GMP Guruji Notes
GMP Guruji Notes
GMP Guruji Notes
Question is about married life therefore we have to first take the combination of the houses of 1/7. It reads like
There are problems in the married life but marriage will take place.
The stability of the marriage depends upon the planets occupying these houses.
Here in the lagna Sukra placed is not good as per GMP rules. Marriage may end in diverse or the husband or
wife will die and remarriage possible if planets permits.
Here the seventh lord in the 8th house marriage is not possible.
If seventh lord planets are placed in 4, 6, 8,and 12 marriage is denied. If Guru aspects the 7th house or the lords
then it is possible. Here Guru aspects Saturn the 7th lord.
Normal marriage or a Love marriage has to be verified. Here the Kethu and Budha are placed in 2/12 position.
It is an indication of love marriage. If it is strong then 5/11 lords should be in Kendra. If Guru’s kona aspects on
the Sun, Budha and Sukra love will fail and agree to marry as per parents wish.
Here in this chart the education is disturbed. When we look in to the aspiration of the individual looking to the
3rd house it is airy sign movable lot of wishes to achieve in the society even to go foreign (Moon/Kethu
aspected by Kuja and Ragu) since it is in kalachakra’s 7th house marriage matters etc., and the lord is placed in
a firey (fixed) and in kalachakra’s 5th house love marriage children or marrying a foreigner and settle in life.
Since it is a fixed sign it will not lost long. The fire will extinguish because it is a movable air.
Would be husband how he will be. Here the seventh house is Saturn placed in the 8th house and aspected by
Jupiter, lagna lord Sun and Budha the lord of 2/11. Saturn is in the 12 house of natural zodiac and aspected by
Jupiter who is with kuja and all in watery sign indication of a foreigner a stranger. Saturn indicates aged person
Jupiter aspects a technical person. For the seventh house the 7th house is the 1st house and the lords are placed
in eight to that house. Here it is Sun and budha. Second marriage /divorce. For the lagna the 7th lord aspected
by the lagna lord (Sun)and lord of 2/11 (budha)and lord of 5 (Guru). Shows would be husband will be double
the age of the native.
The girl studied up to 8th standard and coming from a Brahmin family fall in love at the age of 18 on a
foreigner (Germen) who was a divorce with a nine year old boy aged 37 years.
Marriage period are counted by the transit of Jupiter over the Kuja in a lady’s chart or in kona position to kuja.
Here when Guru transiting Vrichika 17/18 years of age she has fallen in love and at the age of 19 when Guru
was in opposition in transit she married on 11th February 1985. Guru dasa Kuja bukthi. Here for the lagna (1, 5,
9) are Sun,Guru,Kuja (Ragu placed). For the seventh house (1, 5, 9) are Saturn, Budha , SukraThe Anthara was
How long the married life the 4th lord last long. Here the 4th lord is kuja is placed in the Cancer sign
(Karkataka) along with Jupiter the 8th lord. 8 x 4 = 32 + 12x 4 = 48. 48+32 = 80 -:- 2 (8th house effect) =40
months (3yrs 4 months). She divorced on 11th June 1985. Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bukthi,Budha (6th house 1, 5, 9)
Saturn,Sukra and Budha.
After that she has not married anybody and lived separately. Here we should learn how to read the native’s
cast/religion. This will be taught to you with two three examples. Now try if you have anyidea.
Many horoscopes require correction and many may not know how to rectify a lagna of an horoscope. In GMP
we teach this method to all.
In this chart
Place: Faridabad
This is lady chart and the lagna will fall in the 1st pada of Aswini and requires correction.
Here the navamsa will be Mesha vargothama. The results are not according to Vargothama lagna.
If you put it in the 2nd pada then the navamsa will be Rishaba then the navamsa lord sukra in the rasi chart in
Simha with Sun and Budha. Both are male planets.
Forth pada goes with Cancer (karkataka) and the lord Moon in the Rasi in the 7th house aspecting the lagna
which is correct. So the Time has been corrected to 9.00 p.m. with the Guru Dasa balance 14 years 9 months.
We now take the combination of the houses 1/7 to understand the marital status of the native.
The above combination results says that Marriage will take place with difficulties but end with separation.
In any lady’s chart marriages are looked by the transit of Jupiter crossing over Kuja or in Kona to Kuja.
Sometime transiting over Jupiter/saturn also will get the results. This is very rare and if they are karaka of the
matter then it will act.
Here in this chart the Moon is in the 7th house an hence the marriage will take place early. At the age of 24 the
Jupiter will transit over the Moon in the natal chart. The next period is 26/27 years when it is in kona to Kuja.
The lady’s marriage indications are early as per the chart let us confine to it.
The Dasa lords connecting the 1/7 houses are Kethu, Sukra, Sun and Kuja, Ragu and Guru. The 1.5.9 lords to
seventh house are Sukra, Saturn and Budha.
She born in Guru dasa and at the age of 24 she will be in Saturn Dasa only. Saturn is 11th lord in the 9th house.
Here an indicator also. So we take Saturn Dasa and go far the Bukthi. We should connect the lagna Dasa lords
in the bukthi or the 7thhouse Dasa lords. Here the lords are kethu, Sukra and Sun. 7th Dasa lords are not correct
indicator because Kuja in the 6th house, Ragu also join the kuja Guru is in the 8th house. So let us take the 1st
house dasa lords. Saturn, Sukra are in Kethu’s constellation is also another factor for the Selection of Saturn
Dasa, Sukra bukthi. Sun is in Sukra constellation the 7th lord. Kuja and Ragu are in Ragu’s constellation that
are in the 6th. The left one is Jupiter he is in the constellation of Saturn and placed in the 8th. So we have only
one choice to select is Budha
7.9.1959 + 00.08.14 (Guru Dasa) + 21.11.9 (Saturn / Sukra end) = 28.4.1984. The lady got married on
23.1.1984. (So it is Sat/Suk/Bud)
No let us see how long this Married life will carry on. The fourth house will give an answer. The forth lord
Moon is in the 7th house. It is in the constellation Jupiter who is in the 8th and also aspecting the 4th house.
Though it is a dual sign and because of the above factors it will act in different manner in calculation of the
If lagna and 10th lord are closely related by aspect or conjunction and Moon connection to this two positions
will give quick results. If lagna aspected by Lagna lord and by benefic planets and Moon and is closely related
to lagna the matter will give good results.
If the Lagna lord or the Rasi lord are placed in the 3rd house or in the 11th house, or the 7th lord aspect the
lagna then it is a good indication that the matter will fructify immediately.
Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Ragu will give a change and immediate results. Kethu, Guru and Saturn will delay
the matter. Budha will give results in 15 days if he closely connected the query significator or to the Lagna or to
the lord.
Here let us have another example to understand how the timing of event is arrived correctly. A question was put
up by me, when there was a proposal of my travel to USA. When my journey will start and when I will reach
Sukra Buda
Sun Kuja
Sani Lagna
The date was 2.5.2017 at 4.20 pm Since it is GMP no place is required. The chart was prepared as per GMP
The lagna at that time was kanya . The sign lord Budha and the lagna rising lord is Kuja since it is 25 degrees.
So Budha /Kuja has to answer the question. In the above chart the these two planets are placed in Mesha and
Rishaba it means 2/12 as per GMP. Matters will move in hours delay.
If the 3/11 lords appear are support the matter then we will proceed. The 3/11 lord for Lagna are Kuja and
Chandra. They are placed in 9th house and 11th house of the chart but in 3/11 position in the chart. So some
days delay as per GMP.
Budha/Kuja the rising lords of lagna’s position are placed for the lagna in 8/9 so some obstruction and delay.
Here the Kuja is in the constellation of Chandra who is placed in the 11th house so the journey is sure to take
Ragu means Muslim countries, and kethu means English countries. Since it is USA I have taken the Karaka
griga to fix the journey. Kethu is in Kuja constellation. For Kethu the 3/11 lords are Kuja /Guru. Since the
matter will move in days delay as per the 3/11 position, we have to move the Moon to the constellation of Kuja
and upagriga Guru then the matter will get fructified. Today the Moon in Pushya (2.5.2017) and on 8th May
2017 the Kuja nakshatra will come. 8th May 2017 morning at 5.30 am the Moon’s position in Ephemeris is
21.10 degrees. To come to chitta nakshtra it will be 9.45 am. In chitta to come to Guru upagriga degree of 26 it
will take six hours. So adding from 9.45 am + 6.00 hrs = 15.45 pm on 8th May 2017.
To my surprise when I look into the Air ticket it is printed on it as 8th May 2017 - 15.45 pm it will touch Jhon
Kennedy airport New York.
Today Vijaya Dasami day let us learn more in detail how to fix the timing of an event from the Natal chart of n
10.45 pm :
Bis (Switzerland)
This combination reading shows that the marriage will take place but at the end it will move to divorce or
In the lagna bhava there are three Dasa lords - Guru, Sat, Budha
In the 7th house there are three Dasa Lords - Sun, Moon, Kuja
The lady started with Budha nakshatra (Jesta) and hence Budha Dasa balance period 1 yr 11 months.
To know the marriage period approximately we have to see from Guru’s transit in the chart against Kuja since
she is a lady.
Here the transit of Guru in Kona to Kuja period the marriage will take place.
Here Guru is in lagna therefore in the second round ending itself the marriage will take place. It is about 23rd or
24th age.
The Dasa at that time as per GMP (360 days Vimsodhari) will be Sun Dasa. Sun Dasa is available in the 7th
house. So the bukthi has to be accounted now.
Here it is Moon, Mars and Guru. So Moon Bukti to be taken because the other two planets are placed in the 1/7
and aspecting each other further she is the lagna lord. Further, the Moon is in the Navamsa in Guru’s house with
Saturn 7th lord. It is working out to 18.7.1977 moon bukthi will end in Sun dasa. Actual date of marriage is
24th June 1977.Bukthi and anthra lords are always between the owners of the houses of 1/7. Here from the 7th
house 5/9 houses are Sukra and Budha. Sukra is the 11th lord and therefore the
In our system GMP we go the other way to find the Dasa /Bukthi and Anthara. Here first we take the marriage
house the 7th to that 3/11 houses lords to be taken. To these three lord planets placed in Kendra will support
them. If you look in this chart the three lords are Saturn, Guru and Kuja. Planets in Kendra to these lords are
Budha and Sun planets in the constellation of these lords will also supports the matter. Here Moon in Budha’s
constellation and nobody in Sun’s constellation. So the marriage will take place in Sun dasa Moon bukthi.
Since the chart is showing divorce let us see approximately when the divoce will come. Herein GMP we take
the 4th house to find the longevity of the married life. Here the 4h lord in the 5th house. Sukra placed in the 5th
house of the chart with Moon. The fourth house is occupied by Sun, Budha and Saturn. All these planets are
involved in this matter. Here planets in Ragu/Kethu constellation and planets of 8th and 12th houses are
eliminated. After elimination Moon is only strong to represent the house. Moon is aspected by Jupiter from the
lagna. Here the Natural zodiac (kala chakra) position has to be taken for calculations. Moon lord of 4th placed
in the 8th therefore 8x4= 32 and Jupiter lord of 12 in the 4th (always the 2nd house is taken when a planets is
owner of two houses ) 12 x 4 = 48. Though the Guru is in the constellation of Saturn the 8th lord we have taken
here because he is the 9th lord and aspecting the 5th and 9th houses. Moon takes 28 days (a month) to complete
the circle of the zodiac. Therefore, we counted in months this addition of 32 + 48 = 80 months. It is equivalent
to 6 years 8 months. If you add this to the marriage date 24.6.1977 it will be 24.2.1984.(during Moon Dasa –
Moon Bukthi) She divorced on 28th November 1983 and the process ended by February 1984.
Ps: Here the Lagna requires some correction upto 14 mts. i.e.the time of birth will be around 10.59 p.m.