Skin Diseases
Skin Diseases
Skin Diseases
Moles (nevi) are a common type of skin growth. They often appear as small, dark brown
spots and are caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells (melanocytes). Most people
have 10 to 40 moles that appear during childhood and adolescence and may change in
appearance or fade over time.
Moles are caused when cells in the skin called melanocytes grow in clusters.
Melanocytes are generally distributed throughout the skin. They produce melanin, the
natural pigment that gives skin its color.
Take measures to protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, such as from the sun
or tanning beds. UV radiation has been linked to increased melanoma risk. And children
who haven't been protected from sun exposure tend to develop more moles. Avoid
peak sun times.
Most moles don't need treatment. If you're self-conscious about a mole, you could try
makeup to help conceal it. If you have a hair growing from a mole, you might try clipping
it close to the skin's surface or plucking it. Anytime you cut or irritate a mole, keep the
area clean. See your doctor if the mole doesn't heal.
Molluscum contagiosum is an infection exhibited by mild skin disease characterized by
lesions (growths) that may appear anywhere on the body. Within 6-12 months,
Molluscum contagiosum typically resolves without scarring but may take as long as 4
Keeping your hands clean is the best way to avoid molluscum infection, as well as many
other infections. Hand washing removes germs that may have been picked up from
other people or from surfaces that have germs on them. See the Handwashing site for
more information.
Physical removal of lesions may include cryotherapy (freezing the lesion with liquid
nitrogen), curettage (the piercing of the core and scraping of caseous or cheesy
material), and laser therapy.
Mpox causes fever, headache, body aches, swollen lymph nodes , and a rash. The rash
begins as flat spots that turn into bumps, which then fill with fluid. Some people develop
spots that look like pimples or blisters before having any other symptoms. The bumps
crust and fall off as they heal.
Avoid handling clothes, sheets, blankets or other materials that have been in contact
with an infected animal or person. Isolate people who have mpox from healthy people.
Wash your hands well with soap and water after any contact with an infected person or
animal. Avoid animals that may carry the virus.
Oral antihistamines such as Benadryl and topical creams such as calamine lotion or
petroleum jelly may help with itching. Soaking in a warm bath (using oatmeal or other
over-the-counter bath products for itchy skin) may offer some relief to the dry, itchy
sensations that can come with the rash.
Nail fungus is a common infection of the nail. It begins as a white or yellow-brown spot
under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection goes deeper, the nail
may discolor, thicken and crumble at the edge. Nail fungus can affect several nails.
Nail fungus is caused by various fungal organisms (fungi). The most common is a type
called dermatophyte. Yeast, bacteria and molds also can cause nail infections. The
discoloration from a bacterial infection tends to be green or black.
Keep your hands and feet clean and dry. Keep fingernails and toenails short and clean.
Don't walk barefoot in areas like locker rooms or public showers. Don't share nail
clippers with other people.
Fungal nail infections typically don't go away on their own, and the best treatment is
usually prescription antifungal pills taken by mouth. In severe cases, a healthcare
professional might remove the nail completely. It can take several months to a year for
the infection to go away.
Neurodermatitis is a skin condition characterized by chronic itching or scaling. You'll
notice raised, rough, itchy areas of skin — typically on the neck, wrists, forearms, legs or
groin area. Neurodermatitis is a skin condition that starts with an itchy patch of skin.
• The exact cause of neurodermatitis isn't known. It can be triggered by something that
irritates the skin, such as tight clothing or a bug bite. The more you scratch, the more it
itches. Sometimes, neurodermatitis goes along with other skin conditions, such as dry
skin, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis.
• Limit bathing time and frequency. Ideally, shower or bathe no more than once a day,
and try to limit the shower or bath to 10 minutes or less. After washing, pat your skin
dry and apply unscented moisturizer. Avoid triggers.
• A hydrocortisone cream can temporarily relieve the itch. If you keep the cream in the
refrigerator, it's cool and soothing when you use it. Or try a nonsteroidal cream with
menthol or pramoxine (CeraVe, Sarna, others) to help ease the itch
Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis — an itchy rash that
appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Nickel allergy is often
associated with earrings and other jewelry.
The exact cause of nickel allergy is unknown. As with other allergies, nickel allergy
develops when your immune system views nickel as a harmful, rather than harmless
The best strategy to prevent a nickel allergy from developing is to avoid prolonged
exposure to items containing nickel. If you already have a nickel allergy, the best way to
prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the metal.
There is no “cure” for nickel allergy, but avoidance of contact with the inciting object(s)
often results in clearing of the rash. Treatments for contact allergies include lotions and
creams, oatmeal baths, and other medications called topical corticosteroids that
decrease inflammation.
Nummular eczema, also known as discoid eczema and nummular dermatitis, features
scattered circular, often itchy and sometimes oozing patches. The word “nummular”
comes from the Latin word for “coin,” as the spots can look coin-shaped on the skin.
The etiology of nummular eczema is unknown and likely multifactorial. Most patients
with nummular eczema also have very dry (xerotic) skin. Local trauma, such as
arthropod bites, contact with chemicals, or abrasions, may precede an outbreak.
To prevent future flare-ups of NE, practice the smart skin-care tips. That includes routine
use of moisturizer, short showers, and use of a humidifier on cold, dry days.
They will also help reduce inflammation and itching. An example of a topical steroid
cream is a hydrocortisone cream. Crisaborole ointment (Eucrisa) or pimecrolimus (Elidel)
are steroid-free topicals approved for mild to moderate.
Common warts are small, grainy skin growths that occur most often on your fingers or
hands. Rough to the touch, common warts also often feature a pattern of tiny black
dots, which are small, clotted blood vessels.
Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus
causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer
(epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart.
Avoid touching someone’s wart. HPV is contagious. It’s possible for the virus to get
inside your body through a cut or scratch, which can cause a wart.
For common warts, look for a 17 percent salicylic acid solution. These products
(Compound W, Dr. Scholl's Clear Away Wart Remover, others) are usually used daily,
often for a few weeks. For best results, soak your wart in warm water for a few minutes
before applying the product.
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a hereditary condition characterized by extreme sun
sensitivity, leading to a very high risk of skin cancer and other medical problems. People
with XP are extremely sensitive to ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. This includes
UV type A and UV type B.
Is caused by mutations in genes that are involved in repairing damaged DNA. DNA can
be damaged by UV rays from the sun and by toxic chemicals such as those found in
cigarette smoke.
Because of their extreme sun sensitivity, patients were asked to include several
measures in their ongoing sun-protective regimen during and after therapy: avoiding
sun exposure, wearing hats and long-sleeved clothing, and using topical sunscreens with
a skin-protection factor of at least 15.
is managed by preventative techniques (i.e., avoiding the sun, using sunscreen, wearing
protective clothing) and regular screening for changes in the skin, vision, and neurologic
status. Many symptoms can be treated with medication and/or surgery, but some
cancers and neurologic problems can be life threatening.
Patches of skin lose color or pigment due to the chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune
disease vitiligo. This occurs when melanocytes, the pigment-producing skin cells, are
attacked and destroyed, turning the skin milky white.
Lack of melanin, a skin pigment, is what causes vitiligo. Melanin, which gives your skin
its color, is produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Lack of functioning melanocytes
prevents your skin from producing enough melanin when you have vitiligo.
A skin transplant can be applied to a white spot to cure vitiligo. If no new white patches
have occurred in the last 12 months and the affected area is harming your look, skin
transplants may be an option for adults. Throughout the previous 12 months, the white
patches have not become worse.
Vitiligo - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2022, May 4). Mayo Clinic - Mayo
A bacterial infection called syphilis is typically spread through sexual contact. The
condition often begins as a painless sore on the mouth, genitalia, or rectum. By touching
these lesions on the skin or mucous membranes, syphilis can be transmitted from one
person to another.
Treponema pallidum is the bacteria that causes the sexually transmitted infection (STI)
disease known as syphilis. When this bacterium enters a break in the skin or mucous
membranes, commonly in the genitalia, an infection results. Although there are other
methods to spread the disease, sexual contact is the most common route for syphilis to
Having no vaginal, anaesthetic, or oral sex is the only method to completely avoid
contracting syphilis. A long-term monogamous relationship with a partner who doesn't
have syphilis is another choice. Partner notification is a key element of partner-based
therapies that aim to stop the spread of syphilis.
Early syphilis can be cured with a single injection of long-acting Benzathine penicillin G.
This comprises latent, primary, and secondary syphilis. For late latent syphilis or latent
syphilis of uncertain duration, the CDC advises three weekly doses of long-acting
Benzathine penicillin G. Therapy will clear up the infection and stop further harm, but it
won't reverse any already done harm.
CDC – Syphilis treatment. (2022, January 5). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
-It's caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox.
The rash most often appears as a band of rashes or blisters in one area of your body.
-best chance at preventing shingles is to get vaccinated. There is one vaccine, Shingrix,
which is very effective in preventing shingles and complications, including postherpetic
There is no cure for shingles, but antiviral medicine may relieve the symptoms and help
prevent complications. See your doctor for a prescription of antiviral medicines as soon
as possible after symptoms develop. Treatment should be started within 3 days of the
shingles rash appearing.
A skin biopsy is a procedure to remove cells or skin samples from your body for
laboratory examination. A doctor uses a skin biopsy to diagnose skin conditions and
remove abnormal tissue.