Prayer For Peace

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A Prayer A Prayer

for Peace for Peace

O Master Who lovest mankind, King of the ages O Master Who lovest mankind, King of the ages
and Bestower of good things, Who hast and Bestower of good things, Who hast
destroyed enmity and givest peace to the human destroyed enmity and givest peace to the human
race: Grant peace even now unto all Thy race: Grant peace even now unto all Thy
servants who dwell in the lands of the Caucasus. servants who dwell in the lands of the Caucasus.
Establish among our nations love one for Establish among our nations love one for
another; quell every uprising; and allay all dissent another; quell every uprising; and allay all dissent
and temptations. Grant unto them, O Lord, and temptations. Grant unto them, O Lord,
health and oneness of mind, protect them from health and oneness of mind, protect them from
all tribulations, afflictions and sudden death; all tribulations, afflictions and sudden death;
bring an end to all enmity and malice which bring an end to all enmity and malice which
ariseth through the activity of the devil. Plant ariseth through the activity of the devil. Plant
peace, O Lord, through the intercessions of the peace, O Lord, through the intercessions of the
holy Theotokos, of the holy Apostle Andrew the holy Theotokos, of the holy Apostle Andrew the
First-called, of Seraphim of Sarov the First-called, of Seraphim of Sarov the
Wonderworker, of the holy Nino, Equal-to-the- Wonderworker, of the holy Nino, Equal-to-the-
Apostles, and of the Great Martyr George the Apostles, and of the Great Martyr George the
Victorious. For Thou art our Peace, and we send Victorious. For Thou art our Peace, and we send
up glory unto Thee - the Father, the Son and the up glory unto Thee - the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit - now and ever, and unto ages of Holy Spirit - now and ever, and unto ages of
ages. Amen. ages. Amen.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9 Matthew 5:9

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