V55 Pen01

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16.2x11cm Thanks for buying the Guoueun transceiver. This transceiver offers latest design, multifunctionality, stable performance and easy operation. We believe you will be pleased with the high quality and powerful functions. BEFORE USING YOUR Gotan PORTABLE TWOMAY RADIO. This mana ZI ofon the bw spgesns nearing tat yout cary othe expenses any tems ander heey eae earache Donat haere aero rl eps of damage farts ne OMY Caen sped asec and grt sah eel amas Pe OMCY i Gama sla snr ai the py of ama te rar ete ease arene ete rrr = th oe es eng te es heater ama ort ty or ama tary sna aro ool dtc ete rca hae pane trait, theremove th bla om he ace dla yoo nan dee Unpacking and checking the Equipment Installing Before Use Description of Functions shorteut Operation sheet How to Operate aniting ane Slction (20) MENU 4 Trommiting Overtime Alarm (100) WOU 19 seep Prompt Fantom EE) MENU 31 Sc Mode BCR) — MENU 4 IechingCPESS (TO) ~ MENU 8 Tranmiting DES ( C3) MENU 18 rkng Mose Sate (HAD MENU 21 ‘ata eckgh 88) MENU 22 Frequency Sut econ (S70) MENU 26 Scan TESSOCS SOWETO MENU 29 Power OW MesagePONNSG) MEN 20 {ale 10 Cage et ANHEDI — HEN Dit Sita DMAP) ~ MENU 38 epee Sting SED) MENU? IepeterSpster PSP) ~ MENU 38 Iepeter PIF FET ~ MENU 33 Single Tone Pe reueney AUNT ~ MMU 81 rrp bay Prroty)~ Menu #2 ‘Mute Seng on Sub revgeny GMUTSE) MENU #8 Selective Cl ade Group Seting (EALLCODE)~ MENU 50 fart eting(ESE) EMU 31 Seeing bacightBK Uc) MENOS2 CompendeCOMPANOER- MENUS epee Aes etn PARAMUS Network FF PNOFF “MENUS Costa tip it ep Anda te Apne ily tin yates pny 0 G1/0aT imesrgioendng. 1/007 Sen ag er arty San ion tg nn ey ree Re ere 220075204 MSO igaing fir aching a) ou Irecrncalspeaetan escription of Transceiver CD Display =i toe we oe oti = wn [eign o2S50R Fesns ae soon _[etagie Piasoz550) aw eat Note: Wok des cob ad vi Dy. ‘shear A#uncomsnteo 2e py esr sey a The tS th | sen U1 onthe ehh an prt eae bom own aon Basic operation cute sear 1 ort encasing Sting evere eguene Function ‘When eevee equeny team each tanning ad eching ean c pete revere ease font "ryote ns osu oe vee gto enn re as a rome nos POProueey) mata HRC mace, Te eet py mee CTE ‘VFOHTeqeny/ Ch wit nha inde flog Vio > Hhichame Na) —e cena NO) — ACen Nae a) ntact 1 mm (=) tebe ancl eri propane a Goan spd pepcoe Inert AC lg ne et AC 80240), te charge et es one. ht meh ‘ange enc Whither Fs. Tats he carpe site D> Wher ret hese ato gr tl pear ete lg ‘roe he RED taf crt ah 1290 inna ar rm org Ege een on luo GREN wre oly raged. So laser whe emcee a the oe, ly [power Saver Mode (SAVE) ~ MENU 3 2 + eB Bescem snip (EE ot re atone ON. pes / D9 HECTTM ONCH he Fowe ser mn ante, anne es een any ransmsson Prompt etings (ROGER) ~ Menu 5 meeticerv nay te Gs inn rete ie ail (SS een en med et preg Deeps chne eoe ‘rarbeeiepomcntm et a yam ec, enced pong 3 beyonce, FT ent ee ancy cn ransmitting Power Selection (TXP) ~ MENU 4 (ntsunsy rons" @esowe dele te yp et nay Timeout Timer (OT) ~= MENU 6 fee ent te ST et tere en ==5Ep 0 (VOX) — MENU 7 oe ee ee / Dole ON ar OFF shen rs ey Foy evs ey 9) Fs Xn, x= || Ne erg 0), anaidth Selection (WN) ~~ MENU @ Foner mann ng cond te eon ont OM De ep Prompt Function (BEEP) ~ MENU 11 sand es + NER. theses di Voice Guide (VOICE) — menu sty ors = these ei [ a 1 oer pes / EF woumOVOIFetep empty res EB ems pt Dan ny lg pe he Bayo cate, de ey eat ny sen wl op he sce wae rl oun ply Language (ANGUAGE) ~~ MENU 12 Poy pee ee eB oe seen cv con hrc, 9 ST ed rp, ee Cmte pe nocd me ‘Channel Lockout (BCL) = MENU 13, fr tewey note pe CB = NED be scen in (E— Sr wen oe Fre ON he tn cc ea sy ceiving CTCSS settings (RX-CTC) ~ Menu 15 sth vasa Say pst = WA hy edt saan wi py (==) 5h yo as ener aller esr he Dey lo sek be TES yoo pen BD eyo rtm ny, TESS hasta 0 pou pny om 67910254 1HE, OFF Dea can Mode Stings SRE ~ Mena 14 rier eh ED ey ety [=] ransmitting CTCSS settings (FK-CTC) - Menu 16 Ves eta andy poe » ENED tay ard eee il pe (HE teste Ey ctr, ete QD hey tee ar ceiving DCS settings (RX:DCS) ~ Menu 17 — ransmission DCS settings (X-0CS) ~ Menu 18 Beige cde LUVETK on Side Key 1 (PET-KEY) ~ MENU 19 sue erin is a {ILAMPIS0STeleAlarmRADIOIDISABLE on Side Key 3(PES-KEY) ~ MENU 2 nad es + EME desceen city as) Jean pe te sae emp sr an ant AND coe -unbes 10. fete oman sae Fre ese latory open cr 8 eB or sco escnen tons te trea ter Scr oe prea PT Ry ar ding Mode Switch (CH-MDF)— MENU 21 Fpereare the chon py acorn chanel ode a els to BacHight (ABR) ~ MENU 22 frst + ro sinoy {S205 Sethe re of ce ‘carton po oro an eer apy (SD Pres ent art pe Hoc aight, erp cat, ps lose Frequency (OFFSET) —- MENU 23 Instn. pn et ED and cen pny [ees ange 922951 he oS eve pe ose! eee roe n,n ps co] ler pe ton oy ams) neal he ting ese owe hn the eceig Fee art mthecte pee mate eh fit eae oneingHeuy win e topwatch Timer (SECOND) ~ MENU 25. dy reat MEN Teen yo) sD lc ONO ep ae ps Do andy inet s ON ae ora curing wae ny kyo ep wang. Pe rete sound Fes Hy ean) when he pa stop wor ent te seater non iting 9 Channel Name (CH NAME) ~ MENU 26 hana vataaniybe eenurel ote,l y Se ae pre a a fsa men + ENED tee anc escuela (SO se sch, ae ht Sp hohe a 5 dase te eid rc es teh a chee es one, 2 er has veep te chi be yd ont nen NO-NAME vmorize Channel (MEM-CH) ~ MENU 27 hos ese or aye + EMER. escent nether sn apr ode, eureka 8h) rth asin HeueeyFO) mae yuan op alte pamtantheuncy t — covng CTSSDCS sting rat! fae C7 pe 9 tem cE D where ee cane my thoy pm, arc othe cu Dbeteting a channel (DEL-cH) — MENU 28 js pe + RDU Sy age ene nese BN crn ane ey ren sy [CSS scanning (SCN-CTC) ~ MENU 29 [rane tn (ES ee Power-ON Mestage(PONMSG)~—MENU 30 jon an en pete adn gs = ies ou bake sy ler 10 Code Switeh (AND-SW) ~ MENU 32 Ise mode an ER These oy oer es / 9 fe um OWOF a ding Caller 1D Code (ANL-EDIT) — MENU 33, formes can beasts 3 ganas jsyos + PRD wren on te 2 ss hee Sn nn eee Oca 6 een oe angle ating 26g AN 9 ct 2386, Ins ps DED te seen sys er pater ey he ot ew ah, ben np ed ae 12056 sre conte nspree tore to ancy, angle aig gal cae 3) ets ce tne ante peg © 1 sce an 9 ten OTF oy oe sg he hss rete of and whose Tee EOE band, ress + PED, he seen day [3 | Speco! Reminder /\ | > Eh ace an haven re AND ce whch ae by eA an "TMF Sidetone OTMF-ST)~ MEUN 34 feypad Autolock (AUTOLOCK) — MENU 35 fe enti torent rir Chanel sith (Ph HSH) — MEN 36 CAAT im Sensor et 01,01, 8, ans and the camer seed hanna us poy oe chaa,Then te anger loins Lol roNoum onan cee ech 016 neater ctucr gaan pry same anngaacne twin sien atop te rnc a KG pore speater Setting (RPT-SET) MENU 37 kz —SSE] > neue tuner mode he amr quony tte gun a coo ren ansmting ee wc! sees een a DTIDeetns cose band repeater: re mater Vio eign) he setae Fest nde ub VEO Rowe way ose band pene thc oe tee Aer een cet ample {1S no end reenter ea tsame win the came ‘tar ae ene secs Aes ts anion Teng Heong 2d snd es > ies tind epae nos Pesce wi dy OD > Swng sameeren ad pete ode a ED ay Nl on | > norerto ue tneepetng wel hows theca Rec en wh se MENU ‘Tre epestng rect oetny ane ect oar he wong a nd ez he > re tpeag ad nied rain pt PT oti rr Ings engea Te uncer pop by umm plea poster Speaker (RET SPR) MENU 28 onciy panes @OER. sy can Add (SCAN-ADD) ~- MENU 40 eres in cel ede te cae mel a a ene jscny new + EMD Pesce | ead ingle-Tone Pulse Frequency (ALERT) ~ MENU 41 nf hy a dr eget pe ai a ge ne pe nla nd es + ENB ese p(s" ce tok he pee ed ten es ere 2 oreo tardy mmc made eu 2 tart he dee angle ape ese § aller 1D Code Transmitting Delay PTT-DLY) MENU 42 Sant orn + EMEA. ever py i tory ey tia beset 10-300 30 feet OM ch aller 10 Transmisslon Mode (PTT1D) ~ MENU 43 ny os» ENED esse dy 8 3 ton st te mde you an Ad tan pe Se tea (3 BD ores can best teers 8 eg £01 ra HOT ge rh 1 Time ~ MENU 44 Isanny pes EMER, esceen cok (305 can group A setting (SCG-A) ~ MENU 45 Ineuny po = ERE scan ele 09 8 lop Leon pes a or seamaggep Aang sien Ae, 1 Group B Setting (SCG-A) ~ MENU 46 ony po © ~ EME the van ds 8 tg ne, pss DS eater Tone Setting (RPT-TONE) ~- MENU 47 and rae + EMER. esse Spy 1 cs prs tok pT, en ps ot, and es orto sary us ncn pal spy when ane kl cr made eur teen resfertCOOER) SO He and en pros vidio =) es esa te Setting on Sub-frequency ~~ MENU 43 ano mac uc he eg ef guy ive Call Code Group Setting (CALLCODE) ~ MENU 50 fey et F ENED Se soee Se on) 3s toch on ps toh ard ee a ocet edth rete taney, setting Reset) ~ MENU 51 dy es = WER een ys Sa) fr rhe aVFOVAY wei aren dy mde, ai ene clade ste ith 20 pp pn elec cae pagan va ann torent any io Storage(RADIO-WR)—-MENUS3 ep tvetam bc he any. rambler SCRAM)—-MENUS@ rs ee + EMER Ce Sl er] ‘ompander(COMPANDER)~-MENUSS ea cena Network Mute(PNMUTE) MENU 57 attery Voltage (VOLTAGE)-MENU 58 Ih con ecg frbe bay og, re OFFPNOFF)-~MENU 59 wet Oe Cam pata snd: Pes cl na ee by pe fe peo oa pe Area utetZA MUTE)--MENU 60 Area Mute ZA MUTE)~-MENU 51 ted: der perme face crcl by Mens reenter nto Then power ane a, ome alas Ldg, "Aer cy a, sk heseen ay eps roup Selection(Group Call ny nth eae eer a ore aan ste“ EEC Pe ee then hou ea Dom ee [ep veYend se een, etesaeen cy anatase Prec tone he eng ge cl acta reer maiden Mat end orgie race. Detailed Instruction for Some Important Functions === fmm il alls, Group calls and Selective calls eI COOE. O--KXD ae) 90K) O:P0ONDUE ey) 1B. raENEKESEM cs + Pe EIT a "son 1 ey tum Arann alr Cate put AD ey ety. aon PT tan Mant CaO Cade, pth CaO Coe rent ascend pe + BED hye aah sen dys se Rs tings ane eg | ye se (ON We PT ane Pe ETT se, re oti, pr ay trea thts sendy, ron G+ BND keane en wl ly semi wces eetigh epeing QB that ON seeker es cote, nd res Hey ort osanaay cong cob pe me: in tetris, es + re i de ral co ton pete ce OCDHET, Pesto cor Ae pes Diora by moe Cosine ep sandy hei an ere a Aa opt soe Ase id 8 Cro ap [eps Amc Aaenan Newt Cen Cro eat chaps rate ae and Nebo Cw Co apt {a ¥nen RETRTT OK peng FT top ro oan band ped me ai Foul Solution ‘Solution Serle wenin rable eater he sean ar hgh ange eT more ie pce eater el or i sandy te shat, git asad ye ae is For wove ‘hous Tremere te sy cua eae 2» tty mad pede hr eee, toy Steud sumer rand might sth ice ey Sfosdiactenda in beweect sens wee orrunat, |Guwownan endeavors to achieve the accuracy and completeness this manual, butts stil not perfect for any possible omissions,

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