CFAS Notes
CFAS Notes
CFAS Notes
Divide by: Total general borrowings a. Land held for long-term capital
appreciation rather than for short-term
= Capitalization rate sale in the ordinary course of business.
b. Land held for a currently undetermined
future use.
Average expenditure on the asset c. A building owned by the entity (or held
by the entity under a finance lease) and
Multiply by: Capitalization rate
leased out under one or more operating
= Borrowing cost that may be eligible for leases.
capitalization d. A building that is vacant but is held to
be leased out under one or more
operating leases
The amount computed in the formula above e. Property that is being constructed or
shall be compared with the actual borrowing developed for future use as investment
costs incurred during the period. The amount to property.
be capitalized is the lower amount.
Examples of items that are not investment
• PFRS 5 applies to the following non- • If the criteria for classification as held
current assets: for sale are met after the reporting
a. Property, plant and equipment period, an entity shall not classify a non-
b. Investment property measured current asset (or disposal group) as held
under the Cost model for sale in those financial statements
c. Investments in associate or when issued.
subsidiary or joint venture
d. Intangible assets
Non-current assets that are to be abandoned