NSTP Module 9
NSTP Module 9
NSTP Module 9
Aaron Jozeph D. Quizon
Quentin Roman E. Caniones
Led Jade C. Feliciano
As fake news continues to increase yearly here in the Philippines, many people still get
tricked by the fake news and easily believe the news even though it is not sure or does not
show any strong evidence to prove it right. Fake news is one of the major problems that affects
each and every person who receives it that creates a high possibility of spreading it mouth by
mouth. Fake news is created by those persons who have an intention to destroy someone's life
or someone's reputation in public to show humility to that targeted person.
Social media today has become the primary source of fake news that is spreading today. In
the Philippines, fake news is always created due to showbiz or politics. Most of the people here
in the Philippines always believe in fake news easily because they don't further study or
examine if that news is true or whether it's fake news that is created just to put dirt on
someone's name publicly. As a result of this, it affects many lives of the Filipino especially when
it comes to electing the right person in politics, most of the politicians always get targeted by the
fake news because of the fact that they are running for some certain position in politics so that
they received more fake news about them and critics in public.
The impact of fake news and misinformation on social media is typically negative, and it can
occasionally irritate ordinary people, officials, or the government. Fake news has the potential to
mislead the hospitals of educational institutions. Fake news can incite hatred against religion,
politics, celebrities, or government agencies, leading to riots. It is difficult in today's world
because one piece of fake news can change the entire impact of a story and change a person's
mind depending on the situation. It is propaganda created by some news editors in order to earn
money by disseminating it.
These causes for spreading fake news might be either spontaneous or purposeful.
Furthermore, according to cognitive psychology studies, it might be the impact of "We don't care
if it's true or not" responsiveness. Individuals that show this conduct have little concern for facts
and might even freely spread information, whether they believe it to be true or incorrect.
An even greater possibility is the idea of morality signaling, or exhibiting a person's moral
personality, by expressing thoughts that will be agreeable to everyone else, particularly on social
media, or by using "moral discourse" to improve one's reputation. When used in excess, race
baiting can lead to deceptive statements in order to achieve social standing goals. Moreover, as
previously noted, both the creation and spread of false news can be done with the aim of
causing harm or gaining personal advantage.
Ongoing actions are definitely beneficial, notably fact-checking activities. But more could be
done to ensure long-term success. Raise public awareness of accessible reality methods. While
internet truth methods are offered for free, their awareness and knowledge remain poor.
Government organizations, universities, and news organizations should all contribute to their
promotion.Increase citizens’ participation. False news is a global challenge. Everyone is
concerned about it. It is not only an issue for the authorities or technology corporations to tackle.
As a result, it is critical to include people in reality. It is vital to keep people engaged in reality by
continuing education and learning. To provide a legitimate basis, encourage youngsters to be
smart from an early age. According to cognitive psychology, the intention to believe false news
is associated with weak logical thought and critical thinking. As a result, educating youngsters
about fundamental online awareness and establishing their abilities to think critically is
important. This should start at an early age, both at home and at school. Consider the fight
against unethical behavior and deception to be everyone's civic and moral obligation. Everyone,
regardless of career, financial background, or function in the household or society, has a role to
play in fighting fake news.
To stop spreading fake news the most important step is to break the habit of sharing posts
that offend you or reflect your beliefs. Scammers take advantage of this instinct by tailoring their
stories to their targets' beliefs in order to get past their defenses. Never share a social media
post without first verifying its accuracy. If you want to spread truth, you must assume that others
are not perfect and may make mistakes. Look for the sources. Mainstream news is only as good
as the sources on which it is based. Stories with anonymous sources or only one source of
confirmation are more suspect than stories with multiple sources of confirmation. This isn't to
say they're not true; many significant leaks and stories have come from single anonymous
sources. But, until there is confirmation, don't assume they are true, especially if they are
In a world where technology is extremely useful, the digital world is filled with negativity and
hatred, consequently, we may end endeavor to communicate with people in the most positive
manner possible. If we, the students, connect with people on social media peacefully positive
impact on the people. As a result, we may have a more friendly and secure digital world. Let us
be more accountable for everything we share through social media. We must always think
before clicking because it might result in misleading information, which could lead to a problem.
To avoid fake news, we must be more aware, read, and research what we see on media
platforms. Also, always double-check the page and article. To avoid receiving fake news, we
should always think before clicking because it may lead to significant inaccurate information that
leads to an issue.