Module 6 - Local and Global Work Demands

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Values 9 Name___________________________________ Score____________ 3rd Q

Local and Global Work Demands

Local and Global Work Demands

The local and global markets today require skills and competencies that respond to the changing, multi-tasking, and highly
demanding work environments. The completion for job search is high especially when there are more aspirants than opportunities.
There are several factors that job seekers should pay attention to in order to successfully land good jobs.
1. Education. In a world run by information, education is one of the key factors in acquiring employment that will offer competitive
benefit package and intrinsic rewards. The higher one’s educational attainment is, the higher is his/her opportunity to get employed.
Some big corporations favor job seekers with impressive educational background in their curriculum vitae because of the presumption
that schools have trained them in time management, effective communication, collaboration or team effort, and acquisition,
organization, and application of information.
2. Employability. It is not enough that one finishes degree. He/she is expected to possess the skills required for a given position. There
are instances when some candidates are rejected by employers because of the disparity between educational status and training and
skills required for actual jobs. An applicant may be classified as underqualified if his/her skills are insufficient for the job or
overqualified if his/her skills overwhelmingly exceed the minimum requirement.
Special training, past employment experiences, and other unique qualifications can also bolster one’s employability since
employers favor well-rounded candidates. Nonetheless, there are transferrable skills, which can be used in almost any work such as:
 Basic literacy skills- reading, writing and arithmetic; and
 21st century skills- can be summarized as 4s- communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking

Job Profiles
These refer to specific job guideless or role descriptions. Job profiles clarify employees’ duties, expectations, and even means of
how they will be evaluated. For example, a marketing agent is informed before signing a contract with a company that he/she will be
attending events in different locations. Likewise, a layout artist of a magazine is expected to render overtime work especially when
rushing an issue due for release. In school, this translates to knowing what responsibilities a class president or a student council officer
has. In general, an ideal job profile contains at least the following components:
1. Recruitment. This explains the qualifications necessary for a job and the process an applicant undergoes before getting hired.
2. Job description. This outlines the responsibilities of a worker.
3. Compensation package. This specifies and employee’s wage or income including benefits and other privileges, if any.
4. Workflow. This contains standard operating procedures on how a certain job is conducted in a day-to- basis.
5. Criteria for evaluation. This may simply be in a form of a list of competencies or values or as comprehensive as an evaluation
tool or instrument where an employee is rated based on certain grading criteria.
One should continue learning because there is still so much to discover at his/her age. He/she might not have all the skills or
abilities necessary for some occupations, but he/she does have an aptitude to learn new skills. Aptitude measures the ease with
which one can learn something new. One can learn as much as he/she can.

FT1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why does having too many graduates seem to be a problem in the country? What is ironic about this scenario?
2. Why do many of the young graduates remain unemployed?
3. Why is it important to align one’s goal with the local and global work demands?
4. As a child, how would you show gratitude to your parents in supporting you to achieve your goals in life?
FT2. List your top ten most preferred occupations in the first column and write in the second column the related set of skills,
talents, or interests you now possess.
Top 10 job preferences based on local and global demands Related skills, talents, and interests
FT3. Explain your thoughts on the given quotes.
1. “The three great things in the world are a mountain, the ocean, and an earnest man at his work. The potentials of each are
beyond human calculation.” - Edward
2. “Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” - Demosthenes
3. “To find one’s work is to find one’s place in the world.” - Richard Cabot

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