Deteccion Rapida de Micotoxinas
Deteccion Rapida de Micotoxinas
Deteccion Rapida de Micotoxinas
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece; 2Department of Medical Biosci-
ences, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites of fungi and their presence in foods and feed is potentially hazardous
to the health of both humans and animals. This study has assessed the presence of aflatoxins, ochratoxins and
fumonisins in 183 samples of a variety of foods and beverages (nuts, cereals, milk, cheese, wine and beer) in the
Greek market by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Overall, 42.6% of samples had detectable levels of any
of the above mycotoxins and 15.3% had levels above the European Union (EU) legal limit. About 48.1% (n = 27)
of nuts were found to be contaminated with aflatoxin in which 33.3% were above the EU legal limit (4 ppb), 25.9%
with fumonisin and 29.6% with ochratoxin, and in 14.8% of samples co-occurrence of all three mycotoxins was
observed. For cereal-based products, 15.9% (n = 38) were detected with aflatoxin and 59.3% (n = 64) of milk and
cheese samples were detected with aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), but no sample exceeded the EU legal levels. The levels of
AFM1 were found significantly lower in ultra-high temperature pasteurised milk (long-life milk) than in pasteur-
ised milk. Detection of ochratoxin in vine grapes and non-commercial wines produced in small-scale wineries
indicated that 43.5% (n = 23) of samples contained ochratoxin above the EU limit (2 ppb). Analysis of barley malts,
barley seeds and beers revealed that 29% of samples (n = 31) were contaminated with ochratoxin at a level above
the EU limit (3 ppb). The results confirm the widespread and persistent presence of mycotoxins in various foods
and beverages; therefore, continuous monitoring and awareness is required to safeguard public health.
wine is a significant problem mainly for Southern Europe Milk and cheese
where climatic conditions favour the growth of OTA-
producing fungi in grapes (Battilani et al., 2006; Visconti Sixty-four samples (57 milk and 7 cheese samples) from the
et al., 2008). OTA occurrence has also been related to the Greek market (Athens area) were analysed from March to
contamination of malt barley with ochratoxigenic species, May 2014. Milk samples included branded milks from 10
particularly Penicillium verrucosum. The occurrence of different Greek dairy companies, private label milk from 5
OTA in beer is a worldwide problem due to the widespread super markets and 2 imported brands. Samples were classi-
consumption of this beverage. The European Union has fied according to fat content in full fat (>3.0% fat) and light
established maximum permitted levels for OTA at 2 μg/kg fat (1.5% fat) and according to pasteurisation in fresh milk (7
for wine, grape, juice, grape nectar and grape must and 3 days expiry date, pasteurised at 72°C for at least 15 sec) and
μg/kg for malt (EC Regulation 1881/2006). There are cur- long life (>7 days expiry date, pasteurised by ultra-high tem-
rently no limits for beer because the level of OTA in beer perature processing above 135°C for 1–2 sec). Four groups
is indirectly controlled as the OTA in beer originates from of milk were tested: (1) full fat fresh, (2) full fat long life, (3)
the presence of OTA in malt. Contamination of fumon- light fresh and (4) light long life. Cheese samples were tradi-
isins in corn, corn-based food and feed has been steadily tional local varieties of cheese from the Aegean area.
reported from all over the world (Castelo et al., 1998). The
International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluated the Wine and beer
carcinogenic potential of fumonisins and classified them in
group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) (IARC, 1993). Wine samples (n = 23) were selected from North East
Maximum levels allowed by the European Union are 2,000 ttica area during September–November 2012. Samples
μg/kg for unprocessed maize, 1,000 μg/kg for maize flour, included 4 varieties of vine grapes (Agiorgitiko, Savatiano,
400 μg/kg for maize-based foods and 200 μg/kg for maize- Roditis and Attikis), 10 wines from small-scale winer-
based baby foods (EC Regulation 1881/2006). ies (non-commercial wines) and 9 brands of commer-
cial wines. Beer-related samples (n = 31) were imported
There is growing concern for ways in which these fungi barley malts and beers available on the Greek market
and their mycotoxins can be prevented from entering (6 barley, 14 barley malts and 11 beers).
the human and animal food chain. Strict legislation im-
posed worldwide and the global demand for continuous
monitoring of aflatoxin levels in foods and feed have led ELISA method
to the development in recent years of highly specific an-
tibody-based rapid assays that have facilitated the de- For nuts, breakfast cereals and corn-based products, the
tection of mycotoxins even in very low concentrations direct competitive ELISA Veratox® HS for aflatoxin (by
(ng/kg or ppt in the case of aflatoxin M1 [AFM1]). These Neogen Corporation, Lansing, MI 48912 USA) was used
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs)-based for the screening of total aflatoxins with level of detection
methods can be used for quick and reliable screening (LOD) 0.5 ppb and range of quantitation 1–8 ppb (the stan-
of samples (Shanakhat et al., 2018; Turner et al., 2015), dard curve was constructed with concentrations of 0, 1, 2,
while high-performance liquid chromatography with flu- 4 and 8 ppb of standards provided by the kit). This test is
orescence detector (HPLC-FLD) remains the reference approved by Association of Official Analytical Chemists
method used for confirmation (Cigić et al., 2009; Rosi (AOAC) and is validated for the matrices used in this study,
et al., 2007). The aim of this study was to assess the levels such as peanuts, tree nuts, corn-based products, barley, soy
of specific mycotoxins (total aflatoxins, AFM1, ochratoxin, flour, oat fibre, rice bran and wheat. Breakfast cereals that
fumonisin) by a rapid ELISA method in a wide variety of were tested were a mixture of these ingredients. For nuts
foods and beverages classified in four categories: (1) nuts, and corn-based products, the direct competitive ELISA
(2) cereal-based products, (3) milk and cheese, and (4) Veratox® HS for fumonisin (by Neogen Corporation) was
wine and beer. used which is a test approved by AOAC and validated for
barley, corn, Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS),
2. Materials and methods milo, popcorn, rice, soybeans and wheat for the screening
of total fumonisins (B1, B2, B3) with the LOD 50 ppb and
Samples range of quantitation 50–600 ppb. For testing aflatoxin and
fumonisin, the samples were thoroughly mixed in a blender
Nuts and cereal-based products and then 5 g of ground sample was blended with 25 ml of
70% methanol/water solution and was shaken vigorously
Sixty-five samples including 27 nuts (peanuts, walnuts, for 3 min. The extract was filtered through a Whatman#1
pistachio and almonds) and 38 cereal-based products filter and at least 5 ml of the filtrate was collected as sample.
(25 breakfast cereals and 13 corn-based samples) were Quantitation was performed by following the test proce-
collected randomly from Greek super markets. dure provided in the kit.
For milk and cheese, all samples were analysed on the standard curve was constructed (with concentrations of 0,
same day of purchasing by the competitive ELISA method 5, 15, 30, 60 and 100 ng/L). The limit of quantitation was
using Veratox® for AFM1 (provided by Neogen Corpora- 5 ppt, and the lowest LOD was 4.3 ppt AFM1. For cheese,
tion), a kit validated for quantification of AFM1 in liquid the values obtained were multiplied by 5 because the sam-
raw milk and cheese with a LOD of 4.3 ppt and range of ples were diluted 1:5 during extraction.
quantitation 5–100 ppt. Samples of liquid milk (10 ml)
were centrifuged at 3,500 rpm at 10°C and the defatted su- In wine and beer, detection of ochratoxin was performed in
pernatant was collected and used directly in the test. Sam- all samples with the competitive direct ELISA with the com-
ples of cheese were prepared as follows: 2 g of finely grated mercial kit Veratox® for ochratoxin (Neogen Corporation)
cheese was placed in a 50 cc centrifuge tube, 10 ml of 100% with LOD = 1 ppb and Level of Quantitation = 2–25 ppb. A
dichloromethane was added and the mixture was vortexed five-level standard curve was constructed with concentra-
for 1 min. Extraction was performed in a rotary shaker tions of 0, 2, 5, 10 and 25 ppb. This is a test validated for corn,
for 15 min followed by incubation at 50°C for 30 min and barley, wheat, green coffee, oats, rice, soybeans and various
centrifugation at 3,500 rpm (2,740 × g) for 15 min at 10°C. dried fruits. In commodities not validated such as beer and
Then 5 ml of dichloromethane supernatant was withdrawn wine, positive samples should be confirmed with an addi-
and was placed in a glass tube in a water bath evaporator tional approved method. An amount of 10 g of samples was
set at 60°C until evaporation to dryness. The oily residue blended with 40 ml of 70% methanol/water solution and the
was re-dissolved in 0.5 ml of 100% methanol and 0.5 ml of mixture was shaken vigorously for 5 min. The extract was
distilled water, 4 ml of 100% hexanes was added and the filtered through a Whatman#1 filter and at least 5 ml of the
mixture was vortexed for 1 min. After centrifugation at filtrate was collected as sample. Quantitation was performed
3,500 rpm (2,740 × g) for 10 min at 10°C, the upper layer by following the test procedure provided in the kit. All mea-
(hexanes) was removed completely using a Pasteur p ipette. surements were performed in duplicate, and ELISA spectro-
A 0.5 ml aliquot of the remaining methanol–water layer photometric readings were made at 650 nm by the Epoch™
was dissolved in 2 ml of the sample diluent and the mixture Multi-Volume (Biotek) spectrophotometer.
was vortexed for 1 min. 100 μl of this reconstituted mate-
rial was used directly for the test. Each sample of either Statistical analysis
milk or cheese was transferred in the microwells coated
with anti-AFM1 monoclonal antibody and the wells were Data for milk samples were analysed with one-way
placed on an automatic plate shaker for 20 min at room analysis of variance (ANOVA) post hoc tests, and pair-
temperature (RT). The contents of the antibody wells wise multiple comparisons were conducted using Duncan
were washed with wash buffer 5 times and the wells were test. A difference was considered significant at a level of
turned upside down and tapped on a paper towel. 100 μl P < 0.05 (Statistica software).
of aflatoxin–enzyme (Horseradish Peroxidase) conjugate
was added to the wells and a second incubation on an 3. Results and discussion
automatic plate shaker for 10 min at RT was performed.
The washing step was repeated for 5 times and then 100 Mycotoxins in nuts
μl of the enzyme’s substrate was added at the microwells
which were shaken for 15 min at RT. Finally, 100 μl of the In this study, 48.1% (n = 27) of nuts were found to be
stop solution was added to stop the enzymatic reaction. contaminated with aflatoxin in which 33.3% were above
The optical densities were read in a microwell reader the EU limit (4 ppb), 25.9% with fumonisin and 29.6%
(Epoch, Biotek, Winooski, VT, USA) at 650 nm. A six-level with ochratoxin (Table 1). A co-occurrence of aflatoxin,
fumonisin and ochratoxin was observed in 14.8% of sam- although no sample exceeded the EU limit and 28% of
ples. Although maximum allowable levels for nuts by the samples showed co-occurrence of OTA and zearalenone
European Union are applied only for aflatoxin, 11.1 and (Ibáñez-Vea et al., 2011). In Portugal, in a study of myco-
29.6% of nut samples were contaminated with fumonisin toxin co-occurrence in 26 breakfast cereals, all aflatoxins
and ochratoxin above the EU maximum allowable levels except aflatoxin G2 were detected in the samples, with
(400 ppb for fumonisin and 3 ppb for ochratoxin); there- higher incidence of positive samples 69% for AFB1, and
fore, the high incidence of different mycotoxins confirms three samples exceeded the maximum limit for infants
the fact that nuts are among the crops that are suscep- and young children of 0.100 μg/kg (Martins et al., 2018).
tible for contamination by mycotoxins (Battilani, 2010). AFB1 was found in low concentrations in 11.1% (n = 136)
Also, the mycotoxins typically co-occur in foods and feed of the samples collected in 2015 in Serbia, mainly corn
and their occurrences vary from year to year depending based (Torović et al., 2017). In Canada, in 349 samples
on weather and other environmental conditions (Eskola of breakfast and infant cereals, 50% had detectable levels
et al., 2018). Recent studies have revealed that contami- (limit of detection = 0.002 ng/g) of AFB1 but only 4% of
nation of nuts by aflatoxins is common. In a Portuguese the breakfast cereals and 1% of the infant cereals had AFB1
study, 12 out of 16 mycotoxins were found in 37 nut levels exceeding the EU maximum limit of 0.100 μg/kg
samples analysed (Cunha et al., 2018), and in a similar for baby food (Roscoe et al., 2008). However, in a recent
study in China, 16 mycotoxins were detected at a con- study in the United States, aflatoxins were not detected in
tamination frequency of 124 out of 253 samples of dried 215 retail infant foods and breakfast cereals (Zhang et al.,
fruits and nuts (Wang et al., 2018). In Pakistan, an anal- 2018). In Pakistan, in 237 breakfast cereal samples anal-
ysis of 320 samples of nuts and dried fruits revealed the ysed, 41% were found contaminated with aflatoxins, out
co-occurrence of OTA and total aflatoxins in 25% of total of which 16 and 8% samples were found to be above the
samples (Iqbal et al., 2018). In Algeria, 70 out of 112 sam- EU maximum limit for AFB1 and total aflatoxins, respec-
ples of peanuts, almonds and dried figs contained detect- tively (Iqbal et al., 2014).
able levels of aflatoxins and 11 peanut samples exceeded
the European maximum limits for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) Corn-based products were found to be contaminated
(Mimoune et al., 2018). with aflatoxin (30.8%, n = 13) and fumonisin (26.9%), but
no sample exceeded the EU maximum allowable levels
Mycotoxins in cereal-based products (Table 2). In a similar study in Spain, 92 corn-based food
and feed samples were analysed with ELISA, and the lev-
This study has revealed a low presence of aflatoxins in els of fumonisins in corn flour, corn meal and flaking grits
breakfast cereals (8%), with none of the samples exceeding samples exceeded the limit of 1,000 μg/kg in 98, 30 and
the EU maximum allowable levels (Table 2). Other stud- 2% of samples, respectively, but in cornflakes the levels
ies in Europe have shown higher incidence, such as the were lower than 400 μg/kg, the maximum tolerable limit
detection of AFB1 in 56.3% of breakfast cereals (n = 55) set by the European Union (Castells et al., 2008). Also
in a Greek study in which seven samples were found to in Spain, out of 41 organic and non-organic corn-based
be contaminated at levels higher than the EU limit for food samples, seven were contaminated with fumonisin,
AFB1 (Villa and Markaki, 2009). In Spain, 9% of breakfast but only one sample exceeded the EU maximum level for
cereals samples (n = 46) were contaminated with AFB1, fumonisin. Also, the contamination frequency of organic
corn samples (40%) was higher than non-organic ones AFM1 in milk
(3.7%), and contained higher levels of fumonisin B1 and
B2 (Silva et al., 2009). In Korea, co-occurrence of AFB1 A relatively high incidence of AFM1 was observed in the
and fumonisin B1 in corn foods was detected in 4/47 (8%) milk samples analysed. Overall, 63.2% (36/57) of milk
and 9/47 (19%) samples (Park et al., 2002). In Serbia, in 71 samples purchased from the Greek Market were detected
samples of corn flours and corn flakes marketed in Serbia, positive for AFM1 with values >4.3 ng/kg which was the
96.4% (n = 56) of samples were positive for fumonisins B1 LOD of the method and up to 32.75 ng/Kg, with a mean
and B2, but only two samples were above the EU maxi- value of 9.15 ng/kg (Table 2). Regarding the differences in
mum allowed levels (Torović, 2018). levels of AFM1 in the various categories of milk tested, the
highest mean concentration of AFM1 was found in pas-
teurised full fat milk (full fat fresh) which was significantly
Aflatoxin M1 in milk and cheese
higher than both types of ultra-high temperature pasteur-
ised milk, as shown in Table 3. This finding suggests that
AFM1 is a major metabolic hydroxylation product of
levels of AFM1 decrease in milk pasteurised in ultra-high
AFB1 which is the most toxic aflatoxin. AFM1 is formed
temperature. However, more samples should be analysed
in the liver and excreted into the milk of lactating ani-
to confirm this trend and rule out the possibility that dif-
mals following ingestion of feed contaminated with AFB1.
ferent levels of AFM1 in milk reflect differences in batches
AFM1 is transferred to milk and consequently milk prod-
of milk from various farms used in the industry. Studies
ucts (human breast milk also) destined for human con-
on thermoresistance of AFM1 in milk during various
sumption (IARC, 2002) and therefore represents a serious
processes have shown contrasting data (Galvano et al.,
health concern (Ketney et al., 2017). A limit of 50 ng/kg
1996) and it is generally believed that AFM1 is resistant
of AFM1 for milk and 25 ng/kg for baby milk food was set
to pasteurisation, although some researchers have shown
(Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006). In addi-
that pasteurisation process could decrease AFM1 con-
tion, regulatory limits for dairy products, such as cheese,
tent (Deveci and Sezgin, 2006; Iha et al., 2013; Tsakiris
have also been introduced by some European countries,
et al., 2013). In general, the various food processes reduce
for example, the Netherlands (200 ng/kg), Austria and
mycotoxin concentrations significantly, but do not elim-
Switzerland (250 ng/kg) and Italy (provisional limit of
inate them completely (Bullerman and Bianchini, 2007).
450 ng/kg) (Anfossi et al., 2011). Contamination of AFM1
in milk-based products occurs in many countries all over
The level of contamination of milk samples varied be-
the world, especially when climatic conditions (warm
tween types of milk with the largest percentage (56%) of
temperature and humidity) favour the growth of toxino-
total samples having a level of AFM1 from 4.3 to 25 ng/
genic fungi and vary from year to year (Iha et al., 2013). In
kg and 7% (four samples) ranging between 25 and 50 ng/
Asian countries such as Iran, Pakistan, India, Turkey and
kg which are the EU maximum allowable levels for infant
Korea, very high incidence (70–100%) of contaminated
milk food and milk in general, respectively. From the four
samples and samples exceeding the EU limit of 50 ng/kg
samples of this ‘alarming’ level range above 25 ng/kg,
was reported in many studies as reviewed by Nuryono
only one was a brand that was marketed for consumption
et al. (2009) and Womack et al. (2016).
by children >1 year of age. Overall, none of the samples
Table 3. Percentages of positive milk samples for aflatoxin M1 (value of AFM1 > 4.3 ppt) in various types of milk tested.
e xceeded the level of 50 ng/kg of AFM1 set by the Euro- The results showed that two out of the seven cheeses
pean Commission for milk. analysed were contaminated with AFM1 at levels 174.73
and 113.85 ng/kg, which were below the recommended
These results are in accordance with similar studies in maximum allowable levels of most European countries.
Greece, which have shown that although samples with Both contaminated cheeses had a low ripening period
AFM1 residues were detected, very limited or zero sam- (1 month). Further studies should be conducted to obtain
ples were above the maximum EU limits. Markaki and a clear picture of the AFM1 contamination in cheese in
Melissari (1997) detected 32 samples out of 81 with Greece because it varies according to the initial AFM1
AFM1 at levels of 2.5–5 ng/L, while none contained more levels in milk, the cheese type and the technologies ap-
than 5 ng/L and 31 contained only traces of aflatoxin plied (Cavallarin et al., 2014; Iha et al., 2013; Ketney et al.,
(0.5–1 ng/L). Roussi et al. (2002) analysed 114 samples 2017; Virdis et al., 2008).
of raw and market milk in Greece and found three sam-
ples (2.6%) to be contaminated with AFM1 > 50 ng/L. Ochratoxin in wine
Kaniou-Grigoriadou et al. (2005) reported that in
Thessaloniki Province, levels of AFM1 in milk were far Climatic conditions in the Mediterranean basin favour
below the tolerance level (highest value 18.2 ng/L). the growth of ochratoxin-producing fungi (Mateo et al.,
More recently, Malissiova et al. (2013) have reported 2007). Several researchers have studied the occurrence
that AFM1 contamination levels in raw milk in Greece of OTA in wines identifying contaminated wine in high
are relatively low (18.4%) and Tsakiris et al. (2013) have incidence (>50%) (Markaki et al., 2001; Soufleros et al.,
detected AFM1 residues in 46.5% of samples, but none 2003; Stefanaki et al., 2003) and products such as grapes
exceeded the EU limits. Other European countries have (Tjamos et al., 2004, 2006) and dried vine fruits (Stefanaki
also reported contamination of dairy products by AFM1. et al., 2003). Greece is a large wine-producing country,
In Italy, only 4 (2.5%) out of 161 samples of dairy prod- characterised by a vast range of wineries spread all over
ucts were contaminated at a level of >50 ng/kg (Galvano the country, ranging from some large world-class wineries
et al., 2001). The concentration of AFM1 exceeded the to many small-scale domestic ones which were the main
EU limit in 6.7% of cow milk samples from eastern Croa- focus of this study. Grapes that were selected from four
tia (Bilandzic et al., 2014). different farms in North East Attica and were destined for
vinification were found to be naturally contaminated with
AFM1 in cheese high levels of ochratoxin (all >15 ppb), as shown in Table 5.
Three out of four samples had a clear indication for the
Traditional local varieties of soft white cheese (n = 7) relevant contamination (presence of mould), suggesting
from the Aegean area were analysed for the presence of an inconsistency with the rules of good agricultural prac-
AFM1. Most of these cheeses were produced from raw or tice. A random screening of local non-commercial wines
slightly thermised ewe’s or goat’s milk, without the addi- (year of production 2012) in the same area indicated that
tion of commercial starters but by using only the natural 4 out of 10 samples were found to contain ochratoxin in
microbiota of the milk. These cheeses have local names levels ranging from 13.61 to 15.61 ppb, a level considered
such as Kopanisti, Volaki, Armeksia and so on, and their very high for European wines (Visconti et al., 2008). In
ripening period ranged from 1 month to 8 years (Table 4). commercial wines, two out of nine samples were detected
Table 5. Detection of ochratoxin in vine grapes and wines in North East Attica.
Table 6. Detection of ochratoxin in samples of barley malts, barley seeds and beers.
with ochratoxin, above the EU maximum allowable limit OTA content was determined in 39% of beer samples, but
which is 2 μg/kg (Table 5). none was above the EU limit (Běláková et al., 2011).
These results indicated that the presence of mycotoxin in The higher presence of ochratoxin in barley malt (57.1%)
grapes and their products is a potential problem e specially suggests that contamination of malt with ochratoxigenic
in small-scale wine making facilities in Greece. Good ag- fungi can easily occur. However, beer as a final product
ricultural practice should be embraced not only by large of the brewing process had a low percentage of contami-
facilities but also by any small or domestic producer. Wine- nated samples in low levels probably because, as stated in
making is an important economic sector and strategies previous studies, the production processes that take place
should be developed to ensure that the wine and all prod- (i.e. mashing, fermentation, filtration and so on) reduce
ucts of vinification are free of mycotoxin contaminants. ochratoxin, probably though adsorption and removal
of spend grains and yeast. Good agricultural practices
Ochratoxin in beer should be implemented to reduce fungal contamination
of malt barley to avoid heavy contamination by ochra-
Analysis of barley malts, barley seeds and beers revealed toxin that will result in contaminated beers.
that 29% of samples (n = 31) were contaminated with
ochratoxin at a level above the EU limit (3 ppb) (Table 6). 4. Conclusions
Barley malts were found to be the most contaminated (8
out of 14 samples of barley malts were detected with ochra- This study confirmed that the presence of mycotoxins
toxin content > LOD of the method, ranging from 3.08 to in foods and beverages is a wide spread and persistent
12.30 ppb with an average of 8.66 ppb). All contaminated problem in a wide range of either imported or locally
samples of barley malt were above the EU limits of 3 ppb produced food and beverages in Greece. Out of 183 total
OTA. Οchratoxin was detected in only 1 sample out of 6 samples of nuts, cereal-based products, dairy, wine and
barley seeds (6.24 ppb) and in 2 out of 11 beers (1.03 and beer, 42.6% were detected with mycotoxin (any of total
1.60 ppb, levels which were below the EU limit). aflatoxin, AFM1, ochratoxin or fumonisin) and 15.3%
of samples had levels of mycotoxins above the EU legal
In a similar study in Czech Republic, 237 samples of malt- limit. The incidence of mycotoxins in foods and feed is
ing barley, malt, hop, wort and beer were analysed for expected to rise in the coming decades due to climate
OTA and 1 barley sample (0.3 μg/kg), 1 malt (0.7 μg/kg) change which will impact fungal growth. Management
and 1 hop sample (0.6 μg/kg) were found contaminated. of mycotoxin levels is vital to preserve the quality of
commercial products and good agricultural practices Cigić, K.I. and Prosen, H., 2009. An overview of conventional and
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