Trotsenburg 2021
Trotsenburg 2021
Trotsenburg 2021
Congenital Hypothyroidism:
A 2020–2021 Consensus Guidelines Update—
An ENDO-European Reference Network Initiative Endorsed
by the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
and the European Society for Endocrinology
Paul van Trotsenburg,1,* Athanasia Stoupa,2–5,* Juliane Léger,6,7 Tilman Rohrer,8 Catherine Peters,9
Laura Fugazzola,10,11 Alessandra Cassio,12 Claudine Heinrichs,13 Veronique Beauloye,14 Joachim Pohlenz,15
Patrice Rodien,16 Regis Coutant,17 Gabor Szinnai,18 Philip Murray,19,20 Beate Bartés,21 Dominique Luton,22,23
Mariacarolina Salerno,24 Luisa de Sanctis,25 Mariacristina Vigone,26 Heiko Krude,27
Luca Persani,28,29 and Michel Polak2–5,30–32
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Pediatric Endocrinology, Gynecology and Diabetology Department, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), Hôpital
Universitaire Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France.
Université de Paris, Paris, France.
INSERM U1163, IMAGINE Institute, Paris, France.
INSERM U1016, Cochin Institute, Paris, France.
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology, Reference Center for Growth and Development Endocrine Diseases,
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Robert Debré University Hospital, Paris, France.
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), UMR 1141, Paris, France.
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, University Children’s Hospital, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany.
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom.
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy.
Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Unit of Pediatrics, Department of Medical & Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna,
Bologna Italy.
Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Hôpital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
Unité d’Endocrinologie Pédiatrique, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.
Department of Pediatrics, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical School, Mainz, Germany.
Centre de Référence des Maladies Rares de la Thyroı̈de et des Récepteurs Hormonaux, Service EDN, CHU d’Angers, Institut
MITOVASC, Université d’Angers, Angers, France.
Unité d’ Endocrinologie Diabetologie Pédiatrique and Centre des Maladies Rares de la Réceptivité Hormonale, CHU-Angers, Angers, France.
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, University Children’s Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology.
Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust,
Manchester, United Kingdom.
Thyroid Group, European Patient Advocacy Group Patient Representative (ePAG), Association Vivre sans Thyroide,
Léguevin, France.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine (HUPNVS), Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de
Paris (APHP), Bichat Hospital, Paris, France.
Department Risks and Pregnancy (DHU), Université de Paris, Inserm U1141, Paris, France.
Pediatric Endocrine Unit, Department of Translational Medical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.
Department of Public Health and Pediatrics, University of Turin, Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital, Turin, Italy.
Department of Pediatrics, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.
Institut für Experimentelle Pädiatrische Endokrinologie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy.
Paris Regional Newborn Screening Program, Centre régional de dépistage néonatal, Paris, France.
Centre de Référence Maladies Endocriniennes de la Croissance et du Développement, INSERM U1016, IMAGINE Institute,
Paris, France.
ENDO-European Reference Network, Main Thematic Group 8, Paris, France.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
ª Paul van Trotsenburg et al., 2021; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License [CC-BY-NC] ( which permits any
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Background: An ENDO-European Reference Network (ERN) initiative was launched that was endorsed by the
European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and the European Society for Endocrinology with 22 participants
from the ENDO-ERN and the two societies. The aim was to update the practice guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of congenital hypothyroidism (CH). A systematic literature search was conducted to identify key
articles on neonatal screening, diagnosis, and management of primary and central CH. The evidence-based
guidelines were graded with the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation
system, describing both the strength of recommendations and the quality of evidence. In the absence of
sufficient evidence, conclusions were based on expert opinion.
Summary: The recommendations include the various neonatal screening approaches for CH as well as the
etiology (also genetics), diagnostics, treatment, and prognosis of both primary and central CH. When CH is
diagnosed, the expert panel recommends the immediate start of correctly dosed levothyroxine treatment and
frequent follow-up including laboratory testing to keep thyroid hormone levels in their target ranges, timely
assessment of the need to continue treatment, attention for neurodevelopment and neurosensory functions, and,
if necessary, consulting other health professionals, and education of the child and family about CH. Harmo-
nization of diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up will optimize patient outcomes. Lastly, all individuals with CH
are entitled to a well-planned transition of care from pediatrics to adult medicine.
Conclusions: This consensus guidelines update should be used to further optimize detection, diagnosis,
treatment, and follow-up of children with all forms of CH in the light of the most recent evidence. It should be
helpful in convincing health authorities of the benefits of neonatal screening for CH. Further epidemiological
and experimental studies are needed to understand the increased incidence of this condition.
Summary of the CH consensus guidelines update If the serum TSH concentration is >20 mU/L at con-
firmatory testing (approximately in the second week of
1. Neonatal screening
life), treatment should be started, even if fT4 is normal
1.1. The benefits of CH screening (arbitrary threshold, expert opinion) (2/+00).
If the serum TSH concentration is 6–20 mU/L beyond
Early detection and treatment of CH through neonatal the age of 21 days in a healthy neonate with an fT4
screening prevent irreversible neurodevelopmental de- concentration within the age-specific reference interval,
lay and optimize its developmental outcome (1/+++). we suggest to either start LT4 treatment immediately
Screening for CH should be introduced worldwide
and retest, off-treatment, at a later stage, or to withhold
(1/+++). treatment but retest 1 to 2 weeks later and to re-evaluate
the need for treatment (lack of evidence in favor or
1.2. Analytical methodology and effectiveness of CH against treatment, this is an area of further investiga-
screening strategies tion) (2/++0).
The incidence of CH partly depends on the screening In countries or regions where thyroid function tests are
strategy; based on data from a number of screening not readily available, LT4 treatment should be started if
programs, the incidence of primary CH lies between 1 filter paper TSH concentration is >40 mU/L (at the
in 3000 and 1 in 2000; the highest reported incidence of moment of neonatal screening; arbitrary threshold,
central CH is *1 in 16,000 (1/+++). expert opinion) (2/+00).
The initial priority of neonatal screening for CH should If the serum fT4 is low, and TSH is low, normal or
be the detection of all forms of primary CH—mild, slightly elevated, the diagnosis central CH should be
moderate, and severe; the most sensitive test for de- considered (1/++0).
tecting primary CH is measurement of thyrotropin In neonates with central CH, we recommend to start
(TSH) (1/+++). LT4 treatment only after evidence of intact adrenal
When financial resources are available, we recommend function; if coexistent central adrenal insufficiency
adding measurement of total or free thyroxine (fT4) to cannot be ruled out, LT4 treatment must be preceded by
TSH, to screen for central CH (2/++0). glucocorticoid treatment to prevent possible induction
of an adrenal crisis (2/+00).
1.3. Postscreening strategies in special categories of
neonates at risk of CH 2.2. Communication of abnormal screening and confir-
matory results
Some groups of children may have a false-negative neo-
natal screening result or have a high risk of mild CH not An abnormal neonatal screening result should be com-
detected by neonatal screening, for instance premature, low municated by an experienced professional (e.g., member
birthweight, and sick babies; for these groups a post- of pediatric endocrine team, pediatrician, or general phy-
screening strategy including collection of a second speci- sician) either by telephone or face to face, and supple-
men *10 to 14 days of age may be considered (1/+00). mented with written information for the family (2/+00).
In patients with Down’s syndrome, we recommend
measuring TSH at the end of the neonatal period (1/++0). 2.3. Imaging techniques in CH
The initial screening in an affected twin may be normal; a
In patients with a recent CH diagnosis, we strongly
second screening in same sex twins should be considered. recommend starting LT4 treatment before conducting
The nonaffected sibling of twins should be followed up thyroid gland imaging studies (1/++0).
for possible TSH elevation later in life (2/+00). We recommend imaging of the thyroid gland using
Clinical suspicion of hypothyroidism, despite normal
either radioisotope scanning (scintigraphy) with or
TSH in TSH-based screening programs, should prompt without the perchlorate discharge test, or ultrasonog-
further evaluation for primary (rare cases of false- raphy (US), or both (1/++0).
negative neonatal screening results) and central CH, Knee X-ray may be performed to assess the severity of
particularly in children with a family history of central intrauterine hypothyroidism (2/+00).
CH (2/+00).
2.4. Associated malformations and syndromes
2. Diagnostics and criteria for treatment
All neonates with a high TSH concentration should be
2.1. Biochemical criteria used in the decision to start examined carefully for dysmorphic features suggestive
treatment for CH for syndromic CH, and for congenital malformations
A newborn with an abnormal neonatal screening result (particularly cardiac) (1/+++).
should be referred to an expert center (1/++0).
An abnormal screening result should be followed by 3. Treatment and monitoring of CH
confirmatory testing consisting of measurement of se-
3.1. Starting treatment for primary CH
rum fT4 and TSH (1/++0).
If the serum fT4 concentration is below and TSH LT4 alone is recommended as the medication of choice
clearly above the age-specific reference interval, then for the treatment of CH (1/++0).
levothyroxine (LT4) treatment should be started im- LT4 treatment should be started as soon as possible, not
mediately (1/+++). later than 2 weeks after birth or immediately after
confirmatory (serum) thyroid function testing in neo- We recommend physicians to avoid long-term under-
nates in whom CH is detected by a second routine or overtreatment during childhood (1/++0).
screening test (1/++0). In contrast to adults, in neonates, infants, and children,
The LT4 starting dose should be up to 15 lg/kg per day, LT4 can be administered together with food (but with
taking into account the whole spectrum of CH, ranging avoidance of soy protein and vegetable fiber); more
from mild to severe (1/++0). important, LT4 should be administered at the same time
Infants with severe CH, defined by a very low pre- every day, also in relation to food intake; while this
treatment serum fT4 (<5 pmol/L) or total T4 concen- approach can improve compliance, it ensures as con-
tration in combination with elevated TSH (above the stant as possible LT4 absorption and, with that, as good
normal range based on time since birth and gestational as possible LT4 dose titration (2/+00).
age (GA), should be treated with the highest starting In case of an unexpected need for LT4 dose increase,
dose (10–15 lg/kg per day) (1/++0). reduced absorption, or increased metabolization of
Infants with mild CH (fT4 > 10 pmol/L in combination thyroxine (T4) by other disease (e.g., gastrointestinal),
with elevated TSH) should be treated with the lowest food or medication should be considered (2/+00); in-
initial dose (*10 lg/kg per day); in infants with pre- compliance may be the most frequent cause, especially
treatment fT4 concentrations within the age-specific in teenagers and adolescents.
reference interval an even lower starting dose may be
considered (from 5 to 10 lg/kg) (1/++0).
3.3. Treatment and monitoring of central CH
LT4 should be administered orally, once a day (1/++0).
The evidence favoring brand versus generic LT4 is In severe forms of central CH (fT4 < 5 pmol/L), we also
mixed but based on personal experience/expert opinion recommend to start LT4 treatment as soon as possible
we recommend brand rather than generic (2/++0). after birth at doses like in primary CH (10–15 lg/kg per
day, see section 3.1), to bring fT4 rapidly within the
normal range (1/++0).
3.2. Monitoring treatment in primary CH In milder forms of central CH, we suggest starting
We recommend measurement of serum fT4 and TSH treatment at a lower LT4 dose (5–10 lg/kg per day), to
concentrations before or at least 4 hours after the last avoid the risk of overtreatment (1/++0).
(daily) LT4 administration (1/++0). In newborns with central CH, we recommend moni-
We recommend evaluation of fT4 and TSH according toring treatment by measuring fT4 and TSH according
to age-specific reference intervals (1/++0). to the same schedule as for primary CH; serum fT4
The first treatment goal in neonates with primary CH is to should be kept above the mean/median value of the
rapidly increase the circulating amount of TH, reflected age-specific reference interval; if TSH is low before
by normalization of serum TSH; therafter, TSH should be treatment, subsequent TSH determinations can be
kept within the reference interval. omitted (1/+00).
If TSH is in the age-specific reference interval, fT4 When under- or overtreatment is suspected in a patient
concentrations above the upper limit of the reference with central CH, then TSH, or free triiodothyronine (fT3)
interval can be accepted and recommend maintaining or total triiodothyronine (T3) can be measured (1/+00).
the same LT4 dose (1/++0). When fT4 is around the lower limit of the reference
Any reduction of the LT4 dose should not be based on a interval, then undertreatment should be considered,
single higher than normal fT4 concentration, unless particularly if TSH >1.0 mU/L (1/+00).
TSH is suppressed (i.e., below the lower limit of the When serum fT4 is around or above the upper limit of
reference interval) or there are signs of overtreatment the reference interval, then overtreatment should be
(e.g., jitteriness or tachycardia) (1/++0). considered (assuming that LT4 has not been adminis-
The first clinical and biochemical follow-up evaluation tered just before blood withdrawal), particularly if as-
should take place 1 to 2 weeks after the start of LT4 sociated with clinical signs of thyrotoxicosis, or a high
treatment (1 week at the latest in case of a starting dose fT3 concentration (1/+00).
of 50 lg per day or an even higher dose) (1/+00).
Subsequent (clinical and biochemical) evaluation
3.4. Diagnostic re-evaluation of thyroid function beyond
should take place every 2 weeks until complete nor-
the first 6 months of life
malization of serum TSH is achieved; therafter, the
evaluation frequency can be lowered to once every 1 to When no definitive diagnosis of permanent CH was
3 months until the age of 12 months (1/+00). made in the first weeks or months of life, then re-
Between the ages of 12 months and 3 years, the eval- evaluation of the HPT axis after the age of 2 to 3 years
uation frequency can be lowered to every 2 to 4 is indicated, particularly in children with a gland in situ
months; thereafter, evaluations should be carried out (GIS), and in those with presumed isolated central CH
every 3 to 6 months until growth is completed (1/+00). (1/++0).
If abnormal fT4 or TSH values are found, or if com- For a precise diagnosis, LT4 treatment should be phased
pliance is questioned, the evaluation frequency should out over a 4 to 6 weeks period or just stopped, and full
be increased (2/+00). re-evaluation should be carried out after 4 weeks, con-
After a change of LT4 dose or formulation, an extra sisting of (at least) fT4 and TSH measurement.
evaluation should be carried out after 4 to 6 weeks If primary hypothyroidism is confirmed (TSH ‡10 mU/L),
(2/+00). consider thyroid imaging and, if possible, genetic testing;
if central CH is likely (fT4 below the lower limit of the the lower part of normal range and periodical ultra-
reference interval in combination with a low normal of sound investigation is recommended to monitor thyroid
only mildly elevated TSH), consider evaluating the other volume (2/++0).
anterior pituitary functions and genetic testing. Since a few cases of thyroid cancer have been reported,
If TSH is above the upper limit of the reference in- fine needle aspiration biopsy for cytology should be
terval but <10 mU/L (primary CH) or fT4 just above performed in case of suspicious nodules on ultrasound
the lower limit of the reference interval (central CH), investigation (1/+00).
then continue withdrawal and retest in another 3 to 4
weeks (1/++0). 4.3. Growth, puberty, and fertility
If a child with no permanent CH diagnosis and a GIS
Adequately treated children with nonsyndromic CH
requires a LT4 dose less than 3 lg/kg per day at the age
have normal growth and puberty, and their fertility
of 6 months, then re-evaluation can be done already at
that time (1/++0). does not differ from individuals who do not have CH
We recommend avoiding iodine as an antiseptic during (1/+++).
peri- and neonatal period, as it can cause transient CH
(1/++0). 4.4. Bone, metabolic, and cardiovascular health
Adequately treated children with nonsyndromic CH
3.5. Treatment and monitoring of pregnant women with also have normal bone, metabolic, and cardiovascular
CH health (1/++0).
In women with CH who are planning pregnancy, we
4.5. Patient and professional education, and health-
strongly recommend optimization of LT4 treatment; in
related quality of life
addition, these women should be counseled regarding
the higher need for LT4 during pregnancy (1/++0). Medical education about CH should be improved at all
fT4 (or total T4) and TSH levels should be monitored levels, with regular updates (1/+++).
every 4 to 6 weeks during pregnancy, aiming at TSH Education of parents, starting at the time of diagnosis,
concentrations in accordance with current guidelines on and later on of the patient is essential; not only
treatment of hypothyroidism during pregnancy, that is, throughout childhood, but also during transition to
<2.5 mU/L throughout gestation in patients treated with adult care and in women during pregnancy (1/+++).
LT4 (1/+00). Since adherence to treatment may influence the out-
In pregnant women with central CH, the LT4 doses comes, it should be promoted throughout life (1/++0).
should be increased aiming at an fT4 concentration
above the mean/median value of the trimester specific 4.6. Transition to adult care
reference interval (1/+00).
When patients are transferred from pediatric to adult
After delivery, we recommend lowering LT4 dose to
care, the main aims are continuity of care and, with
preconception dose; additional thyroid function testing
that, optimal clinical outcomes and quality of life, and
should be performed at *6 weeks postpartum (1/++0).
to increase understanding of CH and promote self-
All pregnant women should ingest *250 lg iodine per
management (1/+++).
day (1/++0).
5. Genetics of CH, genetic counseling, and antenatal
4. Outcomes of neonatal screening and early treatment management
4.1. Neurodevelopmental outcomes 5.1. Criteria for genetic counseling
Psychomotor development and school progression Genetic counseling should be targeted rather than
should be periodically evaluated in all children with general (to all CH patients) and done by an experienced
CH; speech delay, attention, and memory problems, professional (2/++0).
and behavioral problems are reasons for additional Counseling should include explaining inheritance and
evaluation (1/++0). the risk of recurrence of the patient’s primary or central
In the small proportion of children with CH who do form of CH, based on the CH subtype, the family his-
display significant psychomotor developmental delay tory, and, if known, the (genetic) cause (1/++0).
and syndromic CH with brain abnormalities, it is cru- Parents with a child, or families with a member with
cial to rule out other causes of intellectual impairment CH should have access to information about the two
than CH (1/+00). major forms of primary CH—thyroid dysgenesis (TD)
Not just neonatal, but also repeated hearing tests should and dyshormonogenesis—and, if included in the neo-
be carried out before school age and, if required, during natal screening, about central CH (1/+++).
further follow-up (2/++0).
5.2. Genetics of CH
4.2. Development of goiter in thyroid dyshormonogenesis If genetic testing is performed, its aim should be im-
Children and adolescents with primary CH due to proving diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis (1/++0).
dyshomonogenesis may develop goiter and nodules; in Before doing so, possibilities and limits of genetic test-
these cases, serum TSH should be carefully targeted in ing should be discussed with parents or families (1/++0).
When available, genetic testing should be performed by with a large fetal goiter associated with hydramnios
means of new techniques, such as comparative genomic and/or tracheal occlusion; in a hypothyroid pregnant
hybridization (CGH) array, next-generation sequencing woman, we recommend to treat the woman (rather the
(NGS) of gene panels (targeted NGS), or whole exome fetus) with T4 (1/++0).
sequencing (WES) (1/++0). For goitrous nonimmune fetal hypothyroidism leading
Preferably, genetic testing or studies should be preceded to hydramnios, we recommend intra-amniotic injec-
by careful phenotypic description of the patient’s CH, tions of LT4 to decrease the size of the fetal thyroid
including morphology of the thyroid gland (2/++0). gland. The injections should be performed by multi-
Not only thyroid dyshormonogenesis, but also familial disciplinary specialist teams (1/+++).
occurrence of dysgenesis and central hypothyroidism The expert panel proposes the use of 10 lg/kg esti-
should lead to further genetic testing (1/++0). mated fetal weight per 15 days in the form of intra-
Any syndromic association should be studied geneti- amniotic injections. The risks to the fetus and the
cally, not only to improve genetic counseling, but also psychological burden on the parents should be factored
to identify new candidate genes explaining the associ- into the risk–benefit evaluation (2/+00).
ation (1/++0).
Further research is needed to better define patients or
patient groups that will benefit most from these new 1. NEONATAL SCREENING
diagnostic possibilities (2/++0). 1.1. Benefits of CH screening
1.2. Analytical methodology and effectiveness of CH
5.3. Antenatal diagnostics, evaluation of fetal thyroid screening strategies
function, and management of fetal hypothyroidism 1.3. Postscreening strategies in special categories of ne-
onates at risk of CH
We recommend antenatal diagnosis in cases of goiter
fortuitously discovered during systematic ultrasound
examination of the fetus, in relation to thyroid dyshor- 1.1. Benefits of CH screening
monogenesis (1/+++); a familial recurrence of CH due to Summary
dyshormonogenesis (25% recurrence rate) (1/+++); and
known defects of genes involved in thyroid function Early detection and treatment of CH through neonatal
or development with potential germline transmission screening prevent irreversible neurodevelopmental de-
(1/++0). lay and optimize its developmental outcome (1/+++).
Special issues should be considered for syndromic Screening for CH should be introduced worldwide
cases with potential mortality and possible germline (1/+++).
mosaicism (as for NKX2-1 gene mutation/deletion and
severe pulmonary dysfunction with possible transmission Evidence. Neonatal screening for CH has almost elimi-
through germline mosaicism). In such circumstances, the nated the profound negative effects of TH deficiency on
discussion of the prenatal diagnosis should be open. The growth and neurodevelopment (cretinism) in those countries
therapeutic management of affected fetuses should where it has been established. Improved developmental
comply with the laws in force in the country concerned outcomes were already reported a few years after the start of
(1/++0). The familial recurrence of CH due to dysgenesis neonatal screening (3,4), and justified its economic costs by
(2% of familial occurrences) requires further study to clearly outweighing the costs of providing health and edu-
determine the feasibility and clinical relevance for an- cational care for individuals with neurodevelopmental dam-
tenatal detection. age due to CH (5).
For the evaluation of fetal thyroid volume, we recom- Despite the benefits of neonatal screening, 70% of infants
mend ultrasound scans at 20 to 22 gestational weeks to worldwide are born in areas that do not have access to neo-
detect fetal thyroid hypertrophy and potential thyroid natal screening (6). In addition, many of these infants are
dysfunction in the fetus. Goiter or an absence of thyroid born in areas of endemic iodine deficiency, placing them at
tissue can also be documented by this technique. increased risk of TH deficiency.
Measurements should be made as a function of GA, and
thyroid perimeter and diameter should be measured to
document goiter (1/+++). 1.2. Analytical methodology and effectiveness
If a (large) fetal goiter is diagnosed, prenatal care should be of CH screening strategies
provided in a specialized center of prenatal care (1/+++).
We recommend cordocentesis, rather than amniocen-
tesis, as the reference method for assessing fetal thyroid The incidence of CH partly depends on the screening
function. Norms have been established as a function of strategy; based on data from a number of screening
GA. This examination should be carried out only if programs, the incidence of primary CH lies between 1
prenatal intervention is considered (1/+++). in 3000 and 1 in 2000; the highest reported incidence of
In most cases, fetal thyroid function can be inferred from central CH is *1 in 16,000 (1/+++).
context and ultrasound criteria, and fetal blood sampling The initial priority of neonatal screening for CH should
is, therefore, only exceptionally required (2/++0). be the detection of all forms of primary CH—mild,
We strongly recommend fetal treatment by intra- moderate, and severe; the most sensitive test for de-
amniotic T4 injections in a euthyroid pregnant woman tecting primary CH is measurement of TSH (1/+++).
When financial resources are available, we recommend Pitfalls in the newborn screening do exist and can be due
adding measurement of total or fT4 to TSH, to screen to abnormal TH binding globulin, severe concomitant ill-
for central CH (2/++0). nesses, as well as several drugs and autoantibodies (24,28).
exposure to iodine overdose. Thus, the use of iodine-containing If the serum fT4 concentration is below and TSH
disinfectants is contraindicated in preterm babies, since expo- clearly above the age-specific reference interval, then
sure to topical iodine may cause transient neonatal hypo- or LT4 treatment should be started immediately (1/+++).
hyperthyroidism as summarized in a systematic review (33). If the serum TSH concentration is >20 mU/L at con-
Although the concordance rate for CH in twins is low, firmatory testing (approximately in the second week of
twins are overrepresented in the CH population (34). Because life), treatment should be started, even if fT4 is normal
of fetal blood mixing, the TSH concentration of an affected (arbitrary threshold, expert opinion) (2/+00).
twin may be lower than expected and may escape detection in If the serum TSH concentration 6–20 mU/L beyond the
TSH-based screening (34,35). Therefore, a low threshold for age of 21 days in a healthy neonate with an fT4 con-
repeat TSH measurement is suggested, or a second screening centration within the age-specific reference interval, we
should be considered in same-sex twins. In addition, the suggest to either start LT4 treatment immediately and
nonaffected twin should be followed up for possible TSH retest, off-treatment, at a later stage, or to withhold
elevation later in life (36). treatment but retest 1 to 2 weeks later and to re-evaluate
Down’s syndrome is associated with a 14 to 21 times higher the need for treatment (lack of evidence in favor or
than expected incidence of CH, and highly prevalent mild TSH against treatment, this is an area of further investiga-
elevation/subclinical hypothyroidism, especially in the first tion) (2/++0).
months to years of life (37–39). The probable cause of both In countries or regions where thyroid function tests are
phenomena is TD, probably related to the extra chromosome 21 not readily available, LT4 treatment should be started if
and possibly to overexpression of the DYRK1A gene (40–43). filter paper TSH concentration is >40 mU/L (at the
Because many neonates with Down’s syndrome have non- moment of neonatal screening; arbitrary threshold,
thyroidal illness due to (surgery for) cardiac or intestinal disease expert opinion) (2/+00).
(44), TSH generation may be impaired resulting in a false- If the serum fT4 is low, and TSH is low, normal or
negative neonatal screening result (in TSH-based screening slightly elevated, the diagnosis central CH should be
programs). Therefore, additional measurement of TSH and fT4 considered (1/++0).
around the age of 3 to 4 weeks should be considered. In neonates with central CH, we recommend to start
In babies born into families affected with primary or LT4 treatment only after evidence of intact adrenal
central CH, fT4 and TSH measurements are advised, even if function; if coexistent central adrenal insufficiency
TSH was normal in TSH-based screening programs. cannot be ruled out, LT4 treatment must be preceded by
A delayed rise of TSH has been reported in newborns af- glucocorticoid treatment to prevent possible induction
fected with defects in the DUOXs system (16). In central CH, of an adrenal crisis (2/+00).
TSH is usually normal, but can be lower than normal or
mildly elevated; only fT4 will contribute to the diagnosis Evidence. Early detection and prompt treatment of CH
(25,45). In case of a known genetic cause, (even prenatal) (within the first 2 weeks of life) are essential to optimize the
genetic testing can prevent diagnostic delay. neurocognitive outcome, linear growth, the onset and pro-
Central CH should be considered in neonates with clini- gression of puberty, pubertal growth, and final height of af-
cal manifestations of CH or congenital hypopituitarism, but fected neonates (47). All newborns with an abnormal
a low, normal, or slightly elevated TSH concentration neonatal screening result must be referred to an expert center
(25,45,46). In addition, we recommend endocrine testing in for immediate thyroid function testing (TSH and fT4) to
all neonates with a familial history of central CH, or signs or confirm the diagnosis of CH.
symptoms of congenital hypopituitarism, for example, mi- Treatment is indicated if the serum TSH concentration is
cropenis with undescended testes, hypoglycemia, prolonged >20 mU/L or fT4 is below the age-specific reference interval
jaundice, or unexplained failure to thrive. (48). In the latter case, severe, moderate, and mild forms can
be classified according to fT4 concentrations, <5, 5–10, and
10–15 pmol/L, respectively (1).
Whether neonates with mild hypothyroidism/hyperthyro-
2.1. Biochemical criteria used in the decision to start tropinemia (i.e., diagnostic TSH concentrations between 6
treatment for CH and 20 mU/L, but a normal fT4 concentration) benefit from
2.2. Communication of abnormal neonatal screening and LT4 treatment is still unclear (49,50). Randomized controlled
confimatory results trials addressing this question have not been performed. The
2.3. Imaging techniques in CH evolution of the TSH and fT4 concentrations and trend is
2.4. Associated malformations and syndromes instrumental in deciding whether to treat or not; the family
history, thyroid imaging, and, if available, genetic analysis
may be helpful in predicting the course of the thyroid func-
2.1. Biochemical criteria used in the decision tion. In a large cohort study, Lain et al. found a worse neu-
to start treatment for CH rocognitive outcome in children of school age with neonatal
screening TSH concentrations between the 75th and 99.9th
percentiles (51), while those with neonatal TSH values above
A newborn with an abnormal neonatal screening result the 99.9th percentile (12–14 mU/L) had better cognitive de-
should be referred to an expert center (1/++0). velopment, possibly due to LT4 treatment. In contrast, in a
An abnormal screening result should be followed by Belgian cohort of children, there was no relationship between
confirmatory testing consisting of measurement of se- mild neonatal TSH elevation and neurodevelopment at the
rum fT4 and TSH (1/++0). preschool age (52–54).
thyroid gland. Sodium perchlorate is administred and thyroid neonatal period or early infancy is the brain–lung–thyroid
activity is measured before and 1 hour afterward. The per- (BLT) syndrome (OMIM No. 610978) due to NKX2-1 hap-
chlorate discharge test is considered positive when discharge loinsufficiency, characterized by various types of CH, infant
of 123I is more than 10% of the administered dose. Together respiratory distress syndrome, and benign hereditary chorea
with serum thyroglobulin measurement, the perchlorate dis- (75,76). Other examples of syndromic CH are Alagille syn-
charge test provides useful information for targeted genetic drome type 1 (OMIM No. 118450) with thyroid in situ, liver
testing to diagnose the various forms of CH caused by dys- (bile duct hypoplasia), and cardiac malformations (77);
hormonogenesis (1). One pitfall of scintigraphy is lack of Williams–Beuren (OMIM No. 194050) and DiGeorge syn-
isotope uptake despite the presence of thyroid tissue. This can dromes (OMIM No. 188400) with a high prevalence of thy-
be due to TSH suppression at the time of the scintigraphy roid hypoplasia (50–70%) and subclinical hypothyroidism
(when performed beyond 5 to 7 days after the start of LT4 (25–30%) (78,79); and Kabuki (80) and Johanson–Blizzard
treatment), previous iodine exposure, maternal blocking TSH syndromes (81) with a eutopic thyroid gland. Pendred syn-
receptor antibodies, and mutations in genes affecting iodine drome due to mutations in the SLC26A4 gene (OMIM No.
uptake (NIS) or TSH receptor (TSHR) defects. In these cases, 274600), with or without goiter, should be considered in case
thyroid US should be performed to demonstrate the presence of congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Finally, the preva-
or absence of thyroid tissue. When treatment-related TSH lence of congenital malformations, particularly cardiac de-
suppression is the cause, and treatment cannot be interrupted, fects, including septal defects, and renal abnormalities (82) is
thyroid scintigraphy and perchlorate discharge testing can higher in individuals with CH than in the general population,
also be performed after recombinant human TSH adminis- with differences in prevalence between studies (83–89); in-
tration (68). deed, the reported frequency of cardiac defects in CH is be-
tween 3% and 11%, compared with 0.5% to 0.8% in all live
Dual imaging. The combination of thyroid US and scin- births. For Down’s syndrome, see Section 1.3.
tigraphy provides high-resolution anatomical (US) and
functional (scintigraphy) information, allowing to distinguish
between permanent and possible transient CH (64,67,69). 3. TREATMENT AND MONITORING OF CH
Each technique compensates for limitations and pitfalls of the 3.1. Starting treatment for primary CH
other. Dual imaging is particularly effective in confirming 3.2. Monitoring treatment in primary CH
athyreosis (when scintigraphy shows absence of isotope up- 3.3. Treatment and monitoring of central CH
take) and detecting thyroid ectopy (65,67). 3.4. Diagnostic re-evaluation of thyroid function beyond
the first 6 months of life
X-ray of the knee. At birth, bone maturation is delayed in
3.5. Treatment and monitoring of pregnant women
the majority of patients with severe CH and is considered a
with CH
disease severity parameter. It has been shown to correlate
with neurodevelopmental outcome (70), educational level
(71), hearing impairment (72), and can be assessed by per- 3.1. Starting treatment for primary CH
forming a X-ray of the knee (presence or absence of the Summary
femoral and tibial epiphyses). LT4 treatment normalizes
LT4 alone is recommended as the medication of choice
bone maturation within the first year of life (70,73). Although
disease severity can be derived from the first diagnostic fT4 for the treatment of CH (1/++0).
LT4 treatment should be started as soon as possible, not
and TSH concentrations, a knee X-ray can be performed as an
additional parameter reflecting the severity of intrauterine later than 2 weeks after birth or immediately after
hypothyroidism. confirmatory (serum) thyroid function testing in neo-
nates in whom CH is detected by a second routine
2.4. Associated malformations and syndromes screening test (1/++0).
The LT4 starting dose should be up to 15 lg/kg per day,
Summary taking into account the whole spectrum of CH, ranging
All neonates with CH should be examined carefully from mild to severe (1/++0).
Infants with severe CH, defined by a very low pre-
for dysmorphic features suggestive for syndromic CH,
and for congenital malformations (particularly cardi- treatment serum fT4 (<5 pmol/L) or total T4 concen-
ac) (1/+++). tration in combination with elevated TSH (above the
normal range based on time since birth and GA), should
be treated with the highest starting dose (10–15 lg/kg
Evidence. Permanent CH can be isolated or syndromic. per day) (1/++0).
Careful clinical examination during the first days of life is, Infants with mild CH (fT4 > 10 pmol/L in combination
therefore, necessary to detect dysmorphic features suggestive with elevated TSH) should be treated with the lowest
of a syndrome. Syndromic CH is mostly caused by mutations initial dose (*10 lg/kg per day); in infants with pre-
in genes encoding transcription factors or involved in early treatment fT4 concentrations within the age-specific
thyroid development. The Bamforth–Lazarus syndrome reference interval, an even lower starting dose may be
(OMIM No. 241850) is characterized by TD (mainly athyr- considered (from 5 to 10 lg/kg) (1/++0).
eosis or severe hypoplasia), cleft palate, and spiky hair with LT4 should be administered orally, once a day (1/++0).
or without bilateral choanal atresia or bifid epiglottis, and is The evidence favoring brand versus generic LT4 is
due to biallelic mutations in the FOXE1 gene (74). Another mixed, but based on personal experience/expert opin-
example of syndromic CH that can be recognized during ion, we recommend brand rather than generic (2/++0).
Evidence. There are no randomized clinical trials that suppressed TSH. Even in the children with the highest
support a specific treatment approach in CH with high- number of episodes of TSH suppression, IQ and other out-
quality evidence. Since the first enthusiastic reports on the come parameters did not differ.
successful treatment of ‘‘sporadic cretinism’’ with thyroid Based on the evidence from four studies reporting
extracts derived from animal thyroid glands, all further sibling-controlled cognitive outcome data, one can deduce
adaptations and improvements have been based on retro- and conclude that a even a child with severe CH can reach
spective or prospective observational studies only. How- a normal IQ that does not differ from unaffected siblings, if
ever, today a large series of such cohort studies is available LT4 treatment is started before the age of 10 days and the
that were undertaken to correlate final outcome to different starting dose is at least 10 lg/kg, with 15 lg/kg in the most
treatment strategies. Initially somatic development in terms severe forms. More precise values for the optimal age at
of growth and puberty was studied, but later on cognitive start of LT4 treatment or the starting dose leading to such a
outcome—the most precious, but also vulnerable develop- favorable outcome cannot be given since this has not been
mental outcome—became the focus of such studies. The systematically studied. However, in a meta-analysis in-
highest level of evidence was gained by those studies that cluded in the Berlin study comparing IQ differences
assessed the cognitive outcome (intelligence quotient [IQ]) between severe and mild CH cases with respect to the
in individuals with CH and unaffected sibling controls. starting dose revealed that this difference can only be
Together, the available data allow for reliable conclusions overcome with a starting dose of at least 10 lg/kg, but not
and recommendations. One such conclusion is that one can lower than that.
expect a favorable outcome in most children with CH who
were given the ‘‘right’’ treatment. In this respect, numerous Hormone preparations and administration. Since there
outcome studies point to a strong impact of two (main) are only a few studies on the effect of different hormone
factors that influence cognitive outcome: the age at start of preparations or methods of administration available, rec-
LT4 treatment and the LT4 starting dose. ommendations are based on the results of the previously
mentioned studies. Those studies that reported a normal
Age at start of treatment and starting dose. Bearing in cognitive outcome did either use crunched LT4 tablets
mind that these factors were not studied systematically, one dissolved in water or breast milk administered through a
can only deduce conclusions and recommendations from spoon, or liquid LT4 preparations (both administered oral-
observational studies. Therefore, the recommendations on ly). In none of the studies T3 was administered. Because the
the optimal age at start of LT4 treatment and the optimal cognitive outcomes in these studies were favorable, it is
starting dose are deduced from reasonably powered studies recommended to use only LT4, administered as just de-
that eventually demonstrated no difference in cognitive scribed. The expert panel recognizes that crushing tablets is
outcome between individuals with CH and unaffected an off-label procedure, but that it has been done this way
siblings. So far only two such studies are available. In- succesfullly for many years. Clinical experience suggests
itially, two outcome studies in young adult CH patients and that the bioavailability of liquid LT4 preparations is higher
sibling controls showed an IQ gap of eight points. In these than tablets, with a possible risk of overtreatment if tablet
observational studies, treatment was started at an average doses are used. The higher bioavailability may also have
age of 24 days and with average LT4 dose <10 lg/kg per dosing consequences for changing medication from tablets
day. The first study that reported no gap comparing 44 CH to liquid, and the other way around. In addition, CH patients
and 53 unaffected sibling controls with a median age at treated with liquid LT4 may need more frequent fT4 and
time of testing of 9 years was from New Zealand and TSH measurements, and dose adjustments during their first
published in 2013 (90). Patients were treated with LT4 months of life (92,93). If intravenous treatment is necessary,
from a mean age of 9 days with a starting dose between 10 the (starting) dose should be no more than 80% of the oral
and 15 lg/kg depending on CH severity. Neonates with dose; subsequently, the dose should be adjusted guided by
athyreosis were treated with 15 lg/kg per day. TSH nor- fT4 and TSH measurements. It should be stressed that only
malized within a median of 14 days after diagnosis. Power pharmaceutically produced medication should be pre-
calculation predicted that the number of patients and sib- scribed. This applies to both tablets and liquid LT4 prepa-
lings would be sufficient to detect a difference of 5.2 IQ rations. Brand rather than generic LT4 tablets should be
point. There was no significant difference between the used, particularly in severe CH and in infants (94). The
tested patients and siblings. expert panel is against the use of compounded solutions or
The second study reporting no gap comparing 76 CH pa- suspensions. Finally, parents should be provided with
tients and 40 sibling controls was from Berlin and was pub- written instructions about LT4 treatment.
lished in 2018 (91). The treatment approach resembled the
New Zealand approach with a median age at diagnosis of 8 3.2. Monitoring treatment in primary CH
days, a mean LT4 starting dose of 13.5 lg/kg per day, and
TSH normalizing within a median time of 15 days. In contrast
to the New Zealand study, the mean ages of the patients and We recommend measurement of serum fT4 and TSH
controls were 18.1 and 19.8 years, respectively. There was no concentrations before, or at least 4 hours after the last
significant difference in overall IQ (102.5 vs. 102.5), nor (daily) LT4 administration (1/++0).
were there differences in other (cognitive) tests of attention, We recommend evaluation of fT4 and TSH according
memory, fine motor skills, quality-of-life scores, and in an- to age-specific reference intervals (1/++0).
thropometric measurements. In addition, there was no neg- The first treatment goal in neonates with primary CH is
ative effect of episodes of overtreatment in terms of a to rapidly increase the circulating amount of thyroid
hormone, reflected by normalization of serum TSH; specific reference interval (99). Rapid normalization of TSH
therafter, TSH should be kept within the reference and keeping fT4 in the upper half of the age-specific refer-
interval. ence interval have been shown to optimize the neurodeve-
If TSH is in the age-specific reference interval, fT4 lopmental outcome (90,100–102).
concentrations above the upper limit of the reference
interval can be accepted and recommend maintaining Follow-up after the first weeks of LT4 treatment. There is
the same LT4 dose (1/++0). no evidence for a one optimal follow-up scheme. Recent
Any reduction of the LT4 dose should not be based on a studies focusing on optimization of biochemical thyroid
single higher than normal fT4 concentration, unless function testing suggest the importance of frequent laboratory
TSH is suppressed (i.e., below the lower limit of the monitoring and dose adjustment during the first year of life.
reference interval) or there are signs of overtreatment Findings in these studies were that (i) patients with severe CH
(e.g., jitteriness or tachycardia) (1/++0). (athyreosis and dysgenesis vs. dyshormonogenesis, with high
The first clinical and biochemical follow-up evaluation TSH values at diagnosis) need more dose adjustments during
should take place 1 to 2 weeks after the start of LT4 the first year of life (103,104); (ii) the highest doses within the
treatment (1 week at the latest in case of a starting dose recommended range of 10–15 lg/kg per day resulted in more
close to 15 lg/kg per day or an even higher dose) (1/+00). dose adjustments because of hyperthyroxinemia (105–107);
Subsequent (clinical and biochemical) evaluation and (iii) monthly thyroid function testing led to frequent dose
should take place every 2 weeks until complete nor- adjustments during the first year of life (75% at 0–6 months of
malization of serum TSH is achieved; therafter, the age, and 36% at 7–12 months of age) (97). However, in none
evaluation frequency can be lowered to once every 1 to of these studies neurodevelopmental outcome data were
3 months until the age of 12 months (1/+00). available, the most important long-term treatment goal in CH.
Between the ages of 12 months and 3 years, the eval- With this in mind, the follow-up schemes that were chosen in
uation frequency can be lowered to every 2 to 4 the studies that reported normal IQ outcomes can be used as
months; thereafter, evaluations should be carried out recommendation. In the New Zealand and the Berlin studies,
every 3 to 6 months until growth is completed (1/+00). treatment effectiveness in terms of normalization of serum
If abnormal fT4 or TSH values are found, or if com- parameters was tested weekly after the start of treatment until
pliance is questioned, the evaluation frequency should they normalized (90,91). Thereafter, in New Zealand, blood
be increased (2/+00). tests were done monthly during the first year and bimonthly
After a change of LT4 dose or formulation, an extra eval- during the second year, and every 3 months in the Berlin
uation should be carried out after 4 to 6 weeks (2/+00). study. Obviously, follow-up schemes have to be personalized
Adequate treatment throughout childhood is essential, according to parents’ capabilities and compliance.
and long-term under- or overtreatment, that is, TSH The main biochemical target parameter in primary CH is
concentrations above or below the reference interval, TSH. The Berlin study reported on all obtained serum pa-
should be avoided (1/++0). rameters during the first 2 years of life in all treated chil-
In contrast to adults, in neonates, infants and children dren. This revealed that when TSH was within the reference
LT4 can be administered together with food (but with interval, T4 was often elevated but T3 was normal. Note-
avoidance of soy protein and vegetable fiber); more worthy, also in adult patients with severe acquired hypo-
important, LT4 should be administered at the same time thyroidism, a higher serum fT4 is necessary to reach normal
every day, also in relation to food intake. This approach TSH concentrations. This may be due to lack of thyroidal
can improve compliance, and ensures as consistent as production of T3 that needs to be compensated by a higher
possible LT4 absorption and as good as possible LT4 fT4 concentration.
dose titration (2/+00). Data on the effects of clearly increased serum (f)T4 con-
In case of an unexpected need for LT4 dose increase, centrations are scarce. In two studies, long-term follow-up
reduced absorption or increased metabolization of T4 after periods of overtreatment during the first 2 years of life
by other disease (e.g., gastrointestinal), food, or medi- suggested a decreased IQ at the age of 11 years, and an in-
cation should be considered (2/+00); noncompliance creased rate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
may be the most frequent cause, especially in teenagers (108,109). Earlier studies suggested adverse effects on at-
and adolescents. tention span (110). However, Aleksander et al. showed no IQ
differences between patients and siblings despite comparable
periods of overtreatment (91). As long as there is no evidence
for a possible negative effect of periods of overtreatment,
Shortly after the start of LT4 treatment. Repeated mea- dose reduction in case of an elevated fT4 should only be done
surement of serum fT4 and TSH, and clinical assessment after a second fT4 measurement, unless TSH is suppressed.
(especially for signs of overtreatment when using the highest Besides overtreatment, ‘‘resetting’’ of the hypothalamus–
starting dose) are the backbone of monitoring LT4 treatment pituitary–thyroid feedback axis after intrauterine hypothy-
in patients with primary CH (95–97). TSH normalizes slower roidism has been proposed as a possible mechanism, espe-
than fT4. Therefore, the first treatment goal is as rapid as cially in patients younger than 12 months (24,111).
possible normalization of fT4. Since fT4 reflects the unbound Persistence of such mild hypothalamus–pituitary resistance
biologically active form of T4, measurement of fT4 is pre- has been reported in adult CH patients compared with pa-
ferred to total T4 (98). The second treatment goal is nor- tients with acquired hypothyroidism (112).
malization of TSH within 4 weeks. Consequently, fT4 In summary, there is no definitive evidence for one op-
(or total T4) should guide dosing until TSH reaches the age- timal follow-up scheme based on studies with cognitive
outcome as the main parameter. However, a normal cog- matically, LT4 should be administered at a fixed time with an
nitive outcome has been achieved with monthly and bi- equal interval to food intake every day to have a constant as
monthly, and with 3-monthly controls during the first 2 to 3 possible LT4 absorption and, with that, as good as possible
years of life, after TSH normalization in the first weeks after LT4 dose titration. Soy containing food products have been
diagnosis. Furthermore, patients with the most severe forms repeatedly shown to inhibit LT4 absorption in children with
of CH and the highest range of the recommended LT4 CH (127,128).
starting dose are at an increased risk for frequent dose ad-
justments in the first year of life because of elevated fT4
3.3. Treatment and monitoring of central CH
levels. Since the long-term neurological consequences of
hyperthyroxinemia/periods of overtreatment are still not In severe forms of central CH (fT4 < 5 pmol/L), we also
clarified, the follow-up frequency should be individualized recommend to start LT4 treatment as soon as possible
with more controls in case of suboptimal fT4 or TSH val- after birth at doses like in primary CH (at least 10 lg/kg
ues. After dose adjustment, a next control is recommended per day, see Section 3.1), to bring fT4 rapidly within
4 to 6 weeks later (113). Finally, adolescence and the the normal range (1/++0).
period of transition to adult care are critical periods. In- In milder forms of central CH, we suggest starting
dividualized follow-up schemes should be drawn up to as- treatment at a lower LT4 dose (5–10 lg/kg per day) to
sure normal growth and puberty in the adolescent, and reduce the risk of overtreatment (1/++0).
fertility in the young adult (114). In newborns with central CH, we recommend moni-
toring treatment by measuring fT4 and TSH according
Adverse effects of LT4. Adverse effects of long-term LT4 to the same schedule as for primary CH; serum fT4
treatment are rare or absent if adequately prescribed. Cases of should be kept above the mean/median value of the
pseudotumor cerebri or craniosynostosis have been described age-specific reference interval; if TSH is low before
(115,116). However, relative macrocrania at the age of 18 treatment, subsequent TSH determinations can be
months, but without any case of craniosynostosis, was re- omitted (1/+00).
ported in a cohort of 45 CH patients with documented fT4 When under- or overtreatment is suspected in a patient
concentrations above the reference interval during their first 6 with central CH, then TSH or fT3 or T3 can be mea-
to 9 months of life (117). In one cohort of young adults with sured (1/+00).
CH, cardiovascular abnormalities were reported (impaired When fT4 is around the lower limit of the reference
diastolic dysfunction and exercise capacity, and increased interval, then undertreatment should be considered,
intima media thickness, IMT); however, the clinical rele- particularly if TSH >1.0 mU/L (1/+00).
vance of these findings remains unknown. Moreover, in a When serum fT4 is around or above the upper limit of
large nationwide study, standardized mortality ratio in pa- the reference interval, then overtreatment should be
tients with CH was not increased for diseases of the circu- considered (assuming that LT4 has not been adminis-
latory system (87). tered just before blood withdrawal), particularly if as-
Cardiac insufficiency. LT4 has clear positive ino- and sociated with clinical signs of thyrotoxicosis, or a high
chronotropic effects on the heart. In newly diagnosed CH in (f)T3 concentration (1/+00).
newborns with congenital heart disease and impending heart
failure, we therefore recommend to apply a lower LT4
starting dose—approximately 50% of the recommended Evidence. Just like primary CH, treatment of central CH
dose—and to increase it guided by serum fT4 and TSH consists of daily administration of LT4 (orally; tablets or
measurement, and the infant’s clinical condition. liquid dosage form). The biggest differences between the
treatment of primary and central CH are in the monitoring
Impaired bioavailability by diseases, drugs, or food. LT4 of treatment—with serum fT4 (instead of TSH) being the
is mainly absorbed in the proximal small intestine. Un- most important parameter—and in the LT4 starting dose.
diagnosed or untreated celiac disease will reduce LT4 ab- Important to realize is that in central CH, a low TSH con-
sorption. Children with short bowel syndrome will also have centration does not point to overtreatment.
reduced absorption (118). Recently, rectal administration of The (biochemical) LT4 treatment aim is bringing and
LT4 was been shown to be effective in a child with this keeping the fT4 concentration in the upper half of the age-
condition (119). Increased type 3 deiodinase activity in specific fT4 reference interval. Although randomized clinical
large hemangiomas can cause increased metabolic clear- trials testing this approach in children are lacking, studies in
ance of administered LT4 and, with that, necessitate a adults give some support (129,130).
higher LT4 dose (120–122). Bioavailability of LT4 can also Central CH can be a severe condition (fT4 at diagnosis
be reduced by concomitant use of other medication. For <5 pmol/L), but most cases can be classified as mild to
example, proton pump inhibitors, calcium or iron, will de- moderate (fT4 at diagnosis 5–15 pmol/L) (20,131). Although
crease absorption, while antiepileptic medication (pheno- studies investigating the optimal starting dose in central CH
barbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine) and rifampicin will are lacking, clinical experience has taught that an LT4
increase its metabolic clearance. Interactions need to be starting dose of 10–15 lg/kg in mild-to-moderate cases
considered and can sometimes be overcome by avoiding quickly results in supraphysiological fT4 concentrations.
concomitant ingestion (123,124). So, with exception of severe cases, a lower starting dose that
While in adults the recommended LT4 intake moment is is 5–10 lg/kg is advisable.
30–60 minutes before intake of food (125,126), such a rec- With regard to the treatment monitoring frequency, the
ommendation is difficult to realize in infants (123). Prag- schedule for primary CH should be followed.
3.4. Diagnostic re-evaluation of thyroid function study by Oron et al. (149), 17 out of 84 patients with a GIS
beyond the first 6 months of life (20%) turned out to have transient CH. The optimal LT4 dose
cut-off values at the age of 6 months were 2.2 lg/kg per day,
with a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 57%. Both
When no definitive diagnosis of permanent CH was studies highlight the need for careful clinical and biological
made in the first weeks or months of life, then re- monitoring to identify children who do not require long-term
evaluation of the HPT axis after the age of 2 to 3 years treatment.
is indicated, particularly in children with a GIS, and in Medication that interferes with thyroid function, in par-
those with presumed isolated central CH (1/++0). ticular iodine and iodomimetics, may result in transient but
For a precise diagnosis, LT4 treatment should be phased profound hypothyroidism (150). The use of iodine as a skin
out over a 4 to 6 weeks period or just stopped, and full antiseptic, such as povidone–iodine (PVP-1), is therefore not
re-evaluation should be carried out after 4 weeks, con- recommended in obstetrics and neonatology, since it reaches
sisting of (at least) fT4 and TSH measurement. the fetal or neonatal thyroid gland easily, causing transient
If primary hypothyroidism is confirmed (TSH hypothyroidism (through skin and placenta in mothers, and
‡10 mU/L), consider thyroid imaging and, if possible, skin in neonates) (29,151,152). This may be more profound
genetic testing; if central CH is likely (fT4 below the in premature born babies, as escape from the Wolff Chaikoff
lower limit of the reference interval in combination effect does not mature until term. Mothers should be asked
with a low normal of only mildly elevated TSH), about consumption of iodine-rich nutritional food or sup-
consider evaluating the other anterior pituitary func- plements, which can also induce transient CH (153).
tions and genetic testing.
If TSH is above the upper limit of the reference in- 3.5. Treatment and monitoring of pregnant women
terval but <10 mU/L (primary CH) or fT4 just above with CH
the lower limit of the reference interval (central CH),
then continue withdrawal and retest in another 3 to 4 Summary
weeks (1/++0). In women with CH who are planning pregnancy, we
If a child with no permanent CH diagnosis and a GIS strongly recommend optimization of LT4 treatment; in
requires an LT4 dose <3 lg/kg per day at the age of 6 addition, these women should be counseled regarding
months, then re-evaluation can be done already at that the higher need for LT4 during pregnancy (1/++0).
time (1/++0). fT4 (or total T4) and TSH levels should be monitored
We recommend avoiding iodine as an antiseptic during every 4 to 6 weeks during pregnancy, aiming at TSH
peri- and neonatal period, as it can cause transient CH concentrations in accordance with current guidelines on
(1/++0). treatment of hypothyroidism during pregnancy, that is,
<2.5 mU/L throughout gestation in patients treated with
Evidence. In recent years, the prevalence of transient CH LT4 (1/+00).
has steadily increased. In a number of studies, factors have In pregnant women with central CH, the LT4 doses
been identified that increase the likelihood of transient dis- should be increased aiming at an fT4 concentration
ease, such as sex (more often in boys) (132,133), low birth- above the mean/median value of the trimester-specific
weight (134,135), neonatal morbidity requiring intensive reference interval (1/+00).
care (135), race/ethnicity (more often in nonwhite patients) After delivery, we recommend lowering the LT4 dose
(14), and less severe CH at diagnosis (assessed by screening to preconception dose; additional thyroid function
TSH, or diagnostic TSH or fT4) (8,132,133,136–141). In testing should be performed at *6 weeks postpartum
contrast, factors such as prematurity (11,142,143), other (1/++0).
congenital abnormalities (141), a family history of thyroid All pregnant women should ingest *250 lg iodine per
disease (142), abnormal thyroid morphology (thyroid hypo- day (1/++0).
plasia at diagnosis) (142), TSH elevation >10 mU/L after the
age of 1 year (when infants outgrow the LT4 dose), and a Evidence. Optimal management of pregnant women
higher LT4 dose requirement at 1 to 3 years of age are as- with CH requires knowledge and understanding of the normal
sociated with permanent CH (with conflicting results be- physiological changes. In early pregnancy, before and during
tween studies for the factor dose requirement) (132,133,136– the development of the functioning fetal thyroid gland, the
140,143–147). Recent studies have shown that early treat- fetus depends on TH supply by the mother, requiring an
ment withdrawal to assess the necessity of further treatment optimal iodine status. Indeed, since the fetal thyroid gland is
can be considered and done from the age of 6 months onward, not functionally matured before weeks 18–20 of pregnancy,
particularly in patients with a GIS, a negative first-degree the fetus largely depends on the supply of maternal T4 during
family history of CH, or in those requiring a low LT4 dose. the early stages of intrauterine brain development, making
Saba et al. (148) investigated 92 patients with CH and a GIS fT4 the most important hormone for the fetus. During the
and found 49 of them (54%) to have transient CH. In this second half of pregnancy, fetal thyroid hormones are both
study, the optimal LT4 dose cut-off values for predicting from maternal and fetal origin. Overt and subclinical ma-
transient CH at the ages of 6 and 12 months were 3.2 and ternal hypothyroidism have been associated with adverse
2.5 lg/kg per day, respectively, with a sensitivity of 71% at pregnancy outcomes as well as with neurodevelopmental
both time points, and a specificity of 79% and 78% at the ages deficits in the offspring, particularly if the dysfunction occurs
of 6 and 12 months, respectively (with values below these early in pregnancy. With respect to adverse pregnancy out-
thresholds considered predictive of transient CH). In the comes, maternal CH is associated with an increased risk of
gestational hypertension, emergency cesarean section, in- populations, including healthy siblings (164,165). In the past
duced labor for vaginal delivery, and preterm delivery two decades, early treatment with a high initial LT4
(154,155). TSH ‡10 mU/L during the first 3 to 6 months of (‡10 lg/kg per day) and improvement in the management of
pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of preterm de- CH patients has resulted in better cognitive and motor de-
livery and fetal macrosomia. These associations were not velopmental outcomes, comparable with those of sibling
found in women with satisfactory control of hypothyroid- controls (90,91).
ism, that is, TSH <10 mU/L. Yet, these women did have a However, despite early and adequate treatment, patients
higher risk of induced labor for vaginal delivery (154). with severe CH may still have subtle cognitive and motor
Children born to mothers with CH were found to have a deficits, and lower educational attainment (161,166–168).
higher risk of poor motor coordination, but not of other These deficits may reflect prenatal brain damage due to TH
developmental domains such as mobility, communication, insufficiency in utero, not completely reverted by postnatal
and motor and language skills. However, children born to treatment. Even though transplacental supply of maternal
mothers with TSH ‡10 mU/L were more likely to have low T4 may protect the fetal brain from severe neurological
motor or communication skills scores. Yet, it remains un- impairment, it may not be sufficient to protect from severe
clear whether these adverse effects modify subsequent fetal hypothyroidism (168). Children with CH may also
neurodevelopment (156,157). During pregnancy, TH re- display reduced hippocampal volume (169) and abnormal
quirement increases and most LT4-treated women require cortical morphology among brain regions (thinning or
a dose increase up to 30%. Women with athyreosis, the thickening) (170), which may explain subtle and specific
most severe form of CH, require the highest doses and deficits in memory, language, sensorimotor, and visuos-
treatment should aim to keep TSH concentrations patial function (169,170). In addition, early episodes of
<2.5 mU/L throughout pregnancy (154,155,158). There- both under- and overtreatment may be associated with
fore, careful monitoring of LT4 treatment of pregnant permanent behavioral problems in a limited number of
women with hypothyroidism is extremely important. preadolescent children with CH (109). Overtreatment
during the first months of life (with the exception of fT4
4. OUTCOMES OF NEONATAL SCREENING above the normal range with not supressed TSH and/or
AND EARLY TREATMENT without signs or symptoms of hyperthyroidism), a critical
period for brain development, may be associated with at-
4.1. Neurodevelopmental outcomes tention deficit at the school age (109,171,172), and lower
4.2. Development of goiter in thyroid dyshormonogen- IQ scores (108,173,174). Finally, other factors such as
esis socioeducational status (71) and poor adherence to the
4.3. Growth, puberty, and fertility treatment (71,167,174) may also negatively affect cogni-
4.4. Bone, metabolic, and cardiovascular health tive outcome and educational attainement. Therefore,
4.5. Patient and professional education, and health- psychomotor development and school progression should
related quality of life be periodically evaluated in all children with CH. In case of
4.6. Transition to adult care doubt, evaluation by a specialized team is indicated at
specific ages (12, 18, 24, and 36 months, 5, 8, and 14 years)
4.1. Neurodevelopmental outcomes to monitor progression of specific developmental skills
(58). Speech delay, attention and memory problems, and
Summary behavioral problems are reasons for additional evaluation.
Psychomotor development and school progression In the small proportion of children with CH who do display
should be periodically evaluated in all children with significant delay in psychomotor development, it is nec-
CH; speech delay, attention and memory problems, and essary to rule out other causes of intellectual impairment
behavioral problems are reasons for additional evalua- than CH. Undiagnosed hearing impairment can adversely
tion (1/++0). impair speech development, school performance, and
In the small proportion of children with CH who do quality of life (71,72,175). TH plays a role in cochlear and
display significant psychomotor developmental delay auditory function development (71,176,177). Despite early
and syndromic CH with brain abnormalities, it is cru- and adequate LT4 treatment, mild and subclinical hearing
cial to rule out other causes of intellectual impairment impairment has been reported in *20% to 25% of ado-
than CH (1/+00). lescents with CH. The risk of hearing loss was higher than
Not just neonatal but also repeated hearing tests should in healthy controls (3%), and closely associated with
be carried out before school age and, if required, during the severity of CH (72,178). Young adults with CH re-
further follow-up (2/++0). ported hearing impairment more frequently (9.5%) than
the general population (2.5%) (71). Hearing loss was
mostly bilateral, mild to moderate, of the sensorineural
Evidence. In the vast majority of early and adequately type, concerned high or very high frequencies, and in some
treated children with CH, neurodevelopmental and school cases required hearing aids. Even after exclusion of pa-
outcomes level are normal (90,91,159–161), and intellectual tients with Pendred syndrome, the risk of developing a
disability—defined as an IQ <70—has virtually disappeared hearing impairment seems to be more than three times
(162). In the past, patients with severe CH treated with a low higher in CH subjects than in the general population (72).
initial LT4 dose had lower IQ scores (although within normal Not just neonatal, but also repeated hearing tests should be
range), and subtle neurological deficits in cognitive and carried out before school age and, if required, during
motor development (163,164) when compared with control follow-up.
Evidence. It is very clear, and it should not have to be 5.1. Criteria for genetic counseling
stated here, that medical professionals should have basic
knowledge about CH. The education of parents, starting at
diagnosis and updated regularly, and of CH patients Genetic counseling should be targeted rather than
throughout childhood is mandatory. Good understanding of general (to all CH patients), and done by an experi-
CH is essential to manage parental anxiety attitude, and to enced professional (2/++0).
promote treatment adherence throughout life. Both are Counseling should include explaining inheritance and
important conditions to assure optimal outcomes in CH. the risk of recurrence of the patient’s primary or central
Adequate education of patients is also important to improve form of CH, based on the CH subtype, the family his-
self-esteem and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and tory, and, if known, the (genetic) cause (1/++0).
to assure treatment adherence particularly during adoles- Parents with a child, or families with a member with CH,
cence and pregnancy. The perception of the impact of CH on should have access to information about the two major
behavior varies with age and differs between children and forms of primary CH—TD and dyshormonogenesis—
their parents (202). Most (71,203,204), but not all (202,205), and, if included in the neonatal screening, about central
studies suggest that children and young adults with CH have CH (1/+++).
an increased risk for lower HRQoL. Young adults with CH do
not report problems concerning autonomy and sexual func- Evidence. Genetic counseling is highly recommended
tioning. However, compared with the general population, for patients and families with one or more affected mem-
they experience lower HRQoL with respect to cognitive and ber(s) with CH. Precise criteria were already established for
social functioning, daily activities, aggressiveness, and self- the CH consensus guideline published in 2014 (1). Table 1
worth (204), which was already present in childhood (203). describes proposed criteria for genetic counseling.
Moreover, young adults with CH are more likely to report
associated chronic diseases, hearing impairment, visual
problems, and overweight than their peers. Fewer attain the Table 1. Situations in Which Genetic Counseling
highest socioeconomic category and full-time employment, Should Be Proposed
and more are still living with their parents. CH severity at
diagnosis, long-term treatment adequacy, and the presence of I. Pregnant women
Positive family history for nonsyndromic CH
other chronic health conditions seem to be the main deter- Dyshormonogenesis (previously affected child) (1/+++)
minants of educational achievement and HRQoL scores. Yet, Dysgenesis (at least one member of the family) (2/++0)
despite these subtle disadvantages, most patients well inte- Positive family history of syndromic CH with:
grated into society (71). Neurological disorders, including unexplained
intellectual impairment
4.6. Transition to adult care Deafness
Congenital heart disease, surfactant deficiency
Summary syndrome
Cleft palate
When patients are transferred from pediatric to adult Kidney malformations
care, the main aims are continuity of care and, with Any sign of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (GNAS
that, optimal clinical outcomes and quality of life, and mutation) (1/++0)
to increase understanding of CH and promote self- Unexplained abnormality of T4, T3, or TSH levels in
management (1/+++). family members (mild forms of CH) (2/++0)
II. Infant or child with CH (2/++0)
Subject with
Evidence. The period of transition from pediatric to adult Deafness
care can be challenging since it is associated with an in- Neurological signs (hypotonia, choreoathetosis,
creased risk of poor treatment compliance and inadequate intellectual disability)
follow-up that may have repercussions, in terms of increased Lung disorders (surfactant deficiency syndrome,
morbidity, and poor educational and social outcomes interstitial lung disease)
(206,207). Family structure and parental involvement are Congenital heart disease
Cleft palate
important for preventing and tackling this problem. Finally, Kidney malformations
given the female preponderance in all thyroid diseases and Any sign of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (GNAS
the finding that (subclinical) hypothyroidism may be asso- mutation)
ciated with subfertility and adverse pregnancy and offspring Family history
outcomes, improvement and maintenance of disease control Consanguinity
in young women are crucial (154,156). Kidney malformations
Specific malformations (as already listed)
5. GENETICS OF CH, GENETIC COUNSELING, Unexplained intellectual impairment despite adequate
AND ANTENATAL MANAGEMENT treatment of CH in family members
5.1. Criteria for genetic counseling Any sign of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (GNAS
5.2. Genetics of CH
5.3. Antenatal diagnostics, evaluation of fetal thyroid CH, congenital hypothyroidism; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thy-
function, and management of fetal hypothyroidism roxine; TSH, thyrotropin.
Detailed phenotypic description of the index patient’s CH GLIS3) (213,214). During the past years, novel and faster
form is essential and should include the presence or absence genetic and molecular tests, and the availability of large well-
of associated malformations (syndromic vs. isolated CH), phenotyped cohorts of patients have led to the discovery of
guiding genetic counseling and, if possible and necessary, new genetic causes of CH. Heterozygous mutations in the
genetic testing. Patients and family members should be in- JAG1 gene, responsible for Alagille syndrome and encoding
formed about the inheritance and the risk of recurrence, and the jagged protein in the Notch pathway, have been identified
the presence of associated disorders in case of syndromic CH. in TD patients (mainly with orthotopic thyroid hypoplasia)
Accurate genotyping/genetic testing of patients with CH (77,215). By WES in familial TD cases, Carré et al. found
by mutation analysis of candidate genes can or may (i) ex- borealin (encoded by BOREALIN), a major component of
plain the disease; (ii) predict the risk of CH and extrathyroidal chromosomal passenger complex, to be also involved in
defects in family members (to be performed in all cases of thyrocyte migration and adhesion, explaining cases of thy-
syndromic primary CH, and in central CH); (iii) identify roid ectopy (216). Mutations or deletion in the NTN1 gene
carriers of NKX2-1 gene mutations who are at risk of life- have been found in patients with TD. Netrin is part of a family
threatening respiratory disease (208); (iv) enable ‘‘person- of laminin-related proteins, involved in cell migration and
alized’’ LT4 treatment to prevent goiter formation, which possibly in the development of pharyngeal vessels (217). Fi-
may occur in CH due to TPO or TG gene mutations if TSH nally, mutations in the TUBB1 (tubulin, beta 1 class VI) gene
concentrations are not carefully kept in the lower part of the have recently been identified in patients from three families
reference interval; and (v) identify patients with mild TSH with TD (mostly ectopy) and abnormal platelet physiology
resistance in whom long-term LT4 treatment may be non- (basal activation and exaggerated platelet aggregation) (218).
beneficial (50). Functional studies in knockout mice validated the role of Tubb1
in thyroid development, function, and disease.
5.2. Genetics of CH
With respect to the cause of the mild nonautoimmune
subclinical hypothyroidism in neonates and infants with
Summary Down’s syndrome, new insights were provided by a study in
Dyrk1A (+/++) mice, showing abnormal thyroid develop-
ment and function (42). How overexpression of this gene
If genetic testing is performed, its aim should be im-
causes thyroid abnormalities remains to be elucidated. An-
proving diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis (1/++0).
other more frequent form of syndromic CH is BLT syndrome
Before doing so, possibilities and limits of genetic
due to NKX2-1 haploinsufficiency. Extensive genetic analy-
testing should be discussed with parents or families
sis of a large group of affected patients revealed novel vari-
ants, expanding BLT syndrome phenotype (219). Table 2
When available, genetic testing should be performed by
summarizes genes associated with TD.
means of new techniques, such as CGH array, NGS of
In contrast to TD, thyroid dyshormonogenesis is inherited
gene panels (targeted NGS), or WES (1/++0).
in an autosomal recessive pattern and, except for Pendred
Preferably, genetic testing or studies should be preceded
syndrome, CH is isolated in most cases. Genes involved in
by careful phenotypic description of the patient’s CH,
TH synthesis are SLC5A5 (NIS), SLC26A4 (PDS), TPO, TG,
including morphology of the thyroid gland (2/++0).
DUOX2, DUOXA2, and IYD (DEHAL1). These seven genes
Not only thyroid dyshormonogenesis, but also familial
encode proteins for the various steps in this process. The use
occurrence of dysgenesis and central hypothyroidism
of modern genetic techniques, such as single nucleotide
should lead to further genetic testing (1/++0).
polymorphisms arrays and NGS (WES/whole genome se-
Any syndromic association should be studied geneti-
quencing), has provided new insights into the genetics of CH.
cally, not only to improve genetic counseling, but also
First, NGS has identified new genes and/or extended the as-
to identify new candidate genes explaining the associ-
sumed thyroid phenotype, resulting from mutations in genes
ation (1/++0).
responsible for TH synthesis, causing dyshormonogenesis.
Further research is needed to better define patients or
For instance, biallelic mutations in SLC26A7 cause goitrous
patient groups that will benefit most from these new
CH (220,221). SLC26A7 is a member of the same transporter
diagnostic possibilities (2/++0).
family as SLC26A4 (pendrin), an anion exchanger with af-
finity for iodide and chloride (among others). However, in
contrast to pendrin, SLC26A7 does not mediate cellular io-
dide efflux and affected individuals have normal hearing
Primary CH. TD due to thyroid maldevelopment is the (220,221). Mutations in SLC26A4/PDS (222), TPO (222a)
most frequent cause of permanent primary CH, explaining and DUOX2 (223) have been unexpectedly found in patients
*65% of cases (12,209). In contrast to TD with conditions with nongoitrous CH and thyroid hypoplasia, narrowing the
such as athyreosis or thyroid ectopy, the other 35% is best gap between TD and dyshormonogenesis. Recently, DUOX2
described as GIS of which <50% is due to inherited defects of mutations have also been reported in patients with thyroid
TH synthesis (dyshormonogenesis). TD is considered a ectopy; however, further studies are needed to confirm and
sporadic disease. However, the familial component cannot be explain this striking finding (224). Moreover, the first CH
ignored, suggesting a genetic predisposition and a probably patients with both DUOX1 and DUOX2 mutations have been
complex inheritance mode (210,211). In only 5% of TD cases, reported, suggesting that CH can have a digenic cause (225).
a genetic cause is identified with mutations in TSHR (212), or DUOX2 mutations have also been found in patients with
in genes encoding transcription factors involved in thyroid early-onset inflammatory bowel disease, suggesting an ex-
development (TTF1/NKX2.1, PAX8, FOXE1, NKX2-5, and trathyroidal role for DUOX2 (226,227). Table 3 gives genes
Table 2. Genes Associated with Thyroid Dysgenesis or Syndromic Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism
Typical thyroid Mode of
Gene (OMIM) Protein role phenotype inheritance Associated conditions
NKX2-1 (600635) NF Variable AD Respiratory distress,
choreoathetosis, variable
FOXE1 (602617) NF Athyreosis, severe AR Cleft palate, choanal atresia,
hypoplasia and spiky hair
PAX8 (167415) NF Variable AD Urogenital tract defects
(horseshoe kidney, renal
agenesis, ureter, and testes
anomalies), variable
NKX2–5 (600584) NF Thyroid in situ, variable Unclear Congenital heart malformations
GLIS3 (610192) NF Variable AR Neonatal diabetes, polycystic
kidneys, and cholestasis
JAG1 (601920) Jagged 1: Notch receptor Variable orthotopic AD Heart malformations, variable
ligand hypoplasia expressivity
TBX1 (602054) NF Thyroid in situ AD Di George syndrome with
congenital heart
malformations, variable
NTN1 (601614) Laminin-related secreted Thyroid ectopy unknown Arthrogryposis
CDCA8 (609977) Cell division cycle Thyroid ectopy, Variable None in sporadic cases
associated protein 8 or hemiagenesis, (AD, AR)
Borealin: component of thyroid asymmetry
the chromosomal
passenger complex
TUBB1 (612901) Member of the b-tubulin Thyroid dysgenesis AD Formation of macroplatelets
protein family and hyperaggregation of
AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; NF, nuclear factor; OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Men (https://www.ncbi
implicated in thyroid dyshormonogenesis. Also, recently, To date, defective thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
NGS studies in cohorts of CH patients screened for mutations action due to biallelic mutations in the TRHR gene has been
in sets of CH genes revealed that a significant proportion of described in only a few families (45). Although prolonged
these patients has multiple variations in more than one neonatal jaundice was reported in one female, even complete
thyroid-specific gene (89,228,229). Strikingly, these varia- TRH resistance does not cause severe neonatal hypothy-
tions were found in genes encoding both thyroid transcription roidism. The diagnosis in three of the four probands with
factors and proteins involved in TH synthesis, independently biallelic TRHR mutations was made during childhood be-
of the thyroid phenotype. These variations in more than one cause of delayed growth accompanied by lethargy and fa-
gene (oligogenicity) should, therefore, be considered as a tigue or by overweight. However, complete TRH resistance
plausible hypothesis for the genetic aetiology of CH (89). diagnosed by genetic testing has been diagnosed in a preg-
These novel data may also provide an explanation for the nant woman (233). Immunoglobulin superfamily member 1
sporadic presentation of CH and observed complex modes of gene (IGSF1) mutations are the molecular cause of a recently
inheritance. In such context, JAG1 may act as a gene modifier described X-linked syndrome, including mild-to-moderate
in a multifactorial architecture of CH (215). central CH. In this syndrome, central CH is associated with
abnormal testicular growth leading to adult macro-orchidism
Central CH. Thanks to NGS, the number of probable ge- (+2.0 standard deviation score), a tendency toward pubertal
netic causes of isolated central CH and central CH within the delay, low prolactin, and, rarely, reversible growth hormone
framework of MPHD has increased (Table 4). Isolated cen- deficiency (234,235). Some female carriers can also manifest
tral CH due to biallelic TSHb gene mutations is associated central CH. Recent data indicate IGSF1 as the most fre-
with severe hypothyroidism and characterized by the typical quently implicated gene in congenital central CH (235).
manifestations of CH (hypotonia, jaundice, umbilical hernia, Mutations in the TBL1X gene are the second most frequent
macroglossia, etc.). If left untreated, these patients develop cause of X-linked central CH. TBL1X, transducin-like protein
cretinism comparable with patients with severe primary CH 1, is an essential subunit of the nuclear receptor corepressor-
(230–232). Therefore, central CH must be ruled out in all silencing mediator for retinoid and TH receptor complex, the
infants with signs or symptoms of CH and a low, normal, or major TH receptor CoR involved in T3-regulated gene ex-
only slightly elevated TSH concentration. pression. In addition to central CH, many patients exhibit
hearing loss (236). Finally, mutations in IRS4 are another 5.3. Antenatal diagnostics, evaluation of fetal
cause of X-linked mild central CH. Since IRS4 is involved in thyroid function, and management
leptin signaling, the cause of the central CH may be disrupted of fetal hypothyroidism
leptin signaling (237). Central CH is more frequently part of Summary
MPHD and can be associated with one or more other pituitary
hormone deficiences. In addition, a certain percentage of af- We recommend antenatal diagnosis in cases of goiter
fected patients has morphological abnormalities of the pitui- fortuitously discovered during systematic ultrasound
tary gland or hypothalamus, or other neurological defects examination of the fetus, in relation to thyroid dys-
(25,45). Table 4 presents genes implicated in central hypo- hormonogenesis (1/+++); a familial recurrence of CH
thyroidism. due to dyshormonogenesis (25% recurrence rate) (1/
Table 4. Genes Associated with Central Congenital Hypothyroidism and Related Phenotypes
Gene (OMIM) Protein function Thyroid phenotype of inheritance Associated conditions
Isolated central CH
TSHb (188540) Hormone subunit Neonatal onset with low TSH AR High aGSU and normal PRL serum levels, pituitary
hyperplasia reversible on LT4
TRHR (188545) GPCR Normal TSH and low PRL serum levels, AR Male index cases with growth retardation and overweight
blunted TSH/PRL responses to TRH during childhood; one female proband with prolonged
neonatal jaundice
TBL1X (300196) NF Mild isolated central CH in males with X-linked Hearing defects
normal TSH serum levels and normal
response to TRH stimulation test
IRS4 (300904) NF Mild isolated central CH in males with X-linked
normal TSH serum levels, blunted TSH
response to TRH
Multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies
IGSF1 (300137) Plasma membrane Normal TSH serum levels and blunted X-linked Low PRL levels, variable GH deficiency, possible transient
protein response to TRH test; males are mild hypocortisolism and metabolic syndrome; late
of unknown preferentially affected adrenarche and delayed rise of testosterone in males,
function dissociated from testicular growth ending in postpubertal
PROP1 (601538) NF Variable age of onset AR GH, PRL LH/FSH deficiencies and delayed ACTH defects,
small to large pituitary volume
POU1F1 (173110) NF Variable age of onset AR, AD GH and PRL deficiency, prominent forehead, midface
hypoplasia, depressed nose
HESX1 (601802) NF Central CH AR, AD Hypopituitarism associated with septo-optic dysplasia
SOX3 (313430) NF Central CH X-linked Anterior–pituitary hypoplasia with ectopic posterior
pituitary, persistent craniopharyngeal canal and learning
OTX2 (600037) NF Central CH AD Anterior pituitary hypoplasia with ectopic posterior pituitary
and ocular defects (ano-/micro-ophthalmia/retinal
LHX3 (600577) NF Central CH AR Hypopituitarism with variable ACTH defect, small to large
pituitary, short and rigid cervical spine, and variable
hearing defect
LHX4 (602146) NF Central CH AR, AD Variable hypopituitarism, anterior pituitary hypoplasia with
ectopic posterior pituitary, Arnold–Chiari syndrome,
hypoplasia of the corpus callosum
LEPR (601007) Cytokine receptor Central CH AR Hyperphagia, obesity, and combined with central
SOX2 (184429) NF Central CH AD Variable hypopituitarism, pituitary hypoplasia,
microphthalmia, variable learning difficulties
Table 4. (Continued)
Gene (OMIM) Protein function Thyroid phenotype of inheritance Associated conditions
FGFR1 (136350) Receptor tyrosine Variable TSH defects AD KS and nCHH, variable association with defects of other
kinase pituitary hormones including TSH, septo-optic dysplasia,
and ectopic posterior pituitary
FGF8 (600483) GF Variable TSH defects AR KS and nCHH, variable associations with defects of other
pituitary hormones including TSH, holoprosencephaly,
and corpus callosum agenesia
FOXA2 (600288) NF TSH defects AD Hypopituitarism with craniofacial and endoderm-derived
organ abnormalities and hyperinsulinism
aGSU, alpha glycoprotein subunit; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CHARGE, Coloboma, Heart anomaly,
choanal Atresia, Retardation, Genital and Ear anomalies); FSH, follicle-stimulatinng hormone; GF, growth factor; GH, growth hormone; GPCR, G-protein coupled receptor; KS, Kallman syndrome;
LH, luteinizing hormone; LT4, levothyroxine; nCHH, normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; NF, nuclear factor; PRL, prolactin; TRH, thyrotropin releasing hormone.
+++); and known defects of genes involved in thyroid (238), the mother and fetus should be referred to a specialized
function or development with potential germline trans- center for prenatal care. If prenatal intervention is considered,
mission (1/++0). Special issues should be considered for cordocentesis can be performed to assess fetal thyroid func-
syndromic cases with potential mortality and possible tion. Conditions that may be a reason for fetal treatment are a
germline mosaicism (as for NKX2-1 gene mutation/ large fetal goiter with progressive hydramnios, and risk of
deletion and severe pulmonary dysfunction with possi- premature delivery or concerns about tracheal occlusion. If
ble transmission through germline mosaicism). In such fetal treatment is considered in a euthyroid pregnant woman,
circumstances, the discussion of the prenatal diagnosis one way is to administer intra-amniotic LT4 injections in a
should be open. The therapeutic management of af- dosage of 10 lg/kg estimated fetal weight per 15 days. Stu-
fected fetuses should comply with the laws in force in dies have confirmed the feasibility and safety of intra-
the country concerned (1/++0). The familial recurrence amniotic LT4 injection and strongly suggest that this treat-
of CH due to dysgenesis (2% of familial occurrences) ment is effective for decreasing goiter size. However, none of
requires further study to determine the feasibility and the many LT4 regimens used ensures euthyroidism at birth. It
clinical relevance for antenatal detection. is, therefore, not possible to formulate guidelines from cur-
For the evaluation of fetal thyroid volume, we recom- rent data. These further diagnostics and intervention should
mend ultrasound scans at 20 to 22 weeks gestation to only be done by an experienced multidisciplinary team in a
detect fetal thyroid hypertrophy and potential thyroid specialized center of prenatal care after a careful benefit–risk
dysfunction in the fetus. Goiter or an absence of thyroid evaluation. Determination of the indications and optimal
tissue can also be documented by this technique. modes of prenatal treatment for nonimmune fetal goitrous
Measurements should be made as a function of GA, and hypothyroidism will require larger well-designed studies that
thyroid perimeter and diameter should be measured to would be best conducted through international cooperation
document goiter (1/+++). between multidisciplinary medical teams. Alternative ways
If a (large) fetal goiter is diagnosed, prenatal care of treating the fetus by administering drugs to the mother
should be provided in a specialized center of prenatal should also be investigated. In a hypothyroid pregnant wo-
care (1/+++). man, the preferred approach is to treat the woman with (rather
We recommend cordocentesis, rather than amniocen- than the fetus) with LT4. Finally, adequate iodine intake
tesis, as the reference method for assessing fetal thyroid should be ensured for all pregnant women (250 lg/day).
function. Norms have been established as a function of
GA. This examination should be carried out only if CONCLUSIONS
prenatal intervention is considered (1/+++).
This update of the consensus guidelines on CH recom-
In most cases, fetal thyroid function can be inferred from
mends worldwide neonatal screening and appropriate di-
context and ultrasound criteria, and fetal blood sampling
agnostics—including genetics—to assess the cause of both
is, therefore, only exceptionally required (2/++0).
primary and central hypothyroidism. The expert panel rec-
We strongly recommend fetal treatment by intra-
ommends the immediate start of correctly dosed LT4
amniotic LT4 injections in a euthyroid pregnant woman
treatment, and frequent follow-up including laboratory
with a large fetal goiter associated with hydramnios
testing and dose adjustments to keep TH levels in their
and/or tracheal occlusion; in a hypothyroid pregnant
target ranges, timely assessments of the need to continue
woman, we recommend to treat the woman (rather the
treatment, attention for neurodevelopmental and neurosen-
fetus) with LT4 (1/++0).
sory functions and, if necessary, consulting other health
For goitrous nonimmune fetal hypothyroidism leading
professionals, and education of the child and family about
to hydramnios, we recommend intra-amniotic injec-
CH. Harmonization of diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up
tions of LT4 to decrease the size of the fetal thyroid
will optimize patient outcomes. Lastly, all individuals with
gland. The injections should be performed by multi-
CH are entitled to a well-planned transition of care from
disciplinary specialist teams (1/+++).
pediatrics to adult medicine. This consensus guidelines
The expert panel proposes the use of 10 lg/kg esti-
update should be used to further optimize detection, diag-
mated fetal weight per 15 days in the form of intra-
nosis, treatment, and follow-up of children with all forms of
amniotic injections. The risks to the fetus and the
CH in the light of the most recent evidence. It should be
psychological burden on the parents should be factored
helpful in convincing health authorities of the benefits of
into the risk–benefit evaluation (2/+00).
neonatal screening for CH. Despite *50 years of neonatal
screening for CH, some important questions remain, such as
the genetic etiology of TD, the assumed harm of subclinical
Evidence. Antenatal diagnostics is advised in case of
CH, that is, a normal fT4 in combination with an elevated
fortuitously discovered fetal goiter during fetal US exami-
TSH, and the cause of the gradually increased incidence of
nation in an anti-TSHR antibodies negative mother, an earlier
CH with GIS. Further epidemiological and experimental
child with primary CH due to dyshormonogenesis (and a 25%
studies are needed to understand the increased incidence of
risk of recurrence), and in an earlier child with (severe)
this condition.
syndromic CH. How to evaluate fetal thyroid function and to
manage (nonautoimmune) fetal hypothyroidism have been
described in the 2014 CH concensus guidelines (1). In short,
fetal thyroid size can be assessed by US at 20 to 22 weeks, Part of the scientific study performed by A.S. and M.P. in
and at 32 weeks gestation. When thyroid measurement values relation to congenital hypothyroidism was financed by grants
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