Awesome Ways To Do Business
Awesome Ways To Do Business
Awesome Ways To Do Business
2. Non-discrimination
Discrimination is widespread in response to women and abovementioned community in Nepal
The society consisted by majority other cast and gender based attitude and practice. Day to day
discrimination, stigmatization oppression and suppression have shown them a second class
citizen and 'lower-status'. They lack decent social life and status. The status of dalit among dalit
Haliyas and female haliyas are more vulnerable and facing sever socio-economic discrimination
and labour exploitation and gender based exploitation. They are not allowed to fetch water from
the sources, good food during pregnancy and delivery and monthly period. That are used by
either so-called upper cast or male members There are many cases where female and dalit
community members were raped. Tortured and beaten and even forced out from the village due
to the reason. Dalits are not allowed to eat in public places and sit together with other people.
Although state had legally abolished untouchability but the implementation mechanism and
punishment for the offense is negligible.
The situation of women in even major ethnic communities who use their native language as
Maithili and Bhojpuri is also not favorable. They also have system similar of Muslim Pardha
system. Women generally are not allowed to show their face in front of elder family members
and intruders. Early marriage in all community is common and girl children are less favored for
education.This is growing trend due to the country conflict situation. There is still strong
traditional control for permitting women to work outside home. With the fear of dragging
women from these community girls were married at early age, and those were able to flee from
the community either displaced or forced them selves to be involved in unwanted business such
as beauty parlor , dance restaurant and massage parlor
Due to unavailability of job in local market many of them also goes to Indian cities in search of
job but they suffer sever exploitation out there too. Those who came in loacal market in search of
job were compelled to work in non respectful field without their interest. This again forced them
to be cheated and exploited by their concern clients.and owners.
Almost none of these community members are employed in permanent jobs and the jobs offered
by state. Not having even minimum education and citizenship certificate does not allow them to
enter into such employment.
There are severe cases of exploitation on dalits in response to rights to work and employment.
Traditionally dalits in terai are supposed to work as sweeper, toilet cleaner and to dumping dead
animals. There were various incidences where the dalit community denied dumping such dead
animals and the so called upper cast community isolated them even forced to leave the village.
Those are severe cases of exploitation of their rights to employment since they have right to
choose the work by their own will.
Further, the country passed through regular strike, closures and agitations due to political
movement. Such strikes sometime went for a week or more long that forced to close every trade
sector. The most affected by such strikes were the daily wage laborers of these communities who
need to feed their family at evening by the income of same day. But they were unable to work
due to closures and strikes and had no other means to feed their families. They hardly get
employment in other sectors due to their 'untouchable' label and are forced to disguise
themselves to get other job.
5. Right to education and provision of compulsory education
The level of education and the number of children going to school is very low in those
communities. The first obstacle to send their children to school is birth registration certificate
which is necessary to enroll children in school; but they don't have so. The local authority
responsible to provide such certificate always hesitate because their parents do not have
citizenship certificate and also view them as 'Indian National'.
Further most of these communities live in remote areas where access to school is not easy. Even
if they have, they are under resourceful to accommodate more student; lacks enough school
room, enough teacher and enough text books which government claims to provide free of cost
for primary education. The parents are not much aware to send their children to school rather
they prefer to engage them in any work available. The children also find the schools
uninteresting because they will be taught in Nepali language and text books are also in Nepali so
they find it difficult to understand.
Dalits and women who got scholarship provision as special arrangement, seats for teacher
position in government and private school is also violated.
6. Adequate standard of living
As already mentioned above, their standard of living is very poor. Since most of them are
residing in public lands and habitation is very congested due to limited land versus number of
households. Their hut is merely capable to protect them from rain, wind and sun since they are
made up of dry grass, bamboo sticks and mud. Space within the hut is also very limited and very
hard to adjust a family within it. They always have to fear that how long they can reside there
since the land is not owned by them.
The situation of water and sanitation is more pathetic. They mostly rely on nearby stream or
small ponds to do their cleanings. For drinking water they need to carry from others tube well
although few of them owned some tube wells. There is no provision of toilet so defecation is
common on open field. Women face more problems for that since they can not perform such task
Due to unhealthy water and sanitation situation of their health condition is very poor; especially
of children. They are commonly suffered from skin and gastro-enteritis dieses. Fever, diarrhea,
dysentery, measles, eye/ear infection are some major and common health problems. Shamanism
and faith healer is very common for curing diseases rather than using modern medicine. Even if
they wish to acquire modern health services they just have to disappoint because they can't afford
private medical services and government medical services are always running out of medicine
and health workers.
Another common health problem in Indian border area is unsafe treatment practice of fake health
workers from across the border. They visit door to door in order to give health services and
people easily accept it. Most of them are not trained and have any medical background but they
do offer services without any obstruction. In every treatment they inject saline water and inject
medicine. They use same needle for every patient and they do not have means or ideas to
sterilize it. Thus those people acquiring such services are at high risk of HIV infection and other
communicable dieses. They commonly use high dose antibiotics and mostly expired and banned
Most of the households lack adequate amount of food since majority of them is landless and they
have to rely on their limited wage earning to meet the demand. Even though who have limited
land, they are unable to produce enough to meet the need. They lack nutritious food such as
vegetables, meat and milk products. Those who give some time for fishing, collecting crab and
killing rats will have good supper. Most of the children and women are malnourished due to
insufficient and imbalance food. They can afford barely enough clothes to cover their body and
most of the small children can be seen naked.
Likewise, the folk songs, folk dance and musical instruments which are cultural identity of such
indigenous communities are almost extinct. Not much initiation has been given to protect and
promote them; neither by state nor by community itself. The young generation is not eager to learn
and practice them and old generation is not able to convince the new one whereas state has not
shown any urgency for it.
Issues of violation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Political
rights of people in East ,mid and far-western region of Nepal
Note: The issues regarding the violation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Political rights have collected
and summarized based in the experiences of lWF staff and implementing partners.
A brief report on issues related to ICESCR in Nepal.
2. Non-discrimination
Discrimination is widespread in response to women and abovementioned community in Nepal
The society consisted by majority other cast and gender based attitude and practice. Day to day
discrimination, stigmatization oppression and suppression have shown them a second class
citizen and 'lower-status'. They lack decent social life and status. The status of dalit among dalit
Haliyas and female haliyas are more vulnerable and facing sever socio-economic discrimination
and labour exploitation and gender based exploitation. They are not allowed to fetch water from
the sources, good food during pregnancy and delivery and monthly period. That are used by
either so-called upper cast or male members There are many cases where female and dalit
community members were raped. Tortured and beaten and even forced out from the village due
to the reason. Dalits are not allowed to eat in public places and sit together with other people.
Although state had legally abolished untouchability but the implementation mechanism and
punishment for the offense is negligible.
The situation of women in even major ethnic communities who use their native language as
Maithili and Bhojpuri is also not favorable. They also have system similar of Muslim Pardha
system. Women generally are not allowed to show their face in front of elder family members
and intruders. Early marriage in all community is common and girl children are less favored for
education.This is growing trend due to the country conflict situation. There is still strong
traditional control for permitting women to work outside home. With the fear of dragging
women from these community girls were married at early age, and those were able to flee from
the community either displaced or forced them selves to be involved in unwanted business such
as beauty parlor , dance restaurant and massage parlor
Due to unavailability of job in local market many of them also goes to Indian cities in search of
job but they suffer sever exploitation out there too. Those who came in loacal market in search of
job were compelled to work in non respectful field without their interest. This again forced them
to be cheated and exploited by their concern clients.and owners.
Almost none of these community members are employed in permanent jobs and the jobs offered
by state. Not having even minimum education and citizenship certificate does not allow them to
enter into such employment.
There are severe cases of exploitation on dalits in response to rights to work and employment.
Traditionally dalits in terai are supposed to work as sweeper, toilet cleaner and to dumping dead
animals. There were various incidences where the dalit community denied dumping such dead
animals and the so called upper cast community isolated them even forced to leave the village.
Those are severe cases of exploitation of their rights to employment since they have right to
choose the work by their own will.
Further, the country passed through regular strike, closures and agitations due to political
movement. Such strikes sometime went for a week or more long that forced to close every trade
sector. The most affected by such strikes were the daily wage laborers of these communities who
need to feed their family at evening by the income of same day. But they were unable to work
due to closures and strikes and had no other means to feed their families. They hardly get
employment in other sectors due to their 'untouchable' label and are forced to disguise
themselves to get other job.
Further most of these communities live in remote areas where access to school is not easy. Even
if they have, they are under resourceful to accommodate more student; lacks enough school
room, enough teacher and enough text books which government claims to provide free of cost
for primary education. The parents are not much aware to send their children to school rather
they prefer to engage them in any work available. The children also find the schools
uninteresting because they will be taught in Nepali language and text books are also in Nepali so
they find it difficult to understand.
Dalits and women who got scholarship provision as special arrangement, seats for teacher
position in government and private school is also violated.
6. Adequate standard of living
As already mentioned above, their standard of living is very poor. Since most of them are
residing in public lands and habitation is very congested due to limited land versus number of
households. Their hut is merely capable to protect them from rain, wind and sun since they are
made up of dry grass, bamboo sticks and mud. Space within the hut is also very limited and very
hard to adjust a family within it. They always have to fear that how long they can reside there
since the land is not owned by them.
The situation of water and sanitation is more pathetic. They mostly rely on nearby stream or
small ponds to do their cleanings. For drinking water they need to carry from others tube well
although few of them owned some tube wells. There is no provision of toilet so defecation is
common on open field. Women face more problems for that since they can not perform such task
Due to unhealthy water and sanitation situation of their health condition is very poor; especially
of children. They are commonly suffered from skin and gastro-enteritis dieses. Fever, diarrhea,
dysentery, measles, eye/ear infection are some major and common health problems. Shamanism
and faith healer is very common for curing diseases rather than using modern medicine. Even if
they wish to acquire modern health services they just have to disappoint because they can't afford
private medical services and government medical services are always running out of medicine
and health workers.
Another common health problem in Indian border area is unsafe treatment practice of fake health
workers from across the border. They visit door to door in order to give health services and
people easily accept it. Most of them are not trained and have any medical background but they
do offer services without any obstruction. In every treatment they inject saline water and inject
medicine. They use same needle for every patient and they do not have means or ideas to
sterilize it. Thus those people acquiring such services are at high risk of HIV infection and other
communicable dieses. They commonly use high dose antibiotics and mostly expired and banned
Most of the households lack adequate amount of food since majority of them is landless and they
have to rely on their limited wage earning to meet the demand. Even though who have limited
land, they are unable to produce enough to meet the need. They lack nutritious food such as
vegetables, meat and milk products. Those who give some time for fishing, collecting crab and
killing rats will have good supper. Most of the children and women are malnourished due to
insufficient and imbalance food. They can afford barely enough clothes to cover their body and
most of the small children can be seen naked.
Likewise, the folk songs, folk dance and musical instruments which are cultural identity of such
indigenous communities are almost extinct. Not much initiation has been given to protect and
promote them; neither by state nor by community itself. The young generation is not eager to learn
and practice them and old generation is not able to convince the new one whereas state has not
shown any urgency for it.
Issues of violation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Political
rights of people in East ,mid and far-western region of Nepal
Note: The issues regarding the violation of Economic, Social, Cultural and Political rights have collected
and summarized based in the experiences of lWF staff and implementing partners.