Lf-0f 2023
Freconted on’
Constitution Petit 236 :
stitution Petition No, Ch Rey (Wri,
Javed Iqbal Burgi
Son of (late) Muhammad Deen,
Muslim, Adult,
Resident/Office at Panorama
Centre No. 1, 2° Floor, 201, 202,
Saddar, Karachi... é Petitioner
1. Federation of Pakistan,
‘Through th ary,
Ministry of Finance,
2. The Chairman,
National Accountability Bureau,
Shabrah-e-Jamburiat, G-5/1, Islamabad
Regional NAB Karachi NAB (K) ,
PRCS Building, 197/5, Dr Daudpota Road, Cantonment Karachi
3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Through the Secretary
Foreign Office Building, Constitution Avenue,
G-5, Islamabad
; 4. The Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Through the Secretary
Block-C, Pak Secretariat,
5. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Complaint Cell,
‘Through the Secretary
Prime Minister’s Office,
6. Sadia Khan,
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan,
7. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan,
Through the Chairman,
NIC Building, 63 Jinnah Avenue,
Blue Area,
Islamabad...ncnsn Respondents
ee ee%
It is most respectfully and most humbly submitted on behalf of the
abovenamed Petitioner as under:
1. That the subject-matter of this present Constitution Petition is, inter-alia, in
relation to the illegal appointment of, and the abuse of powers by, the
Respondent No, 6 as the commissioner of the Securities and Exchange
Commission of P:
2. That the Petitioner is a known legal activist, who is involved in various struggles
for the enforcement of the legal rights of the people of Pakistan and is interested
in safeguarding the interest of public at large and regarding thy
ues of publie
importance. This present Petition has been instituted by the Petitioner, inter-alia,
because the proper procedure for the appointment of the Commissioner of the
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan [hereinafter referred to as the
*SECP"] has not been followed in the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as
commissioner. It is pertinent to note that the appointment of a Commissioner in
the SECP is an issue of public importance as the SECP. governs the regulation of
corporates, capital markets, insurance and the non-banking financial sectors. The
Petitioner has also instituted several Public interest Constitution Petitions
previously, including the following Petitions before the Honourable High Court
of Sindh at Karachi:
& — C.P. No. D-3318 of 2012 [‘PILER and Others Vs. Federation of Pakistan
and Others] in relation to 2012 Baldia Factory Fire Incident.
CP No. D-295 of 2013 [‘PILER and Others Vs. SBCA and Others") in
relation to 2012 Baldia Factory Fire Incident.
CP. No. 1181 of 2014 [‘PILER and Others Vs. Federation of Pakistan
‘and Others’) in relation to the Tharparkar tragedy.
CP. No, 1171 of 2012 [‘PILER and Others Vs. Province of Sindh and
Others’] in relation to the criminal murder case of the acid attack vietim
Fakhra Younus,Se
A copy of the Memo of C.P. No. D-3318 of 2012, C.P. No. D-295 of 2013, CP.
No. 1181 of 2014 and C.P. No. 1171 of 2012 filed by the Petitioner are attached
and marked as Annexure ‘A? to ‘4.3?
. That it is submitted that the SECP is an important authority which governs the
regulation of corporates, capital markets, insurance and the non-banking financial
sectors. Therefore, it is essential that each and every officer of the SECP be
appointed in accordance with law and that they act in an impartial and objective
manner 10 the best of his/her abilities so as to enable the corporates of Pakistan to
}. That the Respondent No. 6 was appointed as Commissioner, SECP, in March,
2020. However, at the time of her appointment, she was holding the position of
Honorary Consulate General of Finland and she continues to hold such position
which is evident from the Directory of the Consular Corp Sindh. Furthermore,
the Respondent No. 6 was also the CEO of Selar Enterprises (Private) Limited at
the time of her appointment. This is a clear breach of Section 16 of the Securities
and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997 [hereinafter referred to as the
“SECP Act’), which requires prior disclosure of any potential conflict of interest
and also Sections 3(3) and 5 of the SECP Act. This ground alone is enough for
the disqualification of Respondent No. 6 under Section 18(e) of the SECP Act.
A copy of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997, is
annexed and marked as Annex ‘B*
‘That it is also well documented in the press that the Respondent No. 6 was not
given a go-ahead at the time of initial summary presentation to the then-cabinet
as a number of cabinet members had raised serious concerns about her
competence, suitability and above all else, serious conflicts of interest. She was,
accordingly required to resign from all positions held by her at that time and
provide confirmation of having done so, She reportedly provided such
confirmation which is a blatant lie and she has lied to and deceived the Federal4
Government as it is now an established fact that she never resigned from her post
of Honorary Counsel General of Finland till date,
That in addition to the above, there are material irregularities regarding Ms.
Sadia Khan’s appointment which are evident from the following. It is part of the
record that the Respondent No. 6 had submitted her application to the Ministry of
Finance after the deadline for the submission of applications had passed.
However, the Ministry of Finance accepted her application despite it being
submitted after the deadline due to the pressure of certain influential individuals.
Henee, the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Commissioner, SECP is void
ab initio, Secondly, the Respondent No. 6 does not have the requisite experience
and expertise to be considered for the for the post of Commissioner, SECP, since
she has mostly worked in her family business as opposed to any professional
organization. Her total work experience in a professional organization is of 4
years when she worked as an Executive Director at SECP under the
Chairmanship of Mr. Khalid Mirza, at the age of 32 years. It is pertinent to note
that the aforesaid appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Executive Director
‘was also not based on merit as the Respondent No. 6 was clearly not qualified to
be an Executive Director at the age of 32 and with no prior relevant experience,
Hence, the Respondent No. 6's time in the SECP was only limited to the tenure
of Mr. Khalid Mirza. Her other experience includes being posted as CEO of
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance, which again was an appointment
which was made due to the influence of Mr. Khalid Mirza who was then
Chairman of the SECP policy board. As per Section 5 of the SECP Act, the
Commissioners shall be persons known for their “integrity, expertise, experience
‘and eminence in any relevant field”. Furthermore, Section 3(3) of the SECP Act
states and emphasizes that it isthe responsibility of the Commission to “promote,
enhance and maintain independence of the Commission”. Therefore, the
Respondent No. 6’s appointment as Commissioner is in violation, inter-alia, of
Sections 3(3) and 5 of the SECP Act.1,
‘That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that since her appointment,
the Respondent No. 6 has blatantly abused and misused her powers and has
shown her bias on numerous occasions as evidenced by the following examples.
Firstly, the Respondent No. 6 has misused her powers by awarding regulatory
approvals to certain organizations which she favours, and has unduly created
hurdles in the licenses of her business rivals. In a more recent move, she blocked
an important IPO by giving adverse comments, based on a personal bias against
the directors of that company and the advisors of the IPO. It is submitted that the
aforementioned actions of the Respondent No. 6 are blatant violations of the
SECP Act. Secondly, the Respondent No. 6 has been involved in exploiting
SECP’s resources by unilaterally increasing her personal perks and protocols.
She has used her influence to enhance her monthly honorarium soon after
becoming Commissioner which is a blatant violation of the provisions of the
SECP Act, since the increments and other perks are due after at least 1 year of
service. Moreover, the Respondent No. 6 has also claimed enhanced security,
drivers and home staff at the cost of the Commission and of the tax payers of this
JJappointment of, and the abuse of powers by, the Respondent No. 6 as the
commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. However,
despite receipt of the aforesaid complaint, no action has been taken and no
response has been received by the Petitioner either.
A copy of the Complaint dated: 04.01.2023 along with delivery reports is
annexed and marked as Annex *C
That it is most respectfully and most humbly submitted that being aggrieved by
the illegal appointment of, and the abuse of powers by, the Respondent No. 6 as
the commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as
being unconstitutional, the Petitioner has no alternative or efficacious remedyexcept to invoke the Constitutional jurisdiction of this Court on the, inter alia,
facts and grounds stated herein.
A. That the Respondent No. 6 was appointed as Commissioner, SECP, in March,
2020, However, at the time of her appointment, she was holding the position of
Honorary Consulate General of Finland and she continues to hold such position
which is evident from the Directory of the Consular Corp Sindh. Furthermore,
the Respondent No. 6 was also the CEO of Selar Enterprises (Private) Limited at
the time of her appointment. This is a clear breach of Section 16 of the SECP
‘Act, which requires prior disclosure of any potential conflict of interest and also
Sections 3(3) and 5 of the SECP Act. This ground alone is enough for the
disqualification of Respondent No. 6 under Section 18(¢) of the SECP Act.
B. That it is also well documented in the press that the Respondent No. 6 was not
given a go-ahead at the time of initial summary presentation to the then-cabinet
‘as a number of cabinet members had raised serious concems about her
competence, suitability and above all else, serious conflicts of interest. She was
accordingly required to resign from all positions held by her at that time and
provide confirmation of having done so, She reportedly provided such
confirmation which is a blatant lie and she has lied to and deceived the Federal
Government as it is now an established fact that she never resigned from her post
of Honorary Counsel General of Finland till date.
. That in addition to the above, there are material irregularities regarding Ms.
Sadia Khan's appointment which are evident from the following. It is part of the
record that the Respondent No. 6 had submitted her application to the Ministry of
Finance after the deadline for the submission of applications had passed.
However, the Ministry of Finance accepted her application despite it being
submitted after the deadline due to the pressure of certain influential individuals,
Hence, the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Commissioner, SECP is void2
ab initio. Secondly, the Respondent No. 6 does not have the requisite experience
and expertise to be considered for the for the post of Commissioner, SECP, since
she has mostly worked in her family business as opposed to any professional
organization. Her total work experience in a professional organization is of 4
years when she worked as an Executive Director at SECP under the
Chairmanship of Mr. Khalid Mirza, at the age of 32 years. It is pertinent to note
that the aforesaid appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Executive Director
was also not based on merit as the Respondent No. 6 was clearly not qualified to
be an Executive Director at the age of 32 and with no prior relevant experience.
Hence, the Respondent No. 6's time in the SECP was only limited to the tenure
of Mr. Khalid Mirza. Her other experience includes being posted as CEO of
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance, which again was an appointment
which was made due to the influence of Mr. Khalid Mirza who was then
Chairman of the SECP policy board. As per Section 5 of the SECP Aci, the
Commissioners shall be persons known for their “integrity, expertise, experience
‘and eminence in any relevant field”. Furthermore, Section 3(3) of the SECP Act
states and emphasizes that it is the responsibility of the Commission to “promote,
enhance and maintain independence of the Commission”, Therefore, the
Respondent No. 6's appointment as Commissioner is in violation, inter-alia, of
Sections 3(3) and 5 of the SECP Act.
). That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that since her appointment,
the Respondent No. 6 has blatantly abused and misused her powers and has
shown her bias on numerous occasions as evidenced by the following examples.
Firstly, the Respondent No. 6 has misused her powers by awarding regulatory
approvals to certain organizations which she favours, and has unduly created
hurdles in the licenses of her business rivals. Ina more recent move, she blocked
‘an important IPO by giving adverse comments, based on a personal bias against
the directors of that company and the advisors of the IPO. It is submitted that the
aforementioned actions of the Respondent No. 6 are blatant violations of the
SECP Act. Secondly, the Respondent No. 6 has been involved in exploitingG.
SECP"s resources by unilaterally increasing her personal perks and protocols.
She has used her influence to enhance her monthly honorarium soon after
becoming Commissioner which is a blatant violation of the provisions of the
SECP Act, since the increments and other perks are due after at least 1 year of
service. Moreover, the Respondent No. 6 has also claimed enhanced security,
drivers and home staff at the cost of the Commission and of the tax payers of this,
‘That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that under Article 199 of the
Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, this Honourable Court has the authority to make
‘an Order requiring a person holding a public office to show under what authority
of law he/she claims to hold that office. Therefore, it would be appropriate for
this Honourable Court to inquire as to under what authority of law the
Respondent No. 6 is holding office of the Commissioner, SECP.
That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that in light of the above-
mentioned illegalities in the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as
Commissioner, SECP and the violations and abuse of powers carried out by the
Respondent No. 6, an immediate inquiry should be conducted as per Section
19(2) of the SECP Act and the Respondent No. 6 be disqualified, inter alia, under
Section 18(e) of the SECP Act.
‘That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that the Petitioner has also
submitted complaint dated: 04.01.2023 to the Federal Minister for Finance,
wherein the aforementioned illegalities have been highlighted and it has been
requested that an inquiry be conducted. However, neither has any action been
taken by the relevant authorities on the basis of the aforesaid complaint nor has
any response has been received by the Petitioner either.vl
H, That it is most respectfully and humbly submitted that the Petitioner seeks the
indulgence of this Honourable Court to raise further grounds at the time of the
hearing of this Petit
It is, therefore, most respectfully and most humbly prayed that this
Honourable Court may graciously pass judgment, and orders, in the following terms:
(a) Declare that the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Commissioner,
SECP, is illegal, unconstitutional, mala fide, and void ab initio;
(6) Declare that the Respondent No. 6 is liable to be disqualified as
Commissioner, SECP, under Section 18(e) of the SECP Act in light of her
abuse of power and failure to disclose conflict of interest;
rect that an inquiry be conducted into the appointment of, and abuse of
powers by, the Respondent No. 6 with regards to her tenure as
Commissioner, SECP, under Section 19(2) of the SECP Act;
(€) Direct the Respondents to decide the Complaint dated: 04.01.2023 submitted
by the Petitioner within a timeframe as decided by this Honourable Court:
(f) Suspend the appointment of the Respondent No. 6 as Commissioner, SECP;
(g) Grant such further, additional or alternative relief, as this Honourable Court
may deem fit and proper;Karachi;
Dated: 10" January, 2023
Wat! yaul
As shown in the Petition
‘The abovementioned documents e.te.
As per in ttle of the petition
Mohamed Vawda
Advocate, HC-14001/HC/KHI
14-C, 4" Floor, 21" Street,
Off Khayaban-e-Seher,
Phase VI, D.H.A., Karachi5 |
Constitution Petition No. 236 of 2023
Javed Iqbal Buty, anssense ssesee+-Petitioner
Federation of Pakistan & Others..... eas Respondents
1, Javed Iqbal (BurgyySon of (late) Muhammad Deen, Muslim, Adult,
Resident/Office at Panorama Centre No. 2, 3" Floor, 316, Raja Ghazanfur Ali Khan
‘Road, Saddar, Karachi, do hereby state on oath as under:
. That | am the Petitioner in this present case and I am well conversant with the
facts of this case.
2. That the accompanying Constitution Petition has been drafted, instituted and
filed under the instructions of the Petitioner, and for the sake of brevity, the
entire contents of the accompanying Constitution Petition, may be read as a part
S) of this Affidavit a
3. That unless the accompanying Petition is granted, the Petitioner will be gravely
ot prejudiced, ats
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9 OT 4, That whatever is stated above is true and correct to my knowledge and belief,
mast 4 and the Jaw as stated in the accompanying Constitution Petition is believed to
be correct in view of the advice received from my counsel
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Deponent sbevenar jentified =
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