Module 6 - Local and Global Work Demands
Module 6 - Local and Global Work Demands
Module 6 - Local and Global Work Demands
Local and Global Work Demands
Job Profiles
These refer to specific job guideless or role descriptions. Job profiles clarify employees’ duties, expectations, and even means of
how they will be evaluated. For example, a marketing agent is informed before signing a contract with a company that he/she will be
attending events in different locations. Likewise, a layout artist of a magazine is expected to render overtime work especially when
rushing an issue due for release. In school, this translates to knowing what responsibilities a class president or a student council officer
has. In general, an ideal job profile contains at least the following components:
1. Recruitment. This explains the qualifications necessary for a job and the process an applicant undergoes before getting hired.
2. Job description. This outlines the responsibilities of a worker.
3. Compensation package. This specifies and employee’s wage or income including benefits and other privileges, if any.
4. Workflow. This contains standard operating procedures on how a certain job is conducted in a day-to- basis.
5. Criteria for evaluation. This may simply be in a form of a list of competencies or values or as comprehensive as an evaluation
tool or instrument where an employee is rated based on certain grading criteria.
One should continue learning because there is still so much to discover at his/her age. He/she might not have all the skills or
abilities necessary for some occupations, but he/she does have an aptitude to learn new skills. Aptitude measures the ease with
which one can learn something new. One can learn as much as he/she can.