Unit 1 - Poultry Production - Students
Unit 1 - Poultry Production - Students
Unit 1 - Poultry Production - Students
“ A G R I C U L T U R E is the most
helpful, most useful, and most
noble employment of man”
Food Research
Protection Clothing and
Power/work aesthetic use
Medicine others
Scientific Name:
Numida meleagris
1. Breed — a group of chicken (fowls) possessing certain conformation or shape of body that
distinguishes them from other chickens.
2. Variety — a group of chicken within the breed whish possesses the same plumage color and
type of comb.
3. Strain — a group of chickens within a variety of a breed which has under constant specific
section of certain traits by a specified breeder for periods of about 5 to 8 years.
4. Strain Crosses
5. Line crosses or Family lines
Breeds of chicken can be classified by its utility. This is
based on the purpose for which the breed or variety is
most sufficient.
- They lay large white shelled eggs, very - Generally poorer egg layers and
active and nervous in temperament. generally lay browned shelled eggs.
- They are non-sitters. - Examples are: Brahmas, Cochin,
- Examples: Leghorn, Minorcas, Langshans, Cornish, white rocks.
Anconas, Mikawa.
Breeds of chicken can be classified by its utility. This is
based on the purpose for which the breed or variety is
most sufficient.
5. Fighting Class
- There are groups of these kinds of chickens now developed by
national and international aficionados in this game.
- The popular once are the Ruble, Hulsey, Claret, and Oasis.
• The hen lays eggs (1 per day) over period of several days
• After 21 days, the eggs hatch
• A hen who is laying on her eggs is referred to as “broody”
• The hen lays eggs and they are placed in an incubator
• Incubator keeps eggs at proper temperature and humidity
Temperature: 97-102 degrees
Humidity: 60%
• Eggs are turned 3-5 times daily to prevent embryo from comfortable sticking to the
inside of the shell
Selection of Hatching Eggs
- Starts as soon as the chicks are placed in the brooder area where heat ¡s supplied until the
chicks gave grown to the point where they no longer need additional heat to keep them
- This period lasts for approximately 4 weeks
Type of brooder
1. Battery-type brooder — composed of compartment called tiers constructed on top of
another, each compartment equipped with separate heater and provisions for feeding
and drinking.
2. Cage brooder - can be elevated slatted-floor or litter-floor type with capacity varying
from few to several hundreds
Temperature requirements:
Day old - 1 week 90 - 95 °f (32.2 - 35 °c)
1 - 2 weeks 85 - 90 °f (29.4 - 32.2 °c)
2 - 3 weeks 80 - 83 °f (26.7 - 29.4 °c)
3 - 4 weeks 80 °f (26.7 °c and below)
House Features
Construction materials
— Bamboo slats, nipa shingles, coco lumber
— GI sheets, aluminum sheet, wood, welded wire, plastic nets
-Long and narrow with east-west orientation
-10 to 12 meters
-Floor height (1.8 m or 5.9 ft)
-Floor to ceiling (2.4 m or 8 ft)
Roof style
-Shed type
-gable type
-Combination (shed-gable)
-Monitor type
Light Requirement
- Light management is very Semi-monitor important in the development of new layers.
- The correct light to dark ratio in the rearing house will influence the production of larger eggs.
- During the first few days of brooding, lighting the chicks throughout the night (24 hours light) is
favourable for growth because there is eating time if food is available.
- The light in the brooder will encourage the birds to keep close to source of heat, feed and water.
One cardinaI ruIe : Never increase light during growing period and never decrease light during the
laying period
* Increasing day length (light) during the growing period of birds will hasten their sexual maturity,
which will result, to production of more pullet eggs (small eggs), layers are prone to prolapsed and
shorter egg production cycle.
Under local conditions where there is only slight variation in day length, it is
recommended day must not exceed 11 during the growing stage (4 - 18 weeks) of the
developing pullets.
Adequate feeder and watering space should be provided to the birds. The following allowances are
considered minimum for bird:
I. System of Rearing
1. Range System — this is a good system but because of more land area required, this system ¡s commonly
practice by native chicken growers & by duck raisers.
2. Semi —confinement system — this is a system of raising poultry where the birds are provided w/ shed or
housing & an area to graze or pasture. E.i in native chicken, organic chicken production.
3. Complete — confinement — the modern trend in raising commercial strains.
a.) Litter floor
b.) Slat floor
c.) Combination
d.) Cages
I. System of Rearing
1. Range System — this is a good system but because of more land area required, this system ¡s commonly
practice by native chicken growers & by duck raisers.
2. Semi —confinement system — this is a system of raising poultry where the birds are provided w/ shed or
housing & an area to graze or pasture. E.i in native chicken, organic chicken production.
3. Complete — confinement — the modern trend in raising commercial strains.
a.) Litter floor
b.) Slat floor
c.) Combination
d.) Cages
Note: Feeding through should not be filled more than 1/3 to prevent feed wastage. The feeder should be
replenished 3-4 times a day to stimulate feed consumption.
2. Signs of sexual maturity - Change in appearance of the secondary sexual characters.
1. Comb & wattles begin to increase in size & the color becomes red
2. Pullets become friendly & cackle
3. Pullets instinctively looks for nest
4. Pullets become docile (easily manage) & gregarious ( 50 Ci a b I e)
5. The vent & abdomen become enlarge.
Note: The surest sign of sexual maturity is the laying of the 1 egg.
-Small poultry housing — shed or gable type
-Large poultry house monitor or semi monitor
-Open sided
-Housing units for layers
Brooder house — 4 to 6 weeks old; slatted or litter floor
Growing house — 4 or 6 weeks old to 14-16 wks. Old; slatted or Iitter-fIoor
- The egg is about 65 to 70 % water. - They are expected to skip some days in egg
- One hundred layers can consume - Oviposition (the act of egg laying) takes place
about 7 gallons of water during a normal normally as early as 7:00 a.m. to as late as 4:00
day and will drink much more when the
- Majority of hens lay their eggs b/w 10:00 a.m. to
temperature of the environment 2:00 p.m.
becomes higher. - The concentration of egg laying takes place
before noon as a common observation.
* Eggs must be collected in wire baskets to
provide good air circulation.