Aleck Joy Carpio

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Aleck Joy G. Carpio

Grade 11A -Information Communication Technology

Dane Julius Daang

March 2021


What is philosophy? What is philosophy for? What is the importance of Philosophy?
Why Philosophy connect to our lives? Why is Philosophy a journey?

People nowadays know about the true meaning of Philosophy. That the meaning
of it is love of wisdom. Philosophy is a reflective activity that invites students to make
explicit their fundamental assumptions and beliefs.This course will acquaint you with a
portion of the primary zones of examination in contemporary way of Philosophy. Every
module an alternate thinker will talk you through probably the main inquiries and issues
in their specialized topic. We'll start by attempting to comprehend what Philosophy is –
what are its trademark points and strategies, and how can it vary from different
subjects? At that point we'll spend the remainder of the course acquiring a starting
outline of a few distinct regions of Philosophy.
Self-reflection should take the further backward step of inspecting these assumptions
and beliefs for internal coherence and consistency.
Etymologically the word "philosophy" from two Greek words, philo meaning "to love"
and sophia, meaning "wisdom." Philosophy originally meant "love of wisdom," The
Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence,
especially when considered as an academic discipline.Philosophy brings the important
questions to the table and works towards an answer. It encourages us to think critically
about the world; it is the foundation of all knowledge and when utilized properly, can
provide us with huge benefits.Philosophy makes a central contribution to the
educational enterprise through its demands upon intellectual activity. Education in
philosophy involves becoming aware of major figures and developments in the history of
philosophy, learning up-to-date techniques and accepted answers to philosophical
questions, and learning critical, interpretive, and evaluative skills that, in the overall
scheme of things, may be considered to be of greatest value.

The Laws of Logic:

1. The Law of Identity
A=A or to put it another way, If any statement ‘x’ is true, then ‘x’ is true.
Example: A Giraffe is a Giraffe.

2. The Law of Non-Contradiction

A is not non-A.
Example: if seoul is the capital of South Korea,then it is not true that seoul is non-capital
of South Korea

3. The Law of Excluded Middle

Either A or not-A. Either statement ‘x’ is true, or it’s opposite is true.

Example: Either it is raining outside as I type this, or it is not raining
outside as I type this.
(Right now it isn’t)

4. The Law of Rational Inference.

A=B & B=C, Therefore A=C

Example: All men are mortal
Socrates is a man
Therefore Socrates is mortal

the branches of Philosophy are Aesthetics,Epistemology,Ethics,Logic,

Metaphysics,and Political philosophy

An Interactive Approach is a text that enhances comprehension of philosophical

study by encouraging students to ponder, explore, and actively participate in the
learning process. Philosophy is not simply a theory about something. Nor is Philosophy
a belief or a wish. Philosophy is an activity: a quest after wisdom. Philosophy is an
activity of thought.

The result is a definition of philosophical questions as questions whose answers

are in principle open to informed, rational, and honest disagreement, ultimate but not
absolute, closed under further ques- tioning, possibly constrained by empirical and
logico-mathematical resources.

In this lesson, I have learned what philosophy is. At first it's really hard to
understand Philosophy. I can’t deny that in my case before I didn't really know about
Philosophy and I’m not super interested about it but with the help of my teacher in
philosophy and teachers in fb live it makes it easy to get the topic. This topic reminds
me that everything has two principles that explain its being, essence, and existence. In
all beings except for God, these principles are both required in order for the actually
existing individual thing to be.and we study the Philosophy helps us to enhance our
ability to solve problems, our communication skills, our persuasive powers, and our
writing skills and it helps us make better decisions by developing our critical thinking.



What are the Methods of Philosophizing? What are the significance of Methods of
Philosophizing? How the Methods of Philosophizing lead us to wisdom

From the greek philosopher to a person who is still living in this world, who seek
for the truth, reality and answer for all the things that has a deep understanding and
how everything works. Many greek philosophers strived for the truth and wisdom. That
is why Methods of Philosophizing were born. Many of us use different methods to
approach the truth.

Emphasizing the significance of holism, just as figuring out how to build

significant expositions. Looking for insight, you should assess the contentions and
methods of communicating one's convictions, feelings and suppositions.This part will
talk about techniques or perspectives on and what will be considered as simple
opinions.Philosophizing Is to think or communicate in a philosophical way. It considers
or talks about an issue from a philosophical point of view.In phenomenology, truth is
based on the person’s consciousness while in existentialism, it is accepted that truth is
not absolute. cultural and logic, truth is based on reasoning and critical thinking.

Edmund Husserl founded phenomenology, which essentially a philosophical

method.This focuses on careful inspection and description of phenomena or
appearances, defined as any object of conscious experience, that is, that which we
are conscious of.logical Investigations , he contended against psychologism the
postulation that reality is subject to characteristics of the human think, and that way of
thinking is reducible to psychology research.The phenomenologist can distinguish and
describe the nature of the intentional acts of consciousness, which are defined
through content of consciousness and accordingly the object of consciousness without
particular commitment to the actuality or existence of that object.The
phenomenological standpoint is achieved through a series of phenomenological
“reductions” that eliminate certain aspects of our experience from consideration.
(Husserl)The first and best known is the epoche or “suspension” , which the
phenomenologist “brackets” all questions of truth or reality and simply describes the
contents of consciousness.

The second reduction eliminates the merely empirical contents of

consciousness and focuses instead on the essential features, the meanings of
consciousness.In sum what interest the phenomenologist are the contents of
consciousness, not on things of the natural world such as.The former is our ordinary
everyday viewpoint and the ordinary stance of the natural sciences, describing things
and the states of affairs.The latter is the special viewpoint achieved by the
phenomenologist, as he or she focuses not on things but our consciousness of things

There are four different methods of philosophizing namely, Logic, Existentialism,

Analytic tradition, and Postmodernism. Logic is the truth based on reasoning and critical
thinking. It includes analysis and construction of arguments.a belief that things have a
set of characteristics which make them what they are, and that the task of science and
philosophy is their discovery and expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to
existence.Analytic Tradition Can language objectively describe truth? For the
philosophers of this tradition, language cannot objectively describe truth. Analytic
philosophy is the conviction that to some significant degree, philosophical problems,
puzzles, and errors are rooted in language and can be solved or avoided by a sound
understanding of language and careful attention to its workings.Postmodernism has
come into vogue as the name for a rather diffuse family of ideas and trends that in
significant respect rejects, challenges, or aims to supersede “modernity”, the
convictions, aspirations and pretensions of modern Western thought and culture since
the enlightenment.

Understanding every aspect of a situation to its core and gaining the ability to apply that
to any scenario you wish is one of the most valuable skills. Although it may seem pointless, it
leads to some of the most well thought out and articulate solutions that one could come up with
(despite the fact that philosophers often disagree with each other). The point of philosophizing is
breaking a situation down and making a logical solution to a seemingly difficult situation. This
kind of problem solving can be used in a variety of situations, hence its importance. I’ve learned
a lot in this Chapter because as a student, I also thought on how can I achieve wisdom like
Buddha. But I guess with the help of the different methods maybe I can achieve it. I also learned
the different methods of Philosophizing.


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