Hanson 2008
Hanson 2008
Hanson 2008
Abstract—Dyadic Green’s functions are presented for an rather then quadratic as in most materials, so that electrons
anisotropic surface conductivity model of biased graphene. The in graphene behave as massless relativistic particles (Dirac
graphene surface can be biased using either a perpendicular fermions) with an energy-independent velocity. The linear
static electric field, or by a static magnetic field via the Hall
energy bands lead to interesting quantum properties, and to a
effect. The graphene is represented by an infinitesimally-thin,
two-sided, non-local anisotropic conductivity surface, and the minimum conductivity even when charge carrier concentrations
field is obtained in terms of Sommerfeld integrals. The role of vanish [4].
spatial dispersion is accessed, and the effect of various static bias In this work, the interaction of an electromagnetic current
fields on electromagnetic field behavior is examined. It is shown source and electrically or magnetically biased graphene at the
that by varying the bias one can exert significant control over interface between two materials is examined. Several situations
graphene’s electromagnetic propagation characteristics, including are discussed: I) the role of spatial dispersion (non-locality),
guided surface wave phenomena, which may be useful for future
electronic and photonic device applications.
which leads to a tensor conductivity; II) effects due to electro-
static bias fields, which result in a scalar conductivity; and III)
Index Terms—Dyadic Green’s functions, electromagnetic effects due to magnetostatic bias fields, which lead to a tensor
theory, nanotechnology.
conductivity. Some simple expressions are obtained for surface
wave dispersion of graphene in a homogeneous medium.
I. INTRODUCTION The paper is organized as follows. In the body of the paper,
dyadic Green’s functions for the structure are presented, along
Manuscript received July 23, 2007; revised October 7, 2007. where is radian frequency, is the chemical potential [which
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- can be controlled by an applied electrostatic bias field
versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA (e-mail: , or by doping; see the discussion of (51)], is a phe-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online nomenological electron scattering rate that is assumed to be in-
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. dependent of energy, is temperature, and is an ap-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2008.917005 plied magnetostatic bias field. In the following, the dependence
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
Fig. 1. (a) Depiction of graphene (top view), where the small circles denote where and are the wavenumber and
carbon atoms, and (b) an anisotropic graphene sheet characterized by tensor
conductance at the interface between two dielectrics (side view). andE electric Hertzian potential in region , respectively. Assuming
denote possible dc bias fields. that the current source is in region 1, then
on , , and will be suppressed. Three special cases of (1)
will be considered.
I) Spatial dispersion, but neither electrostatic nor magneto-
static bias . In this case the conductivity
components become operators (9)
(3) (13)
where is given by (57) in Appendix I (equivalently, by and where is the unit dyadic.
(54), although this form converges very slowly as The scattered Green’s dyadics can be obtained by enforcing
). the boundary conditions
III) Magnetostatic bias, and possibly electrostatic bias, but no
spatial dispersion ( , and possibly ). We
refer to this as the local Hall effect regime, and in this (14)
case the conductivity tensor can be written as
where (A/m) and (V/m) are electric and magnetic surface
currents on the boundary. In our case, , and .
Introducing the two-dimensional Fourier transform
(14) becomes
must be made.
In the event of general media ( , for and ,
(19) for ) the coefficients are quite complicated
and will be omitted here due to space limitations. The results
for the special case of an isotropic surface conductivity (i.e., if
and spatial dispersion effects are ignored) are given
in [11]. Since spatial dispersion effects are shown to be small
(20) in the microwave regime, here explicit expressions will be pro-
vided for the special case of the graphene surface residing in
where a homogeneous space characterized by and
in the Hall regime with no spatial dispersion
(21) (i.e., using (4) as the conductivity). In this case, the coefficients
in region 1 are given as
In the case of an isotropic surface, a vertical current maintains
only a vertical potential, and a horizontal current induces both (29)
a horizontal and vertical potential [11], which is also the case
for an isotropic layered medium in the absence of surface con-
ductivity [13]. However, in the case of an anisotropic surface, (30)
a vertical current induces both a vertical and horizontal poten-
tial. That is, alone cannot satisfy the boundary conditions, (31)
and, therefore, the pair is relevant for both vertical cur-
rents and -directed horizontal currents, and the pair is (32)
relevant for vertical currents and -directed horizontal currents.
In each case the boundary conditions can be satisfied. The pair (33)
reduce (17)–(20) to
(24) (36)
The factor of 2 in the denominators of the equations for , siding in a homogeneous medium characterized by , , sur-
[i.e., (30), (33), and (36)] is a result of the com- face wave poles satisfy , where
ponent of current producing all three components of potential
, , and . Because there is no coupling of poten-
tial , one can derive the components
by using each pair and , adding the results,
and dividing by 2 (since the source has essentially been ap- (47)
plied twice). Alternatively, the components can be obtained
using the pair , where is the electric/magnetic In the Hall effect regime (i.e., using (4) as the conductivity),
Hertzian potential [15]. To verify the final electric and mag- simplifies to be in (38), which can be solved
netic fields obtained from the Hertzian potentials, the electric to yield
dyadic Green’s function was derived independent of potentials,
using the field method outlined in [16, Ch. 6], extended to ac-
count for cross-polarization terms (see Appendix III). Numer- (48)
ical tests verified that the final fields were the same in both cases
for the general graphene surface. Although the field method is
a bit more straightforward than the method of potentials pre- where . For both the special case of an isotropic
sented here, there are several reasons why the Hertzian potential sheet characterized by (3), and, since is an odd function of
method is desirable. First, the resulting potential Green’s com- , in the Hall regime when , we have , and in
ponents (e.g., presented above) are simpler than the electric these cases (48) becomes
field Green’s components, and allow for a clear interpretation of
the underlying wave physics. Second, in quantum mechanics the
potential plays a dominant role in governing electron dynamics, (49)
and so a potential formulation may facilitate further work in this
In the lower region, the coefficients are These correspond to the transverse-magnetic (TM, -wave)
case and the transverse-electric (TE, -wave) case, respec-
tively, where transverse is with respect to the radial coordinate.
For isolated graphene characterized by complex surface con-
(39) ductivity , a proper TE surface wave exists if and
only if (associated with interband conductivity; see
(40) the discussion in Appendix I), and a proper TM surface wave
exists for (associated with intraband conductivity).
(41) Surface-wave behavior in the isotropic case for was
considered in [11].
In this section, the importance of spatial dispersion will be as-
sessed, and the effect of dc electric and magnetic bias on elec-
tromagnetic field behavior near a graphene surface in the mi-
crowave regime will be considered (due to space limitations,
THz and infrared frequencies will be considered elsewhere). In
In the general medium case, both waveparameters all cases, results will be presented at room temperature,
, , 2, lead to branch points at , , and ( ; ); the
and thus the -plane is a four-sheeted Riemann surface. The value of the scattering rate is chosen to be approximately the
standard hyperbolic branch cuts [15] that separate the one same as for electron-acoustic phonon interactions in single-wall
proper sheet (where , such that the radiation carbon nanotubes [17]. For simplicity, and to focus on the ef-
condition as is satisfied) and the three improper fects of the graphene surface, in the following numerical results
sheets (where ) are the same as in the absence of we will assume graphene in a homogeneous medium character-
surface conductivity. As in the usual layered medium theory, ized by , , and having wavenumber , the free-space
branch points (and the associated branch-cut integrals in a wavenumber. Double integrals (27) were computed in rectan-
spectral representation) are associated with radiation into the gular form using a Romberg integration routine. In the case of
surrounding medium. an isotropic surface impedance, it is convenient to convert to
polar form since the angular integral can be performed analyti-
C. Surface Waves Guided by Graphene
A. Effect of Spatial Dispersion
Pole singularities in the Sommerfeld integrals represent dis-
crete surface waves guided by the medium [14], [15]. For the In the spatial dispersive regime the conductivity has the form
case of graphene having an arbitrary conductivity tensor and re- (2), derived in Appendix II. It is easy to see that the terms asso-
Fig. 3. Conductivity (57) as a function of applied bias field E at 10 GHz. For Fig. 4. Vertical electric field due to a vertical current (E ) and horizontal
E = = 0, = = 200:84 0 j 37:85. electric field due to a horizontal current (E ) from (5), as functions of position
along the graphene surface for two different bias fields E . The source is located
at (x ; y ; z ) = (0; 0; 1:67), and the observation point is (x; 0; 0).
be useful for advanced applications where electronic control of sheet, and electronic interactions with surrounding dielectrics
electromagnetic properties is desirable. are ignored. Electromagnetic interactions with surrounding di-
electrics are included in the derived Green’s functions.
As a special case, in the low magnetic field limit for
[23, Eq. (13)]
The conductivities and in (3) and (4) can be determined
from the Kubo formalism [22], and explicit expressions from
[23, Eqs. (11) and (12)] (see also [24]–[29]) are
and With , it can be seen that and
. The sign of the imaginary part of conductivity
plays an important role in the propagation of surface waves
guided by the graphene sheet [21].
The interband conductivity is on the order of [28], and at
room temperatures and for frequencies below the THz regime,
the interband conductivity is very small compared to the intra-
band term, and usually can be ignored. In general, the interband
term must be evaluated numerically, but it can be approximated
for as [32]
(55) (59)
term very small compared to the intraband term at room temper- The current density in the Fourier transform domain is
ature and for frequencies below the THz regime. The intraband
contribution can be evaluated as
(62) (70)
(83) (96)
and where
(87) The reasons for using the Hertzian potential method for de-
riving the dyadic Green’s functions are discussed in the paper.
Upon defining a coordinate system centered at (at which In this appendix an alternative field method is provided, since
point ), noting that the radial coordinate is it is somewhat more straightforward, and may therefore be of
interest. The method is detailed in [16] for isotropic media, and
, with and applied to the case of a one-sided anisotropic impedance sur-
face in [34]. Here we merely briefly outline the method to the
(88) two-sided anisotropic impedance surface case.
The fields in each region are
The factor of 2 comes from having two in-equivalent Dirac
points, and (105)
(91) (106)