Corporate Restructuring
Corporate Restructuring
Corporate Restructuring
LBO Targets:
High growth, high market share firms
High profit potential firms
High liquidity and high debt capacity firms
Low operating risk firms
7. Divestment
A divestment involves the sale of a company’s assets, or product
lines, or division or brand to the outsiders. It is reverse of
Motives for Divestment:
Strategic Changes
Selling cash cows
Disposal of unprofitable business
Unlocking values
Types of Divestment
There are two types of divestment:
1. Sell Off
2. Spin offs
When a company sells part of business to a third party, it is called
When a company creates a new from the existing single entity, it is
called spin off. The spin off company would usually be created as
a subsidiary.
Advantages of Sell off & Spin offs (try yourself)