Theological Debates On Ashariyya Tenets Aa257039
Theological Debates On Ashariyya Tenets Aa257039
Theological Debates On Ashariyya Tenets Aa257039
Ada beberapa perbedaan mendasar dalam mendefinisikan
teologi islam sejak masa Muhammad SAW. Beberapa diantaranya
lahir dan muncul dari aspek politik, dan beberapa dari aspek lain.
Dua paham teologi yang paling terkemuka adalah Ash‟ariyya yang
bersumber dari golongan Sunni muslim, dan Mu‟tazilah dari
Syi‟ah. Salah satu ulama produktif abad 19 Syeikh Nawawi
Bantani menulis buku salah satunya adalah Fatḥ al-Majīd. Dalam
buku teologi biasanya penuis mendeskripsikan dirinya ke dalam
salah satu aliran. Namun sebaliknya, Nawawi yang meskipun
dirinya mengakii sebagai Asy‟ariyyah, tetapi dalam beberapa
pembahasan dia membela Mu‟tazilah. Pada satu sisi ia membela
Asy‟ariyyah dalam masalah zat Tuhan dan atributnya yang tidak
terpisah. Mengenai Qur‟an apakah diciptakan atau tidak, ia
mengambil kedua pendapat Asy‟ariyyah dan Mu‟tazilah, seperti
ulama Sunni lainnya, Nawawi dengan Fatḥ al-Majid nya mencoba
untuk memodifikasi aliran teologi Asy‟ariyyah.
There are some differences in defining Islamic theology since
the era of prophet Muhammad. Some of them emerged from
political aspects, and some of them are not. The two prominent
ideologies in Islamic theology are Ash‟ariyya derived from Sunni,
and Mu‟tazilla from Syi‟a. One of significant scholars in 19
century, Nawawi al-bantani, wrote many books in wide Islamic
studies, one of them is Fath al-Magid in theology. Many scholars
wrote and designated themselves to a particular group. In
Theological Debates on Ash„Ariyya
201 Entol Zaenal Muttaqin
Tenets; An analysis of the Fath al-Magid
by Nawawi al-Bantani (1814-1897)
contrary, although Nawawi al-Bantani confessed himself as Sunni
scholar, yet in some of his writing including Fath al-Magid, he
opposed Ash‟ariyya and defended Mu‟tazila. To some extent, this
manner will come up into a unique scholarship tradition for some
scholars, indeed, this research aimed to investigate this behavior in
final words this paper concluded that Nawawi distanced himself
from Ash„ari when he stated that God‟s essence and His attributes
are inseparable and thereby preserve the oneness of God. He
adopted both Ash„ari‟s concept, that the Qur‟an is not created
(ghayr makhluq and it is qadim) and Mu„tazila‟s concept, that the
Qur‟an is created (makhluq and it is hadith). According to
Nawawi, the Qur‟an is created when it refers to the text and the
sound, but uncreated when it refers to the underlying meaning of
each verse, even if this contradicts the concept of free will that
Nawawi adopted. For his last explanation, pertaining to the
concept of prophecy, ru‟ya and shafa„a, Nawawi provided a very
general explanation, neglecting to elaborate on some important
issues relating to the concept of prophecy. it is obvious that Fath
al-Magid, with its different interpretation of Ash„ari‟s work, meant
it was similar to other Sunni theological works that aimed to
modify Ash„ari‟s original doctrine.
H. Conclusions
In chapter one, I explained that the emergence of theological
debate in Islam was the result of two factors namely, political
conditions and a number of different theological interpretations.
The first factor, political conditions, led many people to form
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Theological Debates on Ash„Ariyya
221 Entol Zaenal Muttaqin
Tenets; An analysis of the Fath al-Magid
by Nawawi al-Bantani (1814-1897)
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