Corporate Trends in Environmental Conservation
Corporate Trends in Environmental Conservation
Corporate Trends in Environmental Conservation
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Corporate Trends In Environmental Conservation 2
refer to the efforts that the company have put in place to avert pollution. These efforts, may
management. Therefore, companies are therefore required to come up with rules which
become beliefs that people working in the company, uphold in averting pollution in the
company’s environment. These laws have to be closely followed by the employees from the
top managers to most junior employees. With this, it will be very successful.
for its employees and customers. This creates an enabling environment in the company that
enables efficient carrying out of business in the company. To add on this, going green has
become a key economic driver for companies that would wish to be progressive in the way
that they do business. According Zokaei (2013) in his article on eco business, when a
company prevents physical waste, it increases its energy efficiency and improves resources
today’s increasingly competitive platform of carrying out business, more and more
companies are coming up with philosophies that would enable them to be sustainable through
There are varied reasons for the need of such philosophies. According to Eliot
Metzger a senior associate at the World’s Resources institute most companies are adopting
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reputation this fosters good consumer relations which generates brand value and improves the
company’s image. Customers would generally want to be associated with products of such a
company since the company has built a corporate image in the eyes of the customers
(Spector, 2015). This enables the company to keep up with competition from other
companies. To add on this, due to the fact that there are limited resources on the earth’s
surface such as fossil fuels and water. The companies should strive to protect such resources
since as scarcity of these resources increases, cost increases. So company philosophies need
to be prepared to protect these resources or otherwise they will have to pay dearly for them
government may appreciate their efforts in preventing environmental pollution and may
reward tax incentives to them. These incentives may be in the form of consumption based
income tax credit, accelerated depreciation for capital expenses, tax exemptions, and also
cash grants (Spector, 2015). This may be advantageous to a company by reducing operational
Another good reason is that a clean working environment excites employees and gives
the employees the morale to work more and more and thus boost the working morale in the
company. In companies where pollution philosophies are in place, the company attracts and
retains workers since their safety and health is guaranteed. These philosophies may also form
new revenue opportunities for example companies like Nike and IBM that have done their
research on environmental protection and conservation and they have realised that, this is a
fertile field that can drive innovation and inspire new business models, products and services
(Adams, 2014). These ideas may form a new unexploited field that can generate more income
A company that has effectively adopted these philosophies is GoLite. The company
chose to adopt such measures in order to reduce climate impacts, reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. To do this, the company has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by reducing
corporate travel, office energy use has been reduced and also the method of shipping of all its
products from supplier as well as to retailers and customers (Spector, 2015). The company
has made it part of its mantra to reduce long haul corporate flights and air-shipping of
products from factories, more efficient corporate energy use and increasing recycled and
renewable inputs in its products. This company aimed at reducing its environmental impact
by 30 percent by 2010.
Another company that has successfully adopted this philosophy is the International
Business Machine (IBM). Pollution prevention has been a critical aspect of the company’s
efforts. It aims at controlling the emission of hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and
chemical releases. The company efficiently reduces this by reducing generation of hazardous
waste at its source this philosophy has been in place since 1971 (Spector, 2015). Where
possible they redesign their projects to prevent or reduce emission of waste and thus reduce
pollution. With this method, the company has been able to reduce wastes that are emitted to
the environment. According to its website, in 2011 the company’s hazardous waste
generation indexed to production output decreased by 3.5 percent which was about 88 metric
tonnes (Spector, 2015). This reduction could be attributed to source reduction projects and
milestone towards improving the corporate working environment and the relationship
between the company and the outside world. This has resulted in many advantages for both
the company and the environment. These philosophies have led to improved working
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conditions which has reduced the company uses in production, tax incentives from the
governments, improved customer relations and synergy among the workers in the company.
These philosophies have also seen improvement of environmental protection measures which
have reduced environmental degradation which has seen an improved environment thus
reduce pollution in the environment. This initiative will not only be good for the corporate
image but also of benefit to the environment. Through such efforts, the world will be a better
and healthier place for all the people. Corporates should make such initiatives part of the
organizational culture. Organizations that have adopted such initiatives in the past have
reaped tremendous benefits from these actions. In summary, each and every organization
Susan Adams (22nd April 2014) Companies considered best for the environment, Forbes
Dina Spector (3rd May 2015) 10 More Reasons Companies Should Care About Sustainability,
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