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Information Management
Data Access and Reports System Version 6.0
System 800xA
Information Management
Data Access and Reports
All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.
Copyright © 2004-2017 by ABB.
All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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5 DataDirect Inform IT
5.1 User Access to DataDirect Inform IT Add-in Tools ................................................ 135
5.2 Populating Pick Lists for Data Retrieval/Entry Dialogs .......................................... 135
5.3 Data Access Methods ............................................................................................... 135
5.4 Licensing .................................................................................................................. 138
5.5 Login ........................................................................................................................ 139
5.5.1 Perpetual Login .......................................................................................... 139
5.5.2 Login As Needed for Ad-hoc Data Requests ............................................ 139
5.5.3 Using the Login Dialog ............................................................................. 140
5.5.4 User ............................................................................................................ 140
5.5.5 Password .................................................................................................... 141
5.5.6 Host ............................................................................................................ 141
5.5.7 Save Settings .............................................................................................. 141
5.6 Reading and Writing Process Values For Inform IT ................................................ 141
5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialog ............................................................. 142
5.7.1 Reading Process Values ............................................................................. 144
5.7.2 Selecting Objects to Query ........................................................................ 145
5.7.3 Selecting OPC Tags ................................................................................... 145
5.7.4 Selecting ABB OCS Tags ......................................................................... 146
5.7.5 Writing Process Values .............................................................................. 149
5.8 Reading/Writing History Data .................................................................................. 164
5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialog ............................................................. 165
5.9.1 Retrieving History Data ............................................................................. 167
5.9.2 Selecting the Data Provider ....................................................................... 168
5.9.3 Retrieval Type ............................................................................................ 169
5.9.4 Selecting History Objects .......................................................................... 170
5.9.5 Log Calculation Algorithm ........................................................................ 172
5.9.6 Number of Values ...................................................................................... 176
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7 Creating Reports
7.1 Report Building Applications ................................................................................... 417
7.2 Implementing Reports .............................................................................................. 418
7.2.1 Example Reports ........................................................................................ 419
7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Scheduling Definition ........................................ 428
7.3.1 Creating Objects and Aspects in the Scheduling Structure ....................... 428
7.3.2 Defining the Report Action ....................................................................... 429
7.3.3 Selecting the Report Action ....................................................................... 430
7.3.4 Selecting the Report Template ................................................................... 430
7.3.5 Output Options .......................................................................................... 431
7.3.6 Report Parameters ...................................................................................... 433
7.3.7 Export File ................................................................................................. 445
7.3.8 Printer ........................................................................................................ 451
7.3.9 Email .......................................................................................................... 452
7.3.10 Save to History .......................................................................................... 455
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Table of Contents
8 Scheduling
8.1 Using Scheduling ..................................................................................................... 481
8.2 Adding a Job Description Object ............................................................................. 482
8.2.1 Scheduling Definition View ...................................................................... 483
8.2.2 Defining the Schedule ............................................................................... 484
8.2.3 Cyclic Scheduling ...................................................................................... 485
8.2.4 Periodic Scheduling ................................................................................... 486
8.2.5 Weekly Scheduling .................................................................................... 486
8.2.6 Monthly Scheduling .................................................................................. 488
8.2.7 Creating a Scheduling List ........................................................................ 490
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9 Tag Management
9.1 User Tag Management (UTM) ................................................................................. 513
9.1.1 Starting UTM ............................................................................................. 513
9.1.2 Displaying User Tags, Hierarchical View ................................................. 515
9.1.3 Displaying User Tags, Search View .......................................................... 516
9.1.4 Displaying User Tags, HDA Browser ....................................................... 518
9.1.5 Managing User Groups .............................................................................. 518
9.1.6 Managing User Tags Using Tag Workspace .............................................. 520
9.2 Using UTM from Desktop Tools .............................................................................. 522
9.3 User Tag Management Status ................................................................................... 523
9.4 Information Management Browser .......................................................................... 524
9.4.1 Navigation Methods .................................................................................. 526
9.4.2 Filtering ..................................................................................................... 527
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1 About This User Manual 1.1 User Manual Conventions
Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user access,
password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc., represent
possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider based on a
risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk assessment,
as well as the proper implementation, configuration, installation, operation, admin-
istration, and maintenance of all relevant security related equipment, software,
and procedures, are the responsibility of the user of the 800xA System.
This User Manual provides instructions for using Information Management DataDirect
and Desktop Trends for data access in the 800xA System. It provides guidelines for
using DataDirect or third party applications to build, schedule, and manage reports
for 800xA System applications. The User Manual is intended for anyone that uses
the Display and Client Services and/or third-party applications to access data in the
800xA System. This User Manual is not the sole source of instruction for this func-
tionality. It is recommended that you attend the applicable training courses offered
by ABB.
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1 About This User Manual 1.3 Terminology
Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal injury.
Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation
of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded
process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, fully comply with
all Warning and Caution notices.
1.3 Terminology
The listing includes terms and definitions that apply to the 800xA System where the
usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard definitions and defini-
tions given in standard dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms.
Terms that uniquely apply to this User Manual are listed in the following table.
Term/Acronym Description
AE Alarm and Event
Afw Aspect Framework
Afw OPC server An OPC server that unifies a client's
access to all data sources, by splitting a
request into separate requests for
separate data sources, and merging the
responses. Afw OPC servers are modeled
after the Afw Service concept. The
System 800xA platform provides OPC
servers for OPC/DA, HDA, and AE.
22 3BUF001094-600 B
1 About This User Manual 1.4 Released User Manuals and Release Notes
Term/Acronym Description
Afw Service A software component that provides a
certain set of functions in the system,
typically for use by various client
applications. An Afw Service is designed
to run around the clock. It can normally
be portioned into several service groups,
each group handling part of the scope of
the service (e.g. part of the object space).
For redundancy each group can contain
several service providers running on
different servers.
Afw Service handler A COM object that a client application
includes and runs as an in-process object
to access an Afw Service.
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2 Data Access Tools 2.1 Desktop Applications
This section provides a brief introduction to the data access tools provided by the
Information Management Desktop Applications.
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2 Data Access Tools 2.2 Excel Data Access - DataDirect
All desktop applications access data via data providers. Some configuration and set-
up may be required, depending on the application. A brief overview of the data
providers is provided in Data Providers on page 44. Detailed instructions for config-
uring and managing data providers are provided in System 800xA Information Man-
agement Configuration (3BUF001092*).
Desktop Applications may be may be installed on nodes that are not loaded with
800xA. Use the following steps to load the software.
1. Mount the System 800xA media on the PC.
2. Navigate to <media>\Applications\Information Management\
3. Right-click the file Install_DesktopToolsForNon-800xA.bat and select Run
as administrator.
26 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.3 DeskTop Trends
3BUF001094-600 B 27
2 Data Access Tools 2.4 Display Services
• The Tag Explorer is used to structure data source objects in a format similar to
the browsing and access methods used in Microsoft Windows Explorer.
• The PDL Browser is used to access production data from Production Data Logs
for 800xA Batch Management applications, Batch 300, TCL Batches, and Profile
• The Batch to Batch Display combines the functionality of the Trend Display
with the PDL Browser. It is used to easily navigate the PDL structure to find and
display historical trends for different batches.
• The Event Browser is used to retrieve messages from OPC message logs config-
ured with Information Management - History Server function.
• The SQL Browser is used to run ad-hoc SQL queries. Use it to save a query
once it is run, and then reopen the query for viewing at some time in the future.
Also, use it to delete saved queries.
28 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.5 Reports
2.5 Reports
Reporting functions in the 800xA System are supported by the Display and Client
Services, Application Scheduler with the Report Action plug-in, and the History
Server function.
The Display and Client Services provide tools and data access services that is used
to integrate data into a chosen report building application. The Application Scheduler
is used to set up schedules (periodic, conditional, etc...) for executing the reports. The
Report Action plug-in lets specifies report options such as output destination (Windows
file, Completed Report object, printer, e-mail, history, and so on). The History Server
function provides the means to store finished reports in history, archive the reports
to an offline storage media, and retrieve the reports either from online or offline
The report building applications supported are: DataDirect, Crystal Reports, Microsoft
Excel, and Generic Executable. Crystal reports and Microsoft Excel (without
DataDirect add-ins) require the Open Data Access option to access process and his-
torical data.
The report builder package must be installed on the node with the scheduling server.
Use remote report builder clients to build the report files; however, the files must be
stored locally, and the report builder must also reside locally to support scheduling
and execution via the Scheduler.
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2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
Application Tool
Reading and Writing DataDirect:
Process Values Dialogs for Apply, OK, & Cancel Buttons on page 68.
Using the System 800xA Process Values Dialog on page 77 and Using
the Inform IT Process Values Dialog on page 142.
Desktop Trends: Ticker on page 336.
Reading and Writing DataDirect:
History Values Dialogs for Apply, OK, & Cancel Buttons on page 68.
Using the System 800xA History Values Dialog on page 90 and Using
the Inform IT History Values Dialog on page 165
Desktop Trends: Trend Display on page 293.
Reading Messages DataDirect:
Dialogs for Retrieving Message Logs on page 189.
Functions for Reading Messages on page 132
Desktop Trends: Event Browser on page 404.
Querying Oracle tables via DataDirect:
SQL queries Dialogs for Retrieving Values for TCL Unit Arrays on page 235.
ABBSql on page 276.
Desktop Trends: SQL Browser on page 408
30 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
Application Tool
Production Data (PDL) DataDirect: System 800xA PDL Dialog - Retrieving Production Data
on page 202.
Desktop Trends:
PDL Browser on page 386
Batch Batch Display on page 403
For further guidelines, refer to Appendix B.
Report Building with The third party packages require Open Data Access (ODA). For
DataDirect Crystal guidelines on how to access data via ODA, refer to Appendix A.
Reports, Microsoft Excel, For Report Building refer to Section 7 Creating Reports.
Third-party APIs For scheduling refer to Section 8 Scheduling.
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2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
32 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
When using a tool other than the Industrial IT tools in DataDirect, it is recommend-
ed that the Information Management Browser be used to select logs for data access
applications. This is a sure way to always use the correct syntax for the connected
data provider. Instructions for using the Information Management Browser are
provided in Information Management Browser on page 524.
• Syntax for 800xA OPC HDA Server on page 33.
• Syntax for History Server (IM) OPC HDA Server on page 33.
• Syntax for Enterprise Historian - DCSLOG (LOGMAN) on page 33.
Object Name
Property Name
Log Name
(as defined when adding the log to a log template)
3BUF001094-600 B 33
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
logs, there can be more than one log using the same data source. To distinguish mul-
tiple logs with the same data source, History automatically assigns a unique default
log name to each log. The log name is derived from the access name, and has a prefix
and suffix appended as shown in Figure 2.2. Change the default log name when the
log is configured.
Use the access name to reference a log when the data source is known but the log
name is not known. When using the access name, History uses the seamless retrieval
criteria (described later in this section) to select the most appropriate log in the data
source’s log hierarchy. Generally, unless other criteria are specified, seamless retrieval
selects the log that has INSTANTANEOUS or AVERAGE as the calculation algo-
rithm, and has a log period that provides the best coverage of the requested time period.
Use the log name when the seamless retrieval criteria to select the log is unreliable
and the log name of the log that stores the required data is known. For instance, use
the log name to get the log that uses the STANDARD DEVIATION algorithm, and
it is known that this data is stored in $HSTC100,MEASURE-3-o (or
34 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
1. Sort logs by percentage of the time period of the request that the log covers, and
choose the set of logs that are closest in coverage.
For instance, for a request for 24 hours, logs may be sorted as follows in descend-
ing order of preference: 24-hour logs and 168_hour logs, 8-hour logs, and 1-hour
logs. Since the 24-hour logs and 168-hour logs cover 100% of the requested time
period, they are chosen.
2. Search the set chosen in step 1, and find all logs that use the specified calculation
algorithm. Logs that do not use the specified algorithm are dropped from consid-
If the algorithm is WILDCARD (no algorithm specified), then the algorithms
have the following order of preference:
These algorithms have equal preference. The first one found in the search
is selected, and logs with any other calculation are dropped from considera-
b. MAX
c. MIN
d. SUM
At this point the set of logs still under consideration have the same log period
(closest to percent of coverage of requested time period), and calculation
3. This set is now sorted, depending on the specified retrieval type. One log is se-
lected according to retrieval type as follows:
a. If the retrieval type is RAW, one log is selected in the following order of
1) Pick the log whose storage interval is equal to the time between points in
2) Pick the log whose storage interval is greater than and closest to the time
between points (so request can be completed in one response).
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2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
3) Pick the log whose storage interval is less than and closest to the time
between points (more points exist than buffer can hold, MORE_DATA status
is returned).
b. If the retrieval type is INTERPOLATE, one log is selected in the following
order of preference:
1) Pick the log whose storage interval is less than and closest to the time
between points (so interpolation is more accurate).
2) Pick the log whose storage interval is equal to the time between points in
3) Pick the log whose storage interval is greater than and closest to the time
between points.
c. If retrieval type is DISPLAY, one log is selected according to retrieval type
as follows:
1) Pick the log whose storage interval is equal to the time between points in
request. The request is changed to RAW unless the log uses Deadband
compaction, in which case the request is changed to INTERPOLATE/AVE.
2) Pick the log whose storage interval is greater than and closest to the time
between points. The request is changed to INTERPOLATE/AVE.
3) Pick the log whose storage interval is less than and closest to the time
between points. The request is changed to INTERPOLATE/AVE.
In addition to the seamless algorithm applied for retrieval requests, the following
criteria have been added to better handle selection of a log for a request by access
name, when logs are in a dual configuration:
• Uptime of node where log exists.
• local is chosen over remote (local should always be faster than remote).
• sequence number of log. (with all other conditions equal, the lowest sequence
numbered log is used. Sequence number is the ‘-1-o’ or ‘-2-o’ attached to the
generated log name.
2.6.5 Interpolation
History usually samples the property values at set intervals. When data is requested
at the interval it was stored, the software returns raw data. If data is requested at a
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2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
different interval, the software returns an interpolated value. Figure 2.3 shows an
example where data is saved every 10 seconds.
y = 29
y = 22
60 t1 = 70 76 t 2 = 80 90
If the value is requested at second 70, the stored value 22 is returned. If the value is
requested at second 80, the stored value 29 is returned. If the value is requested at
second 76 (in between intervals where the value is stored), the stored values for sec-
onds 70 and 80 are used to perform a mathematical interpolation. In this case, the
value 26.2 is returned.
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2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
38 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
Standard Time
only from this
Point On
Figure 2.4: DataDirect Query Result with Duplicated Time Stamps between 1:00 AM & 1:59
3BUF001094-600 B 39
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
40 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.6 Selecting Which Tool to Use
Daylight Saving
Time from this
Point On
Figure 2.7: Example, Transition to Daylight Saving Time using Desktop Trends
3BUF001094-600 B 41
2 Data Access Tools 2.7 Alarm/Event Messages
42 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.8 Production Data
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2 Data Access Tools 2.9 SQL Access
44 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.10 Data Providers
on remote servers. Generally, the data providers operate transparently so queries for
data can be made without regard for the data providers. In some cases a specific data
provider must be referenced.
In DataDirect use the Setup tab on the Options dialog to specify the default data
providers for all dialogs and functions (refer to Data Provider Connections on page
251). Optionally, choose whether to use channel number or -name. The default setup
is to use -name. When using -name, the default data provider for each data provider
type must also be selected.
DataDirect functions can specify data providers by -name argument when referencing
a data provider other than the default specified in the Options dialog.
Desktop Trends
In Desktop Trends, the Trend and Ticker tools specify the data provider for each trace
on a Trend display (refer to Data Provider Connections on page 251) and tag on a
Ticker (refer to Data Provider on page 352). Data providers are always referenced by
3BUF001094-600 B 45
2 Data Access Tools 2.11 Open Data Access
Display Services
In Display Services, data provider references are made in user-configured scripts that
specify the operation of the display elements. All scripting functions EXCEPT data
statements use channel number. The default channel is zero (0). When using the data
statement in a script, and a data provider reference is required, reference the data
provider using its -name argument. For further information regarding display scripts,
display elements, and display building in general, refer to System 800xA Information
Management Configuration for Display Services (3BUF001093*).
46 3BUF001094-600 B
2 Data Access Tools 2.12 Set-up for SQL*Plus
is provided primarily to support earlier data access applications configured to use this
server. refer to Appendix C for further information.
Further, additional ODA databases can be created where each one specifies a different
real-time database. This allows the client application to be connected to a different
ODA database, depending on the particular data access requirements.
The Open Data Access (ODA) functionality for the System 800xA supports ODBC
as a client connection mechanism that provides access to both, real time and his-
torical process data. The client connections using Oracle support both, the ODBC
and the OLE/DB client connection mechanism.
For more information on database client connections, refer to the following user
• System 800xA Reference Guide (3BSE062442*)
• System 800xA System Capabilities (3BSE039129*)
• System 800xA System Guide Technical Data and Configuration (3BSE041434*)
• System 800xA System Guide Functional Description (3BSE038018*)
Syntax Description
sqlplus / This requires being logged in as a historyadmin user, and
requires the ORACLE_SID environment variable to be set.
Note: For IM servers on x64 OS, the default sqlplus.exe is
the x86 version. The "@<tnsname>" must be used to access
the local database. IM servers always define the local
tnsname for the IM database as "localhost". The updated
command line becomes sqlplus /@localhost.
sqlplus /@<tnsname> This requires being logged in as a historyadmin user, and
requires the tnsname to be configured.
3BUF001094-600 B 47
2 Data Access Tools 2.12 Set-up for SQL*Plus
Syntax Description
sqlplus history/<password> This logs you in as the read-only history user, and requires
the ORACLE_SID environment variable to be set.
Note: For IM servers on x64 OS, the default sqlplus.exe is
the x86 version. The "@<tnsname>" must be used to access
the local database. IM servers always define the local
tnsname for the IM database as "localhost". The updated
command line is as follows:
sqlplus history@localhost <Enter>
password: <enter the password> <Enter>
sqlplus This logs you in as the read-only history user, and requires
history/<password>@<tnsname> the tnsname to be configured.
Note: For IM servers on x64 OS, the default sqlplus.exe is
the x86 version. The "@<tnsname>" must be used to access
the remote database.The updated command line is as
sqlplus history@<tnsname> <Enter>
password: <enter the password> <Enter>
Setting this environment variable gives access to a specified Oracle database on the
local server (where SQL*Plus is run). For Information Management applications, set
ORACLE_SID = ADVA. This is the Oracle database installed with Information
2.12.2 tnsname
Use the Net Configuration Assistant to configure additional net service names to
support SQL*Plus access to remote Information Management servers.
48 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.1 User Access to DataDirect Add-in Tools
DataDirect (Excel Data Access) is a desktop tool for integrating information from
various data sources into a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet. It is implemented as an
add-in for Microsoft Excel that is used to work with industry-standard tools, using
familiar techniques common to other Microsoft Office products. Interactive dialogs
and functions are supported.
Two add-ins are available for DataDirect.
• ABB 800xA DataDirect.msi and
• ABB InformIT DataDirect.msi
This section describes the general information pertaining to both ABB 800xA
DataDirect and ABB InformIT DataDirect.
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3 General Information for Data 3.2 User Interface - DataDirect Add-in Tools
50 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
Figure 3.1: Example - Using DataDirect Add-in Tool for Historical Data Access
3BUF001094-600 B 51
3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
52 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
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3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
6. Click the Browse button, and use the Windows file chooser dialog to find and
select the respective file for DataDirect System 800xA and DataDirect Inform
IT as given below.
• For DataDirect System 800xA: Go to C:\ProgramData\ABB\800xA\DataDi-
rect\Bin and select the file ABBDataDirectSystem800xA.xlam
• For DataDirect Inform IT: Go to C:\ProgramData\ABB\IM\DataDirect\Bin
and select the file ABBDataDirectInformIT.xlam
This makes the DataDirect Add-in available in the Add-ins dialog, Figure
3.3. Any add-ins listed in this dialog may be added or removed from Excel
by checking or unchecking the corresponding check box.
7. Make sure the DataDirect check box is checked, then click OK.
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3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
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3 General Information for Data 3.4 Application Set-up
56 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.5 Starting DataDirect
b. Starting with that cell, select a range of cells where the data will be en-
c. Put the cursor in the formula bar, and then Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
• For each function that returns one value (for example, ABBGetObj):
a. Select the cell where the function is defined.
b. Put the cursor in the formula bar.
c. Press ENTER.
3BUF001094-600 B 57
3 General Information for Data 3.6 Quick Tips for Using DataDirect
3.6.1 Logging In
DataDirect requires being logged in to a data server. There are two log-in modes.
Perpetual log-in lasts until a log off occurs. Ad-hoc log-in lasts until the current dialog
is closed. Refer to Using DataDirect Dialogs on page 59 for details.
58 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
history values dialogs can be used to insert and/or update values. These dialogs have
equivalent functions used to create reusable Excel reports.
Most dialogs provide the option of inserting a reusable formula in the spreadsheet.
This is used to perform the ad-hoc query, and insert the formula in the spreadsheet
so that it may be reused for reporting.
Use Table 3.1 to determine which DataDirect tool to use for data retrieval.
Table 3.1: Which Tool to Use
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3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
3. Use the Insert check box to specify whether to overwrite existing information in
the spreadsheet, or to insert the new data without overwriting.
4. Specify whether to execute a one-time data query, or insert a reusable formula.
5. If the dialog requires a date and time range, enter the start and end times.
6. Apply data formatting options if desired.
7. The connection icon in the lower right corner shows the server connection status.
8. Click Apply or OK to execute the query.
For further details regarding each basic step, refer to:
Selecting the Starting Cell on page 60
Opening the Dialog on page 60
Changing the Start Cell on page 61
Specifying One-time Data Access or Reusable Formulas on page 61
Date and Time on page 62
Formatting on page 67
Monitoring/Changing the Server Connection on page 67
Apply, OK, & Cancel Buttons on page 68
Selected Cell - B2
60 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
If required options are not available in the menu and tool bars, use the View tab
on the Options dialog to make these options available.
If not logged in, the prompt to log in now is displayed. Refer to Login on page 139
for details. After log in, the chosen dialog is displayed.
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3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
When using Formula output, selecting any cell that has output in the spreadsheet will
display the formula in the formula bar, Figure 3.8.
To use the Formula output option, refer to Storing, Updating, and Scheduling Reports
on page 74 for further guidelines for creating a report with DataDirect.
Figure 3.9: Selecting the Method for Specifying Start and End Times
Then refer to the sections referenced below for details on how to use the selected
• Date and Time on page 63.
62 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
Entering an end time that precedes or equals the start time causes an error message
to be displayed when the query is executed. Click OK to clear the message, then
enter a valid start (or end) time.
Do not use either of the following options for short date style in the Regional
Settings dialog (Windows Control Panel function): yy-dd-mm or yyyy-dd-mm.
This causes the month and date values to be reversed in the DT Picker.
Cell Reference
This option is used to reference a cell in the spreadsheet where the start or end time
is specified, Figure 3.11.
3BUF001094-600 B 63
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
Dynamic Time
This option is used to specify the start and end time as Now (current date and time)
plus or minus a time interval specified in number of seconds, minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months, or years. For example in Figure 3.12, the start time is specified as
now minus one day, and the end time is specified as now.
Dynamic time can be used in combination with date and time. For example, in Figure
3.13, the start time is specified as end time minus four days, and the end time is
specified as 9/18/2004 11:30:00.
Now refers to the current date and time, Figure 3.13. Each time a report is gener-
ated, every instance of Now is re-evaluated. To record the current date and time
for future references, use the now() function in any of the cell.
64 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
3BUF001094-600 B 65
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
66 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.7 Using DataDirect Dialogs
The content in the Name field in Figure 3.15 are the names to be given to the cells in
Excel, and the Value field indicates the value to be put into the cell.
3.7.7 Formatting
The presentation format is set through the Data Format tab in the Options dialog.
When Horizontal List is selected, attributes are listed horizontally and objects are
listed vertically, Figure 3.16. When Vertical List is selected, attributes are listed ver-
tically and objects are listed horizontally.
To change any of the data format or orientation options, click the Options button to
display the Options dialog. Refer to Configuring Options on page 238 for details.
Figure 3.16: Process Value Query Result - Example Horizontal List Format
3BUF001094-600 B 67
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
68 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
Application Function
Reading and Writing Process Values ABBGetOPCDASimple on page 118
ABBGetOPCDA on page 118
ABBWriteOPCDA on page 119
ABBGetObj on page 265
ABBUpdateObj on page 266
Reading and Writing History Values ABBGetOPCDA on page 118
ABBGetOPCHDAAggregates on page 124
ABBWriteNOPCHDA on page 124
ABBWriteOPCHDA on page 126
ABBGetOPCHDAAttributes on page 128
ABBGetOPCHDAAttributeValue on page 129
ABBGetHistory on page 268
ABBEditLog on page 271
ABBEditNLogs on page 272
ABBGetAttributes on page 274
ABBGetAttributeValue on page 275
Reading Messages ABBAERetrieval on page 132
Miscellaneous Functions ABBSql on page 276
ABBArray on page 278
ABBConnect on page 279
ABBDisconnect on page 279
Using VBA Macros on page 280
Adding Charts to DataDirect Reports on page 280
3BUF001094-600 B 69
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
• To use the Excel Function Wizard, refer to Inserting DataDirect Functions with
the Function Wizard on page 70.
• To insert functions manually, refer to Inserting DataDirect Functions Manually
on page 73.
The Excel Chart Wizard can be used to add charts in a DataDirect report. Refer
to Adding Charts to DataDirect Reports on page 280.
70 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
5. Select User Defined from the Function category list on the left. This displays
the DataDirect functions in the Function name list on the right, Figure 3.19.
6. Select the function to be inserted. This displays a dialog for specifying the selected
function’s parameters. For example, if ABBGetOPCHDA is selected, the dialog
shown in Figure 3.20 is displayed.
3BUF001094-600 B 71
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
7. Enter a specification for each parameter. Be sure to embed text strings (for exam-
ple, object names) in double quotes. Refer to the applicable function description
for details. Refer to Table 3.2.
8. Click OK when finished with the Parameters dialog.
9. Repeat steps 3-8 for as many functions as needed.
10. Go back to the DataDirect Options dialog, and un-select Disable Functions. Refer
to Setup on page 249.
11. Each function must be executed once before the F9 key can be used to calculate
the entire workbook.
Any time functions are disabled and then re-enabled, all functions in the spreadsheet
must be executed individually before the F9 key can be used to calculate the entire
The Excel spreadsheet must maintain focus while the report is running (retrieving
72 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
• For each function that returns multiple values (for example, ABBGetOPCH-
a. Select the cell where the function is defined.
b. Starting with that cell, select a range of cells to hold the data.
c. Put the cursor in the formula bar, and then Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
• For each function that returns one value (for example, ABBGetOPCDA):
a. Select the cell where the function is defined.
b. Put the cursor in the formula bar.
c. Press ENTER.
3BUF001094-600 B 73
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
74 3BUF001094-600 B
3 General Information for Data 3.8 Using DataDirect Functions
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76 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.1 Introduction
4.1 Introduction
System 800xA dialogs and functions can only be used on nodes where the base 800xA
System software is installed.
The System 800xA Process Values dialog, Figure 4.2, is used to query aspect objects
in the 800xA System for real-time process data (including softpoints).
3BUF001094-600 B 77
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
With the proper authority process values can also be updated. The Update Process
Values tab is not enabled unless the Allow Process Updates option is selected through
the Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to Setup on page 249). Also, user authority
must be configured in the aspect system to allow updates of certain object properties.
• This dialog requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the com-
puter running DataDirect.
• This dialog does not support querying objects on servers outside the 800xA
System. For this, use the Inform IT version of this dialog. Refer to Using the
Inform IT Process Values Dialog on page 142.
Follow these steps to display the process values dialog for data retrieval or updates:
78 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
1. Select the cell in the spreadsheet which will be the starting point for inserting
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the System 800xA Industrial IT Process Values
Either click the Process Value button in the tool bar, or choose
DataDirect System 800xA> Industrial IT Process Values from the menu bar,
Figure 4.3.
3BUF001094-600 B 79
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
Only press Apply or OK once. Wait for the process values to be returned before
attempting to retrieve additional values. Pressing the button multiple times can
result in software failure.
For further details on these steps and other optional procedures refer to:
• Specifying One-time Data Access or Reusable Formulas on page 61.
• Selecting Objects to Query on page 80.
• Changing the Start Cell on page 61.
• Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61.
• Formatting on page 67.
• Some information columns in the properties list (right pane) are hidden by default.
these columns can be expanded to show the information as described in Expanding
the Items Columns on page 83.
80 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
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4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
82 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
The type filters are used to select one or more object or data types from the respective
lists. Use one, both, or neither of the type filters. Making no selection is equivalent
to selecting all types.
If object types have been added to or deleted from the Object Type structure, the
Object Type list will be updated the next time the Process values dialog is opened.
This causes any current selections to be cleared from the list.
The pattern filters are used to specify one or more patterns for each criteria. When
specifying multiple patterns, separate them with the pipe (|) delimiter character. Use
the following wildcard characters:
* - any character string
? - any single alphabetic character
# - any single numeric character
Example pattern filters can be displayed by hovering the cursor over the corresponding
field. Matching is not case sensitive. Not specifying a pattern is equivalent to (and is
replaced by) the wildcard asterisk (*) character.
For each type or pattern filter, any objects that match any one (or more) of the specified
types or patterns will satisfy the component filter. However, only objects that satisfy
all component filters will pass the filter and be included in the list of returned proper-
Clicking OK saves the current filter settings. These settings will then be used for all
future process value queries until the current settings are changed again. Clicking
Cancel will discard any changes made in this dialog and revert back to the last saved
filter. The Reset button returns all settings to their default state.
The filter is applied any time a new selection is made in the browser (left pane). To
apply the filter to the currently selected object in the left pane, click Apply Filter.
3BUF001094-600 B 83
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
84 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
User Authority
The Update Process Values tab is not enabled unless the Allow Process Updates
option is selected through the Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to Setup on page
249). Also, user authority must be configured in the aspect system to allow updates
to certain object properties.
The method of operation for this tab is similar to reading process values as described
in Apply, OK, & Cancel Buttons on page 68. Either of two methods can be used:
3BUF001094-600 B 85
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
• The basic method is to use the object browser (left pane) in combination with an
edit filter. Refer to Using the Object Browser below.
• As an alternative, make a list of object properties and values in the spreadsheet,
and then import this data from the spreadsheet. Refer to Use Spreadsheet for Input
on page 88.
86 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
3BUF001094-600 B 87
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
Click here to collapse the dialog
2. Enter the range of cells that contain the object names in the Objects Range field.
Enter the range directly, or click the button to collapse the dialog and then select
the range of cells in the spreadsheet.
Select the range of cells, then click the red button on the bottom right corner of
the collapsed dialog to restore it. An example is shown in Figure 4.13.
Click Here
to Restore
All cells must contain data, and the range CANNOT contain spaces. This will
generate an error message and the cell range must be reselected.
3. As an option, repeat step 2 to import values from the spreadsheet (using the
Values Range field). When this is done, the number of rows selected for the
values must match the number of rows selected for the object names.
88 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.2 Using the System 800xA Process Values Di
4. After finishing with the object and value ranges, click Add to List. This creates
the update list, Figure 4.14.
Remove selected items from the list if necessary. To do this, select the item in
the list, and then click Remove From List. Clear the entire list by clicking Clear
5. Click in the Value column and edit the value for a selected property. The Updated
column will indicate Changed when the value has been changed.
6. To update only selected items in the Update list, check Update Selected Items
only; otherwise all items in this list will be updated.
7. Checking the Automatically apply filter check box will reapply the existing
filter to the properties list (upper right pane) when the changes are applied.
8. Click Apply when finished. The Updated column in the Update list (lower pane)
will indicate whether or not the update was successful, Figure 4.15.
3BUF001094-600 B 89
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
90 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
Refer to the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
The System 800xA History Values dialog, Figure 4.17, is used to query aspect objects
in the 800xA System for historical process data. The results are displayed according
to the selections made on the Data Format tab on the Options dialog. Modify these
selections through the Output Options tab on the History Values dialog.
With the proper authority, new log entries can be inserted, or existing entries replaced.
The Insert/Replace tab is not enabled unless the Allow History Updates option is
selected through the Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to Setup on page 249).
Also, user authority must be configured in the aspect system to allow certain object
properties to be updated.
Follow these basic steps to retrieve or update history values with this dialog:
1. Select the cell in the spreadsheet which will be the starting point for inserting
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the System 800xAHistory Values dialog.
3BUF001094-600 B 91
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
Either click the History Values button, or choose DataDirect System 800xA>
Industrial IT History Values from the menu bar.
3. To read history values, refer to Reading History Data on page 92.
To update history values, refer to Writing History Data on page 98.
Interpolated Data
This returns values at regular intervals. Always specify the time range and number
of values to return. This divides the time range into discrete intervals for which data
92 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
values are returned. For example, if the time range is 24 hours and the number of
values to return is 1440, a value will be provided for each one-minute interval. The
values are not actual samples, but rather values interpolated from the actual samples.
Raw Data
This returns values for actual samples collected and stored by History. Always spec-
ify a time range. Values are only returned for times when samples were collected and
stored. The query will return all values up to the quantity specified in the Number of
Values field (3200 maximum). For example, if the time range is 24 hours and the
number of values to return is 300 or greater, for a log with a five-minute storage rate,
288 values will be returned.
3BUF001094-600 B 93
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
Calculation Retrieves
Interpolated Linear interpolation (no calculation).
Total Totalized value (time integral) of data over the resample interval.
Average Average value for data over the resample interval.
Timeaverage Time weighted average for data over the resample interval.
Count Number of raw values over the resample interval.
Standard Deviation Standard deviation over the resample interval.
Minimum Actual Time Minimum value in the resample interval and the timestamp of the minimum
Minimum Minimum value in the resample interval.
Maximum Maximum value in the resample interval.
Start Raw value at the beginning of the resample interval. The time stamp is
the time stamp of the beginning of the interval.
End Raw value at the end of the resample interval. The time stamp is the time
stamp of the end of the interval.
Delta Difference between the first and last value in the resample interval.
Regression Slope Slope of the regression line over the resample interval.
Regression Const Intercept of the regression line over the resample interval. This is the
value of the regression line at the start of the interval.
Regression Deviation Standard deviation of the regression line over the resample interval.
Variance Variance over the resample interval.
Range Difference between the minimum and maximum value over the resample
Duration Good Duration (in seconds) in the resample interval during which the data is
Duration Bad Duration (in seconds) in the resample interval during which the data is
Percentage Good Percentage of data in the resample interval which has good quality
(1 equals 100 percent).
94 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
Calculation Retrieves
Percentage Bad Percentage of data in the resample interval which has bad quality
(1 equals 100 percent).
Worst Quality Worst quality of data in the resample interval.
3BUF001094-600 B 95
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
To put history data onto the spreadsheet, select one or more items in the log list, then
click OK. The selected logs can also be copied to the clipboard to use (paste) in an-
other application.
96 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
The type filters are used to select one or more object types, property log templates,
or data types from the respective lists. Any combination of the type filters may be
used. Making no selection is equivalent to selecting all types.
If object types or log templates have been added to or deleted from the Object
Type structure or Library structure respectively, the corresponding list will be
updated the next time the History Values dialog is opened. This will cause any
current selections to be cleared from the lists.
The pattern filters are used to specify one or more patterns for each criteria. When
specify multiple patterns, separate them with the pipe (|) delimiter character. The
following wildcard characters may be used:
* - any character string
? - any single alphabetic character
# - any single numeric character
Display example pattern filters by hovering the cursor over the corresponding field.
Matching is not case sensitive. Not specifying a pattern is equivalent to (and is replaced
by) the wildcard asterisk (*) character.
3BUF001094-600 B 97
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
For each type and pattern filter, any objects that match any one (or more) of the
specified types or patterns will satisfy the component filter. However, only objects
that satisfy all component filters will be included in the list of returned logs.
Clicking OK will save the current filter settings. These settings will then be used for
all future History Value queries until the current settings are changed again. Clicking
Cancel will discard any changes made in this dialog and revert back to the last saved
filter. The Reset button returns all settings to their default state.
98 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
User Authority
The Insert/Replace tab is not enabled unless the Allow History Updates option is
selected through the Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to Setup on page 249).
Also, user authority must be configured in the aspect system to allow updates to log
The method of operation for this tab is similar to reading history values as described
in Apply, OK, & Cancel Buttons on page 68. Use either of two methods:
• The basic method is to use the object browser (left pane) in combination with an
edit filter. Refer to Using the Object Browser below.
• As an alternative, make a list of data retrieval parameters in the spreadsheet, and
then import this data from the spreadsheet. Refer to Use Spreadsheet for Input
on page 102.
3BUF001094-600 B 99
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
100 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
3BUF001094-600 B 101
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
Click here to collapse the dialog
2. Enter the range of cells that contain the object names in the Objects Range field.
Enter the range directly, or click the button to collapse the dialog and then select
the range of cells in the spreadsheet, then click the red button on the bottom right
corner of the collapsed dialog to restore it. An example is shown in Figure 4.27.
Click Here
to Restore
All cells must contain data, and the range CANNOT contain spaces. This will
generate an error message, in which case the cell range must be reselected.
3. As an option, repeat step 2 to import timestamps, milliseconds, values and/or
object status data from the spreadsheet. The number of rows selected for each
102 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.3 Using the System 800xA History Values Di
additional parameter must match the number of rows selected for the object
4. When finished, Figure 4.28, click Add to List. This creates the update list, Figure
To remove selected items from the list, select the item in the list and then click
Remove From List. The entire list may be cleared by clicking Clear.
5. Click in the Value column and edit the value for a selected property. The Updated
column will indicate Changed when the value has been changed.
To update only selected items in the Update list, check Update Selected Items
Only; otherwise all items in this list will be updated.
Checking the Automatically Apply Filter check box will reapply the existing
filter to the log list (upper right pane) when the changes are applied.
6. Click in the Insert/Replace column and select Insert or Replace.
7. Click Apply when finished.The Updated column in the Update list (lower pane)
indicates whether or not the update was successful, Figure 4.30.
3BUF001094-600 B 103
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.4 Using the System 800xA Alarm/Events Dial
104 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.4 Using the System 800xA Alarm/Events Dial
Refer to the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
The Industrial IT Alarms and Events dialog, Figure 4.32, is used to retrieve alarm
and event messages for a selected alarm/event list. These lists are user-configurable
as part of the operator workplace configuration. This dialog requires 800xA base
system software to be installed on the computer where DataDirect is running.
3BUF001094-600 B 105
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.4 Using the System 800xA Alarm/Events Dial
To retrieve messages that are beyond the scope of the 800xA System message services
(50,000 messages maximum), use the Inform IT Message Log dialog.
To begin:
1. Select the cell which will be the starting point for inserting data.
2. Open the Industrial IT Alarms and Events dialog. Either click the Alarm/Events
button in the tool bar, or choose DataDirect System 800xA> Industrial IT
Alarm and Events from the menu bar, Figure 4.33.
3. Use the Alarm and Events dialog to select the alarm or event list and specify a
time range. Refer to Using the Alarms and Events Dialog on page 107.
106 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.4 Using the System 800xA Alarm/Events Dial
3BUF001094-600 B 107
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.4 Using the System 800xA Alarm/Events Dial
108 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
3BUF001094-600 B 109
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
played by clicking the Options button, Figure 4.35, or choose System 800xA> Op-
tions Form from the Microsoft Excel menu bar.
110 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
3BUF001094-600 B 111
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
112 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
Horizontal Orientation
Vertical Orientation
3BUF001094-600 B 113
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
4.5.2 View
The View tab, Figure 4.40, is used to select which add-in tools to show or hide on
the DataDirect tool bar and menu bar. Add-in tools are grouped under Industrial IT
for use in the 800xA System.
114 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
Each add-in tool has a separate check box for showing/hiding the add-in tool in the
DataDirect menu and/or the corresponding tool bar. Restore the default settings at
any time by clicking Restore Defaults. Figure 4.40 shows the default settings when
DataDirect is initially installed on an 800xA System node.
4.5.3 Setup
This tab, Figure 4.41, is used to configure the following settings:
• Enable/Disable Write Access to History and Process Values
• Timeout
• Write Debug File
• Disable Functions
3BUF001094-600 B 115
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.5 System 800xA Configuring Options
116 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.6 Functions for Reading/Writing Process Va
This is the maximum time that DataDirect will wait for the selected object to respond
to the query before timing out. Increase the timeout interval if the application uses
complex SQL queries.
Disable Functions
When this check box is selected, all DataDirect functions in the Excel spreadsheet
are disabled. Functions must be disabled when inserting functions as described in
System 800xA Configuring Options on page 109. The functions must be enabled to
execute a specific function, or calculate the entire workbook.
Any time functions are disabled and then re-enabled, then all functions in the
spreadsheet must be executed individually before the F9 key can be used to calcu-
late the entire workbook.
1. The default path for %ABB_ROOT% is: C:\Program Files\Abb Industrial IT\
3BUF001094-600 B 117
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.6 Functions for Reading/Writing Process Va
4.6.1 ABBGetOPCDASimple
The ABBGetOPCDASimple function will return real-time object data for one OPCDA
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To query objects on a server that is not part of the
800xA System, use ABBGetObj on page 265.
The syntax for this function is described below:
=ABBGetOPCDASimple(ObjectName [,Server])
ObjectName is the object name. Use the Information Management Browser to find
objects in the aspect directory. The browser is used to copy and paste
the object names to ensure the name is specified correctly. Refer to
Information Management Browser on page 524.
[Server] specifies the OPCDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
Enter all parameters as text strings with double quotes.
=ABBGetOPCDASimple(“H0000X000K-000000:MEASURE”, "ABB.AfwOPCDA-
This function returns an array of data (two columns, one row). To manually execute
the function, select a 2 x 1 range of cells, then place the cursor in the formula bar
and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
For instructions on inserting functions, refer to Inserting Functions in the Spreadsheet
on page 69.
This function returns real-time object data for specified OPCDA items. It will search
for all cells containing this function and formulate one OPC call to retrieve the spec-
ified data for all and cause all cells to be populated with the correct data. The Indus-
trial IT Process Values dialog may also be used in the Formula mode to insert this
function (Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialog on page 142).
118 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.6 Functions for Reading/Writing Process Va
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To query objects on a server that is not part of the
800xA System, use ABBGetObj on page 265.
The syntax for this function is described below:
=ABBGetOPCDA(ObjectName[,bTS] [,Server])
ObjectName is object name. Use the Information Management Browser to find
objects in the aspect directory. This is used to copy and paste to ensure
the name is specified correctly. Refer to Information Management
Browser on page 524.
If the property desired is not unique to one aspect, the aspect name can be appended
to the object path. For example:
[bTS] specifies whether or not to return the time stamp with each value.
Enter bTS as a boolean value:
TRUE = return time stamps
FALSE = do not return time stamps
[Server] specifies the OPCDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined. If this parameter
is used, all cells using this function must specify the same progID.
Enter all parameters (except bTS) as text strings with double quotes. bTS is a boolean.
For instructions on inserting functions, refer to Inserting Functions in the Spreadsheet
on page 69.
4.6.3 ABBWriteOPCDA
The ABBWriteOPCDA function is used to update process values.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To query objects on a server that is not part of the
800xA System, use ABBUpdateObj on page 266.
3BUF001094-600 B 119
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
120 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
The ABBGetOPCHDA function returns a specified number of values for the specified
history log object. By default this function retrieves the columns of data selected on
the Data Format tab on the Options dialog. Refer to Data Format on page 239. The
default is to display Time Stamp, History Data Quality Indication, and Value. Change
the settings on the Data Format tab, or use the output parameter in this function to
change the output specification.
Generate a query for this function using the Industrial IT History Values dialog in
the Formula mode as described in Reading/Writing History Data on page 164, or
enter the function manually.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To query objects on a server that is not part of the
800xA System, use ABBGetHistory on page 268.
The syntax is:
=ABBGetOPCHDA(Logname, Interpolation, Start Time, End Time, MaxCount
[,Format Date] [,Server][,output],[mSec])
Logname is the name of the log whose data is to be retrieved. Use the
Information Management Browser to find logs in the aspect directory.
This is used to copy and paste log names to ensure the name is
specified correctly. Refer to Information Management Browser on
page 524.
Interpolation is the type of calculation. The available options depend on the OPC
server. The ABBGetOPCHDAAggregates function may be used to
get the list of available aggregates.
Start/End specify the time range for which data will be retrieved.
3BUF001094-600 B 121
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
MaxCount specifies the number of values to return. This in combination with the
Time Span for Retrieval divides the time range into discrete intervals
for which data values are returned.
[Format is an optional parameter that is used to specify whether to use standard
Date] Excel formatting (n) or DataDirect formatting (y). Refer to Formatting
the Date on page 123.
[Server] specifies the OPCHDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
[output] specifies the information to display as a result of the historical data
query. If this option is not specified, the information selected in the
Data Format tab of the Options dialog will be displayed (Data Format
on page 239). This option may be used to specify any combination of
the following columns be displayed:
header = 1
object name = 2
calculation = 4
time stamp = 8
attribute name = 16
data quality = 32
To use this option, enter the parameter as an integer which is equal
to the sum of the integer values for the columns to be displayed. For
example, to specify the time stamp and object name, enter 10 (8 for
timestamp plus 2 for object name).
The history value is always displayed. Specify that only the history
value be displayed by entering 0.
[mSec] specifies whether or not to show the time stamp with millisecond
resolution (true = show milliseconds, false = do not show
Enter all parameters (except MaxCount and output) as text strings with double quotes.
For start time and end time, separate the date and time with a space. MaxCount and
output are entered as integer values.
122 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
3BUF001094-600 B 123
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
“y” or “Y”DataDirect date and time formats, as specified in the Data Format tab of
the Options dialog, are applied to the timestamp returned by the ABBGetOPCHDA
If a Format Date parameter is not provided, then the DataDirect date and time formats,
as specified in the Data Format tab of the Options dialog, are applied to the timestamp
returned by the ABBGetOPCHDA function. This is the same as specifying formatDate
as y or Y.
4.7.2 ABBGetOPCHDAAggregates
The ABBGetOPCHDAAggregates function returns a list of aggregates supported by
the connected OPCHDA server. This may be used when manually entering the AB-
BGetOPCHDA function rather than using the Industrial IT History Values dialog.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running.
The syntax for this function is described below:
[Server] specifies the OPCDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
Enter the server parameter as a text strings with double quotes.
=ABBGetOPCHDAAggregates( "ABB.AfwOPCDASurrogate")
This function returns an array of data (two columns by n number of rows). To
manually execute the function, select a range of cells two columns wide and a
reasonable number of rows (about 25), then place the cursor in the formula bar
and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
For instructions on inserting functions, refer to Inserting Functions in the Spreadsheet
on page 69.
The ABBWriteNOPCHDA function is used to add multiple entries to a history log,
or modify existing log entries. This is the same functionality provided by the Insert/Re-
124 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
place tab on the History Values dialog as described in Writing History Data on page
98. To add a single entry, use ABBWriteOPCHDA on page 126.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To write to an object on a server that is not part of
the 800xA System, use ABBEditNLogs on page 272.
Guidelines for Writing History Data
User authority must be configured in the aspect system to allow log objects to be
There are certain restrictions and important considerations that need to be understood
prior to writing history data. Refer to Writing to History Logs on page 42.
Log Entry Specification
The log entry specification contains the values, time stamps and object statuses for
each log entry being added or modified. Enter this specification in the proper format
in the spreadsheet. The function references the row/column range where this informa-
tion is entered. An example is shown in Figure 4.42. Syntax for value, time stamp,
and object status are described in ABBWriteOPCHDA on page 126.
Enter all parameters (except the optional fractional seconds) as text strings with
double-quotes. The syntax is as follows:
=ABBWriteNOPCHDA (cmd, logName, theRange [,varType] [,server])
3BUF001094-600 B 125
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
4.7.4 ABBWriteOPCHDA
The ABBWriteOPCHDA function is used to add a single entry to a lab data history
log, or modify an existing log entry. This is the same functionality provided by the
Insert/Replace tab on the History Values dialog as described in Writing History Data
on page 98. To add multiple entries in one function call, use ABBWriteNOPCHDA
on page 124.
126 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To write to an object on a server that is not part of
the 800xA System, use ABBEditLog on page 271.
Guidelines for Writing History Data
User authority must be configured in the aspect system to allow log objects to be
There are certain restrictions and important considerations that should be understood
prior to writing history data. Refer to Writing to History Logs on page 42.
Enter all parameters (except the optional fractional seconds) as text strings with
double-quotes. The syntax is as follows:
=ABBWriteOPCHDA (cmd, logName, logValue, timeStamp, objectStatus [,fractSec]
[,opcQuality] [,varType] [,server])
cmd indicates whether to insert a new value or replace an existing value.
Enter “I” or “A” to insert a new value. Enter “R” or “M” to replace
an existing value. The complete word may also be used (Insert, Add,
Replace, or Modify)
logName is the name of the log whose data is to be written. Use the Information
Management Browser to find logs in the aspect directory. The browser
is used to copy and paste the log names to ensure the name is specified
correctly. Refer to Information Management Browser on page 524.
logValue is the new value for the log entry.
timeStamp is the time stamp for the entry. When modifying an existing entry the
time stamp must be accurate within one second. To get the precise
time stamp, retrieve the raw data for the log entry as described in
Reading History Data on page 92.
[fractSec] Optional fractional seconds specification (floating point).
objectStatus is an option used to enter an integer value to associate with this log
entry. For example, ObjectStatus may be used to identify the user that
added/modified the entry. This value defaults to 0 (zero). The value
does not have to be changed if the functionality is not used.
3BUF001094-600 B 127
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
[varType] variant type to which the value is converted. This parameter is NOT
used in this version of DataDirect, and is present for compatibility
with earlier versions of DataDirect.
[Server] specifies the OPCHDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
=ABBWriteOPCHDA ("INSERT", "H000X000K-000000,MEASURE", "150.25",
"9/16/2003 13:22:00", "0")
=ABBWriteOPCHDA ("REPLACE", "H000X000K-000000:MEASURE,Log1",
"150.25", "9/16/2003 13:22:00", "0")
4.7.5 ABBGetOPCHDAAttributes
The ABBGetOPCHDAAttributes function returns a list of available attributes for the
connected OPCHDA server.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To write to an object on a server that is not part of
the 800xA System, use ABBGetAttributes on page 274.
The syntax for this function is described below:
[Server] specifies the OPCDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
Enter the server parameter as a text strings with double quotes.
This function returns an array of data (two columns by n number of rows). To
manually execute the function, select a range of cells two columns wide and a
reasonable number of rows (about 25), then place the cursor in the formula bar
and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
128 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
4.7.6 ABBGetOPCHDAAttributeValue
This function returns values for a specified attribute of a specified history log object.
By default this function retrieves the columns of data selected on the Data Format
tab on the Options dialog. Refer to Data Format on page 239. The default setting on
this tab is to display Time Stamp, History Data Quality Indication, and Value. Change
the settings on the Data Format tab, or use the output parameter in this function to
change the output specification.
Generate a query for this function using the Industrial IT History Values dialog in
the Formula mode as described in Reading History Data on page 92, or enter the
function manually.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running. To write to an object on a server that is not part of
the 800xA System, use ABBGetAttributeValue on page 275.
The syntax is:
=ABBGetOPCHDAttributeValue(Logname, AttributeID, Start Time, End Time,
MaxCount [,Format Date] [,Server][,output])
Logname is the name of the log whose attribute value is to be retrieved. Use the
Information Management Browser to find logs in the aspect directory.
The browser is used to copy and paste the log names to ensure the
name is specified correctly.
AttributeID is the name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved. The
available attributes depend on the connected OPC server. The
ABBWriteNOPCHDA function may be used to get the list of available
Start/End specify the time range for which data will be retrieved. Specify that
Time only the current value be returned by entering the Start Time as
MaxCount specifies the number of values to return. This in combination with the
Time Span for Retrieval divides the time range into discrete intervals
for which data values are returned.
[Format is an optional parameter that is used to specify whether to use standard
Date] Excel formatting (n) or DataDirect formatting (y). Refer to Formatting
the Date on page 131.
3BUF001094-600 B 129
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
[Server] specifies the OPCHDA server ProgID. This defaults to the 800xA
OPCDA server when the parameter is left undefined.
[output] specifies the information to display as a result of the historical data
query. If this option is not specified, the information selected in the
Data Format tab of the Options dialog will be displayed (Data Format
on page 239). Use this option to specify that any combination of the
following columns be displayed:
header = 1
object name = 2
calculation = 4
time stamp = 8
attribute name = 16
data quality = 32
To use this option, enter the parameter as an integer which is equal
to the sum of the integer values for the columns being displayed. For
example, to specify the time stamp and object name, enter 10 (8 for
timestamp plus 2 for object name).
The history value is always displayed. Specify that only the history
value be displayed by entering 0.
Enter all parameters (except MaxCount and output) as text strings with double quotes.
For start time and end time, separate the date and time with a space. MaxCount and
output are entered as integer values. For example:
=ABBGetOPCHDAAttributeValue(“H0000X000K-000000:MEASURE”, “attribute-
Name”, "11/3/00 14:30", “11/3/00 19:30”, 5, “n”, "ABB.AdvHtHistoryHdlr.1",10)
This function returns an array of data. The width (columns) is based on the log
attributes to be displayed. The number of rows depends on the time range and
MaxCount parameter. To manually execute the function, select a range of cells,
then place the cursor in the formula bar and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
130 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.7 Functions for Reading/Writing History Va
3BUF001094-600 B 131
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.8 Functions for Reading Messages
4.8.1 ABBAERetrieval
The ABBAERetrieval function retrieves runtime or archived event data for a specified
800xA System alarm and event list.
This function requires 800xA base system software to be installed on the computer
where DataDirect is running.
The Message Type combo box on the Filter tab of the Alarm and Event List Config-
uration aspect determines whether messages come from archive or from local (runtime)
storage. If this field starts with ArchiveService.OPCEventServer the messages are
retrieved from the archive. The A/E Linked Server Configuration aspect, which must
be attached to the same object as the Alarm and Event List Configuration aspect,
specifies the parameters for the archive retrieval.
The Alarm and Event List Configuration aspect specified by the Alarm and Event
List Aspect is used to determine the following:
• List of categories.
• List of attributes.
• Order of attribute columns.
• Number of messages retrieved.
• Whether or not Column Headers are displayed.
• Process Sections filtering.
• Class filtering.
The timeout for this function (maximum seconds to wait for response) defaults to the
timeout specified by the setting on the DataDirect Options dialog. Refer to Timeout
on page 253.
132 3BUF001094-600 B
4 DataDirect System 800xA 4.8 Functions for Reading Messages
The format of the timestamp (if the time is a selected attribute to be output) is deter-
mined by the time format setting on the DataDirect Options dialog. Refer to Date and
Time Formatting.
This function is an array function meaning that rows and columns must be allocated
to it in which the retrieved results are to be stored. Each message retrieved requires
one row. Each attribute retrieved requires one column.
Generate a query for this function using the Alarm and Event Retrieval dialog in the
Formula mode as described in Using the Inform IT Message Log Dialog, or enter
the function manually. The syntax is:
=ABBAERetrieval(startTime, endTime, AEListAspect[,MaxRows] [,Timeout])
start and end time range for messages to be retrieved. Note: if endTime comes
times before startTime, the messages are ordered oldest first.
AEListAspect name of object containing an Alarm and Event List Aspect. The first
one is used to specify filter and attribute selections.
MaxRows Optional maximum number of rows to populate - overrides what is
specified on Alarm and Event List Configuration aspect.
Timeout Optional parameter is used to specify maximum seconds to wait for
response. This defaults to the Timeout specified on the Setup tab of
the Data Direct Options dialog. Refer to Setup on page 249.
For instructions on inserting functions, refer to Inserting Functions in the Spreadsheet
on page 69.
3BUF001094-600 B 133
134 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.1 User Access to DataDirect Inform IT Add-
5 DataDirect Inform IT
The Inform IT dialogs and functions are used on remote computer clients that do not
have the base software installed.
3BUF001094-600 B 135
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.3 Data Access Methods
writing to process and history objects. User authority must be properly configured to
support write transactions.
The interactive dialogs, such as the one shown in Figure 5.1, help when generating
and executing data queries. They are generally intended for on-demand (one-time)
data access functions, although some dialogs are used to generate re-usable function
DataDirect functions may be used to create re-executable reports with Microsoft Excel,
Figure 5.2. The functions provide the same data retrieval capabilities as the dialogs,
except that the functions can be re-executed by running the spreadsheet. The results
can be saved, archived, printed and then rerun. For further information refer to (give
the new link).
The DataDirect functions can be embedded in VBA macros, as an alternative to in-
serting them directly in an Excel spreadsheet. By embedding the functions in the
macros, they are not automatically executed when the spreadsheet is opened. This
allows reports to be archived. In addition, these reports can be distributed to Excel
users that do not have DataDirect.
136 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.3 Data Access Methods
3BUF001094-600 B 137
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.4 Licensing
5.4 Licensing
InformIT Datadirect is licensed on a concurrent-user basis. InformIT Datadirect can
be installed on many computers and the server will control the number of clients that
may connect to the server based on the number of client licenses purchased. For ex-
ample, if InformIT Datadirect is installed on ten computers, but only two licenses are
purchased, then only two client computers will be permitted to connect to the server
at any one time.
For DataDirect, each open dialog occupies a client license, even if the dialogs are
open on the same computer. Thus one computer may occupy two or more client li-
censes concurrently. Installing and managing licenses is a system installation activity.
138 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.5 Login
5.5 Login
To obtain a runtime license, log on to a data server. The login procedure connects the
Excel spreadsheet to a specified host data server for all dialogs.
One runtime license is taken up for each user that logs in to the data server. DataDirect
provides two methods for logging in to support license use.
• log in on an ad-hoc basis. Automatically disconnects when the current dialog is
closed to help minimize the time that a runtime license is occupied.
• log in on a perpetual basis. Stays logged in until you choose to log off regardless
of how many dialogs are opened and closed.
Add-in tools are embedded in Excel on a user basis. By default, the DataDirect
add-in tools are available for the user that installed DataDirect software. A different
user will be required to add the add-in tools for that user. Refer to Manually Adding
the DataDirect Add-in on page 53.
3BUF001094-600 B 139
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.5 Login
try dialog is closed. This method minimizes the time that the runtime license is occu-
The ad-hoc log-in method cannot be used for executing DataDirect function calls.
Attempting to run a DataDirect function call without login will display the login dialog.
Be sure to log in perpetually in this case.
After Connection
Before Connection
All data retrieval/entry dialogs have a plug icon located in the bottom right corner.
This icon is used to display the Login dialog without having to close the current data
retrieval dialog. Simply double-click the icon to display the Login dialog.
To log in, enter your User name, Password, and Host name. Check the Save Settings
option to save these login parameters and automatically have them entered on the
next log in. Click Connect when finished.
5.5.4 User
Enter the user name for the host data server as defined during the IM configurations.
User names are case-sensitive.
140 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.6 Reading and Writing Process Values For I
5.5.5 Password
Enter the password for the specified user as defined during the IM configurations.
5.5.6 Host
The Host specification is used in two different ways, depending on whether the Indus-
trial IT version of the Process and History Values dialogs (and equivalent functions),
or any other dialog (or their equivalent functions) are being used.
For the Industrial IT version of the Process and History Values dialogs (and equivalent
functions), the Host specification is used to obtain a runtime license from a specified
data server.
For all other dialogs (and their equivalent functions), in addition to obtaining the li-
cense, the Host specification also connects the spreadsheet to the specified data
server allowing data access from that server and only that server.
To specify the host, enter the computer name for the computer where the display
server software is installed. Look up the computer name using the Network Identifi-
cation information on the System Properties dialog in the Control Panel. The host
server IP address can be used instead of the computer name.
3BUF001094-600 B 141
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
to query objects on that server that are not a part of the 800xA System. This function-
ality is not supported by the Industrial IT version.
For querying 800xA System objects, if the System 800xA version is available, it is
generally recommended to use it rather than the Inform IT version. The System 800xA
version provides browsing tools that more closely resemble the Plant Explorer and
make it easier to find the applicable objects for querying.
The toolbar icons for the Inform IT icon is blue, Figure 5.5. If an icon is not available
on the tool bar, use the View tab on the Options dialog to make it available. Refer to
View on page 243.
Refer to the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
142 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
With proper authority, process values can be updated. The Update Process Values
tab is not shown unless the Allow Process Updates option is selected through the
Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to Setup on page 249), and a user log in to
DataDirect is made with authority to update process values. Refer to User Authority
on page 149. Also, the tab may be visible, but not active unless the Use Channel
Numbers option is deactivated through the Setup tab on the Options dialog (refer to
Setup on page 249).
When using this dialog, the F9 function can not be used to re-calculate the work-
book and retrieve new data. To create a workbook that can be re-calculated on-
demand for reporting purposes, use DataDirect functions as described in Config-
uring Options on page 238.
3BUF001094-600 B 143
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Follow these basic steps to access process values with this dialog:
1. Select the spreadsheet cell which will be the starting point for inserting data.
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the Inform IT Process Values dialog. Either
click the Process Value button in the tool bar, or choose
DataDirect Inform IT > Process Values from the menu bar, Figure 5.7.
If the menu option and/or tool bar icon for this dialog are not visible, use the
View tab on the Options dialog to make them visible. Refer to View on page
3. To query process tags for data retrieval, refer to Reading Process Values on page
144 or refer to User Tag Management (UTM) on page 513. To update the process
values for tags, refer to Writing Process Values on page 149.
144 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
For further details regarding these basic steps and other optional procedures refer to:
• Specifying One-time Data Access or Reusable Formulas on page 61.
• Selecting Objects to Query on page 145.
• Changing the Start Cell on page 61.
• Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61.
• Formatting on page 67.
3BUF001094-600 B 145
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Select one or more objects from the right pane. Click OK when finished. This executes
the query and puts the requested data in the spreadsheet. The selected object list can
also be copied to the clipboard to use (paste) in another application.
For further guidelines on using this tool, refer to Using the Information Management
Browser on page 237.
To change the contents of the Select Objects pick list, click the Browse button to
change the file specified in the Select Object File field. The object text file provides
the object names for the Select Object pick list.
Several object files are provided with DataDirect as standard. Additional object files
can be created to customize object selection for the application. For details, refer to
Configuring Pick Lists for Advant OCS Objects on page 258. This text file may be
configured with or without object type specifications for the object names. If object
types are not specified in the text file, then the entire contents of the text file will be
available in the Select Object pick list. If object types are included in the specification,
146 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
then select the Object Type to make objects of that type available in the Select Object
pick list. The following instructions are only applicable for selecting ABB OCS tags.
Ignore these sections when selecting OPC tags:
Selecting the Object Type
Selecting Object Attributes
Adding New Items to the Object and Attribute Pick Lists
This populates the Object and Attribute pick lists with the object and attribute names
corresponding to the selected object type. For example, Figure 5.10 shows the Select
Objects and Select Attributes pick lists populated according to the CCF_PID_LOOP
object type.
3BUF001094-600 B 147
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
148 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
cally selects it. Previously selected items will remain selected. To remove an item,
select the item and click the > (Remove) button.
These additions and deletions are only applicable as long as the dialog remains
open. Tags are neither added to, nor removed from the actual object text file.
User Authority
The proper user authority is required to update process values. This is controlled at
three levels - data server, DataDirect client, and user:
• At the DataDirect client level, the Allow Process Updates option must be checked
on the Setup tab of the Options dialog. Also, log on to the computer as an Admin-
istrator-level user to change these settings. Refer to Enable/Disable Write Access
to History and Process Values on page 253.
• At the data server level, the applicable data provider must be configured to allow
write transactions. This is the default set-up. To verify this set-up, refer to con-
figuring data access for display and client services in Information Management
• On the user level, the user who logs onto the data server (DataDirect Log-in dia-
log) must be authorized to write to process objects. This is configured in the user
preference file. By default, users are NOT granted this authority. Adjust this
preference for a user when managing Information Management users during
This function does not recognize data providers by channel number, but rather by
the -name argument. Therefore the Use Channel Numbers option in the Options
dialog Setup tab must be DEACTIVATED (not selected). Refer to Setup on page
3BUF001094-600 B 149
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Basically, this procedure requires building process value update specifications for
one or more tags, add these specifications to a list, and then apply the list. Also, it is
recommended that results of the update operation be output to a spreadsheet. This
gives a permanent record of the update operation.
150 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
This display supports four methods for building the tag update list - one for OPC tags
and three for ABB OCS tags (Enterprise Historian platform). Refer to the applicable
instructions below:
• Updating OPC Tags.
• Updating ABB OCS tags on an Enterprise Historian platform:
– Building an Ad-hoc List.
– Importing a Formatted Range of Cells from a Spreadsheet. This requires
having a properly formatted range of tag update specifications within the
Excel spreadsheet.
– Importing Non-formatted Ranges of Cells from a Spreadsheet.
For ABB OCS tags, it is recommended to start with Building an Ad-hoc List. This
describes the procedure in depth. Some of the steps from this procedure are used
in the other methods, but are not covered in the same detail.
3BUF001094-600 B 151
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
This displays a Browse button and two corresponding fields as shown in Figure
2. Click Browse to launch the Information Management Browser, then use the
browser to find and select the OPC tag, Figure 5.15.
a. Use the left pane to browse the server directory structure to find the folder(s)
where the objects reside. The following methods are supported for browsing
the directory structure:
• Point and click to show the contents of a specific folder.
• Select a folder then choose Get Entire List from the context menu.
This shows all applicable objects in the selected folder as well as objects
from all sub-folders within the selected folder.
• Apply a filter to either show or exclude all objects whose name has a
specified text string.
i. Select an object from the right pane. Click OK when finished. The
full path to the selected tag is displayed in the Selected Tag field.
Refer to Using the Information Management Browser on page 237
for additional information.
152 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Continue adding OPC tags to the list as required. To do this, repeat steps 2-4.
5. Make adjustments to the list if necessary. To edit a specification, select it from
the list, then click Edit. This removes the specification from the Selected Updates
list and puts it back in the Selected Tag and Value fields above. Edit the informa-
tion as required, and then click Add to List. The edited specification is placed
at the bottom of the list.
To remove a specification, select the specification in the list, and then click Re-
move From List. If only one row is selected, the row will be deleted immediately.
3BUF001094-600 B 153
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
If more than one row is selected, confirm whether or not to remove ALL selected
rows. Click Yes to confirm, or No to cancel the remove operation.
6. When ready to apply the updates to their respective tags, click Apply. This adds
two columns to the preview list: Updated and Error Message. These columns
indicate the status of each update, Figure 5.17.
154 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
3. Select the object name and attribute name from their respective lists, Figure 5.19.
3BUF001094-600 B 155
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
5. When satisfied with the tag specification, click the Add to List button. This adds
the specification to the Preview Selected Updates list, Figure 5.21.
156 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
This disables the fields for specifying ad-hoc tag updates. The Select Formatted
Range option is selected, and the Formatted Range field is enabled.
2. Enter the range of cells to import in the Formatted Range field. Enter the range
directly, or click the button to collapse the Update Process Values dialog, Figure
5.24, and then select the range directly in the spreadsheet.
3BUF001094-600 B 157
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Do not select multiple single cells in the spreadsheet using the Ctrl key as it will
cause an error message to appear when the Add to List button is clicked in the
Inform IT Process Values dialog box.
All cells must contain data, and the range CANNOT contain spaces. This will
generate an error message, in which case the cell range must be reselected.
An example is shown in Figure 5.25.
3. With the selected range indicated in the Formatted Range field, Figure 5.26, click
the Add to List button.
This adds the update specifications to the Selected Updates list, Figure 5.27.
158 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
7. Make a permanent record of this update operation. To do this, click the Output
Results button and specify the starting cell where the tag updates will be inserted.
For details refer to Recording the Output Results on page 162.
3BUF001094-600 B 159
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
3. Enter the range of cells for one or more of the four categories in their respective
fields. The operation of these fields is similar to the procedure for Importing a
160 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Formatted Range of Cells from a Spreadsheet. The only difference is that each
range must be selected individually. An example is shown in Figure 5.31.
Do not select multiple single cells in the spreadsheet using the Ctrl key as it will
cause an error message to appear when the Add to List button is clicked in the
Inform IT Process Values dialog box.
4. With the selected range indicated in the Formatted Range field, click the Add
to List button. This adds the update specifications to the Selected Updates list,
Figure 5.32.
3BUF001094-600 B 161
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
8. Make a permanent record of this update operation. To do this, click the Output
Results button and specify the starting cell where the tag updates will be inserted.
For details refer to Recording the Output Results on page 162.
162 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.7 Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialo
Selected Cell
After selecting the start cell, click the restore button (red dot) to restore the dialog,
Figure 5.35.
3BUF001094-600 B 163
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.8 Reading/Writing History Data
The orientation of the data is set through the Data Format tab in the Options dia-
log. Display the options dialog by clicking the Options button in the Starting
Cell dialog. For details on using the Options dialog, refer to Configuring Options
on page 238.
The Insert check box is used to insert a new row or rows of data in the spreadsheet
without overwriting any existing data. When Insert is selected, existing rows are
moved down as required to make room for the new data. If this check box is not
selected, any existing cells may be overwritten by new data.
4. Click OK when finished. This inserts the tag update records in the spreadsheet,
Figure 5.37.
164 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
is used to query objects on that server that are not a part of the 800xA System. This
functionality is not supported by the Industrial IT version.
For querying 800xA System objects, if the System 800xA version is available, it is
generally recommended that it be used rather than the Inform IT version. The System
800xA version provides browsing tools that more closely resemble the Plant Explorer
and make it easier to find the applicable objects for querying.
The toolbar icons for the Inform IT icon is blue, Figure 5.38. If an icon is not available
on the tool bar, use the View tab on the Options dialog to make it available. Refer to
View on page 243.
Refer the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
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166 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
1. Select the range of cells in the spreadsheet which will be the starting point for
inserting data.
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the Inform IT History Values dialog.
Either click the Process Value button in the tool bar, or choose
DataDirect Inform IT > History Values from the menu bar, Figure 5.40.
If the menu option and/or tool bar icon for this dialog are not visible, use the
View tab on the Options dialog to make them visible. Refer to View on page
3. To retrieve historical data, refer to Retrieving History Data on page 167. Also,
refer to User Tag Management (UTM) on page 513 for selecting system as well
as public and private groupings of tags.
To add/modify lab data log entries, refer to Adding/Modifying Entries for a Lab
Data Log on page 177.
3BUF001094-600 B 167
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
3. Use the Output option buttons to specify whether to execute a one-time (ad-hoc)
data query, or insert a reusable formula.
4. Select the property logs whose values are to be seen.
5. A calculation algorithm (aggregate) may be selected to apply to the data when
it is retrieved. The default is to apply no calculation.
6. Specify the maximum number of value to return. The default is 500.
7. The time range may be adjusted. The default time span is 24 hours from the
current time. Also, to add a millisecond column, check Include Milliseconds.
8. Click Apply or OK to retrieve the data.
For further details regarding these basic steps and other optional procedures refer to:
• Selecting the Data Provider on page 168.
• Retrieval Type on page 169.
• Specifying One-time Data Access or Reusable Formulas on page 61.
• Selecting History Objects on page 170.
• Log Calculation Algorithm on page 172.
• Number of Values on page 176.
• Date and Time on page 62.
• Changing the Start Cell on page 61.
• Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61.
• Formatting on page 67.
• Changing the Output Options on page 176.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
• LOG - for ABB OCS logs (Enterprise Historian version 3.2/1 or earlier).
This specification is made through the LOG/HDA data provider setting on the Setup
tab on the Options dialog. Click Options to display the Options dialog. Then click
the Setup tab and check the LOG/HDA data provider setting, Figure 5.41.
Trend Display
This displays the requested data on the Desktop Trend display. The Desktop Trends
option must be installed. Refer to Desktop Trends Operation for instructions on using
the Desktop Trend Display.
Interpolated Data
This returns values at regular intervals. Always specify the time range and number
of values to return. This divides the time range into discrete intervals for which data
values are returned. For example, if the time range is 24 hours and the number of
values to return is 1440, a value will be provided for each one-minute interval. The
values are not actual samples, but rather values interpolated from the actual samples.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
Modified Data
Modified data can be selected when the history log type retains the original data when
modified data is written and when the IMHDA data provider is used.
Raw Data
This returns values for actual samples collected and stored by History. Always spec-
ify a time range. Values are only returned for times when samples were collected and
stored. The query will return all values up to the quantity specified in the Number of
Values field (3200 maximum). For example, if the time range is 24 hours and the
number of values to return is 300 or greater, for a log with a five-minute storage rate,
288 values will be returned.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
These same browsing methods are supported whether the AIPHDA or IMHDA data
provider is used:
• Basic point and click to show the logs within a specific folder.
• Select a folder then choose Get Entire List from the context menu. This shows
all logs in the selected folder as well as logs from all sub-folders within the se-
lected folder.
• Apply a filter to either show or exclude all logs whose name has a specified text
• With AIPHDA, the Seamless retrieval option can be used when it is uncertain
which component log within the property log will provide best coverage of the
requested time range.
Select one or more logs from the right pane. Click OK when finished. This executes
the query and puts the requested data in the spreadsheet. The selected object list can
also be copied to the clipboard to use (paste) in another application.
For further guidelines on using this tool, refer to Using the Information Management
Browser on page 237.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
Any number of objects can be selected from the list of available objects:
• To select one item at a time, click on the corresponding line.
• To select multiple contiguous items, click on the first item, hold down the SHIFT
key, and then click on the last item.
• To select multiple items that are not contiguous, hold down the CTRL key and
click on the items.
The New History Object field is used to add new History objects to the object list.
Objects can also be removed. To add a new object, enter the name of the new history
object and then click the < (Add) button. This adds the new object to the top of the
list and automatically selects it. Previously selected objects will remain selected. To
remove an object, select the object and click the > (Remove) button.
Add/remove operations neither add to, nor remove from the current History object
text file. However, the changes can be saved to a new text file by clicking the Save
File button.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
the Retrieval Type is Raw. This list has two modes of operation depending on whether
history data is being retrieved from an OPC HDA Server, or from an Enterprise His-
torian server version 3.2/1 or earlier.
Calculation Retrieves
Interpolated Linear interpolation (no calculation).
Total Totalized value (time integral) of data over the resample interval.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
Calculation Retrieves
Average Average value for data over the resample interval.
Timeaverage Time weighted average for data over the resample interval.
Count Number of raw values over the resample interval.
Standard Deviation Standard deviation over the resample interval.
Minimum Actual Time Minimum value in the resample interval and the timestamp of the minimum
Minimum Minimum value in the resample interval.
Maximum Maximum value in the resample interval.
Start Raw value at the beginning of the resample interval. The time stamp is
the time stamp of the beginning of the interval.
End Raw value at the end of the resample interval. The time stamp is the time
stamp of the end of the interval.
Delta Difference between the first and last value in the resample interval.
Regression Slope Slope of the regression line over the resample interval.
Regression Const Intercept of the regression line over the resample interval. This is the
value of the regression line at the start of the interval.
Regression Deviation Standard deviation of the regression line over the resample interval.
Variance Variance over the resample interval.
Range Difference between the minimum and maximum value over the resample
Duration Good Duration (in seconds) in the resample interval during which the data is
Duration Bad Duration (in seconds) in the resample interval during which the data is
Percentage Good Percentage of data in the resample interval which has good quality
(1 equals 100 percent).
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
Calculation Retrieves
Percentage Bad Percentage of data in the resample interval which has bad quality
(1 equals 100 percent).
Worst Quality Worst quality of data in the resample interval.
Table 5.2: Calculation Options for Information Management OPC HDA Server
Calculation Retrieves
INTERPOLATIVE Linear interpolation (no calculation).
OPCHDA_TIMEAVERAGE Time weighted average for data over the resample interval.
OPCHDA_MINIMUM Minimum value in the resample interval.
OPCHDA_MAXIMUM Maximum value in the resample interval.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
stclDev retrieves data from log that calculates the standard deviation.
numval retrieves data from log that calculates the number of values collected
over the storage interval.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
User Authority
The proper user authority is required to add and/or modify numeric logs. This is
controlled at three levels - data server, DataDirect client, and user:
• At the DataDirect client level, the Allow History Updates option must be checked
on the Setup tab of the Options dialog. Also, log in as an Administrator-level
user to change these settings. Refer to Enable/Disable Write Access to History
and Process Values on page 253.
• At the data server level, the applicable data provider must be configured to allow
write transactions. This is the default set-up. Verify this set-up when configuring
data access for data providers.
• On the user level, the user logged onto the data server (DataDirect Log-in dialog)
must be authorized to write to log objects. This is configured in the user preference
file. By default, users are NOT granted this authority. Adjust this preference for
a user when managing users during Information Management configuration.
Other Considerations
• For add/modify operations, if a specific data provider needs to be referenced,
use the -name argument. Therefore the Use Channel Numbers option in the
Options dialog Setup tab must be DEACTIVATED (not selected).
• If the IMHDA OPC HDA server is being used and new log entries need to be
added, use the EH_NET option in the Information Management Browser (Using
the Information Management Browser on page 237). This option is used to mod-
ify existing log entries, and add new entries. EH supports the ability to modify
existing log entries, but not to add new entries.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
3. Click the applicable option button to specify either Add a new entry to the log,
or Modify an existing entry.
The remainder of this procedure requires building log entry update specifications,
adding these specifications to a list, and then sending the list. Also, it is recommended
that the results of the update operation be output to the spreadsheet. This provides a
permanent record of the update operation.
The dialog supports four methods for doing this - one for OPC tags and three for
ABB OCS tags as described in the applicable instructions below:
• Updating an OPC HDA Property Log.
• Updating ABB OCS (Enterprise Historian platform) logs:
– Building an Ad-hoc List.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
• Apply a filter to either show or exclude all logs whose name has a specified
text string.
• With AIPHDA, the Seamless retrieval option is used when it is uncertain
which component log within the property log will provide best coverage of
the requested time range.
• For IMHDA, if new log entries need to be added, use the EH_NET option
in the Information Management Browser. This option is used to modify ex-
isting log entries, and add new entries. EH supports the ability to modify
existing log entries, but not to add new entries.
Information Management-based logs in the property log hierarchy that are created
after the IMHDA data provider has been started will not be available through
network-wide (EH_NET) access. In order to see these logs, either restart the
IMHDA data provider, or use local (EH) access.
For further details regarding the Information Management Browser, refer
to Using the Information Management Browser on page 237.
3. Click OK when finished. This puts the full path to the property log in the History
Object field, Figure 5.49.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
7. When satisfied with the log entry specification, click the Add to List button to
add it to the Preview Selected Updates list, Figure 5.51.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
3. Specify the date and time for the entry. When modifying an existing entry, match
the time stamp to one-second resolution. It is recommended that the raw data be
retrieved for the log entry as described in Retrieving History Data on page 167
to get the precise time stamp.
4. Enter the value as shown in Figure 5.54.
5. As an option, use the Object Status field to enter an integer value that is to be
associated with this log entry. For example integer values may be used to identify
the user that added/modified the entry. This value defaults to 0 (zero). It is not
required to change this value if this functionality is not used.
DO NOT check either the Use Spreadsheet for Input or
Use Current Time Stamp check boxes.
6. When satisfied with the log specification, click the Add to List button. This adds
the specification to the Preview Selected Updates list, Figure 5.55.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
This disables fields for specifying ad-hoc log entry updates. The Select Formatted
Range option is selected by default, and the Formatted Range field is enabled.
2. Enter the range of cells to import in the Formatted Range field. Enter the range
directly, or click the button to collapse the Add/Modify History Values dialog,
and then select the range directly in the spreadsheet.
Do not select multiple single cells in the spreadsheet using the Ctrl key as a mes-
sage may appear indicating the need to select four columns when the Add To List
command button is clicked in the Inform IT History Values dialog box, even if
four columns are already selected.
All cells must contain data, and the range CANNOT contain spaces. This will
generate an error message, in which case the cell range must be reselected.
3. With the selected range indicated in the Formatted Range field, Figure 5.58, click
the Add to List button, Figure 5.59. This adds the log entry update specifications
to the Preview Selected Updates list.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
3. Enter the range of cells for one or more of the four categories in their respective
fields. The operation of these fields is similar to the procedure for Importing a
Formatted Range of Cells from a Spreadsheet. The only difference is that each
range must be selected individually. Click the button to minimize the dialog, and
then select the full range of cells.
Other rules are:
• Use Current Time Stamp option may also be used.
• All range input fields must have values in them.
• Blank cells at the END of a range selection are removed.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.9 Using the Inform IT History Values Dialo
• Blank cells WITHIN a range selection will give an error message, then al-
lowing the user to correct the selection.
• Select only ONE cell from the range input field, which will return a confir-
mation message asking the user if he chooses to use the value contained
within the single cell with the rest of the data he has selected. However, at
least one range must contain more than one cell address.
• The number of cells in each of the range selections MUST be the same as
the other range selections UNLESS only one cell was selected for one of
the range input fields, in which case the previous message will be displayed.
• Selection of more than 1 column and row at one time will give an error
message, the range selection be corrected.
• When entries are added to the Preview Selected Updates list, all date values
are formatted according to options from date/time values.
• The timestamp value must be converted to UTC time in seconds since Jan
1, 1970 (unix compatible). The microseconds value will always be set to 0.
4. To make a permanent record of this update operation, refer to Recording Output
Results on page 188.
188 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
on page 238. The Insert check box is used to insert a new row or rows of data in
the spreadsheet without overwriting any existing data. When Insert is selected,
existing rows are moved down as required to make room for the new data. If this
check box is not selected, any existing cells may be overwritten by new data.
4. Click OK when finished. This inserts the log entry updates in the spreadsheet,
Figure 5.62.
Refer to the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
3BUF001094-600 B 189
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
The Message Log dialog is used to retrieve data from message logs configured through
the Information Management History Server function.
When this dialog is used, the F9 function can not be used to re-calculate the
workbook and retrieve new data. DataDirect does not provide an equivalent
function for this dialog at this time.
Follow these basic steps to access history values with this dialog:
1. Select the starting cell in the spreadsheet which will be the starting point for in-
serting data.
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the Inform IT History Values dialog.
Either click the Message Log button in the tool bar, or choose
DataDirect Inform IT > Message Log from the menu bar, Figure 5.64.
If the menu option and/or tool bar icon for this dialog are not visible, use the
View tab on the Options dialog to make them visible. Refer to View on page
190 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
– The AUDIT_MESSAGE log for History event messages stored in the Audit
Trail message log.
Refer to OPC/Audit Trail on page 191.
• Use the Alarm and Event tab for the DCS_MESSAGE log for the Advant OCS
with MOD 300 software or Master software. MOD 300 message logs store CCF
and TCL messages, as well as operator diagnostic messages. Master message
logs store event messages. Refer to Alarm and Event on page 198.
Other optional procedures are:
• Changing the Start Cell on page 61.
• Specifying One-time Data Access or Reusable Formulas on page 61.
• Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61.
• Formatting on page 67.
3BUF001094-600 B 191
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
Follow these guidelines to retrieve alarm/event message using this tab. Refer to the
referenced sections for details.
1. Use the Output option buttons to specify whether to execute a one-time data
query, or insert a reusable formula.
When Data Only is selected, choose whether or not to generate the SQL query.
Refer to Generate SQL on page 196. When Formula is selected, change the default
name for the saved query if needed. Refer to Saving a Query on page 196.
2. Select a log name from the pull-down list. This list contains every OPC message
log configured in the system.
3. The start and end times are optional. Refer to Date and Time on page 62 for de-
4. Select which OPC attributes and/or Vendor Attributes to be retrieved from their
respective lists.
The OPC attributes are described in Table 5.3. Rather than use the list, the OPC
attribute query function may be used. Refer to OPC Attribute Query on page 195.
192 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
OPC Attributes
Use this list to select one or more OPC attributes whose values are to be retrieved.
These attributes are described in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3: OPC/Audit Trail Message Log Attributes
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
The Filter Here check box for each list is used to apply a filter to the other lists. Filters
are applied from left to right by default. For example, if Filter Here for Vendors is
checked, the Categories list will show categories only for the selected vendors.
To reverse the filter order, use the Filter Order pull-down list. For example, when
Filter Here is checked for both Vendors and Categories, it is possible to specify
whether selected vendors will filter the categories list, or whether selected categories
will filter the vendors list.
The Select All buttons for each list is used to select all items in a list. The Reset
button restores the defaults.
Click OK when done.
3BUF001094-600 B 195
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
Generate SQL
Selecting this option is used to show the SQL statement used to run the query. The
SQL statement is inserted into the cell immediately following the query results. The
Data Only option must be selected to get the Generate SQL option.
Saving a Query
When the Formula option is used, the resulting SQL query is saved and may be used
either in the SQL Query dialog (Using the Production Data Log Dialog on page 216),
or the ABBSQL function (ABBSql on page 276).
196 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
The query name defaults to MsgLog1. The next query will be MsgLog2, and so on.
Rename the queries as required. The saved queries will be available through the Open
Query function on the SQL Query dialog, Figure 5.69.
3BUF001094-600 B 197
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
Log Name
This pull down list contains all message logs configured in the system.
Search Text
This field is used to search for a value within the actual message. This field is optional.
The wildcard characters * or % can be used. Since it is highly unlikely that an exact
198 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
message entry can be entered, DataDirect adds the wildcard to the beginning and end
of every value entered when generating the query.
Message Type
This pick list is used to specify the types of alarm/events to retrieve. This field is en-
abled only when the Filter option in the Options/Messages dialog is set to
MOD 300 or Other.
The default selection is ALL. Multiple message types can be specified by checking
on the associated checkboxes. If ALL is selected, all other types are automatically
Database Fields
The database fields in the middle section of the dialog are used to specify message
attribute values as additional search criteria. The wildcard characters % or * can be
used. Enter either a new value, or select one from the corresponding list.
These lists are automatically populated with the contents of a file specified in the File
Setup tab of the Options dialog. Refer to File Setup on page 254. The Browse and
Auto-Create functions can be used to change the contents of a list.
The Tag name list is always enabled. The Batch, Unit, and Sequence Name lists are
enabled only when the Filter option in the Messages tab of the Options dialog is set
to MOD 300 or Other.
The Property Text, Event Text, Sections, Networks and Nodes lists are enabled only
when the Filter option in the Messages tab of the Options dialog is set to Master or
Other and the message log table that has been selected contains the applicable column.
The Property Text and Event Text fields are disabled when the version of History
software is earlier than History Services 2.4.
For Section, Network, and Node entries, if multiple entries are required, separate each
entry with a comma, for example: 2,6,7.
The Browse button is used to temporarily select a new file to change the list contents.
The button is activated for the list that currently has focus. Clicking Browse launches
the standard Windows dialog for directory navigation and file selection. Selecting a
new file does not change the file specification in the File Setup tab. The list contents
3BUF001094-600 B 199
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
will revert back to the file specified in the File Setup tab the next time the Message
Log dialog is used.
The Auto Create function is used to alter the contents of the database field in the
Message Log dialog that currently has focus. This is done by creating a new text file.
The text file is created by a query built and run through the Auto Create dialog, Figure
5.71. To open this dialog click Auto Create.
The Log Name and Database Field settings specify the log and database field for
which the file will be created. Log Name defaults to the log name specified in the
Message Log dialog, and Database Field defaults to the field that currently has focus
in the Message Log dialog. Change these settings if necessary.
The Filter edit box is used to limit the number of entries in the file by returning only
those database items that satisfy the filter. For example, if the Database Field is
Tag_Name, and the filter is TC* or TC%, the file will only be populated with tag
names that have the TC prefix.
The query result is written to a text file with a default name and location as indicated
in the Output File edit box. Change the file name and/or location as required. Auto
Create returns one instance of each unique entry in the specified Database field. For
instance, if the Database field is Tag_Name, and there are multiple instances of the
tag TC101, only one entry for that tag is returned.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.10 Retrieving Message Logs
The Browse button launches the standard Windows dialog for directory navigation
and file selection. The Edit button is used to open the specified file in a text editor
such as notepad.
Generate SQL
Selecting this option is used to show the SQL statement used to run the query. The
SQL statement is inserted into the cell immediately following the query results.
Output Selection
The Output Selection combobox contains a list of all the fields available for output
from the message log table. An SQL query automatically populates this combobox
with the column names from the selected table.
Sort Order
The Sort Order field indicates the sorting sequence for each selected output field. The
choices are: Ascending, Descending, Unordered.
Output Fields
The Output Fields listbox dictates the message log fields that will be output to the
worksheet as well as the sequence and sort order of the selected fields. Automatically
display Localtime and Message.
Add concatenates the current values from the Output Selection and Sort Order fields
and place the combined value into the Output Fields listbox. Remove deletes the se-
lected row(s) from the Output Fields listbox. If only one row is selected, it is removed
when this button is pressed. If more than one row is selected, then confirm the remove
Change Order cycles through the different sort order options (Ascending, Descending,
Unordered) for the selected items. The Up/Down arrow buttons move the selected
3BUF001094-600 B 201
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
row in the Output Fields listbox up or down one row. Only one row can be selected
and moved at a time.
Refer to the section below for instructions on using the appropriate dialog:
• Functions on page 203.
• Using the Production Data Log Dialog on page 216.
202 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
• SQL Query - creates an SQL query that may be copied and pasted into an SQL-
based application such as Crystal Reports. It also places the query in an ABBSQL
function call on the spreadsheet.
• Data Only - executes a one-time (ad-hoc) request for data.
Follow these basic steps to retrieve production data with this dialog:
1. Select the cell in the spreadsheet which will be the starting point for inserting
2. Use the menu or tool bar to open the Batch data dialog, Figure 5.74.
Either click the Batch Data button, or choose DataDirect InformIT> Batch
Data from the menu bar.
The Function list, Figure 5.73, contains the names of the functions that retrieve data
from pre-configured views which are described in Table 5.4.
These names are configurable through the PDL/Batch tab on the Options dialog
(Refer to Options for the Batch Data Dialog on page 248). Selecting a function creates
the DataDirect function or SQL query as a starting point for the data retrieval appli-
cation. This function (or SQL query) is further specified as the other fields in this
dialog are used.
When either DataDirect Formula or SQL Query is selected as the Output Type, then
click the Edit button to view and edit the function. Refer to Editing the Function or
SQL Query on page 214.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
1. Use the Batch Data dialog, Figure 5.75, to specify the following:
a. The function that will retrieve data from the view that contains the batch
information required. This creates a basic query to access the view.
b. Data retrieval parameters such as the batch ID, and which batch attributes
(columns in the view) to include. Filters can also be specified for one or
more selected columns, and the sorting order of the selected columns can
be adjusted.
c. Select output type for the data request. The options are: DataDirect formula,
SQL query, or one-time data request. As an option, specify the following:
Changing the Start Cell on page 61
Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61
Maximum Rows on page 214
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Batch ID
This list contains the ID of the batches which have been executed during the time
span specified through the Time Span Start Time and End Time controls, and whose
data is stored in a PDL.
The default span is specified through the Search Time Span field on the PDL/Batch
tab of the Options dialog (refer to Search Time Span on page 248). Adjust the time
span as required, Figure 5.76. This control operates like a standard Microsoft date/time
picker. After adjusting the time span, click Get Batch IDs to update the list.
Once the time span is correct, use the pull-down list to select the batch whose data is
to be retrieved, Figure 5.77, or enter the batch ID directly.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
• PDL Browser - Launch the PDL dialog by clicking the PDL Browser button.
This dialog is used to drill up and down in the task hierarchy to find the batch
whose data is to be retrieved. The PDL dialog may be used to simply find the
applicable batch ID for entry in this dialog, or for continuing with a data query
in the PDL dialog. To select a batch from the PDL Browser for use in the Batch
Data dialog, navigate to a batch, then click Select Batch. For further information
regarding the PDL dialog, refer to Using the Production Data Log Dialog on
page 216.
Selecting Columns
The data retrieval function (or SQL query) is further specified by selecting columns,
filters, and sorting options for the selected view in the lower part of the dialog. The
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Columns list contains a list of all columns for the selected view, Figure 5.79. Select
one or more columns to specify the batch information to retrieve. The single right
arrow button (>) puts the selected columns in the selected columns list (right pane).
The double right arrow button (>>) puts all columns in the selected columns list. Use
the left arrow buttons to remove selected columns from this list.
For detailed descriptions of the various columns refer to the tables in PDL Tables
and Views on page 679.
When finished selecting columns, a filter may be specified for one or more selected
columns, and the sorting order may be adjusted.
By default, no filter will be applied to any column (indicated by None). To specify
a filter for an item in the selected column list, double-click on the Filter column for
the item. This displays a Filter dialog that is used to specify values or patterns by
which to compare column values. Values that do not satisfy the filter will be excluded
from the query. After a filter is applied it can be reset to None by clicking the Clear
Filter button on the filter dialog.
There are three filter dialog versions, depending on the selected column’s data type:
• Text - This dialog provides two ways to apply a textual filter.
The List tab on the Text Filter dialog lists of all possible values for the selected column
and selected batch ID, Figure 5.80. If the batch ID is by reference, then all possible
matches for that column will be listed. Simply select one or more values from the list
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
then click Ok. Values that do not match the selected value will be filtered out. Check
the NOT box to negate the filter. This filters out values that do match the selected
The Pattern tab is used to specify a textual pattern by which to compare column
values, Figure 5.81. Use the pull-down list to specify whether the value must be
an exact match (EQUALS), or simply contain the specified text string (LIKE).
Then specify the pattern. The % character may be used as a wildcard to substitute
for any character string when using the LIKE operator. For example, assuming
LIKE is selected, the pattern - %001 will cause the query to retrieve information
for batches whose Batch IDs end with the text string 001. Click the NOT check
box to apply a NOT operator and filter out values that match the pattern.
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Extend the filter with AND or OR clauses by clicking the Add Filter button.
This is illustrated in Figure 5.82. By clicking Add Filter, another line is added
to the filter. Select whether to add the line as an AND clause, or an OR clause,
then specify the pattern as described above.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Text filters are case sensitive by default. Make them not case sensitive by
unchecking the Search Criteria is Case Sensitive check box on the PDL/Batch
tab of the Options dialog. Refer to Search Criteria is Case Sensitive on page 248.
One exception is when filtering on LogicalName for the Batch_Trend view. This
filter is case sensitive and requires the Search Criteria is Case Sensitive check box
to be checked.
• Number Filtering - Choose a comparative operator from the pull-down list, then
adjust the minimum and maximum numbers as required, Figure 5.83.
• Date - For this dialog, choose a comparative operator from the pull-down list,
then adjust the start and end dates and times as required, Figure 5.84.
The order in which the columns are listed here determines the order in which the
columns will be displayed on the spreadsheet, and the order in which they will be
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
added to the ORDER BY clause of the query. They may be dragged (one at a time)
up and down the list to change this order.
To sort the returned values in ascending or descending order, click the Sort Order
column for an item. This will display a pick list with the following choices: None,
Ascending, and Descending, Figure 5.85. When the query is executed, the columns
that have either Ascending or Descending specified will be added to the ORDER
BY clause according to the order in which they are listed. Items specified as none
will not be used in the ORDER BY clause.
Output Type
The option buttons on the top right part of the dialog are used to specify whether to
enter a reusable formula which will be executed each time the spreadsheet is updated,
create an SQL query, or execute a one-time data request Figure 5.86.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Maximum Rows
When this box is checked, the maximum number of rows on the spreadsheet can be
specified for which data will be returned. When this box is not checked (default
condition), the number of rows for which data is available will be returned.
If there are fewer values available than there are rows specified, the excess rows
are left blank.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
SQL Queries
The SQL queries will be used in a call to ABBSQL. This query may then be used in
other applications. The following are the equivalent SQL query for the functions de-
scribed above:
ABBSQL("SELECT CampaignID, RecipeName, StartTime, EndTime FROM
BatchHeaderInfo WHERE BatchID='BATCH_001' ORDER BY StartTime ASC)
DataDirect Functions
The DataDirect-specific functions will all follow this generic form:
ABBGetSomeView(ByVal BatchID as String, _
Optional ByVal ColumnsToShow as String = "", _
Optional ByVal Filter as String = "", _
Optional ByVal SortOrder As String = "") As Variant
The BatchID parameter (either a cell reference or an actual BatchID name) must always
be included. All other parameters are optional.
The ColumnsToShow parameter is equivalent to a SELECT statement. This optional
string consists of a comma-separated list of columns from the view. If this parameter
is blank, all columns will be selected.
The Filter parameter is equivalent to a WHERE clause. If this parameter is not passed,
no filtering will be done (except on the mandatory BatchID).
The SortOrder parameter is equivalent to a ORDER BY clause. If this parameter is
not passed, there will be no sorting performed.
ABBGetBatchHeader("BATCH_001", "CampaignID, RecipeName, StartTime,
EndTime", "", "StartTime ASC")
ABBGetBatchHeader("BATCH_001", ColumnsToShow := "CampaignID,
RecipeName, StartTime, EndTime", SortOrder := "StartTime ASC")
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
data providers. Next, enter the Batch_Views function manually, and modify the query
to specify the new ADO data provider, Figure 5.88.
When this dialog is used, the F9 function can not be used to re-calculate the
workbook and retrieve new data. DataDirect does not provide an equivalent
function for this dialog at this time.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Use the controls in this section to drill up or down in the hierarchy for a selected task.
Next, insert the selected task data into the spreadsheet through the Output Results
button. Data for the selected task are also displayed in the Associated Data Listing
below the Search Results.
Search Criteria
Use this part of the PDL dialog to specify the Task Type, Task Value, and Time Span
for the search. Click Search when finished, Figure 5.91.
Task Type
This specifies the level of the PDL hierarchy to be searched. The choices in the Task
Type list are based on the Type of PDL selected in the Messages tab of the Options
When the Task Type specification is changed, any previous results in the PDL dialog
are cleared.
For this release of the software, Batch 300 and TCL-specific criteria are automat-
ically applied to the search to prevent the retrieval of Batch records which do not
belong to the selected PDL type. If Batch 300 is the current PDL type, then TCL
Batch records will not be retrieved when a search for Batch records is executed.
If TCL is the current PDL type, then Batch 300 batch records will not be retrieved
during a Batch search.
Task Value
This specifies the name of the task to query. If a name is not specified, all tasks are
returned. Enter the complete name, or just a partial name. The wildcard character%
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
can be used to search for a particular pattern or format. Leading and trailing blanks
are removed before the search is executed.
The Search Criteria is Case Sensitive option in the Messages tab of the Options dialog
determines whether or not to convert the task name to uppercase characters. This is
a convenience option for those systems in which all names are stored as uppercase.
Time Span
The Time Span fields is used to specify a time range for the query. These fields can
be enabled or disabled through their respective check boxes.
To restrict the query to a time range, check both boxes, and enter both the Start and
End date/times.
To make a query for all tasks starting before a specific date/time, check just the End
check box, and enter the End date/time.
To make a query for all tasks starting after a specific date/time, check just the Start
check box, and enter the Start date/time.
By default, the End date/time are set to the current date and time when the PDL
dialog is opened. The Start date/time are set based on the Search Time Span option
on the Messages tab in the Options dialog (Start date/time = End date/time minus
Search Time Span).
The method of operation for the date and time fields is the same as for the History
dialog. For further information refer to Time Span for Retrieval in Retrieving History
Data on page 167.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Search Results
This part displays a listing of tasks that meet the search criteria, Figure 5.93. The
search results include: Task Name, Start Time and End Time. The rows are sorted
by Start Time. The header for the first displayed column changes according to the
Task Type that was searched.
The Drill buttons are used to move up and down the PDL hierarchy for a selected
task in order to view the data at all levels of the hierarchy for a task. Refer to Drilling
on page 221 for details.
To enter the PDL data into the Excel worksheet, click the Output Results button.
Refer to Output Results on page 223 for details.
If the search is performed for a level lower than the topmost (job or campaign) level
of the PDL hierarchy, the results will also include the task names at each level of the
hierarchy, up to the topmost level, for each row in the listing. For the example, the
results shown in Figure 5.93 are for a search done at the Unit level in a Batch 300
application. Each unit’s Batch and Job names are retrieved in addition to the unit
level data.
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The first row in the Search Results listing is automatically selected (highlighted), and
the associated data for the selected item are available for viewing in the Associated
Data Listing section of the dialog. When a different row is selected, the contents of
the Associated Data Listing changes accordingly.
Column width and the sort order of the rows are fixed. Some column values may be
truncated in the display due to the fixed widths of the columns; however, when the
values are output to the worksheet, the complete value will be output. Horizontal and
vertical scroll bars are provided when the number of rows or columns exceeds the
limits of the Search Results window.
The main search result count is displayed above the result listing. The associated data
search count is displayed below the listing. If a query does not return any results, a
row with the text No Data is displayed underneath the header row. Additionally, the
search count displays No rows returned.
The Drill buttons, Figure 5.94, are used to move up and down the PDL hierarchy for
a selected task in order to view the data at all levels of the task hierarchy.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Drilling down displays data for the selected task at the next level down in the hierarchy.
Drilling up displays data for the selected task at the next level up in the hierarchy.
For example, clicking the drill down button for unit R-101 in Figure 5.94, displays
the phase-level search results for R-101, Figure 5.95.
The Task Type value indicates the next level defined in the hierarchy. The Task
Value is reset to a blank value, and the time values retain their previous values.
Throughout the drilling process, the task record that was selected before the drill
function was performed will be highlighted when the opposite drill function is later
performed. For example, if an initial search is performed for a particular batch, the
drill down function will display data at the unit level for the selected batch. If drill
down is executed again, data at the phase level for the selected unit will be displayed.
When Drill Up is selected, data at the unit level will be displayed. The unit that was
originally selected for the drill down function will be highlighted when drilling back
from the phase level to the unit level.
The drill buttons are automatically enabled and disabled as follows:
• If the Search Results listing indicates ‘No Data’, the Drill Down and Drill Up
buttons are disabled.
• If the current Task Type value is at the bottom of the hierarchy for a PDL type,
the Drill Down button is disabled.
• If the current Task Type value is at the top of the hierarchy for a PDL type, the
Drill Up button is disabled.
• After each new search is completed, the Drill Up button is disabled. Only drill
Down is allowed after a new search is performed.
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Output Results
The PDL Output dialog, Figure 5.96, is used to enter PDL data into the Excel work-
sheet. To display this form, click Output Results in the Search Results section of
the PDL dialog.
Use the Output Items and Output Choices sections to specify which data to output.
The Output Formatting Options section is used to format the output results.
Output Items
The Output Items grouping is used to specify whether to output the results for all
tasks currently in the Search Results list, or limit the output to just the task that is
currently selected in the list. The default is to use just the selected task.
Output Choices
The output choices lists the data categories that can be output for the selected item(s),
Figure 5.97. The choices correspond with the data tabs provided on the PDL dialog
in the Associated Data Listing and are described in Table 5.5.
To select a data category for output to the Excel spreadsheet, select the category in
the Output Choices list and then click the > button. This moves the selected item to
the Chosen Outputs list. To select all categories at once, click >>.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
To un-select a currently selected data category, select the entry from the Chosen
Outputs list and then click <. This moves the selected item back to the Output
Choices list. To un-select all items, click <<.
The order in which the data will be output is dictated by the sequence in the Chosen
Outputs list. To change the sequence, select an entry from the Chosen Outputs list
and then click the up or down arrow as required to move the item up or down
If no entry is placed in the Chosen Outputs list and either Apply or OK are clicked,
the output will consist of the data as it appears in the Search Results listing on the
PDL dialog.
Table 5.5: Output Choices
224 3BUF001094-600 B
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
This tab displays: variable name, value, time, occurrence number, result value and
result time. Rows are sorted by Time, Variable Name, then Occurrence, Figure 5.99.
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This tab displays: Resource Type, Name, Value, Time and Occurrence. The rows are
sorted by Type, then by Name, then by Occurrence, Figure 5.100.
This tab displays the following message data for the selected task: Message Type,
Message and Local Time. The rows are sorted by Local Time, Figure 5.101.
When the PDL type is specified as Produce IT Batch or 800xA Batch Management,
the time is displayed in UTC time rather than local time.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Some PDL tasks may not have start or end time values. Running queries without time
boundaries could result in a huge number of returned records. When one of the times
is not available, DataDirect tries to get a start or end time from the parent record of
a task. If both the start and end times are still not available after this attempt, then a
restriction is put on the query to limit the Maximum Rows to be Returned. This is
specified through the PDL tab on the Options dialog.
This tab displays Log Name, Start Time, End Time, Phase and Occurrence. The rows
are sorted by Log Name then by Start Time, Figure 5.102.
The History association tables track the start and end times for which history values
were collected for a particular object. The PDL tables do NOT store the actual history
values, just the initial and final times of the collection period.
History Log associations can be retrieved at two levels — owner and individual task
level. Each history association record has a taskid for the level at which the history
228 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
log was started. Because the history log may span multiple tasks within a level of the
hierarchy, each history association record also has an “owner” task.
For example, consider a Batch application where history collection began during
Batch 123. Batch 123 had four Phases through which the history collection spanned.
Batch 123 is the owner for each of the four phases. When a search is executed for
Batch 123, a record is displayed in the History listing. Additionally, when a search
is done for each of the four phases, a record is also displayed for each of the phases,
even though the history collection spanned across all four. The Phase value will be
displayed if the owner task is the currently displayed item.
Clicking the Trend Display button launches the Trend Display view of the selected
Clicking View displays the PDL History Data dialog, Figure 5.103. This dialog pro-
vides a listing of history timestamps, values and data quality values for the selected
log. The log name, start and end times are taken from the selected row in the History
listing. The Log Calculation Algorithm is set to “ANY” and the number of values to
be returned is set to 500.
The contents and formatting options for the display are taken from the Data Format
tab in the Options dialog.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.11 Retrieving Production Data
Clicking Copy to Clipboard copies the entire contents of the listing into the comput-
er’s clipboard. Each line is separated by a carriage control character. Each column
value is separated with a tab within the line.
Next-Level Listing
Usually, the last tab in the Associated Data listings contains data from the history.task
table for the next level down in the hierarchy. The actual name of the tab is based on
the level in the hierarchy for the data. For example, if the current Task Type is a Unit
in a Batch 300 system, then the tab name will be Phase List. The header for the first
column of data changes to reflect the ‘child’ level name.
If the current Task Type is the last level in the hierarchy, this tab will not be displayed.
The following data are displayed: Task Name, Start Time and End Time. The rows
are sorted by Start Time, Figure 5.104.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.12 Retrieving Data by SQL Query
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.12 Retrieving Data by SQL Query
server, install the Open Data Access (ODA) option on the data server, and configure
an ADO data provider to support ODA.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.12 Retrieving Data by SQL Query
As an option, choose to save the query, or open an existing query that has already
been saved. This is described in Saving and Re-using SQL Queries on page 233.
To be prompted to save a new query before running the query or when closing
the dialog, check the Confirm Save check box.
8. Click OK or Apply to send the query.
The data orientation and formatting options described in Data Format on page 239
DO NOT apply to SQL queries. An example query result is shown in Figure 5.107.
For complex queries, the Timeout interval may need to be increased. Click the
Options button to display the Options dialog. For details refer to Timeout in Setup
on page 249.
Save Icon
This displays the Save dialog, Figure 5.109. Enter a name for the query, then click
3BUF001094-600 B 233
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.12 Retrieving Data by SQL Query
Open Icon
This dialog, Figure 5.111, is used to select an existing query to re-use in the SQL
Query dialog. A selected query may also be deleted, and toggled between the detailed
and list views. To open an existing query, select the query, then click OK.
This enables the Use Named Query check box on the SQL Query dialog. Check this
box to use the query by name rather than the actual query. By using the named query,
any modifications will be implemented whenever a spreadsheet is used with the named
query. By using the actual query (Use Named Query not checked), the changes will
need to be made in all spreadsheets that use the query.
To delete an existing query, select the query then click the Delete icon, Figure 5.111.
Use the List and Detail icons to list queries by name only, or show the full detailed
view. The detailed view indicates the query name, the user that saved the query, the
234 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.13 Retrieving Values for TCL Unit Arrays
date and time when the query was last saved, and the full query text. Figure 5.111
shows the detailed view.
Click here to
delete the selected
3BUF001094-600 B 235
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.13 Retrieving Values for TCL Unit Arrays
236 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.14 Using the Information Management Browse
3. Select the TCL object type from the pick list. The selected TCL Object Type
filters the contents of the TCL Object pick list. It also determines the contents
of the TCL Attribute and Data Type fields. These fields are read-only.
Refer to the Object Types Reference Manual for details regarding TCL Unit Array
object types, and their respective attributes.
4. Select the TCL Object from the pick list. This is the name of the TCL Unit Array
variable as defined in the TCL Load statement. Refer to the TCL User’s Guide
for details regarding the Load statement.
5. Click OK or Apply to send the query.
Other optional procedures are:
• Changing the Start Cell on page 61.
• Inserting or Overwriting Rows on page 61.
• Formatting on page 67.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
3BUF001094-600 B 241
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Horizontal Orientation
Vertical Orientation
242 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
5.15.2 View
The View tab, Figure 5.120, is used to select which add-in tools to show or hide on
the DataDirect tool bar and menu bar. Add-in tools are grouped under two categories:
• Inform IT for use with earlier platforms, and when using DataDirect on a remote
computer client.
• Batch Management/PDL- for retrieving production data.
Each add-in tool has a separate check box for showing/hiding the add-in tool in the
DataDirect menu and/or the corresponding tool bar. Restore the default settings at
any time by clicking Restore Defaults. Figure 5.120 shows the default settings when
DataDirect is initially installed on an 800xA System node.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
5.15.3 PDL/Batch
This tab, Figure 5.121, is used to specify:
• Type of PDL (800xA Batch Management, Batch 300, TCL, Profile Historian).
• Search Time Span.
• Whether or not to Search Criteria is Case Sensitive.
• Whether to Use Active Database or Use Restored Archive.
• Options for the Batch Data Dialog.
• Maximum Rows to be Returned.
• Language for Message Type.
244 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Type of PDL
Use this pick list to specify the PDL application: 800xA Batch Management (default),
Batch 300, Taylor Control Language (TCL), Produce IT Batch, or Profile Historian.
This determines types of tasks available in the Task Type list in the PDL dialog
3BUF001094-600 B 245
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
(Configuring Options on page 238). Task types for the various PDL applications are
indicated in Table 5.7.
Table 5.7: Resulting Task Type Options Based on Type of PDL Selected
The Produce IT Batch option is only applicable for Produce IT Batch versions 1.1
and 1.2/0. When using Produce IT batch version 1.2/1 or later, or 800xA Batch
Management select the 800xA Batch Management PDL Type.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
This button displays the Customize PDL Hierarchy dialog, Figure 5.123. Each level
has a default name. These names can be changed. To choose which levels to include
in the Task Type list in the PDL dialog, check the corresponding checkbox. Any
level whose checkbox is checked is included in the list.
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
When an editable field is clicked on this dialog, the background turns grey, and the
field becomes an edit box as shown in Figure 5.124.
The Search Criteria is Case Sensitive check box is used to specify whether or not
to make the text strings in the text filter dialogs case sensitive. The default is to make
the text strings not case sensitive. The text strings will be case sensitive when this
box is checked.
5.15.4 Setup
This tab, Figure 5.125, is used to configure the following communications settings:
• Data Provider Connections.
3BUF001094-600 B 249
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
250 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Type Description
DCS Real-time data from Enterprise Historian-based process tags.
DBA Oracle-based data from historical message logs and Production Data Logs (PDLs).
LOG/HDA Historical process data:
• AIPHDA (Default) - for access through the 800xA OPC HDA server. This
supports seamless access to both trend logs and history logs. This also supports
access to log attributes.
• IMHDA - alternative OPC HDA server, not typically used. Refer to Appendix C.
• LOG - Historical data from Enterprise Historian-based logs.
AOS Supports the optional web-based Report Scheduling for earlier platforms.
OPC OPC real-time data access through specified OPC server. The default is AIPOPC.
This connects to the 800xA OPC DA server which provides access to all real-time
(process and softpoint) objects in the Aspect System.
3BUF001094-600 B 251
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Data from a DCS data provider will be unavailable and its type set to UNK (un-
known) if DCS data provider connects to server after remote OPC data provider
has been connected. Do the following:
• Use different channel number for DCS data provider than one used by OPC
data provider. (This also requires changes in displays to reference new channel
number or new DCS data provider name).
• Make sure that DCS data provider connects to server before OPC data provider
252 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Port Number
This is the current communications port on the computer from which data are being
retrieved. Use the default port (19014) unless there is a conflict between DataDirect
and some other application that requires that port number.
This is the maximum time that DataDirect will wait for the selected object to respond
to the query before timing out. Increase the timeout interval if the application uses
complex SQL queries.
2. The default path for %ABB_ROOT% is: C:\Program Files\Abb Industrial IT\
3BUF001094-600 B 253
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
Disable Functions
When this check box is selected, all DataDirect functions in the Excel spreadsheet
are disabled. Functions must be disabled when inserting functions as described in
Configuring Options on page 238. The functions must be enabled to execute a specific
function, or calculate the entire workbook.
Any time functions are disabled and then re-enabled, then all functions in the
spreadsheet must be executed individually before the F9 key can be used to calcu-
late the entire workbook.
This tab is NOT applicable for Industrial IT tools. Use the File Setup tab to manage
text files for object and attribute pick lists in the ad-hoc data retrieval/entry dialogs,
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5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
as well as the data provider pick lists on the Setup tab in the Options dialog. The op-
erations supported by this tab are:
• Changing the Text File Specification for a Pick List.
• Editing a Text File.
• Setting Object Name and Alias Options.
• Auto-Creating a Text File.
3BUF001094-600 B 255
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
2. Use the Log Name and Database Field settings in this dialog to specify the
message log and message log attribute for which the file will be created.
Auto Create returns one instance of each unique entry in the specified Database
field. For instance, if the Database field is Tag_Name, and there are multiple in-
stances of the tag TC101, only one entry for that tag is returned.
3. Use the Filter edit box to limit the number of entries in the file by returning only
those database items that satisfy the filter. For example, if the Database Field is
Tag_Name, and the filter is TC* (or TC%), the file will only be populated with
tag names that have the TC prefix.
256 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.15 Configuring Options
The query result is written to a text file with a default name and location as indicated
in the Output File edit box. Change the file name and/or location as required. The
Browse button launches the standard Windows dialog for directory navigation and
file selection. The Edit button is used to open the specified file in the notepad text
5.15.6 Messages
This tab is used to configure message viewing options, Figure 5.129.
• Filter - when using the Alarm and Event tab on Inform IT Message Log dialog,
this specifies whether to query MOD 300 or Master message logs. Other spec-
ifies both MOD 300 and Master.
• Query Time Span - specifies the default time span for message queries. This
time span can be changed when the message query is actually generated as de-
scribed in Retrieving Message Logs on page 189.
• Batch Messages - specifies the batch application being used:
– ProduceIT 1.1 PDL Messages - Produce IT Batch v1.1 - 1.2.
– Batch Management Messages Log - 800xA System batches.
3BUF001094-600 B 257
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.16 Configuring Pick Lists for Advant OCS O
258 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.17 Populating Pick Lists
3. The default path for %ABB_ROOT% is: C:\Program Files\Abb Industrial IT\
3BUF001094-600 B 259
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.17 Populating Pick Lists
260 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.17 Populating Pick Lists
Example MOD 300 Object Text File Example Master Object Text File
When a specific object type is associated with an object, the object will only be in-
cluded in the Object pick list when the corresponding object type is selected. If an
object type is not associated with an object, the object will always be included in the
Object pick list, no matter which object type is chosen.
DO NOT enter a comma (,) after the object name unless an object type is also
being specified.
• Naming History Objects - For History Object text files, use the full log name
as specified in the History database. Include commas (,) if there are any. Refer
to Property Log Naming Conventions on page 32 for details regarding log name
• Data Providers - Enter the data provider name followed by the data provider
type, separated by a comma. Each instance of a data provider type requires a
3BUF001094-600 B 261
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.17 Populating Pick Lists
separate line. For example in Figure 5.132, there are two DCS (real-time data)
data providers. One is named DCS (the default). The second is named DCS2.
Aliases are alternate names for objects. Aliases can replace, or be used in combination
with object names where ever object names are used. This includes all object pick
lists in DataDirect dialogs, and in Excel spreadsheets where query results are displayed.
An example is shown in Figure 5.133.
Aliases are optional, and apply only to Object and History object text files. If the
object text file is created with aliases, then use the Options File Setup tab to specify
whether to show just aliases, just object names, or both aliases and object names.
262 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.17 Populating Pick Lists
Object Names
To include aliases in the object text file, use the following format:
@Alias, ObjectName, ObjectType
To include aliases in the History object text file, use the following format:
@Alias, ObjectName,Attribute
The alias is the first value in each line, and must be prefixed with a @ symbol. An
example is shown in Figure 5.134.
3BUF001094-600 B 263
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.18 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
• The @ symbol MUST be the first character on the line. Leading spaces are
not allowed.
• Spaces are allowed in alias names, for instance Flow 1.
264 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.18 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.18.1 ABBGetObj
The ABBGetObj function retrieves the specified attribute value for the specified object.
The Inform IT Process Values dialog may also be used in the Formula mode to insert
this function (Using the Inform IT Process Values Dialog on page 142). The syntax
for ABBGetObj is:
=ABBGetObj(Object Type, ObjectName [,Attribute] [,data provider])
Object Type when getting data from an OPC server, enter OPC for object type.
For MOD 300 or Master OCS applications, this is the table name
where objects having a specific set of object attributes reside. For
example, CCF_PID_LOOP for systems with MOD 300 software, or
PIDCON for systems with Master software.
ObjectName is the tag name for the object. Use the object browsing tools in the
Process Values dialog to find object names for the specified object
type. Refer to Selecting OPC Tags on page 145.
[Attribute] is the name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved. The attribute
specification is NOT required for queries on OPC objects. The Value
attribute is always returned.
[data specifies the name of the data provider through which this query will
provider] be routed. This parameter is optional. If a data provider is not specified,
the default data provider is used. To use a different data provider,
specify the -name argument that uniquely identifies the data provider.
For further details regarding data providers refer to Data Provider
Connections on page 251.
For OPC object values, the data provider must be referenced using the -name ar-
gument and not the channel number. The Use Channel Numbers option must NOT
be selected in the Setup tab of the Options dialog.
Enter all parameters as text strings with double quotes. Examples:
=ABBGetObj(“PIDCON”, “FIC101”, “VALUE”)
=ABBGetObj (“OPC”, “CalculationServer_ENG189ExecPerMin:Value”)
3BUF001094-600 B 265
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.18 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.18.2 ABBUpdateObj
The ABBUpdateObj function is used to update process values. This is the same
functionality provided by the Update Process Values dialog as described in Writing
Process Values on page 149.
User Authority
The proper user authority is required to update process values. This is controlled at
three levels - data server, DataDirect client, and user:
• At the DataDirect client level, the Allow Process Updates option must be checked
on the Setup tab of the Options dialog. Log in as an Administrator-level user to
change these settings. Refer to Enable/Disable Write Access to History and
Process Values on page 253.
• At the data server level, the applicable data provider must be configured to allow
write transactions. This is the default set-up. Verify this set-up when configuring
data providers.
• On the user level, individual users must be authorized to write to process objects.
This is configured in the user preference file. By default, users are NOT granted
this authority. Adjust this preference for a user when managing Information
Management users.
Data Provider Specification
This function does not recognize data providers by channel number, but rather by the
-name argument. Therefore the Use Channel Numbers option in the Options dialog
Setup tab must be DEACTIVATED (not selected). Refer to Setup on page 249.
The syntax is as follows:
=ABBUpdateObj (objtype, objname, value, [objatt], [,data provider])
ObjType when updating data on an OPC server, enter OPC for object type. For
MOD 300 or Master OCS applications, this is the table name where
objects having a specific set of object attributes reside. For example,
CCF_PID_LOOP for systems with MOD 300 software, or PIDCON
for systems with Master software.
266 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
ObjName is the tag name for the object. Use the object browsing tools in the
Process Values dialog to find object names for the specified object
type. Refer to Selecting OPC Tags on page 145.
Value is the new value to be applied to the specified attribute.
ObjAtt is the name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved. The attribute
specification is NOT required for queries on OPC objects. The Value
attribute is always returned.
[data specifies the data provider through which this update operation will
provider] be routed. This parameter is optional. If data provider is not specified,
the default data provider is used. To use a different data provider,
specify the -name argument that uniquely identifies the data provider.
For further details regarding data providers refer to Data Provider
Connections on page 251.
Enter all parameters as text strings with double-quotes.
=ABBUpdateObj("CCF_PID_LOOP", "FC3015", "SETPOINT", "8", "DCS")
=ABBUpdateObj(“PIDCON”, “FIC101”, “VALUE”, “19”, “DCS”)
=ABBGetObj (“OPC”, “CalculationServer_ENG189ExecPerMin:Value”, “100”,
3BUF001094-600 B 267
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.19.1 ABBGetHistory
The ABBGetHistory function retrieves a specified number of values for the specified
history log object. By default this function retrieves the columns of data selected on
the Data Format tab on the Options dialog. Refer to Data Format on page 239. The
default setting on this tab is to display Time Stamp, History Data Quality Indication,
and Value. Change the settings on the Data Format tab, or use the output parameter
in this function to change the output specification.
The syntax for ABBGetHistory is:
=ABBGetHistory(Logname, Interpolation, Start Time, End Time, MaxCount [,Format
Date] [,data provider][,output][,mSec])
Logname is the access name for the log whose data is to be retrieved. Use the
object browsing tools in the History Values dialog to find log names.
Refer to Accessing Property Logs through OPC HDA on page 170.
Interpolation is the type of calculation performed by the log. The available options
depend on the connected data provider for history access. For further
information refer to Log Calculation Algorithm on page 93.
Start/End these specify the time range for which data will be retrieved.
MaxCount specifies the number of values to return. This in combination with the
time span divides the time range into discrete intervals for which data
values are returned.
[Format is an optional parameter that is used to specify whether to use standard
Date] Excel formatting (n) or DataDirect formatting (y). Refer to Formatting
the Date on page 270.
268 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
[data specifies the data provider through which this operation will be routed.
provider] This is optional. If data provider is not specified, the default data
provider is used. To use a different data provider, specify the
-name argument that uniquely identifies the data provider. For further details regarding
data providers refer to Data Provider Connections on page 251.
[output] specifies the information to display as a result of the historical data
query. If this option is not specified, the information selected in the
Data Format tab of the Options dialog will be displayed (Data Format
on page 239). Use this option to specify that any combination of the
following columns be displayed:
header = 1
object name = 2
calculation = 4
time stamp = 8
attribute name = 16
data quality = 32
To use this option, enter the parameter as an integer which is equal
to the sum of the integer values for the columns being displayed. For
example, to specify the time stamp and object name, enter 10 (8 for
timestamp plus 2 for object name).
The history value is always displayed. Specify that only the history
value be displayed by entering 0.
[mSec] specifies whether or not to show the time stamp with millisecond
resolution (true = show milliseconds, false = do not show
Enter all parameters (except MaxCount, output, and displayMilliseconds) as text
strings with double quotes. For start time and end time, the date and time must be
separated by a space. MaxCount and output are specified as integer values.
=ABBGetHistory(“FC3051,MEASURE”, “max”, "11/3/00 14:30", “11/3/00 19:30”,
5, “n”,“IMHDA”)
3BUF001094-600 B 269
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
270 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.19.2 ABBEditLog
The ABBEditLog function is used to add a single entry to a lab data history log, or
modify an existing log entry. This is the same functionality provided by the
Add/Modify Values dialog as described in Adding/Modifying Entries for a Lab Data
Log on page 177. To add multiple entries in one function call, use ABBEditNLogs on
page 272.
User Authority
The proper user authority is required to add and/or modify logs. This is controlled at
three levels - data server, DataDirect client, and user:
• At the DataDirect client level, the Allow Process Updates option must be checked
on the Setup tab of the Options dialog. Log in as an Administrator-level user to
change these settings. Refer to Enable/Disable Write Access to History and
Process Values on page 253.
• At the data server level, the applicable data provider must be configured to allow
write transactions. This is the default set-up. Verify this set-up when configuring
data access for display and client services.
• On the user level, individual users must be authorized to write to log objects.
This is configured in the user preference file. By default, users are NOT granted
this authority. Adjust this preference for a user when managing Information
Management users.
Data Provider Specification
This function does not recognize data providers by channel number, but rather by the
-name argument. Therefore the Use Channel Numbers option in the Options dialog
Setup tab must be DEACTIVATED (not selected). Refer to Data Provider Connections
on page 251.
Enter all parameters as text strings with double-quotes. The syntax is as follows:
=ABBEditLog ("ADD" or "MODIFY”, ObjName, ObjValue, timeStamp, objectSta-
tus [,data provider])
3BUF001094-600 B 271
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
ObjName is the log name. Use the access name to add an entry. Always use the
full log name to modify. Use the object browsing tools in the History
Values dialog to find log names. Refer to Accessing Property Logs
through OPC HDA on page 170.
ObjValue is the new value for the log entry.
timeStamp is the time stamp for the entry. When modifying an existing entry the
time stamp must be accurate within one second. To get the precise
time stamp, retrieve the raw data for the log entry as described in
Reading/Writing History Data on page 164.
objectStatus is an option used to enter an integer value to associate with this log
entry. For example, ObjectStatus may be used to identify the user that
added/modified the entry. This value defaults to 0 (zero). It is not
necessary to change this value if this functionality is not used.
[data specifies the name of the data provider through which this update
provider] operation will be routed. This parameter is optional. If data provider
is not specified, the default data provider is used. To use a different
data provider, specify the -name argument that uniquely identifies the
data provider. For further details regarding data providers refer to
Data Provider Connections on page 251.
=ABBEditLog("ADD", "H000X000K-000000,MEASURE", "15", "3/16/2001
13:22:00", "0", "IMHDA")
=ABBEditLog("MODIFY", "H000X000K-000000:MEASURE,Log1", "15",
"3/16/2001 13:22:00", "0", "AIPHDA")
5.19.3 ABBEditNLogs
The ABBEditNLogs function is used to add multiple entries to a lab data history log,
or modify existing log entries. This is the same functionality provided by the
Add/Modify Values dialog as described in Adding/Modifying Entries for a Lab Data
Log on page 177. To change one entry at a time, use ABBConnect on page 279.
User Authority and Data Provider Specification
The requirements for user authority and data provider specification are the same as
for ABBConnect on page 279.
Log Entry Specification
272 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
The log entry specification contains the values, time stamps and object statuses for
each log entry being added or modified. This specification must be entered in the
proper format in the spreadsheet. The function references the row/column range where
this information is entered. An example specification is shown in Figure 5.135.
Refer to ABBConnect on page 279 for details regarding values, time stamps, and object
The syntax is as follows:
=ABBNEditNLogs ("ADD" or "MODIFY”, ObjName, range, [,data provider])
ObjName is the log name. Use the access name to add an entry. Always use the
full log name to modify. Use the object browsing tools in the History
Values dialog to find log names. Refer to Accessing Property Logs
through OPC HDA on page 170.
rangeis the range of rows and columns in the spreadsheet where the pre-formatted
log entry specification is located.
[data specifies the data provider through which this update operation will
provider] be routed. This parameter is optional. If data provider is not specified,
the default data provider is used. To use a different data provider,
specify the -name argument that uniquely identifies the data provider.
For further details regarding data providers refer to Data Provider
Connections on page 251.
3BUF001094-600 B 273
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.19.4 ABBGetAttributes
The ABBGetAttributes function retrieves the attribute list for history objects that reside
on an OPC HDA server (for example, the 800xA OPC HDA server). Use the result
from this function call to query for attribute values in the ABBGetAttributeValue
To specify the server whose attribute list is being retrieved, indicate the corresponding
data provider -name in the function call. The syntax for ABBGetAttributes is:
data indicates the -name argument of data provider that supports the OPC
provider HDA server whose attribute list is to be retrieve. For example, the
-name argument for the data provider that supports the 800xA OPC
HDA server is AIPHDA.
For further details regarding data providers refer to Data Provider
Connections on page 251.
Enter the data provider text string with double quotes. Example:
274 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.19 Functions for Reading/Writing Inform IT
5.19.5 ABBGetAttributeValue
The ABBGetAttributeValue function retrieves values for a specified OPC HDA object
attribute for a specified time period. The syntax for ABBGetAttributeValue is:
=ABBGetAttributeValue(ObjectName, TimeHandling, Time, TimeScope, AttributeID,
data provider)
ObjectName Enter the object name directly if known. If not, use the History Values
dialog as described in Accessing Property Logs through OPC HDA
on page 170. If the Object Name has been inserted into the spreadsheet,
reference the applicable cell in this argument - for example: C9.
TimeHandling This is used in combination with Time and TimeScope to define the
time period for which to retrieve data. Enter one of the following text
To - Causes Time to be used as an end point for the time period. The
start point is set by TimeScope.
From - Causes Time to be used as a start point for the time period.
The end point is set by TimeScope.
Time This is the time period starting point (when TimeHandling is From)
or ending point (when TimeHandling is To)
TimeScope This specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to go back from Time
(when TimeHandling is To) or to go forward from Time (when
TimeHandling is From)
AttributeID is an integer value that identifies the attribute whose value is to be
retrieved. This ID is provided in the result of the ABBGetAttributes
function call.
data specifies the name of the data provider through which this query will
provider be routed. Specify the -name argument that uniquely identifies the
data provider. For further details regarding data providers refer to
Data Provider Connections on page 251.
Enter all parameters (except AttributeID and TimeScope) as text strings with double
quotes. For Time, the date and time must be separated by a space. AttributeID is an
integer. TimeScope is a long.
3BUF001094-600 B 275
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
5.20.1 ABBSql
The ABBSql function retrieves data according to the specified SQL query. It is intend-
ed primarily for access to Oracle data. This function is not intended for querying
historical and process objects on Windows-based data servers. These applications are
better supported by ABBGetOPCHDA and ABBGetOPCDA.
To use this function to query historical and process objects on a Windows-based
data server, then install the Open Data Access (ODA) option on the data server,
and configure an ADO data provider to support ODA. The easiest way to create
this data provider is to copy the existing ADO data provider, and make the follow-
ing two changes to the data provider argument list:
• Change the -name argument, for example: from DBA to DBA1.
• Set the -dbname argument to Database1.
Configuring data providers is an Information Management configuration activity.
During development, attempt data retrieval for Numeric Logs using both methods
ABBGetOPCHDA() and the ODA provider using ABBSql(). Similarly for Alarm
data test using both ABBAERetrieval() and ABBSql() to the Message log. There are
advantages and disadvantages to each in terms of performance and the ability to ma-
nipulate the data in a useful manner, often depending upon the application.
The syntax for ABBSql is:
276 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
3BUF001094-600 B 277
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
Excel limits the maximum number of elements that can be returned per function
call to 5460, for example:
• 5460 rows and 1 column of data or
• 2730 rows and 2 columns of data or
• 1820 rows and 3 columns of data.
5.20.2 ABBArray
The ABBArray function retrieves data for the specified TCL unit array. The syntax
for ABBArray is:
=ABBArray(Object Type, Object, Attribute, MaxCount [,data provider])
Object Type is the table name where TCL objects having a specific set of object
attributes reside. For example: TCL_AI_UNIT_VAR or
Object is the name of the TCL object.
Attribute is the name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved.
MaxCount This is used to set the maximum number of responses to a manageable
quantity. The largest possible number is 9999.
[data specifies the data provider through which this query will be routed.
provider] This parameter is optional. If data provider is not specified, the default
data provider is used. To use a different data provider, specify the
-name argument that uniquely identifies the data provider. For further
details regarding data providers refer to Data Provider Connections
on page 251.
Refer to the Object Types Reference Manual for more information on TCL Unit Array
object types, and their respective attributes.
Enter all parameters (except MaxCount) as text strings with double quotes. MaxCount
is an integer.
=ABBArray(“TCL_AI_UNIT_VAR”, “TIC101”, “AIVALUE”, 20)
Requesting All Data
278 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
5.20.3 ABBConnect
ABBConnect is used to connect the DataDirect client to the data server. This is the
same functionality provided by the Login dialog as described in Login on page 139.
The syntax is as follows:
=ABBConnect (Host, User, Password)
Host is the computer name for the computer where the display server
software is installed. Refer to Host on page 141.
User the user name for the Display client. Refer to User on page 140.
Password is the password for the specified User. Refer to Password on page 141.
Enter all parameters as text strings with double quotes.
=ABBConnect ("tar220", "aid" ,"password")
5.20.4 ABBDisconnect
ABBDisconnect is used to disconnect the DataDirect client from the data server.
The syntax is as follows:
=ABBDisconnect ()
There are no parameters for this function.
3BUF001094-600 B 279
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
=ABBDisconnect ()
280 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
adding charts. This section provides guidelines and recommendations that are specific
to DataDirect.
3BUF001094-600 B 281
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
282 3BUF001094-600 B
5 DataDirect Inform IT 5.20 Miscellaneous Functions
Make charts update dynamically by editing the start/end time specification in the array
formula. Use the TEXT function to specify a dynamic time range, for example NOW
minus one hour, Figure 5.139.
Original Formula
Edited Formula
3BUF001094-600 B 283
284 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.1 Product Overview
This section describes how to use Desktop Trends for data access. To get familiar
with this application, refer to Product Overview on page 285. For connection and set-
up instructions, refer to Connection and Setup on page 286. For a solution to user errors
caused by changing regional settings, refer to Changing Regional Settings Causes
User Errors on page 291. For instructions on using the various desktop tools, refer to:
• Trend Display on page 293.
• Ticker on page 336.
• Tag Explorer on page 375.
• PDL Browser on page 386.
• Batch Batch Display on page 403.
• Event Browser on page 404.
• SQL Browser on page 408.
• OPC Browser on page 416.
3BUF001094-600 B 285
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.2 Connection and Setup
• The PDL Browser is used to access production data from Production Data Logs
for Produce IT Batch, Batch 300, TCL Batches, and Profile Historian. Refer to
PDL Browser on page 386.
• The Batch to Batch Display combines the functionality of the Trend Display
with the PDL Browser to navigate the PDL structure to find and display historical
trends for different batches. Refer to Batch Batch Display on page 403.
• The Event Browser is used to retrieve messages from OPC and Audit Trail
message logs configured through the Information Management - History Server
function. Refer to Event Browser on page 404.
• The SQL Browser is used to run ad-hoc SQL queries. A query can be saved
once it is run. It can then be reopened for viewing at some time in the future or
deleted. Refer to SQL Browser on page 408.
286 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.2 Connection and Setup
ABB Start Menu > ABB System 800xA > Information Mgmt>Utilities> IM
ACC Setup.
To maintain the connection to the local server, leave the Data Server Name specified
as localhost (default). To connect the desktop controls to a remote server, enter the
IP address or alias for the server in the Data Server Name field, Figure 6.1.
Enter the client user name and password. All other fields may be left at their default
values. All other fields may be left at their default values. Click OK when finished.
3BUF001094-600 B 287
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.2 Connection and Setup
softpoint, and historical property log data. For data points that do not reside on an
OPC server, configure text files to populate object type, object, and attribute pick
lists in these dialogs. This is required for access to OMF-based real-time and process
data on earlier Enterprise Historian platforms (systems with MOD 300 and Master
Pre-defined text files are provided as a starting point. Customize these pick lists to
better fit the object/attribute selection requirements. This is done by creating new text
files and then associating those text files with the corresponding pick lists. Text files
define the contents of the pick lists for tag and attribute selection for the Ticker and
Tag Explorer controls. These text files are located in “%ABB_ROOT%InformIT\Desk-
top Trends\Default Files\Picklists”.4
A set of standard text files are provided as described in Table 6.1. These standard
files are not complete, and are only intended as a starting point. Create additional
files to customize tag/attribute selection for the application. For instance, create a file
structure such as the one shown in Figure 6.2 to follow the specific plant structure.
Table 6.1: Standard Text Files
4. The default path for %ABB_ROOT% is: C:\Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\
288 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.2 Connection and Setup
3BUF001094-600 B 289
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.2 Connection and Setup
290 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.3 Changing Regional Settings Causes User E
When adding an OPC tag to a ticker or tag explorer, and the OPC tag uses other OPC
tags to set the high/low limits, then enter the user-defined object type for high/low
limits in the new tag’s object type field, and set the Limit Check option to Get From
System. Refer to Tag Name on page 349, and Limit Check on page 351.
3BUF001094-600 B 291
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.4 Settings to open the Desktop Trend Tools
4. Click OK.
292 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
3BUF001094-600 B 293
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
6.5.2 Description
The Trend Display, Figure 6.6, is divided into a Frame Bar, a toolbar for
Save/Open/Print/Browse operations, Graphical Trend Area, Value and Time Scales,
Scope/Zoom Tool Bar, and Table
294 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Frame Bar
The frame bar is provided by Internet Explorer. The description along the top of the
display is specific to the trend object and identifies the display type and associated
tag or name.
3BUF001094-600 B 295
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
is enabled the magnified area is drawn with a gray background. The area can be moved
and re-sized using the slide bar below the trend area.
296 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Both the Table and the Scope/Zoom Tool Bar can be undocked so that they float
and can be moved to another location on the screen. When undocked, re-docking
one of these components moves it back to its original location. The context menu
can be used for these actions. Refer to Showing/Hiding and Docking/Undocking
Trend Display Components on page 331.
3BUF001094-600 B 297
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• specify whether to read the limits, engineering units, and description information
from the database. Refer to Database Information on page 305.
• specify the maximum number of interpolated points when the retrieval type is
interpolated. Refer to Maximum Interpolated Points on page 306.
• configure data update. Refer to Miscellaneous Settings on page 304.
• specify whether to save debug messages to a text file. Refer to Miscellaneous
Settings on page 304.
• configure print colors. Refer to Print Colors on page 306.
• view connection status information. Refer to Status on page 308.
• view version information. Refer to Versions on page 309.
6.5.5 Data
The Data tab, Figure 6.10, is used to:
• specify default and trace-specific data provider connections. Refer to Data
Provider Connections on page 300.
• specify whether to retrieve raw or interpolated data. Refer to Raw/Interpolated
Data on page 300.
• apply an aggregate (calculation) to a trace. Refer to Aggregates on page 301.
3BUF001094-600 B 299
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Raw/Interpolated Data
New traces are automatically assigned the default data type specified in this dialog,
Figure 6.11. Change the specification for individual traces by clicking the trace’s Int
or Raw option button. Reset all individual traces to the default specification by
clicking Update All.
300 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Data Type
• Interpolated - This returns values at regular intervals. The specified time range
and the Maximum Interpolated Points property (set through Miscellaneous Set-
tings tab) divide the time range into discrete intervals for which interpolated
values are calculated. For example, if the time range is 15 hours and Maximum
Interpolated Points is 300 (default), a value will be provided for each three-minute
interval. The values are not actual samples, but rather values interpolated from
the actual samples.
If the number of values requested exceeds pixel capacity of the screen, the trend
will display as many points has it can, and the Maximum Interpolated Points setting
will automatically adjust itself to that number.
• Raw - This returns values for actual samples collected and stored by History. If
the quantity of raw values exceeds the width of the trend display, a warning
message will be displayed, and the trace will be drawn with interpolated values.
Any aggregate (calculation) can be applied to the trend that is supported by the
OPC/HDA server. To do this click in the Aggregates column, Figure 6.12. The Ag-
gregates menu includes all aggregates support by the HDA server. An aggregate
cannot be applied to any trace whose data type is set to Raw (Raw/Interpolated Data
on page 300).
3BUF001094-600 B 301
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
6.5.6 Visibility
This tab is used to specify whether to show or hide various features on the trend dis-
play, Figure 6.13, such as the Info area in its entirety, or individual columns in the
The Trend Area X and Y-axis features relate to the standard time (X-axis) and value
(Y-axis) scales. Zoom Bar displays the Scope/Zoom Tool Bar. When checked, Value
Scales displays the numeric Max./Min. values along the left side of the trend graphic.
The Time Scales can be displayed without the Date Scales; however, the Date Scales
can not be shown without the Time Scales. The Slide option allows the slide to be
turned on or off; however, it only is useful with the Active Zoom feature.
All items are checked (shown) by default. Individual items can be unchecked to hide
them. After making selections, click OK to exit.
302 3BUF001094-600 B
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The Table or Scope/Zoom Tool Bar can also be shown or hidden directly from
the Trend area context menu.
3BUF001094-600 B 303
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• Column widths may also be set directly on the Table view. Refer to Using
the Table (Info) Area on page 328.
• If the Visibility of a column is turned off, the column width is set to zero and
cannot be changed in the Setup dialog.
304 3BUF001094-600 B
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To specify a color for trend background, ruler, or grid, double-click the applicable
box. This displays the standard Windows color-chooser dialog.
Database Information
The check boxes in this section are used to specify whether the corresponding attributes
will be read from the database. When a check box is checked, the database reading
can be superseded by entering a value directly in the table (info) area or through the
Property Page. However, the database settings will replace any entries made the next
time the Trend display is opened.
3BUF001094-600 B 305
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To preview the color scheme, click the Toggle Print Color icon on the toolbar, Figure
6.18. An example preview is shown in Figure 6.19.
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6.5.10 Status
The Status tab, Figure 6.20, lists messages relating to the success or failure of a
connection between the trend control and the history log that is the data source. When
a connection succeeded message is displayed, trend data is collected. A communication
failed message occurs when data can not be retrieved. The trend control will try to
re-establish the connection five times before terminating further attempts. If this
happens, check the Information Management server, and the client where this appli-
cation is running to make sure everything is ok. The Clear button clears the status
308 3BUF001094-600 B
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6.5.11 Versions
This tab shows version information for the trend display, Figure 6.21.
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The Enabled check box in the upper right portion of this page is used to enable (show)
or disable (hide) the trace. The trace is enabled when the box is checked. Traces may
also be enabled/disabled directly in the Table (Info) area.
This is the tag name for the trace’s data source. Follow the naming conventions for
the system where the tag resides.
The Description is an optional text string to further identify the trace.
Trace Type
This pull-down list is used to specify whether to show the trace as a Line, Pole, Step,
and Rev. Step. Refer to Type on page 329.
Trace Lines
The controls in this section are used to specify the color and thickness of the trace
lines for indicating Normal Data, No Data, or Bad Data. Double click on the line to
get a color menu and select a color.
Limit Lines
The controls in this section are used to specify the high and low values, color and
thickness of the limit lines. The corresponding Enabled check box is used to enable
(show) or disable (hide) these lines.
The fields in this section are used to specify the minimum and maximum values and
format of the value scale.
312 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Scale Format
0 Digit placeholder. Display a digit or a zero. If the expression has a
digit in the position where the 0 appears in the format string, display
it; otherwise, display a zero in that position.
If the number has fewer digits than there are zeros (on either side of
the decimal) in the format expression, display leading or trailing zeros.
If the number has more digits to the right of the decimal separator
than there are zeros to the right of the decimal separator in the format
expression, round the number to as many decimal places as there are
zeros. If the number has more digits to the left of the decimal separator
than there are zeros to the left of the decimal separator in the format
expression, display the extra digits without modification.
# Digit placeholder. Display a digit or nothing. If the expression has a
digit in the position where the # appears in the format string, display
it; otherwise, display nothing in that position.
This symbol works like the 0 digit placeholder, except that leading
and trailing zeros aren't displayed if the number has the same or fewer
digits than there are # characters on either side of the decimal separator
in the format expression.
. Decimal placeholder. In some locales, a comma is used as the decimal
separator. The decimal placeholder determines how many digits are
displayed to the left and right of the decimal separator. If the format
expression contains only number signs to the left of this symbol,
numbers smaller than 1 begin with a decimal separator. To display a
leading zero displayed with fractional numbers, use 0 as the first digit
placeholder to the left of the decimal separator. The actual character
used as a decimal placeholder in the formatted output depends on the
Number Format recognized by the system.
% Percentage placeholder. The expression is multiplied by 100. The
percent character (%) is inserted in the position where it appears in
the format string.
3BUF001094-600 B 313
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
The Scope section, Figure 6.24, is only displayed when multiple scopes are enabled
through the Scope tab. In this case, the scope for each trace is specified through its
respective trace tab. If single scope is specified, all traces share the same scope which
is set through the Scope tab. For details on how to set the formats for the data and
time fields, refer to Date Format on page 317 and Time Format on page 318.
314 3BUF001094-600 B
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• Specify scope start and end times when the Mode is Single Scope. Refer to
StartTime and EndTime on page 317
• Date and Time formats. Refer to Date Format on page 317 and Time Format on
page 318.
Scope Type
This determines how the scope start and end time are specified. The StartTime and
EndTime fields are enabled/disabled based on this setting.
• Start End - Used to specify the start and end time for the scope. In this case the
Scope Width fields are disabled.
• Start Scope - Used to specify the start time for the scope. The end time is deter-
mined by specifying the Scope Width.
• End Scope - Used to specify the end time for the scope. The start time is deter-
mined by specifying the Scope Width.
• Current Scope - Uses the current time as the end time. The start time is deter-
mined by specifying the Scope Width.
316 3BUF001094-600 B
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This is used to specify whether all traces will share the same scope, or whether each
trace will have a unique scope. This feature is disabled when the Scope Type is
Current Scope. If a single scope is used for all traces, configure the StartTime and
EndTime on this tab.
If multiple time ranges are used, the scope for each trace must be specified on its re-
spective trace tab. Scopes are color-coded to match their respective traces. The trend
display shows the scope for one trace at a time. This is selected through the time scale
context menu as described in Selecting the Time Scale for a Trace on page 334.
Scope Width
The Scope Width is used to specify the duration of the trace in days and hours. This
option is disabled when Scope Type is set to Start End.
Date Format
This specifies the format to use for the date portion of the time scale labels. Use the
dash (-) character to separate day, month, and year units. Valid character strings for
day, month, and year are described below:
Day options:
• d - Display the day as a number without a leading zero (1 - 31).
• dd - Display the day as a number with a leading zero (01 - 31).
• ddd - Display the day as an abbrethroughtion (Sun-Sat).
• dddd - Display the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday).
• ddddd - Display the date as a complete date (including day, month, and year),
formatted according to the system's short date format setting. The default short
date format is m/d/yy - for example: 2-7-02 (February 7, 2002).
• dddddd - Display a date serial number as a complete date (including day, month,
and year) formatted according to the long date setting recognized by the system.
3BUF001094-600 B 317
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
The default long date format is mmmm dd, yyyy - for example February 07,
Month options:
• m- Display the month as a number without a leading zero (1 - 12).
• mm - Display the month as a number with a leading zero (01 - 12).
• mmm - Display the month as an abbrethroughtion (Jan -Dec).
• mmmm - Display the month as a full name (January-December).
Year options:
• y - Display the day of the year as a number (1 - 366).
• yy - Display the year as a 2-digit number (00 - 99).
• yyyy - Display the year as a 4-digit number (100 - 9999).
Examples for February 7, 2002
Date units can be entered in any order. Some valid combinations are illustrated below:
dd-mm-yy = 07-02-02
d-m-yy = 7-2-02
mm-d-yyyy = 02-7-2002
y = 38
Time Format
This specifies the format to use for the time portion of the time scale labels. Use the
colon (:) character to separate hour, minute, and second units. Valid character strings
hours, minutes, and seconds are described below:
Hour options:
• h - Display the hour as a number without a leading zero (0 - 23).
• hh - Display the hour as a number with a leading zero (00 - 23).
Minute options:
• m- Display the minute as a number without a leading zero (0 - 59).
• mm - Display the minute as a number with a leading zero (00 - 59).
Second options:
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This adds a new row in the Table . To configure the new trace, first enter the tag name
in the table (info) area, and then refer to Property Page on page 310.
Traces for OPC HDA objects may also be added through the OPC Browser. Refer
to Browsing an OPC Server on page 320.
To delete a trace, right-click in the trend area and choose Trace>Remove>Trace#
from the context menu, Figure 6.27.
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For IMHDA, the left pane is used to choose one of three methods by which to
conduct a search: EH for local access, EH_PUBL for published archived log
data, and EH_NET for network-wide access (LOGMAN is not applicable).
The following browsing methods are supported:
• Basic point and click to show the logs within a specific folder.
• Select a folder then choose Get Entire List from the context menu. This
shows all logs in the selected folder as well as logs from all sub-folders
within the selected folder.
• Apply a filter to either show or exclude all logs whose name has a specified
text string.
• With AIPHDA, the Seamless retrieval option can be used when it is uncertain
which component log within the property log will provide best coverage of
the requested time range.
3. Select one or more objects in the middle pane, and then move them to the Selected
Tags (right) pane by clicking the > button. To move all objects from the middle
to the Selected Tags pane, click the >> button. To remove selected tags from the
list use either the < or << buttons.
4. Combine tags from different locations by repeating steps 2 and 3.
5. When finished selecting tags, click Add Traces. This adds traces for the selected
As an option, copy tags from this browser to the clipboard for pasting into external
322 3BUF001094-600 B
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Value Zoom
SHIFT+Left Mouse starts a value zoom which is shown as the mouse is dragged as
white lines draw the new high and low value area (vertical lined box). When releasing
the mouse the value scales are changed.
324 3BUF001094-600 B
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Time Zoom
CTRL+Left Mouse starts a time zoom which is shown as the mouse is dragged as
white lines draw the time area (horizontal lined box). When releasing the mouse the
time scales are changed.
Area Zoom
CTRL+SHIFT+Left Mouse starts an area zoom which is shown as the mouse is
dragged as white lines draw the combined value/time area, Figure 6.31. When releasing
the mouse the time and value scales are changed.
3BUF001094-600 B 325
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Backward Active
Set Start
Scope Step Zoom Zoom
Large/Small Out Level/Enable
Zoom In
Activating the Zoom In button will decrease the scope Zoom Factor In amount (in
%). Default for Zoom Factor In is 25%.
326 3BUF001094-600 B
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Zoom out
Activating the Zoom Out button will increase the scope Zoom Factor Out amount (in
%). Default for Zoom Factor Out is 25%
Default Scope
Activating the Default Scope button will restore the trend to the Current Scope with
a 30 minute scope width.
3BUF001094-600 B 327
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Alternately show or hide a trace by checking or unchecking its check box. These
check boxes are color-coded to match the trace color.
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This is the tag name for the trace’s data source. Follow the naming conventions for
the system where the tag resides.
The description is read from the system database by default. Disable this function
through the Miscellaneous Settings tab on the Setup dialog (Database Information
on page 305). When this function is enabled, the database reading can be superseded
by entering a value directly in the table (info) area or through the Property Page.
However, the database settings will replace any entries made the next time the Trend
display is opened.
This pull-down list is used to select the presentation for the trace in the graphical
view. The options are shown in Figure 6.34 and described below:
Line - Time between values shown as line indicating interpolated rate of change.
When viewing interpolated data, the ruler value shows the interpolated values. When
viewing raw data, the ruler value only shows actual stored values. Refer to Ruler
Value on page 330.
Pole - Each pole represents a value.
Step and Rev. Step - Time between values represented as horizontal line.
This cell shows the quality status of the tag data (trace colors are set on the Trace
tab of the Property Page - refer to Property Page on page 310):
• When the status is GOOD, the trace color appears as Normal Data.
3BUF001094-600 B 329
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Ruler Time
This column indicates the time corresponding to the current ruler position (when ruler
is active). If a time offset has been applied to one or several traces, the times in this
column will differ for each trace. When the ruler is placed between two data points
for a trace, the stored time for the closest point is used.
Ruler Value
This column indicates the value for each trace corresponding to the current ruler po-
sition. When the ruler is placed between two data points for a trace, the value for the
older point is used until the next sample time is reached.
Engineering Units
The engineering units are read from the system database by default. Disable this
function through the Miscellaneous Settings tab on the Setup dialog (Database Infor-
mation on page 305). When this function is enabled, the database reading can be su-
perseded by entering a value directly in the table (info) area or through the Property
Page. However, the database settings will replace any entries made the next time the
Trend display is opened.
The trend filter is a low pass filter that is used to smooth a trend and remove unwanted
signal noise. The filter value entered for each trace must be a value between 0.0 and
1.0 inclusive. At 1.0, no points are removed and a true trace is given. At 0.0, all but
one point is removed resulting in a flat trace. The relationship is linear so that fifty
percent of the points would be removed at 0.5.
Time Offset
This cell shows the time offset for the trace. To time scope directly, select the cell
and then enter the desired offset. Refer to Applying Time Offsets on page 334.
330 3BUF001094-600 B
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Alternately show or hide the corresponding high/low limit lines by checking or un-
checking this cell. If these limits are violated, the trace is drawn with the limit color
where the limit is exceeded. The trace limits are read from the system database by
default. Disable this function through the Miscellaneous Settings tab on the Setup
dialog (Database Information on page 305). When this function is enabled, the database
reading can be superseded by entering a value directly in the table (info) area or
through the Property Page. However, the database settings will replace any entries
made the next time the Trend display is opened.
Figure 6.35: Context Menu for Zoom Bar and Info Area
3BUF001094-600 B 331
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This displays the Statistics window, Figure 6.37. Set the resolution for the statistical
values through the Decimal Places control. The default is three decimal places.
Copy statistics for selected traces to the clipboard for pasting into external application
such as Microsoft Word or Excel. The copy function is shown in Figure 6.38. Statis-
tical information can also be dragged to the external application if this functionality
is supported by the application.
332 3BUF001094-600 B
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Microsoft Excel. This copies the timestamp, value, and trace number as shown in the
example below.
To copy the trace data:
1. Right-click in the trend area and choose
Copy > Trace n to copy the selected trace data to the clipboard.
2. To paste the selected data to an external application (for instance, Microsoft
Excel), go to the external application and use the Paste function to copy the
contents of the Windows paste buffer.
Example of copied Trace Data
Date/Time Value Trace
01/05/01 13:50:35 28.00 1
01/05/01 13:51:35 16.50 1
01/05/01 13:52:35 14.00 1
01/05/01 13:54:15 24.50 1
01/05/01 13:54:56 35.00 1
01/05/01 13:55:36 36.00 1
01/05/01 13:56:36 24.50 1
01/05/01 13:57:36 14.00 1
01/05/01 13:58:36 16.50 1
01/05/01 13:59:36 29.00 1
01/05/01 14:00:36 37.50 1
Some applications, for example Microsoft Excel and DataDirect, may require
changing the timestamp format in order to show the seconds column when pasting
trace data into the application.
3BUF001094-600 B 333
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onds (for example 2:00 is the same as 120). This value is added to the trace’s start
time. A positive value moves the trace to the right.
An example is shown in Figure 6.41. Two traces display the same data. To compare
the value at 11:11:47 in the upper trace, with the value at 11:13:50 in the lower trace,
set the Time Offset in the upper trace to 2:00. Times and values associate with the
nearest data point.
Placing the Ruler at 11:11:47 in the upper trace will display its own value and the
value for 11:13:50 in the lower trace as shown in the Table view. Time offset only
displays data within the scope width (a time offset of 30 minutes would show no data
if the scope width was also 30 minutes).
Figure 6.41: Example, Same Trend With and Without Time Offset
The Save button is used to save the current Trend Display as an Html file.
Clicking this button displays a standard Windows Save dialog. This dialog points to
the default location where Trend Display html files are stored (C:\ABB Industrial
IT\Inform IT\Desktop Trends\Data\Html). This dialog can be pointed to another loca-
tion to store the files in another directory. Once a display has been saved as an Html
3BUF001094-600 B 335
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file, it can be reopened for viewing as described in Opening a Saved Display on page
The tool bar buttons for saving displays as HTML files and for printing displays
MUST be used rather than the File>Save and File>Print functions available through
the Internet Explorer user interface.
The Open button is used to open an existing Trend Display which was previously
saved as an html file. Clicking this button displays a standard Windows file chooser
dialog. This dialog points to the default location where Trend Display html files are
stored (C:\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\Desktop Trends\Data\Html). Point this dialog
to another location if files are stored in another directory.
The Print button on the Trend Display is used to print the entire trend display,
including the table data. Clicking this button displays a standard Windows print dialog.
DO NOT use File>Print in Internet Explorer. This function does not work due to an
ActiveX limitation.
6.5.31 Launching Other Desktop Trend Tools from the Trend Display
The operations tool bar is used to launch the other tools from the Trend Display,
Figure 6.8.
6.5.32 Ticker
The Ticker displays a repeating stream of real time data for selected tags, similar to
a stock market ticker, Figure 6.42. It is an ActiveX control hosted within Windows
Internet Explorer. Access real-time data from the 800xA OPC DA server, a third
party OPC DA server, or an Advant OCS (MOD 300 and Master) by connecting to
the applicable data provider. Additionally, specify whether to retrieve the actual
336 3BUF001094-600 B
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process data or the last history value from the history log associated with the process
Make sure the text files for the pick lists and limits file have been configured as
described in Setting Up Pick Lists on page 287.
To set up and use the ticker, follow the instructions in:
• Launching the Ticker on page 337.
• Configuring Ticker Files on page 337.
• Changing Ticker Defaults on page 359.
• Operating the Ticker on page 366.
3BUF001094-600 B 337
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The Tag Configuration dialog is shown in Figure 6.45. This dialog has two tabs.
3BUF001094-600 B 339
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Use the Tags tab to specify which tags to include in the ticker file. Tags can be added
from the following data sources:
• 800xA OPC HDA server.
• OPC DA servers.
• Advant OCS (MOD 300 and Master).
Use the Appearance tab to configure ticker presentation characteristics and general
operating parameters.
This dialog and the procedures for adding and removing tags also apply for adding
tags to a tag group in the Tag Explorer. The only difference is the absence of the
Appearance tab which is not required for the Tag Explorer.
340 3BUF001094-600 B
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• The Old Style view supports connecting to an older server that contains Advant
OCS (MOD 300 or Master) tags. To use this view select the Old Style option
button, then refer to Adding an Advant OCS Tag on page 347.
3BUF001094-600 B 341
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To retrieve the last history value rather than the actual real time value, change
the data provider name to an HDA data provider (AIPHDA or IMHDA), then
click Change, Figure 6.47. The data provider specification may also be changed
for individual tags once they are selected. This is described later in this procedure.
The browser defaults to the last selected location. The following browsing
methods are supported:
• Basic point and click to show the objects within a specific folder.
• Select a folder then choose Get Entire List from the context menu. This
shows all objects in the selected folder as well as objects from all sub-folders
within the selected folder.
• Apply a filter to either show or exclude all objects whose name has a speci-
fied text string. Figure 6.48 shows how a filter may be used to limit the scope
of selectable objects.
• With AIPHDA, the Seamless retrieval option can be used when it is uncertain
which component log within the property log will provide best coverage of
the requested time range.
342 3BUF001094-600 B
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Example Filter
Filter result
The available objects (of the applicable type) will be displayed in the avail-
able tags list in right pane.
2. Select one or more objects from the available tags list, Figure 6.49, and then click
Add Selected Tags to move them to the Selected Tags list (bottom pane), Figure
3BUF001094-600 B 343
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Move all available tags by clicking Add All Tags. However, be careful when se-
lecting this option, particularly if the available tag list is unfiltered.
3. Combine tags from different locations by repeating steps 2 and 3.
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5. To remove a tag from the selected tags list, check the corresponding check box,
then click Remove Selected Tags, Figure 6.52.
6. When finished selecting tags, click OK. This adds the tags to the ticker. As an
option, copy tags from this browser to the clipboard for pasting into external
346 3BUF001094-600 B
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from the middle to the Selected Tags pane. Remove selected tags from the list
using either the < or << buttons.
5. Combine tags from different locations by repeating steps 3 and 4.
6. When finished selecting tags, click Add Tags. This adds the tags in the Tag
Configuration dialog’s tag list. It also adds the tags to the tag name pick list and
corresponding text file.
3BUF001094-600 B 347
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Specify the tag properties starting with tag name. To specify each property, click in
the corresponding field. This highlights the property label (bold type). If the field has
an associated pick list, the pick list contents are displayed on the right side of the di-
alog. For example, when clicking in the first field, the Tag Name label is highlighted,
and the tag name pick list is displayed, Figure 6.55.
348 3BUF001094-600 B
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Tag Name
Picklist Displayed
Tag Name
Tag name is one of three properties used to reference a specific data point. The other
two are Attribute and Object Type. To enter the tag name, click in the first field. This
highlights the Tag Name label and displays the tag name pick list, Figure 6.55. Either
enter the value directly in the field, or use the corresponding pick list.
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To add aspect objects from the platform’s OPC DA or OPC HDA server, use the
Browse button. Refer to Browsing for OPC Objects on page 341.
The Tag Name pick list shows up to 25 tags at a time. When the Ticker File contains
more than 25 tags, a pull-down list is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. This is
used to display another set of up to 25 tags in the pick list, Figure 6.56.
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6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Limit Check
The ticker can perform a limit check to determine whether the tag value is within the
normal range, or is out of range.
To enable this check the Tag(s) Out of Range option must be selected on the Indi-
cator tab of the Ticker Default Configuration dialog. Refer to Changing Ticker
Defaults on page 359.
Specify one of the following options:
• Get From System - Use high/low limits from the data source. This requires
configuring the Limits text file (refer to Setting Up the Limits File on page 290).
For OPC tags, specify the user-defined high/low limit object type in the Object
Type field. To see how this object type is defined, refer to Setting Up the Limits
File on page 290.
The limits are retrieved after all tags have been added to the ticker, and an attempt
has been made to get values for these tags. The limits are not refreshed unless
new tags are added, or the Refresh Limits menu item is invoked.
• Use these Limits - Use limits from Low Lim. & High Lim. fields in this dialog.
• Do Not Use Limits - Do not perform a limit check.
Subscription Type
When the data source is a system with MOD 300 or Master software, specify whether
to retrieve the Realtime Value directly from the process tag, or the Last History
Value from the corresponding History log.
To subscribe to the last history value, the corresponding data provider must reside
on the same node where the history log is located.
When the data source is an OPC server, the subscription type must be OPC Value.
3BUF001094-600 B 351
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Data Provider
The correct data provider must be specified in order to access the applicable platform,
and retrieve the type of data (real-time process data or last history value).
When the aspect object browser is used, the corresponding data provider is automat-
ically filled in. For all other tags, specify the applicable data provider. Data providers
are uniquely identified by the -name argument. These data providers are configured
through the ADSS Config tool on the Windows Control Panel.
• For real-time data from a MOD 300 or Master data source, specify a DCS data
provider. The default -name is DCS.
• For last history value from a MOD 300 or Master data source, specify a LOG
data provider. The default -name is LOG.
To look up the -name for a data provider, use the Server Status tool ABB Start Menu
> ABB System 800xA > Information Mgmt> Display Services> IM Display
Server Status. When asked to indicate the server with which to connect, be sure to
specify the server where the tag resides.
352 3BUF001094-600 B
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When multiple copies are made, a dialog is provided for specifying the quantity. Do
not add more than 50 tags to a Ticker file. After specifying the number of copies, the
tag naming procedure described above is repeated as many times as required to add
the specified number of tags. When finished adding tags, click OK. This displays the
file on the ticker.
Be sure to save the ticker file. To do this, right click on the ticker status indicator and
choose Save from the context menu.
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Attribute Description
Tag Appearance - Normal, Out These fields are used to specify the colors for indicating tag status
of Range, and Unconnected (normal and out-of-range), and connection status. To change a
Colors color, refer to Changing Colors on page 358.
Tag Appearance - Font This field is used to specify the font for the ticker text. To change
the font, refer to Changing the Font on page 358.
Ticker Appearance - This field is used to specify the background color for the ticker
Background Color area. To change a color, refer to Changing Colors on page 358.
Ticker Appearance - Border This field is used to specify whether or not to show a border around
Style the ticker area. The choices are Single border or None.
Ticker Appearance - Speed This field is used to adjust the speed at which tags move across
the ticker area. Lowering the number causes the tags to move
faster. The range is 1 to 65535.
3BUF001094-600 B 355
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Attribute Description
Ticker Appearance - Tag This field is used to specify the rate at which tag data is refreshed.
Refresh Rate The range is 1 to 65 seconds. The recommended refresh rate is
15 seconds for best performance.
Ticker Appearance - Data This field is used to specify the format of the numeric string. Refer
Format to Data Format on page 356.
Data Format
0 Digit placeholder. Display a digit or a zero. If the expression has a
digit in the position where the 0 appears in the format string, display
it; otherwise, display a zero in that position.
If the number has fewer digits than there are zeros (on either side of
the decimal) in the format expression, display leading or trailing zeros.
If the number has more digits to the right of the decimal separator
than there are zeros to the right of the decimal separator in the format
expression, round the number to as many decimal places as there are
zeros. If the number has more digits to the left of the decimal separator
than there are zeros to the left of the decimal separator in the format
expression, display the extra digits without modification.
# Digit placeholder. Display a digit or nothing. If the expression has a
digit in the position where the # appears in the format string, display
it; otherwise, display nothing in that position.
This symbol works like the 0 digit placeholder, except that leading
and trailing zeros aren't displayed if the number has the same or fewer
digits than there are # characters on either side of the decimal separator
in the format expression.
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Changing Colors
1. Click in the field to select it. The text label for the field changes to white.
2. Double-click the selected field to display a standard Windows color palette,
Figure 6.61.
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6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
that are currently using the old delimiter must also be converted. This is demonstrated
in the following example:
1. Start by changing the delimiter, for example, from: to -.
2. Click Yes to acknowledge the warning that requires all ticker and tag explorer
files to be changed.
3. Click OK to register the changes in the Default Ticker Configuration dialog.
This displays a confirmation message.
4. Click Yes to confirm. This displays a browser dialog for selecting the directory
where the ticker files reside.
5. Use the browser dialog to navigate to and select the applicable directory. The
default is:
C: Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\Desktop Trends\Data\Ticker
6. Once the Ticker Files directory is selected, click OK. This displays a prompt
asking whether or not to convert Explorer backup files.
7. Click Yes to convert Explorer backup files. This displays a browser dialog for
selecting the directory where the explorer files reside. In this case proceed with
step 8.
Click No to convert Ticker files only. This starts the conversion process. In this
case, skip step 8.
8. To convert Explorer backup files, use the browser dialog to navigate to and select
the applicable directory. The default is
C: Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\Desktop Trends\Bin.
Click OK to start the conversion process. This displays a progress indicator.
9. When the conversion is complete:
• If there are additional directories with files that require conversion, click
More Files. This displays a browser dialog to select additional files to con-
• If there are no more directories with files that require conversion, click Ok.
This exits the conversion mode.
3BUF001094-600 B 361
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
Errors to Show
This is used to specify whether to annunciate or ignore error conditions. Disable the
annunciation of any error condition by deselecting the check box.
Error conditions related to tags are annunciated by showing the tag text and status
indicator in a specified color. Also, under the Behavior category, the status indicator
can be specified to blink or not.
The Save Needed condition refers to the need for saving a new ticker file, or saving
changes to an existing file. This condition is annunciated by showing the status indi-
cator in the specified color. In addition, a warning message is displayed if an attempt
is made to clear the ticker without first saving the ticker file.
This is used to select a unique color for each error condition. For details on how to
select a new color refer to Changing Colors on page 358.
362 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
This is used to associate a priority with each of the possible error conditions. This
may be used when specifying the Behavior for the case where multiple error conditions
exist at the same time.
This is used to enable/disable blinking, and specifies the behavior of the status indi-
cator light when multiple error conditions exist.
The options for When Multiple Errors Occur are:
• Do Not Show Errors - The status indicator light will remain in the specified No
Error color.
• Show First Error Encountered - The status indicator light will remain in the
specified color for the first condition that was detected.
• Show All Errors of the Highest Priority - The status indicator light will alternate
between the colors for each of the existing error conditions at the highest priority.
• Show All Errors - The status indicator light will alternate between the colors
for each of the existing error conditions.
3BUF001094-600 B 363
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
To change any of the default specifications, click the corresponding browse button.
This displays a standard Windows File Chooser dialog. Use this dialog to navigate
to and select the text file (for pick lists) or folder (for ticker files).
Clicking the Ed. Button launches a text editor that is used to change the corresponding
text file, Figure 6.66.
For guidelines on editing text files, refer to:
• Setting Up Pick Lists on page 287.
• Setting Up the Limits File on page 290.
364 3BUF001094-600 B
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366 3BUF001094-600 B
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This displays a standard Windows file chooser dialog. By default, the dialog points
to the Data folder where ticker files are stored. Use this dialog to choose a file from
this folder, or navigate to another folder where ticker files are stored.
Showing Errors
Error conditions are annunciated by showing tag text and the status indicator light in
a specified color. The status indicator may also blink, if it is configured to do so. The
method and format for indicating error conditions on the ticker is configurable through
the Indicator tab in the Default Ticker Configuration dialog. For instance, configure
whether or not to annunciate tags out of range, or unconnected tags. In addition, how
to handle multiple error conditions can be specified, and whether or not to have the
status indicator blink. Regardless of how these parameters are configured, a message
box (refer to example in Figure 6.69) can always be displayed that describes the current
error conditions for the ticker.
1. Choose Show Current Errors from the context menu of the ticker status indica-
2. Click OK to acknowledge the message.
3BUF001094-600 B 367
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The Save dialog points to the default folder for storing ticker files:
C:\Program Files\ABB IndustrialIT\InformIT\Desktop Trends\Data
It is recommended that the files be stored in this folder because this makes it easier
to find the files to display on the ticker. This is where the File-Open dialog points by
default. If necessary, another location can be specified.
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Two separate controls must be opened in two separate Internet Explorer windows.
In the source control, point to the tag to be copied with the left mouse button and then
drag and drop the tag on the destination control, Figure 6.72.
This note is only applicable when dropping tags on a ticker. If the ticker is empty,
the tag will simply be placed on the ticker. If the ticker is already displaying a
ticker file, then verify whether to join the new tag with the current file, or clear
the current file before putting the new tag on the ticker. In either case, to preserve
the new file, execute a save.
370 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.5 Trend Display
property with a colon (:). For spreadsheets, put each tag on a separate row, and enter
each property in a separate column.
Table 6.3: Tag Information Text String
The following are examples of complete tag specifications for a text editor:
• MOD 300:
FC100:Measure:100:0:500:1:DCS:CCF_CONTIN_LOOP:Realtime Value
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This displays list of tags defined in the current tag file, Figure 6.76. Use this dialog
to select up to eight tags for display on the trend display. By checking the Include
Limits Where Applicable check box, the high and low limits, as well as the high
and low scale values are set for all tags not marked as No Limit Checking. Check the
Get Attributes From Database check box, to get the attributes for the tag.
374 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Before configuring the Tag Explorer, make sure the text files for the pick lists and
limits file have been configured as described in Setting Up Pick Lists on page 287.
To set up and use the Tag Explorer, follow the instructions in:
• Launching the Tag Explorer on page 375.
• Configuring the Tag Explorer on page 376.
• Using the Tag Explorer on page 383.
3BUF001094-600 B 375
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Figure 6.78: Adding Tag Groups Under the Tag Groups Object
Tag groups can also be added as children under an existing parent tag group. The
existence of children tag groups under a parent tag group is indicated by the +/-
To add a new tag group,
1. Click on the parent object where the tag group is being added.
2. Choose New>Tag Group from the context menu, Figure 6.79.
376 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
This adds a new group under the selected parent object. The default name is
highlighted to edit the name.
3. Rename the new group, Figure 6.80.
3BUF001094-600 B 377
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Importing Files
Existing Ticker and/or Tag Explorer files may be imported into a tag group. This
automatically adds all tags in the file to the tag group. Ticker and explorer files are
built through the Tag Configuration dialog (refer to Configuring Tags on page 339).
To import ticker and explorer files,
1. Select a tag group,
2. Right click and choose from the context menu either:
• Import/Export > Import Ticker File or
• Import/Export > Import Explorer File.
This displays a dialog for selecting the Ticker file (*.tik) to import. By default, the
dialog points to the Data folder where the ticker (or explorer) files are stored. Choose
a file from this folder, or navigate to another folder where the ticker (or explorer)
files are stored.
378 3BUF001094-600 B
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2. Click Yes to confirm and continue the clear operation, or click No to cancel.
3BUF001094-600 B 379
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Attribute Description
Tree View The check boxes in this section are used to show or hide certain
aspects of the Tag Explorer tree view. Refer to Figure 6.82 for
Colors These fields are used to specify the colors for indicating tag status
(normal and out-of-range), and connection status. To change a
color, refer to Changing Colors on page 358.
List View The check boxes in this section are used to show or hide certain
aspects of the Tag Explorer list view. Refer to Figure 6.83 for details.
Data These fields are used to set the tag refresh rate, and specify the
Data format.
380 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Details - Default
This tab is used to select which columns to show or hide in the list view, Figure 6.84.
The name of any column can also be changed.
3BUF001094-600 B 381
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.6 Tag Explorer
Edit File
Clicking the Ed. Button launches a text editor that is used to change the corresponding
text file. This is a text editor only. The HTML format requires special editing.
For guidelines on editing text files, refer to:
• Setting Up Pick Lists on page 287.
• Setting Up the Limits File on page 290.
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6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
386 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
To set up and use the PDL Browser, follow the instructions in:
• Opening the PDL Browser on page 387.
• Setting Up the PDL Browser Interface on page 387.
• Using the PDL Browser on page 394.
3BUF001094-600 B 387
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
PDL Browser dialog, Figure 6.88, must be specified. Access this dialog by clicking
the Options button on the PDL Browser.
Refer to the following to specify date and time options as well as other miscellaneous
• Type of PDL on page 389.
• Configuring 800xA Batch Management on page 390.
• Convert Task Value to Uppercase on page 391.
• Use Restored Archive on page 391.
• Maximum Values to be Returned on page 392.
• Warn If Exceeded on page 392.
• Default Time Span on page 392.
388 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
Type of PDL
Use this pick list to specify the PDL application: Batch 300, Taylor Control Language
(TCL), Produce IT Batch (default), Flexible, or Profile Historian. This determines
types of tasks available in the Task Type list in the PDL Browser. Task types for the
various PDL applications are indicated in Table 6.6.
Table 6.6: Resulting Task Type Options Based on Type of PDL Selected
The Produce IT Batch option is only applicable for Produce IT Batch versions 1.1
and 1.2/0. If version 1.2/1 or later is being used, select the Flexible PDL Type.
3BUF001094-600 B 389
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
This button displays the Customize PDL Hierarchy dialog, Figure 6.90. Each level
has a default name. These names can be changed. To choose which levels to include
in the Task Type list in the PDL Browser check the corresponding check box. Any
level whose check box is checked is included in the list.
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6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
Warn If Exceeded
This check box is used to choose whether or not to display a message when the
specified query result has more than the specified maximum values. This message is
used to choose whether to disregard the limit and return all values, or impose the
limit and discard the values in excess of the specified limit. For more information,
refer to Limiting the Amount of Data Returned By Your Query on page 396.
If this option is unchecked, the specified maximum number of values to be returned
will always be imposed and no notification is made when the query result has addi-
tional values that are being discarded.
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6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
To do this click the corresponding Build button and use the Build Date Format or
Build Time Format dialog, Figure 6.92 (for reference only).
Selecting a different date or time will not affect PDL browser operation. Use this
feature to check how the selected format will look for different dates.
3BUF001094-600 B 393
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
Data Provider
The PDL Browser accesses PDL data through an ADO data provider on the Historian
server. This data provider is configured through the ADSS tool on the Windows
Control Panel. In most cases, the default ADO data provider (named DBA) should
be used. If the application uses more than one ADO data provider for PDL access,
or if the ADO data provider has a different name (not recommended), this field is
used to specify the name of the data provider. For details regarding the ADO data
provider refer to the post installation procedures in System 800xA Post Installation
Query Timeout
This is the maximum time to wait for the selected object to respond to the query before
timing out. The timeout interval may need to be increased for complex queries.
This option specifies the language used for displaying message-type PDL data. Cur-
rently only English language is supported.
ProduceIT Messages
This specifies the method for retrieval of Produce IT Batch messages based on the
• PDL Messages retrieves messages for Produce IT Batch v1.1 and 1.2 - For these
versions, PDL messages and events are stored in the PDL (level 15 task).
• Messages Log retrieves messages for Produce IT Batch v1.2/1 - For this version
PDL messages and events are stored in an OPC message log.
Trend File
This is used to specify which html file to open when the Trend Display is launched
from the History tab (Refer to History on page 401). The corresponding button
launches a file browser dialog for specifying a different html file.
394 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
Use the controls in this section to drill up or down in the hierarchy for a selected task.
Data for the selected task are displayed in the Associated Data Listing below the
Search Results.
Task Type
This specifies the level of the PDL hierarchy to be searched. The choices in the Task
Type list are based on the Type of PDL selected in the Configure PDL Browser dialog.
Refer to Type of PDL on page 389.
When the Task Type specification is changed, any previous results in the PDL
Browser are cleared.
For this release of the software, Batch 300 and TCL-specific criteria are automat-
ically applied to the search to prevent the retrieval of Batch records which do not
belong to the selected PDL type. If Batch 300 is the current PDL type, then TCL
Batch records will not be retrieved when a search for Batch records is executed.
If TCL is the current PDL type, then Batch 300 batch records will not be retrieved
during a Batch search.
Task Value
This specifies the name of the task to query. If a name is not specified, all tasks are
returned. Enter the complete name, or just a partial name. The wildcard character%
3BUF001094-600 B 395
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
can be used to search for a particular pattern or format. Leading and trailing blanks
are removed before the search is executed.
The Convert Task Value to Uppercase option in the Configure PDL Browser dialog
determines whether or not to convert the task name to uppercase characters. This is
a convenience option for those systems in which all names are stored as uppercase.
Time Span
The Time Span fields is used to specify a time range for the query for which data will
be retrieved. These fields can be enabled or disabled through their respective check
boxes as follows.
• To restrict the query to a time range, check both boxes, and enter both the Start
and End date/times.
• To make a query for all tasks starting before a specific date/time, check just the
End check box, and enter the End date/time.
• To make a query for all tasks starting after a specific date/time, check just the
Start check box, and enter the Start date/time.
By default, the End date/time are set to the current date and time when the PDL
Browser is opened. The Start date/time are set based on the Default Time Span
option on the Configure PDL Browser dialog (Start date/time = End date/time
minus Default Time Span).
Any part of the date and time can be modified by clicking directly on the unit to be
changed and entering the new value. For time, use the up/down arrows to change the
selected unit. For date, click the down arrow to display the Microsoft Date and Time
Picker dialog.
Entering an end time that precedes or equals the start time causes an error message
to be displayed when the query is executed. Click OK to clear the message, then
enter a valid start (or end) time.
Do not use either of the following options for short date style in the Regional
Settings dialog (Windows Control Panel function): yy-dd-mm or yyyy-dd-mm.
This causes the month and date values to be reversed in the DT Picker.
396 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
Returned field in the Configure PDL Browser dialog. Refer to Maximum Values to
be Returned on page 392. The default is set at 500 values. The range is 1 to 65,534.
If the Warn If Exceeded check box in the Configure PDL Browser dialog is checked,
the dialog shown in Figure 6.94 is displayed when the total number of values satisfying
the search criteria exceeds the specified limit.
3BUF001094-600 B 397
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
If the search is performed for a level lower than the topmost (job or campaign) level
of the PDL hierarchy, the results will also include the task names at each level of the
hierarchy, up to the topmost level, for each row in the listing. For the example, the
results shown in Figure 6.95 are for a search done at the Job level in a Batch applica-
The first row in the Search Results listing is automatically selected (highlighted), and
the associated data for the selected item are available for viewing in the Associated
Data Listing section of the dialog. When a different row is selected, the contents of
the Associated Data Listing changes accordingly.
Some column values may be truncated in the display due to the fixed widths of the
columns. Horizontal and vertical scroll bars are provided when the number of rows
or columns exceeds the limits of the Search Results window.
The main search result count is displayed above the result listing. The associated data
search count is displayed below the listing. If a query does not return any results, a
row with the text No Data is displayed underneath the header row. Additionally, the
search count displays No rows returned.
398 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
The Drill buttons are used to move up and down the PDL hierarchy for a selected
task in order to view the data at all levels of the task hierarchy. Drilling down displays
data for the selected task at the next level down in the hierarchy. Drilling up displays
data for the selected task at the next level up in the hierarchy. For example, clicking
the drill down button for job-level task - Thur314Bat_job in Figure 6.95, displays the
batch-level search results for Thur314Bat, Figure 6.96.
The Task Type value indicates the current level. The Task Value is reset to a blank
value, and the time values retain their previous values.
The task that was selected before the drill function was performed will be highlighted
even when drilling in the opposite direction later. For example, if an initial search is
performed for a batch, the drill down function will display data at the unit level for
the selected batch. If drill down is executed again, data at the phase level for the se-
lected unit will be displayed. For Drill Up, data at the unit level will be displayed for
the unit that was originally selected.
The drill buttons are automatically enabled and disabled as follows:
• If the Search Results listing indicates ‘No Data’, the Drill Down and Drill Up
buttons are disabled.
• If the current Task Type value is at the bottom of the hierarchy for a PDL type,
the Drill Down button is disabled.
• If the current Task Type value is at the top of the hierarchy for a PDL type, the
Drill Up button is disabled.
• After each new search is completed, the Drill Up button is disabled. To drill
Down, perform a new search.
3BUF001094-600 B 399
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
This tab displays: variable name, value, time, occurrence number, result value and
result time. The rows are sorted by Time, then by Variable Name, then by Occurrence,
Figure 6.97.
This tab displays: Resource Type, Name, Value, Time and Occurrence. The rows are
sorted by Type, then by Name, then by Occurrence, Figure 6.98.
400 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
This tab displays the following message data for the selected task: Message Type,
Message and Local Time. The rows are sorted by Local Time, Figure 6.99.
When the PDL type is specified as Produce IT Batch, the time is displayed in UTC
time rather than local time.
The History tab displays Log Name, Start Time, End Time, Phase and Occurrence.
The rows are sorted by Log Name then by Start Time, Figure 6.100. Clicking the
Trend button to launch the Trend Display view of the selected log. Results can also
be dragged from this tab to the Trend display.
3BUF001094-600 B 401
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.7 PDL Browser
The History association tables track the start and end times for which history values
were collected for a particular object. The PDL tables do NOT store the actual history
values, just the initial and final times of the collection period.
History Log associations can be retrieved at two levels — owner and individual task
level. Each history association record has a taskid for the level at which the history
log was started. Because the history log may span multiple tasks within a level of the
hierarchy, each history association record also has an “owner” task.
For example, consider a Batch application where history collection began during
Batch 123. Batch 123 had four Phases through which the history collection spanned.
Batch 123 is the owner for each of the four phases. When a search is executed for
Batch 123, a record is displayed in the History listing. Additionally, when a search
is done for each of the four phases, a record is also displayed for each of the phases,
even though the history collection spanned across all four. The Phase value will be
displayed if the owner task is the currently displayed item.
Next-Level Listing
Usually, the last tab in the Associated Data listings contains data from the history.task
table for the next level down in the hierarchy. The actual name of the tab is based on
the level in the hierarchy for the data. For example, if the current Task Type is a Unit
in a Batch 300 system, then the tab name will be Phase List. The header for the first
column of data changes to reflect the ‘child’ level name.
If the current Task Type is the last level in the hierarchy, this tab will not be displayed.
The following data are displayed: Task Name, Start Time and End Time. The rows
are sorted by Start Time, Figure 6.101.
402 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.8 Batch Batch Display
3BUF001094-600 B 403
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.9 Event Browser
404 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.9 Event Browser
To set up and use the Event Browser, follow the instructions in:
• Opening the Event Browser on page 405.
• Setting Up the Event Browser Interface on page 406.
• Retrieving Events on page 407.
• Viewing Trend Data Related to Events on page 408.
3BUF001094-600 B 405
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.9 Event Browser
Clicking Use Defaults resets all parameters to their respective default settings.
406 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.9 Event Browser
Log Name
This pull-down list contains all message logs configured on the currently connected
server (Refer to Connecting to the Data Server on page 286).
Time Span
These fields are used to specify the time range for retrieval of message log entries.
Default Start and End times are automatically set according to the default time span
specified in the Event Browser Configuration dialog.
The time controls are Microsoft's DateTime Picker controls. Selecting the date drop-
down list displays a calendar for selecting days, months, and years. To modify a time
value, place the cursor in the portion to be changed and enter the new value, or click
on the up/down arrows to change the selected value. The Start Time must be set to a
value earlier in time to the End Time.
The check boxes in front of the time controls are used to select whether or not to use
the corresponding time as query criteria.
3BUF001094-600 B 407
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
408 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
To set up and use the SQL Browser, follow the instructions in:
• Opening the SQL Browser on page 409.
• Setting Up the SQL Browser Interface on page 410.
• Using the SQL Browser on page 411.
3BUF001094-600 B 409
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
410 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
Grid No Grid
Column Colors
Add column colors to make them more distinguishable when configuring columns
for dragging tags and time stamps to the Trend Display, for the tag, start time, and
end time. Use the color boxes in the Display section of the SQL Browser Configuration
dialog. White text indicates which box is currently selected. For example, in Figure
6.107, the box for Tag Column Color is currently selected. Double-clicking a color
box displays the standard Windows color chooser dialog.
3BUF001094-600 B 411
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
For complex queries, the Timeout interval may need to be increased. Click the
Options button to display the SQL Browser Configuration dialog. For details refer
to Query Timeout on page 394.
412 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
is Open a Query. The two large buttons in the upper right part of the dialog are used
to toggle between the List View (left button) and Detail View (right button). An ex-
ample of a detail view is shown in Figure 6.112.
Saving a Query
To save a query:
1. Specify and execute the query as described in Specifying and Executing Ad-hoc
SQL Queries on page 411.
2. Right-click inside the query result pane and choose Query>Save from the context
3. Enter a name to identify the query then click OK.
3BUF001094-600 B 413
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
6.10.6 Dragging Tag Names and Time Stamps to the Desktop Trend Dis-
For a historical data query, drag the tag names and time stamps returned by the query
to a Desktop Trend display to set up a trend for viewing. One useful application for
this is to query for log names from the numericlog table, and then select up to eight
logs to display on the trend display.
To do this, specify which columns from the query result will be used for tag name,
trend start time, and trend end time.
414 3BUF001094-600 B
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.10 SQL Browser
If a start or end time is not specified, the trend display’s default scope will be used.
3BUF001094-600 B 415
6 Using Desktop Trends 6.11 OPC Browser
When right-clicking on a column in the query result, the context menu shows the
column name, for example, in Figure 6.115 the LocalTimeStamp column is selected.
The context menu can then be used to specify that column as the tag name, start
timestamp, or end timestamp for dragging.
416 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.1 Report Building Applications
7 Creating Reports
Reports can be created either with DataDirect, or with various third party report
building applications such as Crystal Reports. These reports can then be scheduled
and run using the Application Scheduler and Report action plug-in.
The Report action is used to direct the report to various output destinations including
printers, e-mail, files such as PDF, html, Excel, and report logs configured with the
Information Management History Server function. completed report files may also
be attached to Completed Report objects in the 800xA System aspect directory. This
can be used to browse for completed report files through the Plant Explorer, and to
apply version control and electronic signatures to report files.
When a report is output to a Completed Report object or report log, the report can
then be archived to a removable media for permanent storage.
Web access can also be configured for reports so a browser can be used to open and
view the reports.
This section describes any set-up that may be required for reports to access data in
the 800xA System, and provides instructions for scheduling, running, and managing
reports. Configuring report logs and archiving reports (either through report logs or
Completed Report objects) is an Information Management configuration activity.
3BUF001094-600 B 417
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
• Microsoft Excel (without DataDirect Add-in) - can access historical and real-
time data from the 800xA System through Open Data Access (requires MS
• Generic Executable - This refers to any report file that is not Microsoft Excel
or Crystal Reports, for example, VBScript.
418 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
Report Action
Output Options:
Aspect System
(File Viewer Aspect) Report Application Completed Report Object
Report Report Log
OR Template DataDirect
Microsoft Excel Printer
Crystal Reports E-mail
Windows File System Windows File
Data Sources:
History Events
Access to process and historical data from earlier Information Manager and Enterprise
Historian systems requires the applicable data providers to be started and selected in
DataDirect. This is described in Setup on page 249.
3BUF001094-600 B 419
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
viewer aspects on objects located under the Reports branch in the Scheduling structure.
The other report files are stored as Windows files.
For further information on these example reports, refer to:
• Example Batch Reports on page 420.
• Example Information Management Reports on page 422.
• Example Miscellaneous Reports on page 425.
420 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
The arguments list as described in the Job Log is not necessarily sent to the report.
It is the list as defined by the Schedule Definition Aspect\Job Arguments tab, or
explicitly passed in to the job by Batch Management. If an Argument is not includ-
ed in the Action Aspect Report Parameters definition then it is not sent to the report
but it is listed in the Job Log.
3BUF001094-600 B 421
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
422 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
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7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
424 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
3BUF001094-600 B 425
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
data providers. Detailed instructions for using DataDirect are provided in Section
5 DataDirect Inform IT.
If Crystal Reports is used or another third-party report building application,
connect the report to the 800xA data source through Open Data Access. An ex-
ample of this is provided in Creating a Report with Crystal Reports - Example
on page 469.
2. Use the Application Scheduler to create the Job Description object. Then create
an Action aspect on that object. This is demonstrated in Creating Objects and
Aspects in the Scheduling Structure on page 428.
3. Configure the Action aspect to specify how the report will be executed. This is
described in Defining the Report Action on page 429 and includes:
a. Selecting the Report Action aspect.
b. Selecting the report template.
c. Specifying one or more output destinations for the report result.
d. Specifying parameters to pass into the report when it executes.
Login parameters must be specified under the following circumstances:
• If the Crystal Report will include queries for Oracle-based data (message logs
and/or PDL data), then define the DataServerLogin parameter in the report
schedule to connect the report to the ODBC driver for Oracle data.
• For DataDirect, define the DataServerLogin parameter in the Report action
to connect the report to the applicable data server:
4. Configure the Job Description object to specify the scheduling instructions for
the report. This is described in Defining the Schedule on page 458.
5. Before running a report, read the guidelines in Before Running a Report on page
426 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.2 Implementing Reports
If reports are to be scheduled and executed using the Application Scheduler, the
report file MUST be saved in Manual calculation mode; otherwise, they will run
twice when run through the Scheduler.
The Excel calculation mode is set to the mode of the first file opened (or calculated,
if no previously saved file has been opened). All workbooks that are opened in
that Excel session will be set to that same calculation mode, despite any previous
settings. The calculation mode is always Automatic when Excel is first opened.
To check the mode and change it if necessary, refer to Putting the Workbook in
Manual Mode on page 70.
For trouble with a report, refer to Troubleshooting Reports on page 468.
3BUF001094-600 B 427
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
428 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
To configure the report action, use the Action aspect to perform the following:
• It is recommended that a time limit be entered, especially for large reports.
• Selecting the Report Action on page 430.
• Selecting the Report Template on page 430.
• Output Options on page 431.
3BUF001094-600 B 429
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
2. Use the browser dialog to find and select the report to be executed. If a File
Viewer aspect is selected, the file attached to the Work Document section is used.
430 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
Figure 7.5: Example, Using File Viewer Aspect for Browsing Report Files
3BUF001094-600 B 431
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
432 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
2. Click Edit Parameter List. This displays the Report Parameters list, Figure 7.7.
3BUF001094-600 B 433
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3. To add a parameter to the list, click Add. This displays the Configure a Report
Parameter dialog, Figure 7.8.
4. Enter the parameter name and value as shown in Figure 7.8, then click OK. This
adds the parameter to the parameter list, Figure 7.9.
434 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3BUF001094-600 B 435
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
436 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3BUF001094-600 B 437
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
UserID = history
Password = <enter the history account password>
The password is provided during the IM Post Installation or the Database Migration.
For example:
DataServerLogin = RemoteSrv, ADVA, history, history
438 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3. Select the Local Net Service Name configuration option in the Oracle Net
Configuration Assistant Welcome dialog box and click Next.
4. Select the Add option in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Net Service
Name Configuration dialog box and click Next.
5. Enter ADVA in the Service Name field in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant:
Net Service Name Configuration, Service Name dialog box (Figure 7.14) and
click Next.
3BUF001094-600 B 439
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
6. Select TCP in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Net Service Name Con-
figuration, Select Protocols dialog box and click Next.
7. Enter the IP address of the remote Oracle Server for the host name field option
in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant: Net Service Name Configuration,
TCP/IP Protocol dialog box (Figure 7.15).
8. Select the Use the standard port number of 1521 option (Figure 7.15) and click
440 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
9. Select the Yes, Perform a test option in the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant:
Net Service Name Configuration, Text dialog box and click Next.
10. The test will fail with an invalid username and password (Figure 7.16). Click
Change Login to launch the Change Login dialog box.
3BUF001094-600 B 441
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
442 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
18. Click Add to launch the Create a New Data Source dialog box.
19. Select the Oracle in OraDb12c_ADVA driver (Figure 7.18) and click Finish.
20. The Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration dialog box (Figure 7.19) appears.
3BUF001094-600 B 443
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
21. Enter the date source name in the Data Source Name field (for example Ora-
22. Select the TNS Service Name from TNS Service Name drop-down list.
The TNS Service Name drop-down list shows the Net Service name configured
23. Click Test Connection to launch the Oracle ODBC Driver Connect dialog box.
This will verify the connection to the remote Oracle Server.
24. Enter history as the user name.
25. Enter the user defined password and click OK.
26. If the connection is successful, Connection successful appears in the Testing
Connection dialog box. Click OK in the dialog boxes until they are all closed.
444 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
As an option, rename the cell in the spreadsheet to give it a more meaningful name.
For example, in Figure 7.21, cell C2 is renamed as batchid.
In the Batch reports using DataDirect for data retrieval, the following parameter
should be defined in the Scheduler Action aspect:
DataServerLogin = computer name, user name, password
This parameter is the login information for connecting the DataDirect report to the
applicable data server. The user name and the password are the ones that are defined
for Display Services (or DataDirect) during IM Post Installation.
Renaming Cell C2
with the batchid
Parameter name
3BUF001094-600 B 445
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
446 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3. Click OK when done. The specification is then entered in the Export Paths list,
Figure 7.24.
If an export file specification needs to be removed from the Export Path list, select
the specification, then click Remove.
To modify a specification, double-click on it. This opens the Configure Export
to a Completed Report Object dialog.
Figure 7.24: Object and File Names Combined in File Name Field
3BUF001094-600 B 447
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
These defaults may be used as is, or changed as required. For guidelines on for-
mats, refer to Table 7.5 and the note that follows the table.
Table 7.4: Exporting to a Windows File
3. To change the path, click the Path button to display a Windows browser, then
browse to the folder where the file is to be stored. Click OK in the browser once
the selection is made.
4. To change the Max Files Per File Type, Per Directory value, type in the desired
value. This value must be configured on the Information Management node where
the reports are generated (the node where the Application Scheduler is running).
Changing the Max Files Per File Type parameter to a smaller number will result
in the scheduler removing any files in excess of the new configuration the next
time a file is stored. Please save any files you may wish to preserve before reducing
the maximum number of files stored.
5. Click OK when finished with the export specification. The specification is then
entered in the Export Paths list, Figure 7.25.
If an export file specification needs to be removed from the Export Path list, select
the specification, then click Remove. To modify a specification, double-click
on it. This opens the Configure Export to a File dialog.
448 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
Export Considerations
• Not all export formats are available in all versions of Crystal Reports. Refer to
the Crystal Reports documentation to see what is available. Regardless of the
version installed, be sure to install ALL dlls related to export file types.
• All exported report instances are saved. Each export file has a unique name so
that existing export files are not overwritten. This may result in a large accumu-
lation of export files. These files must be managed and periodically purged from
the export directory if necessary.
• If the file is being exported on a remote computer, network file sharing must be
used. If such files must be secured, refer to the guidelines for Securing Windows
Files on Shared Network Drives on page 511.
• Do not export XLS reports as File Viewer aspects. Only do so if Report Archiving
of XLS is required. Export XLS to the file system instead.
• Determine up front the output methods required for a particular report template.
The Excel template for HTML may need different formatting or layout in the
template than one used for XLS output, or output to a printer (font size, hidden
cells, multiple pages or sheets, etc).
3BUF001094-600 B 449
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
450 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
7.3.8 Printer
The printer option provides a list of local printers available from the node where the
report will run, Figure 7.28.
Using the XPS Document printer for report printing is not supported as it results
an invisible Save As dialog and this will hang the report execution.
If it is desired to access a network printer:
• Standalone network printer: Use standard Windows procedures (Add Printer
Wizard) to add the standalone network printer. When doing so:
– Select to add the printer as a local printer and do not automatically detect.
– Choose to create a new port and select Standard TCP/IP Port.
– Enter the hostname or IP address of the printer.
3BUF001094-600 B 451
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
• Shared network printer that goes through a network printer server: Use
standard Windows procedures (Add Printer Wizard) to add the shared network
printer. When doing so:
– Select to add the printer as a network printer.
– Add the printer for any user account that will be used to manually print re-
– Add the printer to the service account to print reports as part of a scheduled
7.3.9 Email
The Email option is used to send a report through email. As an option to ending a
finished report, send the report template (the unprocessed report), or send a notice
that the report was executed.
A SMTP e-mail server must be set up for outgoing e-mail. The SMTP e-mail server
can be on any node that has access to the node where the reports will run. Contact
the network administrator to install a SMTP e-mail server. Detailed instructions are
not provided here since the installation may vary depending on the specific e-mail
server software package being used.
If the node where the e-mail server will be set up is protected by a firewall, ensure
that the firewall does not close the SMTP e-mail port (port 25 is standard).
Perform the following to send a report through e-mail:
1. Select the Email check box. This activates the Set button, Figure 7.29.
452 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
2. Click the Set button to launch the Email Information dialog box, Figure 7.30.
• The fields with asterisks (*) in the Email Information dialog box are manda-
• The fields with red borders in Figure 7.30 must be populated in the format
3. Enter the e-mail address of the sender account in the From: field. This field is
mandatory and must be in the format specified in the Email Information dialog
box (it must include the @ symbol).
4. Enter the e-mail addresses of the receiver accounts in the To: field. This field is
5. Enter the e-mail addresses of the desired accounts in the cc: and bcc: fields. These
fields are optional.
3BUF001094-600 B 453
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
6. Enter the SMTP server IP address or SMTP server node name in the SMTP
Server: field. This field is mandatory and must be in the format shown in the
following examples:
• IP address example: 12.14.352.190
• Node name example: yoursmtpserver.yourcompany.com
7. Use the Attachment Format: drop-down list box to select the format for the
report output file. The choices for finished report files are described in Table 7.6.
To send an unprocessed report template, select as is. To send a notification
message with no attachment, select None.
454 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
When a report is eported as an HTML file, the number of files that are output can
be controlled. Refer to Output Options for HTML Files on page 432.
8. Enter the report output name in the Attachment Name: field. This is not required
to match the report name. An extension may be included; however, the extension
will not determine the file format. The format must be selected through the At-
tachment Format list. This field is disabled if None is selected for the Attachment
Report parameters can be dynamically substituted in the output file name. Refer
to Using Parameters to Modify an Output File Path on page 432.
9. Enter a subject and message in the fields for them if necessary.
10. Click OK when finished. The To: email address will be displayed next to the
Email Set button, Figure 7.31.
3BUF001094-600 B 455
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
To select the report log, click Set, then use the browser to select the report log, Figure
Use the Format selector to specify the format for storing the report in the log. The
choices are the same as the export formats for each report type as described in Table
7.5, plus Without Processing which saves just the report template without data that
would be gathered by processing the report.
As an option, save the report to history under a different file name. To do this, click
in front of the format extension in the Format field (for example in Figure 7.32, click
to the left of .html), then enter the new name. This name will completely replace the
original report output file name.
456 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
3BUF001094-600 B 457
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
458 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.3 Setting Up the Report Action and Schedul
The Scheduler supports several scheduling methods, for example: cyclic, periodic,
weekly, and monthly as described in Section 8 Scheduling. The schedule type is
presented as a plug-in dialog on the Schedule tab. The top section of this tab has a
set of common controls which are applicable for all schedule types, Figure 7.35.
It contains a field for selecting the following:
• A Schedule pull-down list to select the type of schedule.
• The Enabled check box must be checked in order for the scheduler to use the
selected schedule type for the job.
• The Service Group selection field is used to choose which server will execute
a given job in the case where there are multiple nodes running the Application
Scheduler. The default is the primary service group which is the first service
group created, not necessarily the first one listed in the Service structure. To
avoid unexpected results, specify a server where the report will run.
• A Run Now button to manually run the job.
3BUF001094-600 B 459
7 Creating Reports 7.4 Before Running a Report
460 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.5 Viewing Reports Over the Web
matic when Excel is first opened. To check the mode and change it if necessary,
refer to Putting the Workbook in Manual Mode on page 70.
3BUF001094-600 B 461
7 Creating Reports 7.6 Attaching a Report Template to a File Vi
After the job has successfully run, open Internet Explorer and go to http://localhost/re-
ports (assuming reports is used as the alias name for the virtual directory). A link to
the report just run should be there. Click on the report link to view the report. An
example is shown in Figure 7.38.
462 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.6 Attaching a Report Template to a File Vi
plate files through the Plant Explorer, and also applies version control and electronic
signatures to report files.
A File Viewer aspect may be added to an existing object, or create a new object. The
following procedure shows how to create a generic type object under the Reports
branch in the Scheduling structure, and then create the File Viewer aspect and attach
the file to the aspect.
To do this:
1. In the Plant Explorer, browse to the location where the File Viewer aspect is to
be added, for example, the Reports branch in the Scheduling Structure.
2. From the Reports object, choose New Object from the context menu.
3. In the New Object dialog, select the Generic type object, assign the object a
meaningful name (BatchReport1Template for example), then click OK.
4. Select the new object (BatchReport1Template for example) and choose New
Aspect from the context menu. This displays the Add New Aspect dialog.
5. Select the File Viewer aspect in the New Aspect dialog, then click Create. This
adds the File Viewer aspect to the selected object.
6. Open the Configuration view of the File Viewer aspect. To do this, either choose
Config View from the aspect’s context menu, or use the corresponding icon on
the tool bar, Figure 7.39.
7. Attach the report file as a Work Document. To do this, in the Work Document
section of the Configuration view, click the Attach button, Figure 7.40.
3BUF001094-600 B 463
7 Creating Reports 7.6 Attaching a Report Template to a File Vi
Figure 7.40: Attaching the Report File to the Work Document Section
8. Use the File Browser dialog to select the report file (BatchReport1.rtp for exam-
ple), then click Open. The result is shown in Figure 7.41.
464 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.7 Report Preferences Aspect
3BUF001094-600 B 465
7 Creating Reports 7.9 View Report Logs Aspect
document from any File Viewer aspect on the Completed Report object, and send it
to a printer along with electronic signature information for the File Viewer aspect.
466 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.9 View Report Logs Aspect
• view reports stored in a selected report log. Refer to Viewing Reports Stored in
a Report Log on page 468.
Report Log
Reports stored in
the selected log
Field Description
Service Group Indicates the node where the displayed logs reside.
Log Class Indicates whether the displayed logs are Run Time or Restored.
Number of Logs Indicates the number of logs in the displayed list.
Status Indicates the status of a displayed log: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Log name Indicates the name of the displayed log.
3BUF001094-600 B 467
7 Creating Reports 7.10 Troubleshooting Reports
Field Description
Execution Time Lists the execution times for the reports.
Stored Time Lists the times when the executed report was stored.
User Name Lists the user that executed the report.
Report Name Lists the name of the report that was executed.
468 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
• Failure to enable macros in Excel - Scheduling a report that uses Visual Basic
macros in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, requires that macros be enabled in
Excel before the report runs.
• Failure to install Data Direct add-ins correctly - DataDirect add-ins must be
installed by an Industrial IT Admin user.
• Failure to pass parameters to a Crystal Report - If the Crystal Report file
expects parameters to be passed, then include those parameters in the report action.
• Failure to install Crystal Reports correctly - A report built with Crystal Reports
will fail if a complete installation (install all possible features and components)
was not performed. In this case re-install Crystal Reports.
• Failure to use an appropriate version of Microsoft Office - Older versions of
Microsoft Excel have undocumented memory limitations that can effect execution
of reports, especially larger ones.
• Fixing large Reports (Long Execution Time) - If a report is taking much longer
than it should to finish executing and no Time Limit was configured for the action,
other jobs in the queue may not run as scheduled. To fix this, abort the job along
with any Excel programs which may still be running. Set a maximum time for
Report Action Aspects, so the system will terminate the report instance if a report
hangs. This will give other working reports the chance to execute. Also, increase
the action time limit for large reports.
3BUF001094-600 B 469
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
Report Schedule
Batch BatchID
Management Report Action
Report Completed
BATCHID Template Report
Batch Trend View
7.11.1 Connecting the Report to the ODA Table for Historical Data
In order for the reports created with Crystal Reports to access data from the 800xA
System, the reports must be connected to the applicable database. For this tutorial,
the Crystal Report to an Oracle view called Batch_Trend which is specifically designed
to facilitate access to historical data for batches run using the 800xA Batch Manage-
ment application will be used. Refer to PDL Tables and Views on page 679.
There are several methods in Crystal reports to make this connection. This procedure
shows how to use the Database Expert.
1. Choose Database > Database Expert from the Crystal Reports menu bar.
2. Verify whether ABBODA datasource is listed under the My Connection tree. If it
is not, expand Create new Connection > ODBC(RDO) to launch the ODBC(RDO)
3. Select ABBODA datasource and click Finish.
4. If no tables are visible under ABBODA > SCHEMA, right-click ABBODA and
select Options menu to launch the Options dialog.
470 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
5. Select Tables under Data Explorer (Figure 7.46) and click OK.
6. Click -/+ of the ABBODA connection to refresh and display the Tables.
7. Select and add the BATCHTRENDs table to Selected Tables as shown in Figure
3BUF001094-600 B 471
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
472 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
3. Repeat Step 1. and Step 2. for the second parameter (also String value type). The
report definition so far is shown in Figure 7.9.
3BUF001094-600 B 473
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
474 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
3BUF001094-600 B 475
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
Passing in batchid
The batchid must be passed in as a parameter through the Report Action. This proce-
dure is described later in this tutorial.
Make a placeholder for the batchid in the Excel spreadsheet. To do this, select a cell
in the spreadsheet, and rename the cell literally as batchid. For example, in Figure
7.48, cell C2 is renamed batchid.
Renaming Cell C2
with the batchid
Parameter name
476 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
3. Use the Batch Data dialog, Figure 7.50, to configure a query against the
LOGICALNAME. Use the filter on the LOGICALNAME column to specify a
value, for example tankTemp. Be sure to select the DataDirect formula option
in the Output section.
3BUF001094-600 B 477
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
478 3BUF001094-600 B
7 Creating Reports 7.11 Creating a Report with Crystal Reports
Login parameters for connecting the DataDirect report to the applicable data
server must be specified. To do this, define the following parameter:
DataServerLogin = computer name,user name, password
For example: DataServerLogin = roc74,aid,aid
4. Configure the schedule. Refer to Defining the Schedule on page 458.
This concludes the tutorial for DataDirect.
3BUF001094-600 B 479
480 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.1 Using Scheduling
8 Scheduling
The 800xA System allows jobs to be scheduled, executed, and maintained. Supported
jobs include reports, historical data archiving, event-driven data collection, calcula-
tions, consolidation of PDLs and message logs, and back-ups.
Installing the Application Scheduler on an Information Management server, auto-
matically creates the required Service Group and Service Provider objects in the
Service structure as part of the Information Management post-installation proce-
dure. Installing the Application Scheduler to run on a node that is NOT an Infor-
mation Management server requires that these objects be manually created under
the Scheduling Service group in the Service structure as part of Information
Management configuration.
Figure 8.1: Scheduling Structure with Job Descriptions and Running Jobs
3BUF001094-600 B 481
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
Action aspects are added to the Job Description object to specify the activity to be
performed by the job. For example, a Report Action aspect is added to schedule and
execute a report job.
Start condition aspects may be added to impose further conditions by which to execute
the job.
The procedure for creating a job follows these basic steps. Detailed instructions are
provided in the referenced sections:
1. Create a Job Description object. A Schedule Definition aspect, through which
the schedule will be set up, is provided with this object when it is created. To
create the Job Description object and corresponding Schedule Definition aspect,
refer to Adding a Job Description Object on page 482.
2. As an option, add and configure one or more start condition aspects to specify
any conditions that must be met before the job will be allowed to run. Refer to
Specifying Start Conditions on page 492.
3. Add and configure an action aspect. This aspect defines the function that the job
will perform. Refer to Actions on page 498 to add an action aspect.
Five standard actions are supported. With the exception of reports, the section specified
below in System 800xA Information Management Configuration (3BUF001092*)
describes how to configure these actions:
• Reports - This user manual, refer to Section 7 Creating Reports.
• Archive - refer to Configuring the Archive Function.
• Event-driven data collection - refer to Historical Process Data Collection.
• Consolidation of PDLs and message logs - refer to Consolidating Historical Data.
• Calculations - refer to Configuring Calculations.
482 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
4. Click Create. This creates the new job under the Job Descriptions group. This
object’s aspect list contains a Schedule Definition aspect.
5. Click on the Scheduling Definition aspect to display the configuration view,
Figure 8.2.
3BUF001094-600 B 483
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
• Log - for viewing a log of messages regarding job execution when the job is
running, or is finished running. Refer to Viewing a Job Log on page 497.
• The Enabled check box must be checked in order for the scheduler to use
the selected plug-in for scheduling jobs.
• The Run Now button supports manual execution of a job independent of any
schedule type plug-in.
Use the Schedule pull-down list to select the type of schedule, then refer to the appli-
cable instructions below to learn how to use the plug-in dialog:
• To run a job at cyclic intervals specified in seconds, refer to Cyclic Scheduling
on page 485.
484 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
3BUF001094-600 B 485
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
486 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
schedule. To create a weekly schedule, select Weekly Schedule from the Schedule
pull-down list.
Specify the day of the week and time using the Frequency, Day of week, and Time
of day controls shown in Figure 8.6. The default behavior is to run the first instance
of the job at the next possible time, starting 1 minute after any changes are applied,
and to continue running at the specified interval indefinitely. For example, if the
schedule is to run every Sunday at 8:00 AM, the job will start running the first
Sunday at 8:00 AM after the schedule is submitted.
As an option, specify a definite start and/or end time. To do this, click either the
Scheduling time-window begins or ends, or both check boxes and specify the re-
spective start and end times.
Use this pull-down list to select whether to run the job on every specified weekday,
or one specific weekday (first, second, third, fourth, or last), Figure 8.7.
3BUF001094-600 B 487
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
Day of week
Use this pull-down list to select the weekday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday), Figure 8.8.
Time of day
Use this control to select the time of day, Figure 8.9.
488 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
Use this list to select one or more days of the month. Select one or more days as re-
quired by clicking the corresponding number. All selects every day of the month.
Clear List clears all selections.
Use the Daily tab to specify a time of day at which to run the job, Figure 8.11.
Use the Hourly tab to specify one or more hours in the day at which to run the job,
Figure 8.12. All selects every hour of the day. Clear List clears all selections.
3BUF001094-600 B 489
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
490 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.2 Adding a Job Description Object
Enter the expression in the edit window. Refer to the Expression Rules and Examples
section of System 800xA Configuration (3BDS011222*).Typically, the expression
will include a reference to an aspect object in a structure in the Plant Explorer. The
syntax is:
An example is shown in Figure 8.14.
Use the pull-down list in the lower right corner of the dialog, Figure 8.15, to specify
whether to run the job whenever the expression value changes (Start when value
changes), or only when a boolean expression changes from false to true (Start when
3BUF001094-600 B 491
8 Scheduling 8.3 Specifying Start Conditions
492 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.3 Specifying Start Conditions
Refer to the applicable section to learn how to configure the selected start condition:
• The Expression Start Condition on page 493.
• The Yes/No Start Condition on page 494.
3BUF001094-600 B 493
8 Scheduling 8.3 Specifying Start Conditions
494 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.4 Arguments
8.4 Arguments
Jobs whose actions support arguments can reference user-defined arguments to estab-
lish values for certain settings. For example, parameters in the Report action can ref-
erence arguments to set parameter values.
Argument lists are created on a per-job basis. This is done through the Arguments
tab of the Scheduling Definition aspect of the Job Description object, Figure 8.20.
3BUF001094-600 B 495
8 Scheduling 8.4 Arguments
parameters that change from one batch to the next such as batch IDs. When a job
runs, the job log will show the values for each argument for the job.
When arguments are passed in dynamically by an application such as Batch
management, the list on the Arguments tab is ignored.
To create a list of arguments manually (reference Figure 8.20 for steps 1 & 2):
1. In the Scheduling structure, select the Job Description object for the job whose
argument list needs to be edited.
2. Select the Scheduling Definition aspect, then click on the Arguments tab.
3. Click in an empty field, then click Modify. This displays the Modify Arguments
4. Enter the Argument name and value, Figure 8.21, then click OK.
This adds the new argument to the argument list, Figure 8.22.
496 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.5 Viewing a Job Log
Remove an argument from the list by selecting the argument and then clicking Re-
3BUF001094-600 B 497
8 Scheduling 8.6 Actions
The log holds the last ten instances of the job's execution plus any instances that have
failed if they have not been deleted. To get information regarding a job that has failed,
use the Scheduled Job aspect for the Running Job object as described in The Running
Job on page 503.
The number of status entries for SUCCESSFUL runs of a job is limited to 10. The
status of failed jobs is not limited.
8.6 Actions
Actions are implemented as aspects on an object which is on or under a job description
in the scheduling structure.
To add an action:
1. Right-click on the Job object (for example DayShiftReport) and choose New
Aspect from the context menu.
498 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.6 Actions
2. In the New Aspect dialog, browse to the Scheduler category and select the Action
aspect (path is: Scheduler>Action Aspect>Action Aspect). Use the default aspect
name, or specify a new name (for example RunXyzReport).
3. Click Create to add the Action aspect to the job.
4. Click on the Action aspect to display the corresponding view, Figure 8.24.
3BUF001094-600 B 499
8 Scheduling 8.6 Actions
plug-in does not implement or use these two fields, they will immediately revert back
to default values whenever new values are applied.)
500 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.6 Actions
Property Description
Time Limit This is how long (in seconds) an action is allowed to execute before it is requested
to shutdown. Both the time limit value and the shutdown handling is dependent on
which action plug-in is specified. By default, the field is blank meaning there is no
time limit. Zero may also be entered to clear the field.
Note: For the Report Action plug-in, shutdown of an Excel report may leave an
instance of the excel.exe process running which can be aborted using the Windows
Task Manager.
Isolated This is used to force an action to be executed on an independent processing thread
where it is less likely to effect other actions. This is required for actions that are to
be executed in parallel with each other since a single thread cannot really execute
multiple actions simultaneously.
Priority If a situation arises where more than one job schedules an action to be executed at
the exact same moment in either the isolated or non-isolated queue, the action with
the highest priority number will be executed first.
Attempts This is the maximum number of times an action is to be executed and should normally
be set to at least 1. Attempts beyond the first one will occur only in the case where
an error is immediately returned from the Run Job method of the action plug-in.
Note: for plug-ins such as the Report Action, no more than a single attempt is ever
made because a special success status for asynchronous operation is always
immediately returned so that a more detailed completion message can be returned
System This combo box optionally allows a system message to be generated when an action
Messages is started, finished, or both.
3BUF001094-600 B 501
8 Scheduling 8.6 Actions
1. BatchID:There are two places from which we can get the value to this variable
as follows:
a. Arguments tab of Scheduling Definition Aspect as explained in Arguments
on page 495.
b. Schedule Job BMA (Batch Manager Action)of Production Management
2. DataServerLogin: Login parameters for connecting the DataDirect report to the
applicable data server must be specified. The user name and the password are
by default configured as DataServerLogin = localhost, aid, aid. If the user name
and the password defined for Display Services(or DataDirect) during IM Post
Installation is not “aid, aid”, then it should be modified by clicking Edit Param-
eter List.
3. LogicalNameList: It represents the names of History associations specified in
DataCollection BMA of Produce IT. An example is shown in Figure 8.27. This
parameter is compulsory for Batch Trends Data retrieval. Parameter Intervals is
also used for Batch Trends data. For more information on Schedule BMA, refer
to the Batch Management documentation.
502 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.7 Job Hierarchies
3BUF001094-600 B 503
8 Scheduling 8.8 The Running Job
504 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.8 The Running Job
If a job fails it is left in an uncompleted state and must be manually completed (or
deleted). A system message is generated when a job fails and its status (S_STATUS)
is marked as bad. This allows the system status function to flag the condition in its
When a job is completed the Running Job object is removed from the Running Job
Branch, and the status information collected for the job is transferred to its associated
job description. This information is available through the Job Log tab of the
Scheduling aspect. Refer to Viewing a Job Log on page 497.
3BUF001094-600 B 505
8 Scheduling 8.8 The Running Job
506 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.8 The Running Job
3BUF001094-600 B 507
8 Scheduling 8.9 Security
8.9 Security
Operations related to Application Scheduler aspects are secured by restricting access
to certain users. Restrict access based on permissions, or a combination of user role
and permissions. When restricted solely on permissions, any user having the specified
permissions can perform the operation. Binding a user role to an operation means
only that user type can perform the operation, and that user must be assigned the ap-
plicable permissions.
The default security configuration allows:
• Any user to read scheduling aspects.
• Operators to configure (modify) the scheduling definition and run (manage) the
scheduled jobs.
• Application Engineers to create and configure action and start condition aspects
which specify what a job will do.
The following procedure describes how to change permissions and user roles for
scheduling aspect operations. Report templates and report output stored as Windows
files on shared network drives may also be secured. Refer to Securing Windows Files
on Shared Network Drives on page 511.
Before applying any changes to the Security settings, read Industrial IT 800xA
System Security and understand the concepts presented.
508 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.9 Security
Permissions and user role bindings for aspects are configured in the Aspect System
structure in the Plant Explorer. To do this: (reference Figure 8.33):
1. Go to the Aspect System structure in the Plant Explorer and select the Scheduler
Aspect System.
2. Expand the branch to show the four Scheduler aspect types (Action, Job Descrip-
tion, Scheduled Job, and Start Condition). Then further expand the branch for
the aspect whose permissions need to be modified. For example, in Figure 8.33
the Job Description branch is expanded to show the Scheduling Definition aspect
3. Click on the Aspect Category Definition in the aspect list, and then click the
Permissions tab.
For each operation listed, select the appropriate permission, Figure 8.34. Refer to
Table 8.2 for details.
3BUF001094-600 B 509
8 Scheduling 8.9 Security
1. To further restrict access based on user role, click the User Role Bindings tab.
For each operation listed, select the appropriate user role, Figure 8.35.
510 3BUF001094-600 B
8 Scheduling 8.9 Security
3BUF001094-600 B 511
512 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
9 Tag Management
This section describes two tag management tools: User Tag Management (UTM) and
Information Management Browser on page 524).
3BUF001094-600 B 513
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
When opened from the Start menu, the utility will open but will not be connected to
any host. To log in to a host,
1. Select:
File > Connect
2. Enter the User Name, Password, and Host Name for the DBA Data Provider in
the Login dialog.
3. Click OK.
Default groups are provided. The display will update to list the tags for the groups
514 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
3BUF001094-600 B 515
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
516 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
abling the Seamless Tags Only check box limits the search to tags without logs. As
searches are run, they are kept in a list in the Previous Searches field for reuse.
The behavior is as follows when the Match Group Names check box is enabled.
This behavior is independent of the status (enabled/disabled) of the Match Tag Names
check box.
The tags that appear in the right pane of the search window are those found within
the group entered into the search string. If the search string has no wild card and
matches the group name text exactly, it displays all tags within that group. If a wildcard
is used, it returns all tags found within any group that match the wildcard search
string. Expanding the full path of a returned tag reveals the source of the tag.
3BUF001094-600 B 517
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
518 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
• Private Groups: Displays any combination of tags for logged on user. It is dis-
played as logged on user name’s, Groups.
The System Groups hierarchy does not allow changes to the groups and tags.
Only public and private groups allow groups and tags to be added, deleted, and
3BUF001094-600 B 519
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
2. Place the cursor in the list area for the group where the tags are to be pasted and
select Paste.
Go To Group
Select the Go To Group context menu item to find a group or find the next group
when in the hierarchical view.
520 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.1 User Tag Management (UTM)
3BUF001094-600 B 521
9 Tag Management 9.2 Using UTM from Desktop Tools
522 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.3 User Tag Management Status
Figure 9.2: DataDirect’s Inform IT History Values User Tag Management Tab
The Browse button accesses the UTM utility. Find and select tags to add directly to
the spreadsheet or trend using the Add Tags button. The Clear List and Remove
Selected buttons aid in managing the list.
3BUF001094-600 B 523
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
4. Click Update. This populates the database with all the tags (and associated
groups) from the Log Configuration and Trend aspects in the system.
Update is typically a one-time operation to build system groups. It must be run
to get new system groups when new tags are added to the system.
Running Update on an Information Management node in a Multisystem Integration
Subscriber system does not retrieve tags and groups for Log Configuration and
Trend Display aspects found in the Multisystem Integration Provider system.
Table 9.5: User Tag Management Status
The Clear button is used to clear the database of user tags. When clicked, a warning
dialog is displayed if there is information saved in the database. Click No in the
warning dialog to close it without loss of data. Click Yes in the warning dialog to
close it and clear the group and client tag tables of data.
The Refresh button refreshes the view.
524 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
When using the browser with DataDirect or Desktop Trends dialogs, the selected tags
are automatically entered into the applicable tag selection field or list in the dialog.
When using the browser for ODA (or for DataDirect function calls), the browser is
used to copy the selected tag names to paste in a data query application, for example
Microsoft Query or Crystal Reports.
This section describes how to use the browser when launched from the Windows
Taskbar. Instructions for DataDirect and Desktop Trend applications are provided in
the respective sections. The basic steps for using the browser are described below.
Details are provided in the referenced sections.
1. Launch the browser from the Windows Taskbar. Select:
3BUF001094-600 B 525
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
ABB Start Menu > ABB System 800xA > Information Mgmt > Utilities >
IM Structure Browser
2. By default, the Information Management Browser connects to the server specified
in the ACC Setup dialog. The connected server is indicated in the Connected To:
field. To specify a different server, click the Connect/Change Connection button
(Figure 9.6) and then specify the IP address or host name for the new server in
the Connection dialog.
The browser uses the AIPHDA data provider (for History log access) by default. The
Data Provider specification determines the type of tags that can be accessed through
the browser:
• AIPOPC is used to browse for real-time (process or softpoint) tags.
• AIPHDA connects to the 800xA OPC HDA server and is used to browse the
Aspect Directory for numeric property logs. This supports seamless access to
trend logs and history logs. It also is used to access log attributes.
• IMHDA connects to an alternative OPC HDA server. For further information,
refer to Appendix C.
The mode of operation for the browser differs slightly depending on whether
AIPHDA or IMHDA is being used. For further information, refer to Considerations
for History Access on page 527.
The data provider specification defaults to AIPHDA. To change the specification,
click inside the Data Provider field, enter the data provider name, then click
Change (Figure 9.6).
1. Use the browser according to the guidelines in Navigation Methods on page 526
and Filtering on page 527. Also, for history access applications, refer to Consid-
erations for History Access on page 527.
2. Copy one or more tags to paste in the client application. Refer to Copying Items
on page 527.
526 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
• Selecting a specific folder will show the applicable objects within that folder.
• Use the Get Entire List function from the context menu. This gets not only the
objects in the selected folder, but also the objects from sub-folders within the
selected folder. To get the entire list, select the folder, then right-click and choose
Get Entire List.
To avoid overloading the system when using Get Entire List, limit the number
of objects to be returned to 500 or less (i.e. DO NOT select an object too high in
the object structure). If an excessive number of objects is accidentally requested,
abort the Get Entire List request by selecting Abort Get Entire List from the
context menu.
9.4.2 Filtering
Specify a filter to narrow the scope of items returned by the Get Entire List method.
This helps keep the list at a manageable size. For example:
• IM - gets all items whose name includes the text string IM.
• *IM - gets all items whose name ends with the text string IM.
• IM* - gets all items whose name starts with the text string IM.
Enabling the Exclude Filtered Items check box retrieves all items whose names DO
NOT meet the filter criteria. For example, enabling this check box with the filter text
IM will get all items whose names do not include the IM text string.
3BUF001094-600 B 527
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
For AIPHDA, the browser, Figure 9.3, provides a directory structure similar to the
Plant Explorer and includes all structures and directories where log aspects reside.
With the AIPHDA server, the Seamless retrieval option can be used when it is uncer-
tain which log in a property log hierarchy will provide the best coverage for the re-
quired time range. When the Seamless option is not used, the browser passes the
query application the name of a specific component log in the property log hierarchy.
This limits the query to the time range covered by that log. With Seamless retrieval,
the browser passes the query application the base name of the property log. This lets
the query retrieve data from any component log within the property log. To use
seamless retrieval rather than select a specific log, enable the Seamless check box.
IMHDA Access
For IMHDA, the left pane is used to choose one of three paths or categories by which
to conduct a search, Figure 9.3 (LOGMAN is not applicable):
• EH is used to access logs that are local to the connected data provider. This is
the fastest method and is recommended when querying a log that resides on the
local server. It supports the ability to modify existing log entries, but it does not
support adding new entries.
• EH_NET is used to access logs on all servers on the network. This requires OMF
access to be extended on the TCP/IP network. It supports the ability to modify
existing log entries, and add new entries.
• EH_PUBL is used to access archived log data that is published. Publishing
archived data is described in Publishing an Archive Volume on page 573.
528 3BUF001094-600 B
9 Tag Management 9.4 Information Management Browser
3BUF001094-600 B 529
530 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv
The archive function supports permanent offline storage for historical data collected
in property (numeric), message, PDL, and report logs as well as reports stored as
Completed Report objects. Archiving is set up during Information Management
configuration. This section describes how to make archive data available for desktop
applications such as DataDirect, how to perform manual archives, and how to maintain
archive data. This includes:
• Maintaining archive media - When an archive media becomes full it will require
maintenance to permit archive operations to continue. For MO media, periodically
remove and replace platters. For hard disks, ensure that archive entries are saved
to a removable media (CD or DVD). After entries have been saved to a removable
media, the hard disk must be periodically purged of old entries to provide space
for new entries.
• Formatting and initializing archive media - The archive media must be format-
ted and initialized before data can be stored on it. For MO drives, use the Windows
disk formatting tool to format each new platter before initializing it. Select the
NTFS format. Both sides of the platter need to be formatted.
For timed archiving, the media are re-initialized automatically as long as the
device behavior is set to either Wrap When Full or Advance When Full. For
manual archiving, manually initialize the media.
• Manual archiving.
• Publishing archive volumes for access by external applications - Archive
volumes can be published to let client applications such as DataDirect access the
archived data. This saves from having to restore individual logs from the archive
volumes. Publishing applies to propertyand profile and message logs only.
• Restoring archived logs for access by external applications - To access
archived log data that has not, or cannot be published, restore the archived logs
from the archive media to the restored History database. Restored logs may also
be deleted when they are no longer needed.
3BUF001094-600 B 531
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.1 User Interface
• Importing archive data from other 800xA Systems and from earlier historian
platforms - This is done using the Archive Import tool.
532 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
3BUF001094-600 B 533
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
The functions supported by this aspect are listed in Supported Functions on page 535.
The information provided on this aspect is described in Archive Device Information
on page 536.
534 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Supported Functions
The archive functions supported by this aspect are described in Table 10.1. These
functions are available through the context menu and Actions button, Figure 10.2.
Table 10.1: Archive Functions Supported by the Archive Device Aspect - Main View
Function Description
Opening an Archive Volume from the Alternative to accessing a volume directly from the
Archive Device Aspect. browser. To do this, select the volume, then right click
and choose Open from the context menu. This opens the
aspect in a separate window.
Remounting a Volume on page 552 Volumes should be remounted prior to initializing. Also,
remount a volume to refresh the volume information on
the archive device aspect.
Initializing an Archive Volume on page Each new archive volume must be initialized prior to
553 archiving data on it. For scheduled archives, volumes are
automatically initialized if the device behavior is set to
Advance When Full or Wrap When Full. For manual
archives, the volume must be manually initialized.
Archiving Logs Manually on page 558 Alternative to scheduled archives.
Mark Volume Full Marks a volume full to prevent any additional timed
archives from writing to the volume.
Publishing an Archive Volume on page Recommended method for making archived numeric data
573 available for data access.
Overriding Volume Backup on page 558 There are certain situations when a volume may need to
be marked as backed up, even though the volume has
not been backed up.
Activating/Deactivating an Archive Device must be active to perform archive operations. MO
Device on page 551. devices must be deactivated to change platters.
Showing Volume Information on page
3BUF001094-600 B 535
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Device Name Name assigned to archive device when the device was configured.
Device State Current state of the device: Idle or Active.
Active Volume Indicates which volume is currently active.
Volume Indicates the Volume number (Volume Index).
Volume ID For scheduled archive, the volume ID is auto-generated based on the
configured Next label and Volume Format attributes. For manual archive, the
volume ID must be specified in the Initialize Volume dialog.
536 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
(Volume) State Indicates the state of the volume. Possible states are:
VALID If the media is initialized and has space for archiving
additional information includes: Fully Published or Partially Published
and if the media is from HPUX, HP-UX will be shown.
NOT_INIT Not initialized but configured in the device, or corrupt
FULL When archive is unable to archive in this volume due to not enough
space, then media becomes FULL.
NO_MEDIA There is no media present in this slot.
Timeout Overwrite timeout for this volume as specified when the volume was
initialized.This specifies the delay between the time when the volume becomes
full and the time when the volume can be re initialized (overwritten).
Usage Indicates the amount of space that is currently occupied on this volume.
Init Time Time when the volume was initialized.
Last Archive Time Time when the last archive entry was written to this volume.
3BUF001094-600 B 537
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
When an entry is selected in the middle section, the logs that were archived for the
selected entry are shown in the bottom section.
The functions supported by this aspect are listed in Supported Functions on page 539.
The information provided on this aspect is described in Archive Volume Aspect In-
formation on page 540.
538 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Supported Functions
The archive functions supported by this aspect are described in Table 10.3.
Table 10.3: Archive Functions for Archive Volume Aspect
Function Description
Initializing an Archive Volume on Each new archive volume must be initialized prior to archiving
page 553 data on it. For scheduled archives, volumes are automatically
initialized if the device behavior is set to Advance When Full or
Wrap When Full. For manual archives, the volume must be
manually initialized.
Publishing an Archive Volume on Method for making archived numeric and message data available
page 573 for data access.
Restoring Logs from Archive Archived data must be restored to the runtime historical database
Media to Restored Database on before it can be viewed with a desktop data access tool such as
page 577 DataDirect. For numeric logs, always publish rather than restore.
Showing Volume Information on
page 586
Showing Platform Information for Provides access to aspects of the selected object(s), for example,
a Log on page 586 the Log Configuration aspect.
Verifying Signatures for a Volume Used to verify electronic signatures on a volume to determine
on page 571 whether or not the contents of the volume have been altered
without authorization.
Showing Signature Information Used to view the signature information for a volume
for a Volume on page 572
Copying Volumes on page 556 Used to manually back up archive volumes.
All functions are through the Actions button, Figure 10.4. Some may also be invoked
through the context menu (Restore Archive, Restore Logs, and Platform Info).
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540 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
the middle section, the logs that were archived for the selected entry are shown in the
bottom section, Table 10.6.
Table 10.4: Volume Information - Top Section
Field Description
Volume ID For scheduled archive, the volume ID is auto-generated based on
the configured Next label and Volume Format attributes. For manual
archive, the volume ID must be specified in the Initialize Volume
Volume Label Optional descriptor to further identify the volume.
Volume State Indicates the volume state. Possible states are:
No Media, Not Initialized, Valid, and Full
additional information for Valid includes:
Fully Published or Partially Published
and if the media is from HPUX, HP-UX will be shown.
Archive Entries Number of occasions when data have been archived to this volume
(number of archive entries written to the volume).
Data Mbytes Used Amount of log data in megabytes stored on the volume.
Directory Mbytes Used Amount of data in megabytes stored on the volume.
Total Mbytes Media Total amount of data (log data and directory data combined) in
megabytes stored on the volume. If the total for Data and Directory
combined exceeds 4 gigabytes, this number is the quantity in excess
of 4 gigabytes.
Field Description
Index Sequential number
Type How archive was initiated - Scheduled or Manual
Archive Time When the archive entry occurred.
Logs Number of logs that were archived for this entry.
3BUF001094-600 B 541
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Archive Group Archive Group through which this entry was archived.
Description Optional description given to this entry (either through manual archive dialog,
or archive action plug-in when scheduled)
Field Description
Index Sequential number
Type Numeric, IM object, or Platform Object as specified in the archive group
Start Time Start time for archived data.
End Time End time for archived data.
Entries Number of log entries archived for this log.
Log Name Log name.
542 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
configuration template (Property, Message, or Report log), the type will be indicated
as Ref By Name, and the number of logs referenced by name for that group will be
indicated in the Details column.
Further details related to archive group entries are accessible through the List Group
Items function.
Supported Functions
The runtime functions supported by this aspect are described in Table 10.7. Some
functions are related to archive group configuration. These are described in System
3BUF001094-600 B 543
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Function Description
Archiving Logs Manually on page 558 An alternative to scheduled archiving.
Resetting the Last Archive Time for an If needed, reset the last archive time to cause the next
Archive Group on page 585 archive operation to go back farther in time, for example
to account for a failed archive, or skip ahead to a later
List Group Items on page 585 Used to determine the exact content of an archive
group (items contained within the archive entries).
544 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Service Group Indicates the node where the displayed logs reside.
Number of Logs Indicates the number of logs in the displayed list.
Archive Group Indicates the archive group to which a displayed log is assigned.
Status Indicates whether the status of a displayed log is ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Log Name Indicates the name of the displayed log.
3BUF001094-600 B 545
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Service Group Indicates the node where the displayed logs reside.
Log Class Indicates whether the displayed logs are Run Time or Restored.
Log Type Indicates the type of logs displayed REPORT is only valid type.
Number of Logs Indicates the number of logs in the displayed list.
3BUF001094-600 B 547
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Status Indicates the status of a displayed log: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Log name Indicates the name of the displayed log.
Execution Time Lists the execution times for the reports.
Stored Time Lists the times when the executed report was stored.
User Name Lists the user that executed the report.
Report Name Lists the name of the report that was executed.
548 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Service Group Indicates the node where the displayed logs reside.
Log Class Indicates whether the displayed logs are Run Time or Restored.
Log Type Indicates the type of logs displayed. PDL is only valid type.
Number of Logs Indicates the number of logs in the displayed list.
Log Name The log name is derived from the name of the root task. When a log is
selected from this list, the associated tasks are displayed in the Task field.
3BUF001094-600 B 549
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Task If the PDL is a job created by Batch 300, Task is a list of batches in the job.
If the PDL is a batch created by TCL, Task is the same as the log name.
Start Time & End Start Time & End Time specify the time range for the Batch or Job
Time Fields
MO Media
For MO archive media, the platter must be removed and replaced when it becomes
full. The new platter must then be initialized. Refer to:
• Removing/Replacing Platters on page 551.
• Initializing an Archive Volume on page 553.
550 3BUF001094-600 B
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3BUF001094-600 B 551
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
go to the Archive Device Aspectmain view, click Actions and choose Activate or
Deactivate, Figure 10.11.
Or use the
Actions button
552 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Initialization of archive volumes may be done using the archive device aspect for the
archive device whose volume needs to be initialized, or the Archive Volume As-
pectmay be used.
To initialize a volume:
1. Install the archive media in the disk drive.
2. Navigate to and select either the archive device aspect whose volume is being
initialized, or select the applicable Archive Volume Aspect.
3. If the archive volume aspect is being used, invoke the Initialize command from
the Action button or context menu, Figure 10.13.
3BUF001094-600 B 553
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Then skip steps 4 and 5 which pertain only when using the archive device aspect.
Resume the procedure at Step 6..
4. If the archive device aspect is being used, select and remount the volume. This
is not required when using the archive volume aspect.
Always remount a volume BEFORE initializing it from the archive device aspect.
The information in the archive device aspect is not automatically updated when
a new archive media is inserted, and so may not accurately indicate the current
contents of the archive device. Remounting the volume will ensure that the se-
lected volume is actually installed in the archive device. To do this, select the
volume, right click and choose Remount from the context menu (Remounting
a Volume on page 552).
5. If the archive device aspect is being used, once the volume has been remounted,
re-select the volume, right click and choose Initialize from the context menu,
Figure 10.14.
6. Whether the archive volume aspect or the archive device aspect is being used,
invoking the Initialize command displays the Initialize Volume dialog, Figure
554 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
The Volume ID and Overwrite Timeout default to the values specified for all
volumes on the archive device config view. Use this dialog to change these values
if necessary. As an option, enter a Volume Label. For further details regarding
these initialization parameters refer to Table 10.11.
7. Click OK to initialize the media. If the initialization parameters are specified
correctly, a message indicating the initialization was successful will be displayed
in the message box, and the Volume State will go to Valid, Figure 10.16. If one
or more parameters were defined incorrectly, an error message will be displayed.
If the Overwrite Timeout has not expired on the media being initialized, then
verify whether or not to overwrite it.
Table 10.11: Initializing Archive Media
Field Description
Overwrite This defaults to the Overwrite Timeout as configured in the Archive Device aspect’s
Timeout config view. The Overwrite Timeout specifies the delay between the time when a
media becomes full and the time when the media can be re-initialized (overwritten).
Set this to the duration for which the data must be preserved. For example, if data
must be preserved for one year, set the Overwrite Timeout to 365 days. This
means 365 days after the LAST data has been written to the media, the media
can be automatically initialized by archival if the media is in the drive.
Select a unit (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds), and then specify the number of
units, for example: 365 Days.
The Overwrite Timeout is stored on the media, so removing the media from the
drive for a period of time and then replacing it will not affect the Overwrite Timeout.
Volume ID This is a name assigned to this specific volume. The format was specified when
the archive device was configured.
3BUF001094-600 B 555
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Volume ID When a formatted string is entered in the Volume ID field, the format characters
Evaluated are replaced with corresponding values in this field. The # signs will be replaced
by the configured next label when the media is actually initialized.
Volume Label This is an optional descriptor to further identify the media.
556 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.3 User Interface for Managing Archive Dat
Field Description
Source Volume ID Automatically filled in based on the volume whose aspect is selected.
Destination Volume Enter the Volume ID for the new copy. This is typically the same as the Source
ID Volume ID.
Destination Path Enter the full path to the location (drive\folder\folder...) where the copy will be
Destination Volume Used to specify a new volume label. The default is to use the label of the
Label volume being copied.
Overwrite Timeout Used to specify a new overwrite timeout. The default is to use the overwrite
timeout of the volume being copied.
Include Archives Used to specify the range of archive entries to copy.
Destination Quota Used to specify a new quota. The default is to use the quota of the volume
being copied. The value is entered in megabytes (MB).
Temporary Storage
3BUF001094-600 B 557
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
Field Description
Overwrite This check box is used to specify whether or not to overwrite the current
Destination contents of the specified destination. Checking this box will allow the contents
of the destination directory to be overwritten.
Create ISO Image Checking this check box will create an ISO Image in addition to the shadow
copy in the specified destination.
Do Not Verify Used to specify whether or not to verify signatures. If signatures are verified,
Signatures the volume will not be copied if signatures are not verified.
Preserve Init Time This check box is used to specify whether or not to preserve the initialization
time stamp. Checking this box will preserve the time stamp.
558 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
• Select logs to be archived. This functionality is provided by the view logs aspects.
For property (numeric) and report logs, refer to Manual Archiving Property and
Message Logs on an Ad-hoc Basis on page 560.
Manual archiving for PDLs is described in Manually Archiving PDLs on page
3BUF001094-600 B 559
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
Parameter Description
Device Archive device to process the archive entry.
Volume Volume on selected archive device where archive entry
will be written
Start and End Times Time span for data to be archived.
Description Optional description to label the archive entry
560 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
3BUF001094-600 B 561
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
3. Once the log class and type are specified, click Retrieve. The logs belonging to
the specified log class and type will be displayed in the log list on the bottom of
the View Logs aspect.
The retrieved logs and corresponding information are displayed in the View Logs
window based on the specified location or archive group. An example is shown in
Figure 10.22.
The retrieved log list may be too large to manage. For example, the list in Figure
10.22 has 9000 logs. The Search tab is used to apply a filter to reduce the retrieved
log list. This is described in Filtering the Retrieved Logs List on page 563. Apply a
filter to reduce the log list if needed, then select the logs to be archived and complete
the archive as described in Completing the Archive Request on page 564.
562 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
Parameter Description
Log Name List logs whose name has the specified text string.
Archive Group List logs that belong to the specified archive group.
Log Status List logs that have the specified log status. When Not Used
is selected, both active and inactive logs are displayed.
Match All Conditions These option buttons are used to choose whether the search
Match Any Condition will include logs that match ANY one or more of the three
conditions described above, or only those logs that match
ALL three conditions.
3BUF001094-600 B 563
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
564 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
Field/Button Description
Archive Device Enter the name of the archive device where the logs will be
Surface (volume) This pick list is populated with the list of surfaces corresponding
to the selected archive device. The default choice is the active
Volume State This is a read-only field that indicates the status of the selected
Usage This is a read-only field that indicates the amount of space
already occupied on the selected volume.
Active Volume This is a read-only field that indicates the current volume where
timed archiving is writing data.
Start & End Time As an option, enter a time range for the archive. If a time range
is not specified, the entire log is archived.
Description Enter an optional description to identify this archive entry.
3BUF001094-600 B 565
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
1. The log class for manual archival is Run Time. Use the Log Type pull-down
list on the Retrieve tab to select the Run Time option.
2. Click Apply. This will display all PDLs for the selected log type.
3. Select one PDL from the list to retrieve its corresponding tasks.
This may take some time depending on the number of tasks. The message bar at
the bottom of the window will indicate that History Services is retrieving the in-
formation. DO NOT click again. Doing this would put another request in the queue
and delay the information retrieval process.
The tasks are displayed in the lower pane beneath the log list.
The retrieved Log or Task list may be too large to manage. The Filter Tasks tab is
used to apply a filter to reduce the retrieved Task list. To do this, follow the guidelines
in Filtering the Task List on page 569.
568 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.4 Archiving Logs Manually
• specify a start time range. This will exclude any tasks whose start time does not
not fall within the specified range. To do this, check both Start Time fields and
specify a from and to start time. Uncheck the End Time fields.
• specify an end time range. This will exclude any tasks whose end time does not
not fall within the specified range. To do this, check both End Time fields and
specify a from and to end time. Uncheck the Start Time fields.
• specify both a start time range and an end time range. To do this, check and
specify all time fields.
Click Update Filter to apply the new filter specification.
3BUF001094-600 B 569
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.5 Verifying Archive Data
To archive selected tasks, click the Archive Tasks tab. This tab is identical to the
Archive PDLs tab, except that the Archive button is not active until tasks have been
selected from the Task list. Select the tasks from the Task list, fill in the information
as described in Table 10.16, then click Archive.
Field/Button Description
Archive Device Enter the name of the archive device where the logs will be
Surface This pick list is populated with the list of surfaces corresponding
to the selected archive device. The default choice is the active
Volume State This is a read-only field that indicates the status of the selected
Usage This is a read-only field that indicates the amount of space
already occupied on the selected volume.
Active Volume This is a read-only field that indicates the current volume where
timed archiving is writing data.
Description Enter an optional description to identify this archive entry.
570 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.5 Verifying Archive Data
signature/machine key. The signature and key may be read and verified at any time
to determine whether or not the contents of the volume have been altered. How to do
this is described in Verifying Signatures for a Volume on page 571.
Restoring a volume to a different machine (not same machine where the volume was
created), or on a machine whose operating system has been reloaded will cause a
mismatch between the signature and the machine-generated key. A check of the sig-
natures will indicate that the signatures are valid, but the keys do not match. In this
case, to verify the integrity of the volume a record of the original key used when the
archive was made will be required. This record may then be compared to the key
which is currently stored on the volume.
Therefore, for each archive volume, read and record the signature information to
record the public key. How to do this is described in Showing Volume Information
on page 586. Use this same function to compare a recorded public key with the current
public key stored on an archive volume.
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
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3BUF001094-600 B 577
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
3BUF001094-600 B 579
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
Set Filter
for Entries List
This displays the Filter Entries dialog. This dialog is used to filter the entries list
based archive type (Manual or Scheduled), archive group, and archive group
2. Enter the filtering criteria. Use one, two, or all three criteria. Figure 10.39 shows
a filter for Scheduled archives for the group named IMlog1.
Leading and trailing wildcard characters are present by default (but not shown).
Do not enter wildcard characters in this dialog.
3. Click OK when done. The result for this filter is shown in Figure 10.40.
Reset Filter restores all archive entries to the list.
580 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
Filtering Logs
When an archive entry is selected, the log list initially displays all logs for the selected
archive entry. Reduce the number of logs in the list by applying a filter based on log
name and/or log type.
To do this:
1. Click Set Filter for the log list, Figure 10.41.
3BUF001094-600 B 581
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
Set Filter
for Log List
This displays the Filter Logs dialog. This dialog is used to filter the log list based
log type, and log name. Log type options are: Object (for example, Completed
Report), Numeric, Message, Profile, Generic, PDL, and SPC.
2. Enter the filtering criteria. Use one or both criteria. Figure 10.42 shows a filter
for Numeric logs whose name contains the string HSSIN.
Leading and trailing wildcard characters are present by default (but not shown).
Do not enter wildcard characters in this dialog.
3. Click OK when done. The result for this filter is shown in Figure 10.42.
Reset Filter restores all logs to the list.
582 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.6 Making Archived Data Available to Clien
3BUF001094-600 B 583
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.7 Miscellaneous Archive Operations
584 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.7 Miscellaneous Archive Operations
• Resetting the Last Archive Time for an Archive Group on page 585.
• Showing Volume Information on page 586.
• Showing Platform Information for a Log on page 586.
3BUF001094-600 B 585
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.7 Miscellaneous Archive Operations
or skip ahead to a later time. Or, for example, when the data collected for a certain
time period should not be archived.
This is done through the Archive Group aspect. Select the group, click Actions and
choose Reset Last Archive Time (or use the context menu).
586 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.7 Miscellaneous Archive Operations
Aspect List
for selected
Item Description
Index Sequential Number
Log Full Log name
Object Object where the log configuration aspect was added
Property Aspect Aspect category for the logged property
Configuration Aspect Name of the log configuration aspect
Property Name Property name
Log name Configured log name
The function is available on the archive volume aspect. To use this function (reference
Figure 10.47):
1. Select the archive volume aspect.
2. Select an archive entry from list of entries in the upper pane.
3. Select one or more logs from the list in the lower pane.
4. Click Actions then choose Platform Info (or use context menu).
3BUF001094-600 B 587
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
To display the log configuration aspect for a log, select the log in the upper log list,
then click the log configuration aspect icon in the lower pane.
Select an
Then select
one or more
588 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
10.8.1 Overview
The Archive Import tool, Figure 10.48, is accessible through the Config view on an
Archive Volume aspect. It is based on an Excel workbook with embedded buttons
and functions designed specifically for importing archives from other platforms.
3BUF001094-600 B 589
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
The Process
1. Start by selecting an archive volume from which to import the archive data. The
volume must be mounted in a drive on the Information Management Application
Server or a mapped drive, and the drive must have an archive volume aspect that
supports reading from the volume.
2. Select one or more archive groups that have entries on the volume. This is used
to if it is desired to limit the number of logs that will be imported in one session.
The Archive Import Tool creates new log configuration aspects to hold the im-
ported archive data. If the system has objects where these new log configuration
590 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
aspects can be added, then those objects may be used. If no object exists for the
data from the archive, the Archive Import tool creates an Object Structure to
provide navigation for the restored data. The tool also creates new log templates
from which to instantiate the new log configuration aspects.
The Workbook
The workbook has three sheets. The first sheet shown in Figure 10.48 is named Log
List. The top of this sheet, Figure 10.18, contains a row of command buttons arranged
so the import operation can proceed in stepwise fashion from left to right. The two
rows below the buttons provide feedback for the button commands.
Table 10.18: Command Buttons and Feedback Rows
The remaining rows provide log information. Colored headings indicate the source
of the data. For example, blue indicates information extracted from the archive files.
Yellow indicates information for which the tool has provided a default value, but
which may be modified by the user. Purple indicates information created by the tool
in the 800xA System.
The second sheet is named Log Templates, Figure 10.49. As the import progresses,
this sheet is populated with the information needed to create the log templates that
will be used to instantiate the archive log configurations. This sheet uses the same
color coding as the Log List sheet. Certain parameters on this sheet can be modified
if necessary, for example, log names and log template names.
3BUF001094-600 B 591
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592 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
This sheet provides more detailed feedback, status and error reporting. If something
unexpected happens, this sheet may show why. Each message is time stamped, and
operations that may take time include a time duration report. This will help when
determining how long certain operations may take with the particular combination
of archives, media, and hardware.
3BUF001094-600 B 593
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10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
2. Select the Archive Volume aspect from the object’s aspect list.
3. Use the View Selector to change the view to the Config View. This displays a
dialog that is used to start a new workbook or open an existing workbook. Con-
tinue with this dialog as described in Generating an Aspect Reference Data Source
on page 595.
Table 10.19: Starting the Archive Import Tool
3BUF001094-600 B 595
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
will relate the archive data to the correct objects on the target system. Use the dialog
in Figure 10.20 to begin this process.
1. Use the Service Group and Volume Path default values that correspond to the
Archive Volume selected in the previous step.
2. Select the User Generated option button and click New as shown in Figure
10.20 to create a new Aspect Reference Data Source file.
Table 10.20: Aspect Reference Data Source Setup Dialog
This opens a new workbook. The system and archive volume path specifications are
already defined, Figure 10.21. Therefore, it is not necessary to use the first two
command buttons corresponding to those steps. Start with the third button for Setting
the Archive Group Filter.
Table 10.21: Initial Workbook View
596 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
3BUF001094-600 B 597
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
This dialog lists the names of the archive groups represented on the Archive
Volume. Manual archive instances are represented by the common name: Custom.
The number of logs contained in each group is indicated by the first number in
parentheses following the group name. The second number indicates the number
of occurrences of the group on the archive volume.
Since group definitions may change between one archive event and the next, the
number in parentheses indicates the maximum log count over all instances of the
archives of that group in this Volume. The number in parentheses indicates the
total number of logs recorded in the Archive Header files as belonging to that
particular group. The number of numeric logs may be considerably less than this
number. The total log number is just a guide.
2. Select one or more groups. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple groups or
to deselect already selected groups. Selecting no groups is equivalent to selecting
all groups.
3. Click OK once the selections are made.
The selected group names will be indicated in the report area under Archive
Group Filter. Each name will be separated by the character (:), Figure 10.51. Log
598 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
counts are not indicated. As a result of this operation, a message will be created
on the Message sheet (sheet 3). An example is shown in Figure 10.52.
2. Select the Start button. This will initiate a read of Archive information which
can not be interrupted (a progress bar will appear). The time to read this informa-
tion may be significant, depending on the size of the archive and other factors.
During this operation, information for the logs in the selected groups is read from
the archive volume.
3BUF001094-600 B 599
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
The tool will create a new log template for each unique combination of Aggregate
and Storage Rate found. This information is entered on the Log Templates sheet,
along with the default names for the property log templates and log configurations.
An example is shown in Figure 10.25.
Table 10.25: Template Sheet Results
The Template value in the Logs / Templates report cell on the first sheet is incremented
when a new Template row is added to the second (Log Template) sheet.
After the information has been read into memory, the Archive Log Names, Data
Sources, Aggregates, and Storage Rates for each log are entered into the four left
columns of the Log List sheet, one row per log, Figure 10.26.
Table 10.26: Load Data Result on Log List Sheet
In addition to data extracted from the Archive, default Template Row Numbers
(pointing to a Property Log Template configuration on the Log Template sheet) is
also entered for each log, along with default values for the 800xA Object Names,
Property Names, and Data Types.
600 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
Once the Log rows have been created, duplicate rows are purged automatically. Du-
plicate rows will occur if the same log information is read in more than once, or if
the same log occurs in multiple groups. In order to remove duplicate entries from the
workbook, the Log list is sorted. If a duplication is found, the most recent entry is
preferred, unless the older entry already contains an Object Path. As duplicate rows
are removed, the progress bar advances backwards (right-to-left), indicating which
spreadsheet row is being processed.
As a result of this operation, a message will be created on the Message sheet (sheet
3). An example is shown in Figure 10.53.
At this point, the workbook has rows representing archived logs on Sheet 1. Filter
these rows, if desired, to process only a subset of logs. The remaining buttons will
operate only on the rows left unfiltered (visible).
Each header column on the Log List sheet already has an Excel Filter defined, Figure
10.27. Filtering on multiple columns, especially using the built in Custom filtering
feature, is an effective way to isolate a set of log rows that need to be processed
Table 10.27: Filtering
After executing the Load Data From Archived Volume command, the results may be
modified. For example, object names can be modified. For details, refer to Overriding
The Defaults on page 611.
3BUF001094-600 B 601
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
the objects whose properties are being logged, each archive log configuration must
belong to an object in the system. Either create new objects specifically for this pur-
pose, or associate the log configurations with existing objects.
Generally, new objects are created when the archive data is being imported for the
first time. The objects created are simply placeholders for the log configuration aspects.
For details, refer to Creating New Objects on page 602.
If archive data is being re-imported for objects whose archive data has been previously
imported, then choose to match existing objects. Refer to Match Existing Objects on
page 600 for more information.
This displays an Object Browser for selecting a single parent (root) object in the
800xA System, Figure 10.29. The default parent object is based on the volume name.
Another object may be selected.
602 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
When a parent object is selected, the object browser is replaced by a progress bar
which monitors the progress of creating new objects having properties with the
specified data types as immediate children of the chosen Parent Object.
The process of creating objects can be stopped by clicking on the Stop button of the
progress bar.
As rows are processed, the Create New Objects report cell keeps track of successes
and attempts. Success is marked by entering information in the next three columns
of the Log row: Object Path, Object GUID, and Property Aspect GUID. This infor-
mation is stored (persisted) in the workbook as it is needed for subsequent operations,
which may not occur in the same Excel session.
If an existing object with the same name as the proposed new object is found (as a
child of the parent object), the tool will not create a duplicate object, but will use the
existing object. Otherwise, the tool will create a new object, with object type = Archive
Import Object.
If an existing property with the same name as the proposed new property is found,
the tool will not create a duplicate property, but will use the existing property. Other-
wise, the tool will create (or expand) a General Properties aspect, adding a new
property with the specified name and data type.
Messages on the Messages Sheet indicate final success/attempts status, whether the
operation was stopped, and reasons for failures. An example is shown in Figure 10.30.
3BUF001094-600 B 603
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
This displays an Object Browser for selecting a set (one or more) of parent (root)
objects in the 800xA System, Figure 10.32. These parent objects must have already
been created in the 800xA System.
604 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
The label of the Object Browser window keeps track of the number of root objects
selected so far, as does the Success / Attempts / #Roots report cell beneath the Match
Existing Objects command button.
After selecting the first object, the Select prompt on the Object Browser changes to
Add Another Parent. Click Done when finished adding Parent Objects.
In the current Archive Import Tool session, if a set of root objects were previously
specified for matching, the Done button will read Use Previous. Clicking Use
Previous without selecting any objects will use the previous root object set. This
feature only works during a single session, since the set of matching object roots
is not persisted in the workbook between sessions.
Close the window to cancel at any time.
When parent objects are selected, the tool creates an internal list of all objects that
are descendents of those parent objects. The tool then matches the object names in
the log rows of the worksheet against that internal list. If a match is found, the tool
looks for a matching property name.
The Object Browser is replaced by a progress bar that monitors the progress of
matching existing objects and properties. The process of matching objects can be
stopped by clicking on the Stop button of the progress bar.
3BUF001094-600 B 605
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
The Match Existing Objects functionality does not create either Objects or Properties.
Messages on the Messages Sheet indicate final success/attempts status, whether the
operation was stopped, and reasons for failures.
The following is a typical Message Sheet entry:
This displays an Object Browser for selecting a parent object for the Property Log
Templates whose configurations are defined on the Log Templates sheet. The default
is the Archive Import Template Library Object under the History Log Templates
object in the Library Structure, Figure 10.34. A different parent object may be selected.
For each unfiltered (visible) row on the Log List sheet, the tool locates the object
specified in the Object Path column and creates a log configuration aspect for that
object. If a log configuration aspect already exists, that aspect is used. The tool then
creates a new property log in that aspect, using the property, data type and log template
indicated by the information (names and GUIDs) stored for that row in the workbook.
606 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
This command only operates on unfiltered visible rows of the Log Template sheet
and will not create duplicate templates if the templates already exist.
Upon selecting the parent template library, the object browser is replaced by a progress
bar with a Stop button. However, the number of Property Log Templates is usually
very small, compared to the number of Property Logs, and the progress bar may not
be noticed.
The Aspect Reference column of the Template rows on the Log Template sheet are
filled in by the tool, for use in subsequent commands.
As a result of this operation, a message will be created on the Message Sheet (Sheet
3). An example is shown in Figure 10.35.
Table 10.35: Example Create Archive Log Templates Message
3BUF001094-600 B 607
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
This displays the progress bar. Clicking Start initiates the process. Clicking Stop
terminates the process.
The Success / Attempts report cell beneath the Match Existing Archived Logs
command button shows how many archived log matches were successful out of those
Close the window to cancel at any time.
A log template will be created if a log template is not available for an archived log.
The Log Config Aspect GUID and Log ID GUID columns of the log rows on the
Log List sheet are filled in by the tool, for use in subsequent commands.
As a result of this operation, a message will be created on the Message sheet (sheet
3). An example is shown in Figure 10.37.
Table 10.37: Example Match Archived Logs Message
608 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
Skip the Specify New Aspect Reference Data File step, since this information is
already specified and should not be changed.
1. Click Create/Update New Aspect Reference File, Figure 10.38.
Table 10.38: Create/Update New Aspect Reference Data File
2. Click on the Start button of the progress bar. The tool creates an internal list of
the unfiltered (visible) log rows on the Log List sheet. The file path is indicated
under the Specify a New Aspect Reference Data File button.
3. When prompted to continue building the file (Building Aspect Reference File),
click OK.
The tool creates or locates the specified new AIP_INFO file. 800xA information
for each Log in the workbook is written to a new file using information stored
in the workbook. If an AIP_INFO file was included in the original Archive Vol-
ume, any digital signature information for each log is copied from the old
AIP_INFO file to the new. The tool also updates the alternate AIP_INFO file
path of the Volume Configuration aspect.
A record of entries and log rows is kept in the report cell beneath the Create/Up-
date New Aspect Reference File button, Figure 10.38.
4. When the Operation Complete message appears, acknowledge the prompt by
clicking OK.
5. Once the AIP_INFO file is created, apply the changes by clicking Apply on the
Archive Volume config view, Figure 10.20.
6. When prompted to update the version on the server with the local copy (Update
Server?), click Yes. This will copy the new file to the correct location and set
the user available flag to TRUE (represented in Archive volume information).
3BUF001094-600 B 609
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
2. View the archive data, Figure 10.40, from the log configuration aspect Status
610 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
When new entries are created on the second sheet, then retarget the template row
number of any logs on the first sheet that will be used.
3BUF001094-600 B 611
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
Do not sort or rearrange the rows on the second sheet, unless care is taken to retar-
get the template row numbers of all the logs on the first sheet that reference tem-
plates that have new row numbers.
Table 10.41: Excel Template Row
3. The Object Names and Property Names on the Log List sheet may be modified.
The workbook has filled in default values based on a few simple patterns it can
recognize. If the workbook cannot recognize a pattern, it will fill in names that
incorporate the line number on the worksheet of the Log as it was loaded, just
to have unique Object Names.
If there is a better way to construct Object and Property Names from Archive
Log Names and Data Sources, then create an Excel formula and fill the Object
Name and Property Name cells with it (Table 10.42).
Table 10.42: Excel Spreadsheet Example Columns
612 3BUF001094-600 B
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
3BUF001094-600 B 613
10 Reading and Managing Archiv 10.8 Importing Archive Data
Since Data Type information is not stored in the Archive, all Data Types are
defaulted as Float. Right-click on a cell in the Data Type column to access a
Data Type choice list.
Use Filtering and Data Fill (Fill Down) skills to get the Data Types the way they
are needed (Table 10.42).
614 3BUF001094-600 B
11 Reading Message Logs 11.1 Message Log Tables
When the system is equipped with the Information Management History Server
function, and the IMMSGLOG is configured, all system alarm/event messages will
be forwarded to the IMMSGLOG. The messages can be read through interactive di-
alogs in DataDirect and Desktop Trends. Data can also be accessed using SQL queries.
This section provides guidelines for using SQL queries to read messages from this
3BUF001094-600 B 615
11 Reading Message Logs 11.1 Message Log Tables
17 4
17 5
17 6
18 4
19 4
19 5
19 6
20 6
Figure 11.1: Relationship Between Oracle Tables for Storing OPC Message Information
Vendor-specific attribute names are defined in the MSGVENDORS table, Table 11.3.
There is one such table on each Information Management server where the message
logs reside. The attribute names in this table are associated with their corresponding
attributes in the MSGATTRS table by an Attribute ID.
616 3BUF001094-600 B
11 Reading Message Logs 11.1 Message Log Tables
3BUF001094-600 B 617
11 Reading Message Logs 11.1 Message Log Tables
618 3BUF001094-600 B
11 Reading Message Logs 11.1 Message Log Tables
3BUF001094-600 B 619
11 Reading Message Logs 11.2 Example Queries
620 3BUF001094-600 B
11 Reading Message Logs 11.2 Example Queries
11.2.1 Query for MSGLOG Table Name for PDL Message Logs
select o.object_name,m.table_name from object_table o,log_map_table m, numer-
ic_attrib n where o.object_type in (2,26) and o.object_id = n.log_id and o.object_name
= m.log_name and n.attrib_id = 108 and n.attrib_value in (2) order by o.object_id
object_type 2 = Runtime message logs
object_type 26 = Restored message logs
attrib_id 108 = message log type attribute in the numeric_attrib table
attrib_value 2 = OPC message log
This query provides a listing of all OPC message logs and their respective MSGLOG
table names. Use the applicable table name(s) in the query below to get message text
and vendor-specific data for a specified time range.
3BUF001094-600 B 621
11 Reading Message Logs 11.3 System 800xA ATTVAL Oracle Function for
622 3BUF001094-600 B
11 Reading Message Logs 11.3 System 800xA ATTVAL Oracle Function for
3BUF001094-600 B 623
624 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
This section provides guidelines and reference information for using Open Data Access
(ODA) to support real-time and historical data access for third-party applications
such as Crystal Reports.
ODA does not support the concept of transactions, commits, or rollbacks. The
following statements specifically CANNOT be used:
The following topics are covered:
• ODA for Real-time Data on page 625.
• ODA for Historical Data Access on page 632.
• Accessing ODA Programmatically using ADO on page 655.
An Information Management Browser tool is provided to facilitate locating and
selecting OPC data points on the connected OPC server. The operation of this tool
is described in Information Management Browser on page 524.
3BUF001094-600 B 625
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
If multiple properties are to be read from a group of objects of the same type, it will
be more efficient to use a custom table. Also, for security reasons, the generic_DA
table is read-only; configured tables must be used in order to modify any property
values. Configuring Open Data Access is an Information Management configuration
626 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
"WHERE isQualityBad(value_qual)=1".
When a table is defined on an instance rather than an object type, it will have just one
row. In this case it is not necessary to use a WHERE clause to specify the name.
3BUF001094-600 B 627
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
WHERE id=’{E8A75B02-E95E-4943-999D-2C4E266CE17C}’
• To get all configured properties from all objects of the type, and sort them alpha-
• To get all properties from several objects with related names, using LIKE and
WHERE name LIKE ’ai%’
• To get a property from each child of a given object that has a given type (complex
query using join).
This assumes there is a table named Group defined for an object type whose in-
stances have AnalogInCC objects as children in the Control structure.
SELECT c.name, c.value FROM group AS p, ai AS c
WHERE p.name=’group1’
AND c.parent=p.id
• To set the value of one property in an object.
This requires the column to be configured as writable.
UPDATE ai SET value = 5 WHERE name = ‘ai1’
628 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
and name categories. It is not necessary to give a complete path, but it is recommended
to guarantee that an object is specified uniquely. Structure categories should be
avoided, because any objects found must reside under the database's Object Root.
The Variant value is available from the Value column in the table. For ODBC, which
does not support Variants, the value is presented as a FLOAT, INTEGER, and
VARCHAR in the Value_Flt, Value_Int, and Value_Str columns respectively. The
Value_Type column indicates which of these best matches the actual data. For exam-
ple, a real value 1.23 will appear in the three data types as 1.23, 1, and "1.23" respec-
tively, but the first of these is most accurate. Some values can not be converted, but
will result in NULL in one or more columns; for example, a string value of "12", or
a numeric value of 12, will appear correctly in all three types, but a string value of
"A" or "" will produce nulls in the two numeric types. A timestamp such as "2002-
08-16 12:00:00.000" will appear as the float 37484.5 (the way times are actually
stored in the system, as a fractional number of days), as the integer 37484 (just the
number of days), and as the string "8/16/2002 12:00:00 AM" (the date string as con-
verted within the server, following different rules than those used by the SQL client).
Sample queries are demonstrated in Sample Queries for Generic_DA on page 630.
Table A.1: Generic_DA Table
3BUF001094-600 B 629
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
630 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.1 ODA for Real-time Data
3BUF001094-600 B 631
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
AND c.parent=p.id
AND c.object_type='My Object Type'
• To get several properties with related names, from several objects with related
names, using LIKE and wildcards.
SELECT name, property, value FROM generic_da
WHERE name LIKE ' Object %'
AND property LIKE 'general properties:property%'
• To get names of all objects of the type whose parent is a Control Module.
This example uses the generic_da table in combination with a custom table.
SELECT c.name FROM ai AS c, generic_da AS p
WHERE c.parent=p.id
AND p.object_type='Control Module'
632 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
3BUF001094-600 B 633
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
ODA supports the SELECT statement including all its clauses (INTO, FROM,
It also supports INSERT and UPDATE statements.
SELECT DataValue, Quality FROM NumericLog
WHERE LogName = 'TC100:VALUE,Log1'
AND Timestamp > '2000-10-15 08:00:00'
AND Timestamp <= '2000-10-15 09:00:00'
SQL queries are not case-sensitive, except for text in single quotes. SQL keywords
(for example select) can be written in uppercase or lowercase. The same is true
for table and attribute names. Object (log) names must be entered exactly as they
were configured.
The basic clauses are briefly described below.
634 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
Review the guidelines in this section, and then refer to the example queries shown
• Basic Query for Numeric Data on page 637.
• Query for Numeric Data from a Secondary Log on page 637.
• Query for a Specific Time Range on page 638.
• Query for Interpolative Data on page 638.
3BUF001094-600 B 635
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
Either raw or interpolative data can be requested. If an aggregate is not specified, raw
data will be retrieved by default. The AIPHDA and IMHDA servers support different
aggregates. The AIPHDA aggregates are:
When the retrieval type is interpolated, the intervals variable establishes the time in-
terval between data values. The default interpolation interval is 1 second. Specify a
different interval as required. The interval unit is seconds. Enter the quantity as an
integer. For example to make the interpolation interval 5 seconds, set the Intervals
attribute to 5.
636 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
Time Range
While a time range is not required in the query, it is recommended. If a complete time
range (with start and end time) is not specified, all data occurring within that time
range will be returned.
If a time range is not specified, or if an open-ended time range (just start time, or just
end time) is specified, all qualified data will be returned. It is not limited.
Timestamp Format
All timestamps must conform to the ANSI SQL-92 specification. This format is yyyy-
mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff], where f is an optional up-to-nine digit parameter repre-
senting nanoseconds.
SELECT LogName, Timestamp, DataValue, Quality
FROM NumericLog
WHERE LogName = ‘TC100:MEASURE,Log1’
3BUF001094-600 B 637
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
will select the log based on the seamless retrieval criteria as described in Criteria for
Selection for Seamless Retrieval on page 34.
This query is identical to the one before, except that it uses the full log name to
specify a secondary log.
SELECT LogName, Timestamp, DataValue, Quality
FROM NumericLog
WHERE LogName = ‘TC100:MEASURE,Log3’
SELECT Timestamp, DataValue
FROM NumericLog
WHERE LogName = ‘TC100:MEASURE,Log1’
AND Timestamp >=‘2001-02-15 13:34:00’
AND Timestamp <= ‘2001-02-15 13:37:00’
SELECT Timestamp, DataValue
FROM NumericLog
WHERE LogName = ‘tc100:value,Log1’
AND Aggregate = ‘interpolative‘
638 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
AND Intervals = 60
AND Timestamp >=‘2001-02-15 8:00:00’
AND Timestamp <= ‘2001-02-15 20:00:00’
3BUF001094-600 B 639
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
PPA Naming
With out any prefix, the IM HDA server supports any valid PPA OPC/HDA item ID
for a IM numeric log defined in system. If the item ID works for PPA OPC/HDA and
item ID points to a IM numeric log, it should work for IMHDA.
[Control Structure]Root/Object1:Property1,Log1
{Object GUID}{Aspect GUID}:Property1,Log1
LOGMAN uses the local log manager to access logs on any server with which the
local log manager can communicate. This is the only method that is used to use access
name. Use this method when the location of the log is not known or it is unimportant
where the log is located. This is the default if no prefix is specified.
This method does not support UPDATE or INSERT statements in SQL queries.
640 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.2 ODA for Historical Data Access
EH communicates with the local History server only. This is the fastest method and
is recommended when querying a log that resides on the local History server. The
log name must be used in conjunction with this prefix.
This method supports UPDATE statements in SQL queries. It does not support
INSERT statements.
EH_NET connects directly to a specified History server. This requires specifying the
node name or IP address. Use this method to query a log on a specific History server.
For example, use this when the system uses duplicate log names.
The log name must be used in conjunction with this prefix. The IP address is specified
by string IP followed by four sets of numbers separated by underscores (_).
This method supports both UPDATE and INSERT statements in SQL queries.
3BUF001094-600 B 641
A Using Open Data Access A.3 ODA for Profile Data Access
642 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.3 ODA for Profile Data Access
3BUF001094-600 B 643
A Using Open Data Access A.3 ODA for Profile Data Access
This query returns the valid range of indices for data boxes, as well as other informa-
tion stored in the ProfileLog table.
Select * from ProfileLog where LogName =‘EH.$HSPM1.S1.CW1.PROF-1-o’
AND TimeStamp > '2002-4-1 12:00:00'
AND TimeStamp < '2002-4-1 12:30:00'
Given that the above query returned a data box range of 45-565, this query returns
values for databoxes 45 to 565.
Select * from ProfileLogData where LogName =‘EH.$HSPM1.S1.CW1.PROF-1-o’
AND TimeStamp > '2002-4-1 12:00:00'
AND TimeStamp < '2002-4-1 12:30:00'
AND DataBox <= 565
AND DataBox >= 45
644 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
3BUF001094-600 B 645
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
If creating the new report as a blank report, the Data Explorer is launched directly
upon making that selection.
646 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
6. Select one or more schemas that the report will access (the example in Figure
A.6 shows BATCHTRENDs added):
a. Select a schema, then click Add. This adds the schema to the
Tables available for report list in the Report Expert, Figure A.6.
b. Repeat Step 6a for as many schemas as required, then click Close.
3BUF001094-600 B 647
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
2. Select the ODBC DataSource that supports the ADO data provider for Oracle
access. In this example, this datasource is named Localhost. Click Finish. This
displays the associated tables, views, and synonyms of the selected driver accord-
ing to the specified viewing options, Figure A.2. Filter this list to simplify the
search for the applicable synonym.
648 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
3. Right-click the localhost connection and select Options menu to display the
Options dialog.
4. Clear all Show options except Tables, Views and Synonyms , Figure A.8.
5. Click OK when finished.
3BUF001094-600 B 649
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
6. To apply these new explorer options, toggle (hide/show) the driver’s list. To do
this, go back to the -/+ button for the driver, click - to hide the view, and then
click + to re-show it. Now only Synonyms with the specified like string are listed
under the driver’s expanded view.
7. Expand History and select the PDL_TASK_VIEW, Figure A.3, then click >.
This adds the selected synonym to the list of tables (views and synonyms)
available for the report.
650 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
3BUF001094-600 B 651
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
9. Click Finish to fetch the all available TaskID and TaskName Oracle database
of a particular node. An example of this result is shown in Figure A.5.
652 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
2. This launches the Create New Parameter dialog to create a variable. vartaskID
is the variable of type Number used in this example (Figure A.7).
3BUF001094-600 B 653
A Using Open Data Access A.4 Connecting Client Applications to an ODA
3. Use the Select Expert > Record to set the TASKID field (from
PDL_TASK_VIEW) equal to the vartaskID parameter, Figure A.8. This directs
the query to retrieve batch data for a given TASK_ID specified via vartaskID.
Click OK to close the dialog.
4. To fetch the report data, Click F5 or Report > Refresh Report Data. This
launches the Enter Values dialog where a value for the parameter vartaskID is
provided, as shown in Figure A.9.
654 3BUF001094-600 B
A Using Open Data Access A.5 Accessing ODA Programmatically using ADO
3BUF001094-600 B 655
656 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.1 PDL Extractor
The Production Data Log (PDL) and OPC message Log applications support data
storage and retrieval for Batch Management. PDL software is an option for the Infor-
mation Management History Server function. PDLs are History logs that store pro-
duction data such as batch start/end times, batch variables, and recipe data. PDL
supports collection, storage, and retrieval of this production data for presentation in
batch reports.
The following sections provide guidelines and reference information for accessing
PDL and OPC message data for Batch Management.
3BUF001094-600 B 657
B PDL for Batch Management B.3 Launching the PDL Extractor
1. Follow the installation procedures given in the installation wizard and install the
PDL Extractor.
PDL Extractor utility can be launched through: Program>ABB Industrial IT 800xA>
Production Mgmt - Batch> Utilities >PDL Batch Procedure Extractor
658 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.4 Using PDL Extractor
Select the ABB Batch Procedure Extractor to launch the PDL extractor.
3BUF001094-600 B 659
B PDL for Batch Management B.4 Using PDL Extractor
2. Drill down to the last level until two recipes are listed as in Figure B.4.
660 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.4 Using PDL Extractor
3BUF001094-600 B 661
B PDL for Batch Management B.5 Setting up PDL Extractor
662 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.5 Setting up PDL Extractor
3BUF001094-600 B 663
B PDL for Batch Management B.5 Setting up PDL Extractor
664 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
5. At the IM server side, set up a shared directory as well. For more information
refer to Setting Up Storage of Batch Procedures in PDL.
3BUF001094-600 B 665
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
• Send batch procedures to the PDL for PFC archive and retrieval.
This requires some set up on both the Batch Management node and the Information
Management server where the PDLs reside. This set up is described in Setting Up
Storage of Batch Procedures in PDL on page 670.
666 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
is aged (removed) from the system based when the data was archived and a period
of retention period established.
This policy is established as part of the Information Manager Archive server. To ensure
that the system has been configured properly, make sure to specifically define the
Batch/PDL archive configuration policy. Refer to the Configuring the Archive
Function Information (specifically PDL Archive Configuration) section in System
800xA Information Management Configuration (3BUF001092*).
3BUF001094-600 B 667
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
to locate the log and copy the log name. The name can then be pasted in the
BMA editor. This is illustrated in Figure B.12. Enclose both the Logical Name
and OPC Item with double-quotation marks.
The Information Management Browser is launched through the Windows Taskbar.
Choose ABB Start Menu > ABB System 800xA > Information Management >
Utilities > and select either IM User Tag Management or IM Structure Browser.
For further information, refer to Section 9 Tag Management.
668 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
Figure B.12: Obtaining Log Name through the Information Management Browser
Logical Name and Item ID get mapped into the batch tables/views and the PDL
Browser as follows.
3BUF001094-600 B 669
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
670 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.6 Configuration Requirements for Batch Man
1. Select the directory, right-click, and then choose Sharing… from the context
menu. The directory's Properties dialog get displayed.
2. Click the button Advanced Sharing to launch the dialog box to set the permis-
sions to access the folder.
3BUF001094-600 B 671
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
672 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
679. Guidelines for accessing archived data are provided in Accessing Archived Data
on page 679.
PDLs can be read through:
• DataDirect - DataDirect is an add-in for Microsoft® Excel. DataDirect supports
PDL access through SQL queries, and through a PDL browser dialog.
• Display Services - Display Services is used to build and view dynamic runtime
displays on client nodes connected to a Display server.
• Oracle SQL*NET.
Refer to the applicable user’s guides and associated reference manuals for detailed
instructions on how to use these applications.
The following PDL access applications are covered in this section:
• Querying for a Specific Task Type in the Task Hierarchy on page 673.
• How to Get taskid if it is Unknown on page 675.
• How To Query for the Entire Campaign Hierarchy on page 675.
• How to Exclude Parts of the Hierarchy on page 675.
• Joining Task Views on page 676.
• Retrieve Variable Data for a Specific Batch Occurrence on page 677.
• Accessing Archived Data on page 679.
3BUF001094-600 B 673
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
0 Campaign 10
1 Batch 11 12
A query can be written to access one or more tasks on one or more levels. Since only
campaigns and batches exist at fixed levels, the task type should generally be used
as the criteria for querying against different levels in the PDL hierarchy (for example,
all phases).
674 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
The type specifies the kind of task to query (campaign, batch, unit procedure, opera-
tion, phase). In this case, the type is Batch_Phase.
The START WITH clause specifies the starting point for the query. In this case, the
task whose taskid = 16 will be the starting point. The CONNECT BY clause narrows
the scope of tasks to be returned by the query to those whose parentid = the prior
taskid. The prior taskid is set to the starting taskid. Thus the query will return data
for all tasks in the hierarchy of the task whose taskid = 16.
3BUF001094-600 B 675
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
This query excludes the branch with the unit task whose taskid = 19 and the phase
task whose taskid = 20.
history.pdl_task_view Batch Data
676 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 677
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
In the SELECT clause, any attribute that occurs in only one view can be specified
using just the attribute name (for example variablevalue and variablename only
occur in the history,pdl_variable_view). Since taskname, occurrence, and taskname
occur in more than one view, they must be identified using the complete specifi-
678 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 679
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
680 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 681
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
The object name is the name of the 800xA object the log configuration aspect is
on. This view is a composite of the presrangemin, presrangemax, and engunit
views. These views are filled in from the attribute tables based on the information
entered on the log configuration presentation tab.
The numericlog2 table has one additional column named ObjectName. This allows
the object name to be returned in queries for history data when the object name is
more meaningful (easier to recognize) than the log name. The log name is still required
in the WHERE clause. For example: SELECT DataValue, ObjectName from Numer-
icLog2 WHERE Logname = ‘$HSBrewkettle1:F1Level,tar188im’;
The new oracle views need to be manually added to the oracle user. To do this:
1. Use Windows Explorer to find the oda_views.sql file.
682 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
a. Open an explorer window and enter %HS_SQL% in the address bar. This
opens the sql folder specified in the %HS_SQL% environment variable
(c:\Program Files (x86)\ABB Industrial IT\Inform IT\History\sql).
b. Find the oda_views.sql file in the sql folder.
2. Run the oda_views.sql file (reference Figure B.18):
a. From the 800xA Install User, Open a command prompt and enter:
sqlplus /@localhost
This starts an sqlplus session.
b. At the sql command prompt, enter @ then drag the oda_views.sql file onto
the command line and press Enter.
c. When the command prompt returns after creating the views, quit sqlplus.
Message Views
Three message views, the IMMSGLOGBYCAT, AUDIT_EVENT and the
MM_AUDITEVENTS views, are provided to make message reporting simpler.
The IMMSGLOGBYCAT view was created to easily get category name information.
A sample query would be:
Select message from immsglogbycat where eventcategory = 'category name';
3BUF001094-600 B 683
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
684 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 685
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
686 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 687
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
688 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 689
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
690 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 691
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
692 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 693
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
694 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
3BUF001094-600 B 695
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character (40) Application Task name defined by user, or generated
automatically by Batch Management.
Used in combination with Occurrence in
query for retrieval of task data.
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this task within the parent
task, for example the execution of the
same phase within an operation would
have an occurrence of 2 under the parent
TASKID Number System System-generated identifier. Example:
Not Null 1110000110
PARENTID Number [Application] Taskid of the task that started this task.
Supplied by application at time of task
log creation. If a task has a parentid of
<NULL> or is blank, then it is the root or
starting point of a PDL structure.
LEVELNUMBER Number Application PDL task level number (0 through 15):
0 = Campaign
1 = Batch
2-15 = Procedure or Phase
696 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TYPE Character (32) System Describes the task type. Type can be:
CAPACITY Number(6) Not used in this release.
STATUS Character(10 Not used in this release.
ACCESSAUTHORITY Character(32) Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number(1) Not used in this release.
CREATOR Character(32) [Application] The name of the batch to which this task
belongs. It is being used by some oracle
views to query data by batch name.
CREATIONTIME Date System or Time stamp generated when task was
[Application] created. Time is given as local time with
resolution to the second. Use application
supplied time unless 0 passed in. It is
the same time as the starttime, and is
not used in reporting
CREATIONTIMEUTC Number System or Creation time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
CREATIONTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that creation time occurred.
STARTTIME Date System or Time stamp generated when task
[Application] started. Time is given as local time with
resolution to the second. Use application
supplied time unless 0 passed in.
3BUF001094-600 B 697
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
STARTTIMEUTC Number System or Start time as Universal Time Coordinate
[Application] (UTC) in seconds since January 1, 1970.
STARTTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that start time occurred.
ENDTIME Date System or Time stamp generated when task is
[Application] ended. Time is given as local time with
resolution to the second. Use application
supplied time unless 0 passed in.
ENDTIMEUTC Number System or End time as Universal Time Coordinate
[Application] (UTC) in seconds since January 1, 1970.
ENDTIMEMSEC Number System or Number of microseconds into the second
[Application] that end time occurred.
USERPARAMETER1 Number [Application] Not used in this release.
USERPARAMETER2 Character(32) Phase or Procedure Name.
USERNAME Character (32) Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Batch Management Procedure Block
ARCHIVESTATUS Number [Application] Consolidation of PDL data to another
node is done by looking at any task at
level 1, and if it has a valid endtime and
the archive status of zero then it must be
consolidated, once it is consolidated, the
archive status is modified to a 1.
698 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character (32) Application User-defined name for variable or
Not Null parameter as declared in Batch
Management. Used in combination with
Occurrence in query for retrieval of
variable data.
Example: ReactorTemp
TASKID Number Application Task identifier for associated task.
Not Null
TYPE Character (1) System Not used in this release.
CREATIONTIME Date/Time System/ Time stamp generated when request to
[Application] create this variable was made. Currently,
this time stamp comes from Batch
Management. Time is given as local time
with resolution to the second. PDL
computes time stamp if application
passes 0.
CREATIONTIMEUTC Number System or Creation time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
CREATIONTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that creation time occurred.
TAGNAME Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
DESCRIPTION Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
UNITS Character (10) [Application] Not used in this release.
FORMAT Character (30) [Application] Not used in this release.
3BUF001094-600 B 699
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
Number Batch Management uses
UserParameter1 UserParameter1 attribute to identify
matching parameter pair type
(0=non-matching, 1=MatchingPair) in
order for Batch_Vars_MatchedPairs view
to filter out only matched-pairs. Batch
Management creates variable on phase
start and modifies existing variable to
update ResultValue with actual value
from Phase Post-Compute action.
Character(32) Not used in this release.
UserComment Character(255) Not used in this release.
UserName Character(32) Not used in this release.
ArchiveStatus Number(1) Not used in this release.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character (32) Application User-defined name for TagkeyData or
Not Null parameter as declared in Batch
Management. Used in combination with
Occurrence in query for retrieval of
variable data.
Example: ReactorTemp
OCCURRENCE Number System or Occurrence of this variable within the
Not Null [Application] task. Example: 2
TASKID Number Application Task identifier for associated task.
Not Null
700 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VARIABLEVALUE Number Application Initial value of the variable from a Batch
Not Null Management Procedure and Phase with
parameters start, result of a bdbput( )
function call or BMA Data Collect with
Once option.
The Procedure or Phase [parameter
name].in for Batch Management matched
parameter pairs.
VARIABLETIME Date/Time System or Time stamp at time of variable entry
[Application] operation. Time is given as local time
with resolution to the second.
For lab data entries where actual value
will be entered later. PDL computes time
stamp if application passes 0.
VARIABLETIMEUTC Number System or Variable time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
VARIABLETIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that variable time occurred.
RESULTVALUE Number Application The Procedure or Phase [parameter
Not Null name].out for Batch Management
matched parameter pairs.
RESULTTIME Date/Time The timestamp at time of variable entry
for Procedure or Phase [parameter
name].out for Batch Management
matched parameter pairs.
RESULTTIMEUTC Number System or Result time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
RESULTTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that result time occurred.
3BUF001094-600 B 701
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
APPLICATION Number Application User-defined occurrence
STATUS Character(10) Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) Not used in this release.
USERNAME Character(32) Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number(1) Not used in this release.
USERBLOBSIZE Number System Size of blob.
USERBLOB Blob Batch recipe stored as blob.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character (32) Application Batch Management BMA Data Collection
Not Null Logical Name
Example: Temperature
TASKID Number Application System generated identifier. Example:
Not Null 1 110 000 110
LOGTYPE Character (1) Application N = Numeric Log
M = Message Log
G = Generic - used by Operations
STORAGEINTERVAL Number [Application]/ Recording rate of process object in
System seconds.
Example: 10 (sec)
DATASOURCE Data source for history log as defined in
Composite log window in History.
Example: [object
702 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
CAPACITY Number [Application]/ Log capacity as indicated in the Log
System Attribute Edit window in AdvaInform
History. This is the maximum number of
log entries for this log. Not used in this
LOGNAME Character (32) Application/ Identifies the specific logname of the
System object. Basically, the OPC itemid for
retrieval through OPCHDA. Example:
FAILURENOTIFY Number Application Indicates that application will be notified
in event of history log failure. Requires
application to be able to handle
notification and take appropriate action.
Y = Notify in event of failure
N = Do not notify in event of failure
Not used in this release.
TIMEPERIODSOURCE TBD [Application] Association time is set relative to the
start or end of the task which is linked to
this association.
S:Task+5:00 (5 min + task start)
E:S+30:00 (30 min from start (S))
Not used in this release.
CREATIONTIME Date/Time System/ Time stamp generated at time when
[Application] History association was created. Time is
given as local time with resolution to the
second. PDL computes time stamp if
application passes 0.
CREATIONTIMEUTC Number System or Creation time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
3BUF001094-600 B 703
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
CREATIONTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that creation time occurred.
STATUS Character (10) [Application] Not used in this release.
USERPARAMETER1 Number [Application] Not used in this release.
USERPARAMETER2 Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
USERNAME Character (32) Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character Application Batch Management BMA Data
(32) Collection Logical Name
Example: Temperature
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this resource usage
within the task.
Example: 1
TASKID Number Application Task that created the association.
System generated identifier.
Example: 1 110 000 110
OWNERID Number Batch ID that created the association.
TIMEPERIODSTART Date/Time System Time stamp generated at time of start
association. Time is given as local time
with resolution to the second.
704 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TIMEPERIODSTARTUTC Number System or Time period start time as Universal
[Application] Time Coordinate (UTC) - Number of
seconds since January 1, 1970.
TIMEPERIODSTARTMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the
second that time period start time
USERNAME Character Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character (32) Application Batch Management BMA Data
Collection Logical Name
Example: Temperature
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this name usage within
the task.
Example: 1
TASKID Number Application Task that ended the association.
System generated identifier.
Example: 1 110 000 110
3BUF001094-600 B 705
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
OWNERID Number Batch ID that created the association.
TIMEPERIODEND Date/Time System Time stamp generated at time of end
association. Time is given as local
time with resolution to the second.
TIMEPERIODENDUTC Number System or Time period end time as Universal
[Application] Time Coordinate (UTC) - Number of
seconds since January 1, 1970.
TIMEPERIODENDMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the
second that time period end time
USERNAME Character (32) Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TASKID Number Application Identifier of task being modified.
Example: 1 110 000 110
TABLENAME Character(30) Application Table that was modified.
COLUMNNAME Character(32) Application Column that was modified.
NAMEFROM Character(64) System/ Not used in this release.
706 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VARIABLETIME Date System/ Original time (before modification).
VARIABLETIMEUTC Number System/ Time as Universal Time Coordinate
[Application] (UTC) - Number of seconds since
January 1, 1970
VARIABLETIMEMSEC Number System/ Number of microseconds into the second
[Application] that variable time occurred.
3BUF001094-600 B 707
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TASKNAME Character (40) Application User-defined name for task. TASKNAME
is used in combination with
OCCURRENCE in query for retrieval of
task data.
TASKTYPE Character (32) System Describes the task type. Type can be:
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this task within the parent
task, for example the execution of the
same phase within a unit procedure.
Example: 2
TASKID Number System System-generated identifier.
Not Null Example: 14
PARENTID Number [Application] Supplied by application at time of task log
Example: 1 110 001 113
708 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
LEVELNUMBER Number Application PDL task level number (0 through 15)
0 = Campaign
1 = Batch
2-15 = Procedure or Phase
FCREATIONTIME Character (75) System or Formatted time stamp generated when
[Application] task was created. Use application supplied
time unless 0 passed in.
Example: 25-AUG-2000 14:45:00
FSTARTTIME Character (75) System or Same as FCREATIONTIME.
FENDTIME Character (75) System or Formatted time stamp generated when
[Application] task is ended. Use application supplied
time unless 0 passed in.
Example: 25-FEB-2001 14:45:00
DURATION Number Application Duration of the task given in seconds
FDURATION Character(122) Formatted duration.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VARIABLENAME Character (32) Application User-defined name for variable or
Not Null parameter (as declared in Batch
Management). Used in combination with
Occurrence in query for retrieval of
variable data.
TASKID Number Application Task identifier for associated task.
Not Null
TASKTYPE Character (19) Application Refer to TASKTYPE in Table B.24.
3BUF001094-600 B 709
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
OCCURRENCE Number System or Occurrence of this variable within the
Not Null [Application] task.
Example: 2
APPLICATION Number Application User-defined occurrence.
VARIABLETYPE Character (1) System Describes the type of variable.
n = normal
p = parameter
VARIABLEVALUE Character(255) Application Initial value of the variable when a record
variable is received. If another request
comes in to record to the same variable
and occurrence, the times and value are
put in the Result fields.
FCREATIONTIME Character (20) System or Formatted time stamp generated when
[Application] the request to create this variable was
made. Currently, this time stamp comes
from Batch Management. Use application
supplied time unless 0 passed in.
Example: 25-FEB-2001 14:45:00
FVARIABLETIME Character (20) System or Formatted time stamp at time of variable
[Application] entry operation.
To be used with lab data entries where
actual value will be entered later. PDL
computes time stamp if application
passes 0.
Example: 25-FEB-2001 14:45:00
RESULTVALUE Number Application Updated value of the variable when
Not Null another request comes in to record to the
same variable and occurrence through
Batch Management.
FRESULTTIME Character (20) Application Formatted time stamp at time of at time
of variable entry operation.
710 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TASKNAME Character (40) Application User-defined name for task. TASKNAME
is used in combination with
OCCURRENCE in query for retrieval of
task data.
LEVELNUMBER Number Application PDL task level number (0 through 15)
0 = Campaign
1 = Batch
2-15 = Procedure or Phase
PARENTID Number [Application] Supplied by application at time of task log
Example: 1 110 001 113
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
ASSOCIATIONNAME Character (32) Application Batch Management BMA Data
Not Null Collection Logical Name
Example: Temperature
Refer the Note at the end of this table.
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this history association
Not Null usage within the task.
TASKID Number Application Task identifier for associated task.
Not Null
OWNERID Number Application Batch task ID
OWNERNAME Character(40) Not used in this release.
DATASOURCE Character(64) Not used in this release.
STORAGEINTERVAL Character(6) Not used in this release.
CAPACITY Number Not used in this release.
3BUF001094-600 B 711
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
LOGNAME Character Example: [object
(1023) path]objectname:property
PARENTID Number [Application] Supplied by application at time of task
log creation.
Example: 1 110 001 113
LEVELNUMBER Number Application PDL task level number (0 through 15)
0 = Campaign
1 = Batch
2-15 = Procedure or Phase
TASKTYPE Character(19) System Describes the task type. Type can be:
FCREATIONTIME Character (20) System/ Formatted time stamp generated at time
[Application] when History association was created.
712 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
RESOURCENAME Character (32) Application Name of Batch Management Equipment
Not Null
TASKID Number Application Task identifier for associated task.
OCCURRENCE Number Indicates the transaction occurrence of
NUMBER the Resource used by a Batch.
Batch Management Acquire = 1
Batch Management Release = 2
TASKNAME Character(40) User-defined name for task. TASKNAME
is used in combination with
OCCURRENCE in query for retrieval of
task data.
TASKTYPE Character(40) Describes the task type. Type can be:
LEVELNUMBER Number(2) PDL task level number (0 through 15)
0 = Campaign
1 = Batch
2-15 = Procedure or Phase
PARENTID Number Supplied by application at time of task
log creation.
Example: 1 110 001 113
FCREATIONTIME Character(20) Application Formatted time stamp generated at time
when History association was created.
RESOURCETYPE Character (15) [Application] Not used in this release
Not Null
3BUF001094-600 B 713
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VERSION Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release
Not Null
ACTUALVALUE Number Application Not used in this release
Not Null
FENTRYTIME Date/(System& System or Formatted time stamp at time of acquire
Normalized) [Application] or release.
Example: 25-AUG-2003 14:45:00
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
TASKID Number Application Task to associate resource with.
Not Null
TYPE Character (15) [Application] Not used in this release
Not Null
UNITS Character (10) [Application] Not used in this release.
FORMAT Character (30) [Application] Not used in this release.
SETVALUE Character (255) Not used in this release
CREATIONTIME Date/Time System or Time stamp generated when task was
[Application] created. Time is given as local time with
resolution to the second. Use application
supplied time unless 0 passed in.
CREATIONTIMEUTC Number System or Creation time as Universal Time
[Application] Coordinate (UTC) - Number of seconds
since January 1, 1970.
CREATIONTIMEMSEC Number System Number of microseconds into the second
that creation time occurred.
714 3BUF001094-600 B
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VERSION System Not used in this release.
USERPARAMETER1 Number [Application] Not used in this release.
USERPARAMETER2 Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
USERRNAME Character (32) Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
NAME Character(32) Not used in this release.
TYPE Character(15) Not used in this release.
USAGE Character(15) Not used in this release.
OCCURRENCE Number System Occurrence of this resource usage in the
Not Null task.
Example: 2
TASKID Number Application Task to associate resource with.
Not Null
ACTUALVALUE [Application] Not used in this release.
SAMPLETIME Date/Time System/ Not used in this release.
SAMPLETIMEUTC Number System or Not used in this release.
SAMPLETIMEMSEC Number System Not used in this release.
3BUF001094-600 B 715
B PDL for Batch Management B.7 Accessing PDL Data (Using PDL Task ID)
Data Source
Attribute Data Type Description
[] = optional
VERSION System Date and timestamp if the resource is a
FROMSTORAGENAME Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
TOSTORAGENAME Character (32) [Application] Not used in this release.
STATUS Character (10) [Application] Not used in this release.
USERNAME Character (32) Application Not used in this release.
USERCOMMENT Character(255) [Application] Not used in this release.
ARCHIVESTATUS Number System Indicates if this log has been saved to
archive media.
716 3BUF001094-600 B
C Using the IM OPC HDA Server C.1 Accessing History Servers in Other Aspec
The IM OPC HDA server is installed with the Information Management History
Server option and provides an alternative to the 800xA OPC HDA server for history
access. It is generally recommended that the 800xA OPC HDA server be used for
historical data access; however, it may be advantageous to use the IM OPC HDA
server under some circumstances. This section describes the potential benefits and
limitations when using the IM OPC HDA server.
To connect to the IM OPC HDA server, use the IMHDA data provider.
3BUF001094-600 B 717
C Using the IM OPC HDA Server C.4 Direct Access to Trend Logs
718 3BUF001094-600 B
D Revision History D.1 Introduction
D.1 Introduction
This section provides information on the revision history of this User Manual.
The revision index of this User Manual is not related to the 800xA 6.0 System
Description Date
- First version published for 800xA 6.0 August 2014
A Updated for 800xA 6.0.1 August 2015
B Updated for 800xA November 2017
3BUF001094-600 B 719
D Revision History D.3 Updates in Revision Index A
720 3BUF001094-600 B
A manual (on demand), 558
A/E Linked Server Configuration, 132 restoring archived logs, 572, 577
ABBArray, 278 Area Zoom, 325
ABBGetAttributes, 274 Aspect
ABBGetAttributeValue, 275 A/E Linked Server Configuration, 132
ABBGetHistory, 268 Action, Report, 429
ABBGetObj, 265 Action, Scheduler, 499
ABBSql, 276 Archive Device, 534
about button, 58 Archive Group, 542
access name, 34 Archive Volume, 537
ACC Setup, 286 File Viewer, Report Template, 463
Action Aspect Inform IT History Control, 523
Report, 429 Inform IT History View Logs, 544
Scheduler, 499 Inform IT History View PDL, 567
Active Zoom, 293, 296 Inform IT History View Report Logs, 466,
add-ins, 49, 53 546
alarms/events Report Preferences, 465
Industrial IT dialog, 105 Report Printing, 466
aliases, 260, 262 Scheduled Job, 504
Archive Scheduling Definition, 483
delete restored logs, 583 Start Condition, 492
device delay, 537 Start Condition Expression, 493
initialize media, 553 attribute, 350
Initialize Media, 553 attributes text file, 259, 288
Location, 548 audit trail, 43
Log Class, 467, 547 auto create, 256
Log Name, 467, 548 autofit columns, 112, 241
Log Type, 547
Number of Logs, 467, 547 B
publishing, 572 Backward Scope, 326
Status, 467, 548 batch to batch, 403
Archive Device, 534 Browser, 341
Archive Group, 542
Archive Volume, 537 C
archiving calculation, 93, 173
3BUF001094-600 B 721
email, 452 import a file, 378
722 3BUF001094-600 B
3BUF001094-600 B 723
Raw, 301 Table View (Info Area), 296
Readable Name, Batch Data, 248 tag
Report Action, 429 adding to ticker file, 341
report builder, 29, 417 configuration, 341
Report Preferences, 465 limits refresh, 372
Report Printing, 466 name, 349
Reports, Test Action, 507 tag configuration, 341
resample, 93, 173 tag explorer, 375
Restore Defaults button, 239 operation, 383
724 3BUF001094-600 B
3BUF001094-600 B 725
WHERE clause, 634 Zoom, 296, 326
work off-line Active, 293, 296
tag explorer, 376 Area, 325
ticker, 338 Time, 325
write access, 116, 253 Value, 324
726 3BUF001094-600 B
Contact us
3BUF001094-600 B