot of test 3 ..................................................................... 77
Figure 58: Screen shot of test 4 .................................................................... 78
Figure 59: Screenshot of test 5 ..................................................................... 79
Figure 60: Screenshot of test 6 ..................................................................... 80
Figure 61: Screenshot of test 7 ..................................................................... 81
Figure 62: Screenshot of test 8 ..................................................................... 82
Figure 63: Screenshot of test 9 ..................................................................... 83
Figure 64: Screenshot of test 10 ................................................................... 84
Figure 65: Screenshot of test 11 ................................................................... 85
Figure 66: Screenshot of test 12 ................................................................... 86
Figure 67: Screenshot of test 13 ................................................................... 87
Figure 68: Screenshot of test 14 ................................................................... 89
Figure 69: Screenshot of test 16 ................................................................... 91
Figure 70: Screenshot of test17 .................................................................... 92
Figure 71: Screenshot of test 18 ................................................................... 93
Figure 72: Screenshot of test 19 ................................................................... 94
Figure 73: Screenshot of test 20 ................................................................... 95
Figure 74: Screenshot of test 21 ................................................................... 96
Figure 75: Screenshot of test 22 ................................................................... 97
Figure 76: Screenshot of test 23 ................................................................... 98
Figure 77: Screenshot of test 24 ................................................................... 99
Table of Tables
Table 1: Table of Comparison with research material ................................... 18
Table 2: High level description of Registration .............................................. 28
Table 3:High Level description of Login ........................................................ 28
Table 4:High Level description of View Product ............................................ 28
Table 5: High level of description of add product to cart/ Wishlist ................. 28
Table 6: High Level description of Search Product ....................................... 29
Table 7: High Level description of Add product ............................................. 29
Table 8: High Level Description of checkout ................................................. 29
Table 9: Expanded use case description of add product to cart/Wishlist ....... 30
Table 10: Expanded use case description of search product ........................ 31
Table 11: Expanded Use Case description of checkout. ............................... 32
Table 13: Table of Test 1 .............................................................................. 75
Table 14: Table of Test 2 .............................................................................. 76
Table 15: Table of test 3 ............................................................................... 77
Table 16: Table of test 4 ............................................................................... 78
Table 17: Table of Test 5 .............................................................................. 79
Table 18:Table of Test 6 ............................................................................... 80
Table 19: Table of test 7 ............................................................................... 81
Table 20: Table of Test 8 .............................................................................. 82
Table 21: Table of test 9 ............................................................................... 83
Table 22: Table of test 10 ............................................................................. 84
Table 23: Table of test 11 ............................................................................. 85
Table 24: Table of test 12 ............................................................................. 86
Table 25: Table of Test 13 ............................................................................ 87
Table 26: Table of Test 14 ............................................................................ 88
Table 27: Table of test 15 ............................................................................. 90
Table 28: Screenshot of test 15 .................................................................... 90
Table 29: Table of test 16 ............................................................................. 91
Table 30: Table of Test 17 ............................................................................ 92
Table 31: Table of Test 18 ............................................................................ 93
Table 32: Table of Test 19 ............................................................................ 94
Table 33: Table of Test 20 ............................................................................ 95
Table 34: Table of test 21 ............................................................................. 96
Table 35: Table of test 22 ............................................................................. 97
Table 36: Table of test 23 ............................................................................. 98
Table 37: Table of test 24 ............................................................................. 99
Table 38: Strength and weakness of project ............................................... 101
Table 39: Opportunities and Threats of project ........................................... 101
CS6P05NP Final Year Project

1. Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The progress in the field of technology, computers and telecommunications as
well as internet technology has risen up to the high due to which society and
the world has gone to next level. The use of the internet has experienced
tremendous development in the ecommerce business. E-commerce is the
distribution, purchase, sale, marketing of items and services through electronic
systems such as the internet or computer networks which involve electronic
fund transfer. Due to e-commerce business, it has increase competitiveness
among companies which forced companies to improve customer services. In
today’s context, ecommerce website has become the important factors to make
product successful of any company. It has played important role in accelerating
and increasing sales by utilizing the online platform like websites.

As technology on business as increased rapidly that most of the companies has

already shifted their business in online platform. Nowadays, many companies
mainly rely on website for the distribution or sale of their product. The
ecommerce website has made easier and comfortable for the many companies
for the advancement of their business. It has played an important role to uplift
the business from the bottom to the competitive world. Not only the business,
but also it has made easier to the customers to buy their needs easily and
anywhere they want. The ecommerce business has made the such a friendly
environment between business and customers which develops the good
coordination and trust among them. Similarly, “TheBookBasement.com” is web-
based ecommerce application for stationery which deals with the stationary
products like books, pen, pencils etc. This is basically an ecommerce website
where the admin will add stationery products and interested customer can buy
the stationery products. The main of this project is to make customer easier to
buy their desired stationery products anywhere and anytime (Winwin Yadiati,
2019 ).

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CS6P05NP Final Year Project

1.2 World Scenario

The new technology has drastically changed the world and similarly, in the field
of ecommerce business as well as it has changed. In the last few years,
ecommerce has become crucial part of the global retail market. The retail
market has undergone a significant shift with the pace of internet development.
The customers of every country from virtually can have profit from the online
transactions. The number of digital buyers worldwide keeps climbing every year
due to most of the people around the world has an internet access. Also,
similarly, the ecommerce website of stationery is also very popular in the world.
There are offimart.com, notebooktherapy.com, www.statmo.in, etc. are
stationery website which are very popular in the world. According to current
calculations, the growth of ecommerce will accelerate even further in near

The above bar graph shows that the number of digital buyers worldwide is

Figure 1: Number of digital buyers worldwide from 2014 to 2021

increasing year after years. In 2019, as an estimation of 1.92 billion people have
purchased goods or services online and during the same year, e-retail sales
has surpassed 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide (Department, 2020).

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1.3 Nepal Scenario

In the field of technology, Nepal is still backward in compare to other countries
but somehow ecommerce website is quite popular in Nepal. According to
survey done in 2019, there are 31 private ISP’s in Nepal and according to
export.gov about 40% of these accounts are commercial. Ecommerce activities
is mainly popular in major cities like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal, Dharan etc.
In present, there are many ecommerce websites which are providing
ecommerce services in Nepal with delivery service. The popular ecommerce
websites in Nepal are daraz.com.np, hamrobazar.com, sastodeal.com etc.
Similarly, in Nepal there are some stationery ecommerce websites like
bhavproducts.com which is not quite popular. Although ISPs are increasing in
Nepal, ecommerce business is still backward due to insufficient market
strategy. So, to develop ecommerce business marketing strategy is much
needed (Gautam, 2019).

1.4 Problem Statement

Most of retail sales business cannot uplift their business due to less distribution
of their products and also customer have to take out the time from their busy
schedule to buy the things they want. Also, due to covid-19 people are facing
difficulty in buying products because they cannot go around the market and buy

1.5 Project as Solution

To solve the above-mentioned problem, I have approached my project as
solution. The project is an ecommerce website for stationery build in Django
framework and HTML, CSS and Bootstrap as designing function. Through this
website people can buy the stationary products easily and save time.

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CS6P05NP Final Year Project

1.6 Aims of the Project

The main aim of this project is to make simple ecommerce website with simple
user interface by which customer can buy products easily. And other aims of
this project are to develop user friendly ecommerce website, to sell the
stationery items or products online etc. Also, to provide easier and secure
environment to register to the users. Moreover, to help user to save time and
money and to promote the business and digitalize it. Also, to explore knowledge
about the python along with project and to learn about the Django framework in

1.7 Objectives of the project

The objectives of the project are as follows:
• Collect the requirements and information that is needed for the
• Finalize the requirements and information of the project.
• Design the website with information and requirements that have
been collected.
• Develop the prototype of the website and take review from the client
• Develop the website in python programming language and Django
• Update the changes if requirements are incomplete.
• Provide the good and bad aspects of website.

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1.8 Structure of Report

Introduction: It covers the introduction of the project, the world perspective and
local perspective in the field of ecommerce business, problem statement,
project as solution and aims and objectives of the project.

Background: It covers the background of the project with proper project

description and also the reviews of similar websites and journals and
comparison of my project with other similar websites and conclusion of
background of the project.

Development: It covers the development part of project where methodologies

considered and reason for selecting the methodology are described and
detailed description of selected methodology.

Design: It covers the design part of project where different designs are made
along with brief description.

Implementation: It covers the explanation of implementation of methodology in


Testing: It covers the testing of project

Analysis: It covers the analysis of the project where project is evaluated.

Conclusion: It includes the report summary as well as the project summary.

References: It covers the referencing and citation of the project.

Appendix: It includes Appendices like Gantt chart, SRS report, User manual

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CS6P05NP Final Year Project

2. Chapter Two: Background

2.1 Project Elaboration
“TheBookBasement.com” is web-based ecommerce application for stationery
which deals with the stationery products like books, pen, pencils etc. This
website helps people to buy their desired stationery products anywhere and
anytime. It would be user friendly and easy to use as the UI design would be
simple. With the help of this, people can buy the stationery product easily and
save time. As many people do not walk through the market and buy products,
so it helps those people who feels lazy and mostly prefer online shop. It is going
to be developed in python IDEs and Django framework and HTML and CSS for
different designs functions. The main aim of this project is to make the user-
friendly ecommerce site for the stationery and save time of the people by
investigating the scope of the project

The website is basically an ecommerce website where user can buy different
stationery product. Customer sees the different stationery product in the
homepage. And customer can add the product to cart but he/she have to login
if he/she wants to buy it. If the customer is new, he/she have to sign up by
providing the necessary data asked in sign up form. Also, customer can add
their desired product to their Wishlist. Also, if the customer has any queries can
send message by filling contact form. Customer can search the product by the

This project is mostly beneficial for those people who uses stationery products
most of the time like the people who work in office or the students. It saves their
time and effort. It is very useful in current scenario as due to COVID-19; many
people can go to market and buy stationery items. So, with the help of my
website people can buy their desired needs.

The project was started by doing the research about the requirements needed
for project. The reviews and survey way taken from the people about their
experience in online shopping. On the basis of reviews taken from the people
as well as research done, the wireframe of the website is drawn. With the help
of wireframe, the UI design of website is designed.

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2.1.1 Wireframe
a) Home Page

Figure 2: Wireframe of Home Page

This is the homepage of the website where the customer can see the list of the
products and customer can add product to cart which they want to purchase.

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b) Login and Sign Up

Figure 3: Wire Frame of Login and Sign Up

This is Login and sign-up form where the customer can create the user account
by filling the sign-up form. Also, to buy the product the customer should logged

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c) Cart Page

Figure 4: Wireframe of Cart Page

This is the cart page where the user/customer can see the items which they
have added in cart. Also, there would be a checkout option from customer can
check out items of cart.

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2.2 Review of Similar Websites

a) www.offimart.com

Figure 5: Homepage of Offimart website

This is very similar to my project. It is one of the India’s most trusted online
stationery store which delivers all the office needs, students’ needs at the door
steps. It sells from paper pins to shredders and staple pins to software. It has
wide variety of stationery products. Here, customer can see the wide variety of
product in the home page and also can add their desired products to the cart
but to purchase the products customer must be logged in. If the customer is
new, he/she must fill the sign-up form to buy products. Customer sees the
different categories of stationery products from which they can see directly
desired products. They can search the items they need by entering the name
of items in search box. They can get the proper description of product by
clicking respective product cart. They can add their favourite items to their
Wishlist. Also, they would receive the special offer notification if the sign up their
newsletter. Also, customer can check availability of product in their area by
entering zip code of their area. Customer can pay from digital wallet or debit
card. Also, they can track their order (offimart, n.d.).

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b) www.statmo.in

Figure 6: Homepage of Statmo.in website

It is also very similar to my project. It is one of the popular online stores for
stationery which has huge variety of stationery products and other important
office supplies. It aims to offer the best value for their stationery products with
maintain their top quality. It delivery for free if the customer orders over Rs.
3000. It has the similar things like in other ecommerce stationery websites.
Customer would have the wide choices for shopping. And they can pay through
card, or digital wallet (statmo, n.d.).

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c) www.stationerybazaar.com

Figure 7: Home page of stationarybazzar website

This website is also very similar to my website. It is also one of the leading
suppliers of stationery products as well as pantry and housekeeping items
across India. It also offers wide variety of products and services to their
customers. It has also the similar features like offimart websites. Here customer
can compare the products (stationerybazaar, 2017).

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CS6P05NP Final Year Project

d) www.bhavproducts.com

Figure 8: Homepage of Bhavproducts.com

It is also similar website to my project. It is one of the stationery websites in

Nepal which sell its own products of Copy. Though it done have the wide variety
of stationery products, it has simple but classic notebooks. It constantly takes
feedbacks from customers and keep improving in their products. This website
also has the similar features like above ecommerce websites. But it has two
payment method i.e., direct from bank account, cash on delivery inside
Kathmandu valley only.

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e) www.booksmandala.com

Figure 9: Homepage of Booksmandala.com

It is one of the similar websites to my project. It is one of the largest book

distributors in Nepal based at Lakeside, Pokhara. It was started from a post-
card board selling to the tourists. It has wide variety of books. It also similar
features like above ecommerce websites but it only sells books. It provides the
offers like festive offers. It also sells used books. It has the payment methods
like digital wallet, cash on delivery and bank transfer.

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2.3 Review of Similar Journals

a) Electronic Commerce: A Study on Benefits and Challenges in an
Emerging Economy

This journal focuses on the benefits and challenges of ecommerce in an

emerging economy. Nowadays e-commerce has become popular in emerging
economy. It is the buying and selling of items and services online. Many people
use internet as the source of information to compare prices or to see latest
product before making purchase at the market. So, we can say that ecommerce
is just another word for the same process.

As the growing use of the internet, tablet devices and smart phones,
ecommerce has showered many opportunities for developing countries to gain
a stronger foothold in the multilateral trading system. Also, due to social media
expansion, the conversation between businesses and customers are engaging
more which makes it easier for transactional exchanges to happen online. It
helps both retailers and customers. The main benefits from retailer points of
view are increasing revenue and reducing operation and maintenance costs
through internets. And the main benefits form customer points of view are saves
times and eases access from anywhere. This journal mainly focuses that
ecommerce revolution has changed the business of transaction by giving many
opportunities and breaking borders easily (Khan, 2016).

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b) The Impact of Website Information Convenience on E-commerce

Success of Companies.
Ecommerce an online market which has been growing rapidly and changing
patterns of business with manufacturers, distributors and customers using the
internet as essential tool for communication. It can offer best products choices
in affordable price without the limitation of time and space. Consumer can take
benefits of less prices, faster searches, easier comparisons and more choices.
Website information plays an important role in e-commerce. The information
can help customers to make decisions in online shopping. With the increased
information on the website, customer will get more information and can make
better decision and get more satisfaction with their purchase. Information is very
important for any business as it cover market trends, customer profit, buying
performance. Besides website information website design also plays very
important role to ensure the success of the business.

From this journal I can conclude that there are many factors which can affect
ecommerce websites. With the rich in information, customer can have lots of
options to buy services or goods (Salehi, 2012).

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c) A Django Based Educational Resource Sharing Website: Shreic

From this journal, I have learned about the Django. Django is a high-level
Python Web framework that encourages rapid development. It is built by the
experienced developer so it takes care of much of the problem of web
development. It is free and open source. Its primary goal is to build complex,
database-driven website easily. It emphasizes reusability and pluggability of the
components, less code, low coupling and rapid development. It also provides
an optional administrative create, read, update and delete interface that is
generated dynamically through admin models.

From this journal, I have learned about the Django web framework which have
I have been using to develop my project (Adamya Shyam, 2020).

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2.4 Comparison with research material

Features Offimart.c statmo.i bhavpr Station Books My

om n oducts. erybaza mandal website
com ar.com a.com
Mission Sell Sell Sell Sell Sell Sell
stationery stationer stationer stationer books stationer
products y y y y
products products products products
User Available Available Availabl Availabl Availabl Available
account e e e
User Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Excellent Excellent Simple Simple Attractiv Simple
Interface e
Platform Android, Android, Web Web Web Web
IOS and IOS and
web web
Payment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 1: Table of Comparison with research material

Above table is the comparison of research material with my website which is

thebookbasement.com. After comparing with research material, I found that my
website has the similar features like other ecommerce websites like user
account, user verification, payment gateway etc. Also, it has simple user
interface for user friendly environment.

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2.5 Conclusion
After analysing above reviews that I found that the ecommerce website of
stationery is quite unpopular. Stationery products is one of the essential in our
daily life. Many people have to go to market and buy it. Also, they will not have
wide variety of options to buy. Also, they cannot compare the prices of different
products as they are forced to buy from single store due to paucity of time.

So, I found out that the ecommerce website for stationery is very useful for both
retail sellers and customers. By using this website people can save time and
can utilize the saved time for others works. The user interface of my project is
very user friendly which helps people to buy their desired stationery products in
an easy way. Customer can also search the products according to name and
can also add the product to the Wishlist. Also, the seller’s revenue will increase.

Moreover, my project is developed in Django web framework and python IDEs

and it is simple user interface.

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3. Chapter Three: Development

3.1 Methodology Considered
The software development methodology is the framework which is used to
structure, plan and control the process of developing a software. There are wide
variety of software development methodology which have been evolved over
the years having its own recognized strengths and weakness. Every software
or system is developed using certain software development methodologies.
One software methodology is not necessarily suitable for use by all the projects.
Also, while developing my project, I have considered few of the methodologies
that would be suitable and could meet the requirements and expectations of my
projects. The methodologies that I realized which could be suitable for my
projects are briefly explained below (Khan, 2016).

3.1.1 Incremental or Iterative Software Methodology

It is also known as successive version model. In this methodology,
requirements of software are first broken down into several chunks which can
be incrementally constructed and delivered. Developer first develops the core
features of the system. Once the core features are developed then software are
refined in every successive version by adding new functions. And each
successive version is usually developed using an iterative waterfall model of
development. After each successive version of the software, the feedback of
customer is taken which is include in the next version. Therefore, each version
has additional features over the previous ones (Saxena, 2019).

a) Advantages of Incremental Software Methodology

The advantages of incremental Software methodology are as follows:
• It acts as an error reduction
• It uses divide and conquer for breakdown of tasks
• It lowers the initial delivery cost.

b) Disadvantages of Incremental Software Methodology

The disadvantage of incremental software methodology are as follows:
• It requires good planning and design.
• It costs high in total.

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3.1.2 Spiral Software Methodology

It is also one of the software methodologies which provides support for Risk
Handling. It looks like spiral with many loops. The exact number of loops is
unknown which can be vary from project to project. Each loop of the spiral is a
one complete phase of software development process. Each phase of spiral
model is divided into four quadrants and each quadrant have different functions.
First quadrant determines the objectives of projects and also identify alternative
solutions. Second quadrants identify and resolve the risks and at the end
prototype is built. In third quadrant, the next version of the software is developed
and at fourth quadrant reviews from the customer is collected and planning for
next phase is started (Pal, 2018).

a) Advantages of Spiral Software Methodology

• Its analysis and handles the risks.
• It is good for large projects.
• It is flexibility in requirements.
b) Disadvantages of Spiral Software Methodology
• It is complex than other software methodology.
• It is more expensive and not suitable for small project.
• Time estimation is very difficult.

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3.1.3 Prototype Software Methodology

It is also one of the software methodologies which is mostly used when the
customers do not know the exact requirements of the projects. In this
methodology, prototype of end product is developed first and it is tested and
refined as per the customer reviews and repeatedly prototype is developed until
acceptable prototype is developed and on the basis of final prototype final
product is developed (Breja, 2020).

a) Advantages of Prototype Software Methodology

The advantages of prototype software methodology are as follows:
• It ensures the greater level of customer satisfaction.
• It helps to figure out missing functionalities.
• Errors can be detected much earlier
• It has high flexibility in design.
b) Disadvantage of Prototype Software Methodology
The disadvantages of prototype software methodology are as follows:
• It is uncertainty in determining the number of iterations.
• It might take much time.

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3.2 Selected Methodology

Prototype methodology is one of the software development methodology in
which prototype of software is built, tested and rebuilt until an acceptable
prototype is accomplished. It creates the foundation for the final system. It is an
iterative, trial and error method that takes place between developer and end
user. This methodology is best practices when the requirements of clients are
unclear. In this methodology, first requirements that is needed for the system is
gathered and quick designed of system is created and after that prototype of
system is built and built prototype is presented to client for evaluation and if
users are not happy with current prototype this phase will not over until the
requirements of the users are met and after that system is developed and

Figure 10: Stages of Prototype methodology

The planning of the project is executed based on the different stages of the
prototype methodology which are described below.

a) Requirements gathering and analysis

In this phase, the requirements of the system or software are collected in detail.
During this process, mostly interview is taken with end users to know their
expectation from the system.

b) Quick design
In this phase simple design of system is created. Though it is not complete
design but it gives a brief idea of the system to the end user. Also, it helps in
building prototype.

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c) Build a Prototype
In this stage, prototype of the actual system is developed on the basis of
information gathered and quick designed of system. It can be called as the
small working model of the actual system.

d) Initial user evaluation

In this is phase, the prototype is presented to the end user for an initial
evaluation. It is very important because it helps to find out the weakness and
strength of the proposed prototype. Also, reviews and suggestions are collected
from the user and provided to the developer.

e) Refining prototype
In this phase, the prototype is refined according to user’s feedback and
suggestions. This phase will run in loop until the requirements of the users are
met. After the user is satisfied with developed prototype, final system is
developed on the basis of approved prototype.

f) Implement Product and Maintain

In this phase, developed system is tested and deployed to production. And it
undergoes routine maintenance for minimizing failures.

In this way, the final product or system is developed under the prototype
methodology (Guru99, n.d.).

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3.3 Reason for selecting methodology

Since the prototype methodology is best practiced when the requirements of
the user are unclear, so it is the best fit software development methodology for
my project as initial requirement gathering of my project was unclear. Therefore,
if I choose the prototype methodology then, I can get the maximum review from
end users and can get plenty of time for requirements gathering. Also, there will
be the lesser chance of project failure as prototyping acts as risk reduction. As
in prototype methodology, the prototype is developed until the customer is
satisfied, so in every developed prototype certain part of my project is

The main reason of selecting prototype methodology is that it helps to find out
the missing functionality in the system and also prototype can be changed or
even discarded. Also, I would get the quicker feedback form my end users
which is my supervisor that helps to develop my project in better way. It provides
us the flexible environment for designing which encourages me to develop the
better software (Guru99, n.d.).

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4. Chapter Four: Design

In this section of report includes different designs that is necessary for the
project to complete. Different kinds of UML diagrams are drawn using different
tools. UML Diagram which is known as Unified Modelling Language that helps
to model software solutions, application structures, system behaviour and
business processes (Nishadha, 2021). There are different types of UML
Diagrams and other diagrams among them I have made following diagrams
which are described below:

4.1 Use Case Model

A Use Case model or diagram is the primary form of system requirements for
underdeveloped software program. It specifies the expected behaviour of the
system. It can be denoted in both textual and visual representation. The main
reason of developing use case model is that it helps us to design the system
from the end user’s perspective. The use case diagram should be simple
because it does not show the detail of each use case.

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4.1.1 Use Case Diagram

Figure 11: Use Case Diagram

The above figure is the use case diagram of the whole system. It shows different
functions of the system as use case and different functions carried out by
external factors which are actor.

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4.1.2 High Level Use Case Description

Use Case Registration

Actors Customer, Admin

Description Customer and Admin provide the details like valid

email address, username and Password and get
Table 2: High level description of Registration

Use Case Login

Actors Customer, Admin

Description Customer and Admin provide login details like

valid email address or username and Password
and get verified by the system and get logged in.
Table 3:High Level description of Login

Use Case View Product

Actors Customer

Description Customer can view product in home page and also

view the particular product by clicking it.
Table 4:High Level description of View Product

Use Case Add Product to Cart/Wishlist

Actors Customer

Description Customer can add product to cart and Wishlist

after they are logged in.
Table 5: High level of description of add product to cart/ Wishlist

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Use Case Search Product

Actors Customer

Description Customer can search product by providing

product name in search box.
Table 6: High Level description of Search Product

Use Case Add Product

Actors Admin

Description Admin can add product by providing product

details and can update and delete product.
Table 7: High Level description of Add product

Use Case Check out

Actors Customer, Payment

Description Customer can check out the product after adding

product to cart and can pay through online
payment or direct cash after delivery.
Table 8: High Level Description of checkout

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4.1.3 Expanded Use Case Description

Use Case Name: Add product to cart/Wishlist

Actor: Customer

Description: Customer can add product to cart and Wishlist after they are
logged in.

Actor Action System Response

1. When Customer open the website,
customer is shown the list of
2. Customer clicks the particular 3. System shows the details and
product to see it in details. add to cart and Wishlist button.

4. Customer clicks add to cart or add

to Wishlist button to add product to
cart or Wishlist.
5. System checks the customer is
logged in or not.

6. System checks whether added

product is already in cart or
Wishlist or not.
7. System adds product to cart /
Wishlist and display successful
Table 9: Expanded use case description of add product to cart/Wishlist

Alternative Add product to cart/Wishlist:

Line 4: Customer does not clicks add to cart or add to Wishlist button, use case

Line 5: Customer is not logged in, use case ends.

Line 6: Requested product is already in cart or Wishlist, use case ends.

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Use Case Name: Search Product

Actor: Customer

Description: Customer can search product by providing product name in

search box.

Actor Action System Response

. 1. System the search box where
customer can enter the name
and click the search button.
2. Customer enter the name of 3. System shows the available
product they want to search and product.
click the search button.
4. Customer is shown the available
Table 10: Expanded use case description of search product

Alternative search product:

Line 3: System does not find the product, use case ends.

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Use Case Name: Checkout

Actors: Customer, Payment
Description: Customer can check out the product after adding product to cart
and can pay through online payment or direct cash after delivery.

Actor Action System Response

1. When Customer view the cart
items, they are shown list of
products added to cart and check
out button.
2. Customer clicks the checkout 3. System shows checkout form to
button. customer

4. Customer fills the details in check

out form.

5. System shows the payment


6.Customer clicks the online payment 6. System shows the form to fill
user details

7. Customer fills the form

. 8. System verifies the user details

and display the successful
Table 11: Expanded Use Case description of checkout.

Alternative checkout:

Line 2: Customer does not click checkout button, use case ends.

Line 6: Customer does not click the online payment; it will be cash on delivery.

Line 8: Provided user details are not correct, use case ends.

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4.2 Flowchart
It is a pictorial representation of the sequence of steps and decisions needed
to carry out certain process. Every step in the sequence is noted within a shape
and every step are linked by connecting lines and directional flow. It shows
logical flow of the process from beginning to end. It communicates the steps in
a process in very effective and efficient way with proper design and
constructions (smartdraw, n.d.).

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4.2.1 Flowchart of Login and sign up

Figure 12: Flowchart of login and sign up

Above figure is the flowchart of the login and sign-up process. In the flowchart,
first user is registered or not is checked and if user is registered login process
is carried out and if not sign up processed is carried out. In Login process, first
user enters the login details and system check if details are correct or not. If
correct it shows home page of website if not display error message. And in sign
up process, user first enters the sign-up details and system check if details are
valid or not. If details are valid show successful message and if not show error

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4.2.2 Flowchart of add product to cart/Wishlist

Figure 13: Flowchart of add product to cart/Wishlist

Above figure is the flowchart of add product to cart/Wishlist process. In the

flowchart, first user add product to cart or Wishlist. System checks if user is
logged in or not. If User is logged in then system again check the item already
exists in cart/Wishlist or not. If exists then display message and if not add
product to cart/Wishlist. If user is not logged in, user is redirect to login page.

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4.2.3 Flowchart of search product

Figure 14: Flowchart of search product

Above figure is the flowchart of search product process. In the flowchart, first
user search product and if product is found product is displayed to the user and
if not found then display the message.

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4.2.4 Flowchart of checkout

Figure 15: Flowchart of checkout

Above figure is the flowchart of checkout process. In the flowchart, first user
checkout and system check the user is logged in or not if not, it shows the error
message and if user is logged in, system shows the payment option. If user
clicks the online payment, then account is verified in payment gateway. If
account is verified, then display message and if not then display error message.
If user clicks the cash on delivery, then system display the message.

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4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram

It is visual representation of different entities within in a system and how they
relate to each other. It is also known as ER-diagram. It is used to design
relational databases. It also can be used to visualize the database tables and
their relationships. It is also used in software engineering during the planning
stages of the software project (Nishadha, 2021).

4.3.1 Initial ER diagram

Figure 16: Initial ER diagram

Above figure is the initial ER diagram of whole system. It is the rough diagram
of the database of thebookbasement.com. It consists of entities, attribute and
relationship between entities.

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4.3.2 Final ER Diagram

Figure 17: Final ER Diagram

The above figure is the final er diagram produced after database normalized.
The diagram was produced in visual studio code. And it contains additional
attributes and entities as it is normalized database.

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4.4 Data flow diagram (DFD)

Data flow diagram which is also known as DFD is a diagram that represent the
flow of data of a system or a process. It gives vision into the inputs and outputs
of each entity and the process itself. It does not have control flow and no loops
or decision rules are present. It helps to visualize the major steps and data
involved in software system processes. It also helps to understand the function
and limits of system (Patni, 2020). While creating DFD, different rule should be
remembered which are as follows:

• Each process should have an input and an output.

• Each Data store should have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.
• Data stored in system must go through a process.
4.4.1 Context Level Diagram (Level 0)
Level 0 DFD is also known as context diagram. It is overview of the whole
system or process being modeled. It is designed to show the system as single
high-level process, with its relationship to external entities. It can be easily
understood by a wide audience (swati, 2019).

Figure 18: Context level diagram of system

Above diagram is the context diagram of the whole system. In this diagram,
basic data flow of the system is shown. There are three external entities and

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one process. And data flow between external entities and process is shown in
the diagram.

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4.4.2 Level 1 DFD

The level 0 or context diagram is broken down into more specific way and level
1 DFD is created. It covers basis modules in the system and flow of data among
various modules. It also mentions basic processes and sources of information.
It provides detailed view of context level diagram and main functions carried out
by the system are break into its sub processes (swati, 2019).

Figure 19: Level 1 DFD of the system

Above diagram is Level 1 DFD of the system. In this diagram, above context
diagram is viewed in detail. The one process is break down into serval sub-
process and data flows are also shown in the diagram. And data flown in
process are store in data store which is also shown in the diagram.

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5. Chapter Five: Implementation

In this portion of report, how selected methodology i.e., prototype methodology
is implemented in the project is described. This chapter includes the different
steps of prototype methodology carried out for project development. In this
chapter, how the initial requirements are gathered, how many prototypes are
made and how project is developed, these processes are explained in details.

5.1 Requirement Gathering

The project has been analysed by taking survey among certain group of people.
The survey clarifies that the 65.9% prefer online shopping and the survey was
taken among 44 people. And about 65.1% among 44 people wish to purchase
stationery products online. Therefore, the survey helps to clarifies the vision for
the development tasks in some aspects which is shown in Appendix below.

Evidence of survey: Survey Evidence

Evidence of SRS: SRS Report

5.1.2 Summary
Requirement Gathering is the first step of prototype methodology where
requirements needed for development of project gather using various
requirements gathering techniques. For my project, I have developed the
survey form in google forms and prepared SRS documentation as requirements
gathering techniques.

In survey form, I have asked certain group of people about the impact of
ecommerce website in people’s life. Also, I have asked why people prefer online
shopping and different question related to ecommerce website. The feedback
of the people was quite impressive and helpful. And through SRS document, I
have gathered important requirements like User characteristics, System
features, Hardware and Software Requirements, functional and non-functional
requirements of the system. All these information’s will be very helpful in further
steps of development.

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5.2 Prototype One

This is the first prototype of the system where basic overview of the system is
designed. The first prototype is developed on the basis of requirement
gathering that is collected above. This chapter is further elaborated in different
phases which are explain below:

5.2.1 Quick Design I

In this phase, Wireframe of the system is designed. The wireframe is created
in online wireframe making tool which is “MockFlow.com”. It gives the brief idea
and basic layout of the system to end user. Also, it helps in developing

Ashutosh Sunar 44
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Figure 20: Wireframe of Home page

Above figure is the wireframe of homepage. This is the first page of the website
as it is initiated when the website is started. In this page, list of products is
shown to customer along with navbar and footer. Customer can see the add
product to cart in the homepage.

Ashutosh Sunar 45
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Figure 21: Wireframe of About us page

Above figure is the wireframe of the about us page. In this page, details of the
company are shown along with logo of the company. Also, there contact us
form from where user can contact company.

Ashutosh Sunar 46
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Figure 22: Wireframe of product display page

Above figure is wireframe of product display page. In this page, list of products
is shown and this page is achieved by clicking on different category.

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5.2.2 Build Prototype I

In this phase, prototype of the system is developed on the basis of information
gathered and quick designed of the system. Considering wireframe as layout
of the system, the first prototype is developed which is explained below: Layout of Homepage

Figure 23: Layout of Homepage Part 1

Figure 24: Layout of Homepage Part 2

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Figure 25: Layout of Homepage part 3

Above figures is the screenshots of layout of homepage. This page is shown

when the website is started. This page contains search bar along with the logo
and other menu items in navbar. Also, it contains the slider and some products
are also shown in the page. And footer section is also included in this page.
The footer section includes the short information of company useful links and
quick links.

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Figure 26: Layout of about us page part 1

Figure 27: Layout of about us page part 2

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Figure 28: Layout of about us page part 3

Above figure is screenshots of the layout of about us page. This page has the
same navbar and footer as the home page. And in this page, company details
is shown along with their mission and vision.

Ashutosh Sunar 51
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Figure 29: Layout of contact us page part 1

Figure 30: Layout of contact us page part 2

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Figure 31: Layout of contact us page part 3

Above figures is the screenshots of contact us page. This page has the same
navbar and footer. Also, user is shown the contact form where user can contact
the owner and user can see the map of the where location of store is shown.

Ashutosh Sunar 53
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Figure 32: Layout of one of product display page part 1

Figure 33: Layout of one of product display page part 2

Above figures are the screenshots of product display page. It also has the
similar navbar and footer like home page. Here, list of products is shown to

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5.2.3 User Evaluation I

In this phase build prototype is presented to the end user for an initial
evaluation. In my case, I have presented my first prototype to my supervisor
‘Mr. Abhinav Dahal and he approved the design of the first prototype of the
project. Moreover, he suggests to add more pages and functionalities in
upcoming prototype.

5.2.4 Refining Prototype I

After user evaluation, reviews and suggestion given by user are collected. And
considering the user reviews and suggestion, the project is further refined and
built adding different functionalities.

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5.3 Prototype Two

After the approval of the first prototype along with the more refinement and
implementation of more functionalizes second prototype is developed. This
prototype also has the similar phases like prototype one which are explained in
brief below:

5.3.1 Quick Design II

As in prototype one with more refinement different designs are made. The
designs that are made in this prototype are mostly UML diagram and diagram
related to database. These design gives the view how the system work, where
to store the data and how can we manage the database. Also, the designs or
diagram I have created give the idea of how the data flow from one point to
another and how different functionalities works. The diagram I have created are
Use case diagram, flowcharts, Entity relationships diagram and data flow
diagram which have explained in chapter four Design.

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5.3.2 Built Prototype II

After designing different diagram in the quick design section, second prototype
is developed which are explained below. Layout of Sign up

Figure 34: Layout of sign-up part 1

Figure 35: Layout of sign-up part 2

Above figures are the screenshots of the sign-up page. This page also have
the similar navbar and footer like home page and user can see the form having
input fields username, email, password and password again to sign up.

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Figure 36: Layout of Sign in part 1

Figure 37: Layout of Sign in part 2

Above figures are the screenshots of the sign in page. In this page, it has the
similar navbar and footer like in home page and user can see the user login
form where user have to enter the username and password to sign in the

Ashutosh Sunar 58
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Figure 38: Layout of Product details page part 1

Figure 39: Layout of Product details page part 2

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Figure 40: Layout of product details page part 3

Above figures are the screenshots of the product detail page of one of product.
Here, user can see the product details along the add to Wishlist and Cart button.
It also has the same navbar and footer as in home page. Also, user can see the
related product below the product details of particular product.

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Figure 41: Layout of search page after search particular product part 1

Figure 42: Layout of search page after searching particular product part 2

Above figures are the screenshots of the search page after searching particular
product. It also has the same navbar and footer as in home page. User can
search the product by its name and category.

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Figure 43: Layout of admin panel

Above diagram is the screenshot of admin panel. Here admin can add products,
categories and also update and delete the items. Also, it has the full access to
the user information.

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5.3.3 User Evaluation II

The second prototype is again shown to supervisor after developing in Django
platform and using MYSQL database. The system was hosted in local host in
Apache server. The supervisor approved the prototype and also suggest to add
other functionalities with proper validation for the final system.

5.3.4 Refining Prototype II

After the suggestion and reviews of supervisor Mr. Abhinav Dahal of second
prototype, the system is further refined and add other functionalities like add
product Cart, add product to Wishlist, remove product from cart and Wishlist
and checkout the product and add product and update product by admin with
proper validation using Django framework.

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5.4 Prototype Three

This is final prototype of the system which was developed after review and
suggestion of second prototype by my supervisor. The system is fully functional
along with attractive design. As, this is final prototype, there is no refined

5.4.1 Quick Design III

In this section, quick design is created to build the prototype but, in my case,
the same design is used which is drawn in prototype two. All the design like
flowchart, use case diagram is same as before. But prototype is used built new
considering supervisor suggestion and same design of prototype two.

5.4.2 Built Prototype III

In this section, prototype of system is built after considering review and
suggestion given by my supervisor of second prototype. This prototype contains
new pages but not validation as validation part will be shown in next chapter
which is Chapter Six Testing. Layout Cart Page

Figure 44: Adding Product to cart

Above figure is the screen shot of product detail page. In the screenshot, user
has added the product in cart and notification is shown in the screenshot to the

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Figure 45: Layout of cart page part 1

Figure 46: Layout of cart page part 2

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Figure 47: Layout of cart page part 3

Above figures are the screenshot of cart page. In this page, product added to
cart is shown to the user. User can see the product details and also can
increase and decrease the quantity of a product and also can remove the
product from cart. Also, the user can check out the product from cart. It has the
similar navbar and footer as in homepage.

Ashutosh Sunar 66
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Figure 48: Adding product to Wishlist

Above figure is the screenshot of product detail page. In the screenshot, user
has added the product in Wishlist and notification is shown in the screenshot to
the user.

Figure 49: Layout of Wishlist Page Part 1

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Figure 50: Layout of Wishlist Page Part 2

Above figures are the screenshot of the Wishlist page. In this page, product
added to Wishlist is shown to the user. User can add product to cart and also
remove product from Wishlist and it has the similar navbar and footer as home

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Figure 51: Checking out the product from cart

Above figure is the screenshot of cart page. In this page, user can check out
the product from cart after filling the checkout form.

Figure 52:Layout of Order History page part 1

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Figure 53: Layout of Order History Page Part 2

Above figure are the screenshot of order history page. In this page, pervious
order history and user details of the user is shown to the user. Also, it has the
similar navbar and footer as in home page.

Ashutosh Sunar 70
CS6P05NP Final Year Project Layout of Khalti Page.

Figure 54: Layout of Khalti Page

Above diagram is the screenshot of the Khalti page where transaction of

money is shown.

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5.4.3 User Evaluation III

In this section, prototype three is shown to the supervisor for evaluation. The
supervisor approves the system as it has every functionality. The supervisor
who is my client approves the system. So, it does not need any refinement and
it is the final prototype.

5.5 Summary
In this section of the report, the implementation of selected software
development methodology is explained. This chapter is the important chapter
because all the development of part is completed in this chapter. This chapter
includes the explanation of each process of prototype methodology. The
system was developed after successful development of three prototype. The
Prototype was developed and evaluated by the supervisor Mr. Abhinav Dahal.
And on the basis of review and suggestion of supervisor, final prototype was
developed and get approved by the supervisor.

The next chapter is Testing where the validation of the system is done
considering different test cases.

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6. Chapter Six: Testing

In this chapter of report, testing of developed system is done using different
techniques. Testing can be defined as the process of verifying and validating
that the developed system or software is bug free and also meet the technical
requirements as guided by its design and meets the user requirements
effectively and efficiently. The main aim of testing is not only to find errors but
also to find the measures to improve the software in terms of efficiency,
accuracy and usability. It can be divided into two steps:

1. Verification: It refers to the set of tasks which ensure that software correctly
implements a specific function or not.
2. Validation: It refers to the set of tasks which ensure that software that has
been built is fulfilling the customer requirements.
6.1 Different Techniques of Testing
Software Testing is mainly of two types which are explained below:

1. Black Box Testing: It is the technique of testing in which tester is not

concern with the internal logic of software and also doesn’t have access to
the source code of software but conduct test at the software interface is
known as black box testing. It is also known as closed box or data driven
testing. It is normally done by end users, testers and developers.
2. White Box Testing: It is the technique of testing in which tester is concern
with the internal logic of software and have access to the source code of
software and conduct test by making sure that all internal operations are
performed according to the specifications is known as white box testing. It
is also known as clear box or structural testing. It is normally done by testers
and developers.

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6.2 Different Level of Software Testing

The level of software testing is mainly categorized into 4 levels:

1. Unit Testing
In this level of testing process where individual units of the system are tested.
The main purpose of this testing process is to validate that each unit of software
performs as designed.
2. Integration Testing
In this level of testing process where individual units are combined and tested
as a group. The main purpose of this testing process is to expose faults in the
interaction between integrated units.

3. System Testing
In this level of testing process where a complete, integrated system is tested.
The main purpose of this testing process is to evaluate the system’s compliance
with the given requirements.

4. Acceptance Testing
In this level of testing process where the software is tested for acceptability.
The main purpose of this testing process is to evaluate the system’s compliance
with business requirements and whether it is acceptable for delivery
(geeksforgeeks, 2019).

The testing of system is done using black-box testing technique which are
shown in below:

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6.3 Test Cases

6.3.1 Test Case 1
Objectives To check whether registration field throws error if
any field is empty or data is entered incorrectly.
Expected Outcome Registration field should throw error if any field is
empty or data is entered incorrectly.
Actual Outcome Registration field throw error if any field is empty
or data is entered incorrectly.
Table 12: Table of Test 1

Figure 55: Screenshots of test 1

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6.3.2 Test Case 2

Objectives To check whether registration field throws error if
entered username and email already exists.
Expected Outcome Registration field should throw error if entered
username and email already exists.
Actual Outcome Registration field throw error if entered username
and email already exists.
Table 13: Table of Test 2

Figure 56: Screenshot of Test 2

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6.3.3 Test Case 3

Objectives To check whether registration field throws error if
entered password is too common.
Expected Outcome Registration field should throw error if entered
password is too common.
Actual Outcome Registration field throw error if entered password
is too common.
Table 14: Table of test 3

Figure 57: Screenshot of test 3

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6.3.4 Test Case 4

Objectives To check whether user is registered or not if valid
data is entered.
Expected Outcome User should register if valid data is entered.
Actual Outcome User is registered if valid data is entered.
Table 15: Table of test 4

Figure 58: Screen shot of test 4

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6.3.5 Test Case 5

Objectives To check whether login portal throws error or not
if entered username or password is incorrect.
Expected Outcome Login portal should throw error if entered
username or password is incorrect.
Actual Outcome Login portal throw error if entered username or
password is incorrect.
Table 16: Table of Test 5

Figure 59: Screenshot of test 5

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6.3.6 Test Case 6

Objectives To check whether user is logged in or not if valid
data is entered.
Expected Outcome User should log in if valid data is entered
Actual Outcome User is logged in if valid data is entered.
Table 17:Table of Test 6

Figure 60: Screenshot of test 6

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6.3.7 Test Case 7

Objectives To check whether user is logged out or not if sign
out button is clicked.
Expected Outcome User should log out if sign out button is clicked.
Actual Outcome User is logged out if sign out button is clicked.
Table 18: Table of test 7

Figure 61: Screenshot of test 7

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6.3.8 Test Case 8

Objectives To check whether user is redirect to login page or
not while adding product to cart if user is not
logged in.
Expected Outcome User should redirect to login page while adding
product to cart if user is not logged in.
Actual Outcome User is redirect to login page while adding product
to cart if user is not logged in.
Table 19: Table of Test 8

Figure 62: Screenshot of test 8

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6.3.9 Test Case 9

Objectives To check whether user is redirect to login page or
not while adding product to Wishlist if user is not
logged in.
Expected Outcome User should redirect to login page while adding
product to Wishlist if user is not logged in.
Actual Outcome User is redirect to login page while adding product
to Wishlist if user is not logged in.
Table 20: Table of test 9

Figure 63: Screenshot of test 9

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6.3.10 Test Case 10

Objectives To check whether product is added to cart or not
if add to cart button is clicked and user is logged
Expected Outcome Product should be added to cart if add to cart
button is clicked and user is logged in.
Actual Outcome Product is added to cart if add to cart button is
clicked and user is logged in.
Table 21: Table of test 10

Figure 64: Screenshot of test 10

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6.3.11 Test Case 11

Objectives To check whether same product is added to cart
or not again if add to cart button is clicked and
user is logged in.
Expected Outcome Product should not be added to cart again if add
to cart button is clicked and user is logged in.
Actual Outcome Product is not added to cart if add to cart button
is clicked and user is logged in.
Table 22: Table of test 11

Figure 65: Screenshot of test 11

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6.3.12 Test Case 12

Objectives To check whether product is added to Wishlist or
not if add to Wishlist button is clicked and user is
logged in.
Expected Outcome Product should be added to Wishlist if add to
Wishlist button is clicked and user is logged in.
Actual Outcome Product is added to Wishlist if add to Wishlist
button is clicked and user is logged in.
Table 23: Table of test 12

Figure 66: Screenshot of test 12

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6.3.13 Test Case 13

Objectives To check whether product is added to cart or not
if product is out of stock.
Expected Outcome Product should not be added to cart if product is
out of stock.
Actual Outcome Product is not added to cart if product is out of
Table 24: Table of Test 13

Figure 67: Screenshot of test 13

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6.3.14 Test Case 14

Objectives To check whether subtotal and total price of cart
is increased and decreased or not if quantity of
product is increased and decreased respectively.
Expected Outcome Subtotal and total price of cart should increase
and decrease if quantity of product is increased
and decreased respectively.
Actual Outcome Subtotal and total price of cart is increased and
decreased if quantity of product is increased and
decreased respectively.
Table 25: Table of Test 14

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Figure 68: Screenshot of test 14

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6.3.15 Test Case 15

Objectives To check whether product is removed from cart or
not after remove button is clicked.
Expected Outcome Product should be removed from cart after
remove button is clicked.
Actual Outcome Product is removed from cart after remove button
is clicked.
Table 26: Table of test 15

Table 27: Screenshot of test 15

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6.3.16 Test Case 16

Objectives To check whether product is added to cart or not
from Wishlist page when add to cart button is
Expected Outcome Product should be added to cart from Wishlist
page when add to cart button is clicked.
Actual Outcome Product is added to cart from Wishlist page when
add to cart button is clicked.
Table 28: Table of test 16

Figure 69: Screenshot of test 16

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6.3.17 Test Case 17

Objectives To check whether product is checked out and cart
is empty or not after billing address is filled and
checkout button is clicked and also cash on
delivery option is chose.
Expected Outcome Product should check out and cart should be
empty after billing address is filled and checkout
button is clicked and also cash on delivery option
is chose.
Actual Outcome Product is checked out and cart is empty after
billing address is filled and checkout button is
clicked and also cash on delivery option is chose.
Table 29: Table of Test 17

Figure 70: Screenshot of test17

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6.3.18 Test Case 18

Objectives To check whether cart page is redirect to Khalti
page or not after billing address is filled and
checkout button is clicked and also pay with Khalti
option is chose.
Expected Outcome Cart Page should redirect to Khalti page after
billing address is filled and checkout button is
clicked and also pay with Khalti option is chose.
Actual Outcome Cart Page is redirect to Khalti page after billing
address is filled and checkout button is clicked
and also pay with Khalti option is chose.
Table 30: Table of Test 18

Figure 71: Screenshot of test 18

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6.3.19 Test Case 19

Objectives To check whether payment with Khalti works or
Expected Outcome Payment with Khalti should work.
Actual Outcome Payment with Khalti works.
Table 31: Table of Test 19

Figure 72: Screenshot of test 19

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6.3.20 Test Case 20

Objectives To check whether search product will be
displayed or not
Expected Outcome Search product should be displayed if found.
Actual Outcome Search product is displayed.
Table 32: Table of Test 20

Figure 73: Screenshot of test 20

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6.3.21 Test Case 21

Objectives To check whether login panel of admin throws
error or not if invalid data is entered.
Expected Outcome Login Panel of admin should throw error if invalid
data is entered.
Actual Outcome Login Panel of admin throws error if invalid data
is entered.
Table 33: Table of test 21

Figure 74: Screenshot of test 21

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6.3.22 Test Case 22

Objectives To check whether admin is logged in or not if
valid data is entered.
Expected Outcome Admin should be logged in if valid data is entered.
Actual Outcome Admin is logged in if valid data is entered.
Table 34: Table of test 22

Figure 75: Screenshot of test 22

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6.3.23 Test Case 23

Objectives To check whether product is added or not if
admin add with correct information.
Expected Outcome Product should be added if admin add with correct
Actual Outcome Product is added if admin add with correct
Table 35: Table of test 23

Figure 76: Screenshot of test 23

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6.3.24 Test Case 24

Objectives To check whether product is added or not if
admin add with correct information.
Expected Outcome Product should be added if admin add with correct
Actual Outcome Product is added if admin add with correct
Table 36: Table of test 24

Figure 77: Screenshot of test 24

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7. Chapter Seven: Analysis

In the chapter of report, analysis of the system is done. In general term, analysis
is detail study of anything in order to understand its nature or to determine its
essential features. Analysis of the system is very important as it helps us to
address what we are lacking. It also helps to minimize risks and take the
greatest possible advantages of chances for success. It also helps to find
developed system is reliable or not.

The developed system is an ecommerce website for stationery where user can
buy stationery product online in reasonable price. In the first phase of
development, planning of project has been done. After planning, the software
development methodology has been chosen and followed. According to
software development methodology, different steps are followed to develop the
system. First the requirements gathering was done by doing questionnaires or
survey using google form. On the basis of this result, system requirement
specification report is prepared. With the requirements gathering all the layout
and designs are drawn and different prototype was developed. And built
prototype is reviewed by client and the process is repeated until system is

As project planning was done before starting the project but it did not go as
planned. As chosen methodology is prototype methodology, so client review is
considered as the most important part. So, due to frequent changes of client
requirement, the project did not go as planned. As the system was developed
in the Django framework and it was new for me so it also effects the project
planning. The main difficult came in while creating the function like add to cart
and checkout process as requirement of client. But later on, it was done with
adequate research related to it. In this way three prototype was built for finalized

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7.1 Sustainability
In today’s generation, every new business cannot sustain in market because
there is much competition in the market. To sustain business in today’s world,
it should undergo through SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. This analysis needs for business
because it will force you to look at your business in new ways and from new
directions (Parsons, 2021). According to SWOT analysis the strengths,
weakness and opportunities and threats of my project are as follows:

Strengths Weakness
User can search stationery product at User can cannot add product to
reasonable price. Wishlist and cart without logged in.
User can pay using online payment. User cannot rate the product and
leave review.
It has secure login and registration. It needs internet to run and browser
with latest version for attractive
User can leave message to the User notification does not work
admin. properly.
Table 37: Strength and weakness of project

Opportunities Threats
Ecommerce platform is increasing Poor service can reduce the
day by day. customer number.
There is not much ecommerce Poor quality products can reduce the
platform for stationery product in customer number
Nepal, therefore my project can
compete in today’s market.
Due to current pandemic, many Less method of payment can
people are facing difficulties in buying dissatisfy the people.
stationery product, so my project can
be helpful.
Table 38: Opportunities and Threats of project

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After analyzing the project using SWOT analysis, I found that to survive in
today’s business market with this project is quite difficult. Though it has lots of
opportunities in context of Nepal but because of more loop hole or weakness in
project it is quite impossible to survive in today’s market. Also, ecommerce
website for stationery product is quite unpopular in context Nepal, so if my
project is improved and added extra functionalities than it can compete the
business market and sustain in it.

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8. Chapter Eight: Conclusion

The report is about the project which is an ecommerce website of stationery
name as ‘Thebookbasement.com’. It is developed in Django framework which
is one of the popular web frameworks of Python and using MySQL database
with Apache server. The design part of website is done using bootstrap
framework, HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. Using this website, people can
buy the stationery products at very reasonable price. Also, people can add
product to their Wishlist and cart. Also, people can search product according to
product name and category basis. People also can pay through online payment
method ‘Khalti’ which is popular digital wallet in Nepal.

The project was huge with a lot of difficulties in every step. Though before doing
the project, it was planned but the project does not go according to plan. There
a lot of problem while creating different functionalities in the project. As, my
project is ecommerce website, so the basic function of ecommerce website is
adding product to cart, Wishlist and checkout. While creating mentioned
functionalities, it was very difficult because understanding the logic behind it
was difficult. After research and consulting with my supervisor, I was able to
understand the logic behind mentioned functionalities. Though I understand,
the logic or process how it works but it was very much difficult while
implementing it as Django web framework was new for me. And at last, with
adequate research and well documentation go Django framework helps me a
lot to overcome the mentioned difficulties. Also, project was done using
prototype software methodology which helps me to develop project in an
efficient way.

The report basically describes about the development of project. It is divided

into different chapters and each chapter is explained. In first chapter,
introduction of the project is explained where world and Nepal scenario,
project’s aims and objective are included. In chapter second background of the
project is explained, where project is explained in detail also, the similar
websites and journal is explained and compared with my project. In third
chapter, software methodologies are explained along with reason of choosing
prototype methodology. In chapter four, different designs of project are kept

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along with short explanation. In chapter five, how software methodology is

implemented in project explained. In chapter six, testing of project is done and
explained using black box testing. And in chapter seven, analysis of project is
done along with sustainability of project is discussed.

In today’s generation, many people prefer online shopping over physical

shopping because of their busy schedule. By using website people can buy
stationery products at reasonable price and save time. Though the website is
not fully functional but in near future adding some extra features and improving
existing function, it will be very helpful in solving real world problems.

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Adamya Shyam, N. M., 2020. A Django Based Educational Resource Sharing
Website: Shreic. Journal of Scientific Research, LXIV(1), pp. 238-252.

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Khan, A. G., 2016. Electronic Commerce: A Study on Benefits and Challenges

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Kruger, N., 2018. Perforce. [Online]

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Parsons, N., 2021. liveplan. [Online]

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Volume LVII, pp. 381-387.

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VIII(01), pp. 173-176.

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A. Gantt Chart of Proposal

The above Gantt chart was made in the initial phase of my project. So, here the
task I mentioned and the proposed date I mentioned does not meet the flow of
my project.

B. Gantt Chart of Interim Report

The above Gantt chart is new one which is made after doing sufficient research
for the project. The progress and remaining task’s tables that I have created in
interim report is on the basis of this chart.

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C. Final Gantt Chart

The above Gantt chart is final one which is made after gathering sufficient
requirements for the project. The project is based this Gantt chart.

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D. Survey Report

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E. SRS Report
a) Introduction
SRS which is known as the software requirements specification is the report
which describes what the software will do and how it will perform. It is the basis
for the entire project. The SRS report includes the requirement of the entire
project “thebookbasement.com” where people can view and buy stationery
products online. As every business is being the part of digital platform and every
people buys product online, so to solve the problem regrading buying stationery
products online this website will be helpful (Kruger, 2018).

b) Purpose
This part of report includes the details requirements for the project which is an
ecommerce website. In this SRS report, the problem and how it is encountered
is discussed. The main purpose of this SRS is to ensure that all requirements
of the project are fulfilled. This report also helps to minimize overall
development time.

c) Scope of Project
• To make simple ecommerce website with simple user interface by which
customer can buy products easily.
• To help user to save time and money.
• To make user-friendly website so that it would be easy to use.

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d) Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Terms Definitions
User The people who are willing to buy stationery products
Admin The person who handles products and all other
System The platform where the where user uses to buy
Registration The process where user register using valid email
address and password to use the system.
Login The process where user login using valid email
address and password to use the system.
Database This is the storage where all the data of the users and
products are stored.

e) Overall Description
This part of report describes overall projects perspectives and functions along
with user characteristics, operating environment, system features, functional
and non-functional requirements.

1. Project Perspectives
This project is mainly benefited for those users who maximum uses stationary
products. This project helps who loves to buy products online. Students, Office
people are main end user of this projects. Using the portal, user can easily buy
the stationery products with easy registration and login through their valid email
address and username. User can add products to their Wishlist and can search
the products. The overall system is very user friendly.

2. User Characteristics
The systems contain two different types of user. They are:

• Customers: These users are those users which are willing to buy stationary
products online. They can add products to cart, Wishlist and buy products
using online payment and also can search products.

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• Admin: This user is the owner of system who handles every function and
perform action over user and product data.
3. Operating Environment
The project is an ecommerce website of stationery which is operated on a host
server. As it is website, it is operated in web server. The project is viewed
through the different web browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,
Firefox, Safari etc. For an attractive and user-friendly web browser must be of
latest version.

4. Design and Implementation Constraints

The project is developed in Django web framework, python IDEs and MySQL
database system on a localhost Server. The design part of the project is
completed using Bootstrap, Html and CSS. Along with development, different
UML diagrams and designs are made regarding different phases of the

5. System Features
1) User Registration and User Login.

User is register using valid email address, username and password and user is
granted access to system after validating through login portal.

2) Add product to cart and Wishlist by users.

The user can add products to cart and Wishlist after user are logged in. Also,
the users can view the cart and Wishlist item in tabular form and can remove
product from the cart and Wishlist.

3) Search Product

The users can search product according to the product name and also
according to the category name.

4) Payment system

The users can check out to their account using payment gateway provided by
the system after the product is added successfully in cart.

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6. External Features
a. User Interface
The system is GUI based not command line interface. The system is developed
using Bootstrap version 4.0. Along with Bootstrap, Html and CSS are also used
to design user interface. The system mainly preferred Google chrome and
Internet Explorer for operation.

b. Hardware Requirement
• Minimum of 4GB RAM
• Dual Core processor
• Storage of 50 GB or above
c. Software Requirement
• Web browser latest version
• Apache server

7. Other Software Requirements

a. Functional Requirement
• Users can view different stationery products.
• Users have to login in to add products to cart and Wishlist
• Users can check out the product after product is added successfully in cart.
• User can search product according to products name.
• User can pay through online payments methods.
• Admin can add product, update and delete it if necessary.
• Admin can have full control on user data.
b. Non-Functional Requirement
1. Robustness:

The entire system includes all the related functionalities that meets the
requirement of an ecommerce website which helps to work correctly and
strongly in any conditions.

2. Reliability

The system is on online platform, so that it has ability to work on any time.
Therefore, it is reliable for the users.

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3. Security

The system is very secured as during signup and login, it asks verified email
address and strong password. Also, different security approaches will be
carried out.

4. Usability

The system is an ecommerce stationery website where user can buy the
stationery related products. It will save time of the people as nowadays people
are very busy in their works.

F. User Manual
Step 1: You will see the home scree when you run the application where you
see different products.

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Step 2: Click on the User Account you can dropdown menu here you see sign
in and sign-up option.

Step 3: If you are not registered click on register and if you are registered click
on login and fill the required fields and click on sign in or sign up button.

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Step 4: Click on the product you want add to cart or wishlist and you will see
add to cart and wishlist button along with product description.

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Step 5: If you want to add product to cart click on add to cart button or if you
want to add product to Wishlist click on add to Wishlist button.

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Step 6: Fill the check out form in cart page and if you want to pay cash after
delivery then check cash on delivery option and click on checkout button.

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Step 6: Fill the checkout form in cart page and if you want to pay with Khalti
then check pay with Khalti option and click on checkout button and fill the form
and pay the money.

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Step 7: Click on the user account and click on logout option to get logged out
of it.

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G. Interim Report
H. Proposal

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