ToS Taxation

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Effective October 2022 Examination

Qualification Descriptors (L6 and L7)

Weight No.
Knowledge, Skills, Values (KSV) Application Degree of Independence
Topics and Outcomes (In of
(30%) (50%) (20%)
Percent) Items
Remembering Understanding Application Analyzing Evaluating Creating
The examinees must be able to:
1.0 Principles of Taxation 11.43% 8 8
1.1 Describe the nature, scope, classification, and essential characteristics
1.2 Identify the principles of sound tax system
1.3 Discuss the limitations on the power of taxation
1.4 Differentiate tax evasion vs. tax avoidance
1.5 Determine the situs/place of taxation
1.6 Explain double taxation
1.7 Discuss the legislation of tax laws
1.8 Apply the impact of taxes in nation building
1.9 Evaluate ethical tax compliance and administration
1.10 Describe the organization and functions of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Local
Government Tax Collecting Units, Board of Investments, Philippine Economic
Zone Authority and the Bases Conversion and Development Authority

2.0 Tax Remedies 11.43% 8 4 4

2.1 Evaluate the remedies of the government
2.2 Apply the remedies of the taxpayer

3.0 Income Taxation 20.00% 14 2 8 4

3.1 Identify the taxpayer and tax base
3.2 Compute gross income
3.3 Analyze the deductions from gross income
3.4 Determine accounting periods
3.5 Apply the accounting methods
3.6 Analyze and compute tax due and determine tax credits, if applicable
3.7 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
3.8 Analyze withholding taxes (at source, expanded or creditable withholding tax, final
withholding taxes and withholding tax on government payments)
3.9 Determine compliance requirements
3.10 Describe, analyze and apply specific provisions of other special laws relating to
income taxation
3.10.1 Senior Citizen’s Law (RA 7432)
3.10.2 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277)
3.10.3 Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) Act (RA 9178)
3.11 Differentiate and reconcile differences between tax rules and accounting rules
(e.g., PFRS or other frameworks)
3.11.1 Identify and understand the differences between tax rules and accounting
3.11.2 Reconcile accounting income to taxable income
3.12 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax rules
and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within legal and
ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities

4.0 Transfer Taxes 17.14% 12 1 8 3

4.1 Describe, analyze and compute estate tax
4.1.1 Describe the principles, concepts involving estate taxation
4.1.2 Identify the classification of decedents
4.1.3 Identify and analyze the items to be included and/or excluded in
determining gross estate
4.1.4 Identify and analyze the allowable deductions from gross estate
4.1.5 Analyze and compute tax due and determine tax credits, if applicable
4.1.6 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
4.1.7 Determine compliance requirements
4.1.8 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax
rules and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within
legal and ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities
4.2 Describe, analyze and compute donor’s tax
4.2.1 Describe the principles, concepts involving donor’s taxation
4.2.2 Identify and analyze transfers which may be considered a donation
4.2.3 Identify the classification of donors
4.2.4 Determine, analyze and compute net gifts/donations
4.2.5 Analyze and compute tax due and determine tax credits, if applicable
4.2.6 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
4.2.7 Determine compliance requirements
4.2.8 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax
rules and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within
legal and ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities

5.0 Business Taxes 17.14% 12 1 8 3

5.1 Describe, analyze and compute value-added tax
5.1.1 Describe the nature and characteristics of value-added tax
5.1.2 Analyze and determine persons subject to value-added tax
5.1.3 Analyze and determine transactions subject to 12%, 0% and withholding
VAT and/or exempt from value-added tax
5.1.4 Identify and analyze sources of input tax
5.1.5 Analyze and compute value-added tax payable or excess input tax credits
and determine tax credits, if applicable
5.1.6 Describe and apply the process for claiming input VAT refund
5.1.7 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
5.1.8 Determine compliance requirements
5.1.9 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax
rules and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within
legal and ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities
5.2 Describe, analyze and compute percentage tax
5.2.1 Describe the nature and characteristics of percentage tax
5.2.2 Analyze and determine persons subject to percentage tax
5.2.3 Analyze and determine transactions subject to and/or exempt from
percentage tax
5.2.4 Analyze and compute percentage tax due, and determine tax credits, if
5.2.5 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
5.2.6 Determine compliance requirements
5.2.7 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax
rules and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within
legal and ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities
5.3 Describe, analyze and apply specific provisions of other special laws relating to
business taxation
5.3.1 Senior Citizen’s Law (RA 7432)
5.3.2 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277)

6.0 Excise Tax 2.85% 2 1 1

6.1 Describe the nature and characteristics of excise tax
6.2 Identify and analyze transactions subject to and/or exempt from excise tax
6.3 Determine and compute for the tax base and tax due
6.4 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
6.5 Determine compliance requirements
6.6 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax rules
and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within legal and
ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities

7.0 Documentary Stamp Tax 2.85% 2 1 1

7.1 Describe the nature and characteristics of documentary stamp tax
7.2 Identify and analyze transactions subject to and/or exempt from documentary
stamp tax
7.3 Determine and compute for the tax base and tax due
7.4 Apply tax return preparation and filing and tax payment requirements
7.5 Determine compliance requirements
7.6 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax rules
and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within legal and
ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities

8.0 Taxation Under the Local Government Code (Local Government Taxation and Real 5.73% 4 1 2 1
Property Taxation under the Local Government Code)
8.1 Describe the fundamental principles, scope of taxing power of local government
units (LGUs)
8.2 Describe and apply the scope and different types of local taxes (limited to real
property tax, local tax imposed by provinces, municipalities and cities, and
8.3 Identify the tax base and tax rates
8.4 Determine the venue and time of payment
8.5 Evaluate and apply the remedies available to the government and the taxpayer
8.6 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax rules
and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within legal and
ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities

9.0 Preferential Taxation 11.43% 8 2 3 3

9.1 Describe, analyze and apply Special Economic Zone Act for purposes of
determining tax liabilities and tax incentives
9.1.1 Calculation of income tax (5% GIT, ITH incentives, regular income tax)
9.1.2 Other tax incentives (VAT/OPT, excise tax, DST, local taxes)
9.2 Describe, analyze and apply Bases Conversion and Development Act (BCDA) for
purposes of determining tax liabilities and tax incentives
9.2.1 Calculation of income tax (5% GIT, ITH incentives, regular income tax)
9.2.2 Other tax incentives (VAT/OPT, excise tax, DST, local taxes)
9.3 Describe, analyze and apply the Omnibus Investments Code for purposes of
determining tax liabilities and tax incentives
9.3.1 Calculation of income tax (ITH incentives, regular income tax)
9.3.2 Other tax incentives (VAT/OPT, excise tax, DST, local taxes)
9.4 Describe, analyze and apply the basic principles of tax treaty and specific
provisions of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) models (e.g. OECD Model Tax
Convention, UN Model Double Taxation Convention and United States Model
Income Tax Convention) in determining the tax implications of various income
items of non-residents, such as:
9.4.1 Royalties
9.4.2 Dividends
9.4.3 Interest
9.4.4 Capital gains
9.4.5 Business profits and other income items
9.5 Analyze and determine tax implications of transactions by applying the tax rules
and regulations, and formulate sound tax planning strategies within legal and
ethical bounds to efficiently manage tax liabilities
TOTAL 100% 70 21 (30%) 35 (50%) 14 (20%)

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